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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1951, p. 5

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11MIMSAY, AUGUST 30. 1931 THE GLAD TOWN Bowmanvulle lu a "Glad Toi these days. Bowmanviliians hý been Winning new honors themselves and their home ta the past few weeks'by sweepi Up prizes and trophies at1 giadiolus shows at Oakville, 0! awa and Peterborough. Th( have been no small affairs. a the rest of us can sit back and very proud of ail our horticultt alists' efforts. A nice thing about growi: glads is that the amateur c plant a row or two next to t cabbages and stand just as go chance of winning top awar IýIs the man who has acres at b command. He ma y fot have many varieties to enter in diffe ent classes, that's ail. But the: are so many of these "back yai growers" that there is a speci class for them in the competitior This seems to us a verv sportir thing. There aren't too mai places anv more where the iitt feliow can edge in without fac ing out of place. There are dozens upon dozer of people in town who grow th stately and v'ari-coiored spike: some for show. others oniy fc their own enjoyment. Amon those who show we have, f course, our two veterans, Dr. E W. Sisson a rd Mr. E. A. Surn mers. By thb jr consistent rack ing up of prizes in ail shows 1hi past number of ycars thcy ari recognjzed as stiffecompetition bý the best growcrs the country ovei and Dr. Sisson brought to Bow manville this year two troph, cups from the Oakville show, 1h( biggest in Canada. This show hac entries from coast bo coast as well as many from the States. Among the "back yard grow- ers" who entered the Oshawa show were W. H. (Bill) Nichais, King Street East, who also show- ed aI Peterborough last year. His brother, L. J. Nichols, Prospect St.. showed for the first lime anv- where this ycar at Oshawa and Won some nice prizes. Mrs. William Buckley, of the Bow- inanville Fiowcr Shop, swcpt up 1R beautiful arrav Of prizes at the Peterborough show. She gre\v hers in the back yard,. iust like everyone else. Another very important Bow- manville grower is Perce Green- FREE m MAT COME TO BOV Shop To Your H BRING YOUR CHILI ___________________ -r-"M CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVMIL, ONTARMO notes and exercises ta b. writ- TomikeThir à tni them. 15 there ever any- oM k Thi Home c .L.Eenezer Con fidentia quite like starting out a id C nfid nual new vear, (for September does ey E. K. L.> begin a new year for ail students and teachers), with fresh. new field. e are assured that Mr. books? ,, reenfield is one of the top-rank-h And speaking of New Years- npg hybridizers ini the field and how abraut some resolutions? . Lave tus a ery important person as The sebools have been ail slick- for 'far as ailoher- giad raisers are ad up during the long vacation, 'wfl concherned. Last year ha showed the result of a lot of bard work HM ing nebg Oakville competition. by the caretakers and some oth- the Frank Smis, Ontario Street, was ers who have been hired to lay q a pizewiner at Oshawa this naw floors and make other neces- Hlo Hmmkr hs ,e8e Ivear. and bis brother, Cliff Samis, sary repairs and replacements. sacylitti1oe fusaed' crab-e and sasoagad fancier wbo ha,-,Everything is dean and sbining. apples, per sh-pache r be sh wn uc ca su l other years. W e wish that m ore youngsters good f ris ato pî cle sFruit Lr- Geýorgie AnnissfofýEbenezer, welî- took pride in keeping il that way. odfut t pkl.Fis known farmer and pubiic-spirit- It seems ta us that some of the jusî e nerobuti byrna meni lti ený-fahio ed irues su h cookt e de r omutie y runo tî .ng ed iiewas anather