'j' 'a ~'. -PAGE SIX - --- - rn-I I . oayChairmIan Reports Cautline ebe on Many Atilies of Public ServiCceDd Dis MissDrumond Disric The annual committee reports Day road race. They have al- for Ontario Seciety for Cripp f! the Bowmanville Eotary Club ready planned a ens-mile Thanks- Chidren, and~ is constantly on were read and discussed on Fri- giving Day Road Race te be held si toan hy clde the g day while District Governor John at the Ontario Training School ne need fore an area clinlc t W.tGooch ams preeth uat the for Boys, with prizes for three year, although ons will likely meeig. Fleng th uceon, classes cf runners, te be,'run in held in the spring of 1950. the president, secrtary dcair conjuncton wih the School's an- TeEveryone PitchCommit ~e Liens Community Centre Wanlt Fulil Membership report was short and toe i vhere a Committee Council was Charlie Carter Sr. came forward Arrangements have been ma xeld. Rerainnol ext withei reprts for te tw fer speakers an progast -With little on ne preliminary ship ef: International Contacts timne they shall have made furi the business o! the meeting was' and the Rotary Foundation. Their er arrangements with the AI, entered fite, the first report be- International Contacts consist of and Objects Committtee whi ling from the Youth Service Coin- correspondence with three Rotary will cover programs for the z Émitee uner he haimanhipClubs in England:-Brighton, Sus- mainder of the Rotary year. I tmiteeunde th chanmashM 'of Jack Eastaugh. GetMng right iex; Worthing, Sussex, and St. Dale, Chairman, explained tl to the heart. o! the matter, he Albans, Haertfodshire. Further upon the suggestion o! the I :stated that the purpose cf his contacts have been curtailed in rectors, each member of the cli .'committee was te provide recrea- order that the committee might will bec made responsible for o ~tion for the children of the town giVe as mnuch attention as possible program during Uic year. The ~wherever il was practicable. AI- to the Rotary Foundation. They programis, he feels, should de though quite willing and anxious are tnying to get 100 per cent more with Rotary informati, toco-operate with the Bowman- cf the local members te join the and have as many cf Uic loc yville Recreational Committee, he Foundation and are holding a members as possible taking pe -did net feel that he must wait meeting Dec. 2 to place Uic matter in them. 'for them te tell him what te do- before themin o rder te explain Abt Darch, Attendance Chai 1if he saw an opportunity for the the project and whiy the Bowman- man, did net have too much cubt carr thneuh projec vileRotary sholdendorse rit sa ineo uhy troubenet be ~without waiting for instructions. Governor Gooch suggested il be attendance. He mentioned that h hAnother peint boughtdeutpr e ehasctz tha bewany lavish cated by the fct what conymen suge t t hat p e hp s toritse' ! me b n w nl e ehet d t ie incsh a r futuren ~etdwould answer a challenge only what they are able." Even • BI cs to step forward and take part vnsBgSces m.Yore actively mn sports, if the Visits Scheduled The report of the Specii opportunity was offered. A mccl- Ncxt on the agenda was thc Events Committee, read by How~ .ng with ,the town Recreational report cf the Inter-Club Com- ard Bickie, caused the Distric imrector 1s planned for October miltee, with Chairman Tom Pal- Governor to express surprise an ~th in the hope that lie will be mer reporting. Praise was given praise for the work they had ac ble to provide somne project Uic to the inter-city friendship day complished and the resulting neyv ~totary will be able te