B RIN G YOUR R EAYCS N MESSAGE BEFORE _ _ _ _ _ _SV-IIU 12,000 READERS -CS5cEA Turn Page for Additional Classified BIRTHS1 Articles For Sale ALLEN-Mn. and Mrs. Marvin HAY-Phone Clarke 604. 17-1 Alleni are ihappjy LU diI[1uUtI'e me 1I CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, birth cf theix' daughter, Janicei 1933 DODGE Sedan, low mileage. yard goods and hall runners; Rex- Darlene, on Thursday, April 19,)i Phono 2253. 17-1* oleuni Deluxe 2 and 3 yards xide, 1951, at Boxxmanville Hospital'adgosa bde rcs A ltte iserfer Judy. 17-1 BABYS prani: aIso ice box. $10 Phard g51ds atbudetoies. 3t A little ____ ach. Phone 514. i7-î*Phn41, aleStrs 23f GRIFI IN-'Wýally and Vouma Gnif- VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different fin <Mee Collacot> are happy te SEE the ncxv 1951 model baby coloui's of tapes, 15 slat colours, announce the birth of thoir carniages and cribs at Morris Ce. Flexaluni, Aluminuni or Steel. daughter. Heather Annette. at 6-tf measured and installed free af Bowmanville Hospital, on April1 charge. Phene 3121, Webon's 15th, 1951. 17-1* : SHAPED unpainted lawn chairs, Fabric Contre. 17-tf dolivored $8.00. Phono 3575 48 HEARL-Mr. and Mrs. Reginald 11-*14 MAROON Spocial Deluxe Hearl ar'e happy te anneunico the 1! Dodge Sedan, %vith lifeguard birth of a baby daughter in QUANTITY of good quality ba]ed tubes. customi radio and under- Boxvmanvillo Hospital en Satuir- hav, Timnothy and Alfalfa. Phone ceating, lexe mîleage. Apply Grant day. April '21., 1951. 17-1 Clarke 1232. 17-1 Cooper. Boys Training School, Articles For Sale POTATOES-Specializing in No. 1 top quality potatoos, xvaxed turnips, onions. Order your sup- ply now. Deug CurI, 5 Nelson St.. Bowmanville. 2-tf HUTTON - Mr. ancd M's. Ted GOOD BALED HAY. Norman Hutton are happy te announco Broome, R.R. 1, Hampton, Phono! the birth of a son, Donald Robert, i 2744. 17-1 gn Satunday, April 21, 1951. 17-1 BARN, cheap, 22' x 18'. Mrs. ______Stella Anderson, Newcastle, Phono ROWAN-Elizabeth and Linda1 Clarke 3303. 17-1 are happy te announco the arriva] LUEPsn sis1e1 4 of their bî'tetbr Pat. in Oshaxwa 'LEPslnsiie1-4 General Hospital, April 22, 19,1 Reason foi' selling tee small. 17-PPhono 2384. 17-1 ýWE measure and instaîl finest SOUCH-Eva and Haî'ry Se uchiquality venetian blinds. Phono <neo Welsh) xish te anneuncelI Morris Ce.480. 5-tf the birth of a daughter on Fni- 1-______________ day, Apnil 2th, 1951, at Oshaxwa INTERNATIONAL A.V. tracter, General Hospital. A sister forla tracter plow, double dises; aIse Lenore. 17-1* herse. Phono 2184. 17-1 TOPPING--Deris and Roy (nece DNETTE suite-, babyv carniage: Stevons) are happy to announce j 3-piece child's coat. size 2, goecl1 the birth of their son, a brother condition. Phono 2736. 17-1 for James Roy, Apt-il 18, 1951,1I at~~~~~ Huio1MmralHst1i UPRI GHT piano. Nexconibo, ex- Weston. Both doing xvelî. 17-111cllent condition, bargain foi' _________________________ iquick sale. Phono 952. 174-1 ENGAGEMENT BAN 35 x 50, haîf of noof cv Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W._ Boumne, of Leskard, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Ann, te William Roy Spry, son of Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Spry, of Leskard. Wedding will take place at St. George's An- glican Church, Newcastle, at 3 p.m., Saturday, May 19th, 1951. 