'rT.T PA1TAT>TA?~ ~'rATV.~MA?.Y UOWMANVILL~. ONTAMO ¶'HURSDAY, AUGUST 23 1~81 et 4ELLTRADE g.BUY -s, t -t BIRTHS ADAMS - Noreen and Wayburn1 Adams (nee Oliver) wisb to an-c nounce the arrivai off tbeir daughter, Deborah Kathleen, on August IStb, 1951, at Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. Momn, Pop and daughter doing fine. 1 34-1 HUGHES - Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Hughes (oee Lillian Prit- chard), 31 Dentonia Pk. Ave., Toronto, are happy to announce the birth off their son, Donald Peter, a baby brother for Jimmie, at Toronto East Generai Hospital, on Thursdpay, August 16, 1951. 34-if ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Everett Welsh wish to announce the engagement1 off their youngest daughter. Ruby Elizabeth, to Mr. Peter Kowal, son off Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal, Maple Grove, Ontario. The mar-1 niage xiii take place in Sept- ember. 34-1* Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Thomp- son, Nestieton, announce the en- gagement off their eldest daugbter,i Marion Frances, to John Nelson Marlow, son off Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Blackstock. The marriage will take place in September. 34-if The engagement is announced off Helen Patricia, daugbter off Gilbert I. Jones and the late Mrs. Jones, off Bowmanville, to Leo Vincent McCarthy, son off Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. McCarthy, off Tor- onto. -The weddîng will take place Saturday, Sept. 8, at 10 a.m. in St. Vincent de Paul Cburch. 34-1* Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee, Nestleton, wish to announce the engagement off tbeir eldest daughter, Audrey Margret, to Bertrum Ira Shea, son off Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Shea, Janetvile. The marriage will take place at Blackstock parsonage on Sept. lst, at 2:30 p.m.34* Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sullivan, Oshawa, announce the engage- ment off their daughter, Dorothy Marguerite, to Albert Banner Passant, son off Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Passant, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place Sept. lSth at 10:30 a.m., in Holy Cross Church. 34-1 DEATHS GANE-At ber home, Warren Farm Rouse, Warren Road, Guild- ford, Surrey, England, Friday, Aug. 17, 1951, Florence Coulter, daughter off the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coulter, Bowmanville, and wife off Major Irving B. Gane, Chamberlain off the City off Lon- don. Surviving are ber busband and tbree daugbters, Mrs. George R. Pushman, England; Mrs. Rugh M. Smith Jr., Bingbamton, NY., and Diana Gane at home; also a sister, Miss Anne M. Coulter, Toronto. 34-1* COWLING-At Oshawa Hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 22nd, 1951, Walter Sidney Cowling, aged 41 years. brother off Leslie Thomas Cowling. Salem. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Service in the Chapel on Friday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Betbesda Cemetery. 34-1t WILCOX - On Monday, August1 2th, 1951, Rosena Pearl Challis,t wife off the late John Henry Wilcox. Resting at the family residence. Hampton, for service on Thursday., August 23rd, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmnan- ville Cemetery. 34-1 Lost 13LACK purse containing driver's license. sum off nioney and other valuable papers, in vicinity off Newtonville. Phone Clarke 2531 or leave at Statesman Office. 34-1* IN MEMORIAM McCULLOUGH-In loving mem- ory of our dear son and brother, Gerald McCullough, died sud- denly from injuries caused fromn a car accident August 27th, 1950, age 17: It's lonesome at home without you, son, And sad the weary way. For liffe is not the same to us Since you were called away, If we had ail the world to give We'd give it, yes and more, To hear his voice and see bis smile And greet hlmn at the door So you wbo bave a son, Cherish him with care; You'll neyer know a heartache Till you see bis vacant chair. Son off my heart I miss you so; Offten, my darling our tears w~ill flow Dimming your picture before our eyes But neyer the one in our heart that lies. But we'll be brave dear son And pray to God each day And when he calîs us home to vou Your smile will guide our xvay. -Too dearly loved to be for- gotten by mother, dad, brothers and sisters. 