TA2mORT NEuÀKAMffl A TEUM BAIArV -CM BRING YOU- MESSAGE BEFORE4 12,000 READERS ~ww~w~ SA-nIu COST 35c PER AD 1R1TTR 1 cRr'f-t"n T .ABERNETHY-Mi-. and Mrs. Rae Aberneiby (nee Muriel McDonald) are happy ta anaunce thc birth pf their son, John Douglas, aI Bowmenville Hospital, on Thurs- glay, Sept. 22nd, 1949. 39-1* HATELY-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hately announce the bu-lb of Ibeir daughter, Merridy Ann, et Bow- nianville Hospital, on September 17th, 1949. A sister for Daug and Russ. 39-1* HENDERSON-Mi-. and Mms. B. Q. Henderson (nec Margaret' Burgcss) arc happy ta annaunce the bu-lb of a son, Beverley John, on Saturday, Sept. 241h, et Bow- manville Hospital. 39-1* I DEATHS CRAWFORD - At her home, Blackstock, Ont., on Sunday, Sept. 18, 1949, Florence Alice Williams, beloved wife of the late William R. Crawford aged 65 years. Fun- eral service from St. John's Angli- tan Church, Blackstock, Tuesday, Sept. 2th. Interment Union Cern- *tery, Cadmus. 39-1* PLUMMER - At Bowmanvillc Hospital, Sept. 22nd, 1949, Susan- na Fishleigh Plummer, beloved wife of Norman S. Plummer, in ber 76th year. Funeral from the Marris Funeral Chapel, Sept. 24th. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 39-1 TRELEAVEN-Suddcnly, on Sun- day, September 251h, 1949, et bis home, 1014 Ossington Ave., To- ron ta, Frederick George Treleav- em, beloved husband o! Alberta Hopwaad, father af William, New- restle, Ont; Earle, Thomas and Edward cf Toronto. Funeral fi-rn the Fumerai Chapel of A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Ave. W. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle, Ont. 39-1 VANCAMP-Sudenly at bis home, Biackstock, Ont., on Satumday, Sept, 17, 1949, William J. Wei- VanCamp, beloved busband af Mary J. Smith~ and dear father of Mabel, Helen, Wilma and Jes- sic, in his 59th year. Fumerai bàeivice firn bis home on Mon- day, Sept. l9th. Intemment St. John's Cemetery, Biackstack. 394*1 Harold and Bessie Cra wish ta express thanks and appreciation ta ail their fi and relatives for kindness s: for flowers, and sympathi tended them at the time c passing of their dear mothe late Mrs. Florence Crawforc We wish to extcnd ta our friends and ncighbaurs si thanks and grateful apprec for the many kindnesses, meç of sympathy, and forai offf during aur recent bereavemE the passing of a loving hu and father. Mrs. W. VanGamp, 1Y Helen, Wilma and Jes Mr. Arthur Ives and family ta express their sincere thar neigbbours, relatives and fr for acts of kindness, messag sympathy, and beautiful tributes received during thei cent bereavement in the Io a dear wife and mother. Sr thanks ta Drs. Rundie, Ferg and Austin and Mrs. Sn- also Rev. S. R. Hendersan fo camfarting words. Mr. N. S. Plummer and fa wish ta sincerely thank al neighbours, friends and rela for the many acts of kind expressions of. sympathy beautiful floral tributes or death of a loving wife and mo, They alsa express thanks tc, staff of Bowmanville Hos and ta Doctors C. W. and K< Siemon for their rare and k ness during Mrs. Plummer's illncss in the hospital. 2 COMING EVENTbl KS Lwford triends :bown, y ex- of the 'r, the ci. 39-1* many ;incere iation ýssages erings ent in isband Uabel, sic. 39-1* j wish ks ta -tends gcs of foral ir re- mss of pecial guson ythe; r his 39-4* amily their itivesc iness, and ithe0 ther.e ) ther pitalc kind-u long2 39-1*c - h Dance and cuchre, Enniskillen Hall, October 141h., Sleck's Or- chestra. Valuabie prizes. 39-1 Rumage Sale et St. Andi-ew's Church on Friday, Sept. 301h, ai 3 p.m. Cheap bai-gains. 39-1 Dan't foi-gel the Companio's aI the Foi-est cuchre, Thursday, Oct, 6th, ai 8:30 p.m., in the S.O.E. Hall. 39-1 Reserve Saturday, Oct. 22nd, for the alternoon tea and home- cooking sale, sponsored by St. Paui's Evening Auxiliary. 39.1* IN MEMORIAM Dac tTrn al audy MUTTON-In îoving memary cf Variety Band. Sponsored L.O.L. oui- dear bion and brother, L/Cpl. 764. Admission 50c. 39-2 Frederick Chinles Mutton, Scot- ThBwm tisb RegI., who died af waunds TeDwmville Public School received in Holland, Sept. 281b, Field Day and Junior Red Cross 1944: Sale, Central Schooi gr-ounds, This womid may change firn Wedncsday, Oct. Sih, i 1:30 p.m. Adycar ta year, Everybody wclcame. 