- - -... -.-. -------- ~r.-~--.* . -- - -- . - *. PAGE TEN Two More Public Health Nurses Added Io Staff of N. - D. Health Unit Two more public eealth nurses, appointed by the Northumber- land Board of Health, are re- portîng for duty. Miss Margaret Coogan, a grad- uate of St. Joseph*s Hospital, Peterborough, and the Ottawa University public heaith nursing course, began work August 20th in the central part of the Health Unit area using Cobourg office ai' headquarterE. Misi Coogan bas been working with the Health Unit in the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, but is not a stranger to the area -in which she will be working as she lived in Cobourg as a child, and for several years worked on the staff of Cobourg hospitals. Miss Vera Clark wiil be carry- ing out public health nursing dut- ies in the south eastern part of the Health Unit area and working out of the Brighton office starting August 27th. Miss Clark's family home is in Seymour Township. She graduated from Peterbor- ough Civie Hospital. After grad- uation in the public bealth nurs- ing course at Western University. Lor, Ion, Ontario. Miss Clark bad extensive experience with the Victorian Order of Nurses and recently in the school nursing service in the city of Moncton, New Brunswick. With those already appointed, these two new nurses will bcing ta six the numnber of newA ap- pointees. Although the public healtb nursing staff of the Health Unit has flot yet been brought up to the normal complement to compensate for resignations in recent months, including the six nurses who resigned to get mar- ried, the new members of thc staff have had a wealth of prac- tical experience gained in vaius branches of publie bealth nursing in different parts of Canada. Four Cases of Polio Reported Fy Conties Health Unit This Year At this season of the year par- ents are concerned about the dangers of poliomyelitis. There have been four cases reported in North umberiand-Durbam Health Unit this year. It is well that parents should be concemned about this disease as tbey should be with regard to any of the dangerous diseases, but it is also well that parents should base their attitude upon a considera- tion of the facts known about this disease. Although medîcal sciencej lias still mucb to learn about poliomyelitis. the public sbould realize tbat definite progress bas been made in the knowledge e- garding the disease during the past 10 years. One fact' which lias been demonstrated and which should be reassuring ta ail par- ents is that far fewec people develop paralysis after an attack of poliomyelitis than was prev- iously beiieved. During a recent 5 year period, over 90% of al reported cases of poliomyelitis in Ontario were admitted to hospital for treatment and of these, onlyt 12% bo ad residual paralysis of any degree upon discharge from hospital. Recent analysis of cases bas F;bown that the more severe forms of paraiysis tend ta accur in t hase patients wbo bave con- tinued ta be tao active aftec the ficst symptoms bave deveioped. This wvoxid indicate that during tbe poliomyelitis season parents sbould be particularly careful ta ensure that cbildren should be kept at rest early'aftec the onset of any feverisb condition, upset stomacb, or any other condition which might be the very early stage of a beginning attack of poliomyelitis. Avoid an attitude of panic on the one band or carelessness on the other, parents should take alI reasonable precautions ta protect children against the dangers of poliomyelitis. Prevention of poliomnyelitis in- cludes ahl measuces ta maintain health and attention ta personal bygiene and generai sanitation including proper, care of food and dishes, avoidance of fMes, came of garbage and privies, proper wash- ing of raw fruit and vegetables, protection of watec supplies, avoidance of unnecessacy ming- ling in ccowds. The famly phyvs- ician should be consulted if any suggestive symptoms develop. COURTICE The Afternoon Aux of the W. M.S. held