17-1' MARRIAGE HARRIS - WOLFRAIM - Rev. and Mrs. Hanilet Cînyton Wolf- raim announce the niarriage of their daughter. Helen Lorraine, te Mr. William Richard Victor Har'- ris, on Saturday, Apî'il 21, 1951,' at Bethany United Churchi, AI- monte. Rov. Mr. Wolfraim was ministor on the Courtice circuit 17 ycans ago. 17-If DEATHS MARTIN-Suddenly on Wednes- day, Apnil 25th, 1951, Neil Edgar Martin, aged 21 years. Beloved husband cf Dorothy Rahme and yotingest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin, Orono. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Boxvman- ville. Service in the Chapol un Friday. April 27th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetoi'y. 17-1 KNIGHT, Joseph Henry-At the Toronto Western Hospital on Sat- urday, April 21, 1951, Joeph Henry Knight, dcarl.v belovod husband cf Else Ander sen ef 635 Windermore Ave.. doar father cf Clara (Mrs. M. G. Briggsl, Harî'y Beî'telson and Fr'ank Knight, bro- ther of Mrs. George Collacott, Boxvmanville, andl F. J. Knight, Toronto. Rosting at Yorke Bios' Chape]. 2:357 Bloor St. W. (at Willard Ave.). Funcral service at the Chapel, 2 p.m., Tucesdayv, te Park Lawni Cemetery. 17-1'* SAUNDERS- At the rosidence, R.R. 2, Nexývcastlc, on Wednesda,, April l8th. 1951, John Alfred Saunders, beloveci busband of Mary Jane Saunders, aged 72 ereci xith new steel, I mile east of Kirby. John McKelvey, Oreno. ABOUT four or five tons of Alfalfa and Timoth *y bay, balod. H. Gorr, R.R. 1, Hanipton, Phono 2618. 17-1* '40 CHEV. Coach, heater, four nearly new tires, good condition thî'oughout. $875 or noarest offer. Phono 2981. 17-1 NINE-piece dining rooni suite, in excellent condition. Apply Bow- manville Cleaners & Dyors, or Phono 520. 17-1 TRICYCLE, in good. condition, suitablo fer six-yoar-old child.1 Phono 3202. 17-1 CONGOLEUM, Rexoleuni and in- laids available iin many patterns, lu yard goods. Large selection in rug sizes at Morris Co. 6-tf SPECIAL Clearance on quantity of chrome chairs at less than replacement cost at Morris Ce. 16-tf UNFINISHED chests cf draxvors, ready for painting, sturdy 4 and 5 dnaweî' styles at Morris Ce. 16-tf FORTY bags of Sebago table potatees, baud graded. $1.00 per bag at cellar. Apply Edward G. Lennard, Nostleton. 16-2* SEED potato cutter for sale or bine. Çustom cutting potatees doue. Jas. A. Werry, Phono 2525, Enniskillen. 17-1* HOTPOINT electric steve, side' ovon. 4-humner, $25. Gilson olec- trio xashing machine, $'20. Jack H-ately, 142 Queon St. 17-If MvORRIS Ce. 701h Annivensaryv Super Special. Save S15.00 on Simnions Deluxe Mattness, reg. $49.50, for S34.50. 16-tf LATHAM raspbenî'y canes,' En- lish goosoberry bushes, Victoria pluni trees, early stnaxvbenny plants. Phone Oshawa 491J2. Bowmanx'ille, Phone 2237. 17-2'i ,FINDLAY Oval cook stox'e, witfi two 6-inch oil burners, and hot xvater front, complote with pipes and piping. Can ho seen any time after 5 p ni. at 29 Prospect st. 17-l- TWO Diamnond T tr'ucks, 1947. one complote stock rack, liconse and insurance. The etho'ut chassis alone. Price î'easna for' quick sale. E. A. Werry, Phono 257(0. 17-1 1948 CHEV. Coacli, in excellent condition; also '35 Dodge Sedan, in very good condition. Both cars equipped with heater. de- froster and other oxtras. Apply Stanley Snowrlen, Maplo Grove, Phono 2381. 17-1* PLUMBING, Heating and Ol Bunners installed anyxvhere in Durhami County. Reasonable rates, and highest quality. For froe estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plunibing & Tinsmithing, Phono 3348. 29-tt ICE boxes, $5 up: Nor'ge spaco heater, mediumi size, new Coni- dition, guaî'anteod, $50; small ceai îrange, enamel, shoif, oul burners, complote, $44.50; four- humrnî electnie range, ono year old, closed oloments, ovon con- trol, $99.50. Murphy's, Phono 811. 