39-1 An mfiends firn day la day, A Giant Binom l tk lc But neyer shall the anc wc loved .g illk lc From memaory pass away, in the Recreation Hall, Goodyear, -Mum, Dad and Famiiy. 39-1! Fiday, Sepiember 301h i 8 p.m. sharp. Exceptianally gaod prizes, ARNOTT-In ever loving mem- Crehalloeal n il h ci-y af aur dear moiher and grand.-al.38-2 me Frances Ann Armait,. who A shoating match will be held pessed eway Oct, 3rd, 1946: o ao ostr tN oh Fi-rn memai-y's page lime cannaor ao oser tN ah blet wcll's, i1 % miles moi-lb of the Boys Thi-ce utIle wards 'Forget-me-not' Training Scbool, ai 1:30 p.m., on Sleep on dear mother, and take Saturiday, Oct. lsi. 12-gauge shot- thy i-est, gun shelas and .22 rifle bullets Tbey miss you most who loved supplied'. 39-1* yau besi. 7-Ever remembered by daughter Annivemsamy af Newtonville and famuly. 39.1* Preshyterian Cburcb, Thanksgiv- ing Sunday, Oct. 91h. Service i WOTTEN-In Ioving mcmory af 7:30 p.m. Guesi speaker: Rev. F. a beiaved fathes-, William George R. Meredith, Bowmanvillc. Sper- Wottcn, who passcd away Sept. ial music. You ai-e cardialiy in- ý6th, 1947:- vitcd te attend. 39-2 Remembi-ance is a golden chain Death tries te break, but ail in Bazaar table and alternoon tee vain, Saturday. Oct. ist, spansored by To have, ta love and then te part the Win-One Class of Tyrone Sun- Is the g iatsammarw of o , s day Srhooilaebe bcld in bbc Sun- gi-aret fce day Srhooi room. Admission 25c. Th ear a i, ot ay Praceeda for the Church Fund. things, 3- But ibis they wipe out neyer, wmvieLonCubsS- The memary of those happy days, BwavleLosCu' e-i Whem wc were all together. ond Annuel Communiiy Aurtion1 -Sadly mîscd and ever remcrn- Sale wili be hcld early in Nov-a bered by the Family. 39-1* ember, exact date and place ta beè annaunccd later. You ai-e invited9 ta donete any article, ncw or used,1 For Rent te this sale.Produce poultry,d SMALL eparîmnent an Simpson ing, etc. wili be welcomed. Forr Avenue. Phone 2382. 39.1* furiher deteils phone W. J. E. Ormiston, chairmen of the Com-S HOUSE on Higb Strcet. Immed- mittce, Bwmanville 475. 39-1 i ltl possession. Wilfrid Carruth--a cers, Phone 923. 39-1* Noticesd RQOMS suitable for anceai- twa Wt- would like ta inform theP aduits. Conveniences and separ- public thet the Olympia Tee RaomC ae entrence. 103 Scugog St. is cbenging awnership. Mi-. Thos. c 39.1* Cowan is taking over fi-rn Mi-.s APARTMENiT.-suitable amîy for L. Lakaris as of Octaber ais, 1949. twa aduits. Sec N. J. Scott, Brook-. 39-2 I dale - Kingsway Nurseries. (No WE DELIVER Texeca Gasoline ' telephone als). 39-1 Matai- Oii.s and Gi-cases la Bow- Bi SIX-raamned bouse et Me pie manville, Enniskilien, Tyrone, cl Gi-ove. Immediate possessian. Orono and Necastle Ai-cas. Bob i- Write Box 316, Stetesmen Office, Steckcm's Garage, Phone 804 orn Bowmanville. 39-1 864, Bwmavillc. 22-Ife in THREE-i-oomed, modern apert- Amy future igbt parking in re ment, bceted, laundry. Possess- front of Jamieson 's prapcrty and a1 ion Ortober lat. $50 a mont.cri garages on Silver Street, si Appiy Apertment 7, 63 King St. police action will bave ta be taken. Pe West. 39-1* G. F. Jemieson, _________________Tire Shop. A' 39-1 S& Wanted To Buy AN INVITATION -1 M.and Mrs. E. A. Werry and r]E SCRAP batteries, $1,00 per bat- !ml invite Uic fans of the Jun- nit tory, C. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. ior and Senior Derlinglon and ai Phone 467. 32-f Clarke Football League and Ibeir ste POULTRY wantcd, higbest primiends la an cvening's entertamn- Ea pi.We rail aI your door. Phon, ment, ronsisting af The Johnson PIE Osbwa 3013R. 36tf bEntertaîners, including Miss Fol- T] -iowdown, of Biarkwater, on Fri- cig LITTLE boy would like inexpen. day, September 301h aI 8:30, ai an cive puppy. Write Box 314,States. Uic Enniskillen Churcb Shed.. A ses men Office, Bowmanvillc. 