PAGE LPIGHT 'I'~T FA1'~TAflA~.T ~'rA'rW~7,IA~.! ~ RA~T77 T ~ REVIEW 0F E VENTS 1H 1052 FROM STATESMANILE January a Bickle, Ebenezer, was total First baby of the year 1952 was stroyed by fine. A quant a son, bau-n in Memnorial Hospital feed, bey, ac ce f, two pig ta Mr. and Mu-s. Byron Vaustone. a new trachon weu-e burned. O. F. Robson was appoiated as February 28 authou-ized dealer for Pontiac and W. J. Berry, well kaown Buick cars and G.M.C. trucks in manville bookcshone owneu-, Bawunanville. bnated bis 25tb yean in bus. Andrew Our, manager ai bbe Rev. T. Arthur Marga, IBowmanvîlle Walker Stores, won ent minisher ai St. George's a $25 puize in a n&tion-wide win- ed Cburch, Toronto, accep dow display contesh. caîl fuon Trinity United CI Manvers Township Council la- Bowmanville. Hoe replacec fourned Victoria County Couaicil S. R. Henderson. ý that lb cpproved the issuing ai de- Mn. and Mrs. Fred C. Vai bentures for the Victoria Counby celebreted bbc 45th enniv( District Hig b Scbool Area. af their wedding. Charles Cau-er dnew up a draft Herbent G. Cale. M.R.A.I.( fou- the Dept. of Labour on bebalf ycar-old son ai Mn. and M~ of the national council of the Jack Colo, was nemned anc Canadien baking iadustry, giving in change ai bbc $20,000 cdi information on bbc beking in- ta the Lions Community Cei dustu-y as a careen for a young Cobourg Comets won tbc man. final playofi senies ad the January 10 ta meet Lindsay iu bbc fine. Town Counicil ai Bowinanville the Lekeshore Intermediate f4 1952 consists ai Mayor Sidney Hockey League ile by defE Little, Reeve Morley Vanstone, Bowmanville Barons tbreeg Deputy Reeve Melville S. Dale out ai four. and Couneillors Nanman Scott, Mlarch 6 Nelson Osborne, Wilfrid Carrutb- Bow'menvilhe Kinsî-nen eu-s, Fred Cale, O. F. Robson and stcrted a door-to-doon canva Walter DeGeer. part ai its cenipaiga ta reaise Nine Registened Holstein cattle 000 ta insteli anticifial ice il owned by Wilfred Bowles, R. R. Menionial Auena. 1, Nesîleton, were electu-ocubcd in Resîdeats ai Ceesaec peti the Bowles' barnu wen their wah- cd Cartwright Township Co er suPply wcs afioched by a short- ho instaîl lights in bbc village circuit in a faulty elecînho punip. Fine ccused extensive dei Dcrliaghou Relo.payers' Associ- ta Neelwey Shoe Ropaîr, op ation mot in Hampton ta protest ed by Marvin Compecu, an the new equalized asscssmont. William Braunsteinýs billiard They proposed hiring a lawyer toaiah 73 King St. E. farmally request bbc Townsbip Mu-s. Carl H. (Peto) Si Council ta make the 1950 ad Coui-lice, xvas fatclly inj 1951 tax rails availeble fou- scu-ut- wben tbc automobile drive. iny. ber husband. wes involved January 17 bead-on collision wilb e si John M. Watson was named car. Mn. Shortt was sonlousl: General Manager of the R. M. juned. Hollingshead company's Bow- Oven 350 women froni Dur xnanville plant. and Ontario Counties atoe Mu-s. William Clarke wes voted bbc 24th annuel meeting af Cheirmen ai Bowmanville Public Ophawa Pnesbyterial ai Schools Board. Other membens Woman's Missionary Societý weu-e Stuart R. James, secreteu-y- bbc United Chu-ah af Canai treasuner; William Lycett, Keitb March 13 Jackson, Howerd Jefiu-ey, Bill Bowmaaville. Town Coi James and Beh KitsQn. shruck a record tex rate oý -An C4£kIofa the Ontario Dept. milîs, an incroase ai five r 40f Municipal Affairs mado spot aveu. 1951. Of thîs, 25.5 mihIs çhecks ai a number jof the equal- ion educablon purposes. ized assossments la Darlinghan An officiel ai the Insun; Township and iound noa coni- Underwriters' office tuu-ned ir plaint with the