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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1954, p. 9

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"1'KUSDAY lUE.llth PAGE £ N AA!A1SAEMN.EwAz"?!O'A A - - Cordon Âgnsw, Editor Phone 3621 Sociad and Personal MUri. Irwin Colwill and Mn-s. Io,.al United Chun-ch on Sunday. I(ert0n Walter of Oshawa ieft The Rev. Mr. Crozier of Whitby ê~Undaymnn f-r a- wW o ccupy the local pulpit ut !% ýQrart feo ra w e e k' s hol1 iday bath services next Sunday. 1%WYork City. Mn-. and Mrr. S. Lan-kin, Mich- ifIC and Mn-s. Ross Aluin and ael, Tommy and John af Milli- fmW"y visite j with Mn-. and ken, Ont., were Sunday visitors Mn-s. Cian-encp Bell and Louise with Mn-. and Mn-s. M. Pickering in Bowmanville on Sunday. and family. Miss Con-a ButIon- and Miss Mn-. and Mn-s. H. C. Bonathan Hatti. Masan visited in Toron- left on Sunday fan- a holiday in ta lat Thursday. Florida. .Mn-. Evarett Lycett of Regina and Mns. A. C. Lycett of Osh- ý ow a visited it h M -. and M -s. M i s rv f R a o Jack Nesbitt Rnd John Paul on iityoRa o Mn-. uind M-. PAAf MredndU. F L. . new Z) Skit Peseiedby vistos whMn. and Mns. Gor-ý Unite d Churc h W.M.S. don Agnew. ___ Mn-. and Mn-s. Marshall Pick- Women's Missionary Society ering and family wen-e recent ai the United Church met guests with Mn-. and Mn-.. War- Thursday aften-noon, Graup n-an Carson in Stan-kville. leaderMn-s. Sowden, led in the The Rev. Edwin Hancock of davotional perniod, the theme 91 Calvary Chtimnch in Hamilton, which was "Tha Chun-ch of the Visited with his father Mn-. Han-b Open Book."~ The wonship cen- ]Hancock on Monday. tre consisted ai an open Bible Robert Knox, wbo n-ceived a fianked by two lighted candies. severe knee injury duning a Rasponses ta the litany were hockey practicte in On-anaAnena made by auxiliary mambers, last week expt:cts ta retunnta Mn-s. Howard Allun offaning his home from Memorial Hospi- prayen- and contnibuting a beau tai his eek.tiful vocal sala "Have Faith in Mn-. James Young af Cedar- Gad", with Mn-s. C. A. Cowan dale United Church, Oshawa as accompanist. was -the guest preachen- at the .ri - +-11 Buy Your DecoratinuSupplies her. PITTSBURG PAINTS DULUX ENAMEL LUXOR ENAMEL SPRED SATIN KEM-TONE KEM-GLO SUPER KEM-TONE WALLPAPERS (1954 Patterns) LIQUID TILE ,RIPOLIN ENAMEL ROLLER COATERS ièRUSHES and TOOLS '7ailpaper REMNANTS GoId Cross PAINT $1.95 qt. Erco PAINTS $1.10 qt. JOHNSOWS WAX F HA WE9 WXk TIMBER-LOX Abernethy's Paif & Wallpapsr.. 85 King St. W. Phone 431 IBowmanviIIe - uTpic in-um the stuay booîc, VWhere'er the Sun," was "The Ministry of Radio". This took the fan-m ai a skit an the work of the Protestant church i La- tin Arnerica and was presented by Mn-s. Awda, Mn-s. An-chie Glenney, Mn-s W, F. Rickard and Mn-s. Hour. As the Roman Catholice Church is fan-fn-arn reaching ai who an-e in need af the gospel, the Protestant Chun-ch, nat in carnpetition, seeks ta iill the vu- cuncy. The influence af radio1 on the life of the people is strongly faIt. A most intan-esting lettan- sent ta Mn-. and Mn-a, Philp fn-rn Mn-. John Trewin, Missionan-y in Fegson. Mn- wsRead lMso Wergst Aric, ws -ead hy Mss n-ead a letter fn-arn an absent membar in Flon-ida, Mn-s. Wil- liam Clernenca. Mj ýs, A. Cooper gave a fhdught-provoking message oni Christian Stewan-dsip. Mn-s.E Hen-b