- - -r- ~ _________________________THE__ C2a~ANAMM S TATE5M, OWMAKVTLLNONTAMO ?USDY WN Ilt * Bantam Huskies Tied for First Place With the Cornets At the beginning of this week the Bantam Huskies, shown aboveCIa1ke, ýMaurice Bradley, Dan McGnegor, Ron Pollard, Captain 01en wvere tied for finst place in the Bantam division of the Bowmanville Minor "Archie" Crossey, Bill MeKnight, Gary Bagneil and Coach Cliff Trewin. Hockey League. Front row, lef t ta right: Ted Cramp, Wilbert Lemon, Absent when the picture was taken xvas Vince Molloy. Garth Taylor, Bill Sheehan and Brian Martin. Rear row, Coach AI. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Pee Wee Bruins Team in Minor League Town Hockey v ' . 1ý Pictured above is the Pee Wee Bruins hockey team of Wee division of the Bowmanvil Minor Hockey League. Frontr ta right: Anthony Molloy, John Allun, Terry Black, Bill Bickle Conway, Lee Rackham and David Thompson. Rear row: Coai OLINAproud and happy ta extend con- SOLIA grtultion toone af aur young men, Ewart Leasix, on winning Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlecs the annual public speaking The entertained friends at a pro- contest at the Kemptville Agri- soni (c gnessive Lost Heir part * -) cultural School on January 27. Jack ai Saturday evening. Pnizes for Being an experienced pilot he othen highest scores were won oy chose "Flying" as bis subject. day ni Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis, The Men's Bratherhoad will and P( while Mns. C. Hamer and Mr. meet at Hampton on Tuesday cnowns John Knox received consolation evening, Febnuary 16. This when 1 awards. xvll be Farmer's Night. Sldes offered The Initermediate girls' and will be shown and Mn. E. A. party. boys' class and their teacher, Summers, Agicultunal Repre- Rowan Mrs. W. Yellowlecs, led in thue sentative. will be present. pnizes. wonship service apening Sui,- Othen guests will be Mn. Neil are doi day School on Sunday after- Mastersen of Port Hope, and Mond noon. The serîpture renqlrin., Mr'. Weir ai Omemee. vey- Mi was in u nison. Laine Tink Mr. Harold Pascoe lost twu) Clarenc read a stary and 1-elen Knoax cows by poisoning last weck. Malcolr and Barbara Hooey playýed a Visitors: Gibson piano duet. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm bonspie His many Solina iiends are and Gardon, Blackstock, at Mn. Mn. fBruce Tink's. Tnudy Mns. Addie Tink at Mr. Hilton spentf Tink's, Ebenezer. Mn. and TA"n nd Mrs. Roy MeGili, Ltl Reva anda Keith, Enniskillen; it Bth Miss Ruth Brock, Mn. and Mrn' Einet TIME - L. P1?reston and Gary, Bawman- Ens TO KEEP ville, at Mr. Chas. Langmaid's. Mn. ar Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spires, ai visited YOUR WATC14 Millbrook, ai; Mn. E. Spires'. Porteow Mn. and Mrs Wes Cameron, Mn.a ON Zioi., at Mr. A. J. Balson's. and Gar TIME Lr. nd Mrs. W. Parninder hause o TIE aind 1Helen, at Mn. Elgin Brom- friends 00. ell's, Bowm1aiviile. ai happi Mn. and Mrs. J. Leger, Misses Mn.1 Elma and Oliv-e Cryderman, Mn. was gut tN,.\Balance H. Fneitag, Oshawa, Mr. Ken George1 wheel travels McMmInn, Whitby, at Mn. E. Mn. ar ~) nealy 4000 Cniid.-rman. and Mn. mile yerly Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice, are leav1 yey Mnraand Mrs. Harvey Yelawlees ida. anci Karen, at Mn. Ross Cryder- Mn. ai Don't wait tili mi'S. adfn Mn and Mrs. Bruce Mont- ranto, w. your watch goes wrong! gamery and Kathleen Graham, Dave Wi at Mn. Bert Mantgomery's. son's. A watch checkup takes Miss Lena Taylom, Bowman- Mn. ai 80 little time-and ville, at Mn. E. R. Taylor's. the Clitf Mr. and Mrs. Wes HuIs and Mr. and it can save you maney Carol at Mr. A. Thompsan's. Mr. B. by preventing future Bownianville, and Mr. A. His', ed ta To breakdowns.Ltau Tyrone. the dcat Jet curMm. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Lamne1 Service Department Stanley at Mm. Sîd Connish, Moore ai Hampton. - iineral7 anspect Vour watch today. Mrs. Mabel Westley, Toronto, Mi-S. N with flan sister, Mms. J. Yellow- by girla AU~~Alees' and fam'ily. terboraug Mr. and Mrs. John Anthony Mn. an and family, Locust Hil, at Mr. wene Si Geo. Hamlin'e. guests af W. U»e only genulaie foctory. Mrs. George Gilrov and Phil- Stinson,1 appovci ors n servicins cil fine lip. ("olumbs, NMrs. Frank NIrs. E Swis wo#ch.s. - isimpson. Nwiry and (Cnnnie. G-ordnf Kedron, at Mr. Murray Vices. Harold F Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and son, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow. Mrs. E. Forrester. Westport, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carias Tamblyn, Orono, on Saturday. Mrs. Russell Savery visited . . . .. .her mather, Mrs. A. Muldrew, in Peterborough recently. -.Miss Norm-a HaIlowell, Tor- m, anto, spent the weekend at ~$home. S Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson, Mary Lau and Mrs. E. Forrester the Pee Black, Keith Welsh, Captain BfiH O8borne, Larry Jamieson, Ken Park, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven, row, let Murray Walker, Rager Meadows, Wayne Mavin and Coach Frank Zion, on Sunday. Miss Ellen Wilkins, Part e, Gerry Jamieson. Hope, at Mr. Perey Farraw's tch Sam -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrowcldùgh T'TT9Tmr~r Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt and Bill, Wesleyville; Mr. A. YELVI1JLUJN and Trevor. Nestieton, with Mr. OBI IUA.1Y' MeKay were guests of Mr. and and Mrs. Geo. Heasiip.____ Mrs. Morley Robinson Sunday. largest crowd of the sea- Mrs. Robert Sisson. Bethany,Mran s.SeitOh ~Ioe t 6) gthred;itMr. CarncePag ad M~. JAMES RICHARD MeKEE awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert nd Lorna Wilson's for an- Floyd Stinson, werc guests Df The death accurred at Whitby, Littie Linda Stapleton, New- crokinole tournament Fni- Mrs. Howard Malcolm On MaOI- Ont. January 31, 1954, of James tanville, is spending a few days igXt. Mrs. Floyd Stinson day night while their husbands R. McKee of Cadmus, in his with Mrs. J. Stark. ercy Preston wear the curled. 74th year. Mr. McKee had Mr. and Mrs. Paul NitnIgon ýs until March, at leas-:, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Malcolm been very ii1 for some time. and Janet, Janetvile, 'visited Pat anid John Wright have and girls, were Sunday visitors Mr. McKee is the son of the Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. d their home for another with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacey. late M1r. and Mrs. James McKee. Mr. Ted Boughen and Miss Dale Stinson and Linca Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Jack- The deceased was barn in Cart- Helen Hallowell were guests took home the othen wee son and Mn. Alfred Jackson, Cartwright, Oct. il, 1880, and at Mn. Ewart Robinson's on Som exe 0fthese chwldr. Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. resided there until his death.Sud. ingexeptonllywel. Art Rowan. Mr. MeKee is survived by his Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch ýday Floyd Stinson, Har- Mn. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, wife, the former Edith Ellen and family visited Mrs. J. Wan- Ialcolm, Ralph Malcolm, Janetville, Mrs. J. P. Henderson Gibson; two sons, Lorne of Nest- flan, Kirby, recently. ce Page and Howard and Murray,- Bethany, were leton; Edgar of Midland, and a Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark visited in, Dave Wilson and Bert guests of the Ralph Malcolms son Milford, predeceased him Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery. t ook part in the curling on Satunday for Cyndy's 2nd some years ago. Also surviving Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell el in Blackstock. birthday. are six grandchildren. and Jim visited at Sid