.48~-PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STAT!ISMAN. EOWMANV!LL. ONTARIO THURSDAY, ATGUST 30. 1051 Durham High School District Board STo Explain Proposed Bldg. Program B ased on Cty. Equalized Assessment Final approval was given the $15,000) properly purchase uponi which the new Port Hope Highi Sehool wîll be constructed at thu regular mnntltly meeting of th- Durham District High Sclhool '~Board hield in Millbrook. FridaY. Augus't 17. The. site will be pui'- chasedl frnm Messrs. Smith and Mitchell of Port Hope. At the sane meeting a i cpm t was dc.livered bY L. W. Dippeil. Pr 'ncîp)al of Bowrnanville Hign Sehool. and a reqiîest entertained from Miss Helen Black, Principal of Mllbrook High School. M,% Dippell brought Board members Up to date on repairs being made to B.H.S. and saîd the ,work w. "well in hiand." Miss Black r- quested the use of additionai school ec<uîpment for the ne%,. commercial class heing introduced this vear. New desks and cIiairý -for the class have aIl readv arriv- ed at NMillhi-ook and Orono. While an attendanoe officer xil] dei tex e appointed by th(- School Board this coingtr no one in particular has bncen ap- prnachred to date,. Investigatin n ibis respect will he carried out, however. and a report rendered ai th(,,neixt meeting. Arrange Transportation Routesi [n acco<rdiance with the findin'gs of the Transportation Commitueei ait a special meeting held in Port Hope August 13. the chairm-an an- riounced that 32,5 ptipils xývill býý transported for the school cr sind that the committee in coi- junction wýith bus operators had mnapped out suitahie transporta- EYES EXAMINED lion routes. Contracts will be let bus operators before the opening of school. Because of the attitude held by persons in certain areas of the High Sehool District in respect to the new Port Hope High School, the Board decided to appoint Stuart R.van of Port Hope to ex- plain the Board*s position in re- spect Io the building prograrn prcsently underwa.v and stress the n(ed for the immiediate re-assess- iii" of Dîîrhamn Countv. It is ex- pected 'Mr. Rvân will carry out the Board*s request through the Port Hope Guide and The States- n a n. The next regular meeting of the Duirham District High Sehool Board wllbc held in Bowman- ville. Frida.v, Sept. 21. McGill Clan Holds First Reunion at Hampton Park The first reunion of the Mc- Gil) Clan. a pioneer famnilv of Manvers Towýnship. was held in the park at Hampton recentlv. App oxmatly 40) descendants and relatives of the late Joseph McGilt and bis wife, Elîza Pritch- ard, xere present at the picoic where tables. dîshes. cutlerx' and tea wxere provided bv miembers of the Hiampton Womien's Institute. A fter a bounti fui pot-luck sup- per. a brief business meeting re- sulted in the unanimnous decisio'î to inake the gathering an annual ~AUA DIAL MAR VIN HOLLENDERG Oplomeirisi - GLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOURS Monday to Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Wednlesday Ail Day - EVENINGS BY APPOINIMENT - 22 Division St. Phone 2024 GUARD VOUR To Make Their Home ini Bowmanville AIR. AND MERS. DONALD ARTHUR ANDERSON pictured followirig their marriage recently in Zion United Church. The bride who is the for-mer Miss Lois Hazel Giaspeli. is tlie dau 'ghter of Mir. and Mrs. T. C. Glaspeli, R.R. 2, Oshawa, aiid the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo J. Anderson, of Bowmanx'ille. -Courtes-, Oshawa Times-Gazette one. Mr. Rov McGill. Enniskil- ]en, was appointed chairman and also president for the ensuing year, with Mrs. James Turnbuli, Peterborough, as seeretary-treas- urer, and a sports committee con- sisting of Miss Esther Might, Pet- erborough, anri Mr. Gordon Might of