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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1953, p. 1

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v brrDurham County's Gre:t Fm ora VOLUME 99, BOWMANVIILLE., ONTARIO, TURSDAY, DCMER 17th, 1953 lÙe PER COPYNUBR1 Wyons Canadian Club Given Fire Chief Issues Ganaraska Authority Io Prom ole Mixed Reactions to OldSt Nc ]Pirsi-hand Facis by 1ev. J. K]ce rculn ae Building of Farm, Pond, in Durhm 1 "AI Christmas Time ____ ~m Perils of Communisin in China The efforts in recent yearsby and water conservation ma jBowmanville Fire Chie! L. the Ganaraska River Con sra sures, especially for this dis- Hoobper bas. brought taoOur at- tion Authority to improve con- trict.'He stated that the Author- -1"Accepting the difficuit assign- into Communîst hands, 50 thatj tention a bulletin issued by the ditions in the United Counties îty and its expert advisers were flent of pinch-hitting on an the balance of power has shift- Dominion Fire Prevention As- were continued when a public so sold an the importance of hour's notice for the scheduled ed from the democratic coun meigt rmt h ul-ato ln hs ie htti Speaker of the Women's Cana- tries to those wîth Communist sociation which gives some val- meing o rmoe tshebld inActoityalong thee 1î $50thtth dian Club meeting on Monday ideologies, and that is a 'very uable suggestions -for avoidîng the Community Hall at Camp- ward the cost of any new farm afternoon, Dec. 14, Rev. John' serîous thing, Mr. Kitchen' stat- the possibility of fires during bellcroft. pond in the Watershed area , Kîtchen, Orono; gave a splendid ed. teCrsmssao.Ti etn a aldt oitutdacrigt h address on "Communism in Day of Opportunity teCrsmssao.Ti etn a aldt srufcted ancortnardtofe China". The first cngress of the Com- This bulletin points out that 1 dîscuss the great need of con-secfaiosndtnars! Chin a tesud. lag Theunirst cparty n Cinawaheldm th hita re savr n erving water in the'soul, and the Dept. of Agriculture, to the QWing o the udden nslaugt munit part in Chna washeld te Ctaiacquaint istheerpubliccqwith te tublnumber-thof tenr ponds pndn anynyooe Of winter, Mr. -homas Patter-! just 33 years ago. Since that flammable object and for this tAuthority's offer o! direct aid year. The Authority also would son. Stratford, who conceived jtime the Communists have beeil reason lighted candies should in the building of farm ponds, SuPpèy the necessary engineer- and carried through ta interna- building up the party and mii-' neyer be put on the tree or ta farmers in the Watershed ing and soil testing advice to tinlfame the S taf odtr ahns awaiting terna t stenelso h area, who desire them as a applicants. Shakespearean Festival, was day of opportunity. Thaf dayý tree; dry out, even the e]ectrîc means ta imprave soil candi- Hlstory of Authority forced into the ditch nearKi- came in 1945 at the close of ight bulbs on the tree may be- tions, or for their water suppiy, t.tRa. .. ieCair- chnr hlee rue aBo-World War II core a fire hazard. For this or for fire protection. Man of the Authority, outlined inanville. To understand the fali af the reason, householders should noti It was presided over by El- the history. aims and objectives, At the îequest of Mrs. 0. W. Nationalist government under'leave the lights of their tree on ,mr cte-ev fHo n gnrlstu fteGn Ralph, president, Mrs. Mark Chiang Kai-shek, the speaker