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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1951, p. 13

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TIURSDAY, SEPT. Sth, 1§51 The Fertile and Imaginative Mind Of Inventive Reporter Cives Views On History of First Lawn Mower (Collette Fertuson) arduous. This cutting grass with a scythe Did you know about the lawn 'irritatcd him the mosl. Whv maower? No'? Well, ane hot sum-1 hadn't someone invented sorno mer afternoon, the light of in: machine that would eiminate spiration dawned on a Nc,, Eng- hoco back breaking swings ce- land farmer. He had beon Out- quired wxith the use ot the r!cythe. ting the long grass around bis Th, more Tam tboughit about il home with a scythe and now xvas on this June aftcrnoon, the more resting from bhis arduous labor annoyed hie becarne. under a shade troc. Suddenly he jurnped up frorn The farmer, Thomas Edwvard his shady resting place and ,.Flaxmnan, had a problorn - a walked purposefuliY' ta bis work- prblern that bad infested hi, 1shop in the back1 kitchen. Ho t t ever since ho h ad inherited had an idea - an idea that, he task of cuttîng down the grass couldo t put ino coherete form at the family borne. Now, 40 wvith bis scanty suipply afi bols years aler, in 1855, this prýobicr and materiais - but' ho couid seemed even more troublesome. put il on paper. He was even surer thal Ibis grass Hsdaig hc ecctd cutting labor couid bc. ligbtenod ]y showed ta his wife two hours by somo practical sciontiin- aler was rough, but its plan and vention. operalion could be casily dis- Now Tom was an average' New cre.Temcaimcnit England farrner. Ho had grovvn cd of two xvheels connectod by Up in Ibis young countrY' and at- a motal shafl and extcnding from tended ane af its carîx' rural this w~as a long, what looked like scbools which taughl hina Ithe a 2x4 board complctcd witb a fundamentals of the tlireè-'s& coshnle u h motn Howevcr. bis staunch, stable and c's ade u h motn resourceful anecstrxv had given and centrai idea of tbis plan wcre hiîs middle-aged man a curiosit niveros aco t teocenra ind resourcofuhness that rebelled mnie a c h - thela nrale when everydax' farm labors see m tlsat-th anoe ed unnecessarilx difficult and had corne ino existence. _____________________ The next day, Tom sont ta) ATTENTION Music Pupil s W. E. C. WORKMAN L.L.C.M., R.M.T. Teacher of piano, organ, violin, singing in its various branches and theory. In classes or private tuition Terms very moderato Studio 33 Beech Ave. PHONE 3496 The Kelly Kirby Ki nderga rten PIANO METHOD What shahl I phay for you? A simple and attractive ap- proacb ta the studv af music for children 4 ta 8 years of age, under spocialiy qualified Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Piano Method Teachers For particulars apply to Margaret E. lVorkman, A..MR.M.T. Organist Orono United (hurch Piano Pupil't prepared fe' the va rigl'us Toronto ex amina lians. Studio P,3 Beo-rî Ave. PIIONE 3496 U.N. Felloivs Cet Sc A surgeon and a pretty blond jî say the United Nýations programn their country in its efforts to rester to as fully a normal if e as possiblg traumatologist and orthopedic sur Franju Pavietie, 29-year-old doct anatomy (right), get a practical dei of rehabilitation of the physically ]h ity,.Dr. Henry H. Kessier, who k Current and (R F Boston for the tools and niaterials Ls r- lie needed ta make this idea, now on paper, a concrete fact that FALL ON THE LAKES couid ho cxperirnentcd xith. Fi is epeLbrD) Ten days lator the machine was i' msth pendopheoLaor aceac on the lawn, fully assernbled. And it eas. thesxxmdup cf cottaOe'ac- thisfarer-ivenor ouldhar ma nvi;lie and