Toms announced that1 clothing fon- Korea would bei shippad dur ing the corning1 week. An invitation ta rneets with the Fniendship Club ont Man-ch l7th. wus accepted. c Won-ld's Day ai Pn-ayen- Sen- - vIcç would be hald in the Un-g ited Church Sunday School on t. March 5. Attention was drawns ta the article in the Febn-uan-ye Missionary Monthly on the lufe 1 of Dr. Sun-ah Chukko af India 0 who prepan-ed the pragn-am ion- this service. Mn-s. Rickurd outlined the a Preshyterial prograrn in Osh- t( awa on Feh. 25. A bus has bean ' ciîantered ta take can-e ai trans- U partation af local members. She t( aiso expressed her appreciation C ta ail members who had helped n- ta make the C.G.I.T. Mothen-01 and Daughte- Banquet o! the b: previaus evening the fine suc- e( cess it was.7 POSTAL CLERES $2010 - $2760 Post Office Departnient BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Genewsus Provisions fer Vacation snd Slok Leave wltb Pay Hospital and Medîcal Plans Avallable Excellent Pension Plan Applieanta nmust bc British subJeetu (et leait fleysjan-s' resldeuce la Canada). Two yean-s' hich sebool desrable, *go may b. a deten-mnng factor in maklng selections. Application forme and turtber informiatioun availabîs at Post Offices. File applications with thie CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1200 Bay Street, Toronto NOT LATER THAN FEBRUARY 20, 1954 SUBSOILER TRACTORS On reading the article on deep soil tillage ln Iast woek's Statesman we wan-e interested to se. wher. two rubben tired tractons were necessany to pull on. ubsoler tooth. On dlscussing this with one of our customers, John Bailey, h. informed us thut on using the subsoiler on a smail acreage during e dry sumnier nmonths and flnding this very b.n.ticil, h. has ince subsoiled about one hundned acreswlth hic ONE Ferguson tractor and subsoiler te a depth of 18 to 22 inches. lucidentally, this Ferguuoe, Equipment must h. Vd.iag a satidefctory job and we are et present malt- M g a d.Uiv.ry of auother new FerguMte oMr. John SUd Lancîwter's Garage p, R. 2, NEWCASTLE PHONE CLARKE 2703 fort Hope Teams Win Ail Groups In Litle N. H. L. Playdowns Lions Tako Ladies in Droombal In what was probably the was Port Hope 15, Newcastle 1 fuliest day ai activity in its and Ajax 8, Peernborough 4. short history, the Newcastle Final game of the aiternoon ta Community Mamorial Anena declare a winner in the N.H.L. was the scene ai the Eastern gnouping it was Port Hope 13 Ontario Little N.H.L. Chanm- and Ajax 0. pionship Playdowns on Satur- Ail three Port Hope tearns day aiten-noon and an exhibi- will now pnoceed into the Pro- tion hockey game and a broom- vincial finals meeting the win- bail gama in the avening. ners ai the Western Ontario di- In the afternoon games with vision ut a time and place ta be teams entrpd fromdeterbo-dtrnined by the League Exe. ough, Port Hope, Aja3r and h teeeig h oa in Newcastle in thn-ee sepan-ate Clubespannd ahe oceyLins groupings, Pan-t Hope youngstais Cbrobporns dahceana walkad off with the honora in tie bullgarne with Newcaz- all hre setios. Prt opetleAhl-Starls, pickad fn-arn the ah tnaesectons.Pan- Ho e hst af the TawniLeugue play- and Newcastle ware the on1y en-s met the On-ana Onphuns. teams antan-ad in the thn-ee age There was plenty ai action dis- gnoups, with Peter-bon-ough anLd played, but the Onphuns