34-1 TAIT-1 loving memory offz a dear brother and uncle, Jack Tait, who passed away August 26th, 1950: Ris weary hours and days off pain, His troubled nights are past; And in our aching bearts we know He bas found sweet rest at last. -Always in our thougbts, sister Bella, brother-in-law Jack Pool- ton and family. 34-1* TAIT-In loving memory of a dear busband and father, Jack A. Tait, wbo passed away August 26th, 1950: We ioved him, ah, no tongue can tell How mucb we loved him and how well. God loved hirm too, and thought it best To take him home with Him to rest. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by Amy bis wife, son Gerry and daughter-in-law Myrle. 34-1 COMING EVENTS Watch next week's paper for particulars off the Grand Opening of Martyn's Bowling Academy on Saturday, September lst. 34-1 NOTICE Dr. Storey's office will be closed Juiy l5th to Sept. lSth. 27-8* Dr. Sisson's office will be closed from August l6th to September 3rd, inclusive. 32-3* Dr. C. W. Slemon's office wilI be closed from August 3ist to September 2lst, inclusive. 34-3 Dr. Keîth Slemon's office will be closed for holidays fromn Wed- nesday, Aug. 15th to Monday, Aug. 27tb, inclusive. 32-3* St. Josepb's Church parishion- ers have tickets on a summer cottage that will be drawn for on Friday, September 7, 1951. Price 25c each or 5 for $1.00. 34-2 Will alI girls wishing to bowl in the Ladies' Major League leave their namnes with these executive members by August 31st: Mel McNulty, Lil Hooper. Dore Mut- ton, Hilda Brock, Jo Connors, Ollie Patfieid and Ruth Barclay. 34-1 Wanted To Rent ROUSE or apartment for smal Dutch family. Phone Oshawa 3-7517 or apply 167 Stacey Ave. after 6 p.m. 34-1 Room and Board CONGENIAL young man desires room and board. Write Box 623, c/o Canadian Statesman. 34-1" Cet More For Old Furnishings Wilh a Want Ad You'd be surprised how rnany folks are looking for whatever you have to seil. You can reach 'em quickl ' and cheaply with a Want Ad. If you'i'e buving, selling, renting. hiring or swap- ping use the Want Ads. av m âe Canadian 1 ~Statesma-n-1 Ap4,'4< emL L±es ir or U.L jU..L NINE - piece dining - room suite. Phone Clarke 3714. 34-1* FRESH crop clover honey. A. T. Fletcher, Phone 2940. 34-1 * I NINE-piece walnut dining-room suite, like new. Phone Clarke 3714. 34-1* CORN binder, in excellent con- dition. Apply Frank Krolewski. R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Solina Road North. 34-1 EIGHT cu. ft. Frigidaire refrig- erator. one year old, in excellent coq~dition, four year guarantee. Phbne 642. 34-1* POTATOES - Specializing in No. 1 top quality potatoes. Order! y our supply now. Doug Curi,I Bowr.anville, Phone 3101. 20-tf' GEORGE White threshing mach- ine, 24" clinder. 46" body, in good condition, priced for quick sale. Stapleton Brothers, Orono. 34-1ý JUST Arrived! Two new Allis- Chalmers Roto Balers for im- mediate delivery. Palmer Motor Sales, 20 King Street East, Bow- manville. Phone 487. 34-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Ruas, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prîces. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf ALLIS-Chalmers "C" tractors; two-furrow plow; rubber tired wagon; 66 and 77 Oliver tractors: Smaliey hatchet milîs. Virtue's Garage, Tyrone, Phone 2882. 33-2:: WE meagure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds, new plas- tic tapes available, easily kept dlean, mnany colours to choose from. Phone Morris Co., 48(0. 29-tf PLUMBING, Heating and 011 Burners installed anywvhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and bighest quality. For free estimates call S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf ATTENTION Rural Schools -A number off good sohool dcsks are available, also a quantity off bard and soft bricks for sale. -For dc- tails contact Bill Claiýke, Lover's Lane, Bowmanville, Phone 2688. 