ynur cottage is at contain bis joy as it neatly cul ovnavlcBec.O1tenr the three-incb grass close ta t he owavleBchOnteor eart. Wth l beeutlb awnthern. laites collage afler cottage O is shutterd as fieniues rheulo t in an houe witb the minimum iaisth cty foras fhooli opeing ti energy. Forrnerly it was a whole tek. Sy orme oof te ilgelhi aferoosntls equiing may back for Tbanksgiving when the preiau miute loI rstig t flaming sxvamp maples and gold- regain bis wind. on birch and poplars are reficcted Wilbin two weeks frern that in the still xxater. Till then, Save suddcn inspiration uinder a shade for the path cul by the boat af trce, drawings wcre on there way an odd late vacatinner, the north- ta the foderai patents office in cmn lakes direarn quietly ini the Washington. bright Fali sunshine. A fliglit of Thus was Invented an impie- ducks passes overhrad, flying ment that is used by every bouse- soutb. Nighl cornes dow'ýn carix', bolder flot only in the United and quiekîx', and the fiee on thc States but b inhlcauntries wbere hearth is cornforlîng as the cool lawns are a part of the homes air descends. Oulside the cnt-l exterior decoration. tage the air srnclis of pine trecs. To Ibis man Tom Flaxman wood srnokc and %vater. Now the eacb man, wornan and cbild, wbo lake cornes into its own. bas the weeklv task of cutting the * * * grass, should offer grateful «'TRAPLESS" GOWNS? thanks. The grumblings that us- ualhy accornpany lavn mowing We almost biad the bridesnnaids wauhd ho justifiably louder liad in a recent weciding wearing hie nat had that inspiration on the "trap1ess" goxvns, but aur proof afternoon of June 26, 1855. roador made the correction to * à à gtrapless.' Wr' tli1nk trafflns Reporter's Note: There is no con- crete evidence in enceclapedial, books of knawiedge, science man- uals or texts ta support this story af the invention of the lawn mnower, at least not in the Public Library. Il is pure fiction con- ceived in moments of great men- tai stress and strain, with ils onhy basis the fact that the reaping rnawer came mbt common use in ibbh mid 19th century. And in living memaries, lawn moxvers h ave always been in use in Bow- manville. But what would you do if you werc a struggling canscientious reporter who was tld by youri editor ta xritc a storx' about the history ai the lawn mower andi there was no sucb information available? It couhd be trur. Siafford Bras. Monumental Works Phone îVhitby 552 318 Dundas St.. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY I MONUMENTS AND NIARKERS Precise warkmansbip and Scareful attention ta detaîl are yaur assurance wben yau choose from the wvide sehection of imported and damnestie Granites and Marbles in stock. SHEET METAL WORK AND ROT AIR HEATING *HOT AIR FURNACES 'AIR CONDITIONING 011, BURNERS *ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING Work cstinmatcd without obligation will conforni Io Iov overhead at my new location. SELIE 6 MILL t3OIVMAN VILLE 3Y GRANT LANE (Off Scugog St.) PHONE 2674 wouhd bave aused quite a furore. especially since the mon are ai- xvays accusing us of trying to trip thern. Il's a moot question cf course xvhether strapless dresse" couid qualify as traphess, tbough i0 Ibis case the bare shou0lrler, x%'ere rnodestly covored by elbow length capes. A WORD FOR IT Wars blave a way cf ad.dine apt and descriptive words ta the Eng- lisb language. Worhd War 1I broughl forth siron suit,. Mac' Wests, D-Day. and many more. Since the war labor unions hax'e aiso adcied a few punjgent phr-ases,ý like, take borne pay, and portai ta Portai.