job donc. alerm ta test bbce eficiency H. R. Stuart Rya, Q.C., Pont the Bow'manville Voluateer Hope, was elected President ai Deparhmenî. The Deperîmn the Durham District High School uulcm hog ubi Board. sacaetruhwtfl January 24 colours. Town Council epproved Irwin ColwiIl, Neweastle epple creases ai $200 ion tbrec meni groWer, was elected President ai ai bbc local police fonce. the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable The rollicking reirue "'The1 Gu-oweu-s' Association. stens ai 1952"1, staged by bbc B West Durham properties valued manville Lions Club, pleyed1 at $1,972,499 cbaaged bauds dur- successîol tbree-aight runaai 1951, Miss Helen Crydenmen, Opera House. Deputy-Registrar for tbc United Mrh2 Counties, reported. Mrh2 Winton Begneil, L. W. Dippeili Alfie Sbrubb, greebest rur Rev. S. R. Henderson, Mu-s. Alan ai the 2th century, wes bbc - - ~hnneand Mfiss Dara. Purudon est gucsb et the firsl annuel Spi weë'*Icted ta bbe Bowmanvillo Celebnitios Night steged by Recu-eatlon. .Cmmission.Cantao Sports Wribers a A dinner washeld in bonour ai Bnoadcasters Association aI C. E. Rebdou-, President ai bbc Royal York Hobel. Bowmanville Foundry Company, Gregory Clark, well-kno ta mark bis 40 years ai service Canadien writen, xves speaker with bhe finm, 'Tree' ather men the Women's Canadian C Charles Buras, Lucius Hoaper and which dnew a record ettendai William Yeo bad also been wiîh ,I. w'as aunouinced bbat a r the fiu-m aveu- 40 yeau-s. telophone exchcnged would Rev. S: R. Henderson, Minister installed et Bleckstock. at Trinity United Church ion thu-ce John Mohua, caetaken ai and a hall yeau-s, accepbed a cal axvn dump, uetined aiter 20 ve ta the Lincoln Roed United serxice. Chu-ch. Windsor. Jack Wilson book axer tbe Ki January 31 St. bobacco sbop formerly opem Over 150 guosts atheaded theed y Mr.Au.-ch- 2 flrst annual Buras' Night dinner ac,2 held by the Legion Pipe Band in Carnet B. Rickarnl xxas elcc Bowrnanville Badminton Club. President ai the Baxvmanx- New X-ray equipmenh et bbe Rotary Club ta succeed Da' Memorial Hospital had been la- Higgouî.- talled wihh fonds pnovided by A total ai 1,256 patentiîs wc the labo Mu-s. George W. Mc- cduntîed ta the Meniorial H. Laughlin, Oshawa, wbo onted pital, Box'vnxille. during 19 $3,000 and bbc Bowmanville Lions Miss Mae Hilditc-hi, R.N., supori Club, who contuibuted $t1p0. tendent.,ueported et annuelnie( A former beloved nectar ai St. ing ai Hospital Board. John's -Anglican Chu-ch, Major Albert Young came ta Boý the Rev. Canon Clarence Reg- manville as manager ai bbc Wel Inald Spencer, V.D., passed axvay or Stores, replecing Andnow 0O at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. who bcd leased a service statif Thu-ee Goodyear oniplyees- ini Belleville. Eu-le Colwell, Jae Cbilds and A former Enniskillen man wI Lau-ne Potton-wcre presented ncceived bhis educabion in Bo' wihh 25-year service pins. rnanx'ille, William D. Robbir. February 7 Mayor ai Toronto la 1936 ai Bowmanviile citizens, aîong 1937, passcd awav. with- the uesh ai Canada, joiaed in Apuil 3 mouu-ing the deatb o! King Jaumes T. Brown, Ncwcast George VI. fermer, w'nan silx-er tnay fi An noostueding anain r-+ap iingt -e-notoins- i County Master fr4r Durham Wesi. Percix'ar A. Mîui.irbead, son al Memorial Hospital uepouted a Rex'. C. P. Muirhead, a formeru deficît of $2,222 for operetions nectar of St. Jobn's Aniglican duuing 1951. Cburch. w-es naeed genou-el su- February 21 pernaendent af planning and Fine destnoyed the home aifnicterial contraI et Fard af Con- Mrs. Lea Toutant. Bunrketon. leax' ada's aircratigpati id ing heuself and heu- thu-ee childu-en TeJskaor.l lu tae hormeless. hJakadJlClbsge James P. Reynolds, Hamipton, a succssful musical revue et bbc was appointed clou-k af the East Tow.n Hall for Ibm-ce successive Whitby Township Couacil. nights. Mu-s. W. H. Densem wa's lion- April 17 oured on completion ai 215 years Bawmanx-ille Barons hockey' of service on bbe staff of the On- tearn receix-ed cu links and lie taria Training School ion Boy-s.1 bars at a testimonial dinner beld .