Hallo- Charles Vine and Miss Mr. and Mrs. John Grandy Rev. Hutton of Blackstock, well's last week. Finilayson, Port Perrv, and Mn. Bill Gnandy visited Mr. conducted the funeral service Mn. and Mrs. Logan and sono, Saturday evening withi and Mrs. Art Rowan. fnom his home near Cadmus Bethany, with Mr. and Mrs. ýd Mrs. Fred Stacey. Mr. J. Evans, Raglan, visited Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, at 2 p.m. John Stark, Sunday. eMiss Carole Stacèy 's Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson. Interment St. John's Cemetery, Mrs. Murphy in Toronto re- hany with Mr, and MVrs. No school was held on Mon- Blackstock. cently. Stacey. day since Mr. Baiiey was skip of Mr. and MIns. Orme Falls and ind Mrs. Wilbert Malcolm a curling team in the Black- al vitdM.nd rs s, BwmanistocMk aons. eaWlsnweeCA M SStanley Falls, Toronto, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Harold stok bnspel Mr. and Mrs. John Stark, Mr. in Peterborough with Mr. and- and Mrs. J. Stark in Belleville and Mrs. Gerry Bristow Mrs. W. Henry. Miss Betty Feltz and Mr. Ross this week owing to the passing ry, moved into their new Sixîce it is the duty of this Kahie, Mitchell, spent the week- ai a friend. on Monday. Their many column ta report the camings end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman- wish them many years and goings of Yelverton folk I Rohrer and family. miess in it. suppose 1 shauld tell you that Miss Nina Johnston, Oshawa, (Intended for lait week) Reg Ruskin, Toronto, vour correspondent enjayed a is spendîng her holidays with Miss Ruth Kaiebaba, Oshawa, est of Mn. and Mrs. delightful visit and cup of tea ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. George spent the weekend at Mr. J. Heaslip. with ye editor and bis wife on Jabnston. Stark's. ind Mrs. George HeasUip Friday afternnon at Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Melton and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Kendal, and Mrs. Percy Preston ville, Elsie Carruthers Lunney, Frank spent Sunday aftennoon spent Tuesday with Mms. Liew ing this week for Fiai- yaur Current and Confidential with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hailowell. columnist, wvas also a guest and Strong and family, Bethany. Mr. and Mmi. C. Hait, Tan- md Mrs. Vance Wilson she proved ta be a, very charm- Miss Marie Hanna, Mr. and onto; Mr. Laverne Stone and iily and Mn. Geany, To- ing and interesting persan. Mrs. Gardon Hanna and family Mr. Milton Boyd with Mrs. F. vere guests ai Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stone an Sunday. ilson and the Jack Wil- visited Mr. anid Mrs. Win. Gr;a- Vivian and family, Bawman- Mr. J. Hallowell is enjoying a ham and Mrs. Graham Sr., at Ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. visit fmomn his daughter, Bertha, nd Mrs. Ken Snyder and1 Lindsav. Mr. and Mrs. Llo.yd Arthur Hanna during the week- Toronto. ESnyder's, Toronto, witn Hi!! an-d Neal. Omemee, and Mr. end. Mr. and Mmm. Lamne Paeden 1Mrs. Hugh McGill. and Mrs. Murray Shae and Mrs. Chanlie Fee is spending a and Jean with Mn. and Mrs. alfoun Moore was cal!- Mary were guests af John and week or two with ber sister- B. Thompson, Kendal. oronto Sunday owing to Jean's. in-law, Mrs. Jim Anmstnong af Mr. and Mmm. Howard Farrow h of his .uncle, Mr. Bert Gibsor and Raiph Mal- Oshawa, wha has been ill. We attended the annual Burns' Night Train. Mn. and Mrs. colin attended a directars' meet- hope that Mrs. Armstrong will at the Legion Hall, Bowmanville, nd Oramn attended the ing of Durham County Medical soan be well again. at which the Haward Farrow Ttie.Iday. Cu-op at Gardon Staples' Betli- Mrs. Roy Phiayre and Miss orchestra pravided music for Marmaîî Wilson and ba- any, Tuesday evening. Ruth Green Spent the weekend dancing. arrived home fromn Pe-. Mr. Jack Archer and his sis- with