391* irophy will be presented la the $ 7. .Junior winncrs, wbvich bonour was ha, BEFORE seiling ycur live POultrY won by the Cour-lice leam for the cn( try us. Our pri-ies are higber, _M. 1 yeam 1949, and wiii be beld as e del Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bcthany, phone 7 r j ropby for competitiop ip the Wr M3 rieme chargea,17t future, 38-2 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Neson C. Maria of. Nestîcton, wish te announ the engagement of their younge daughter, Ethel Irene, ta Fi-ar Laverne Symons, son of Mr. ar Mrs. Garnet Symons, of Bowmai ville. The marriage will ta] place carly in October. 39. The engagement is announcf of Doris Lillian Jackman, daugi tcr of' Mrs. Fred Jackman, Bov manville, and.the late Mr. Fi-e Jackman, ta Leland Jack Milisoi son of Mr. -and Mrs. Lanson Mil son, Newtonville. The marriai will talte place quietly on Oc 15th. 39-1 Mr. and Mrs, John A. Livini Bowmanville, announce the er gagement af their daughter, Mui ici Jean, ta Michael Bocian, so of Mr. and Mrs. N. Bocian, QI tawa. The marriage will tek place on Saturday. October 22n( at 3 p.m., in St. John's Anglica Church, Bowmanville. .39- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburr Hampton, annaunce the engage ment of their only daughter, Id Elizabeth, ta Gereld. Everet Shackleton, eldest son of Mr. ani Mrs. Roland, Shackleton, S'alerr The wedding will tàke place Qdi l5tb, at 3 o'clock in Salem Unit* Church. 39-1' Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Wooc of Bowmanvillc announce thg engagement of bis sister, Gert rude Winnifred Wood, ta Mr Colin Kemp Taylor of Orofio. Th( marriage will take Dlace on Set. urday afternaon, Oct. l5th, ai 2:30 o'clock in Park St. Churcb Orono. 39-14 Mr. and Mrs. William Park. hurst of Oshawa, wish ta an- nouncc the engagement of their daughter, Elinore Mary, ta Gai- dan Hanna, son of foster parents, MIr. Andrew Holmes -and the laie vIrs. Holmes of Nestlcton. The wcdding will take place in Osh- awa at Albert St. United Cburcb, on Saturday, October 22nd, at 3:30 p.m. 39-1 t MAN or woman for Iight clean- ing work. Four houri daily. Write Box 317, Statesman Office. 39-1* A RELIABLE man ta attend ta furnace and ashes during winter. Apply la Waikcr Stores Limitcd, King St. Help Wanted SOMEONE ta, look aller lwa chiid- i-en on Thursdey Afiernoons. Mmi. E. G. Witherspoan, P.O. Box 432, Bowspanville. . 39T1 STENOGRAPHER, initiai salai-y arroi-ding la, experience, ta start immediately. Apply Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Ca., Bowmanviiie. 38-tf FIREMAN - Handyman for sall haspital east af Toronto. Good Iworking conditions and accom- Imodatiian. Must sieep in. Write Box 312, Setesmen Office. 39-1 MIDDLE agcd woman as cornpn- rion-helper. Gaod home, lighi dut- ics; anc interesicd in good home rather than high wages. Box 76, Newcastle, Ontario. 38-1 VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in BowmanviLlc. Trade Iwell csteblished. Excellent op- potunity. Fuill ime. Write et once. Rewleigh's, DepI. ML-i. 140-189, Montcal. 35-5 GIRLS for restaurant work, $15,00 a week, moam and board, laundry and uniîomms supplicd. Wiliing to train girls. Eigbt boums a day, anc day e week off e week. Must be Permanent and bave chai-acter reference. Apply Mms. Haugen, Delicaterie Restaurant, Part Per-y. 29-1 ARE yau embitiaus? Would you like ta cern fri-an $50.00 to $60,00 a week? You will in scliing fi-rn. doar ta door 200 weli known and guarantéed Jita Producîs. Vemy litIle capital rcquired. Tbirty deys' trial without riak. Pes-ticu- lai-s: Jîto, 5130 St. Hubert, Mont- real. 37-4 SALESMEN and Agents - i standing oppartunity loi- rluill ime aggressive saiesman ta rover'in- dustriai concerna, institutions, riotels, and stores oI aIl kinds in portions 'o! .Eastern Ontario with1 Commercial Elect-omirs. 20%1 commission paid weekly. Re-i stricted Ici-mitai-y ai-i-nged. Il aggmeasive and pcirftveiing, write Box 313, Sttesman Office. 39-1 SALESMAN for special womk in r, Bowmanville district. Must bave- cai-, mermied, age 30 -55, gaad references and education. Pi-cIcr mien with insurance, hi-ed route, b lectrir appliance or similar selI- ig experienre. Mén, Ibis is a ealpemnt money meking Il )pporlunity. Write F. . Patter- b ;n, Sales Manager, 386 Wae St.