~A barrn belonging tu lMauriceui Uute Badminton HeU. ly de- Ross Stevens of Glen Rae Farm, as a funieral home. and agree to pay back to the Co ta instail artificial ice in the ais of the Durham County Public ity of1 Bowmanville. was elected Presi- Farty members of the Office town the $25,000 borrowed. Mernorial Arena. It was under- Speaking Contest. s and dent of Quinte District Cattie Union at the Goodyear Tire and After being on strike for over; to htte apn al November 20 Breeders' Association. Rubber Co. walked off the job eight weeks the Goodyear officel 90go t work immediately when The Memorial Hospital Emerg- Rex Wa]ters, manager of the when the company refused ta workers, Local 397, URCLPWA, permission was received from the ency Appeal for Funds was lag- 1Bow- Bowmanville Rural Operating meet a demand for union security returned ta work on August 1. Dept. of Municipal Affairs ta, ging and Joe O'Neill, Chairman of ,colo- Area of the H.E.PC., annaunced and a $35 monthly increase. Pro- The opening concert of the float $25,000 in debentures ta pay the Hospital Board, announced :ess. that a new power sub-station duction workers refused ta cross Public Sehool orchestra was held fo the installation, ta be paid that unless mare peoplc contrib- Uit- t ao therb work wt oud b e do n t hwa l ue and ed. k ai the plant auden ce.a D. C . Pl e toers, M ge back by K insm en C lub. uted t a it, the hospital m ight be i Unt- hatothr wrk oul bedon towassusendd. udince D.C. etes, usici Militon J. Elliott, Bowmanville forced ta close down a wîng and tied a improve the rural hydro service. The sum of $2,300 was realized Supervisor, was leader. Public Utilities Commissioner, operate at reduced efficiency. 'hurch, Work was started on a $6,000 at the 2nd annual Hospital Aux- Town Couneil authorizcd thel was re-elected President of the Earle Brown, 20, sonl of Mr. and .Eastern Ontario Municipal Elec- Ms ae rwNwate 1 Rev. program of sidewalk repair in the iliary Bazaar held at the Lions spending of $6,235 ta put a new * rsJae BonNecAte town. Cammunity Centre. bonded roof on the Memorial trical ssociation for the second was'grand winner with a total of rstone A choque for $350 for the arti- Glenn E. Brooks graduated In Arena. ew am raktshd en five prizes as the Durham County ,rayficial ice fund of the Bownman- honours from a four-year course August 14 Nwlm rcesbdbeetysettefedi h oa ville Kinsmen Club was turned in Pharmacy at the University of Cecil G. Mercer, former M.P.P. rcte bythe reUce n iet Winter Fair judging competition. C,29- over by Mrs. Charles Johns, Presi- Toronto. for Durham County, passed awaySihomendwer aon el treet. by Other members of the Durham ythree-man team, BrucetTaylor, R. [rs.