THURSDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1~51 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN~, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEllE The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan Weekend visitors with Mr* and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were: Dr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Butcher and son Keith, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilson, Lindsay: Mrs. Thos. Gillan, Mr. Edgar Ayling and daughters, Joy and Carol, Tor- enta. Mrs. 1. Noden, Toronto, spent last week at her home here. also her daughter Viola is on holidays here. Miss N. Archer and Mr. T,. peËdington, Toronto, spent the r Day weckend with Mr. and Mfý Alex Watson. Mrs. Wilbur Henry, Newmarkct, spent several days with Miss M. Davy last week. Mr. and Mirs. Herb Murry ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Cyri French, Oshaua, enjoyed a motor trip through 'U.S.A. while on ho Iidla s. Mrs. McGowan. Scanhoro, visit- cd with lier mother, Mrs. Robt. Allin, rcnl Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Logan, Mrs. A. Ell;oit, and Mr. and Mrs. C. V.7 ood moWored through Halibur- ton i Dorset, Muskoka, on Mrs. Jas. Dickson bas returne< from a visit at the home of her idaughtcr. Mrs. John Millson and family, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Alex, have returned fron holiday' ing in Muskoka. Alex will attend Bowmanville Higi Sehool this year. Mn. Bob Goode has accepteda position in The Canadian Bank of Commerce here and startpd work Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter spent the holiday weekend with rela- tives in Bobcaygeon and enjoyec a mnotor trip through, Algonquir Park. Mrs. J. J. Cornish and brother, Mr. Roy Winter, have returnied from a month's trip ta the West Coast. They motored out, anc Lreturning travelled by boat, trai and 'plane. and report a wonder- fui holidav. Mr. Smith of Port Perrv was the ininister at Orono Unitce. Church service on Sundav morn- ing, and preached an inspiring sermon ta a large congregatioil The choir were heard in a well rendereci anthero. This xvas the 'CANNED GOODS VALUES' LYNN VALLEY PEAS SD GOLDEN CORN COC PINEAPPLE JUICE RET2 SLICED PINEAPPLE QTF LIBBY'S FRUIT COCKTAIL KIPPER SNACKS ktupAC 3 2002. 20 Ch. ni. 45F MUNGER'S MEAT BAILS -,n?'l39ý SPECIAL OFFERI 1 PNG. CR£AM OF CHICKEN CHICKEN WITH fICS CUICKffN NOODLE BELMAR SOUP MIXES 3 Mg. Excellent for Canning ELEERTA PEACHES NOIV ARRJVING DAILY Quality Guaranteed - See Ours Before You Buy- Red Malaga Grapes - Firm, Ripe Bananas - Al1ways the' Best Slaked Tomati Ontario Bradford, Head Le! juce .St. La%%~renh p (Ptî'ttr (o, Apâes - sive et.J s~ ize DOMIUON-aAVOURFUL Peanut Butter SPECIAI. OFFIRI 15 TEA RAGS FOR 10e W1TH THE PURCHASE 0F REG. PKG. 30 - LIPTONS -ORANGE PENOE TEA BAGIS 4 S52" AUNT SALLYS WITH PRCTIN STRAWBERRY xM 0.& JA jear 7 PCNIC-SWIET MIXED PICKLES 16OZ. A TOILI T TI'SSUE NAY Ro12< %VINI)SOR ICELAND WAFERS 12-L,. (.Clio APPLE BLOSSONI BISCUITS lb. . . . 17c lb. --*19C 6 qt. basket lus - - 49C large firm hcads . -2/17c 6 qt. Ia.kff es 5.- tqPickling Supplies Greenî and Red Pcppcr'c - Garlit Buds - Toniatoes - ('auliflower (Celery - Silver Skin Onions ('ooking Onions UNGRACED EGGS WANITEDî W:pyhiqhes*imarket pr;ces tir U n5raded E995 S. manager for détais.Reg. Station 0.29, Values Efective Thirsday, Fr day, Saturday, Sept. 6th. 7th & Sth cello 1)a gf 23c DOMIINO PALE DRY CINGER ALE 2 for 33c' Orono Speaker r d1 n LI t tDr. Archer Wallace, M.A., D. Taranto, is ta be guest speal< for the *ipening ceremn-,iet the new Orono IThiited Ciur-cx Sunday, September 9. Dr. \'Vý lace will address bath the atte noon and evening services. Dec caton services