when they are flot at home. The!morenscotp,a eRe of he! aad generalst-up ft he Gen- ]Roenigk, a cousin of Mr. Patter- said, we must remember that wiring of- the Christmnas tree I be oftearaska Authhor ,ad!fr-edsvnar. t adbeena son. explained the circumstan- ten years' war with anhdýlitshodbecrflyhck chairmai of the Conservaticiri co-operative, conservation ef- ces and said that Mr. Patterson sýaPPed the people's morale. This i'ed before they are strung on the uhrt' special Farrn Ponds fort, by the inunicipalities of would be happy ta came ta Bow- wvas a major factor in the crisisi tree ta see that nione of the wires onnte.A utsxyHp inanville at a later date. (Contlflued on Page Seven> are frayed and thus liable ta rie. bot sixtenHop (Cantinued an Page Seven> -- cause a short circuit or fire. i Toxvn.ýhiprsiet atedd_______________ Mr. Kitchen, who spent 31 f ecrtos hudalso several officiais and engin-i years in the province of Szechi- Nw Recr Slnfammable huc htles f eteOntario vPigrr- Wan, China, 1800 miles in thfelecr e ot be used in any cuhe ers D0f teOntari aGongLoa Sinaers Fr Interior, as superintendent of jhls*o uioim hr! n Development, and Agricul- U 1tdCuc fCndasoeA oiOfc Christmas or New Year's cele- turorle.cet thelCa*aor auditoriums where'Aand Choralicocieiy.Being so close to Santa Claus brought a mixed reacto rmtes orgtr Saleshrc f aadspk brations are being held. People Importanîce of Farm Ponds t gÂM ri .eur Wi bene ie ein ies rsmsary Saura ron e a from first-hand observation of Ti~~m using such buildings should be H g Ma t Ledr oa t. 'dd heLego Chd'sChitmasPt at atLtlG the efects of Communisin 1 Jn SiampSae careful with their cigarettes and Mr. Scott strongly emphasiz-____ Tullock on tergt fM.adMs eeadgad China. ____ ail aises and exits should be ed the importance of farm ponds tergt daughter ofuM.lonck OshawaýTu The events which have taken Indicative of thé vast amou nit clearly marked and kept unob- ville sing r n t he o um ncil goup: ofDanny Hp e n. o M . n d rs . t Ho p e a t heta dLoy r h place in China in recent years of Christmas mail and parcels, structed. vilchambnersmat nthe ToneHal gof MrnyHoer o o r and Mrs. JonaebAre aboue t tewh1 ' bqethrown 500 million peophe being handled daily at te u-i il . arndunfTopunay rsat ern o ndeaide son o M. an Mr.JonGa m, athingaseeaboungthauy m a n v ille P o s t O f f ic e i st h e B o w - ' T o p se n o a d d c d e , ( a m n n w n n S a t ' n e v d e t y h s n t m d that a new record was set in K însm ei o s ast o m. a c mm nt c o a M any Cildrenstanp sales on Tuesday. Post- Knm n Plan graup ta be known as the Bow- About 170 children of Legion members and members of theLde'Axiir ted m asterRJohnle K ent stated hatCT omRaffinew organization also selected 54,200 two-cent stamps - the eCaHuiordChm io Anvi artenChoraSotoTee t iaaasv n n h eio al Meef Santa Claus type Most commonly used forFoHuhA MainToots Christmas cards - were sold onFo Ice Fn Bil] Harnden, Bowmanville, leader.RosM K îh A eînPrythat day, setting a new record son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Harn- The Bawmanvtlle Choral Sa- tl ie ic sP i at the ocal Pst Offce. Th Bowninvilleden, has been named as top rac- ciety will be sponsored by theNe rsdn About 170 children af mem- To handhe this huge volume ise npon nerfr15inalDatetofecainad bers of the Bowmanville Branch o! mail arn extra staff o! 1.3 Club staged a "Beef