34-1 NEW Thor Giadiron, reg. $17950, reduced to $14895; nexv Thor Floor Polishers. reg. $78.95, on sale $58.50 at the Farm Equipment & Automotive Ltd., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 689. 34-1 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours of tapes, 15 siat colours, Flexalum, Aluminumn or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phone 3121, Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and firepiaces. Walls- glazed tile or plastic, ail colours Floors -rubber, mastic, lino-tule, quarrie and ceramic. Wili go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf DINING room buffet, table and 4 walnut side chairs, reai good condition, price $45.00; enamcel combination coal anci 4-burnor gas stove. $30.00; also Quebec heater, $800. Apply Mrs. Art Falls, 20 Liberty St., Phono 3665. 34-1 NEW sbipments off Gold Seal Con- goleum and Rexoleurn Deluxe, 21 and 3 yards xide, choose froma 401 patterns. Imported Pabco war-1 ranty floor coverings, in new designs. Hall runners, inlaid linoleum and large selection in rug sizes. Morris Co., Phone 480. 29-tf USED Forage harvester; used rubber tired wagon; used hay loader; used VA Case tractor; used Massey - Harris sprcader. New Case Equipment: tractor, spreader; mnodel D tractor; moclel SO tractor: model VA tractor; 8' roller packer; forage harvester; barbed wire; steel posts; water systems; Quaker 011 Heaters. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 34-1l WAGON and Trailei Axles. X'our choice off Chev., Ford or Dodge wheels cither 15" or- 16" so your ovn spame will work. Price only S30 each, wbilo they hast. This includos: axle. hubs, wheels, tires and tubes, ail assembled, lined up and painted. Springs $10,00 a pair extra, if desired. Please note that Ibis special offfeîr is onl.y goociNviie present stock asts so Help Warited DOMESTIC help wanted. Apply 126 King St. E. or Phone 972. 34-2 PINBOYS - Earn good money during spare time. Apply Mar- tyn's Bowling Academy any ev- coing. 34-2 TWO girls, one for salesgirl and one for bookkeeper. Apply man- ager off Waiker Stores on Monday, August 27th. 34-1 WOMEN for tomato picking on Monday. Apply corner off Simp- son Ave, opposite Downbamn Nurseries or H. C. Pedwell, Clarke 3832. 34-14ý WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection -witb large manufacturer. Only reliable bustIer considered. Write Raw- leigb's Dept. ML-H-140-131, Mon- treal. 31-5 FOR Modemn Dry Cleaning plant. Experienced, must be able to spot and press heavies, 40 bours per week. State experience and \vages expected. Dunn Cleaners, 18 Queen St., Cobourg, Ont., Phone 945. 32-3 STENOGRAPHER WANTED AT ONCE APPLY IN PERSON TO THE Goodyear Tire& Rubber' Co. BOWMANVILLE Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 132-tf WOMAN wants housework by the day, 60e bouc. Write Box 622, c/o Canadian Statesman. 34-1* FOR bulldozing. grading, excav- ating, etc. Caîl Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 31-5 FOR modemn and first class pias- tcring: also stucco work. No job too small. Dial Oshawa 5-2144. 34-2* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf BULLD OZING Livestock For Sale 400 YEAR-old Leghorns. Phone 860. 34-1* 12 PIGS - York and Tamn cross- ed. Frank Dorland, Phone 2335. 34-1 HOLSTEIN bull, a son of Rochet from a V.G. Dam and V.G. Granddam. Phone 2234. 34-1* 50 WHITE Sussex crossed with New Hampshires and 60 Leg- horns, 5 months old. Lloyd Broome, Phone 2369. 34-1 TEN first, second and third litter sows, sired to Spruce Don Prince, due first two weeks off Septem- ber. Newton Selby, Newcastle. 34-1* Cars For Sale '51 CHEV. Sedan Dclivery, blue, 1300 miles. Murray Payne, Phone Clarke 2811. 34-1* 1946 CHEV 2/½-ton truck, axle, motor and tires good, cash. Phono 2791. D.P. $750 34-i 1936 CHRYSLER Sedan, engine recently overhauled, good tires, radio, $300. W. Breck, Burketon. 34-1* 1951 BOAT trailer, 600x16 wbeels and tires; 1938 Chev. Coach, in fair condition, can finance. Phone 3441. 34-1 NEW Morris Minor, regular price is $1,585, special reduced price off $ 1,335 at Farm Equipment & Automotive Ltd., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 689. 