17-1* DONATIONS of $1.00 to help ifurnish a four-bed ward at the New Memonial Hospital, Bow- manville. Withi your S$1.00 dona- tion you roceive a ticket on a draw for a 1951 Plymouth Sedan. Contact any member of the Bow- manville Rotary~ Club to make vour contribution. 17-1 FOR HOME Freezers, mi]k cool- ors, washing miachine,;, ranges. service on milk coolors and motors, that wining job oir any- thing electrie. Trade-in or Toî'ms. Consult Werry & Son Eloctrie, dealers for Woods Electrie Faî'm Equipment. Enniskillen, Phono Bowmanville 2539. 17-3 MASSEY-HARRIS potato planter, good as noxv, ($100) one hundred dollar's; Massey-Harris four-row potato spi'ayer, eue hundred gal- lon tank capaeity, ($40) forty dollars: Massey-Hanî'is txvo-funrow tî'actoî' plow ($50) fifty dollars. Cliffoî'd Curtis, Pontypool, Ont. 17-1 * USED Johin Doore A.R. tractor; usod Caso L.A. tî'acter: used Case D. tracter'; used. Fanmal] A. tracter; used set tracter dises; 2l used manune spî'eadors: used sprayor; iexv 10' packeî'; now side rake: 2 nsed mnoxers, Limited supply of noxx' tracteî's and inachinory. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phono 497. 17-1 FOR your spring cloaning needs xvo have carpot sxvoopers, furni- ture polish, vonetian blinds and 'linon blinds; aIse xvo are exclu- sive Bowmanvillo dealers for the niexv Unitron plasticexvindow! blinds.* Phone Morris Co. 480. The Canadicxn Statesman Classified Advertisinq Rates Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - . 30 Per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If eharged, an additional 250 will be added A charge of 250 will be made for ail replies directed to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3e a word with a minimx4m of $1.00 - for 33 words or less. PjIRTHS, IJEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS . . $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse. Display Classified-at 800' per inch witb a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates. AIl Classified Ads. must be in this office flot later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money - (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) BY-LAW No. 1169 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON To provide certain f ire protection for the Township of Darlington WHEREAS this Munie i p a I Council is desirous of obtaining the services of some cf the fine figbting equipment of the Cor- poration of the Town cf Bow- nianville when nocessary te at- tond building fines anywhere in the Tewnship. AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township cf Dan- lingtou bas agneed te an arrange- ment for such purpose The Mun- icipal Council cf the Tewnship of Darlinglon pursuant te R.S.O. 1950, Chaptor 243, Section 386, Subsection 1, hereby enacts as follows: 1. That this Cor'poration enter into an agreement with the Corporation cf the Town of Bownianville for one yoar te previde a fine truck and equipment and net more than eight firomen te attend build- ing linos anywhore in the Township of Darlingten. 