winner aid-fW.ond irue, ucsa anî at Oshaw eety swsGr cleanliness and tidiness. and the ftwne-iedhcce I d O a e r e c e t l y a s a s o r -m u s h y a r e t h e s e c r e t o f s u c c e s s - he dnEOsborne of the Same dist- pleasure and prida ta be derivedfu ntrimdecaes )a rict. Mr. Osborne, an aid B. H. fram them, deserve a come-back. Tk i ds S. graduate, is secretary of the Life is based on a few basic prin- 1. Select firm, small sîzed fresh hîis Oshawa Association. Ha is a ciples and virtues, many of which fruit for pickling. Sateacher aI Hamilton, but in tbhe have bean cansidered out of data r- summarlime graws glamis on his lately, but they are fundamental e.dr ri rise in e pro re brolher's farm. in developing good character. ep orn fru2tcuplshvînero- ird A grawer of many yaars' The world neyer needed sane, cup Water. ai standing is Harry Jase of New- sensible people of courage and3.sewaepcsinlcef n5. castie. Mr. Jase is a vice-presi- integrity mare than it does tadav. powdered spices ta retain the n dent of the Canadian Gladioli So- and we fîrmly believe that sucb refui oor Sciatv (for the whoie of Canada) people are much mare apt ta de- 4 ri ike budb tr le and is a consistant prize-winnar. velop from chiidren who are in- Ha won a number of prizes in the siiled with respect for tidiness vdi e tihzeal.t astpo single spike ciass aI the Oakviile and. iva wauld lika ta underline vd ih el ~s sow hisyea, ad asa nuberthis. respect for other peaple's e of firsîs and seconds at Peter- property. This respect is lacking 1 quart fruitj s, borougb Fair last week. ail boa often nowadays. Tha 1 cup vinegar or As bas been said befora. graw- breaking of 20 panes of glass in 2/ cpwae 19 ing glads starts out by ben a the sehoal windows is anly ana 22/3 cups wuar Shobby and usuallv ends Up an exampla. Isn't it lime we got 2/3 ounce stick cînnamon E. obsession. But whLat a heallhfui back ta a littia healthy respect,* 1/3 ounce whole claves Sand beautiful obsession! A bat- and perhaps a bit of bonast ta Bail sugar, vinegar and spices ter antidote for "nerves" Ihan any 900dness fear. of the power of the 10 minutes. Wash fruit. (Rub 10 number of baIlles of medicinfc'. law, and rr'tributian for wanton fur off peaches, remave biossom cHats off ta Bawmanville's glami destruction? edo rbplso er) u gardeners, wbether they show or * * mbserupz j and ak ntl sft no!FALL CLOTHES MR. AND MRS.GODNM RA OS RE L*IJIUN MURAy OBORNE FuI terli jr nd Pseal. ANEW YEAR Surely there neyer was a fa- pictured following their marriage recently held at Ebenezer P/2 cups watarmelon rind S d maie wbase beart did nal beat United Church. The bride, the former Miss Jean Almira (cul 2" x "> d 1' With schoot bails about to faster an cantemplating Fait D -2 cup viear ea ring, and the Exhibition in full clothas. Summer is a short, wiîî Down, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down, R.R. 4, 1 cup vinegr -swing, no ana can den *y that o' the wisp season-tha last couple Osaa.ndtebiegomi1hesno4r.adMs lemon, sliced tim i summer is ovar. It seems onîy of years we've bardly known it Charles Osborne, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 1 cup sugar he ther ay we wre rcaling was ere, though persnally we'd -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette 1,4 teaspoon stick cinnamon tha onderfui feeling of 'school's a lot rather have goose bumps 4tapo'hlecvs sout!", yet next waek studenîs than ba disintagraîing wilb the 4tesonwl lvs tfrom todmlers of five ta worldiy beat--as wa wera saying, sum- camne over every year ta revel avec been brought ta the C.N.E. Soak waîermaîan rind in med- *Fiflh Formers (we neyer can re- mer, bol or cold, is