out- Ajax entan-eci in the N . H. shone the Ail-Stan-s by a score gnoup only. of 21 ta 4 which makes it look In the Junior A. gnouping, like the taams rnay have been composed of boys 8 and 9 yean-s wrongiy named. of age, 'Pan-t Hope youngsten-s The broombaîl game consist- tnimmed aur local lads 9 ta (). ed of two 15-minute pan-lods In the A.H.L. graupîng, boys with five Lions meeting tan 10 and Il years, it was Port ladies. Despite the 2 ta 1 handi- Hopa's garne ahl the way again cap, the Lions rnanaged ta corne with the locals taking a 10 ta 0 out on the top with a score af lacing. 1 ta 0. A neally good crowd In the N.H.L. gxouping, boys spent a most enjovable day and 12 and 13 ycars af age, wvhere avaning ut the Anena for bath ail four teams were enten-ad it 'oi these events. Pansies on Top As Town League Nears PlIay-offs With only ana more week ta go bafon-e the play-offs start in the Town Hockey Leagua, Fr-ank McMullen's Pansies have taken the lead with Lamne Johnson's Sluggers and Howard Quinney's Clippen-s iollowing closely ha- hind. With only thn-ee gumas lait ta play, any ana of these tams could end up on top. In the fin-st garne on Monday avaning it was Pansias vs. Slug- gars, and the fans who tunnd out saw a real old game ai shîn- ny as thase tearns sluggad it out ta a 6 ail tie. It was 3 ta 1 for the Pansies in the fin-st pan- lad with Cowiing scon-ing 1 and MelCuiiough twa ion- the Pan- sies and Johnson scan-ing ana ion- the siuggers. Each team added one in the second, Dost ion- the Pansias and Gearndi for Slug- ian-s. The Siuggen-s tied it up in tha third pan-lad when Noden scon-ad 2 and Johnson and Lake each scon-ad ana while McCul- aough and Gr-aharn each scon-ad one ion- the Pansies. Tha second game was a walk Lway for the foun-th place New- onville squud aven- the Clippers vith an 8 toa score. Stan-ting off in the fin-st period the New- tonville boys scon-ad fiva goals, Coun-eux (2) J, Holman, B. Hol- man, and Phîl Gilmer ta ne ion- the Clippers scon-ad y Stan Powell. Thay increas- d their lead in the second ta -2, with goals scored by Jirn and Phil Gilmen- with Quinnay con-ing the ù.nly goal ion- tha lippers. In the final pen-iod ýach taam addsed one, Phil Gil- mer fan- Newtonville and How- ird Quinr.ay for the Clippars. ai Sc eE ar Fniday aveiing's scores ware IClippers 2 Siuggan-s h and Pan- s ies 8 and Newtonvilae 4. Fol- lowing Mond4y's garnes the standing is as foilows: Taam WL T Punsies 5- 2 2 Sluggers 4 3 2 Clippersa--- 4 4 1 Newtonvilie- 2 6 1 Tomon-now it wifl he Pansiasj vs. Clippers and Newtonvilie vs.' Sluggen-s and an Monday evaning Pansies vs. Newton- ville and Clippers vs. Sluggen-s. MORRISH The re b~as been van-y little ta write lately, about the only news wa get is that someone e1ýe is the victim ai that hon-nid genrm - if such it la, rasponsihie ion- a rnast urpcornfontabla sick- uass lasting fnrn 12 ta 24 hours and is no respecter-ai pansans, or aise it is thé waather, the coid weather. ice, snow and wind incluçiaci. and last but not iaast, the diminishing coul in the bin! Io Spring on the way - yas, a long way yiet! Two van-y pleusant social ev- enings hava been-. held recentiy, the finst on Jan. 28 at the home ai Mn-s. F. Cornish: the second ut Mn-. and Mn-s. Lea Beran'a Fab. 2. Tan tables ai auchre wan-e played ut each panty with the usual prizas