2. That the said agroenient fur- thon provide that the Town- ship of Darlingten be nespon- sible for the following pay- monts for sucbi services cf the fine department as fellows: (a) The suni of One Thons- and Dollars tîponi the execu- tien of the suid agreement. (b) The suni of One 1-undrod andi Twonty-fixve Dollars foir the first boni' on fraction theneof and the sum of Thinty-five Dollar's for eve ' v additional heur on fraction thereof. The lime te o e ompuîod frein the tume the fire truck Icaves and returns te the fine hall. 3. The Reeve and Clenk te fin- ally vsottle teî'ms of said agree- ment and execute sanie on bebaîf cf Ibis Corporation. Read a first, second and third f-me anud finally passed tbis yer.Funei'al xuas froni tbe SAVE 95r,, t ax on Enreka vac-ý t a fArl 91 Morris Funeral Chapol, Boxvman- uuin dýaeors: l5I7 on electnie ALL kinds of meat, geed quality tdaofAr,191 viflle. on SaturdaY, Apnil L2Ist. washers. Limited stock te go at wvîoners, bologna, eooked bains, Internment On-ono C enitery. 17-1 the old loxv pnice at Monris C., smoked hanis and bacon, sausage ROY W. NICHOLS, 1 16-tf ancd hamburger, Darlingtou Abat- Reexo.î TREBILCOCK - In Bownianville, ! loir, Hampton. Phono 3243; also J. D. HOGARTH, on Anîl20. 951 Maigart ~MIXED Alfalfa and Tiniutliy haN, pickling, smoking and sansageCeîk Tnebilcock. bolov-enidauglitei' of 50c bale; Montcalmi sood barley, mkn.Dnn h umr16-21I the late Mr~. an( Mis. Pat] C. cleaiîed and treated. Gray Bi'os.,i months - hog killing on Tues-f Trebilcock, and cdear sisteî' of Dr. Phono Clanke 120)2.17I day'~s and cattle aI any tine T ND R Frank C. Trebilcock, Toronto, STONES- A largo quantity of! 34-tfTE D R WANTED Arthur J. Trobilcock, Toronto, miediumi stones for building. Large i KITCHEN cabinet, liko new, bcd - Mrs. H. F. H-utchesoiî, Toronto, piles handv for trucks. Phono offeî': woodeu crib xith Mar'shall TOWNSIIIP 0F DARLINGTON Mrs. N. H1. Hambc. Peterbox'-'50 E. A. Wennv. 171________ mttesscrfce eugh. Interient Boxvmanvillc e .--M__ 7- p'îgll re tte, sacrife:s EDR O Cenietorv.171 1941 DODGE Sedan, Kingsxvay clrvnneto sd okTNDR1O -pcil May__bc ______e\ ' *! cost $79.50, foi' .2.59.50: sinill PUBLIC SCHOOLS Specal. av h sen ox"nin -1mntel radio, $10.011: noxv Nor'ge ParentsAte io afier 5 o'clock . Apply 66 \Vell- refrigor-ator-s, 612cli. Il., $314.511 SEALED hulk tenders addî'essecl ____- nqîiîSt. Boman~ile.~ ad p. no tax; West inghouse Io' the undorsigned and plainly Childi on xwho neach theix t 99C ____________ birthda\v dîîing 1931 and] who 14 HEVROLET Deluxo Sedani. combinution radio, floox' sample, i niarkcnl 'Cembined Tender for lixe withiiîthie îoxx iimits a'e 1,0 miles, air-condition, boute-r eg. S,249, for $199. MVurphiv's, 1txvo-room sehools at Courtice andt cligîble for Kinclrgurten Classes slip cox'ers and extras, $1775 cash. Phono, 811. 171 at Maplo Groxe" xvilhocrcceix'edlr opening Septeniber. Rov a] Thoatre, Phono 589. 1-4-1 L unlil 12- o'clock neen I Al parents xxho xislh te aeLREsz aiîi u'x~'gt- Farm i.elp TUESDAY, MAY 1lSth, 1951 c theji'LARhilcîrcubattendn Chrswrcgass- Plans and specifications may ho thirchlre atndths cas-Towvnship iin good copain, steel ý PYFRFAMHL O obtuinod frorn Muruy Brown oe-stredoqired te prancipaboni'oo. To ho removed. E. A.1-_Don't wuait until spî'ing. Get Elton, Architects, 622 Confeder- reît'd.,Nwi ,t he piincial :3orlWorry, Bowmanx'ille. Phono 2,5701. iveur experieuced, reliable help atien Life Bldg., Toronto, uipon W 1d..posyt2of T heqseforaS'25or Fmi.. May 4. Registration foiniS ____ -____-___ 17 om Netbeî'lunds. AIse skilled dooitfaccu'frS~0 miay be 'obtained at either ofthie 19351 MORRIS Mînoî', niaroon, woirkers and artisans ax'ailable. pay able Io the Ai'chilccts. w.hicli Public Scheuls. 111leage 6.500, full pnîce $998.(0 Cal] S. Bunia, R.R. I. Nestieton. deposit w illho refunded upofi Par'ents wbo xish ane invxitedI$26700 down, balance xvthout Phono Port Peî mv'225r24. 