short. There- in Onlario's resort country (there The Goveroiment is encouragin'1 ium brine over nighl. Drain and member what grae it is, andi fore, a woman can't gel fao excil- is nathing like Haliburbon andi biscaliva eninlsath wshwhfrhwar.Di. -"form" seems more becoming to ec about summer cloîhes. No Muskoka in the States, no malter i la ae ni edr he dignity of High School stumi- ane wanls ta invest much money wbhat aise they mav bave) and erfimost ,,ards. We have flot yeî Mix other ingredients andi bail 5 ants) will fiock back ta Bawman- in Ibem, for aflar six weeks they visil ils cities andi historie sites soen the diagbpcures ofmiues dm indad aiuusi villes Ibrea schools. The kicis ara put away untltnaxt year. andi parspire just as freeiy hero e of haefigures rmin odd Us1 clear. Pack int sterilizeci jars. wan'l admit il, of course, but we But Fait clathes. Ah! Sleak as in their own backy'arcls. Saof mltoodem crvench anwd ylhSre et think they'lilbe kind of glaci ta suits, beaulifulty failored in soft Ihat myth about "aur lady of theextscuions o Fenh ncssilfngii Cook iced beets nitedr gel back. lunes. andi saft lusciaus shades. snows" must be ciying out grami- deractin hhfoturask.lflly ook young beacskunnitender.e The statianery Windows are full Loveiy wool, and veivel, and cor- uaîiy. Wdonc of course. R, ont ams overkins. Packing siied of beauliful naw books waiîing for duroy skirls in capper. amerami Wbab we startemi ouIta say was. ms tebgso. ssm vinegar. Procass in bot w'ater green, leaf , brown, peari gray; that Canada is famaus rotind the ms tebgso. ssm-bt 5mnts sweaters as sofl as a kilben's ear world for the biggest annuat ex- body saimi, aI least we-tbink sama- bt 5mnts in yallow, corai. beige, blua. Who bibilion on this hysterical globe. oy î, o'toerok h cb piedvinega wouldn'l want Fait ciothes? Who and wa who are oniy 42 miles bages in your own back yard. 1' cup vingar minds the cool, bright air? We from il, shouidn't take il for tabcuPsugarcnnmo FREE minai ta when it's grantemi. Montreal's 480-acre park on 174 tespoon lnnamon 11ÏN FEE coleog -wa ut o hr' vrtiga h i on oa stelretnt / tabiespoon white mustard stap out brîskiy, feeling like a show from heifers ta hula dan- ural park wilbin a cily limit in 14 teaspoon clavesj million. And we dont mean a cers, art ta aeranautics, refriger- North American. 1/2 leaspoon sait P NI N v~ L E -million years aid! alors ta red bobs. And il's Hr ýM ANV LLE__Then there are bats. Most hurry, hurry. the show is jiîst be- woman dispense with them in the ginning" in the roaring Midway. [eart's Content! summar, but comae Fail, every fa- Il bas a quaiity ait ils own, this -Mr W4 maie has a y en for a new bat. Il's big show that cavers so0 manvmm alotada as Spring thal wa. acres. Thre is something for E )REN 'WITH YOU. This year, we are told by hs in every faste. Schnozzia Durante ]IiEN PARK THEM AT THE ROYAL THEATRE For A FPREE MATINEE EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. YOIJR CHJLDREN WILL BE SAFE AND WELL TAKEN CARE 0F SHOP WITH THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS 'HEY ARE HAPPY TO SERVE YOIJ AND ARE PAYING FOR THIS TREAT! Features to be Selected from the Children's Library 'vhenever possible. bic and forward-tilling. ThE angle can't halalowed ta ramain stationary for more than anc year. Wa've had cloches, mare or less on tbe back of the heami, and wa've bad the pili box, worn squaraly on tha snawy brow. Now somabody has given tha shove again. forward Ibis lime. If you're in lave wibh Ibm cloche shape, don'I daspair. X'ou may stili waar a cloche and b' in Fashion's gooci books. but this vear il is choppemi off a bib aI the back Ihe better