- Peterborough. 39 2, n &.TTENTION! Eleclric applias¶cc P alesmen! Permanent deaierabip ; lpporlunily ho seil new invention 4 -the letesi, most modemn vacuumH ceaner ever built. AIso ncw P nodern eleclii floar polisher. No SÎ ber like them. Net sald in S tores. Exclusive district la work, 'rnings paid whcn sale is ram- - eted. No walting, ne red tape. R ruîs is Uic best seiiing proposition w~ ver offered salesmen. Any a] nmIr intelligent man wbo, pos- Ai esacs business ability ,can maie - '5 ta $100 every week. Must ave car. AI chai-acter reler- ires. We ai-e ready ta appoint Hi 'eiei- for Bowmanvilie distic. j rite Box 310, Stateaman Offic. j le 38-2 ISt ow ice ,k id In- ike ,h- W. li- ge ct. j* 19, n id, an -1 n, la id n. t. Don't forget the Durham Ca' !d ty Community Auction Sale ta *held et the Sales Barn, Qi-o Tbursday, Oct. 6th, r't 1:30 p ýd There.will be offered for sale le kinds of livesiock, machine t- furniture *and dozens aI oiC ritems. Remember the date - C ie 6tb'- *the Sales Barn, Qi-ana, t- place wbere aill ai-mers mý iTermns cash. Please note the n ichange aI lime - 1:30 p.m. Ji Reid, auctioneer. 3 Wood Sale - I bave meceih instructions fi-r Harold Kyte r seil by public auction onî Lots *and 11, Con. 2, Cartwright Tw 11 /4 miles nortb of Burketon, eSaturday, Oct. 8th, 16 acres ehardwood tops, cansisting maple and becb, in quarter ac lots, nMai-e or less. Pui-chas( twill be given two years ta remo timber. Termns cash. Sale 1:30 P.m. T. S. Mounljoy, cicr Clifford Petbick, auctioneer, 39 Auction Sale of Regis.tcred JE sey Caille, Heckney, Hunier ai Saddle Roi-ses, Ponies, bai-se sho equipmenl, Pigs, Pouiiry, Fee etc. the praperty of Mr. F. Bru, Sergent, Lot. 23, Con, il, Cavi Twp., six miles from Peterbar on No. 28 Higbway, at Springvill ta be bcld an Wednesday, Oc 121h, at 1 p.m. Tcrms cash. 14 reserve. For catalogues regarc ing tbis sale please contact eui tianter. Jerk Reid, auctionce 39. 1 bave been autborized ta se by public auction for Mrs. Victr Austin, 11/4 miles noai-l of Da] and 1/2 mile West. Hope Twp., o Thursday, Oct. Oth: al ber lairr stock, implements, pigs, haî grain, poullry and harnqss. (In cluded in Ibis affering is a neý Pony tractai-, M.-H., new, on rub ber, lights; starter and piillcy aise piow and rultivator attach ment). Sale ai 1 p.m. Term ,cash. W. Lord, clerk;, Elmer Wil bur, auciioncer. 39- Liquidating Entire Stock anc Fartai-y EquiQment. Meiallic Art Ca. of Canada Ltd. $20,000 wortt of Stock and Equipment to, bq soîd withouî reserve. Sale ta bi held in the skating rink, Ororta Ontario, on Saturday, October 8th Sale ta commence aI ten o'clock ir the morning. There wili be of. fered for sale tinsmithing andi metal machines, Wood working machines, factory and sbop equip- ment, spray painting machines, lumber and building supplies, air aompressors, office equipmenî, [ozens of ciectricr mators, band eaws, lathes, etc. This sale also ofIers sometbing of interesi for the ladies, such as bundrcds of hend painted trays, i-chah dishes. ard tables, mats, etc. Sale wiii be bcld inside. Lunch wili be seved throughout the sale. Terms cash. posilively no reserve. For ills rcgarding ibis large sale côn- tct E. R. Woodyerd, Qi-ana, On- trio. Sec lisi mcxi weck. Jack Reid, Auctioncer. 39-i Room and Board OQM and Board Wanîed-Young ïigb Scbool girl desires roorn and aard in echange 'for light bouse- 'ci-k. Phone Orono 56r11. 39-1* (OUNG man desires roam and îard in Bowmanvillc. Write ýox 318, Stetesman Office, Bow- manville. 39-1 Livestock For Sale [NE pigsaend ancebai-se. Herb. 'yne, Phone 2091. 39-1 )YOUNG pigs; aise anc yaung ai-. Phone 2388. 39-1* 1PIGS, ranging from eigbitat inc weeks cld. Carl Bradley, home 2904. 39-1* )0 ROCK pullets, 4%i montbs. oward Trewin, Burketon, Pari ni-y 197-33. 30-1* :W, coming second liter, due en. Phone Oshawa 1615J12. 30-1* EGISTERED, Yorkshir-e pigs, 6 eeks aid. eiter saws or bors; so Leicester ram lambs. oss ams, Phone Clake 191. 