* F. dent of the Bowmanville Wom- June 19 at bis home at Elizabethville atictbe9R 1, Ennislenm, BucanyWlliamR hiteet en's Institute, on behaîf of that Local 397, URCLPWA, consist- the age of 68. Otbr9R ,Ensiln n ila Idition organization. ing of the office workers at the The new 30 x 70 feet addition, Ray Dudley, brilliarit Bowman- Ferguson, R. R. 2, Nestleton, also ýnre. April 24 Goodyear, lifted their picket line ta the Lions Community Centrel Ville pianist, won first place in wvon gold medals, the first time semi- Citizens were shocked ta learn at the plant ta enable production was started. The addition would the finals for piano of the annual that a three-man team had all right that Lieut. W. J. (Bill) Hutchin- workers ta return ta work. provide a large dining room and a International , Competition f or won gold medals for judging ex- is for son, son of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, A Queen's Scout was named for basement for Scout and Cub activ- Muiscal Performers held in the cellence. e"A" son of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, El- the first time in Bowmanville ities. Geneva, Switzerland, Conserva- Mrs. L. D. Goodard took the eating, gin St., was reported missing fol- when George Marlow, 14, son of Upper School exams. for Bow-1 toryv of Music. It was the first chair- as President of the Bow- games lowing a mid-air crash involving Mrs. Edith Marlow, George St., manville High Sehool stuidents time a Canadian had ever won manville Women's Cah'adian Club two R.C.A.F. Avengc'r aircraft. received that honour. were announeed and shoxved aý any European or International for the first time at the Novem- With the Naval Air Arm during' Rev. T. Arthur Morgan was in- high standard of scholarship. :competition. ber nfeeting Club World War 11,lih had re-joined ducted as minister of Trinity Allen Werrx-, son of Mr. and laI two fires in the Bowman- goebr2 ass as the sanie service in February and United Church. Bownianville, Mrs. E. A. WAerrv, Enniskillen.rý ville district, Henry Clayton, 70, Solina's NoeCmr 27 Hll $45, xvas posted ta H.M.C.S. Sheer- witli Rev. M. C. Fisher, Brooklin, was seriously injîîred when burned bo death in his tarpaper ni the water, Wartmouth, N.S. presiding. crushed between two trucks. shack behind the Canning Fac- xvas opened with a turkey dinner Large congregations attended Thieve's obtained $100 in a August 21 toy while the farm home of Hor- served by the ladies of the com- Âtio- th deicaton f th ne Chrst-brea-inai Rbso Motrs.ace Hall, near Tyrone, w,\as also munity. John M. James, M.P. for itin- hededcaionofthene Chis- bea-m t obsn otos.The Atkinsoîn Charitable Foun-j destroyed. Durhiam County, was master of unciî ian Refoi'med Church, ScLigog St. June 26 dation granted $4,075 ta the Meil-iAt a joint meeting of the Town ceremonies at the opening. e. Sruckby caron N. 2High- Morley Vanstone w;%s elected anial Hospital for CouîneedBue ikDrintc on image \vay, 7-year-old Faye Taylor, President of the Ont;ýrio Flour laboratory equipmnent. Conil and tlhe Bowmiancille Brucwa ee nDarlinto then erat- daughiter of Mr. ai-d Mrs. Thornp- Millers' Association. Durham tobacco farmers ex- iPucided ht a thirdpubic ws d-DrhmhoolLbe ssca nd ta son Taylor, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- pected to barvest a million dollari ie htatid ulcsho in I hall wvas i n seriôdus condition in Mem- ville, reported an operating deficit tobacco crop. Prîce was antici-'i would be needed in the near fut- tion k Wlias mnge f t-e ora osia, ralthough a. location for this Frn îasmnae anat, VileHptal.etr wselc of $657 for the month of May. pated ta be about 4412 eCuIs a Proosed 'sehoo1 was flot defin- Bowmanville branch of the Bell jure VreioletMcfeBies xandelPete This xvas attributed largely ta the pound.