rMNCUIDAY, AUGUS? SM~, 1931 lx rà ý-'LlNAM *An 3 A..M V# ISOWMA VIJJL, -ONTAIO~ AET T Fail Wheai Yield in Durham And Gniano ShowsSharp Decline Just over one and a hait million ta yield 20 bushels to the acre busheis off lu wheat are expect- oats 46, bariey 34, flu rye 23 ed ta be harvestd in the counities mixed grains 46. hay and clavei of Durham and Ontario this vear 2.07 and alfaifa first cutting 2.21 compared with nearlv two miliio:n Similar figures for Durham Caun bushels last year. the yield per ty are spring wheat 20 bushels t( acre far both counties, as for the the acre. oats 50, barley 33, fa] rest of Central Ontario, shows a rye 20, mixed grains 47, hay anc sharp decline from 35.2 per acre red clover 2.14 and first cuttini in 1950 dawn ta 30.0 for th;s year. alfalfa 2.23. In Ontario County this year's Using the figure of 100 as a na.r acreage af fait wheat is 27,000 and1 mal the department has publishec the preliminary estimates of pro- a condition of specified fielé duction given out by Ontaria De- crops in Ontario at August Ist partment of Agriculture is a yieid For Ontario County there are nin. M28 ,0 bushels. Las-t ear th2 reports and onl * three are belov i ljwa 897,000 busheis from the normal. Four are beiow nor- 02.40 acres. mai in Durham. Pasture is do- Durham acreage et fl wheat ing weil in Ontario County for il Js dawn ta 24,100 this vear as has a condition of 106. The ather against 28,500 iast year. This figures are 108 for hay and dayv year's estimated yield for Dur- er, 10) for alfalfa, 86 for fodder barn ix put bY the Department of corn. 88 for coirn for husking, 100 Agriculture at î'21,000 bushel.,. for potatoes, 102 for-turnips and In 1950 the yield, which was 38.0 mangels. 102 for buckwheat anc per acre, totalled 1.083,000 bush- 96 for sov beans. els. Total estimated yield for Conditions of crops in Durhame Centrai Ontaria is 5.323,400 whilt is cstimated at 114 for pasture, i118 for the pravince the yield wiiH for hav and ciovcr, 116 for alfalfa. probably be over 26,700.000 mark. 9:3 for foddercrn 94 for corn foi The Ontaria Dcpartmcnt of Ag- husking. 100 for potatoes, 101 for riculture has also made a prelim- turnips anid mangels. 98 for buc,;- inary estimate of yields per acrer' wheat and 90 for soy beans. The of other crops. For Ontario average for the whole province County spring \vhcat is r:xprctc-d s mostIv in the nineties. Predici Production Hay and Grain In Ontario the Dest on Record TOe total production o aI li--of last and gr-ain crops in Ontario lOis Ille 191ý yeaî- will ho tOc besti on record, uush'els. according ta tOc iatest crop re- Thep port issued by S. H. H. Symons, above ti Director of tOc Statistics Bi-anch, about 9 Ontario Depti. af Agriculture. AI- '-car. F though a large portion of tOec ha-- 7ci-case fi was spoiled by nain, the quantit *v fam abov harvested shows an increase oI duction. 35'r- over lasti year. Providing, The h weather conditions aie fax-orabt", spring c i-ecent reports lrom agiculturi!l and if vý corespandents wouid indieaf' lavorabîi that tOe grain crap wilho xveli ho higbc over tOc 200,000.000 bushel mark for rmtn. ycar and passiblyo 8 record of 213,356, production of oats isv te yearlY average, anc per cent hîgbor than Fall wh'eat shoxved a from last year, but iý3s ve the average yoarly p îarx-estiîîg af most ot crops is w-oit under m, \eather conditions ren e, the av'erage yieldv ~ie than in proxiaus yc 1tï.r.e. and mixed grz NOW... MARRIS Offer You MFACTORY REPAIR SERVICE on BULOVA WATcHEs eYour Bulova watch is a fine precision instrument, deserving the best attention. Now, by bringing it to our store, you can have it factory-serviced at Bulova's modern plant by qualifled master-craftsmen. Only genuine Bulova material is used. Your watch, together with a special Watchmaster record of its performance, will be returned ta you ini a dust- proof, moistureproof, hermetically sealed plastic bag - your guarantee of Bulova factory ..