their August meeting in the Ebenezer S. S. room witni the President, Mrs. Gay taking charge aàid which was opened in the usual manner. With Miss Louise Osborne in charge and Mrs. Keith Ormiston readn g the Bible lesson with the thenue "Working Together." Mrs. Soin- erville told of ber work in sev- eral of the mision bospitals. ln the beginning the community life often centered in the mission bas- pital which was made as homey as possible for the lonely and dis- couraged. The thought left was that we are missionarjes or a mission field. A very pleasant tîme was enjoy- ed by some 30 relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin on Saturday, August 18 wben a surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. Warren Preston, Osb- PALMIER 20 KCig Si. la Bowmanville's Canadian Legion Pipe and Di Band xvill skîirl their pipes and beat their drums in theC adian National Exhibition Warriors' Day Parade andc petition this Satucday, August 25. The ambitious memi of the band in their colorful McKenzie Tartan are sh( above. At the left, front row are: Pipe Major Douglas Bl Pipers Glen Thertell, Ray McNab, Bob Lockhart, Jack SIý awa, on their 35th xedding anni- versar 'v, also this being Mrs. Pres- ton's bi rthday' . Their chiidren, Mr, and Mrs. Clay and child, Mr. and Mcs. Hall and children, Mr. and Mrs. White and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Preston and daugh- ter' i\ri. Douglas Preston and Miss Preston and one son, Jim, who was unable to be pîesent as be is in the wcst. wei-e with their par- ents; Mr. Preston's brother. Bob and lis %vife, Mrs. Preston's broth- er and %vife. Toconto, and Mr. and Mrs. Griffiîu, a sister, made the famiiy part ', and other fciends wex-e also inu attendance. The nice new buildinug just erected by Mr. Griffin made a very fitting place foi- the festivities and wluiclu was decocated xith pink and white stceaniecs and belîs. The tables with thieir white table cov- SALES Phono 487 rum Can- 2om- bers lown Lore; ark, . 1 ers, thue bride's table centered with a lovely wedding cake and the profusion of beautiful flowers from the Griffin gardens certain- ly made a gay scene. After al hiad partaken of the very lovely menu prepared by the ladies, Mr. Dave Preston as master of cere- monies opened this part of the programn with a fine speech, and the presentation of a Iovely chair was made to the bride and groom who made a very fitting response for the gift. Visiting was indulg- ed in, and horseshoe pitching en- joyed by the gentlemen, until the close of a fine day when ail re- turned home wishing many more celebrations for the couple. Mrs. Rose White, Pontypool. w-as a recent visitor with her niece, Mrs. Alan Wilbur. The Flintoff familv picnic wias NEW CHRYSLER CARS 1~ AI Fletcher, Bob Dunbar; second row: Pipers Don Brooks,1 Ray Abernethy, Amnie Hart, Dave Pollack, Art Brooks, Bilh C'olvil]e, Harry Conners; third romz: Drummer G. Parkin; Drum Sergeant Jim Essex; Drummers Jim Martyn. Jim Tay' lor; Piper Don Anderson; Drummers Andy Stark and Mel Hawley. beld at the Ivan Cochrane home wben ail had an enjoyabie time. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kinsmnan and Mrs. G. Trevail weî-e recent guesis With Malcolmn and Mrs. McGregor. Maxwells and at the cottage of Mr. and Mis. Wm. Pomeroy and Mary at Sandy Shores. Haîxwools. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompsorî and children attendcd the Youtn- man-Leach famil)v pirnie lheld at the Ai-t Youngman- home, Tycone. Misses Lyla and Aur-a Osborne were îecent guests with Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Thompson, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman VJalteî-s and daughter Julie, spent a pleasant weeks holiday at Sum- merland Lodge and also 'visited friends at Parry Sound and Hutntsvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aî-nott and bab.y Douglas, London. Ont.. and Mr. Jesse Arnott and Tomnmy Ogle. Maxwellfs, with Douglas and Mrs. Oke. WESLEYVJILLE - W. A. xvas hled at the home of Mcs. Carroll Nichais. Plans were made foc a housecieaning of the chtîrcb. Mms. Tutt iin charge of the afternoon's topic also î-ead about the woman of the montiu, Jane Gmey. Muriel Austin gave a piano solo, and cantests were con- ducted by Mcs, A. Austin, Mrs. H. Austin and Mrs. T. Austin. Mcs. Howard Payne eîtectain- ed at a shô5wer in honor of Miss Helen Morton, bîide-to-be of this month. Mr. anud Mrs. Davidl Bean, To- ledo, Ohio, visiteci the PayIne families. Thex-, left Tbucsday ta continue their -vacation in Clinton, Ont. Miss Ruth Payne wbo complet- ed hec summer course at Toronto Normai School. visited cousins iiu Clinton and Varna, Ontario. Slip returned home Wednesday with Mc. and Mrs. C. Pavne, Mrs. M. Payne and Mms. D. Bean. Miss Ruth Petecs, formerly of Kasla. B.C., visited hec sistr-, Mrs. Howard Payne. A Red Cross quiitiiug focthue "Save the Childmen" fund was heid at the huome of Mrs. E. Bar- roWciough. Tuesday aftemnoon. Mrs. Hayden, Toronto, is xisit- ing Mr, and Mi-s. L. Oughtced. Miss A. Grcahamu, Ann Arbor, Micb., is visiting hec niece, Mrs. L. Toppin. Mrs. Holdawayv retuî-ned on Sunday from holidays i Toronto, accompanied bY Mcs. Bacton. LONG SAULT jMr. and Mrs. Staniey Gable and family enjoved a mator trip ta Niagara Falls-. Miss Mary Vaîuevk and Mr. Charlie Penwarden ivisited Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMilie. Burketon. Mr, and Mcs. Albert Oke, En- niskillen; Mc. and Mi-s. Caneron Oke, Oshawa: Mc. and Mrs. Lewis Corbinu, Courtice; Mr. anîd Mcs. IHaynes. Toront. wîih Mi-. and Mms. Bert Johunson. Mr. anud Mrs. Gardon Baker and fanuily. Mrs, Max- Johnus with Mc. and Mcs. .Roy Barrabaîl, Whitb.. Mr. anud Mrs. Staniey Ilarmner. Ecindale: Master Ted McBride, Inglewood: Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith, Gloria and Bob. Bowmaix- ville. w-ece Sunda.% supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Grace. Mi-s. J. C. Cook. Tymone, anud Miss Grace Smithi spent Moîuday in Toronto. Mc. and Mcs. Charlie Wood., Miss M. Hoidge. Orono; Mrs. Mary Phasev and Diane, Oshawa. spent Thursday with Mr. and MmIs. H. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mulýrph-,, Mr. and Mrs. W. Murph ' , Ken and Shelagh, Bowmanville, %wîth their mother. Mrs. E. Murph. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mýurph-. with Mc. and \r.Roib--on and 11,lms. Mary Phazev, Oshîawa. Cluurch service will be at thi- usual lueur (in Sundaý , AuËuMý: 26, 7;30 p.m.. ENNISKILLEN W.M.S met on Aug. 14 at the home of Mrs. W. Oke, with the President, Mrs. H. McGill presid- ing. Mrs. M. Hobbs had charge of the worship service, assisted"by Mis. J. A. Werry and read the story. "A palace made with mus- ic.- Mrs. T. Slemon read the Bible passage. Mrs. O. Ashton, leader ýof the C.G.I.T., led the girls in the affiliation service. Piano solos were given by Rutly Lamb and Eleanor Heard. Group four had charge of the program and were fortunate in securing Miss Aked of Tyrone, as guest speaker, who in ber pleasing man- ner told how she had found nexv interest and adventure in living by becoming a member of a Pub- lic Library. Mrs. L. Ashton closed the meeting wý,ith prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milîs and family with Mrs, M. Wells, Port IPerry. Mrs. J. Cooks, Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitlev. Bob and Lynn. Osh-1 awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormisf on visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and attended Tyrone SuaLday School Anniversary. Mr. Wm. Mahaffy has bought a new truck. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Pro- vidence: Mr. C. A. Stainton, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs, O. C. Ashton. C.G.I.T. practice at tI'he home of Shirley Ellis Friday evening, Au- gust 24. Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott and fam- ily, Perth, at Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton's. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland and farnily, Lapeer, Mich., are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson on the death of their infant bab 'y daugh- ter in Memiorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Clare and Douglas wvith Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stainton have returned to Toronto after spending two weeks' holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbcater and Georgie with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and family and attended Tyrone An- niversary services. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stainton. Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono: Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGill. Russell and Ross, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill and family attended the MeGill picnic at Hampton Park on Saturda.v. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ellis and famil. Buffalo, spent Sunda. with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Cour- tice. xvith Mr. and Mcs. A. Lead- beater. 'rUTT'~1,AV ATTr~TI~'r ~ ~O~t Legion Pipe Band Will Compete At Exhibition .4 Don't Let Winter Catch You Unprepared .. REPAIR AND DEAUTIFY NOW with "JOHNS-MANVILLE» ASPHALT S TR 1P SHING LES FOR YOUR ROOF *Save Repair and Maintenance Costs. *Weather Resisting and Long Wearing. *Pleasing Color and Fire Resisting Protection. *May be Laid over aid Wood or Asphait Shingles. *210 lbs. per square - square covers 100 sq. ft. *Large Varîety of Colors and Blends. PRICE PER SQUARE - - Only - $9.45 Sq. INSUL-BRIC SIDING Available in Brick, Stone and Shingle Pattern 10 patterns and blends ta choose f rom PRICE ONLY ~ $14.95 per sq. complete with naile an- culi - adds Comfori and Beauly . .ë Right from the start INSUL-BRIC means savings ta you. It's easy and economical ta apply. INSUL-BRIC soon pays for itself in the fuel it saves . . . increases warmth and living comfart. Weatherproof. with tight- fitting joints, it gives yôur home the insulation that's needed in aur tough climate. Is RO0L L BRICK A practical low-cost covering for your home, garages, sheds, etc. * Fire Resisling * Weather Proof * Easy to Apply le * Realistic Brick Effcct et roll covers approx. 50 sq. ft. BRICK PATTERN - Red or Buff ~ r i (Complete wvith Nails) $315roll STONE PATTERN - Grey ri (Complete xvith Nails) -----------------$ . 8r l DON bMeGREGOR HARDWARE LIMJTED "We Help Make Huses ... Homes" -' PHONE 3386 BOWMANVILLE 59 KING ST. W. Jîm, Mrs. Miss Joyce Allun, Oshawa, Mrs. Fred Days and spent a few days with Mr. and Blackstock, with Mr. and Mr&s. E. McNair.- Walter Ferguson. Mrs. A. Leadbeater visited her __________ brother and nephew who are in a Toronto hospital.ST KVIL Miss Joan Hobbs has returned S A K IL home from three weeks' holidays with Miss Anne Dorland, Lapeer, Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Mich. lina. and Miss Lorraine Fai Mrs. Minerva Trewvin spent a B few days with ber sister, Mrs. Bwmanville, 'vith Mr. and Marvin Nesbitt, Nestletan. Howard Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. ýWater Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Llew HaIl with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, and family spent Sunday Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bani The Service Club will resumIe Belleville. their meetings Sept. 4th at 8 p.m. Mr. A. Graham, Toronto, at Mrs. F. Beckett's. Miss Norma Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Mr. George Yule. Oshawa, Doreen at Mr. Sandy Moore's, a few days with Mr. and Port Perry. Ewart Robinson. THIE CANADIAPi STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO )X, Se- rrow. 1Mrs. owehl 1with ncock, with spent Mrs. Now on display and Available for Immediate Delivery mosi models of the new 1951 PLYMOUTH AND CHRYSLER CAri3 andi FARGO TRUCKS See us firsi for the best values in NEW AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS MOTOR1 ýïI) DO WMAN VILLE THURSDAV. AlTr.TTc;T 9.1- 1951