given for high and low scores and travelling priza. Lunch wa servad. More parties ara plannad for this rnonth. There was an average attend- anceaut church service includ- ing a number of chiidren ai the Sunday School who aie becorn- ing maie and mura inten-astadt in their spacial part ai the ser- vice when Rav. A. W. Han-ding; ha a stan-y ior-tham. concluding with a wili known chiidren'a hymn. Suinday School was held at 1l u.m. with 35 present. the supet-intendent, Mn-s. D. Haines, conducting. Two new wood boxes an-e finished and an-e now sen-vmg thain van-y necassary purpose in ch4rch and Sunday School. No more chips ta clutter up anound the heatars now. We under- stand theze weil made boxes are the work of aur ministen-. Wel doue, Mn-. H a ding! Mission Jnd n-et Ttiesda-..l We understand there is taI bej a Valpntîne Party on F7îs, , I F1. 1-. Sf. George's W.A. IIolds Successful -Card Parl y On Wednesday, Feb. 3, the Evernng Branch of St. Georga's Church Woman's Auxiliary held a very successful card party i the Parish Hall. Gamles of 500, bridge, canas- ta, cribbage and ouchro were played and tickets were sold on a draw for a basket of groceries. Prize winners wen-e: Bridge, E. Neilsan; 500, Wellington Far- row; Canasta, Mrs. Harold Gib- son; Cribbage, Mrs. Gordon Gar-ad; and Euchn-e, Mrs. Wood- ward. Consolation prizes were award- ed to Chris Law, Mrs. Bowery, Mrs. George Crowthen-, Mrs. Philip Williams and Mn-s. Wal- lace Gibson. Winnen- of basket of groceries was Miss Ethel Lockhart. A most enjayable evening was brought to a close alter the serving of delicious ýýrefresh- ments by members of the Aux- iliary. NOTICE Kingston, Ont. Febn-uary 4, 1954 The Bowmanville Statesman. 1 Dean-Mn-. Editon-:1 Taoaur many friends in New-1 castle and District I wish ta state through the medium of1 your -paper that I regret the1 stepa recently taken and state1 that my wife was neyer mentallyilîl. L. H. Turner. TIC K E TS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamahip Consult JURY &LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 li Thé' Balmoral Hotel Now operates a GRILL AND SNACK BAR in the diziing roozu belween the hours of 7 a.m. and 1 a.m. A new improved service wiII give you the best quality nieals and snack~s at Iower prices. We wiII continue to serve meals, but in addition you wiIi now be able to obtain sandwiches, hamburgers, etc. Alternoon Teas a Specialty Spend a pieasant afternoon over tea, sandwiches and cake playing bridge or just relaxing. Spocial arrangements nmade for bridai parties. RECULAI SUNDAY DINNERS Our popular Sunday Dinners wilI stili b. featured as in the past. Dinners wlll b. served fromn 12 to 2 p.m. and 5 to 7:30 p.m. FOR A SNACK OR MEAL BE SURE TO TRY US Horticultural Convention ta be held in Orono Cofirnunlty Purk on Wednesday. June 16. Well on ta two hundred friende of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham spent a pleasant even- ing in the Taownship Hall on Jan. 29 when a presentation of a lovely davenport and two satin cushions were given the newly.. wedded cou ple. Considerable. disappointment was expresse&~ that only five women in the whole township showed up fan- the annnual meeting af Clarke Red Cross Society on Jan. 29 ta elect offi- cers and learn how the $1 000 was spent which was raised in the campaign last March. An- other