- reconditioning. lYon't miss this 3 wonderful op. portunity 1 SHOP THE EASY WAY d la! df st pr th lai ýa ai USE OUR FREE DELIVERY Either corne in andi pick out >-our groceries and have us deliver theni - or phone in your order and we wviIl deliver thcmi. In eithcr case this dclivery service is free of charge. Features This Week Aytnier Fanry CGreen (iiant Fancy Dem-drap 20-oz. tins Cut 15-oz. tinq Peas . . . 2/39c Wax Beans - - 2/35c Grave's Choice 49-oz. tin Post's Bran 14-oz.pkg. A* Juice - 26c Flakes » -26%9 je 49lb. .Nlsweet lb. Shortening u 33c Margarine -- 40C Oxydol and Drefi - Haif Price Sale Boih for - 61C Dinner - - 2/29c Cheer - 41c 81c OgiIvie's Silver Chocolaie and GoId Cake Mixes --- pkg. 35c MEATS AND GROCERJES Formerly Harry AlIints 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 s le till o0- he in. cr . ZION Add Quality Io Dy Careful Pri Pastures have been excellent all summer, and are stili above average. Ail live stock are iu goed condition, and milk flow is above normai, although the total Production of. milk is probabiy net any higher than iast year, due tb the reductien in herds during the Past twelve menths. Late crops, such as dry beans, soybeans, roots and buckwheat are siightly below vaerage but there is still time for further de- velopment. and the yieid shauld be quite goad, once again depend- ing on the weatbcr conditions. Au important item lu this la- test crap repart is that the bai-- vesting oIfiue-cured tobacco is weil under way and presenit indi- cations are that an at-tume -e- cord wiil be estabiished with the production tatalling 122,000,000 pounds. Patato acreage is 30 per cent lower than lasti year and this lu turu is the ioxvest acreage on re- cord. The coam crop is spotty, and prospects are for a below average yield. Other vegetable and fruit craps appear promising and lo- cal markets hax-e liberal supplies. Mm. out the drap. To obtain a r M.and Mrs. Leonard Bahl anci grade of tips, three ta four1 familv xisited ber brother. Mr. shoulct ho left an the plant fg Arthur Brummel at Dearboî-n, last priming. These leaveý - Mich. ripen and cure uniformil', Mrs. Boyd Ayre at Mrs. Don- -aid White's, North Oshawa. Mm. Hans Geissberger Jr., Miss os Margaret Geissberger and Don Yo g r u eq ArnottLoJdon.To Rold Coufer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel and faîsily, Tynone, at Alex Mc- - Master's. During the comîng weel Mr. J. H. Woods, Toronto; Mrs. from Sept. 3rd ta Sept. 8tb,) Mary Leach, Oshawa, at Norman people fram al aven the pro Leach's. will ho canverging on B: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gifford at Manor, at Fenielon Faits le W. Baskerville's, Newcastle. 1951 Annual Summer Conte Mr. and Mrs. D. Parkin, Brook- of the Ontario Progressive lin, at R. W. Bali's. serx-ative Association. A nr Miss Phyllis Cook. Toronto, is ity af Ontaiios ninety ri hoiidaying at Leonard Bals. 'hav-e already registered dole Mir. and Mrs. Norman Lcach at who xiii be jained for the John Kivellis, Solina.1 day conference by yauthfu' Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron; Miss servers from each af Car Eleanon Stainton, Oshawa. at nine othor provinces. Russell Stainton's. wl 0 Proceedings wiil get unde Master Roy Nelson, Bewiy, an Mondav morning, Sept, is hoiidaying xitb I-olly ýa11. xith a theme address by Mm. and Mrs. Ken Macintosh,, Prime Minister af Ontario, Lambertivilie, N.J., at Mn.-B3d Leslie M. Prosti. Hon. Gei Ayre's. Drew, Federal Party Leader, Messrs. Jim Stainton and Neil address the ciasing sessian c Atikins, Misses Ruth Shaw anci week long detiberations. Barbara Bennetit attended the Ex. fereuce chairman wiil be Satuçday eveuing thon %ent ult president of the Ontario Y ta Mr. Ken McQuarries at Elm- Progressive Conservative A: vale. On Sundax- they xvcnt ta ation, Jack McNie af Hamilti Midland ànd took tOe 44-mile The 1951 Confereuce Oasa cruise thraugh the Islands in fold purpose, according tc Geongian Bay. porm cmite O Miss Bertiha Geissberger with iportan commyint ut, Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isabel, importanc,"stien oiteout Osha wa. tivo ole of young people in Miss Joyce Gifford xvas hostess fields af agriculture. labor, at a misceilaneous shower for mess and public 111e today Miss Lois Mann, Oshawa. 