31* Auction Sales Full lime of implements, tractai-s, tbresbing machine, praperty of M. j. 1Pereman miles eat of Columbus) to be by public auction on Friday, 30, at 1 p.m. For further pi ulars sec bis. Elmer Wi 1 have received instructior from Miss Edith Carruthers ta se by Public auction et her residenc, Garden Hill, on Satukday, Oct et 1 p.rn., ber entire househoi effects. This sale wiil inld modern and antique furnituri dishes, linen, staves, new Beatt washing machine and many otb 4temns. Sec buis, Willard Lorc clerk; Jack Rcid, auctioneer.' 38- 1 have been authorized ta sel by public auction for J. E. Gibsor Lot 21, Con. 1, Darlington (1ý mile south of Sheli Gas Station,a Maple Grave), on Friday, Octôbe 7tb, al bis farm stock, implemeni, pigs, hay, straw, grain,, poultry barness, and a large quantityo bouschold furniture. Terms cas. Sale et i p.m. Theron Mountjoy clcrk; Elmer Wilbur, auctione 39-: Bt (tmI (t' ep Seti rt ilbi4 oni Sal er' tiez Oct 'ii W-2 veI St' 'p., on o of cr- ;ed we a 9-2 er e2 Il ,n ro se iCt No sd Co: Phi )RDWOOD, foot lengths, hard, 5soft, $12, at farm: $2 for de rry. Margwill Fur Farm. ion Bowmanville 2679. 38-tf NEW stock af baby carniages, high chairs, play pens, commodes, cribs and al haby's needa, Sec ihese specials t Mrris Ca. 37-tf 30-130 CAL. Winchester cribine rifle, good condition, price $50,00. 1/2 mile nmai-lbf aIHmpton and 1 mile eait. Jas. Delaney. 38-2* 1937 FORD sedan, wiih acttûai mileage, recent molar exchange, ncw baticry and body is in ex- cellent condition. Phone 2653.» - 39~l* 1932 PONTIAC sedan, five near- ]y new tii-es with six wirc whecls, excellent condition. T. M. Wiirox. Appiy 25 Libertî St. N., or Phone NUMBER af new steel ail drums, clean and ready for use for slave ail or gesoline starage, on sale et $3.50 eacb ai eob Stockci-'s Gar- age, Bowmanville, phone 804. 33-tf& erfield, Phone 2352.. 39.1* TABLE linen, brasa, odd dishes, Lost SCOTCH rallie pup, and Scotch faction guaranteed. Have aur golf set and odd kitchen utensils rallie lernale, rcgistered. H. W. consultant cail aI no obligation. jon sale Seturday and Manday or SUITCASE, grcy witb brown iStapîca, Newtoviiie. 391* Enquire et Wcber'a Fabric Cen- by appoiniment. Mrs. B. Kay, trim, loat about Sept. 201h. Finder tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf hall mile west af Newcastle. please notify Walter Graham, REGISTERED Cocker Spanicis, Phone Claike 1240. 39-1 Pickeing. 39.2* golden rd colour. Bernard Dili- COMPLETE brake service, brake ng, 23 Neson St., Phone 2770, drum lting, grinding and on-. ALL kinds af meet, good qualiiy, HALF grown gs-ey and,,wbile kit- 39.1* img. Brakemester cylinders and smokcd bacon and berna, sausege ten, bai-n wilb bobbcd tail, ______________ wheel cylinders homed and polish- and hamnbui-ger. Demlington Abat-i answers loe bcmre "Boalsie." ed. Permafuse Reybond brake toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also Wil l inder kindly rcturn it tla Personal bonding, nQ rivets, Reybesla. custom killing, pickling, smoking IMs-s. Thomas Richards, 25 Queçn breke linings. Brakes shoes ex- and sausage meking, rendcs'ing St., Bowmanviiie. 39-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber changes in stock medy te go. Bob lard. 23-tj gaods) mailed postpaid in plain Sitéker's Garage, Phone 804 C O M L E E m de -n sla e ix S t a' e ds a ed envelope w ith price li a. B ow mnanville. 22-à tuMPEs-sElngmrode sorawi- S Z eSix samples 25c. 24 sampies $1,00. turs fluorescentpIigb s, odlgtsYUNalckad hlebun al ide-Dct -38, Nav-Rub. NexI urne you corne in ta sec Ursd fwuorestaihs cspo store: NmaIe. cPho n d 662. ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. the boss, remember bis time casts FLOOR, Cavering Bargains-In- laid Linoleums, Gold Seal Con-l galeum, Feltols, Genuine Printed Linoleum. We carry everything in Floor Coverings. Bring your measurements, aur Floor Caver- ing Specialists. wili be glad ta help yau. Just arrived - New shipment pf Inlaids, aur special law price, $1.49 per sq. yard, free delivery. Wilson's Furniture Ca., 20 Church BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedraam suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, camplete, $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colors; 3 pc, allover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complete, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bcd chcstcrfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table iamps, $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf 1 Articles For Sale Articles For Sale ee 1ON* fireman, reasonable. Phln GIRL'S dress, size 10, red flan. te 304, Bowmanville. 