34-1 1941 PACKARD Sedan Special, in pcrfecl condition, only 20,000 miles, privateiy owned and driven during summer only. Apply H. J. Hamilton, Brome Lodge, New- castle -on -the- Lake. 34-1 1951 OLDS. "88" Deluxe Sedan, oniy 3,000 miles, new guarantee. A rare chance to obtain this popular car at a great saving. Trade accepted. Cal] Stewart, Ontario Motor Sales, Oshawa or Bowmanville 3263. 34-1 1940 CREV. 1½2-ton truck, witb 9' x6' platfform and 50-incb stock racks. in good running condition with 5 good tires. $475.00. Gordon Metcalff, Nestieton, Pbone Port Pcrry 104-22. 34-1* 1940 STUDEBAKER Sedan, A-i condition mecbanicaliy, very dlean1 inside and out, two new tires, un- derseat beater, deffroster, auto- matic overdrive. Appiy 5 Lam- bert St., Bowmanviile. 34-1* New 1951 Ford Prefect For Low First Cost and Future Economy Try a FORD PREFECT - Ask for a Demonstration- U-L 08- u The C=aada Statesman Classified Advertising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --3e~ per word with a,' minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 wilr be added. A charge of 25e~ will he made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30~ aword with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or Iess BIRTHS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN M1EMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 10e~ a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes all adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750 cash with order. To regular advertîsers payable monthly. Display Classified at $1,00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the saine rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cashi, stamps or inoney order and save xoney- (Clip Thýis Out For Handy Reference) CARDS 0F THANKS I wish to thank the doctors, Miss Deweli and staff off Memnorial Rospital, Mrs. Foley and ail the ffrionds who were se, very kind to me during my illness. Helen Cole. 34-1 I wish to'take this opportunity off tbanking Dr. Birks, Dr. C. W. Siemon and Dr. Keith Slemon, the staff off Memorial Hospital, Salvation Army, Home League, Memorial Park Auxiliary and al fniends who were so kind to me during my recent ilîness. Ruth Mutton. 34-1* The Salvation Army wishes te thank ail those wbo added to the success off the Daily Vacation Bible School beld last week, es- pecialiy the foliowing: Glen Rae Dairy and Smith Bevorages for treats; Bowmanville Boys Train- ing Scbool for projector and pro- .îoctionist; Alpha Studio for photo- graphs; parents for their interost in sending their chiidren along. 34-1 The Bowmanville Boat Associa- lion wish to thank the many persons who so generously helped our club hold a successful regatta on August 19, with special thanks bo: Mr. Everett (Mike) Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Depew, Mrs. C. Depew, Mr. A. Witberspoon, Mn. C. Soyons, Dr. Ireland, Bryce Garrison, Orville Hooper, Peter Stacoy and ail who so generously donated trophies and prizes. R. A. Hallman, President. 34-1 DEAD FARN STOCK Plcked Up Promptly HORSES, COWS, HEIFERS, SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for horses and coa) - CALL US COLLEC,4 LIVE HORSEFS' 3 - 3 c for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Fariu TYRONE Phone Bowmanville 2679 34-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) maiied postpaîd in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mai] Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 SKINNV MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double resuits; new healthy flesh; new vigor. Newv "get acquaint- ed" size only 60c. AIl druggists. 34-1 Beloved children, the world bas need off you; and more as children than as men and wom- en: it needs your innocence, un- selfishness. faitbful affection,,un- contàminated J.ves.-Mary Baker Eddy. 1 y_. - c ý . ý ý - - - - - - - - - - JIV4;r.1£10 lp^r 4z"lin Real Estate For Sale BUILDING lots for sale. Phone 842. 33-2* $4,600-Thirty-two acres garden soul with buildings and small fruits. H. J. File, Newtonviile. 