handle. At held in Oshawa recently at which nue. Thnee events during the sum he same lime, the committee will nine clubs o! the area were pre.. mer netted Uic club $1500, whicj iave somne suggestions to offer- sent. Plans were announced for will be applied ta their service they have in mind such activities an inter-club meeting with the for needy farnilies and individua as Music Festival, Art Contest. Bowmanville Liens on Oct. 24, crippled children. These wene: th ~icycle Race and a Thanksgiving and another with the Whitby Ro- Ladies' Softball Game bctwee, tary on Dec. 30, if the clubs were the famous Sunday Morninj agreeable. Mn. Gooch suggested Class and a local Ail-Star team that penhaps the Bowmanville the annual Rotary Fain on Juni Club mnight make il a point te 29, which featured a football gam pay a visit to the newly-formed and many booth attractions, anc eclcome toRtary Sn xeda ept. 14 againBs talLions Club Garnet Rickard gave hec report forefuns ath theracontip tan cf the Rural-Urban Committee as incressh asthereby hope tu its chairman and said they had ese futhe asset cofn th er-ub decided te proceed with their pro- vie, ute o omnt e gna Uieist be as te ha d don 'News Scope Wider people faom-somenartang ofuthe Bll Tennant read the Bulletin popntrin ontept to furhe Committee report in the absence --ceuelop their atelowshpi.Their o! Chairman Elmer Ott. The coin- * ~sug eseotis inclued nporanied mitteerported that il planned tour o! somes of the town's in o ie the scope o! the weekly dustres. I retrn, mmber bfulletins wherever possible in or- dtes.otareught meor of der to, present more information pts Rotf ighret mahroughour te! egarding Rotary te each mem- poinsu inr mtnoghu tebr. Two of the moat outstanding Clane Garton, reporting for inciusiowe the plas foin fuues T H S FOORENA E L Transportation Committee, said broadcasts andaianro newsica they. had attempted te meet the tiens and special msage publca- STA N S H R D EAeRi rementso! ttehe Cippld thteristrict Governor s mionhly tary Club and in addition had Short Reprt aided Uic Recreational Director cf The esta evras clsi Bowmanvlle and the local bail .ain ee newa seena clinfi-c Re1y tough, that's LOWE BR(rH- teams. They intend to carry on Bationvwere noawaopenain-te »SFLOOR ENML an it' #d m Uic future in Uic saine manner. ed in nicleotar cfteassifia- lirying, smooth and eas to keep clan Much Accomplished tion Committee, nead by sCai- Et takes the wear and tear of costn The report o! the Crippled man Fred Vanstone. He mentioned use. And you will like the beauty and sente by Chairman Frhes Hey- mendatonsthae resantd rcom- !durability that it gives your floors, land, revealed a good deal of nectars which wouldo coc D1- Available in many colors, work had been donc and imnpress.. accurate classifications cause y ed Uic District Governor as such. reti.rements and change .i o- SDON McGREGOR Since the last report the cern- cupation. gsmo- ihas paid for two tonsillec- Ras SttfrteMmes Hardware Co ternies and arranged transporta- Commiitîce, ladÎ thig Mebertp * tien to and fromn Merry-Wood on since then h, notn ng cao reort PHONE 386 59 KING ST. W. the Rideau fer three children. their servicesas beenn clfr The cost o! onc child was paid by aspr et nlg the Club, another mainly by the Imcptr v Binguding edUi Club and Uic third is as yet un-- ertr ilRdl edte der consideration. There is also Music Committee report for a n application for orthopaedic Chairmian Keith Slemion. The re- boos uderconidraton t pe-pont mentioned the activity of bootsunde conidertionattpe Rotary Choir under Uic di-. aectionppearGeorge