39-1 nel. Apply 72 Duke St. 39-1 old ABOUT ten loads cf hay and MASSEY-Harris 4 - wheei drive pI. straw. Phone 506. 39-1, tractor and 3-furrow na.rrow bat- !c.ý .tom plaw; 1936 Mapie Leaf truck. ur, FINDLAY Qval cook stave, cbeap. Phonie 2341. 39-1* -2 Phone 914. 39.1 * PIANOS for Seie-good intstru- 'ns BABY'S pi-ar, gaod condition, ment. Canvenient ternis may be cill merroon, chrome trim, storm cov- arranged. Telephone 492 Baw. c, cm, Phone 880. 39-1* manville. Fred Mitchell. 39-11 )dDROP bâck davenport. Apply E. CLOTHES drying rack; a Crown d Passant, 122 Duke St., Phone 2774. Jewel beater slave; a Quebec HOE ori, 39-1* style cock stove, with warming ty P480 or Vnctin open and reservoir. C. W. Yeo, ftY HONE Morrs's 80 f r Ve etia Ham ton ker Blind estimates, wc measure and rd instaîl. 37-tf TWENTY colonies of becs, stan- dard equipmcnt, double bmood ý-2 1937 DELUXE Cbcv., good tires, chamber, inspected, excellent con- new batlcry. Phone 2054,, 43 Hor- dition. With winter stores. Alvin ell sey St. 39-1 Clemens, 38 Concession St. 39-1* % 1934 CHEV. truck, hall-ton pick.: USED 1uniéer, 2x4'9, sheeting and at up. Wilfred Semis, Newcastle. siding, can be taken down in er Phone Clarke 3803. 39-1* sections for garage or kitchen. ~> TO Sent lowcil urnrsAlvin Clemens, 38 Concession St. 7y, suiteble for cook stove, baîf price. 39-1* h. Phone 2241. 39-1 BABY Prams - Special Clearance- ;h. -of several floor samples, newest T, FIFTEEN Tons of -baled bay. colours and styles, Real Savings, ýr. Trewin Bras., Eurketon, Phone Priced $19.50 up. Wilson's Furni- -1 Port Perry 197-.33. 391 turc Ca., 20 Church St., Oshàwa, 'MASSEY-HARRIS -furrow trac. Ont. 38-2 e toi- plow with 202 bottom. Phone BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, 0, Qi-ana 15r13. 39-1* no rivets. In stock ready ta go; 190FRn.c, aibae Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry- Ydefroster. good tires. Howard sler, Qlds., Pontiac, Buick (drums SPickard, Phone 2060. 39-1* lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, r ________________________Bawmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf t.129 OAKLAND 4-Door, good tires, le lights, body' Runs. $65.00. Vince WASHERS, Locomotive, Simplir- ~Mathewson, 982. 39-1* ity. Available with watcr pump and clectric heater - heat your kA GUERNEY Annex, ail white water right in the washcr, from ,2 enamnel, steel top, used 6 months. $117.50. Easy terms. F. F. Morris 1$50. Phone 2461. 39-1 Ca., Phone 480. 37-tf Si REMINGTON W.R.F. .22 rifle, KROEHLER Two.-Piece Chester- 2 and lOz-gauge double, bath for $40. field Suite with the famous Cus- .Phone 2008. * 39-1* hianized Construction, Ncwest n ATEedhreby pca Two-Cushion Style, Exceptional C truckad os. Willsia A.Bai-gain, $129.00, Wilson's Furni- pricetrc odlt.WlimA turc Ca., 20 Church St., Oshawa, Heron, Phone Brooklin 12. 38-2* Ont. 38-2e sSTORE awning, 16 ft., brown can- TRADE-IN comrbination Strom- evas, excellent condition, used two herg Carlson radio, 3 manths aid. tyears, $25.00. Lyali N. Carr, Port Faur-burner electrir range, West- Hope. 39-1 inghousc, used onc week;, coal Ilp ranges; washers;, chesterf i e i da DURO electrie deep-well ump; suites, priced to clear. Murphy's, *also hend pump, complete witb Phone 811. 39-1* 1forty feet of pipe. Wilfrid Car- rruthers, Phone 9 23. 391* , CEDAR shizîgles, Ontario, 29 TWO adiaors- ho watr o bundies, First and Second Gradesr TWO aditor - bt wteror$35.00; Galvanized Water Pipe, steam, each 100 ft. radiattôn, anc 3/', $25.00 per hundrcd fi.; anc used six manths; bath $75. Lyall 10 cu. fi. refrigerator (new),c N. Carr, Port Hope. 39-1$300anpicssuraeal 1948 OLDSMOBILE sedanette, steel, 20", $220.00, installed. E. radia. heater, sun visor, seat cov- Cain, Phone 56r19 Orono. " 39-1* $ ci-s, lifeguard tubes, 8,000 miles. NEW John-Deerc M tractor; B o Phone Ororia 64r2. 