33-2* TWO Lake Front Lots. 47' x 110'. Sandv Beach. Good Road. Apply 129 King Street W., Cobourg, or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 ESTATE of the late Bessie E. Harris, 9-room house on Centre St. Immediate possession. Price $6,000. Apply by appointment to J. C. Samis, 45 Carlisle Ave., Phone 569. 32-3 LAKE front lot and cottage, newly buiît, 18' x 22'. 2 bedrooms. Lot 47' x 110'. Al-weather road to lot. Loveiy sand beach. Location Curtis Landing, Rice Lake. Appiy 129 King Street W., Cobourg, or Phone 94 Cobourg. 29-7 EVANS REAL ESTATE Oid stone house, remodelled, hy- dro, tule fiooring, cupboards, 50 acres good garden soul, near Oshawa. $6,500. New 5-roomn cottage on Rice Lake including new furnishings, elec- tric stove and boat. Only $3,500. Number off choice farms, on and close to No. 2 Highway, between Port Hope and Oshawa. WV. C. Evans, Broker Phone 84 - 8 Orono 34-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Brick house, 8 rooms, 3-piece bath, new furnace, hydro, heavy wiring, hardwood floors, garage, large lot. $6.500. Solid brick, 6 rooms, bath, hydro, furnace, hardwood floors, attach- ed garage, garden, good location. $11,000. Terms. Frame 4-roomn bungalow, furn- ace, hydro, floor covering, bilît- in cupboards, breakfast nook, full basement. Just what you have been looking for. $5,800.. Terms. Insul-stone, four rooms, bathroom, heavy wiring, furnace, kitchen oil cloth, built-in cupboards. $5,500. East Beach-"#-roomn cottage, two verandahs looking over Lake On- tario, 2-piece bath upstairs and down, garage and furniture. $3,500. Terms. 20 acres. spring creek. frame cottage, 5,000 Christmas trees planted last spring. $1,500. Terms. Insul-brick, 5-room, hydro, heavy wiring, floor covering. hardwood floor, low taxes. $4,000. Terms: 4-roomn insul-brîck dwelling, 61,'_ acres, hen bouse, hydro. low taxes, north off Enniskillen. $2,000. Farms and lots. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N.. Bowmanville Phone 682 34-l* GILL REAL ESTATE Garage, Service Station, car fran- chise, completeiy equipped; also two revenue homes. Total price $34,000. Terms. General Store and Post Office, on paved highway, good dlea 'n stock-, ail conveniences, oul heated, gar- age, 7-roomn living quarters, over $40,000 yearly turnover. Pricc $12,500 plus stock at invoice price. Terms. Just off new four-lane highway, 8-room ,insul-brick cottage, hy- dro, 2 wells, on 5 acres of good land, between Bowmanville and Oshawa. Price $4,750. Terms. 7-roomà solid brick home in Jlan- etviile, hydro, furnace, fui] base- ment, 1 'ý acres land, bus service. Priced for quick sale at $3,000. Lots on Elgin St. and King St. West fromn $250 - $750. H. G. (Hap> GUi, Realtor 78 King St. West Bowma nville Phone Office 3326 Residence 3514 34-i' Repairs orner carlY. Sisson's GaragecAD ob Stocker's Garage rnan'. 31-tf 1trip lu Algonquin Park, the bride Phone Orono 1031. 34 if E C V TNPon 84 wearing a dress off mauve taffeta EXCAVATING Phone 804 Bowmanvilie i nvacesrsadaco RECESSED bathtubs $60; snar.t 34-i Wanted To Buy wis ava cc e so laies an ahcor IMartha Washington and Ricb- 1 Gerald nalson _____________Mr._ _________________sgeofy i ld oli. M their ledge stainless tbree piece bath- SAL USED corn binder, recent,.Wodel. return. r h rs cui room sets wbite $160.00 to S189.00. Phone 2733 31-5* RIUCTIONS L ifi truhrPoe 2. wl eie nBwavle Coloured S274.00 complete witbhl ga îfrd artesPoe934. will r we ess omnil ie. condtion homdftingaes $29500. For Rent Mr. Arthur Pollard, Lot 15, FIVE or six-room bhouse. 2 or 3 and Lindsay. con_____________________S295.00.__ Con.4, Hope Twp, one conces- acres. Cash. Phone 3-2008 Osb- Special offers to plumbers andi COTTAGE for September, West sion north and baif-mile west offaa4- builders too. Save man3v valuabie Beach. Apply No. 40, West Beach. Welcome, bas soid bis farm and ___________________ 1_ Idollars, buy- with conf idence and341 ilsl ypbi uto onSXtn at tsotued'C urc L d- h ave a nmccc home. Satisfaction 3~*wiii sdi y puublic9,ation on SIX to dn ayt<ns o 4ats sed ooutalc e reds guarantd. Extr discouts off WO-roon apbisientîfrSp.hsetre'herd off Registered and piowing and discing two fields. catalogue prices if wo supply 151. Aduits. Soparate entrance. Grade Holstein cattie, swine, Phone Clarke 2204. 