will also be hc an Sundav. September 16. last United Church service ta hield in the Anglican Church, ai the congregation leavo with fe, incs of dcep appreciation ta tl aLieighboring church for their gre gcrosity. Next Sunday afte noon at 2:30( the newr Unit( Church will be openc'd for dec cation. It is expected that hun, reds of visitors will be in Oroi for this occasion. Ocono BFand joucneyed ta Lak field on Saturday ta take pa in the Faîl Fair there. Mr. R. H. Wood who bas spei the past tw months at the hor of his son, Mr. Wes Wood, h gone ta Oshawa ta visit bis daugi ter, Mcs. Wes Hoskins. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lantz. Tocani spent the weekend with Mrs. Wa ter Cobbledick and took ber bonr with them for a visit. Mr. Francis Cowan, accomI anied by Bill Moffat and Bc Casey have motored ta Wester Canada to help with the harve~ thece. Visitors with Mrs. Jas. Dickso are ber twa daughters, Mrs. Tui rel and daughter, Rae and Mr Milison and son. John. Congratulations ta Mr. an Mrs. Bob Rutherford (nee Au' rey Adams), Newcastle, wl were macried on Saturday. The will live in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. de Beaupi and Michael, St. Hubert, QUE and Miss Barbara Piper and, M Gea. MePhail, Toronto, were r. cent guests of Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Visitors recently with Mr. an Mrs. Foster Ferguson were M and Mrs. Charles Dew, Mapli Ont., and Miss Mildred Grahar Aucora. Mcs. Fred Tamblyn who h.- been visiting at Apsley with M: and Mrs. Charlie Miller at thei lodge, retucned on Monday wit Larry and Wayne who started t sehool on Tuesday. *BLACKSTOCK Schools in Cartwright opene( Tuesday morning, Sept. 4th wit! the following teachers and grades Caesarea-Mrs. Lloyd Wright Grades 1, 2, 3; Biackstock P. S.- Mrs. Turner, 1, 2, 3; Cadmus- Grant Campbell, 4, 5, 6; Egypt- Miss Gwen Wilson, 4. 5, 6; Nontl Room High School-Mr. Turner Grades 7 and 8. Archer's anc Purple Hill Schools are closed. ln the High School the teaci. ers are: Mr. R. P. Allun, Principal Mr. Harold Potts, Mn. Gardar Paisley. Mrs. John Scott, Stouffi ville. The same buts drivers, Ivar Thompson, George Bowers anc Gardon Metealfe who bas a new, bus. Mrs. John Scott, new membei off the High School Board, iý boaading with Mc. and Mcs. Thos Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Turner, n' teachers, are baarding with Mr, and Mrs. Hector Shortcidge. Mc. and Mrs. Wiil White, Cav- an.«spent the weekrend witb Mr, and Mrs. Wilbect Werny. Rev. and Mrs. George Nichai- son ai-d a friend, Miss Jean Tay- lac. Supt. I.O.D.E Hospital, To- conta. took a miotor trip the past two weeks ta Perth, Ottawa, North Bay, Midland end other points. McI. and Mns. Har~old Martvi and Ronnie visitcd Mn. and Mrs, J. Kercher at Kitchener, and Mi, and M\rs. W. W. Shantz at St. Catharines on Sunday and Mon- dayv. Mliss Doris Hamilton, Toronto, and Iniencîs spent a week at Feu- clan Falls. Miss Joan Guiston, Toronto,a sistern nurse-în-training. spenta weck with Miss Doris Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. Wilson Ney anc daughters, Ottavwa, visited wiih MnI. and Mrs. L. Fitze. Mn. and Mrs. George Stanilaiic are visiting thein familv in To. r onta. Miss Jean Ford, Toronto, with Mr~. and Mrs. Robent Ford. Doris Griffin retunned home on Suniciay aften spending a vveek in Toronto %vith hier aunt, Ger- trude Henry, and the Sommer fani uv Mvr. Neil Baiieý- stanterl bis di- tics as teacher at Ylverton oçi Tuesdav. The Girls' Garden Club off Dur- ham wili hoid their Achievem-ent Dayv in the Communityv Hall on Sept. 15. Ever.vone is welcome; pictures wili be shown. Peter Philp, West Hill. ceturni- cd home aften spending his va- cation on the farms of the Darreli