39.1* tractor; 41/2 fi. tiller; 3-furrow S GIRL'S brown swagger all-woale pow; -urfilo;sIfbt coat, plaid ining, size 12 tg 14 yrs.. cultivator; rubber tired wagon; in perfect condition. Apply ai uscd tractors, plows, dises, culti- p' Statesmnan Office. 39-I1 vators. seeder, tiller; also custom e work donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Con- f KITCHEN cuphoards, ncarly new; cession Si., Bowmanville, Phone c lady's tailored suit, size 18, and 594. 39-1 tweed winter coat, size 18. Phone$1 2736. 39-1 BEAUTIFUL-Bedroom Suite -, bt Vanity has drap centre, wiih very hi CEDAR trees, suitable for bcdgc, Large Plate Glass Mirror, Five gi 10- cents cach ai Jas. Dclaney's, Drawcr Chesi, Full Sized Bcd,' tv 1/2 mile north of Hampton and 1 This Suite is Genuine Walnut in h( mile east. 38-3* Watcrfall style, Floor Sample, ia FIVEhunded BrredRockpul-sligntly marked, Regular $395.00. Ii FIV hudre Brre Rok pl-Sensational BargînIn $225.00. Wil- p( jets, 4 1/2 months aid. Richard- son's Furniture Ca., 20 Church St., sans Farms, Pontypool, Phone Oshawa, Ont. 38-2$ 81r16 Orono. 37-4 ____ 7,500-In Qi-ana, scven-î-oomed miodern home, fully ini@ilaetd, built-in cupboards, thi-ce ciothes ýlosets. fireplace, bcavy duiy wir- ig, thi-ce-piere bath, hot air tii-mac, full size basement. Pas. cassian November lsi. e7.500-"The Patio", weli esteb- shed restaurant ai Bale's Corn- ?rs. 11/2~ miles nomtb aI Portl Hope, :uilding, stucco an bicik, Mcx- can style, flood lights, raperity or 36, living accommodation, bot ind raid watcr on tap. Eyery. hing in goad condition, $450 i-e- rigerator included. Books aval- ie for 'inspection. Immediate issessian. cewcaste ai-ea - building lots wering a block af 1cm acres. teasonably prired. Contact Evelyn E. Cooke Laltr Newcastle Pets For Sale GREAT Dane purebred dog, 15 months, very gentle. Mr. J. Wat- in fi se $7 li c: bu ic foi an thi fi ab Po Ne co Re Re I DEAD or crippled horses, cattie 'land sheep. Free pick-up. One hour service. Margwill Fur Farm. jCail collect, Bowmanville 2679. Highest available prices paid for aid horses. 38-tf COULD you use $200 and mare monthly? If s0 we have the per- fect answer for yau. Exclusive territory. Guaranteed lines of everything needed in every home. Free samples, catalagues, prem- iums. LOW prices and FIG pro. fits. If you have ta earn your own living, why nat a pleasant one? Write today for details how ta make maney. Familex, 16001 Delorimier, Mantreal. 36-4 * Repairs FOR prompt. efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, REPAIRS ta ail makes cf refrig- eratmers, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf Te sont Wih Vauli JIEATED OFFICE SPACE gmall storage space avoacble SPECIALTY PAPER BUILDING Formerly Organ Factory, Bowmcrnville. aaiy removed and re-assembled. Reasonably piced. Lyell N. Cari-, ROBEY cultivators; Flcury-Bis- selI spi-caders and trdcloP piows; Woods Ca, freezers and equip- ment; new and uscd washing machines, bammermilis, plows, etc. Phone Carl Todd, Clai-ke M!ODERN cook slave, excellent condition, equipped wilh two 6" Sileht G-iow ail burners; Ihi-e 44-gm]. drums. Besi aller, will icliver. Third bouse wesl af Irn- L ral Oul Service Station, Maple c~riv e. - - -39-1 Found IN THE Peterboro, Rice Lake dis- trict, a truck tire, size 700xl6 and wheel. The owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. If not called for by Oct. 15th. it will be sold. Wm. Cowan, Ncwcastle, Ontario. 39-21 Chiropo dist T. M. VANT. D.S.C.. Cbii-opadist, specimlizing in diseases of the foot and leg. Genci-al rhiropody ork. Suite 2, 47 Prince St.. Oshawa, Phone 3947., --- 835-tf . #,Q.Del ----- -- -- ---- Real Estate For Sale Real EstatW i~cl -FOUR-roomned, insnl-brick house, BOMNELE 1 fully insuiatcd, bathroom wilb $350-00-Two-momred S !ae in - eleclric bot water tank, V4-acme sul-brick, wlred, sink. Must ê e land. $3,50o. Possession immed- moved. -iatcly. Apply Russell Br-own, 87- Liberty St. S., Bowmanviile, $2100.00-FPreme 6-roorned house, Phone 819. 