cChase, which Ceurtice For the futre pt nthn Vitamins Help Keep You Fit! Esemnbn aca aa together in spirit and friendship, I A vitamin deficiency results in a lowered level of ro the visit af a proinnt chal health and vigror with lessened resistance towards infections, leader at the regular meeting an Fortunately vitamins are available tn concentrated form as Ocbigentlema Texyline ntae ~ a fcod supplement and any Iack ean be readily corrected. cis o0fnt ano grxplaingine th - __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ ___.._ __ _ __ _ an eye towards an increase in the C quality, net Uic quantity, o! Uic t Buy PUrleSi Vif amins Facelle Tissues club singing at their sng.songs. c The Highest ta Quality 2 pkgs. of 300 and 1 pkg. o! 100 The EmplyrEm f~ on Halibut Liver Oil Capsules: Regular 50e milIc haephac ta, altogit 50' --_____$1.5 F 0 1 39they hav tod hne meetings te date, - 100's ------...---.$1.75 0~3 une at which each nmenm6r 11îî [ Mutipl ViaminCapules . ning an employee as his guest, if j Mulips V------ $129les Thrmos pssibe. The speaker will use as 100's $2.19opecasome 1 dsection o! Uic Labor I Pleais, 50s---.-- 18 VaumBhe In order to better determine PlenamKneps Hot Thin5 ow they might expect to pro- Vitamin A, B, D and G Kpa otTigs Rot! ceed, the Competitor Relations Capsules, 25's----_---.._- 50c Keeps Cold Things Cold! Committee reported that they Pint ottlewithplanned to hold a meeting before Vilaizns and Minerals Metal Top --$1.50 wil trtcsta getlwhich the spear Caps'les-_.__________-_ 31.98 Pint Bottle with after competiter relation shfo On Rums Hony.ndCo Bakelite Top --- 165 aieaLumber Dealers Retail or- LineOl -o 60dC Lunch Box, Standard gaioin. 16os.6---- Therms Size ----- 89c The Government Allegiance Vitam in "B8opo n 1.00 Se hool Ki, Lunch Box a nd, assuch si l e1 de avorneg Tamets 25's --------. 85tc pit Thermos - 3.00 -to lay out a programn they mighit Ta't:2' 5 - -- ~----- .'dII2I.JJJLI UTI51AT. BWMANflIL, OATHURSWDgAv SEPT r a h e n 'c s a o 'a r r t e i li d a -s ct1 de c- w.y .Aey hope te have thi 82.7 WE AVETHE ready by Nov. 11. mint fiavoured: 8-cz. - 85c Ne CHC 'The fnal reort was Metings o 16-oz. -------- 81.35 ELECTRIC RAZOR ! United Nation Cominnte., which Cod Liver Oil, Fortified New Features:-av to d. thion meeting Bthey- wth 0 limes Vitamtn A -Stop - Start Switch ian Si Hopin s !Ohw tneRotar- and1 potency: 4-os. ---81.00 --Comb-edge on all Schick a visit he liad toe ic reaed a Rexal Cd LverOilheads te guide each whis- tiens at Lake Success, after thec RCasles C2d ine, OeUno haig lt New York convention, and is Capsls , 2-- --- -------- 1.19tch lc is eaytog caloso impressions o! a session o! thec Extr ct o M al w119ithe Cods t c r f r C ante D on Hu an Rights. Livra cfMil, 6- h Ccd $2 .9 ed they planned te pubisarte Liver 011, 16-o. -__ ____ '150orex ta cts fr ein the Rotary " Be te Uie members. JURY &g LOVEL L eeeUngarj'u°n° YOUJI REXALL DRUG STORE M PON 77Whenu We Test Eyes It is Don Proerly Canadian production and li- PHOE 18BOWANVILLR ports of woollen and worsted cloth totafled 42,860,000 yards in 14;the langest upply ever M * fist pizes at Lind a Par n r n rs r d C ak, P t Taudn 2 tGrand Chm i Mnth eroo st Mrand Mr.Mar- o Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnechan Mr ae ebtNsitn and Ruth were in Toronto. Mrs. ,eer aes his94hbirtdNstleon, - Laving returned with them. .Sundbaytes his 94he irthday on h Mrs. Osorn mand gandsn oldest resdit o!H sCartwnight. Kenl ROsbwalin.r.ad n He is enjoying very good health r . RJi. GaceladTmyand we ail hope he will be able MJ.Gatchetoe ato KTnmmun te