33.2* everytbing you need for complote Phone 2436. 34-1 macbinery, feed, furniture, etc. The first game off the Courtice- plumbing or heating installation. For further particulars see bis. BEFORE seiiing your live poultry Maple Grove sories was won by Catloue ncuds lth poto of ARG frnsbe fon be-st-Terms cash. No reserve. W. try us. Our prices are bigher. M. Courtice, 2-i. ;main fixtures, prices and instal- ting room, for iigbt housekecping. Lrlerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phono Mapie Grove opened the scor- Selct t%-e fSuit two business gils or married Lrc lation diagrams.Seetsyeof Ois 33-2 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51-tf ing with a goal bv M. Preston onu sinks, cabinets, laundrY tubs. I couple. no cbjîdren. abstainers, a pass fromn D. Bothwell. Cour'- showers, stoves, refrigerators. P.O. Box 491, Bowmnanville. Seedfo Sale Not what we give. but wbat we lice lied the gamne a little later ln Pressure wvater svstemis, oi hum-j 33-4*fo share for the gift without the giv- the first baîf on a long shot fromn ers. septic and ohl tanks etc. Visit RYE for seed. Stephen Jeffrev. er is haro.-James Russell Loxý- centre field hv L. Penfound. fl. or write JohnsoiM Mail Order Di- Farmers Attention I Ph~one 2179. 34-1 cli. Osborne scorcd for Courtice on v ision, Streetsville Hardware, The most precious gift. . must a pass from B. Johnson and J. Streetsville, Ontario. Phono 261. W',E wiil be pleased to pick up SEED Wbheat for sale. A iimited be sometbing imperishabie. If Venning, midway in the second Evenings 5lriS. 31-tf dead or crippiod farmn animais quantity fîrst generation Regis- instead off a gem or even a flow- balf. Maple Grove fforced tbe play and pay higbest prevaîling pnîces. tered Cornell 595, also 500 bu. er, we could cast the gifft off a but failed to taily beffore the final Canada's beavers are homo wvitb For immediate service Telephone second generation Registered Cor- ioveiv thought into the heart off whistle. Refferee-Harvey Bais- [a full set off teelh andi a beavet'V Collect. Toronto Empire 3-3636 or,1 oeil 595. Smut free. Treated., a friend. that would ho gîving, as on. teeth grow throuugholit bis life ',i ,Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young'. bagged and sealod. James T. the angels 1 suppose must giv(e.- ir.îunukil(ii and Soliria lied 1-1 compensate for natural wear. LUI. 7-42 Brown, Newcastle. 34-1v George Macdonald. in their first encounter. The first baif was played quite cautiously by both sides. Ennis- kilien scored early in the iast haîf on a goal by J. McGii1 from a scramble in front off the Solina goal. This livened the play con- siderabiy, as Solina put pressure on for a goal. They were finally rowarded withi a goal by C. [Langrnaid, on a pass f rom J. Bak- er. Play was quite fast from end to end for the balance off the game but good work by T. Baker and B. Rowell kept both sides of£ the score rfheet. Referee-Arn- old Lobb. Dorothy Hockin Receives Honor Crest At Training Course Congratulations te Dorothyt Hockin, student off Bowmanville High School, who bas compieted ber two woeks' leadership train- ing course at tbe Ontario Atbletic Training Camp on the shores off beautifful Lake Couchiching. On the night off the closing banquet Dorothy was the proud recipierît of ber distinctive honoifcrcst, pre- sented to ail girls wbo worthily dischargcd their responsibilities as ropresentatives off their schools. It us considered a great honor to be chosen as schooi represen- tative for this camp that offors àr significant contribution in leader- ship training for schools and com- munities throughout the province. A careffully planned 'bchedule enabies the girls both to dvw their leadership ability È, value the privilege 9)f Éliiin> .aiîd co-operating with girls from all parts off Ontario. ln addition Ù)> the basic instruction givenirii such varied activitios as basket- bail, voileybali, speedball, bad- minton, tennis, archer 'y, golf, tnack and ffield, swimming and square dancing, training in the art off public speakiJng is an imi«o; portant feature. As