Night" at ing Candainneuor d or 5 i Depalrtet o!reprcticon ad T- rsieiBuilding Io Handle C ioiato o!th andinLein ndte erpraywokesha een eguar meeting Tuesday racing competition. Racing Monday evenings, beginning, on .uegion Bac Ladies' Auxiiary had, the time hired ta help the eight regularevngathe amrlHoe throughout the summer in bis January 4. at which time the 'o! their lives at the Chihdren's, employees. T lhe, temporarywe ahmme a h p B ls yr 2mmeswllas eitoue osMKih a lce A o nsS w g .Christmas Party held in the' workers are: Mrs. Lamna Rich- I ortunity o! airing his com- Wilhie II"~, Mr. Harnden ran up ta their leader, Mr. Martin, and1 President of B a w in a n v il11 e L-e g ion Hall Satutday afternoon. ards, Mrs. Myrtle Virtue, Ty- plaints regarding any aspect o! a total of 1,300 points-50 more elect their officers. the lub's activities. Mucco-ta teseodpae inr, Asgrwtha iebck Branch No. 178 of the Canadian; Erection of a small building Ietfortenw16ic ie W a h i h i h ! t e p o o ; G r a k il r Lmgram and the joly ad rascal K err, M rs. R uth B arclay M rs n n u ge t o s ma e f r im - D a e l ! s aa ro n ! e p ri n e i o - eg ion f o 1954 at hed an u l a the se wag di poaiq pa nt t n c o s C N R r p r y Cow vng he lubindhesctur.sedreat htd1e20regutlar 1 deach coro! thesMrrMaguhar Pusse UttCe.eem-r ditibtda hitmssRong eenPpeMsFrr dwnance, Toronto, was third tin was the leader o! the Link- Legion Hall SundaSr afternoon. ,;meigo h mnill eZoesb ie ukya fiiled witb gifts and a bag of1 Clarence Goodman, Mrs. Pat, President Ken Nicks ivasl wnith 1r,025. The announcement Beit maie chorus, and gold me- Cammade MéKnight won the Public Utilities Commission Céita it eandy oranges and nuts ta each McNally, Mrs. Walter Oke, Miss chairman o! the meeting and an- was made by the Canadian dallists at the Kiwanis. Music ihs Legion office in a close: held on Friday night.Elcrcacutsfrov - child. Marilyn Leask and Miss Glr undcied that the excutiehavor The pagra o! ntemtinmet, Rbson ail ! Bomanvîle eed that the e cubs mhajorBoating Federation during its Festival. He was also the dimec- race with .Comade Abe Mavin. Such a building is necessary braonigt 1,5 n , l'ie rotanoftheaenumer P obsm lloBwastrKnMs ni-yailb a feui n ulcneto ed a o fteCdrGoeCoaAot7 ýqpeene ylocal talent, poved Regular postal employee r:fund-raising project for next Bannuall centlyion hld at lor it hoeCearavineChrsal but7 embers tumned out, in "iew of the fact that the cf- watracut f.439wm Brockvlle mcentlywhichwas Soiety ho wer wirnrshetannual election and r fluent from the plant must low 1pase, o pyet tath cilrn.Itinlue Suc, aryDeel, îfe icet. also aounced "that Double points awainmtheded at the ttedsinfestivals. o! parents present, as well as fred Trewin. Keith McGill Ross the "a-htyo ul ype o o!uttendidnbs300 menebers. the Toronstovas.Eastnese Cu-~ote arnîntestsintheilbe hlominc inc e othe on Prese tongse by Mr. Lame Vnelerrinuc, lam Miboewich Anrd the esalannoenae spon- ianadian Natibnal Exhibition, Mr. Martin is supervisor o! Crace orthJakriausotsl'ofwil be btinig ala rgorti tatthemetig er sog yMs on aD i I inPusrrinTontoiastsabuban Commde Jck nind waho! tsswterauppy frm Lk Chiame W.RossStrkeC.C j'd Kenny Murphy. musical Ernest Walkey. soring a quartette competition races gave Mr. Harnden first and niusb iLn S incaeTMm.rotnhtonnoncsttat n anurvandseeraemni-thrd lae aamd. clvice amebero!theC..C.elcte