enjoy many more birthdays. te attend the funeral of Mrs J .Mn. and Mrs. Marwood McKee Swinson. .with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson Mrs. E. Strutt with Mrs. E. and Bruce, Yelverton. Caughill oven the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne McKee, Miss Rilda Stevenson with her Ivan and Calvin spent Sunday al' family hiere for a few days. Minden. Mrs. Eleanor Brock, Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian have vile, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gill. gone te Bowmanville te pick apples. HAMPTON Toronto,spent weeke°nd i fh thi parents. Mr ad MrSome frein Cadmus attended Mn adMs. Everett Warne, the Yelverton aniesr, n Mr. and Mrs. Bll Warne, Mr. day. naivrrySu- ade Mr Mr VcFrancis Fair, Mr. Miss Audrey, Ivan and Calvin ate r saa er SuKndaughsto- McKee attended the weiner roast at Mrs. Clifford Colwll's. ant Youedae' parhtytYe- Mns. Herb Smithson, Caledon, veWeddin elisn arestill ringing Mr.lad Mrs. eRb. Runied Tenly. leuder for Charlie Fee and rn.o, werRt weekedus, To- Annme Van Dam. Their wedding r.nte Mrs. Harknd Truet cfis to be Oct. I. We wish them the M. ande Mrs. HNoran Truem best cf luck and we hope its a .and.Marilyn orn Ceens nice day Saturday. of.and MTronto L'aerne gusts W.A. and W.M.S. met at the cfeM. adM. avreCe- home cf Mrs. Milton Gray. There Mr. nd rs.JacsonWraandwere 7 members and 3 visitors Mr.ghtersMnshawackson Wry an present. Rev. Hutton led in pray-. Mr , andhMrs. Dat T. Bray's. er and Mrs. Geo. Johnston gave heMn Mrs. Fe Dnseoers, Bien- the devetionai. They had a very heanil, Mith r DansMrs Bow- nice meeting and enjoyable even- rynvilcox. wtMnanMr. Han- mng .- collection $2.50. Next Mr. Murate, RobnsTeeting is at Mrs. Wesley Sweet with Mrs. R. Avery , rnoS'. MissesdGiadys Chapman, Cecile to, pent h weeknd atthoe. MAPLE GRr sesn tCampP retoni."a *h On Thursday night Catharine fa this C.e E. Jeoreyt is spending Campbell held a shower for Betty toi Osk in Toarostetune Gat. Abut 20uo!BBtty's fr ends ~ Sundhaya awter be oe. she arrived to open lier many use- "Worda Comion Se nevdayas fui gifts. She sat under a big white t md our pastor would desireta bery aapr rteî dorawee acramna serviein be wellrat with pink and white streamers, ~ ennd. vnigb wela- Everyone had a good lime watch- ta ed ietenwsvrycl g Betty open lier gifts and they y uring the weekend with a heay sen ye thveiioslnh rost on S atu rd ay seht ic r e . a d M s R ss M D n i B id co nsder a ie r da S g to ee an d fa miy, M . E g n cit M r. abesan fowrs Snc ten iland Mrs. C. Kerr. ai sMr and Mns. Chiarlie F int and ~ IfT." !~and Mrs. Bill Lewis.,wM. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houck, TowF wit Mr. and Mrs E. Tait myd man and family with Mrs. aw BA rence Cryderman and Ann at an EMMisses Susie Laird and Edn W Sallow, Mrs. C. H. Snowden a wihE T1ilE SOtBS 0F SByS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown Hwni th SMOUS... NE'LI. TAKE Mr°Ïs. Edith Maddock, Toronto • FEWER SPILLS. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Kerr. o Mr. Bob Stevens Jr., lias re- lia turned to O.A.C., Gueilh. La Miss Marion Snowden, Toron- W Sympatliy ls extended to Mrs. ed Steve Jeffery in the passing cfed * her mother, Mrs. N. S. Plummer. H ,ment wil be ed Sunada r-u dRall day servicae was hield Sun- cal pastor ave aaod e n Oun B ke n ih eoccasieron. m Toronto, will be guet soloist at ~ N A. Jse Parkre CApbelt, ater BURKETON sh schedud orSp.2th, huas b. e cancelled. C. Robinson ha he boughit Uic complets farm as g- oingp concee, whl Mr. Bar ias general store at Zephr. be Congratulations