ýieystld. Telephone Company, ceebrated jurebidPesidnt of unss and thPro-inadequate amaunt received for Major John W. Foote, .. , 45yorga iaofn.vcew teBl ay egr raueadMrae indigent patients. Minister of Reform Institutions October 16 45 yeias of evcewt eBl tlPurdon, recording secretary. The body of Thomas Hector announced plans for- the con-ý Local High Sehool students More than 1,400 persans attend- tae Rowan, 14-manths-old son of Mr. struction of a new S1,500l,000 ne- swept the first inter-schoal track ed the opening ceremonies of the [y in- May1 and Mrs. Ford Rowan, Boxvman- farmatory near Millbrook. and field meet held in Port Hope. Memorial Arena with its artificial Herbert (Deac> Goddard was ville East Beach, was found float- August 28 xinning f ive of six possible ice John M. James, M.P.; Hon_. 7hmelected President of Lions Club, ing in the shallow watcr at Mann's Entricds of James T. Brown & caposis John W. Foote, V.C.; Mayor Sîd- nded suceeding Don Williamîs. Point. The toddler had been MISS- Sons, Newcastle, took both Grand Three Bowmanville doctors, C. ney Little, Kinsmen Club Presi- Ethe Clnsing a 37-vear career as a ing from bis -home since early Championships and the Premier KWithSeon, speowadRn te mndWanttilCham Tannof Rbc rn the pliarmaceu tical travelle -, Sidney May and had apparently fallen Breeder honours aithbb. Centra (aitprofesson at eothe weklyCoWttee, tomnof at nthe open- ýy of M. Scott retired from the road. into the lake. Cnd xibto tOaa a prClubsinca he.ingcermones da. Durham farmers voted against The enumeration of voters for Durham County Junior Farm- oayCu ucen n eeois the praposed Provincial egg-mark- the July 16 vote on the establish- ors held their annual picnic and1 The Navy League Committee Dcme ýuncil oflag scheme. ment of a liquor store and brew- church service at the Federationi raised $167 at a tag day held in Dcme )f 70 .Ernie Joncs received a 30-vear ors' warehouse shawed 3,405 vot- campsite. town.- The Town Hall was paeked for milîs pin,an Allan Moffatt and Em- ers eligible ta cast their ballots. Startled by Const. Len Hartley, Jii Nokes, 26, Church Si., was four consecutive nights for the was mons Crawford 25-year service Juîy 3 two thieves îeft behind txvo laad- faBî nue aacrcaho ommencemlent Excises ofd the pins, fromn Goodyear Company. Nearly 1,000 spectators visited ed carts in hein haste ta escap Highway 2A wlien his vehicleBwmnieHghSooadte ^ance Joe O'Neill was eiected Chair- plyape1Wt Fte" peet n n man. of the Board of the M em - the Orono track ta sec the first from the G. A . Kennedy storc, e, Whi t fcker n T ow i o c y h i h Sbol students. y an ral Hospital for the eighth time.hrs-angme ftosso KigS.Te hdetre y Lawrence Chant, Bowmanville, Town Council was told that the ~'o My8at which 34 hanses wcro entcred. forcing thc rear door and stole a xvho xvas asleep la the roar seat, Police Committee bad selected a FineMa81 Bowmaaville Volunteer Fire large quantity of mien's clothi ng. escape ihlc us utbemnt eadda t as The peition for establishment' Brigade savcd the Durham Wood Annual Lions Cannival was a pod wth îeg cuts. suhtableman- adda [Ying of a liqUor store and brewers'i Produets plant ai the R. J. Gili financial succcss. Thetvocr Octo'ber 23 ville Police Force. The P.U.C. was warelioLse i omnil alfr rm dsrcinb x afe cewnb oidents 0 Garnet Goheen was installed as instructed by Council ta proceed in- certified and forwarded by coun- tinguishing a five-hour blaze in a Alberta, Noble Grand of Florence Night- wibh tbc installation of new ibers cil to the L.C.B.O. for.approval. sawdust and slabwood pile behind September 4 iligale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., lights