ta show your chignon, my dear. Or if vai. haven't ane, Your curîs wiil have la do. Fait, cashmere, Jersey, valvet arealaI high style, or combina- lions of any two of Ihese. There are bonnet shapes, Ihare are toques, fhere ara turbans andi cloches and caps and brts-io short, thora is just about every shape kno wn ta waman, andi among Ihem she shoulci surely finci the ane that is jusl righl. Same People say. "Neyer îindeîr- astimate the power of a waman." WTe say, "Neyer underestimabe the Power of the bat the woman is wearig." Ahat does things for a waan wbo wears a bat on any othe ccasion Ihan in church, draws iaIl eyes. And yau kno\w perfectiy w'eli she looks a lot smarter because she is waaring a chapeau thal complemenîs 1er dress or suit. Whv fnot bava themn looking aI you this September7 THE EX. Once more bbc "biggest show on earth'- is under way. Wa sus- pect that a goomi many Ameni- cans' idoas of Canada 'are cam- poundemi of a mixture of mcd coat- i am Mouinlies. Polar bears, and the C. N. E. Such is famae, and ig- norance. But neyer mind. Mare and mare of aur goomi neighbors REQUESTED RECIPES hot juice aver cucumbers, tIUb* MnoRelish the jars ta 1/%-inch tramn top mgi 18 Maen po rsseal at once. 68 geen e peppers Note: May add Y4 teapoon alum 12 letrged peps ta each quart. It makes a cr4 3 cups sugar ike 3 cups vînegar Grai,. Jelly 2 tablespo saIt Grapes shouci be picked 'u Wash and remove seedg from washed and stems remnoved 41or Peppers. Peel onions. Put ail putting int preserving kett1l vegetables through food chopper. Mash, heat ta boiling-point, cove Caver with bailing water andi lat and simmer 30 minutes. Stra stand 10 minutes, tben drain. Add bbrough a beavy jeily bag. Mea. jsugar, nea andi sait. Bail for sure 4 cups juice int large kettl 1miues then pour int ster- and let bail 5 minutes. Add iizeci jars andi seat aI once. cups of granulateci sugar (warrm Chili Sauce cd in the aven) . bring ta boiiint (Wibhaut Spicas) point again, stirring frequentl 40 large tomataes Bail about 3 minutes or untit jel 8 large onions sheets from spoon. Skim a 3~ green peppers pour Int sterile glasses. Covq 3 cups sugar wilh melleci wax. When céo 3 cups vinegar wipe inside emige of glass an 2 staks cleryadmi second layer of wax. 8 tablespoons sait Note: (1) Grapes shauld b. um Scalmi and peai tomatoas. Put derripe for jeily. vegebables through foodi chopper (2) Lat grapa juice drain ov* using the mediumn blade. Drain night for best flavar. off and resarve the* juice. Admi** sugar, vinegar and sait ta vege- Anne Allan invites you ta wi-!tq babies. Bring, ta boiling point ta bar c/o The Canadian Statel» and pour mbt a large raasbing man. Send in your suggestia pan. Cook, uncoverei, in a pra- on homemaking problems n heatemi electric aven of 350 de- watch thiq column for replies. grees about 3 1/2 hours. Filbot stemîle jarsan seat aI once. The Sialesman SoId Note: ()BaIlle the raserved juice and process 20 minutes in AIt Followinrr Stores la waber bt frbeverage. (2) Make sure the taps of the Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. ijars are free from seemis before D. G. Walon's, Newcastle. cappîng. S. Brown, Newlonville. Diii Pickles T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam. Tyrone. 36 cucumbers G. A. Barman, Hampton. 15 sprigs of fresh diii Newton TayIer's, Burketon. (6 inchas) H. T. Sayiwell, ilackstock. 14 cups wabar Keith Bradley, Pantypool. 3" cup S iartC. B. Tyrraîl, Orono. 