011lu the years abead . . . and oý Wednesday\. wavs iin wbieh the* can besti c The community gatheî-ed at the themselx-es ta succoed in1 home af Mm. and Mrs. Tracy chosen vocations and disch Giaspel on Thursday evening and their community obligations. presentcd Mr. and Mrs. Don An- ondix-, and of no little importz derson (Lais Glaspel) with a xiii Uc our study nf practical bridge table and four chairs. Ihd fpltia dcto Mr. lwod Wlburhac Ilr iol-ganization among young po( misîortune ta bave the traider lie ta sustain and strengthen bias been living in, buru up on partv xx'ich w-e believe can Satunday ovoning. advance the fortunes af this Mn. and Mrs. Wes Cameroni, vince"1 Mr. and Mms. Jack Cameran and Jahnny at Stanley Coverly's. Eu Among those wha will adc enezer. Cutieebccoliference, the laurths Mr.m. Cri is spending a the end of the war, ai-c Ph week xith bis wife at Robert F a r mer- President, Cana Kilien's home. Junior Chamber af COMME Mr. D. Knapp. paured tOc waiî James Robertison, Business Ag far bis ceilar an Saturdayv. Local 113. Street Raiiway Mr. and Mrs. Arthbur Dart have Matar Coach Employees Ur moved ta their farm. Toronto; Prof. Stewart G.1 --______________esv, B. Com.. C.A.. Instituti 0' S'( w id 1 S' g 1 e. 0' S'( w id 1 S' g 1 TCKE T S TO EVERYIVHERE IAir. Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 13 King St. WV. Phone 778 Busin ess Administration, Uni1,i ty af Toronto; Mrs. Mar.j Hamilton, Mayor af Barrie; i John Foate, V.C., Minister of form Institutions and member Durham County; Hon. DanaF tem, Minister of Education and toînev-General, and Gardon Gr don, M.P. Many other promun Party figures fram Queen's Fi and Ottawa wil ho preseni take part in the praceedingsé inoot informaily with the dE ing ,vith 3 oz. 2, 4-D acid per ac As an important stop lu dontr iing furtiher spread af Ragw( Oc empbasiZcs that ouly the b claver seeds-tbose known ta fi-oc from Ragweed-should used. Vvhen maxving along roadsi( and an xvaste places, the impo anti factor ta momember is ta close. Additicinai mawings r Uc necessary ta contrai. later ii turing plants. Mm. Fallis declares that Jt spraving is about optimum contrai ot Ragweed, but is passil boa late for mnany ather wvec If spmaved carlier, effective cc trot will ho diffiedit as al Ragweed plants may flot ba emerged - Finalv he stresses the pcý that Ragweed can oniy ho elimi ated by a determined effort the part of bath rural and uni people. Any anc af three met ods can ho usçd-weed killers cîpping-and baud pulling-al aIl wiil reduice the sneeziug of 0 tana residients. Attention!.. If r.ou desirp Uolland im- migrants to help you on the Ifanm, or in the trades, il, is iadvlsable to apply now, 50 as to be sure ta have help on baud, When next year'u season opens! W'e have one family on hand for immediate place. ment on the farm. Rev. W. H. Vandermeer, Protes tant Duteh I -Reformed Church, 218 Coîbomne St. W, WhitbyOnt. Po ne: Whitby 2990 - or - in the Claremont area, contact M. Verhoog, Telephone Claremnont 18J in the Uxbridge mmcm, contact L. Donker In the Bowmanville areis contact C. J. VerMeulen - In the «Nestleton area, contact Klaas V1'ieiger A sipleandattactve p- na thc best wav of ocforming A siple nd ttrativeap- thc operation would be ta cam- prach ta the study- of musice bine greater production wih in- 1 u y~ L v l for hilcren to8-eas ~î ~ ~Sweet Pickle qualifieci LIMUT 0F TAXATION i ur Kelly Kirby Kindergarten It is night that we should accýept s5c packages - 3 for MAOfl Piano Method the decisions af those whomn ther Teachersmajority have lected ta govern Techrsus. It is ight if. mn doing so, wc Pik-L- pc Fnr particulardapply to are n ot cncauragînx action3 for flavorinir catsup and which. hawever well intended. crhili sauce Margaret E. Workman. ai-e robbing us af essential liber- sai-es time and mnciy AL...R.M.T. tics. Organist Orono United We hav-e acccpted the cxpand- 39c foile Chrhing obligations of aur present _______________________________ (hurh xorld position. We are axvarce Piano pupils Prepared for that thîs position nmust nvolve a langer autlay. These admissionsý examinatians. further argument that aur added J U V LV E L L Serdina33 pendinAve.u 'd . AMt c-jWben We Test Eyes It ta Done Properly Studo 3 Bech ve, suIt lu a gaiioping inflation. s PHONE 3496 a esut we have submitted te the r OUR REXALL DRIG STORE argument that gaverniment Cali PHONE 778 BOIWMANV!LE ~ s~ndmor-e xiselv than oiir.