* But the United States Air Force recentlv carne up xvith a iovelv anc. They have been refueolii .g sorne af their hambers w'hile in the. air, and this is accomplisheci by a crane being lowered feoni the tail of anc plane ta týe nase of the plane needing fp.el. When a plane needs gasoiine, guesýs wlin the pilot cahis for' Why "CiancvN * of course. And Clancv cornes anni "lowers the boom." 'Good. oh? PACE TOO FASIt With 50 rnan.v Young couples in a marrying mood, the papers aie- liar-d put to iltat keep un xývith xvedding picturks. Sorne dailies have given up the race. one Oîî- lanao worncn's page had 5o) brides' pictuees stili ta appear at the end of June this year. And another worn's editor remark: cd sadix' that she gaI so fac ho- hind xxith lber iweddings thal in two cases the birth notices got ini first! Discouraging. If il's love that makes tbe worhd igo round, there's no dangzer afi il sowing .down for a wbhie. DEARIE, DO ITOU REMEMBER When sirînin steak w'as 2)5c, a Pound and « ou fed lix'er t o the cal? Now voù lbave the steak for the rich and cal the liver yoursehf. In other words, there bias been a revoluiînu. Caviar is no0 longer the earrnark af( the mil- lionaire. It is now cheaper than heef. believe il or net! So therr is no nieed bu envy the 'Four HuLndredi." If you can afford a roast of beef these dax's you can hold ' ouî' hcad as high as the Astors and the Vanderhiits. Wv nffush asted caviar, but the idea offsiroe csenms rather repul- sive. We'll take a good roast of beef anx' da. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR12 Secrts r ta Flozida, how can he bc where they have millions of Il cm., ~me Medical Sers onsa ofton? by farmers and professionai hun- ~'r1 These littie rmiscalculations of tors. Thov are thon quick-frozen ~~ ~ the Weathor Man's somnetimes frexot. Thov are wild, but S cause people to eallhinm a lot of thcv do flot hav-e the, "gamiv" hard names. Yet, amazting1y taste of North American rabbits, eough, the Woather man is ex- the Australian trade commission- pasing himself to a vindictive or at Ottawa says. He anticipates S public ovcry day in an open booth Canadian rabbit sales this ycar at the Exhibition! Which causes xiii hit the $100,000 mark. us to conclude t1hat cithor he is If the idea appeals to you, bet- a x'cry bravo man, or he just ter try à rabbit stcw or rabbit pic. docsn't gel around to hear what The rabbits run about throo people sav about him-. pounds each and there's a bi, So far thore has boon no mis- differonce bet\vcon stewing beof hap. The crowds have restrain- at 70 odd cents a pound and rab- cd thcmseclvos admirablv. The bit at 39 ta 45. You try it first, night we gazed in xvonder at the eh? booth, 'thex' wcre very orderly. No ane broko bounds and shout- cd, 'Stop right up folks. Here's V/if e of a Former the chance you've been waitmg , XirwsM ise for-the chance of a lifelime. Take St. Andewsfluite a crack at the Weather Man. Dies in Ireland Thrce shots for only 25s, a quar- ter of a dollar. Ease that'tcnsion. Lose that frustration. Stop right Citizons will regret ta lcarn of up!" the passing of Mrs. Todd, wife of ~ s.,,No. thcy moved along slowly, Rev. W. J. Todd, who was for a as if in a dazo. Porhaps they were number of years. minister of St. awcd by the complote audacity Andrcw's Presbyteriarn Church, physlcian, both from VYugoslavia, of the man,- his scemingly uncon- Bowmanville, about 15 years ago. of technical assistance is helping Cern. Or perhaps it was the spec- We are indehted ta Mrs. A. A. re fiearly 500,000 disahled persons tacle ot a fierce. crackling thun- Hone 'vman, Wellington St., for le. Dr. Miroslav Zotovic, Bel-grade derstorm ho was causing to ap- bringing us a copy of the Belfast, irgeon (center>, and Dr. Valerija pear with bhis black