Bras. Mrs. Pcrcv Phclp andi Davidi calied an Mn. and Mrs. Herman Hooeýy an Monday. In a snceze. the expelcd air travels about 100 miles an hour. Hunonia's original red-skinned inhabtantîs wrre agicuiturai Ir- dians. gaininz thienlivelibood pru- niarily £rom the soi. ENFIELD Mc. and Mcs. Walter Smit Whitby; Mr. Wallace Stainto Toronto; Miss Merle Ormistc Brooklin; Mc. Stan Gray, Oshaw at H. Ormiston's. Mc. and Mcs. Keith Ormist' and family, Ebenezer; Mr. Rz Smitb, Kedron: Miss Evelyn Hei burn at H. Smitb's. Mr. and Mcs. L. Stephensc and Ronnie at S. Cowling's. T: rone. Miss Mary Helen Bowma Misses Marion and Evelyn Pa coe with Mrs. L. C. Pascoe ai Miss Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa. Keitb Gibson, Gceenbank, spei a week with his cousin, Gler Prescott. Mc. and Mcs. Edgar Preset and Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Dc Prescott at E. Gibson's, Gceez bank. Mc. and Mcs. Edgar Prescc and Glenn, Mc. and Mcs. Donal Pcescott, Mc. and Mcs. A. V .D. Pcescott and family, Mc. Aylm( :er Prescott, Mrs. J. Harris, Mr. an on Mn. Ivan Ormiston, attended ti a'silver wedding celebration hel e in Enniskilen for Mc. and Mr di-Wilbect Smith, Oshawa, ild - TYRONE id Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspe el- an-d children visited Mr. and Mr he W. E. Lewis, Welcome. mat Mr. and Mcs. S. Banks ar el- children, Toronto. with Mr. ai ýed Mrs. Donald Mountjoy. di-. Mc. and Mrs. James Murdocl id- Bowinanville; Mr. and Mcs. 1 ýno Jenkins and family, Mrs. Ad Jenkins, Cobourg, were tea guest e- of Mc. and Mrs. Trexvin Scott. at Mc. and Mrs. A. Hamilton an family. Mcs. D. Cale and familý visited Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Cress nt well, Lindsay. ne Mr. and Mcs. Howard Phili la Ronald and Marilyn, Miss Jea ýh Pbilp visited Mr. 'and Mcs.J Philp, Castleton. to,. Mc. Murray Berry, Canton; Mi l- and Mrs. Melbourne Wight. Mi nie and Mcs. Wrightson Wight calleý on Mc. and Mcs. Russell Wright. ip Mission Band will meet Sur ob day mocning. rni Mcs. J. A. Rosevear and Ken ýst neth witb hec father, Mrs. 1. W Larmer. Millbcook. on Several from hece attended th( r- Exhibition, Blackstock and Parý Mc. and Mcs. Ken Lamb, Clark son, called on Mc. and Mrs. Geo nd Alidread. d- Misses Eileen Redman and Jear ho Jones, Hamilton. with Mr. anc ey Mcs. J. Broome. Congratulations ta Doris Parl re on receivinq ber scholarship. SbE e., is attending Normal Sebool ir c.ý Toronta. -e Miss Judy Sykes, Toronto, fi visiting Gloria and David Brent. id Mc. and Mrs. Kenneth Hard) r. and Jerry witb Mc. and Mrs. R~ e , S. Murray, Toronto, and visite' n, Mc. and Mrs. W. Farrell and Mr and Mcs. Elmer Farrell, New Ta. cs onta. and also attended the Ex. r. Sorcy ta hear Kenneth Rase. ýrvear broke bis arm on Monday. h Playoff football game betweei toEnniskillen and Courtice Junior played here Monday evening ce. sulted in a score of 2-1 in favoi of Eriniskillen. Mc. and Mrs. Dawson Beeketl bas moved ta Oshawa. ?d Checyl Spcage, Hamilton, witi th hec gcandmothec, Mcs. W. T. Wor. ý*den. S., Laccy Rosevear is balidaying ai -,îMillbcook. -IMc. and Mrs. 0. Beckett anc Arvilla are home fcom a trip ti bh the West. r, Mc. and Mrs. H. Spragg, Ham- id ilton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall en- joyed a trip ta Ottawa and Mont- ceal. Mc. and Mcs. Wilfred Banks )n Grace and Beryl, Weston; Mr visîted Mc. and Mrs. Walter in Rahm with Rena and Ian Grahamr id ceturning home. The ehildren are back ta school Wwith Mrs. H. Philp as teacher. r Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park anc ischiidren visited friends at Pet- serborough with Mc. S. Duval ce- ~tunning home witb them. Mr. W. J. Tape, Waterloo, vis- r. tcd Mr. and Mns. E. Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam visit- *ICongratulations ta Miss Bessie Yeo on receîving ber diploma for *Young People's Work in the Church. The awand came frorn the Lcadership Education Depant- ment of the Board of Christian Education of Canada. Bessie at- tended Rvenson Young People',; Summer School on Lake Erie. She received the highest marks. Rex'. D. Lute presented Bessie with hec dipioma at the Sunday morning service. Mcs. R. Hatheriy is visiting ber son, Mn. and Mrs. J. Hatherlv, Ne wton vi île. Wýomen's Institute met Pt the home off Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli xith a good attendance. Mrs. J. A. Rosevean presided. Roll caîl waF answered bx' a -don't in the sick room." Business included report off Orono Fair Committée bv Mrs. Henrv Stainton: report of Hos- pital Room b.v Mns. J. A. Rose,- vear: Mrs. M. Bird and Mrs. L. Hooper ta provide flawvers for the chucch. Announcement of Gar- ZION Mr. and Mrs. Weg Camerori and Joyce, Mrs. Jack Cameron and Johnny at Lake Simcoe. Mr. Tom Currie, Hamilton, sment last week with his wife. Mr. Cecil Lloyd. Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. Frank Sobil. Mr. and Mrs. L. Leah, Elles- mere, at Henry Dart's. Miss Ruth Shaw, Mr. and flMrs. R. C. Stainton at Russell Stain- tan's for the weekend and hali- da.ý, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson and family, Oshawa, at the Killen home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie. Miss- eý Marie Killen and Grace'Stain- ton attended the Ex. in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lloyd went on a trip ta Rice Lake and the Otonabee. River on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnott and Douglas, London, at Arthur DaIf's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Moore, 'Messrs. Bud Moore and Keith Stainton, Misses June Cooper and IMuriel Moore and Master Jerry Moore spent a few days at Pen- etanzuishene. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley and Ted. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. den Club Achievement Day at Sauina Sept. 28 on '*We Cali it human nature." Mrs. Henry Stainton presided for program with devotional by Mrs. R. Wright. Guest speaker was Dist- rict President, Mrs. M. Emerson, Nestieton, who gave a fine talk on "Citizenship." Music by Mrs. H. Brent and a reading by Mrs. L. Annis. Afternoon tea was serv- ed. SPECIAL WOOL SALE *A special 3-ply wool from a well-known manufacturer AT ONLY 29C az. Shades for socks and sweaters. A golden opportunity to stock up for fail and winter knitting, J. W. JEWELL 49BIG 4-20p» 27 King St. W., BmmnvIlle PHONE 556 NOW..l.0 Marr's Offer You FACTO RY REPAIR SERVICE onBULOVA WATCHES 0 Your Bulova watch is a fine precision instrument, deserving the best attention. Now, by bringing irta a ur store, you can have it factocy-serviced at Buiova's modern plant by quaiified master.craftsmen. Only genuine Bulov'a materiai is used. Ylour watch, together with a spe- cial Watchmaster record of its performance, will be rerned ta you in a dustpraof, moisture- proof, hermeticaiiy sealed plas- tic bag-your guarantee of Bulova faccory reconditioning. MARRIS Jewellery 43 King St. W. Phone 463 BOIVMANVILLE Clifford Martin and daughters. Ajax, at Fred Cameron's. Mr. J. H. Woods, Toronto: Mrs. êlary Leach, Oshawa, at Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jack. St. John, Newfoundland; Mr. and Mrs.. E. Linebach, Leila Anne and Grant, Kansas City, Missouri, at Alex McMasters'. Mrs. Alex McMaster attended a pantry shelf shower at Miss Bec- fiee Langmaid's. Oshawa, for Miss Ruth Rabbins. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Storms, Oshawa. at Jack Camneran's. Mr. Henry DeMille bas ouite a few new beginners at school. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson, and Mr. and Mcs. Geo. Aldread, Tyrone. visited Mr. and Mcs. Ceeul Wilson. Mr. and Mcs. John Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. S. McNeilly and family, Miss Cobb and Mr. Stati- ley McNeilly. all of Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sain- elis. Mr. and Mcs. Maurice Samelîs an Sharon, Peterborough; Mr. and Mcs. Jas. MeMullen, Bally- duff, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Larmer Hyland. Misses Gladys Emerson and Elva Bradley. nucses-in-training at Oshawa General Hospital, cail- ed on Miss Jean Bowers. Miss Ruth Sharpe, Fort Nelson: Mr. Bruce Sharpe and Miss Laura of Cavan, visited Mr. Sharpe and Mrs. Farder. Recent guests with Mc. andi Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt and Mn. El- mer Nesbitt were: Mn. and Mrs. Fred MeTear. Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Rodnej Ainsworth, Mr. Al- vin McGill and Mrs. Hugh Tay- lor, Lindsay, and Mcs. Zeta Ccockford. Toronto. Callers with Mcs. K. Burton avec the holiday were: Mrs. Ted Rainey, Claire and Paul, Otta- wa; Mr. George Johnston and Nina, Cadmus; Mrs. Hugh Tay- lor and Mrs. B. Heaslip, Mrs. L. Joblin and Mr. Marsball Mal- colm. Mc. and Mrs. Max Fallis and children, Toronto, visited Mc. apid Mrs. Donald Thompson. Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, spent the weekend at ber home. Mr. Norman Avery. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy. Mc. and Mrs. George Bowers visited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Trick, Lindsay. Mc. and Mrs. James Ferrier, Perth; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sym- ans and Joan, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mc. and Mcs. N. C. Marlow. Mrs. Jas. Harris is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mcs. Grant Thompson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edson Thompson, Canning- ton, Mrs. J. Watson, Caesarea, visited ber sister. Mrs. Jas. Farder. Mr. Perce Hulbert, Toronto, spent the weekend with his fa- ther, Mr. Arthur Hulbect. Miss Shirley Hicks ceturned from holidays xvith hec uncle, Mn. F. Hicks, Millbrook. The Rohrer brothers journeyed ta Grimsby and bcought home a load of peaches. Mc. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt, Beth and John, visited Mr. Donald Proutt at Oshawa. Misses Jean Bowecs and Elaine Thompson have finished with their summer positions at Mc. and Mrs. Allan Wilson's store and booth. Friends of Mr. Les Lansing, Caesarea, are pleased ta know he is able ta be around again since bis seniaus illness. The funeral of the late Mrs. JohnNaismith, Montreal, form- erly of Lotus, wvas held Satur- day noon from the home of ber nephew, Mr. Elmner Nesbitt, ta the Nesbitt bunial ground in St. John's Cem-etery, Blackstock. A goodly number of passersby )lave stopped ta view the new Crete construction of the bung- alowv Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heas- lip are building on the J. J. Bruce store site. Some dozen neighbors were en- tertained at the home of Mn. Sharpe and Mrs. Farder on Tues- day evening. Cards, games and a bountiful lunch were enjoyed, the occasion being Mr. Sharpe's birthday. Congratulations ta Mr. James Harris who celebrated a birth- day, this week! The township sehool buses op- erated by George Bowers, Ivan Thompson and Gardon Metealfe began their fali schedule with capacitv loads. A splendid congregation met Sunday evening at the Presby,- terian Church with many sum- mer tourists in attendance. Ser- vice Was held in the newly decon- ated church auditorium. Special music was cendered by Mrs. An- dlerson, Mr. Fisher and the Van- derwillan brothers, ahl of To- ronto. and Mr. McComb delivered an inspinince address. Mn. and Mvrs.