ý,c-.r-, and have permitted a policy ofL 1 - 1 . b. à 16 1 1 Ottawa, August 27, 1951. form high quaiity kilns of co eau only be obtained by Iullv seiecting and handlii tobacco during the bar% peniod. The curing af tabac cames lairiy simple when t bacco is normal lu growtI ture and uniforni, says L. S. ery. Daminion Experimenta station. Delhi, Ontario. The different classes ai such as lugs, cutters. body and tips shouid neyer be iu a kU because af the va: ln conditions required for class of leaf. Sand or lug may be primcd slightiy greE -stili bcecured with little diff: Such leaves, left ta mature, easily lu dry xeather front ing and iying on the hot These should ho lefttlu the as they geneî-ally add mare doscripti tobacco ta the craî mare than thrce cutter or leaves shauld bc primed each plant at anc time, iu V 1 1 ILA Country Editor J taxation that assumes that by Need a Paperhanger, painter or F ileiIred loiJaccoY draining off individual surplus any other type of service firmn? Looks at Canada earnings we are putting a sharp) See the Statesmian Classified sec.- check on inflation. We hve donc tion. ianig a d C rin IlCanadiana: Mrs. Francis Gir- ail this without exacting from our - ýUni- anlY one or two leaves are left, grtlanirn acoring t2 a t will not'spend it more recklessly tabac- they may turn green and remain Shawvcile Equity. . ..Te terk -if perhaps more dramaticaly-.'5, ycare- so for a long period ln the flutoShask., Enuterprise. Tesofka than we ourselves would have E ng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ tn thesand are difficuttlta cure. done._________________ ng est nd re aIiu tob cco local farmer who is experiment- We have been slow ta realize vc e- The highest quaiity o oac ing with spraying antifreeze onl that it is net the spender but th s s5 th e- a- durmg ed when priming is done field crops as pratection against spnUgta sinitoay n warmweater olloing frost... Davidson. Sask., Union thatth govemnment-spent dol -________________ hma- period af briq~ht sunshine. Prim- Hospital advt.: We are in need oaismr nltoayhnou * Vick- ing wilted îeaves slarl is more- ponflat.Thnaruplythan aurp i1 Sub- ed if possible, p hudbeaoarpttis h upl I unp own. When we spend aur dollar have remaine if thex' is greater than the demand. We it is a dollar created directiyl heaf e Such n w ited over night. will be peased ta ex ehange tur- or nd eci fîo sa e an_ _ _ af leaf kiîn tobacco w ill go d ad in the nips for p tates."' . a squirrel oini rd cti. vem r time W Primng abaco wen i 15caused interest in the V. V. Cicyle changes hands it represents an- reach the leaves. every cranny and nook lu the sed satxdla.Teei leaves Th in leax-es mnax bc vellowed store. At- Shaunavon, Sask., sed satxdla.Teei en and quiker ta hea'vv aves but the Chevrolet raffled xas wonby' no production represented i ils T Biurn t.e need t be dried faster ta a car salesman who doesn't ownhange fom1rivaA Xt iwiît- Preserve the color. Consequently a car, J, A. Ostler of Lethbridge, hsi h oermn ek snit is usuallv botter practice ta put and he said he xvas selling it ta buy Thsitegarmetrc-H *N sn.less of the first primings iu each a home for bis famnily as he doesn't lessly spends the huge surplus E e field ortxkiaelepd raealP enon- kl. As priming progresses and own one either.