magic. Ireland, Leader, cnntaining the tor nd ectuer n ptholgicl Xhatever his power. il xvas cf- following obituary of Mrs. Todd: ror a tn of the atst method fective, for he's stili alive. WC After a lengthy period of weak- hondticnfthe atworld athar- îiîst heard him on the radia. di- niess, Mrs. Todd, wife of Rev. W. handcaped forna wold uh r ect from his 11111e booth at the J. Todd, minister of Clifton Park .s a U.N. consultant in this fici. C.N.E. No, we wnnt tel its inca- Congregational Church. passed tin incas 'ou go arn-ed. Atter away Juix' 12 at lier residence 110 ail, -Murder at the Ex' might be Clifton Park Avenue, Belfast. For .C. Jf1 a gond tille, but poor publicity over 40 years Mrs. Todd was "the C onfidendial frthe world's largest annual ex- kind and gracious lady of the K. .)hibition. manse." Thirteen very pîcasant K. L.)One thing sure. We dont years of ber husband's ministry uiecd the Weather man to predict 'ere spent in Ballynahinch, GUARD AT CROSSING the xveathr'r the dlay after a holi- xxhere happy memaries are enter- day. I's always sunny. tained of thcmn andtilteir thcn 'l'le establishmeurlt of a sîlînol * * oung family-lhcy left the town crossiniz at Brown Street for pui- 10VT 'T¶H ETBIL n12.Ms od' uesn pils xho rnust cross traffic- fillcd O 10 UTH ET 1i197Mr.od'quesn Highway No. ý is a fie thing Tlikg about $1.015 beef steak, coco and lovable disposition comn- and one wvhich xiii rleve the and who iso't, wouid you settle manded the respect and confi- minds of any mothers. A guardfo sornething tender at 3 ta 45 dence of ahl those wbo knewvlber, has been appointed by the Town cents a pound? If you have an and ber death bas caused a wide- Council and xiii be on duty half En glish background, your palate spread feeling of porsonal loss. an hour hefore school opnig wîll ho ticklod as well as your The funerai took place Salur- and haîf an bour afler morning pnckct book. Can vou guess? day afternoon ta the family bury- and aflernoon dlismnissals. This Youre right. It's rabbil. îng ground at the Globe, Anabilt. has been done 10 ensure the Wc nover could bear the The large attendance was in the safctv of your children,. o do1h ouiýht of ealing a bunux' our- itself a striking trihute ta the lufe miake sure that thcv cross at selves~, hut rnavbe il xouldn't sceem and work of the deceased IlY. Browýn Street and take urîvant- s3o. ad xvhen it isn't a bunnv that who wili bc greatiy missed by ali age of the service providecc. nmîght have beeni enjnying life in classes. The service in the home the claver field just aver the was conducted by the Rev. A. G. * *fence. Mavbe when il's an Aus- Jackson, M.A.: Rev. W. B. M'Mur- THE WEATHER MAN tralian rahbit instead of a Bow- ray, D.D.; Rev. A. Cairns, M.A., mnanville bunny, it would miake Ph.D., and Rex'. R. C. Purvis. At You kunxx'. He's the feliowv wlîo Pa difference. We've always the graveside the officiating min- saYs. 'Satuî'dcax', clear andriii un. lheard rabbit was a tastv, dish. isters were: Rex\. J. M. Henrx', High 80," and Saturday dawns in An' way, rabbil at that attrac- Rcv. Thornas G. Keery, and Rev. a steady drizzle. Or he say.z, tive prico is going 10 bc available. R. Snoddon. Amongst other min- Clnudv. clearinig 1w' nooii," and In fact. il is supposcd ta ho isters preserit were: Rev. R. G. the sun shines beihiantix' until availabie righl now. Canada Clarke, BA., B.D.: Rev. George non. when heavy clouds covc,' Packers are irnporting therni and Bombridge, B.A., B.D.: Rev. W. the skv and remnain tili dark. Wit:i they aPre said tobcb on sale across J, Gregg, B.A.: Bey. Hugh Scatt, ail thosç' charts, instruments,. gad- Canadla through their outiels. B.A.; Box,. Joseph