effn-t will be made tinis month ta hold the meeting. Financial statement of Dur- ham Central Agricultural Socle- tY showed a balance af $708.66 carnied aver tram 1953, whicft was about $200 betten- tian tihe yean- pievious. Mn-a. Chas. Harris visited he brother, Mn-. Er-nest Stephensoi Oshawa, who is a patient in S Joseph's Hospital, Tor-onto, fol' awing a four-car accident on th Queen Elizabeth highway, jui west of Toroanto, Jan. 30. Mi Cyril French, Oshawa, is alsoi the same hospitul. He was passenger in Mn-. Stephenson car enroute to I.O.O.F. Encaml ment rally at Windsor. Miss Mary Ami Armstroni 1Miss Adele, Cooper and Mi Douglas Lycett asaîsted the 011 awa Skating Club Show a Brighton. 3 Mn-. Albert E. West is workin in Cornish's Red and WJiWil tsStan-e. Congratulations ta Mn-. an, 1-Mn-s. Rober-t Geon-ge Youngmar iPontypool, fon-merly Miss Don a Ellen BIack, an thei- marriage Saturday, Febn-uan-y 6th, ut On-oni United Chun-ch by Rev. Johi ýsKitchen. Mn-. and Mrg. Ram-y Men-cei visited Mn-. and Mrs. Wmn. Me-c en-r, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Chan-les Johns Bowmanville, wen-e supper guestý on Stinday of ]\Ir. and Mrs. Ch"~ Wood. Othen- recent visitor: wen-e Mrs. Mary Phasev, Oshawa and Mn-s. Han-old Murphy, Baw. manville. Mn-s. Albert Han-ris is ill. Mn-. and Mn-s. Han-vey Ginr visited Mn-s. James Ginn and Mr and Mn-s. G. Tennant, Black. stock. Mn-. and Mrs. Alex. Watsor visited Mn-. and Mn-s. An-chie Wat. son and attended the Ice Follie in Tan-onto last Wednesday. Mr. and Mn-s. Chas. Wood and Mn-. and Mn-s. Neil Wood anc family, Lakefield, visited Mn- and Mn-s. Gea. Cn-owthe-, New- castle. Mn-s. Fr-ank An-dron and Allan, Ton-onto, spent the weekend wîth Mn-. and Mn-s. Madison Hall. Mn-. and Mn-s. Fred Lean and Mn-s. A. Alger-, Oshawa, wen-c Sunday guests of Mn-s. Milfred Sherwin., Mn-. and Mn-s. Lloyd. Myles, Whitby; Mn-. and Mn-s. Jack Davis and family, Bowmanvjlle, visit- ed Mr. and Mn-s. D. Mtyles. Mn-s. Cook, Mn-. and Mn-s. Jack Cook, Ton-onto, spent Sunday with Mn-. and Mn-s. On-ville Chatt- erton. Mn-. and Mn-s. H. Rahm, Ton-on- ta, visited Mn-s. J. E. Richards on Sunday. Mn-s. Fred Tamblyn visited her sisted, Mn-s. Hoidge, Bowman- ville. Mn-. Ross Taylor, Milven-ton, with Mn-. and Mn-s. Chus. Taylor. Mn-s. Chus. E. Miller- is visit- ing Mn-. and Mn-s. H. Smith, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sunday visitors with Mn-. and Mn-s. Brooks Cowan wen-e Mn-s. Mon-nish Osbon-ne, Mn-. and Mn-s. Har-vey Osborne, Mn-s. D. Haines, Morrish. Mn-s. Cedi Jones, Miss Bileen Jones and Mn-. D. Stevens, Bow- manville, visited Mn-s. Win. Uglow, Newtonville, Sunday. Miss C. Colville, Mn-s. R. Stew- art and Miss H. Colvîlle wen-e suppe- guests of Mn-s. Har-vey Curtis. Mn-. and Mn-s. Ross Gilbert, Brantford; Mn-. and Mn-s. Haroald Smith and Eleano-, Niagara Falls, were weekend guests of Mn-s. Fred Tamblyn and Mn-. and Mn-s. Chas. E. Mille-. Mn-s. Milfn-ed Shen-win and Miss Ben-tha Cain visited Miss Anna Marie Shen-wîn, Satun-day, ut Wellesley Haspital, Tor-onto. Visiton-s with Mn-. and Mn-s. Cecil Jones wen-e Mn-s. Cecil White, Port Hope; Miss Barbara MeIConnell and Mn-. D. Powell, N~ewtonville; Miss M. Cowan. Mn-. and Mn-s. H. Masters, Bow- manville, visited Mn-. and Mn-s. F'loyd Nicholson. Mn-s. R. E. Logan is a patient in Oshawa Genen-al Hospital. Ornn