49t returnucf tho plans and spocifi- te bî'ing their child (o the kinid- carrying char'ges. Phone Clarke cLones inor nd condirtion c ergarten for this registration se ,450i. 1-v Chicks For Sale Lest il c anytedernt î that eacl i nay sec the class at 1ssa.iJy uccçptcd work belxw'en 9:30 and '3:30 onITIMOTHY Seed, S7.50 bus.:, Red 600 MIXED Sussex. nine weeks; Sertr-Testr accfhseds.Clox'eî, $26.00; Flux, $5.50. Quan- .65c, 100 Rock. ton weeks. Will SceayTesrr eChilreof 'ree the ir sixîl i liy of uised steel neefing. Deug isoul pullets if m-anted. Phono South Darlinglon birthday during 1951 who haveliMuekie, Nestleton. Phono Port 127 7-1* Township Areae net attended kindergai'ten or îPerr.y 184-3. 17-1 r-__ ___ _____Sehool Board, scholinBoý--iii-ilean wo iTREWHAVEN Peultry Fanm. - Enniskilleuî, Ontario. seoo li oxninxile nd .h TOOL CHEST - Wood%\ nî'ker's Want started pullots Peels fastl 17-1 wish to attend Gr'adeo1 classes 1n11 felding wa l-type. aceominodatuuîg feathor Banured Rocks,. four weeks 1 September are ulso requiu'ed te bc ful range cf tools, nmadeocf'od vialeMy1.2ind:0 e ar registeu'ed as outlîuîed uhove.od.aalbe ay1.3 d20j The Bown iîauville quarter-eut oak. Excellent foi'îrPii'e 55c, C.O.D. Write J. G ear Pubic ehci ouid. cabinet niaker cx or byisu. Ap1)- Trnex i& Son, Bunketon, Ont. FOR prompt, officient, guaranteed PuleSho or,17-2 ply LO Horsey St. ld-il 17-2 service, dyeing ana customi work, lny the Neat-Way Shoe Repair TILE - for kitehen, baîbroonis, BRAY bas pullets, dal,-old, start- Shep, opposite Garton Bus Ter- C ustom WVork hearths and fineplaees. Walls- ed. at new neduced spuing pricos. minai. 1t glazed tile or plastie, aIl colouns . Ask for particulars. You'il ueod31t EXCAVATING. levelliuig and ail Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-tule,i these for laIe summier. earlv faîl REPAIRS le alniakes of refrig- kiuîds cf bulldozing xxork dcne. ýquarrue and ceriaic. Will go anv- 'inarkets, 1 hex x Q ll>o nixed erators. dnniestic and cemmerotal. Gerald Balson, Hanmpton, Phono -wbere. H. G, RouI, Phone _1902. uh;t 1k> Aýeit. F. L. B\ ann& 'i mlkinig coons. Higen Elec- 27M3. - -ti rn,1- .1 AUCTION SALES Faim Sold - Richard Stinse , Lot 9, Con. 3, Car'twright Txvp.. wil] soîl by' public auction on Saturday, May 5th, at 1 p.m., bis farm stock, and iniplernents. For panticulars sec bills. Teî'ms cash, ne neserve. Ted Jackson, auc- tioneer. 17-2* Mr. Eanl Byamn, 63 Contre St., Bowmnvillc, lhas sold bis pro- ponty and xxvill soul by public auction on Saturday. May~ 5th. at 1 p.m.: bedroon, living-room and kitobon furniture, mug. dishes, stoves, etc. Ternis cash, ne ne- serve, Jack Reid, auctioneer. 17-2 Auction Sale of Roal Estate and fuirniture, the cpnoperty of Ethel Blanche Hethorly, Main Street, Millbnook, te sell by public ane- tien Tuesday, May' lst, at 1 p.ni., modorn and antique fui'nitune, dishes. glasswarc, etc.; 83-roonied brick bouse. Ternis cash, nu ne- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneci'. 17-1 1 haxve received instr'uctions frein the executer of the estate of the laIe Ex'elyn E. Ceeke te soîl by public auction at ber late nesidenco, C.P.R. Station, Newv- castle, on Satuî'day, April 28, at 1 p.m. sharp, bier entine bouse- bold effects. For panticulans soc bills. Tennis cash., No î'esenx'e. Jaok Reid, auctioneei. 16--) HELP WANTED Female Experienced Secrelary Dictaphone Experience an Advantage Roply bY letton outlining expenionce and salary expectcd. Canadian General Electric Company Lid. COBOURG ONTARIO TELEPHONE 1080 Seed for Sale LAWN Seed, Grade No. 1, lb. 85c, 5 Ibs.: S4.10; 10 lbs., $8.011. Stewant's Seeds. 