Millbrook, complcting the 195L2 executive. A tentative date la earlc- July was suggested for next yvears î- union, with the place and details of arr-angements left to the corn- inittee in charge. To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mi-. and Mi-s. Ro * McG iii. Mr. and Mîs. Harvev McGIII, ail of Enniskilleni district, goes the cred- it for inst igating the reunion idea and planning for the original meeting. Miss Maie Ashton, To- ronto, looked after the sports pro- grain and prizes. The oldest person present was Mrs. H. H. Ryvley. Bethanv: 11w y ou ngest, Miss Nanc 'v Migbt, Mill- brook, wvhile those travelling far- thest to attend xvere Ms. and Mrs. Harold McGili and familY, West Toronto. With e'es «vone piesent agreeing that it was a most popular oc- casion. it is hoped this was but the nucleus of a muich larges cele- bration next year. xl.hen il prob- ahlv wilI be held in the Peter- bosough district.' At the Gulf of Guinea whtere the prime meridian crosses the equator at sea level, t1e earth's sut-face bas neither longitude, la- titucde nor altitude. E -wuth BARRERT __ PHALT ~ SHINGMLES Fire-Resistant Lasting Colour fui Avoulable in many' Styles THE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED Halifax -Saint John -Montreal - Toronto - Winnipeg - Vancouver ORe'j'd Trade Mfark Take your building problems to your Borrett Dealer LANDER HARDWARE Ki; §..EF. BOW31ANVILLE PHONE 774 Their weiglît Is np, their tilm- mys are out, flîcir hais is long, their bides are "lanned' and lhey cao trul v shouit," three cheers anîd a loud "roar*" for our leaders anîd our successful 1951 Boy Scout Camp. Thit-ty-nine Boxvmanville and district Boy Scouits and eigh, leaders have bad "it." Filleen hîappy, caî-e-free camp- ing days at Tate's Point. Nogie's Creek, xvith woodcraff. lîikiuîg, swimming (Linder disect ion of two good looking iifesavers). nightlvý camphires with skifs and gsoup singing, dreanîing iii their sleep on wooden floors Linder canvas, daiiy tent inspection fos cleanli- îîess, neafness and gadgets (crnm- petifion verx- keen for points %vere given each da.)% devonsing tliree big mealsdal plus a niglitlý- snîack of liot cliocolate anîd cookies xii be memories tiicket axvav in the mids of tho boyvs and dads xvbo atteuîded the Camp. Great credif anîd thîanks are due the following voltinfees staff for this xvell organîzed can-i: Gotrdon Richards. Scout Masteur and Camp Superx-isor, ablv assîst- ed by Ken Nicks, LloYd Xiîacott. Ross Rombougli. Bill Clarke, "Cookie' Bob Keîîuett and Swýim- ming Instrnctscsses Elsa Sheppard of Toronto. and Loruîa Belling- ham, Oshawa. Tent with most poits -George Mariow Tent Leader with follow- ing Tentes-Paul Leddy, Doug Cattran, Kelvin Jouies, Lewis Bi&kle and Bill Clarke Jr. Best Scout award-Don Crainp; Most lmproved Scout-Nick Bues- sticer, Newcastle, a Dîitch boy in Canîada jist oves a Yeas. Sxvimmiuig Badges-Roy Bry- atf, DoLug Cattraui, Pauîl Leddy; Rcpass---John Fowler, Bruce Col- weIl, Bill Clarke and Morley Rieclards. Sigiialling- Seconîd Class Badge --Ban-v% Coxvling, Doîug Cattran, John Fowleî-. Morlev Richards. Visitung SurndaY bit an aIl-tîme liigh for inferested relatives aud frion ds. List of Visitors Mr. and Mîs. Lloyd Passant, Mr. Terry Masters, Miss Barbara Fairey, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregos and family, Mc. and Mrs. Selb "v Grant, Mss. Greta Richards, Mrs. Beglex Sr., Toronto; Mr. and and Mis. B. Begle 'v and famil « .Mr. Percv Eliott. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Milne and farnilv, Mr. and MIrs. E. Leaver. fam i l'aînd frirnds, Mr. and Mrs. Toto Buit- ter ' . M\r. and Mrs. D. Flint andI souis. Mrs. Kaiser, Toronto: Mr. and MIrs. E. Fowler, Mi-. an([ Mrs. D. Bukspan. IMr. and MiS. Rav Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Georgr, Nînas and Gloria. Oshawxa; Mr. Art Bki'kspan, Nliss Rhoclu Bick- uir. Tlii uilu: 1\11..andi i -S Er ici Colw~ell and I.xncla.i. and mris. Stilln Prestuon, Mr. anîd Mn.Ro Riehizi'dý ýnd fmitMr. and %I r' z. Il e'Webber r. ani NIrs. I-larr vCashoiî le, lîr. andi Mr.Walter Park, Tii -one,: NMc. anid Mrs. Dax'Ac Park andi fam il v. .Nr. and Ars.. Co\(Ii(vl aid f mr, M am il:lc Wm. Allin, Mr. anid Mrs. H. Pollock, Mi-. andi Mr-S. \W111. B'i' is. E. M: 1owe candi la'ightei's. Mr andi Mrs. Percv Coxv lîn, ic. and Ms . D. 13t liai, Mr. andi 'Mr .W.s'vels and l '-uis, '. alii n S 's. Geig Piircl' lad 1d d11î1tn: . Nr. an') lir- Te'd Sillpr. NMc. Faire"- . SI" anidMsi- D, Cran-p, Ms. and 7SIc, K et v Jonc- Sir.Saples.Mn- Cramp, Meaford, Mr. and Mrâ. E. Heiplul His for Filling OUI Forms for Old Age Pensions Applications should now be fil- ed for the new aid age pension payable . next January by the federal government. Everyone is entitled to At who is 70 years aid, 'has lived in Canada for 20 years, regardless of their wealth, and who does flot already receive the present government aid age pen- sion. The application forms for the new pension may be obtained at post-offices. The dominion health and welfare department hopes there wiil be no delay in mailing the forms so that the pension cheques may be issued, as plan- ned, by the end of January, 1952. The government will follow the same procedure in administering this pension system as is empioy- ed for family allowances. The new pension-will be pay- able witbaut means test or any other restriction. Anl one bas ta do ta get the pension is ta pro- vide proof of age and proof of 20 years' residence in Canada. The application form states wbat evidence will be acceptable. This may be: birth or baptismal cer- tificate: records in family Bibles; church solîs or rýegisters: marsiage records; commiunion cettificates: naturalization certificate: military diseharge or acknowledgement of age by insurance companies. If Clarke, Misses Pat Clarke, Colleen Clarke, Mrs. Wm. A. Clarke, Mr-. Welsely Tale and Mr. Sam Tate, owners of point; Mr. and Mrs. M. Stacey and famil 'v, Mrs. Chai-les Mason. Mr. Dennis Riekard and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wool- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Goddard, Mr'. and Mrs. Clifford Purdy and fam- ily, Ivan Woolley, Douglas Hy- land. Financial Report 39 Scouts @ $10. eacl'--- $390.00 Groceries and meat ----450.91 Camp site and wood-------- 65.50 Milk and butter ----..... 134.64 supplies ---------- 62. 17 Transportation -70.80) Dr. Thomas and supplies 22.20 Swimming instructresses _- 201.00 Dad5.ýF come out and offer your assistance to the Scout Association in demoiishing the old South Ward School. Ail money raised is iised to help make our boys better Canadian men. MURDERED WORD (By Joseph Lister Rutledge) Those persons and groiips who put such empbasis on peace that they are ready to join hands xith any agency, however dubious, which gives lip service to the word, mighit well be shaken b,% the recent -World Festival af Youtb and Students l'or Peace." If the real demand is peace. il any applicants do nat possess or cannat get the listed type of evid- ence, they sbould write ta the de- partment of health and welfare at Ottawa, and they wiil be ad- vised what ta do. The first cheques under the new law will be issued at the end of January, 1952. They will not be sent ta anyone wha bas not fiied an application. As bas been stated, ahl who are now 70 years of age or who will be 70 next January, wbo have lived in Canada for 20 years, have a rîgbt ta the pension. Indians and Eskimos are entitled ta the pen- sion on