-. The Lacombe, aru ntshavethelpcraty ei otheavier leat is primed, the kilns Alta.. Globe tells af a census en- ag m ns t h o ta, W ýp ôtumeratar who feu iuund asîeep xiii be morse off than if we had 3324 from ou increasing more risk of poor in a home in ýthe middle af his successfudlvprestemnd t enxa rerresults. questianing; the folks let him n ad a3d3rmnd2aspn ordersleep wbiie they had supper then our awn money in aur ow-n way. -ough- While the condition of tobacco awakened him ta finish the jab.. But, more important ta us as3 agaod varies from soason ta scason and.. . 87 of the Baker famiiy gath- citizens than the infiatianarv -2 leaves fram crop ta drap, the above re- ered for a famiiy reunion at Mani- trend of goveî-nment spending. ;s for the ' marks mav ho appiied ta prac- toulin on the shore af Lake Woi- aur tacit acceptance of exces s ive 3324 ýs will tically anvY crop of flue-cured ta- sj, Ont. . . . citizens cantributed taxation. Wo have no blame for Y.if bacco in Ontario. voluntaril ' at Fart Langîey, B.C. the gaver-ument. It tollowert a 33~2 4 for a skyways spray of the dist- weiltrodden path. and we accept-- ritat combat mosquita nuisance. ed its actions, applauded its mo- 332 sive Couservalives ric Stanley McGee, president of ives and agreed with uts hink- A.E. Robinson Ltd. of West- ing. But the simple fact xve wish ~~I ~~~11 ~mount, Que., does things diffeî- ta stress is tîiat as taxation iu- I Am~hr ntm ,euce ai Feuelon Falls et; he.bas a good looking lady ereases liberties decrease, and full graduate of McGiil, Miss Anu Pitt taxation means a fascist state. Re- Owncd and Operated e selin inustral quiment; she flecting on this sobering fact. max' k-end, stuieeng inering at cGill this nat be the time ta say ta by young, The Rule of Three majOedenit neer sin EnMGlsh aur govemnment: ofwaton K ),nlTlrcthings ta govemu: Mayor McFarland donated $700) have taken from us' Make the L D~.1 )rthe, Temper, tangue and conduct. towards pur-chase af a new towvn very mast! Because it is the last rence' Three things ta cultix-ate: police motor car. . . . 120 resi- dollar you will get from us with- 31 TEMýPERANCE ST., Con- Courage, affection, and gent.le- dents of Campobello Island gath- out pratest!" na.îor- nes ered to pay tribute to Miss Mary BOWMANVILLE ding's Three things ta commend: Mitchell. retiring after 53l,2 years Wenafin asste-eI egates Thî-ift, industrv, and pramptness. of teaching, 53 years of which hnafindakteei fiVe- Three thingtadsse were spent lu the saine room of no toinorrow.-Herbert. 1ob- Crueltv, arrogance. and iîîgrati- the school at Welchpool. ada's tude. How women's influence ex- Three things ta wish for: tends, comments the Bowmarî- rway Health, contentiment and friends. ville, Ont., Canadian Statesman, L3rcl Three things to admire: painting out women now outiiUm-BE yteDignitv, inteliectual pow-er and ber men amang registered indi-aE Hon. gracefulness. viduai sharehoiders of Dominion ýo. A. Three things ta give: Textile's common stock. More PREPARED ,.~'~~ will Alms ta the necd *y, comfort ta than 95 per cent af these share- FO f t4-e the sad and appreciation ta holders live in Canada. Con te wrty. The Midland, Ont., Free PressTE th2ý takes heart that British peoplr. aouns under sociaiism and the threat of VINTE ssocî- Death Benefits w'ar are working harder for mnuch " ' bo isn. O taj less than we are, pointirig aut the -tith a ncw a twoRisein Onariolatest survey. shows that in thc o the United Kingdorn the average li-st lJeath benefits paid by the life working week for men is 47.5 MI lspec- Canada to the heneficiaries of pay $22.50. In Canada the aver-AK R SCE HT R ri the deceased policyholders in Ontario age working week is about 44 bus- were more than $1.700,000 higher hours and the average pay in and during the fiî-st six înonths, of this manufacturing industries îieanly )f the year than the same period of 1950. $1 per hour. qtîip The Canadian Life Insurance 0f- The Temiskamiî-g Speaker of theiî- ficers Association reports that the New Liskeard, Ont.. thinks edi- NoNv ;s flic fine in pur- aî-g2 half-yearly' figures for 1951 ,vere tolriaîîy th-at we dan, every one of Sec- $22.206.000 as againsti $20,488,000 us heip ta strengthen that mnii- chase your new Quaker ance. in the first six months of 1950. acle of Canadians learning ta live me-. On6,ar1,0benf ,18arîrs-xviaid and wark and play together in Oil Burning Space Heat- andie $1l8es1,8700on 6,18 3o2iar unity. by forgettîng sectional dif- opl pliie: l,770 o 723 idus- ferences and sectionai pride. er. We have a number lb" I trial policies andi1;4.147,000 on The Kelowna, B. C., Courier-, best 2,758 gî-oup certificates. savs that each year the pressure pro- iiicreases througlhout Canada for of the ncw niodels on Behold. I1cda not give lectures abservance of ail national holi- dress or a litto cîharity: wlhen I give davs on Mondays. displaiy. For even, econ- snce 1I ive inNself.