fistvic-pesnenaadintaianex srin. I ws fl(M yr orly anson, Cni ~b r sbra athgate randa on MK e tmas D an u cd New frin aquar t ette roI m en th ola e aw r s.S lper ma chm us. aî od t eor s loi the position o ! second vice-presi-1 that the P.U .C. m ght be able 1M i i ne M lon J E h ot a d Billy Luxton, a tap dance the Post Office will be close bers signified their intemest in opat chguinto nte Chrcb.oi dent was won by Commade Jim te build such a smail structure MngrGog aBigr arbarane alman and am'sChrsDa, a indh aNewrmclub a qeuartebar Fre ConceriFaim. Rap Abbott was elected as iitsehf. Manage GereVaBrd danceby Dine Halman nd Yer's Dy, ad in he afer- cub totake art.Star reesecceetaryea and ndTreasurerJac gnstmuctedruc ta t abtaii Beverley MeRobbie. An amus- noon on Baxîng Day and the Kin John Wermy, Chairman o ag SelM yfom RcendO roe rev.reoenet1e t mt. ftecoto hl ing skît was presented in which day aftem New Year's. the Sunshine Committee, e eihsLreSelM nyfo lOoo ere reetd obing n eot ttenx Fr~~~ eiîgnjîs R ofic s ndcclPadrt i on.KtmIetingCa Nh ot !te B~a umag Merton Mavin, Wayne Thertell,l ported that Kmn Walter Fa-.BilirdRthePefiebccawonteion.t e of Rod, Taylor and Wayne Mavin 1 R ,Bowmaniliîe, bas benîAudience ai mEriePefet onth psyo Members agreed ta advise in-1 took part. _______ qaatiea te1 egan-tArs vestnien t firms that it uprrculses Vince Mathewson acted as!'Choral Society Backed Teoon dofIol atio nHot al a dT n ______of egeAntta tf- a nddtsrms. el 2 ,00 o .. o d Xiaster-of-ceremonies and Lama1 Aheistaf Cen- ToAcen X~'etbe waaacomanst. ByRerebin ep. ank owasrcev ith os 'l ored by Trinîty Chumch hai"Or tralBîiliards above the Ontario nominated for the eight execu in the near future ta pay for ________Wu$ ncothenchurch auditoriumep TFraukrs- Agricultural Offices, he cmeporauedortivehupostsriandtrtheOfoceswingrto!1 tnstaoshinad the onewwIn Dueetasttoeinnewllngothenes.i four months ago and 's10v a evening, Dec. 10, drew a ta Bowmanville police that were the successful candidates: 13,000 K.V.A: transformer at tuh i hs crs hisms el S b ores b R e m ain at their is lo w er1ii~ bs. paralysis crow d o ! 800 people. T he pro- thieves broke into the establish-, A lex M airs, Ed R und e , B l su - t io ne r he G d e r ca a gn m n ' B w a v l e feaurdewobelem ntm eusdytighna d son B tesuJ m irt, ra k B mn. uan a d hre t'a sfo mes itu enmh veeee a kin m n1 D e c e m e r m e t i n g o n S n d a y t a S e e r a l m e m b e s m a e a r a n d m e l o d o u s g r o u p s o f mu s i - $ 2 5 in il s a n d a l a r g e a m o u n t T o m P h il l p s , D o u g J o h n s o n a n d t h e n e w l a k e f o n t p u m p i n g s t a - b e r s o t hB w mv i eL o n Open Evenings sponsor the newly-fommed Bow- rangements ta, visit im in hs- cans, the vocal quartet. Four o! silvr. Pete Bathgate. tion. CILuwertasnterdo- jipt Tenders For Re-decoration Startng tmorrw niht iake an initial grant o! $300 to, and the Club also decided taI violin quartet o! young ladies, box which was concealed on O h edcrtn iteP.pre ttemeigo h (Fia)temjrt f it. :send hm Christmas gifts. Kin The Enchanted Strings. the premises, e said. Entry was Week o Praver i C. officesý was discîr.ssed and ai, Cu odyngt (Frvlda) t mor ity 0f j The Department requested 1 Wemry also pmesented Kin John Tiiychrudrtedie- gained by forcing the front duor. i motion passed that tenders foi' main Open until 9 p.m. Ti report ta it at least every three; is daughter, Elizabeth Ainej the program witb the numbei'1 iaf Jnar t Canadian Statesman. It was de- ithis eri enghnldb usual extension of hours is mnths and submit a financialI trahoet eueu e! Cubc ope Cu o orDy Malcided ta contî'act, with H pm h e otu bm ad.u. to do their shopping toge- each year, along with an et-f;01 Secretary Bob King eadtevnyLgt rmBc'hit 41- 1n-h 41-l-s.Ci I crt Aboquet o! 