M'Kane, Rev. gels and reports frorn White Riv- Thex' are caughl in Australia J. M. White and Rey. W. A. Ken- PAGE 711MTEMN nedy. the Executive Committe of the The chief miourers werbbch Denornination, Ciifton Pa rk, sarroxving husband and soi-n-m-Cburcb, and a number of immedi- haxx ('\r. Harry Bontley ;Me. ate fricnds. were lovely and much Robert Crcighton (cniy ,suervivrin appî'eciated. brother): Messrs. Joseph Grif- lIn addition ta Mrs. Todd',s hus- fith, Norman and Cecil Creightoîi. band there are tbree daugbters John M-Clocr - and W. M\artin and a daughter-in-law leit ta (niepliewýs): and Mr. Alex Haî'v inouen their loved one's hoss- and Rev. Frangis Harev.BA. Miss Lilhie Todd, Mes. Hugh (Mr. Todd's cousins). Campbehl oi Manitoba ("Mamie"); Most of the office bearors and Mes. larrv Bentley ("Eileen"). members of Cliflonl Park Churech and Mt's. Edna Todd of Toronto, xverepresot.t and also rnan i xvodf woa Jack, the onhy son. the Church aI BalvYnahinch. xvhIiic Beyv. R. C. Purvis of United those unabie ta attend sent apoh- Frce Church, Chryston. Glasgow, ogies and svrnpathetic messages. conducted the services in Clifton- The Masonic and Orange Soc;- Park Church on Sunday, and those, eties. w,%ith ,vhich Mr. Todd is ac- prcsent were profoundlxe touched tivoîx' associatcd. x'eosteonîx " y the prayers offered for the irepresetod, and ihox'es sent- _. beîreavca. AT P74owlait's 1YES1"to 4 out NATIONWIDE CASH CREDITI of 5 boan requests. Men and Anvone cent epply for en ex- women, married or single, clusive Nationwda Cash-Credit phone, write or came in today. Account. Establishes your credut Autoloan a seciaty .. .at over 45 offices coat ta Couilt. Autobansa spciaiy . You needn't have nor get a loa bankabie security, co-makers 10 open yaur account. Psy onir flot required. if onIvue %ie Card ta get & Ina. nvau leat home or Ïay Loons $50 te $12001 from home." tcE~o j)THIMP~~cMPANY T tiLKrS TO ÇAY yg$- 2nd FI., Il 1/2 SIMCOE ST., NORTH f Over Bank of Nova Scotia> IPhone: 3 - 4687 - John Palisa, l'ES MANager taus c gt d l retilîtît ialti 011 qw,* etmlFicr tmaa f<cd Oshawa, Canadla IHARDWOOD FLOORS LAID - SANDED mFINISHED FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT Tile Fluors - Linoleuim - Ruhber or Wood Block Plastie Tule for Kitchen and Bathroom Walls. - FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN - "Stand with Confidence on a Leggette Floor» M. LEGGETTE Glovers Road, North Oshawa Dia! 5-5836 P. *CombitIw, et pmosGlide AemateTrfflmisen endil iOS.p. vatv,.i HE, id tngii oDiClon De Lui mIo l'. estC m t Chevrolet alone o«fers this coFnplete Power Team! P@wEai4& Aufomatic Transmission* 1 ir.i . . . filîert . . . and mls llv111 prover auttomatie iran-nîii 1on in h.' lo.-i. îîrlî, ed. %Noî rt, h peçial-no gearhiftiniz-nnt eNe,, a hint of gear rhangrA in ROY COURTICE W . Extra-Pew.rful105-h.p. Valve-in-Heud Engin. Pni,f c'r(urd..eainill i. -its ipidmo - ( 'hevrrleî,. I h, hp. '% I ninii,. h rmark- tht' hi[,heîp« 'eli m,ni, i hns rit, t. 1) Cari or van. rrniration on N aI,'.in-il'ad de'agn. EconoMiser Reur AXIS Si Il a nother ,at iri, (ofithi' aiti(omnati, iîiur ertran, q i ev1.r",,ei, %1i.#r lirar 411r. livar ,,,.l. rai '. farthurai 'a, ,, uigner,'ro-,-iii'il . . frwurr r'niinor r'.ishiiionq andl u-% ga% are re.iireil ainthi5liwa> [ei. Oil De@# if Ail ! vuirr pla çReierF in teiîir eGfde.Ntnm atie 'l ra,, mi-4.'" i i e", fin direci nierh/artiral Ç,ie iiil,ri, ,enrriflC mn ad Ccir aile,. B', -ii,: AÀ.n)ii,ti,, inb)rtin flow. of pom.rr .Ii rert if~,, ut Ai ilengine apeeds . . . and finr-t ei.iiiIihdri % r i îai mm .ct' C-1 2310 N I CHL IDO WMAN VILLE

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