PAGE FOURTEE~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO Trinity W.M.S. Hears Delegates Report On Leaders' School The opening autumn meeting of Trinity W.M.S. was held on Tuesday, Sept. 4th in the Sui.- day School room. The meeting opened with quiet music bv Mrs. Alldrcad. Mrs. Cowhings group had charge of the pro2ram. Mrz. Cowling rcave thc introduction oci the themne WorkYn- Togcthier" from the ncw studv book~s Frorn Lakes to Northern Ligits" and "Home Mission Dizest." 51vy strcýýFcrl the i'lra of cach of l- doin-- Horne M %vn ork bh-, NU addwoicfl 4 1 mkm Grd' Sprdy i )riidollant Press the pretty pink boule for a protective mist. One of the world's great fragrances ta keep you discreetly fastidiaus. Sa safe. Sa effective. Sa lightly priced. Jury &Loveli Phone 778 Bowmanville making the most of her special gifts. Mcs. L. Goddard reviewed chapter one of the f irst book and Mrs. W. Found the second. Both of these ladies gave interestin,, stories of our Home Mission woci:. The president Mrs. Dippefil then took charge and called upon Miss Shirley Pollock and Miss Eleanor McGuire ta give a report on rcccnt Sehool for Leaders at Whitbv. Both of these girls were most intercstinc and made us leed hov': wvorthv'hile the wock s. The literature secretarv, Mrs. Purdon. recommended some ar- ticles from our Mýissionar.y Month- ly ce our study books. The sccretaryv told of havimg reecivcýd an invitation from St. Paul's W.M.S. for our ladies ta attend a meceting, in their church in November. Mrs. Hoskin, a lormer membcer. brought grcet- imzs and told a story of Home Missions. Thc meceting closeci \vith the M\izpah Beniediction. NE WTON VILLE Mirs.Alice Ro\wýe-Sleeman and Mliss Carol Brook-s. Toronto s pent the weekend with Mc. and Mrs. Clifton Robb. 1\i.and Mrs. Thomas Curry and dlaughter, Bancroft, xith Mr. and Mrs. RaYniond Bruce. Mrs . Allan H-ari-is and Mrs. Otto Kîciser, Toronto, u-ith their Mah r, ' Reuben Pyne. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Willard Lock- hart. Naara Falls, N.Y., visîteci fhelc- r' mot Nec, Mî's. John Lancaster, on 'ednie;da. Ivrs. McInt' re, Detroit, is spend- qii a fe-w dcm vi th hec cousin, MrI -. jilliam Laing. Congra tuilat ions to Mr. and Mrs. \Vesle v Gilbank on the birth of a soli at Peterborough Hospital on Thtirsda. Miss Margaret Lancaster, Toc- onto, spent the holiday with her parents at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. RaYmond Shaw and txvo daugliters have moved into the Pearce apartment. Carol and Doris Clvysdale spent a few cinys with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fai i w. Mir. and Mrs. Stockle.y, Miss StockleY, Miss Gale and Mc. Cooper, al of Toronto, were holi- day visitors xith Mc. and Mrs. James Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen and son, Petecborouglh, with hec parents, Mc. and Mrs. Ceeul Burley. School re-opened on Tuesday. We welcome to our community flhc ncw teacher, Mc. James Ash- field, Toronto. Mc. Elmer Randaîl, Oshawa, spent the long weekend with bis mother, Mrs. Jennie Randal. The Sexsmnith sale on Satucday attracteci quite a large crowd. Not onlv local but passing mator- ists as ,vell drew in ta see what they might pick up. Articles sold high iînder the baton of Jack Reid, auctioneer. Mrs. Ken Ware, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephenson and daughter spent the holiday with Mr. and Mcs. George Ovens. ~HET8E~ OWMANYILLB COMFORTABLY AIR COOLED fRIDAY - SATURDAY - SEPT. 7 - 8 %IDE'lD HILARIOUS FEATURE "'GASOLINE ALLEY" 1'xONDAY - TUESDAY - SEPT. 10 -- il WEDNESDAY - THURFDAY-SEPT. 12 - 13 Weekend visitars wîth Mr. and Mrs. John Fisk were Mc. and Mcc. Ed. Barchard, Kacen, Gary and Stevie, Newcastle; Mc. and Mrs. Calvert Barchard and Ken, Whitley. Visitars with Mr. and Mcc. Bill Barchard and Lois wece Mc. and Mrs. Henry Bowen and Daclene, Newcastle, and Mc. and Mrs. Jack Rice, April and Kenny, Bowman- ville. Miss Mary Bowen, Cornwall, spent hec holidays visiting in the States and witb hec mother, Mrs. Fred Bowen. Mrs. F. Bowen and Mary and Mc. Bert Bowen spent last week in Toronto with Mr. and Mis. Stockdale and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Downing. Mc. Calvin Dunn ieft Sunday ta help with the harvest in the West. Mr. and Mcs. Austin Turner and Helen spent Friday in Peter- boraugh. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mîs. Jaek Pactricige (nee Arvihla Brunt) on the arrivai of a baby girl la Oshawa Hospital last week. Miss Marion MeReelis bas re- turned home after holidays with her aunt and uncle. Mc. and Mrs. Sam MeReelis, Oshawa. Lake Shore, Clarke Congratulations ta Mc. and Mrs. Bah Rutherford on their re- cent marriage. Mc. and Mrs. Frank Johns and family. Mc. and Mrs. Roy Coppin and Mcc. F. Wilson, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mcs. Harold Gifford, Taunton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. The Lake Shore Ladies K. S. a nd C. Club met at Miss Gladvs Longs' cottage. During the af- taken campletel.v by surprise when pcesented with some items foc hiec pantry' vshelf. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Jaynes and Sandra. Ceyion, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Jav nes. Mrs. F. Adair and Mrs. Bert Gibsan, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bey. .Tàvnes. Mc. andi Mis, Alf Wilkins and faniilv spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. fMr. and Mcs. Chas. Bedwin and Mr. Art Bedwin, Maclene and Frr'ddie, visited Mc. and Mrs. SEarl Gilbank, Lotus. MMr. and Mrs. Bill Lake spent the weekend travelling in Algon- quin Park. On Tuesdav, August 21, thel Lake Shore Sehool ivas the scene of a veiry lavel.v shover in hon- or of Miss Audrey Adams and Mi-. Bah Rutherford. After openin,ý remarks by the chairman, Mr. Ken Dean, a programn of musicelI selections by Mrs. E. Bro,i Orona. and Mrs. A. Brow n, Browvn's Section, were wellc- ceived. The bride and groom elect 'vere called forward, co)r- sage and boutanniere beingz pre- sented k'v Misses Doris Ma',tii and Marilyýn Baskerville. Mrs. Cea. Skelding thien read an ad- drevs after which baskets l ~ wvith gifts arriv'ed caci'ied b\' Misses Maclene Bedwîn, Lois AI.- dccci, Nancy Lake and Bdî 'uer a- Anti Alldî'ead. Audrey and Bob then thanked one and ail andi pî'oceeded ta open the numerous gîifts. Lunch was served ai-id the evenîng bî'oîight ta a close. Mrs. W. Holmes spenit Thurs- dav' in Oshaw-.a. Mr. and Mrs. W. Holt-es spent Sunidav with Mr and Mî's. Glenn Pollard. Brampton. 'Visitocs with Mr. and Mrs. V'. Holines wvcrc: Mr. and Mccs. R. Shupak andi Mr. Steve Shupark. ,Toronto: Mc. E. T. Acnold-Forst- erd. Oshawa: Mc. Ra ' Suarez andi Mr. Tomi Gibson. Cortland. N.Y.: M ir. Wallacc Sterling. Rocheste-. N Y: M. Murrav' Gibsan. Ne'v: YakCitv': IM. andi Mrs. Henc<, Bow~en. Newcastle, Mr. Stanley Mrs. Harry Knox Is Feted Prior To Marriage Before her marriage on Satur- day, Mrs. Harry Knox, formeriy ïMargaret Loraine Tink, was en- tertained at numerous showers. She was guest of honor at a pantry sheif shower given by Mrs. Ken Hopkins, Base Line, and a cup and saucer shower at which Miss iJorothy Dyer, Oshawa, was host- ess. Ebenezer community joined in a miscellaneous shower for the bride. and Base Line com- munity presenteà her with a bridge set. She also received an end table from the girls of the Oshawa Public. Utilities Com- mission staff. The staff also pre- sented her with an electrie sanci- wieh toaster and waffle iron. \', a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Russell Vice, bu- lina, aunt of the bride, she re- ceived rmany lovely gifts. The staff of the Oshawa Dairy whece the groom is employed, presented him with a lovely coffee table. Mrs. Bruce Tink, Solina, aint of the bride, also entertained for the bridai party on Thursday fol- lowing the wedding