'mumis was tra awo hare icknshl'Re.Wre Tun'.Let j pesnte t Ms Sît b~ te Ch'itval ofCarles isudJohn Ham vas *elected Presi- chor n aprcieio o lier neyer ]ose its meaning for any dent, and the Rcv. H. A. Turner, kin nesand hospîtalîty of us.y-resuer The cammittee for- the danceSertm-rsum on New Year's Eve, ha\e pracur- Local Men Find ed the Eniskillen hlai and Jim Bomnil us Stanto'sorchestra for that om nil Nus Missing 'Plane Pari s go un.Nx ot~ ieH onored Wibh The A long ihe Beach W Grh nwsavo iehrs Coronaîlon Medal ~'-~"wil be brought in at this mee- -orest Diling and Bob Stock- igfor15.le red nB~mnîl erc, xvho is head o! the Bownmam- - wih be pleaed l o d that viille Graund Observis ops al exîs ars M 'I.o RNa ail Sunda,% found sevemal piece> M Nes Early supervisor mn Sunmivbrook Ras- a! aeroplane wreckage believed wspaI ooto, lias beemi homored ta bave caine from a Vamipire by eceiving a onai ?ld. jet niissing from a Sunday flght The eO-op;aton of correspon - iss Youga 1ïstr f eoge tw wek ao.detsin mailing their news bud- YanBwianville,ïs a gradu- The two Bawmanville nmen gets early during the next oungte o!Bwniivhrioit. picked up the pueces on the wesl retl euse.She ab"ie e ibedistinto beach o! Lake Ontario near the, of sI ugnl rqet i asone o en e Llc oyse summner camp o! the We suggest that correspondents o ftebs oe BosTraining School, R.C.A -F.i send in their budgets a day ear- isdoset Sunny rook. eiSer-sOe 0dlgtsfo alpri fEs-et officialis from Barrie examincdle hj sa drn h n ! fon' the nursing staff <Ontario Oe m et g h aadkm Lyomi a an]onmnil Sthe weckage and definitely Christmas rush period lit order Of Sunnybrook ta receive 8aiol Sunday ta elect a new Commnde o ititFo identified them as partsoaCrntoiMed. Vamipire ensure that they wiJI arrive T the Cai' adian Legion, a district wîhtksi i L armn aseuret sse.Ths o-peat tisinformation ta, Miss Eimmai the East-Central por'tion of the p ronc.Ectdoth L~ g on who we e lec ed at w llatt nd d eecio me ti g o S nd y n n1M t a a To no ai m n w s c re t is . Th o- er i n M.W er y, Toronto, formerly o ! high post Was Cor rade John W . S o y Br u toî f Front row, Ieft to right: lst Vioe-President Jack Knight, President Ross MeKnight, fyn n it disappeared on a w 1ill greaty appreciatd Tyone, who adds that Miss; Brighton, who is at rigli-,abvea'ptnthgvl 2nd Vice-President Jim Fair. .Back row: Secretarv Ron Abbott. Sergeant-at-Arms Sunday training flight. The)~ ohr, w o hv e sie s Y ug ws ac o! br S na fie io i e r'- 1 E rnie, P erfe et. T reasurci' Jack R ice. A bsen î h î the p (tr .ýas- ta! rî 'vas R e v. plane ' îî t< av 1 Si c o lgirls %hfýn 4e carne ot P . u ne. o o rg , d mnÉLaký J'iîxzrmo betwcen eînd or ffhoiue thein *i eariy and fronm England over 30 years k1d'IW. . r'r . .l:' î(<oi- o JébâNitKchn, Orono, the Fadre of the branch, who was re-elected by acclamation, Oslawa and Whitby. j lt waittMi Weduesda. iao eoa ieFe~ceto h naj orad

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