Hon-ticultun-al Society held its annual meeting on Jan. 28 and elected officers for 1954. The big event of the DistrictI BRIMACOMBE'S HILL BECOMES SKIING CENTRE FOR DISTRICT With the recent abundance of snaw in thearanuBniracombe's Hill aven- the pat week-end it was turnnd inta a beahive ai skian-s for the fin-st goad skiing on the hill this year. This hilI hus been laased by the Oshawa Ski Club ion- a numben- ai yean-s and it is axpacted that in future yean-s wîll ha a skiing centre ion- this pan-t ai the countr-y. It is quita close ta Oshawa and To- rnato and this in itseli will ut- tract many skiers. Fun-then- the hili is a challenge for conquast an d it .will be possible duning the winter ta viaw the fine an-t ai travelling on the hickory slabs. Tha Oshawa Ski Club have an-actad a skî-tow on the hili for the convanience ai skiera. A bulldozen- wus aiso ampioyad in some aarth removul during the fali ta constn-uct runs. Trees hava alsa bean planted ta hold the snow i-rn blowing off the hill and thus creata a blunkat ai snow ion- gaod skiing aven- moat ai the hill. A charge of iifty cents is iavied againat peansn using the hill fan- this sport, KENDAL Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N., Ottawa, is spending a faw days at home with Mn-. and Mn-s. W. - ivir ana rs. Allan .Foster, *-Teetervýile, visited his brothers here last week. Mr. and Mn-s. Haroald Blodgett and Ruth, and Mr. Jack Blodgett and his bride, Warkworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Therteli and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin- elI and Kenny. Howar-d Boyd was able ta corne home fnrn St. Joseph's Hospital, Peten-boro, the latter part of the week, and is feeling much better but must continue dieting. Mr. and Mn-s. George Palmer and Janice visited Sunday with her father, Dick Wilson and Miss Helen Boyd. Mrs. Margaret Thompsan, Gwynne and Ronnie, spent Sun- day with Mr. L. D. Bell and Hilda. The Kendal L.O.L. held anath- er successful dance in the hall Friday evening with a gaad crowd out ta dance te Harôld Roach's music. A new pan-ch has been added and gn-ey siding put on ail the buildings. Im- pravements an-e pnetty costly these times. A yen-y inten-esting hockey game was played last Tuesday night at Orono, between Kendallj and Orono young lads, resulting lin a 4-3 score for Kendal. Sat- urdax- afternoon a few tram Kendal and Orono assisted the! Newcastle team ta play against Part Hope in the Little Nation- al League playdowns but they cotild flot seem ta get going and 1 were badly beaten.11 Last Tuesday evening Kendalý IBroombali team played a couplei of games at Ornn and succeed- ed in securing a 3-0 score against Orono and 2-1 score againsti Kjr bY. Eddie Couroux and Haw- ard Quantrill, forwan-ds, and Billy Jackson as check, received cansiderable credit. It afforded considerable amusement for playeru and spectators alike. A large crawd qf askiers and spectators gathered at Brima- comb's Hill Sunday afternoon. The cars now drive in tram the- road ta the brow of the Hill and a ski taw has been erected by the Oshawa Ski Club for the convenience of the skiers. It is qClile a SteP forvvai-d, and is e~eiIvinteresting to hear the skîîriR conditions ut Bn-rnacomb's 'aven- lb, radio. California - Sweet - Juicy - 288's ORANGES U.KST 0OW PRICE DOZ. Yellow - Rie - Fr FORç 2 LBS. 33ç Roasts - Cbickens - Cold Cuts Ail are pre-packaged and priced for your Quality Always Guarant.ed. ZION C.G.I.T. meeting was held at the school Feb. 2. Mrs. Gleni Glaspeli opened the meeting by everyone reptating te C.G.I.t. Surpose. Janeen anci Lynda ameron had charge of the wor- ship service. It was decided co hold the meetings every twa weeku and serve lunch once a month. Marilyn Pascoe was elected pianist. Next meeting February 16. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron attended the .ISth weddimg armi- versary crt Mr. and Mri. Fred Partner at Eriniskillen Corn- munitv Hall on Saturday night. Mrs. Percy Davidsan and Peggy accompanied Mr. and Mts. Elmer Down ta Monkton and attended the funeral of Mns. Davidson's brather-in-law, Rev. A. V. Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burgess Salem, Mr. and Mn-s. Willard ier :n, 4r. in a ip. 19, Ir. ih- ng nd kn, ra gel no er 's rs a, v- in Cs h Mi ALWAYS FRESH - Clover Valley oz. CHEEZ PLEEZ - Easy Spreading - Handy Tunibler Fr.. 10e Off Regular Price RGLLED GATS - Robin Hood - 48 oz. box Stock up while they last!2 7 VALENTINE CHOCOLATES 1-LB. BOX ASSORTED 7 GRAPEFRUIT - Etc. convenienme AffaROAST DE El'52 IÇOVChuck %Ili - Lb. 45e Lb 69 Dominion Stores Ltd. BACON B[reakfast Style BOWMAN VILLE - ONT. CHICK ENS pr. 2 te Gare and family, Mr. and Mr&. Lloyd Gare and family, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Park- in and family, Zion, at Norman Broome' s. Mr. and Mru. Elmer Down,, Ebenezer. et Percy Davidsop's. Mr. and Mrs. Hkrvey Balson and family, Oshawa. et Robert Killen's. Mr..and Mr#. William Smith, Whitby, at fred Cumeron's. Mr. and Mr&. Stanley Cover- ly and Karen, Ebenezer, Mr. Bill Brown, Toronto, ut Wes Camneron'. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kilien visited Mr. Jos McCammond, Oshawa, who ha been ill with pneumonie. Mr. and Mrs Nelson Pice vis- ited his mather, Mns. William Fice, Oshawa. Mr. and Mri. Douglas Skinner and dauehters, Oshawa, at Jim Stainton s. Mr. and Mri. Fred Cameron at Aubrey Hircock's, Oshawa. si Richniello - Sliced - Usie 24loz.4 2w ]BREAD Loaf ým 1 0AFTERNOON AUXILIAJY MEETING Aftarnoan Auxiiiary af W.M. S . was heid on Tuesday aftar- noon Feb. 2. Aitan- quiet music by Mn-s. M. H . Stapies, the meet- ing opened with the cali tc won-ship by Mn-s. Drurnrond, foiiowed by a shon-t message un stewan-dship and prayer. Minutes wen-e read by secroa- tan-y Mn-s. Cobbledick. Mrs, Watson and Mn-s. Wood wan-e appointed dalegates ta Pn-esby- terial in Oshawa on Feb 24th. Rail caîl showad 75 cails mad2. Con-n-sponding secnetary's n-e pan-t was given. An invitation was read fnrn the Evening Aux- iliary ta a Pot Luck Supper on Fah. 18 was accaptad. A mes- sage was given fn-arn Christian Stawan-dship Sacn-etan-y Mn-s. Stutt and Tamperance by Mn-s. Walsh. Mn-s. Brimacomba con- tributed a iovely piano sala. Wonship service was taken by Miss Davy. "The Chun-ch ai the Open Book". Scnipture was n-aad hy Mn-s. Lycatt. Miss Davy, as leader, nead a litany, nesponded ta by the members and Mn-s. Walsh lad in prayen-. The study book on India was taken by Mn-s. Wood, Mn-s. Cob- bledick, Mn-s. Allin and Mn-s. Por- ter. j li -i - TUE CANADIAS STATESMAN. BOVn£ANVnl& ONTARIO lbl#»- ý No. 1 Florida - Size 96 BOWMANVILLE « ONT.

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