on Liberty St. and the ap- Bowmanville Kinismen Club the iill. 1 mnile shol pndalong wiîth bhc other officens of poce oadeisfo ib Ink- elecled W. 1. (Bill) Tait as presi- A crexv of 75 workmcn were ne- f* anill hol oend the lodge, by D.D.G.M. Robert pwa 401. n xisfrmHih to ed ~~ai te Hnew erm wî The arge Chater and bis staff froni Onono. The populan "Big 20" Stationery ta apresident: Bob King, treasurer, in West Durbam. A good job bad numbor of lirst form studentsLn- Csn DofM g.andsC. J Bundett, 2, toe manaementof2Mn. arnd Mr te and Bort Syer, secrebar. been donc in laying a new cross-cestedhefmain f fourý Counceil studied and revised a ing on Scugog St. lbs omcass .R , ovavleo h .W.Jwl n hi agtr draft bv-law întending ta set up David Buekspan, co-owncn wîth frtfr lse.RC... 4,Torani eC n bc . .Meelaad hirdagd a lnigBadfrtetw.Newcastle Conimunity Ihl a .C F ri~n umandMary. celebnatedlits 7tb yean of înne aPanngBadfr h on Owen Nicholas of bcR~ipce o the concert given bv'Truck Driving Tropby in a con- b Ss o- T ho Postruaster General burned Theatre, passed away following bbc Swift Curnent Boys' Band. l test hold at Winnipeg. Miss Beatrix Mclntosb, New- oId- down Bowmanville 's nequest for a beart attack. beddb*hri arn aie St. Paul's United Church celc-catewste ieno bc the bouse-to-bouse postal delivýry on John N. Marlow, Nestleton, I of edycal Wrrn atv r bated its hl8tb anniversany by Coasw tionDrwisponsofedtby nd tbc grouinds that bbc local Post graduated fnom the Faculty of ro kdwasle.Rss atthe < pecial services conducted in fithe owmatinvile aw pnaodianLe- n ofic caere tabo fe pepleMedcin a bb Unverity0f a-of four gaines ta XVitby Merch- morning and evening by tbc min- gion. bcta justify bbc Service. ronto. a * bbhe - sbreLeaUef in- z4er, Rev. Harold A. Turner. December Il own May n1s5n Lkesbîe ag0eîn-Rev M. .Sih .. .. -ai. Loal 189,May 15 uly 10aIs ta bow out of OB.A. campe- .1mb, ..,BDno T a ligbt vote in wbich only ra Loa19,Unitied Rubber Wonk- Tow'n Counicil passed by-law illon. rmuta, xvas bbc special speaker. 41 per cent of the natepayers cast ,ILiob crs, eiected Ivani Hobbs as presi- setting up a Town Planning Board Rural Day xvas observed bylBt oni at' ecr their bahiots, Mayor Sidney Littoe nce. dent fanrbte1952-53 tenm. of six members. Members are: Bowmanvilhe Rotary Club wit1iI sponsor of bbc new Depantment defeated Deputy Reeve Melvillei ew A bw,.o-mianuLal electnîc ongan L. C. Mason and Glou Landen, Rotarians Mcl. Staples, Gariiet! of Recreation for Bowmanville, S. Dale for bbc position of Reeve bo xvas prcrcnted ta tbc Maple Gi-ove ta 1955; Albert Colo and Dave Riekard, Forbes Hcyland and Bobý and Bob Watt, Chairman of bbc in 15.Cuclfr15 a United Church by Sherwood Col- HIggo t l 1954; O. F. Robson Stevens Jr. spcaking on variaus Arenaommih t t ecrwene of i-' elecled as follows: Mayor MVorley the lacutt, Oshawva, in memory of bis andgWilliami James, ta 1953. phases af agriculture. ronio t ha the bRecreatobi Vansbono, aeclamation; Reevel cars parens, Mr. an Mrs. Wirecmtor cansld randled bathsethetSjobebSidneySLity o;tDl; putyuReeeeeeO..F. an plaen t. M . a d r. Wila Cbn w er s ked tpa in yase bcStm erand tbc management of he M cm- Robson, acclamation; Counillorsi Oficer o owan. eHoetheawnw oaalenply sninglyas Bowmanville- propc 1rbY owners anoral Anena. Nelson Osborne, Norman Scott, ra-ind ffchrs ofssociainvitl oe bc bnatofa atr hotaevoîed oxerwbelminglx- iinfavour' October "0 Fe ae alnDGeRn a - ndSeboo ssoiaton u inle rev fibeb-law ta issue $25,00l h oai n tosCmit- aId Hethein Wa ladeeermRon incluldM-.Ramn uci- Three sets of twins wcre bornTh odad t'esCmi-ad1eler*gLnCaueKmr. soni, Pre.