rehearsal. ZION (Hope Twp.) Mr. W. Diamond is stayig o a few days at the home of his nephew, Mr. Roy Best. Congratulations and best wish- es go to Mr. and Mrs. George Elli- ott, Newtonville, who were ma- rieci in Welcome Church on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Elliott is the for- mer Helen Morton, youngest daughtec of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mo rton. There have been quite a num- ber of events in the district this week, and neighbors have been in attendance at one or several: Mr. Alf Pollard's sale on Wednes- da 'y, Mr. Joe Sexsmith's sale on Satucday, the several weddings at Welcome. Canton and Mocrish, and on different days the C.N.E., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haw, North- cmn Ontario, called on their COuIS- ins. Mc. and Mcs. Stanley Jons last Friday. Mrs. H. Caswell visited Mrs. E. Barrowclough. Wesleyville, re- cently. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mrs. A. E. Hoison spent a fev; days with Mr. and Mcs. Murton Waltec and Mrs. N. Allin, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mcs. Jack Holmes and familv visited Mc. and Mcc. Noî-ay Gohe-en, Port Hope. Mc. and Mrs. John Hendry, Ocono, and Mr. and Mrs. Gairdon McKnight. and family and Mr-. M. Huggins, Oshawa, called o Mc. and Mrs. C. Alldced. KIRBY Kichy Sunday Sehool hield ifs annual pienie at Hampton park on Thursday afternoon, August 30th. On Sunday evening a vc special service was held atte church, a dedicatian of the new argan. Dr. Ross Lang xvas pre- sent ta officially make the gift of the beautiful Halîman organ. WTe are very grateful also ta Mr'. W. E. Workmian, Bowmanville, who kindly gave an organ ce- cital afler the service ta show us what the oi'gan reall 'y could do.' The chucch was filled ta capacity which showved the intecest and appreciation of the people foc this very lovely gift. The ladies serveci lunch xvhen a social time xvas enjo.ved and many became ac- quainted with Dr. Lang. Mc. and Mrs. Harold Toi'osec, Port Hope, spent, Sunday with Mc. and Mrs. Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, Bow- manville, visited Mrs. Thomp- son. Mcc. Allun and Mr. and Mcs. Roy Cocnish, Port Pery, visited l.-e 727RL&9froy# 1 r ..rp- - - press its deepest sympathy ta Mrs. Youmans and family on the death of hec husband on Thurs- day. Mc. Ray Bryson is home for a few days. Mrs. Stanley Chapman has had the pleasure of a visit from ber brother last week. Congratulations, ta Mc. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford on their marriage on Satuirdla.. STARK VILLE Miss Colleen Falls, Toronta, spent the xeekend wîth Miss Mary Hallowell. Mc. and Mrs. John Stark and Wayne spent Sunday with Mc. and Mrs. Logan, Bethany. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mcc. Gardon Tcim on the bicth of a daughteî. Mc. and Mcc. Orme Falls and familY, Mc. and Mrs. T. Falls with Mr-. and Mrs. W. Adams, Lakeshore, on Sunday. Mc. and Mcc. Gardon Halioweil, Mount Forest, spent the weekend at home. Mc. and Mrs. Don Stapletan andi family, Newtanville, with Mr. and Mcs. ILorne Todd. Mrs. Spilehen. Toronto, with Mc. and Mrs. Victoc Farrow. Sehool ce-apened on Tuesday with Miss Reynolds, Port Hope, in charge. Mcs. Claughciiff, Scarbaro. with Mc. and Mcc. Gardon Tcirn. Mr. and Mcs. Llew Hallowell, Mr. A. J. Souch, Mr. and Mrs.1 Harold Souch and family attended the Rutherford - Adams wvedding1 on Saturday. Mc. and Mrs. Russel Low,,ery, CAN BE MADE UP TO 4'x 8'. GooD SIZE 15 14.WIDE, 261 LONG1 2 HIGH. COFFEETAL MAY BE AS LOW AS 1" TOP AND FACE BOARDS ;/8"- FOR. LARGE TABLES J)SE 7/8" PLYWOOD. ..EGS 0F ?ZX?