4 cpsi H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. Wash cucumbers. Pack into hot W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Loveh sberiiized jars wilh 3 spmigs of J. W. Jeweli, W. J. Berry, Thgle SHEET METAL WORK AND .HOT AIR HEATING H OT AIR FURNACES *AIR CONDITIONING *OIL BURNERS *ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING Work estimated without obligation will conform t'O low overhead at niy new location. SELBY GIRANT 6 MILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) IBOWMANVILLE PHONE 2674 e the Losi Chrd, and in the Coli- aM'Lo-m ýn sum pike Jones "depreciate" BunmIIj il~ IMI a m usic, but from t a , d serim-, )r ou wiIl hcar the best there is,1 d or aI the recîtals of the Royal pu 'i Conservatory students. The men1 J.will prowl cndiesly aroundi long., a glitering automobiles and womenfi will exciaim avec the cxquisite u RI[0IAN tIUSTE ehandwork, and ail fihe kids want u is a handfui of money and heA erun of the Midway. s Speaking of handwork and ehanderafts, thore's an exhibition r of Eskimo carving lu suanstone, ýi and articles like a brush of Can- Inside anzd out, it s a beauty' The custom st)ling of the Catalina's acla Goose feathers xvtb handle . ...... interior is a oal new revelation of sumptuous lgne The of walrus ivory. These thingsoal eeac tare the creative production-, of luxur), fabrics the genuine leather the gleamig chrom. the Eskimos on the east shore of ribs orching across the broad expanse of thr effing ..ail the3e HudonBa, -en~ the Canada - refinements and many more jet new standards af interior beauly Goose feathiers. Remernber, when. and comfort. we told you about Moosonee lasi wcckz, w'e mcntioned that tlic Canada Goose gathers in tremnen- dous nîîmbcrs in Hudson and *James Bays on its migration south in the Fall? This is the first time~ an exhibition of Eskimno art lias TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE lllutroed - he Citainc "Vgnrol Moiog Valus IIrIlIiant eolors ID botUm sixes and elghts Yes, here's the car that's rausing the stir-the eager, colorful heaiity that's drawîùug the' oh's andIah's of ail Canada! It's the Crnalina-with ultra adVanced sît liîug - that cuts a figure like a convertible, with racy lines, disappeaming, side-1mosis, ex tra-sperial color schemes. And it protacts you wvith an ail-steel top! A4nd the Catalina is a Pontiac! That means there's downright, hedrock qualiiî anti claracter under its gay drcss-all the famouis features that have earned for Poniac such phenomenal acclaim ail acrass the land. And remember - besides the Catalina six and Catalina eight, there are sixtern other models to ehoose from in the three great Pontiac sanies. Sec y-our Pontiac dealr-Foon! WINDSOR PICKLING SALT G A pure, coarse sait made especially for picklirîg purposes. Assures a clear brin. and crisp9 natural.coiour pickles. Try it i TH E FIRST PACKAGED PICKLING SALT IN CANADA #.,.t 'C'.product of The- Canadian Sait Company Limited TO THE EXHIBITION AUGUST 24 Tet SEPTEMBER 8 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Gaod going Thursday, August 23 ta Saturday, September 8, incJusiva Return limit -September 12 Full information from army agent. .Slandrn-d "quip'nqnj, aoe.sori.s ond tri,,, ill,,,tra~ are subjeet te ch,,,,. ,vùhouî notice. rr1dnCP~ (>pîinîîal St extra cost on the Catalîna auîd Uhîctiain modela. 1>11 for Doit aiid Feat for Feature ~ capt beat ~ I~OntÎac P 12518 The pio)nrcer auioinatic drive tlîat ha§ bees arclaimpd for aver ten yrars-now furthpr un. KRo';-d with new Imiaent Rerçp! HYORA.MATIC VFi n alîtOrnatir trangmission plus fluid drîîe-hai's the serret of ita lahgpmrfor. - - - - ý w u um CHEVROLET, PONTIAC9 OLDSMOBILE, BUICK AND CADILLAC CARS CHEVROLET AND G.M.C. TRUCKS COURTCE ad DOWMANVIIL PAGE IM 1 IDAPIW- IMM 1 Àr Àm rd-ir- --.JWwMý 0 L74eev4 lifil OY we NIC OLS

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