ýi(1enb; Mis. Howard Pick- at Meoinial Hospital ina a16- den tur e t int'al ariial hce'te i- Cuc, se frbc - A n eigbt-ccnts-an-hour wage ard l~~~~~ý enao tincf AhbertfRuther s ices cos h or n ted arrcrigsecretary, and Mrs. day perind. oKinserteuiClubsinhads agi-cedhe tardand- îlle Fe Cole, incasuror. Couneil decided ta purchase a ay bcsinCub tad bc bo\vo. working forenian of the Bowman- oenu pnio ln were in- vid May 22 nexv truck capable of snow plow- Onono Fair drew the largcsti ville Roanîs and Streels Dopai-t- cluded in the 1952-53 contract i Mr. and Mî-s. J. L. Metcalf, îng, at a cost of $6,128. cnowd in histom-y and part of ts nment and decided la advenlise for, signcd by Local 189, United Rub- ere Bowmanville, celebnaled their The first power boat regatta success was credited ta the ne a new working foneman.1 ber Workers, Goodyear unit, and os-64h eddnganivesa-yslaged in Bowmanville was a rc rc bc a enbîl Mrs. GeorgeUA Stephens, forru- 1bbc Goodyear Tire and Rubben 151, Two mrembens of Court Bow- rnarkcd success witb 25 boats be- Councîl decided tainiake On- I erly of Salemu but now of Salina, C0.'f anadýa Ltd. in- manville, No. 964, Canadien Ord- ing entered. tana St. and Liberty St. throagh'Clbaelir9t rhdywh CoU ikdwseetd et- cîr of Foî-csters, rcceivcd 50-year JuIy 17 streets witbi stop signs placed ai. bier dauglitei-, Mrs. Roy Lalng- Deputy Reeve of Dariington1 moember-ship pins, George Mason] Tyrone Fife and Drumn Baud bbc points of intersection wibb maid, and several grandch ildn&en Township for 1953 in a contest i xx-- and Tom Veale. Six members ne- wvon tbc silven cup for baving bbc Qucen Si and great-grandchildrc-n. witb the 1952 Deputy Reeve Han- -k is etbn ite22dOane Ms elMlom lcsok Police Chief Sidney Venton old Skinner. Reeve Roy W. Nicb- k-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cevd2-erpn.betbn Ibc22d rne Ms elMlcii lcsol as elccted Presidenb of bhc ais was re-elected by acclamation. lrr,, Miss Mary- Alldncad, R.N., Waik, ai Part Hope. bcaded the Dýomeslic Science ex BwavleBySot soi- edîswr aldfra d ondauglitcr of Mn. and Mrs. D. R. Mî-s. Tilly Harra,wife of bbc hibitors aithbbc Qi-na Fain and iB diavi] o cut soi- Tond16rfoot by 60ledtran bbc Allclread. gradualed froni Toronto propnietor ai the Kenosha House, won many prizes. tn mo.a Hspba Eer- ownvi6le Pt h OCoriHsia.Cea-a idi b lz bc September 18 r ncy Appeal for $60,000 was H. G. Hacking, manager of bbc Rs .a ikard Mrhnt, arnves dsroeoueroattuldn. Miss Audrey Vcntoii, R.N., who ilatincbied witb camipaign bead- iBowmanville Brac> IteCn wa mlc we bsca-xvn oI Local Option was rehained lnrnhoftean ai o contrai aand craslied imta a troc Bowmanville in a record vote in graduaîed from Tai-auto Wcstern, quartons on King St. E. adian Bank of Commer-ce, an- three Miles niorth af Bowman- wbicb 80 per cent af bbc 3417 Hospital in 1950, xvas awai-dedi a November 6 nounced that the banking space villo.igibleot J. E. Alkinson Memorial Schoiar- Texevlner ancsfoiwoild hoc nlarged and maclera- elille. voters cash their bal1lot. anîy la 195nier fr le Kis Mn~ ay 2 Dr. C. W. Siemnon set a record nusbinorpgedu ate sluy the Goodyear Tire and Rubberiedc3 ýo inni Cu crdawi cnby dclivening bbc third set flnuninteducliok n zinnfiýCa. tunned aut ta do a paint jobi December 18 PHONE 3432 i ýiriiii ac Pyicl dcani bc r.PetrdLmrose .. S nurse. - j -x ihbo ai*ai' bot9min 11 ailwas eded t bcthw-' r ors tth ai- un iiercion Ielin.aned tMers. C. W.eion Tnon-o ncesaIbcunliinited supply i r John B. Kent and bis negular n corse uit tbef Samolivers i. cleraîe her40hwednga High Scbool -,as ,Jiortened fraun iMiss Joan Mundav, daugbîer ai 1 staff, plus an additionai l b-emp-i ilRedci a Sun x-regon nvcse~ an bour end twentv-five minutes iM. Mr s.Iison Mundev, I ary cmployees. id alecix'ili ftic renoxatiori aibbchIBovmenx-ille diizens- burned ta anc bour, mainlv because 160-j .