39-1* aI Burkcton, rialraad and bu#w JAMXS N=XON service. Open to aler. Cctlage at Bowmanville East $3573.00-Five.romed brick semi.. Beach, 5 rooms, hydra, new wimîng deiachcd bouse> b.a. furnace. $1500, septic tank, fully.insulated, easily dawn. ___ llnoleu'm, etc. $2,600.- $4,200.00 - Seven-roomned house, garage,. large lot 66x454. AUt 50 acres, pasture, creek, lots Of newly decoreted. Good location. Wood, nol fr fi-ront Bowmanville. Buy when you cen gel il. $1,500. $6,200.OQ-New. bungalow, picture window, modern kitchen, live 9-roomed freme dwèiling and rooms, b.e. furnace, heavy wiring., snack bar, 3-piece bath, gas ànd H-all down, balance momigage. hydro, double garage, 6 cabins on Immediate possession. No. 2 Highway beiween Oshawa____ a nd Bawmanvîlle. Price $15,000. $7,500.00-Ferm, 110 acres, good 1$9,600 cash, buildings, 80 acres cultivetedë 40 arms.8,000 Scatch pine hi-ces, on main 4ace,30 bush, 2 creeks, live- highway. Will aise seli stock, roomed' new log bouse, bydro, etc. $3,000 down. balance mort- weter in bouse, on county gi-avel gage. 7raad, %~ mile from school, 2 miles ____ fi-rn a good village. $3,500. 1$9,00.oo-with $4,500, down. Farmn JAMESNIXO 263 acres, goad buildings, hydro, Broker 160 Liberty St. Y. 1'milkhause, silo, mixed bush,' creek Phone 682 Bowmanville i-uns through pi-aperty. 39-l*___ __ HAMILTON & SMITH $9,500.00 -or measoneble aller. Real Estate Low down payment. Excellent $0,500-Parm, 3/ mile ta school, brick building witb à partments. Church and General Store. . 116 Good revenue. Ideal for anyone acres, 95 wrkable, Il acres p as- ooking for a business loction en tur, 10 acres y6ung adwod Main Stret. Don't wil 100 long bush. Bains 34x99 and 30x50, on Iis. Bowmanville ls growing. steel roofed and rodded. Driving Wb shed 26x5. 1 Exceptinally fine W have thi-e excellent general soid brick, 8-roomed ouse withstrsfral.f you have, $10,. plenty aI cupoard space. Well 000 or more cash, and aie ooking decorated throughu. Divided for g uai-eneed income. don't pass cellar. Hot air funace. these up. Ou bceated, Stoker heat- ing, h.a. heeling, modern build- $ 3,2 0-S lid bri k b use on aod ings, P rices a ie $19,000, $20,000 residential strcet in Bowmanvilletre and 2500. e u ow o ice close ta shopping centre. 5 good lhee ndu mloaktiou hoice. sizcd rooms and 2-piece bath W nd ru lo ai s, hg ay Gocid elir. Hot air fui-ae, well own and village. decoratd throughout.. Possssion Bowmaville Real Estate arrangcd with tenant. 78 King St. West J. Shebyn D. Maclechian Room and Board ROOM and Board at Mrs Pinne- gar's, Newcastle, Phone 3222. WILL are for children afternoons or- evenings at 103 Scugog St.j 39 - EXPERIENCED woman A . housework by hour, would aWeo do odd painting job reasanably, Phone 597. 39-10 Wcmted DEAD harses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 1266W. We pay phane charges.. Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD Stock! Free Service. We will pick up ail dead or crîppled farm animais free of charge. Highcst prices paid for aid horses. Phone: Peterborough 4026 Collect. If yau need a first mortiage boan on your home, lai-m om busi- ness property we bave lunds available for Ibis purpose. ai- Il you have funds which you would like ta put ouI et Uic cur- remi interesl rate of five per cent we suggest thal you ici us know. Hamilton & Smith, Brokers' Qi-ana Ontario Phone 32r0, -18, 9r2 39--l COOKE REAL ESTATE $32,000-A progressive fammer's opportunity - 265 acres - Lake- bhore lai-m with No. 2 Hîghway frontage, besi of land, lwo bouses, full lime cf out buildings, silo, permanent st-cern, cvéiything in excellent repair. First lime of- fercd. For fui-ther particulars contact the undersigned. $22,000-150 ares, one afItUic besi lai-ms in the county cf Dur- ham, in the beari aI the appe grawing helt, good, water supply, two bouses, eght--oomed fi-este home with extra bouse for help, laige1 lawn, bcautiluliy t-ced, full le af ouI buildings. ImmediatW 1 =-.- 1 - 1- 1 : 1 -- 1 - ci s 4ý ýn 1. ,2 )l is PAGZ 1POURTMq à emr 9% SrLrLL où qtpFtle.