-TAPERED GTBTTI KNOX - TINK A very pretty wedding ý,ds solemnized in Ebenezer U.nited Church, Saturday aftecnoon, Sep- tember Ist, when Margaret Lac- aine Tink. daughter of Mr. and Mcs. Hilton Tink, Courtice, be- came the bride of Harrv Arnold Knox, son of Mc. and Mrs. Wil- liam Knox, Brougham. Rev. L. M. Somerville, Couctice, per- focmed the cecemony against a background of palms, coral and white gladioli. Mcs. Lloyd Down played the wedding music and Miss Gwen Wilson, Oshawa, was soloist. The bride, given in marriage by hec father, chose a gown fashion- cd with lace bodice avec satin,1 Queen Anne collar and long - sîceves ending in a point ovec the hand. The full skirt was of net avec satin, with inserts of lace. Hec Juliet cap of lace avec satin was trimmed with lily-of-the- valleY and held liecrxeil of tulle illusion edged \Vith lace. She car- ried a bouquet of pink roses. w-hite 'mums and ivy. which she presented ta hec gi'andmother, Mrs. H. E. Tink, before leaving on hec wedding trip. Il The bride xvas attended by Miss Muciel Tink. hec sister, who was maid of honor, and Mrs. Kenneth Pascoe, sister of the groom and Miss Darothy Dyer, Oshawa, gawvned alike in coral marquisette avec taffeta with matching picturo Toronta, with Mc. and Mcs. A. Dobson. Mc. and Mrs. W. Carsan and family in Port Perry. Miss Helena Hallowell, Tac- onto, spent the holida\- atlhome.1 « GI1FT BOXES 101wm &#el, &(es" - EXCELLENT FOR. TOOL5j CA.TONS AND SMALL ARTICLES. -USE SECTION FROM TOP AND. ONE FR.OM BOTITOM TO MAKE ANY DEPT H DESIR.ED. CONNECT WITH TWO HINGES. DIVISIONS MADE WITH YV" PLYWOOD SHELVES at-d 800OK CASES - MADE 0F INCH OP. J/9' INCH MATIERIAL. ENDS OF INCH PINE. BEFORE SPACiNG SHELVES, - CHECK BOOKS FOR. HEIGHT. Im CASH PRIZES 21 Cames and Jackpot ---ail for 50c - also SPECIAL GA31ES AND SHARE THE WEALTH THURSDAY, SEPT. 13 - 8 p.m. sharp NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work "~A Treat! A Treat P' After an active morning of outdoor play - nothing tastes better ta your child than fî'esh, nutritiaus Glen Rae Dairy Milk. Serve plenty of Glen Rae ta your yaungster - it's the food that's tops for quick energy! GLEN IRAE DAIRY% l PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE FOR STRONG HEALTHY BODIES WALL PLAQUE 1,-'om native rnaterlà/ SMALL LAR.CH CONES ATr ý --i - BASE. SMALL TW IGS 1 r EXTEND UPWAROS, ç~jkEMENTrED INTO POSITION. SEED PODS OF LILACS FOR. LEAVES. FLOWERS MAADE iWITH GKAINS 0F WHEAT :)PD. RICE. USE LACQUER., SSHELLAC~ OR. VARNISH FO - llq4 rw m r.-r a .t ce ri - Tt IR yaorlta see haw aur recreatianai facilities are heing steadlil 'v improved, and how 80 nianY rpcreat tonal direct ors are being train"d 10 take their places in our communîties. 1 have matie if, a pract ire to dabbie in several hobbies, anv one of whiî i can be carried over to ni',' ýrî it îent %'eers. Von will se illusi rated une i rny articles tIiet cen bue psilv nidi .. TIhe chief reason 1 like ihb's par iculer pestime la the number of ecurrsions that, must be plinneýd tuIi e couintry and to t he woodr. in svarch ofniva mae rie! t o decorae rt N lai i ts XX andi flowî'r s' igrain, cun ýre seN, Iilac husks andi nut burS are only a few of thle items C<llecied. Intereat iig and decorat iv. arraig- mpnts can ho Mo untc'd on walibo.îrd. Amer-wood, senci hlarteci Pr etched plywood, similar ta the oaS âlown. Gift Boxe Have you aver wished hbr arifahie gift bnxes that are 8utid enough f0) withstand the anslaught of exprc's.s carriers? Try using the ve'rsatile but fer box. By curt ing a section oit ofi iv mniddle, the hox cen Ne made env depth. Ry adding a plywood top and] baîtom, even the centre part can bu uBed in a siniilar fashion. Open Shelves and Tables Alwa ' y salvage waste plvwood or packing box 'uinber for use in making ahelves and t ables. K nick-knack shcl ve- can be eaBily made frotn the thin pisces in which prefnhriî'atedi windows and doors are shipped. Blook litINces will require heavic'r boards. Attracýtive( tables cen offtnbe huilt fr<îm scriip plywood thaf, might otherwise lie thrown fot. It will take name scurryitng arnund fo find the right source for materiai of this nature, but once located and safel1y stored in vour basement, if