- Jas. Harris entertained a AFRICAN KING HAD 415 WIVES.. King Plent.v who ruied the AI- rîcan Congo in the l9th century, had 415 wives. But if vou'd ike ta provide your anc little-lady with plentv off sp-nding money, x'ou can make it îhrough States- man Classified Ads. Through Statesman Classifieds you seli things yau don't need, fil vacant centai-units and get a byet- ter job. Foc an ad-writer's help dial 663. SCHOOL FOR FUTURE FARMERS What ln an Agricultural School Like? Is it miuch different fromn or- dinary schools? There are over sixteen hund- red graduates of the Kemptvilie Agricultural Scbool who could answer these questions today. They would tell you that this sehool, half-way between Pcescott and Ottawa on No. 16 Highway IS different. Under direction of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, its main purpose is ta train youn_" folk toward the land. In fact, 70 per cent of Year '51 graduates in agriculture are noxv oh farms. It would be bard ta find many rural cammunities in Eastern Ontario witbaut a gzrad- uate of K. A. S. in Agriculture, Home Economics or Dairy Schooi courses. How many schools have 300 acres of land complete with cattie, horses, sbeep, swine and poultry? Smnall wonder that students revel in the freedom of such a labora- tory! This is a big difference pro- viding sound sources of down-to- carth learning. At least one hait a student's effort is far-removed froin the ocdinary class-room. His aftecnoons may find him '"earning by doing," whether in the cattie judging ring, the poul- try plant, welding sbop or the or- chard. With a school tecm that opens en October 9th and ends April 9th. costing about $230.00 ail expenses. the busy beginner soon finds that he is ready for the final year. Meanwhile he has a chance ta help at home In the ur- gent spring and fail seasons on the farm. IiENWODIICHRISTMAS ~LiUB A small deposit oach week buys a KENWOOD ~----~'Blanket for Christmas A wonderful gift, a practical gift- and easy ta pay for in this canvenient way. Choose any lavely pastel colaur you please or fleecy white, and plan ta start paying now! Fidnus abonut èhis emy ptzyment plan from, pur Blanket DepartmenJ. In a personal Kenu'ood Pau lBook your tveekly depo.,it& are entered, and hi' Chri.,tmas the blankes is paid for in fuIl. KENWOOD BLANKETS Have Rit a New Low Price SAVE $4.00 ON EACH BLANKET BY PLACING YOUR ORDER NOW - Note these new money saving prices - Kenwood Viceroy - was $26.00 N O W $22.00 Size 72" x 96"'- ends bound with 6-inch taffeta ribbon, beautiful pastel shades of ivory, white, charm pink, sky blue, acchid, rnaize, turquoise, grey, rnt green, flame and hunter green. Individually boxed. Kenwood Famous - was $23.50 NO0W $19.50 Size 72' x 84" - ends bound with 6-.inch satin ribbon in decorator colours of white, cedar, burgundy, blue, gold, turquoise, rose, peach and green. Individually boxed. Kenwood Ramcrest - was $19.95 NO W $15.95 Size 72" x 84" - ends bound with 6-inch satin ribbon in colours of blue, rase, cedar, peacli, green and wine. Individually boxed. Kenwood Ramcresi Bleached Whife Was $19.95 NO W $15.95 Size 72" x 90" - whipped ends in plain white or with two-coloured hordet s of rase and green, blue and gold, green and cedan, cedar and gold. HAVE ONE PUT AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS ON OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN. e2.00 DOWN AND $1.00 PER WEEK UNTIL PAID FOR "1TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP"t Phone 451 Bowmanville, Ont.. h Di»4tNON STORES LIMITFD - 1 THURSDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1.9-51 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 35ý L PAGE THPM 4:;;>,