-IWýatt Whitman. Va D'Or Star: The western liJ. world knows that millions are oinical heat inivestigate dian toiling in Russia's slave labor ,rce;- camps, massing together the Sa- tlics pzce licaters first. gent viet's gîgantic war production. and A I VI !fI The fuîl extent of these camps nior, A TE T O and gigantic death toli is un- -{en - knoxvn, but the smelt that has te of seeped out fîom those braoding ie -u ic F picampsin Rusia should be enough W e H. ftIV VIN -Ion. agaînsti anything that cou Id DEALER FOR rfor MI. E. C. 1VORKNIAN Canada. Rsi ~ Case Farm MachinerY - Frsol ie Pol.- L.L.C.It., R.M.T. Clipped thought on business DeLaval Milkers and Separatani [At- today: "Situation is that there is Beatty Bros. Stable Equipmflt ray- Teacher of piano, organ, considerable danger of a verv IGST'.PHN nent vialin, singiug in 1k varnous temparary and spatty deflation, AKING ST.F O. PHONE 491 Prkt branches and tîeory~. which may' v came at the same M M E F ORFEDA t tomoment as fairly lai-ge layoffs of and In classes or private tuition workeîs, wvhile industries swing - -_______________ Ice-ove r to m ilitary pr-oduction . I t __ Ternis very moderate secms unlikely that there wiil be anything in the ieast like a gzen-i icre. Studio 3«f Bcerhe . eral deflation, because, total NEW In i me o c oo p n roi-PHOE ~fl~maneyv supply af the country is tced PHONE3496stili flot <alling, and will lu ra-iRchr udu hide' letaity, increase as the govcrnmrenti îhr Hun C lde' WesernSta, Nwfondind Weed of The Weelc - Ragweed 1 Ragwoed (Ambrosia artemisi- ifolia L) which couid almosti ho calied -Sneeze Weed" is causing a groat condom ta both ity and countr-y people, as it is the basis af ovor 80 per cent of hay fever suflering lu Ontario. This is a very soniaus matter not anlY for the people af Ontario, but aiso for tohurists. If tboy knaw theî-e is -Ragweed aound. it may tond ta keep tbcm away, particuiamlv ini labo summer, and bence we base many thousands of tourist dollars. This statement was made by K. E. Fallis, Fiebdman for the Crops Branch, Ontario Departiment of Agricultur-e. Ho gix'es as stuli ain- ather reason for keeping Rag- weed under contrai, tOc facti that if tao mucb is present in pasturo or bay it tends ta give thc milk an ç,f-flavor. Nim. Failis ponts out Ragweed is equaiiy at homo in tOec City or country, on waste or cuttix'atest places. Is is fast spreading ta Nortihemu Ontarioaw'hich was once a Ragweed-freo area and bence a hayon for Hay Fex'er vîc- tims. An annual xvecd wihh a tap roat, Ragweed bas a brancbed, sligbtly bairy, erecti stem. The Ilower heads for spiender spikes at tOc end af the branches and the scoed is borne in the axîl ai the beaves. Mm. Faîlis stahes that althougli Ragweed is very susceptible ta aIl fanms of chemni<-at wed kili- ors. twa aof its habits make con- rai and eradication diffieîîît. In the first place, it is a labo seed- ing weed and springs up aller-bai - vosting or cultix ation operations have coased. Secondl ' , tbe seeds are borne l0w in the stem and therefore aulx' verv close mawinjg Provents soed formation. Under the cii-curnstances, Mr. Fallis suggcsts tbat cultix-ation is the best moans of contraI. Un- seeded stubble field shoutd bho cultix'ated immediateî' folaowing harvest and cuttix-atian caninued as late as passible. Fields that are seeded dawn witb clox-er max- be eloseix' clipped folîawing bar- x'est. Some suceess fias been an- tained tram afber-harvest sprayv- ilm CANAMAM RTAYV-«UA"