will be worth the effort. NE ~ B O 01(LET u'Ilfd more information NEW OOK ET n teseanid many other interesting ideas in the book- let "Around the Horne Agnin". juit pubIished. Write for your copy te i . ,i ...HFIlCOLOR CARTOON WESLEY VILLE and farniY motored through Wei- ew-wm u aum Weken gusts ithMr.and Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne and Mr. Weeendguets ithMr.andand Mrs. H. Payrne and Sandra Mrs. Percy Snell were: Rev. and were among the guests attending Mcs. Richard Lion, Diana and the Tinkess - Peters wedding Sat- Keith, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mr. and urday naon at Canton United Mrs. Keri Dinner and family'vis- Church. ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thomn. Snell, celebcating Mr. Snell's dyke and family visited in Tor- birthday. onto, Sunday with Mc. and Mrs. Visitors wiih Mrs. P. Hoidaway Stanley Meeking. were Miss Nola Holdaway. Tor- Mrs. Kate Brimacombe is visib. onto; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Glaver, ing for a few days with ber - Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bill niece, Mrg. A. Thorndyke. Glover and family, Peterborough. Mr.H adPaeacmpn Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin ied her' itrst Toronto Mon. day of last weelc te visit the . .. ...bats and carrying cream gladi*- C.Ni.E. oh. Betty Jean Knox, niece of Mc. and Mcs. Murray Payne the groom, and Fay Harper, Ux- and Ruth Payne v'isited Toronto bridge. cousin of the bride, were Exhibition Monday. pretty little flower girls dressed Sehool has opened with ff in blue marcjuisette over taffeta Ruth Payne returning ta with wreaths of forget-me-nots in Sault as teacher, Mrs. Mur their hair. Payne to Brown's, and our new George Knox, brother of the teacher is Mrs. Helen Johnson, of groom, was best man, and Walter Port Hope. Carol Thornd\ke is Tink and Kenneth Tink. brothers the only new pupil at this school of the bride, acted as ushers. in Grade I. For the reception held at the We are sorry to hear that Gloria home of the bride's parents, the and Jean Nichai have been quite bride's mother wore a gown of sick recently. We hope they have C.N.E. BANK DISPLAY TEACHES NEW FAMILY - FINANCINO PLAN - Bank 0f wine crepe and lace with black a speedy recovery. Montreal men and women answer the personal financing and banking questions of visit- accessories and corsage of white Miss Sheila Rymoe, Enmins. ors to their booth in the Canadian National Exhibition, just opened in Toronto. The f irst 'mumns. She was assisted by the and Miss Catherine NeKinnon, groom's mother wearing mauve Toronto, were gu"eut 3Irs. H. bank dispiav ex'er set up at the C.N.E., the B of M booth last year attracted more than a crepe with gray accessories and Payne this week. quarter-of-a-million visitors and suppiied information on Personal Planning to 27,000 of corsage of peach gladioli. them. 1\1ore than 5,000 people sat dow-n wîth the bank,'s personnel to discuss their f in Following' the reception, bride ancial affairs and banking prob]ems. Since the introduction of Per 'sonal Planning at that and groom left on a wedding trip time. over 100,000 persons have individualiy sought information on this new monev- to Ottawa and points east, the ofatemgidicnts is 0nquebride wearing a honey beige suit maagmntsstem. The experience of many ftenidctsisuiu effectiveness accented with Kell y green acces- in meeting the high cost of living. sories and white orchid corsage. On their retuxn, Mr. and Mr- Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Mc. and Mrs. Orley Chapman on IT'-TTT Knox will i.eside on his brother's - Rowland and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn Sunday. VVL.±JLJL1G farm near Solina. and Maili1n, Orono. The community wishes ta cx- ____ ON I )e "i y 1 1 PAGE FOURTEEN TI-TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO r ANIITSING ý-= TMMSDAT, SZ". M. lm i