17-1~ NOTICE-Anther shipmenî in of nexvest x'arieties of floweî' seeds freni Burpees of Califou'niu. Don't mniss hux'ing sortie of these gor- geons floxvers ilu yonn gardon. Bulk xvegetables and tflowor seods mean more for yurî'moey ut Stewunl's Seeds, Bowmanville. 17-1* Real Estate For Sale 16 ACRES overlooking Lake Scugog %vîth access thereto. About haif of this is good garden land. Rest is hardwood and cedar glades with neyer fadling brook. On it is a recently built 4-room winter insulated beuse with cel- lar and cistern. A good well. Also farm buildings which with slight alterations would hold 1,000 hens. There are 20 apple trees in bearing. A surveyor bas been engaged to make a plan of this property %vhich %vilI have on it about nine surumer cottage lots -tith estimated value of about $500 eaeh. Toial - $5,000 Apply W.- G. Bowles NESTLETON, R.R. 1 17-1 HAMILTON REAL ESTATE Mortgage 3Money If you need a first mortgage loan on your home, farm or business propcrty, I have funds available for this purpose. Farms Wanted If you are considering selling your farm let me know immed- iatcl 'v. I have several buyers not vC't satisfieCI. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Phonos 32r10 - IrlO Oronoý 17-1 BAILEY & TAYLOR REAL ESTATE $8.OOt-Garage and gas pumps, highxvay location on edge of thriving village. Separato 5-room dwelling. ,10,500 - Tourist or' Roomning House, accommodating 20 people.! Beautifu1ly ]ocated at Newcastle Beach. Fully furnislied a nd equipped, c omm-ercial kitchen. Boating. fishing and sximming. Illness forces sa]e. $15,000 - 92 acres. Going con- cern, stock and eqîîipment, good soi]. School 40 rods. 2 miles! frorn village. Our- office in Newcastle located in flic C.P.R. Station building is nu lu'igcr available 10 ns so we arc moving on Mav 1, 10: 1 9 Flett Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Phone 767 Mrs. Lillian Allison will con- tinue with us at the ncw address. Until -May 1, veexvi]] continue doing business at the Newcastle off ice. Bailcy & Taylor, Brokers 668 Greenwood Ave. Riverdale 1175 or Phonie Clarke A-2621 at Newcastle 17-1 GILL REAL ESTATE On Elgin. St., 6 rooin, insul-brick homo, insulated, ful] collai'. 3- piece bath, garage, good gardon. Tcrms. Imnmediate possession. On Ontario St. brick home, 6 roonis. hcavy wiring, lawnl and llowers. Terms. Cottage. insul-brick, 7 rooms, hydro, between Bo\wmai%'illc and Oshawa. Terms. In Blackstouk, (i-rooni hom-e, on nice lot, barn, garage, hon bouse. Ternis. Iin Blackstock, ranch style home, insulatcd. 4-picce bath, heavy xiring,,, ful] cellai', oul heatcd, re- creation room-, etc. Ternis. Pickup and Dclivory Business in Bowmanville. Sacrifice price. Excellent building lot on Elgin St., St. Geor'ge St. Farms, Businessos. Sumner Pro- perties in oui' listings. H. G. (Hap) Gi Real Estate 78 King St. West Form-er] 'v Bownianville Real Estate Phone Office 3326 Aftcr hours 3514 COMING EVENTS Dance at, Tyrone Community Hall. Friday, May 4th. Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Auspices L.O.L. 17-2* Annual meeting of the Darling- ton-Clarke Football League will be beld ln Hampton Township Hall, Tuesday, May lst. 17-1* Bowmanville Legion Carnival, Saturday, June 3th, 1951. Tickets on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan, Kel- vinator Electrie Refrigerator and Electrie Washing Machine. 