to Mr. at< Mrs. Ry Hughes (nee Bernieca 'sHainhes on the marageaSatur t' here for Uic bride and greoom. de MRecent visiters with Mr. an¿c reMs. Tom Balley were Bey. an¿c h- Ming thas MeLughin la stay. s5 Laughilin.r.W .M. e- Approximately two hundred el friends and relatives attended a t reception at Enniskillen Hal] i- Mrlday evening te honour Mr. and b Mrs. Jhames Curran on their b ftCh wedding . anniversary. e Cliarm was M. Russeli Dean. l Mne' an Mm. Curran were the nl whipienîs e! a purse of money n wncd was presented by their tl gmandio n, Orvus Smith of Bow- D~ ma le. M. .and Mms. Lorne D ea sunrusedhUhe bride o! 50 o flowers. Greatly genoyet oef t nes solos, namely "Mter Ma- s cawc" "Gaway Bay" and "Far. - o! Peterboro. A featur wf Uic -cake made byMrs Russell Spink Messrs. H .Grace and J. Sinclair visited friends tn Niagara. l Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rostro.n To romn Ia, M mr and M rs J . P'me, To-, and MVrs. Harry WakeiyF, M. d Mrs. Jack Naples, Peterba, . and *guests o! M. and Mrs. Jo, Curae. bM. E. Adamns was In Peter.- bora. Mrs. L. Haesman and Mrs. H. Rahmn celebrated their birthdays. Congratulations! We congratulate Mn. Tom Ash..- ton, anc-lime resident o! Burke- ton, on winning 50 pounds of but-. ter for guessing corectly the weight a! Bessie 4hie Butter Cow at the C.N.E. M la en soehîwrer Te s steadreiewihMs Meri Mountjey at Uic piano. Miss D. Million recently returned from olvia, S.A., where she had been earg educational work for five Million gave a ver ntetissg talk on t e mssionar rk car ied on in that unay Shder ais donc by the native children. A 'duet was given by Misses Nancy Cubt and BarbaaS Rogers, ae Mary Niddery being Uic accom- panli. The hymn '"In Christ there hne Eat or West" was used in clesing, with the benediction by Mrs. Limstead. A very profitable evening was enjoyed by ail pre- sent. MT s tdd Mrs.. Wi.ry Worden. - ~ S c s On Fniay evening, Sept. 2 aven Schî Ipeople gahered i lnw dcoo in honour o! ou Doeen Macoupl, Matthew an well called the .ah n e erde and eso th therinpl t ordh eads o! Faonour. Te address wa Mea Cy arewnae Blakun Jan Misse re Bpeneduand anih had responded very ably, Mn Cresswell acted as chairman for short programnand called on Gracc Blackburn for a piano sole. Mrs S. Buttery gave a humorous read. mg. Ken Shackleton played sev. eral selections on the violin andi a maie quartet comnposed o! David Craig, Bob Craig, Cecil Langley and Murray Cowling, assisted by Carol Craig on Uic piano, favoured with "Love is a Beautiful Thing." Following the program, carda and contests were enjoyed. A delicious lunch was served by Uic ladies. Apl ik SOL I sig WESLEY VILLE fw i a t e n en e o ! 27 h u rch on "Adoptio or oreachpng ladies gaUired ate oohome cf Mrs. Edgar Barowclough where a Bcd Cross quilt was quilted. Friday evening a crokinole basement with ciglt tables. Ms halInl won Uic ladies highi prize and Miss Margaret Btnsted Ucconsolation pizh. Mm araold Dtione eDickerson Uic consola- tMo p •ze Sners. S. Mills and Miss Winona Bne1, Prt Hope, with M. Simon Barrowclough. Mrs. Haydon returned ta Toron.- to Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred. Miss Helene Barrowclough, Lakepont, spent the weekend aI home. Helene lias received word she passed hem exams. Mm. and Mrs. Percy Snell visited friends in Bethesda. Mrs. Carl ,Bickie and Mrs. Bickle, Bowmanville, called on rs. C. Payne. Miss en yDluff spent the week.