the same basis as -the white population. The new old age pension differs from the system that has been in operation since 1926 in two wavs: (a) it is payable without means test; that is, regardless of the person's economie status, w~ho qualifies for it by age and lengfh of residence; (b) it is financed entirely by the dominion govern- ment. The former pension scheme was payable on a mneans test basis and the cost shared by thle federal paying 75 per cent «aîîd province 25 per cent. The new pension seheme is authorîzed bv' a new act entitled "The Old Age Secusitx- Act." hiad a cuuious manifestation ni the frenzicd eîîthusiasm %vith wXhich the 100,0)00 Red vouth of aIl nations, gathet-et in Soviet Berlin, greeted any refex-ence to the defeat of the West. It is as- sumned that in the two weeks of the festival tw.,o nmillioni reproseti- tatives of vouth wilt pasticipale and give theis assent f0 the con- cept that peace and Russian miii- tary imight are retated ideas. When one sees this rnovemei.t ta distort the thinking of the youiîg, f0 defrandth lem xilh sug- gestions of peace that is not peace but onl.v an attenîpt ta cmn- dermnîe olti loyaltios; when otie scecsthe frenzy of lîalred aîîd caoi- tempt that is îîeing built cîp against the Western powers, and pasticulariy Brtain and the Un- ited States-ait in the name nf peace--one is appalled byv the imn- plications Also, with the most charitable intentions, if is stAl diffienît ta understand box'. people in ocir own landseceing tbis whirlwind brewing and realizing that their best efforts have been devoted foaraousing if. can be other flian dismayed at wbat they have attempted fa do. Tbey must know that peace bas neyer yet blossomed ont oI such an edifice of hate andti dstrusi. How is if possible that they should not sealize that in fal)ing sncb easy viclims ta the Moscow line they have helped <o make possible organizations whicb,in the name of peace, spread hate aîîd fcas and deceptioti about the' world. How long can they con- fuse themnselves with the mer- sound of a word whieb in theis mouths and those of their leaders lias lost ever 'y vestige of mieaning. "Peace" is no longer a word of world-wide hope, it is a symbol of deceitful manoeuvesing which bas robbed if of its import. Ont- %voncrs wbat is the spiritual pen. altv for murdcring a word? Give a little love to a chid. and y«ouiget a great deal back.-John Beautv Is eteirnity gazing nt tsel1 in a mirror.--KRhIil Gibran. CARTON COACH LINES CANADIAN NATIONAL IEXHIBITION SPECIALS Ride on the Bits and avoid worrying about driving ir heavy traffic, parking or crovding for street cars. RESERVE GRANDSTAND TICKETS AND TRANSPORTATION TICKETS NOW TORONTO EXHIBITION BUSES DAILY FROM August 25 to September 8 DAYIGHT SAVING TIE lcave (Goinig) Read Dowvn A. M. 7:25 7:30 7:40 7:50 8:00 8:10 8:20 8:30 8:45 Ar. 10:1 Arrive Return Read Up Fare Kawartha Maples Janetville -------- Yelverton -------- Nestieton††††††----- Blackstock ------ Burketon ------- Ennibkillen Hampton .------ Bowmanville 15 1:35 1:25 1:15 1:05 12:55 12:45 12:35 12:25 12:15 $3.90 3.90 3.70 3.45 3.25 3.05 2.85 2.70 2.45 Toronto. Exhibition Lv. 11:00 Children - Haif Fare Fares Include Exhibition Admission Bus Takes Passengers Right On To Toronto Exhibition Grounds and Stays There Ail Day for Convenience of Passengers. For Information Phone BOWTMIANVILLE 2666 - LINDSAY 5381 Carton Coach Lines -J How much rubber between you and tire trouble? 1 i MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON 00 GOODAHAN EAR TIRS TANON ANY OTHER KINDI. 3224-W 24HUR SERVICE 3-2452 ACE REFRIGERATION Commercial anid Domestic - Sales & Service Ail Work Guaranteed - Free Estimates on Ail Equipment - 78 SIMCOE STREET, N. OSHAWA ALLAN THACKERAY