8-tf Good time planned for O.N.O. Club Spring Dance in Blackstock Armourv, on Friday night, April 27th. Dress optional. Admission $1.00. Everyone welcome. Prizes and lunch. Tommy Langley Or- chestra. 17-1* Monster Cash Bingo - In the Newcastle Community Hall, on Thursday, Aprîl 26th, 50c admis- sion price pays for 21 games and jackpot. Extra games. Share- the-Wealth and door prize. Jack- pot now $60. 16-2 Bean Town Choir of Enniskil- ]en at Newcastle Community Hall. Undeî' the auspices of the par- sonage committee of Woman's Association, May 2nd. at 8:15. Adults 50c, childreu 25c. 17-11 Come to see "Beau Town Choir" of Enniskillen, in the Town Hall, Bowmanville, Wed., May 9, 1951, at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Group 13 of Trinitv United Church. Tickets available f rom group miembers and Alox McGregor's Drug Store. 17-2* Niolices Charis Foundation Garments Corsettierre, Mrs. E. O. Leddy, for appointment Phone 534. 17-4* Old Tune Dance, Newtonville Hall, Friday, April 27. Admis- sion 50c. Ladies' Lunch Free. 1 17-1* Plain sewing done reasonably, hemming, children's clothes, ap- rons, bonis adjusted, etc. Phone 2175. 15-3* "The Harvey Dance Academy" Register Friday afternoons (3 -7) for classes in Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie iHarvey. 52-tf F AIR MEIR S FOR PROMPT SERVICE ON YOUR LIVESTOCK AND GENERAL TRUCKING and best delivered price on AGRICO or A.A. FERTILIZER Cali Clarence Soul TELEPHONE CLARKE 2212 or GARDEN HILL 16 -14 17-1 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until noon Mon- day, May 14, 1951, for a new heating systeni for the South Wing and South end of Auditor- ium of the Newcastle Community Hall, Newcastle, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- acepted. J. H. JOSE, Chairman of Pî'opertY Committee, Newcastle. 16-4 Help Wanted 1 PART time sales elerk. Apply Mahier's Shoe Store. 17-1 MEN Wanted-Apply Brookdale- Kingsxvay Nurseries. 13-tf GIRL-to loarn ironing dresses. Applxr Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers. 17-1 A RELIABLE man to assîst in handling Fuller Brush goeds. Fhone Clarke 721. 16-2 ASSISTANT cook, oppoi'tunity to learn under woman chef, own bodî'oom. State salary, references to Matron, Ontario Ladies' Col- _______ _________________ IYOUR help is asked te furnish NIXON REAL ESTATE a four-bcd ward aI the New Wanedi Memoî'ial Hospital. Your con- Wanted Framne 9-roomidvlig furnace, tu'ibution of $1.01 aise entitles LIVE peultry, goose feathers. fea- hdr,1adoo1floslrg o ente receive a ticket on a draw !Possession a r r a nî g c d .$5 ,000. Jo 91P rot ea.Cn thon ticks, hags. scrap imon auc fi ata 1951 Plyrofth edauu. Cn- mietal. Phone Oshavu 239MN12 Tcîvilletac t a me luhero ie oman colleet, or write I. Turner, Nortlh vleRtayCu1e aevu Osh awa.174 Frane bouse, 7 roonis, fou base- 1 contribution, 17-1 _______________________ -ment, bydro, doublo garage, largo lot. .0. Ternis, TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED 199 acres good land, 7-nooni stone -______________ TENDERS \vill ho received hy bouse,'-2 barns, stable under ban, SEALED tenders for the purchase the undersigned op until 12x.ei in stable, wr--Il ut hooso. Of a foun-roomed, frume bouse o'ctock noon on Fi'idav, May 4thj, iPossession ;30 days. hl,0,lalf and lot, containing a quarter acre, 19,51, foi' the suppl\' Of fulClut the c~h more or less, on Lot No. 9. Con. Cotintios' Gaol. Cjounties' Homoe, 'fi, known as the Bîcttec property, anîd the Cobour'g Rcgistry Office,.',0) 17 acres, stone hoe, ,iun Tyrono. Tenders will ho ne- Ilnforrmation as te type and quai- 'largo hurn, fll stabling, dlay ceived hy the uudersigned ouly tity te ho supplied may ho oh- i louni, 5 acres bush. 2) creeks, '2 until April 28th, 1951. Ternis tained froni Ibose lu charge of xx'clls, close to lake. broken front, cash at time cf transfer. Highest the ahove mentionod institutions. Immodiate possession, or any tender net necessanuly ac- Loivost or an,\ tender net nec- i ceptcd. essunily uccepted. 