al] activitios progiess, the girls have every opportunity of reffereeing, coaching, tcaching, planning and running tourna- monts. track and swim meets. and square dance parties. In addition, the Leaders' Council takes comn- plete charge off ail Chapel Ser- vices, presides over ciosing ban- quet ceremonies; assigos camp administration dutios, and en- forces disciplinary measures i breaches off camp regulations. In these ways. the girls are bc- ing trained 10 assist in sehool or community recreation programas. Also, by expenienciîig the joy of toacbing and by learning te ca- operate witb others, thcy are ne- ceiving a valuable chanaclor trainl- ing which may help them to be better citizens with high ideals. PAGZ TOIRTEEN BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST .50c PER AD Durham Counily Exhibiiors Win Nany Prizes ai 0Oshawa Fair Oshawa Fair was favored with Davis (Solina W.I.) won the fine weather for its annual ex- majority off prizes in this section. hibition last week and as a result Field Rqots and Vegetabies-W. record crowds were in attendance Lloyd Snowden, R.R. 3, Bowman- at the two-dlay show., They were ville; Mrs. G. Goddard, Mrs. D. well rewarded for the exhibits Hall, Miss P. Leach. in almost every department were Apples, Pears and Plums-W. weli above the average in num- Lloyd Snowden won ail prizes. bers and quality. The horse races Shetland or Welsh Ponies- produced some exceptionaily fine Lorne Roskin, Burketon. trotters which were the big fea- Roadsters - S. B. Rutherford, lure in entertainment besides the Orono. grandstand show and the mid- Jerseys-F. Stenger, Orono. way stunts. As usual Durham Holsteins-A. Muir & Sons, County citizens provided a large Courtice, won the majority off proportion off the exhibits as well awards. be seen by the following list off Sheep-N. R. Green & SeM prize winners from this county: Nestieton; Harold Skinner &St Floriculture-Mrs. Chester Mc- Tyrone; Lloyd Ayre, Bownia'n - Grath, R.R. 3, Bowmanville; Miss ville; Boyd Ayre, Hampton; Fred Pearl Leach, R.R. 1. Hampton; W. Trewin, Nestleton. Mrs. Geo. Goddard, R.R. 3, Bow- Reavy Rorses -James Stark, manville. Burketon. Needlecrafft-Mrs. Dalton Dor- Shorthorns-W. F. Rickard & reil, Nestieton;, Mrs. Dave Hall, Son, Newcastle. Hampton; Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Light Rorses - John Baker, Nestieton; Miss Pearl Leacb. 'Hampton. Canned Fruit and Baking-Mrs. In special races for "show Neil Malcolm, Mrs. Dave Hall, horses" Bert Reid won first with Mis. G. Goddard, Mrs. D. Dor- "The Pilgrim" and in "road reli. team" Ivan Cochrane, Nestieton, Women's Institute-Mrs. Ralph was awarded first. WEDDING 1 1 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVffýLZ, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, AUGUST ", 1951 lq_- McQUAID - JACKSON in a double-ring ceremony at the home off the bride's aunt and uncle, Mm. and Mrs. R. R. Byers,- 112 Chumcb Street, Bowmanville, Marjomie Yvonne Jackson, daugh- ter off Mm. and Mrs. Grant Jack- son, Blackstock, was united in marriage with Earl William Ed- wamd McQuaid, son off Mr. and Mrs. Reginald McQuaid. Oshawa. klev. S. R. Hendorson perfformed the ceemony. The bride, wbo was given in marriage by ber father, wore a ballonina length gown off white, with a fitted bodiceo of Chantilly lace fashioned with high neck- line, cap sleeves and buttonod 10 the waist. The bouffant skirt was off nylon net over satin. Rer fing- er-tip illusion veîl was caught to a beaded halo and she carried a cascade bouquet off white glad- ioli and red roses. Miss Barbara Jackson, sister off the bride, was bier only attendant, in a street length dress off powder blue ny- lon witb riatcbing floral head- dress. She carried coral gladiioli. Mr~. Ron Parker was best man. For the reception. held at tbe home off Mr. and Mrs. R. R. By- ers. the bride's mother wore a gown off light blue marquisette with pink accessoi'ies and a cor- sage off pink giadioli. The groomn's mother assisted, wearing a dress of dark green crope with gold ac- cessories and corsage off yellow gladioli. Foilowing the reception. the bride and groom lefI on awedding