- fsslce Ms lnîn hee rk nobcCn I Caniniîi~ Ilau iout ini lange nunibers ba wvelcome , luncb-carrvmng students tound flbc 2 i 1952'n_ ai. a Darlington Football!aiuNtoa ala xrs ClarkWrr-.son ai Mn. and the tbree double-docker buscs lunch hour boa long. Tjso- -IandwcsleCm-01eettNa tioa ation eesN M.Ernîest Wcinx-. Enniskillen,! main London, Englend, xvbichi ebled tbe students ta end thein IDonce li-IdinNewate -ofice b heC.N.R.sainh IN5 bordOta~amoerbcsosa- tppdbr n hi odwh lasse :3juta a r.munit',- Hall. 1 and stole e tolevision set and sev- tourec Ottaa undr thesponso- stoped hre ontheirgoodwil 1 cassesa' 3:0 tnsiad omanagerTh lah admanarrcinaaveother o Jsbip ni the Baxx manville Rotanv tour ai North Amenica.I October 2 for bbc local Waiker Soros inlu the T he Bowmanville Salvat r * I:b nurecî~~d isciiznsip. ugst7Bowmnanvilhe's uewesî ndustnx'» persan oai Celvin Breen came bo Aniny Rotary Club, Kînsme.i papers frorn bbe Hon. Walter Han- j Caxincil set Sept. 3 stedt h i Powell Chei am op- Bowail orpceBrt Club,'Cnda Legion adLin!ST riS Jne12fan a voie by natepevers an anv, w-as ia operatian n l bcodYaung, . o had SUcceedc-d Andy' Club aIl cannied out their pro-, c C .Iuîe 2 wetbcr tbc town should bonrow bospital building, nianuiectuin i r lu Aprîl.-Mr. Young ed gr-ainis of Christmas aid ta needy i HEAD Nartlic-utt & Snith. Funeril Di- $2511 100 on debentures ta instaîl medicinel tebiets, liquid prepan- I er-n trnsferred ta Ridgcîown. familles, thus making Chrisîmasý 372 nectars, punchased tbe prcpontv ai artificiel ice ai. the Memoriai etiauîs and medicmnal aintments. Malcolmi Jordan. Grade Eight more cheery for e large numben o 1the laie Pal'il Trebilcock et Wel- Arena. The Kinsmen Club %vas. Toxx-n Cauncil anpîaved ci h pureil at Centrai Scboal. Bowman- ai less forutnale people la Bow- 'Lmîgton and ix îa)ýiion Sts. for use- ta tura river $13,000 la the town; tender oi the Canada lue Machine ville, won firsi. place iii the fin- ' manville and district.- EXPERT WATCH R E P A1R by Certified Watchma*cer as authorizcd by the Candia Jweler'0 - Iiistitute Ail Work Guranteed One Year MURRS JEWELLERY Have that . . DOOR GLASS WINDSH!ELD Installed Now While You Wait JOE COOPER'S Service Station 218 King St. E. The Super-Efficient DILO - MAGIC Ou Heaiing MAKZS VOLIR PRESENT IIEATING EQUIPIMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves You Mloney on Vour Fuel Costs Phone or Consult JACK< BROUGH PLUMNBING . IJErATING Division St. S., Bowmanville New Phonje - Offlice 1 flouse Phone 2384 IS YOUR MONEY DUT 0F WORK? fyao yourselfxcrc aout of work- iot makifig a n y uiîacy,, ou .1 Onsider yoursclf sauinlc iiuîofai ilure, xx'au(li r yau ' h>' t'lie me oke-MNNl:Y should jorking, traa, uuu u~ more moîiu nd iaaking jitcy SGuaronteod Trust Certificates Unconditionally guaranteed s ta principal and interest. Pay 40;%, payable half-yearly. Short term-5 years. Authorized investmcnt for trust funds. No fluctuation in principal. YEARS $410.18 ACCUMULATES TO $500.01 T HE rERLING TRUSTSj M OFFICE BRANCN Wc 2Bay st. 1-3 DunoSî >ronto Barrie 2- ï 'V. - -i.- -- - Â - I , 1 4 , J- 4 THE CANADIAN STATE-qMAIN.'- I;nWMA'MMl.1rý MMTArM ,', INTARIU