20 acres. some bush. largo creek, Mrs. C. W. Woodley, 'V. E. BARR, rnent 'In fox' dam, close to Bow- R.R. 1, Tyrone. 15-3 Couinties' Clonk j nille.S-2.200. A goc place and Troau rer toi' a sommIIIýl er ret. Fariners Attention 1 CobourgOînro. 172 Lot on Prospect St. WE %vill ho pleused te pick up GARDENSBuilding lots. gouir ground, -iîgh 'doad on crippled Iarm animaIs G DE Sst. lu Libert,- st. and pas' bighest prevailing pnices. 'lames Nixon, Bàroker ýFor immediate service Telephene Roiary Tilled 160 Liberty St. N.. Bowmniville Colleet, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or 'piPhono 682 Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young .Frank Hoskin 1 7-1* Ltd. 74 BLA('KSTOCK Phonîe Port rerry 333r3 !Turn BaCk for Additional Classified Business For Sale GOOD Taxi Business. Apply Lawrence Brown, Star Taxi, New- For Rent TWO roomn dwelling on High f. for couple. Write Box 569, Stfl man Office.i r, GARAGE for rent. Br'ick garage, corner of Wellington and George Streets. Phone 3389. 17-1* 60 ACRES pasture with creek and, shade. Apply on the farm of Mrs. Jas. Stone, Saturday, Apnil 28th, or Phone Oshawa 2158J, (or dial 37673). 17-1 Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are highcr. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse chargýes. 51-tf 300 TOP quality cars: Chevs., Dodges, Plymouths and Pontiacs, ranging from 1939 te 1949. Cash prices paid. Art's Car Market Phone 2148. 17-1 DEAD FARM STOCK Picked up promptly Horses. cows, heifers, sheep, pig-s and neNv born calves. (We pay for hoi'scs, cows and heifers) As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinarian in post-murtem. 23'je per lb. for live horses Cali colct Buxvmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 3-tf Livestock For Sale 15 PIGS. 8 wceks old; 3 Holstein heifers, 1 year old. Phone 2498. HORSE - gelded mare. middile age, good workor. Phone 2570. E. A. Worry'. - PUREBRED Yorkshire gilt, due to farrow. Apply Garnet Rick- ard, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 17-1 REGISTERED Shorthorn red bull, one-year-o]d. also purebred Tam- wortb sow, faî'îow in May. Earl Trewin, Enniskillen, Phono 2351. 17-1t Worjc Wanted CUSTOM woî'k w'itli tractor al- gardons. 'J. H. Alldrcad &.~7 Phone 496. 15-4' FOR bulldozing, grading, excav- ating, etc. Caîl Taylor Bros., Oshawa 4408M or Whitby 2687. 15-3 BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Hloning and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf The hod ' is similai' te a nia- chine-its varieus par'ts are flot wear-pî'oof so give il a rest once in a while. Work. rest and re- laxation in their propor places xvii] help keop body and mind functioning weil. Buy wilh Confidence at ART'S CAR MARKET Hoiie of Better Deals on Better Cars 175 KING STREET, W., BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone 2148 1947 Pontiac ne Sedanelle On wner sînce îiew, a beautîful maroon finish. Full price $1450 1941 Dodge Coupe Cash - Trade Easy Terms Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday Satur day until 6 p.In. PAGE SntTEEN TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 2M, 1931