- Mn. and Mrs. Ian Beebe, ~wthrnc Peterbo, with Mm tlan Brooig an Betty Tory ~ Hill, Mrs. Geo. Brooking and Mrs. V Tuerk, Bowmanville, and Mn. and ' Mrs. Arnold Thomndyke and famni- , y. Miss Muriel Mason with lier ~ ister Mrs. George IVaartyn aI s Welcome,. Only in two cauntries a! the ni worl-the United States ando i toanada--does.there exist a smnall- STEAM WAVE. quen journahism e! any conse-** Professor Thomas F. Barnhartî ODWV ifchthe University a! Minnesata RADAR WAVE.. thool a! Journalism believes dha much o! the meason fan Ihis HEATERLESS WAVE levelopment e! thousands o! com- munity newspapens is reflected n the slogan o! 1949 National ecwspaper Week -- "FreedomnHUY Gos Weete Newspaper Hos Stl "Small-town newspapers fleur- Di sh in Ibis. country because thePHN 70 etting is right," Barnhart pointsPHN 73 'ut. "We have developed, hand 67 King St. W. n hand, a democratic farm o! o.vemrnen, a free press tradition, r d r s e .f - . 318H Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MON MENT RS D Precise workmnanship and caref ul attention ta detail ire your assurance when you choose from the wide election of imnported and domestic Graniles and Marbles hi ~ock. hed Suday Ot. 9 wit Bey as guest speakere Mn. A. L. Pascoe and Rey. E. S Lstead atrprcsent Hampto meeting, St Andrew's Church , last Wednesday. Sympathy is expressed toethe Vice families on the death o! Mrs. Lew Van Nest at Oshawa• About thirty relatives assemb- led at the home e! Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor last Saturday even-' ing to cclebratte with themn the occasion c! their 251h wedding annmversary. Miss Lena Taylor read an address expressing thec fond wishes o! the family and Donald Taylor, Frank and Ted H-oan, Olive and Keith Cryder- mnan and Glenn Larmer presented the happy couple with an electric a mp, t aser and ironnaand adesk- ver creamn, sugar and tray on be- rns, brothers, nics and nep es.s rnie's table asa ceh r du t wedding cake miade by Mrs. Wrightson Wright, siste o! Mrs. Taylor., ro rs S.S. superintendent Wse Yellowlees, and Rev. E. SWe Ln- tead presided for the Rally Day- ervice Sunday afternoan Taye hemne story was givn. he Mis 'earl Leach, scriptven byadiss y Donna Vice, Alyn uroraing n rnat wotten andan sg bny rimary class childrsng Dirtne is thioughts marn Dictiang t he children, M.r Listecal toek n Uie allegorical text ",Supe en".ue Claremnont Football teiwa uest cf Uic Salina team wauras vening and came hmrSaturd.ay 2-e in teawas the third game son, the other twores:tng e are working at General Mo- rs, Oshawva. Miss.Velma Gilbert, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabali d famnily, Whitby, at J. R. Kiv- 's. M~r. and Mrs. Gardon Scott and rnman, Guelh, Mn. Charles ott, Delhi, at R. C. Scott's. MVr. and Mrs. Roscoe Baker, bby and Michael, Goderich. at rs. W. T. Baker's and John ker's.{ trong Small TOWn apers F'ound Only We can supply any quantity, any size desired. Ail beef breeds, ail Ontarlo cattle• If interested why nlot place your order when cattle are selling at an ail timne Ilo price. If you place your order we will guarantee you satisfactory cattie delivered. hone 2570 E. A. WERRY Ennisk ilien ' OW j: Ihe for your Fall Permanent~,' Wav hiIlw aec ridespnead public education, and iamn asues St a[n Neo-Chemical Food $1.45-$2.65 COLD VACCINE TABLETS Alphamettes - $1.00-$1.85-53.50 NOW Multiple Vitamins -- $1.75-$3.50 Vacagen Tabs. -. $2.00-57.00 Beminal Tabs. -.0-$3.75 Serocalcin--_$1.00-$3.00 Mrs. A. R. Wood and Miss Mar'- I aet Wood, Hamiltan, visited M. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Halther- ly, Dianne and Judy, New Taran- te, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Hatherly. funera o!dne sister in Peterboro Hmn ano Mvs W. lr.aSteves, amprn itdM. and Mrs ro no a Ms. F e ignell, To- renta LowereA uests of M. and wit hem parents M. anrd Tornto, W J. Miller.r nMs . Mm. .Donald Davyan m Robent McCulloug aviiand Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Grvenwoed ar. Peterbaro.rewo t Mr. and Mrs. GeageAlicd Mn. and Mrs. L.loyd Alldnlead, tended the Welsh-Alldread aed ding in Bowmanville United Churchi, Wednesday. Mm. Neil Yellowlees attended the funeral o! his uncle Mn. John Mms. idney Tewin. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Doreen, Enniskillen, and Mn. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. " ' •Mr. H. A. Stevens, Palmerston', with Mn. and Mrs. R. Burgess. Mand Bevrs F. Wight,dGrant Ivan Ellicot, Peterboro. a r' Mm. and Mrs. Ken Lamnb, Clark-. son with Mn. and Mrs. George Adread. KMessrs. Keith Davey and David roanquist, Dixie, at Messrs. Don Davey's and O. Beckett's. rms. Agnes Shortt, Tbronto, wit Mr. anid Mrs. O. Virtue. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp, ~ Mvarilyn and Ronnie, and Miss . Jean Philp attended the Silvern Šeddmg annmversary o! M. and so 2 rs. Willham A. Goodfellow, Sept. ~ 0O at Brighton.i Messrs. Harold Skinner and g air wit lanpexhibit o! sheep ad A.^ B"osesvear asedd witha ather o! Water oo, Que, wi n nd Mrs. Harold Skinner. ~ichard Gibbs aeomn a juya oabourg this week. hr. Haold Skinner attended rt Osborne at CanningtoM.Ro- Mmr and Mrs. George Alldread nI Mn. and Mrs. Ken Lamnb were aungman Sundayr. adMs .. .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread isiady Mn rtd Mrs. Clarence Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Wilson d Ronne, Maple Grve, visited Win One Class met at Venonica riend's hame when plans were a e for thein bazaar Mis Mb. wde, Mrs. MacMillan, Mrs. r.adshaw, Toronto, visited Mn. id Mrs. R. Wright and Mrs. E. right. • Mn. Allan Harman and friend, 'indale, visited Mn. and Mrs. J'. The hall looks muchi improved ec receiving a caat o! paint. rm. and Mrs. Jae Tennant, Oril- ,were Saturday guests e! Mrs lm.ae Mer. Roy Bishop, Helen d Donnie, North Oshawa, visit- Mn. and Mrs. S. Jewell Several fromn here attended dan Harvest Home services om.and Mrsa dMuray abb - ackbunn, Haydon. Mrn. and Ms. Frank Colbary. Staffod Br *s Gin Pills ---- 49c-74c Dodd's Pillas___ 49g Aika-Selter -. - 29c-57c Bayer's Aspirin 18c-29c-79c EN L SalsEOPHOS98 Stops Bronchial Coughs Builds up the body Lge Bottle - $1.25 TOM PERMANENT MACL EA N YO UR T EETHa TO YOUTHFUL wte dzIu Meda... Perfh Pe. "g'v"'"•29¢ 6COW LING'S DRUG STORE WE F Break Up That Cold Nyal Laxacold Taba. -- 30e Buckley's Capsules -..-35o Grove's Bromo Quinine------ 35c-59c Grove'. Cold Tab. 29c.49o 2 Prophylacic Tooth, Brushea -. 39c $1.30 Value Lady Esther Products 65e 93o Size Noxzema 69c DBrght! Feel Right. TAKE EN 'S"FRUIT S T 0eCpK EsR. . . 29th It] b A P h gt e' th se co tao at an eill No Sc Bo B a Si STOEE D a riae enterprise system f weekly nlewspapers as "theak. bone cf Canadian journalism These factors include: The building of hundreds of small towns in the country's im- mense rural areas, with the comn. par Ii such a eelopinent, The creation of a vast network of rural free delivery routes, and the establishnnt of potes tionouragement of di a-~ha tie cfinfrmation. .A social environment i1n which citizens have friendly interest in the everyday activities cf frienlds and neighbours. Barnhart, author cf several books on weekly newspaper edi- torial and management problems, believes that the small tovn niewspaper currently is improving its historical position as a com- miunity leader and as a business SALEM TYRONE N 0 W