Mr. and Mrs. Philp Green, Mr. and Mmm. R..Boughen and igh Tuesday. ter. Port Hope, visited the Dave Stoney Creek. sons, Newtonville,~ were dinner nd Mrs. Harold Stinson Wilson's. Mrs. A. McQuade re- guests af Mr. and Mrs. Morley unday evening dinnar tunned ta Port Hope for a vîsît. The only way ta mak the Robinson on Monday evening. f Mn., and Mrs. Bahob_________ mass ai mankind se the beauty Mr. Maurice Haliowell with Lotus. af justice. i; by shoxving them, Mr. E. A. Summs and others Elizabeth Fleming, Nir. The larger the inconie, the in prcty, plain terms, the con- attended a banset in the Fleming, Mvr. and Nlr;. liarder il is ta live within t.-' sequence af injustice.-Sydnaey Royal York Hotel, Toronto, lautL Fleming, Hillhead, and Richard W'hatly. Smith. week. The W.M.S. and W.A. held their monthly meetings ail Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrn. Wm. Allun. The W.M.S. meeting apened with quiet music, the singing ai a byrnn and prayer by Mmm. Wm. Allin. Mms. Gus Wilson reac the icnipture. The president led ini a per- lad ai adoration and praise. A confession was read in unison. Mrs. Wm. Allun led in an inter- cession prayer followed by a hymn. Aiter the minutes, mail call, aifening and business, Mrs. Bryson took the chapter in the study book entitled "Our Back- yard." Mrs. Bryson gave some intemesting points about author ai study book. This chapter told ai the advance ai difierent re- ligiaus denominations un U.S.A. Mrs. Brysan mead several start- ling examples ai uncbnstiah actions in a supposediy Christ- ian country. Mrs. H. Lowery and Mms. Ken Shackleton iavored with 'a lave- ly vocal duet "Sweet Peace." Mrs. Win. Wannan then open- ed the W.A. meeting with a prayer. Mrs. Clarence Aluin gave a devotional paper un "Dr. Albert Schiveitzer, a pn'j- phet in the wilderness." Mrs. Wannan read an article en- titled "Are you a goad club member," bringing out severail points we must remember ta be a good member in aur argati- ization. Mrs. Ken Shackleton favored with a vocal sl., The main business was a. ranging details for banquet. Mrs. Wm. Wannan invited the ladies to ber home ion the next meetings. A deliciaus lunch and social chat was enjoyed by ahl. Mr. and Mns. Jack Dayman, Port Hope, visited Tuesday winh Mn. and Mrs. Bryson. M. and Mrs. Bihl Wannan and Ross were guests ai Mn. and Ms. Bill Cochrane. Ms. J. Cowan and Mrs. B. IMadili spent Wednesday aiter- n oon with Mrs. Mult Wannan. Mrs.KenShackleton and Davidvisited with 'her parents, M. and Ms. Wm. Allin. Messrs Madison Hall and Fred Kelly, Orono, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bigeiow. Thiursda>ir aiternoon. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross were Saturday evening guests ai Mn. and Mrs. John Stone. Severai rom ur community attended the Orangemen's da:'ct, at Kendal on Fniday night. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Graham and Mernill spent Saturday nîght with Mn. and Mrs. George Glan- ville, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Bihl Wannan and Ross were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jacki Stapleton, Sixth Line. Mn. and Mns. Bob Rutherford, Orona, with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Rutherord.f Id on ie ke à a Il. ýd r. a e e r d "There's nothing wrong with n the.younger generation that the e aIder genemation didn't aut- e grow."1 h Mr. and Mru. Milton Wright R leit an Mor.day ta spend a month's vacation in Flarida. Mrs. Clarence Neals hiin Ta- onta visîtmng Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nott Neals. Mrs. R. Wheeling, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Mal- Ecmson, also bier mother, Ms. Emma Kellett, who is a pa.ient in Civic Hospital, Peterbarough. Fiends will be pleased ta know that Mrs. Kellett is making good progress ic'llowing hier opera- tian. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci McGill, iToronto, and Miss Joan McGili, Peterborough, with Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon. Mrs. Manson Cathcamt and son Paul, Springvile, are visit- ing Mms. Hazel Brown. Miss Patricia. McBean spent thie weekend with bier niother in Bamnseville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marti- chenko and Mary Ann motorad ta Kitchener for the weekend. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Reg. Edmunds in the death af bier father, Mr. Melville Mc- Dowell ai Millbrook, on Satur- day. The many frîends of Mrs. George Wadde]l will be pleasedI ta know that she is making al gaod recovery following a ma-1 jor operation in Civic Hospital,. Peterborough. Airwoman Peggy Reyniolds is in Watertown, N.Y., for a spe- cial training course with the. Amenican Air Force. 1Nine mem bers of the Beth- any ladies iadge, Mrs., Ernest Youngman, Mrs. Roy Ferren, Mrs. Fred Edwards, Mrs. G. Ro'- binson, Mrs. Melvin Smith, Mrs. Hilliard Briwos, Miss Hazel Malcomson, Mns. William Phil- lips and Mrs. Ina Palmer at- tended a special meeting of the Eastern Star Lodge in Peter- borough on Wednesday. Ladies Gaod Luck Lodge held a Progressive euchre panty in the Orange Hall on Fniday evening with 9 tables. Pnizes for high score went *'ta Mrj. Bruce McGi!I and Carl Po- teous; consolation prizes ta Wil- liam Jordan and Mrs. H. L. $100 ends and be iniends. The fam- ul CI rE su a JE in ci Fi pe b.i do l fI I e. thors ln on youa'plcfura-toklng fun .q luit brlng ln your best mgatives end we'iI mako os many prints Idaéonod ares of phot o niw Smey _b. voIIovd by Tablou. FOR WHIITE SCOURS ub. w SH. 'Vh.. wiemeua mtIu"q.c «mon hurg«t LaLd*'s m, worku rapidly e. coowoli inood. ad infection md a'roid siers ahter-effeces. Lay in a suppiy 0f ISTm od". * u. S. Pet .ot Whu.sJ len 011a1lout lua j isah.el1the woudroogrelief thnTablous. Got a botti. dey. JURY U LOVELL When W. Test Eyes It lu Don. Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE PAGE Tmq STARKVILLE 1 nuy 1 Valetn 1 EARRINGS BETRANY U.C. Wamen's Assaciatian Mrs. Bruce Ryley entertaincd members of Uriited Church Womnen's Association on Tues- day. In the absence of the Pre- sident, Mrs. Herb Coppins led the devotional period. Mrs. Wellington Fallis read the scnip- ture and Miss Elsie Richardson gave the lesson thoughts and led in prayer. Minutes and cor- respondence were read by Mr3. Walter Rowland. 28 members answered the rail cail with "A Thought on Friendship". A greeting card containing wishes for a speedy recovery was sign- ed by ail members to be sent -.. ao Mrs. George Waddeli, a val- îed member wha us 111 in hos- pital. Miss Elsie Richardson took 'barge of the prograni. Hymns reiating ta Fniendship were ung. Mrs. Ernest Stacey gave a reading "Sympathy". Mrs. T. Jennings read "Put Yourselvez in an Immigrant's Shoes". Mrs. Clarence Rowan gave a talk on H 'niendliness "Making friends .ife. We must act with under- fg~'v w.a. tanding in making friends ...JEiWELLERY ANDU perhaps the greatest stumbling F S O lock is incoiivenience. We just 1 Jon't take the time ta do the IT S O ittie acts. ai kindness that we Poo77 2 IgS.W îould cuitivate as part ai aur Bowmanville faily living, if we are ta make 'IMIP MAIWAI%*A" . . -- 54' lUar story of the Prodigal Son goo bd exemiple. No doubt the tit passers-by weme good peo- ple, hlghly espected, but they did not take time ta investigate as did the Good Samaritan. We must bave kind beants. Fniendli- ness is a plant ta be cuitivated caeiully. Abuve ahi, we must have the capacity fon iomgive- ness in order ta keep iiends:' Mrs. Henry Jakeman clased the méeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess as- sisted by Mrs. T. Jennings, Mn. W, Failis, Mrs. E. Weatberilt and Mns. J. McKinnan. Mmm. Lloyd Kennedy express- ed the thanks ai thre memnbers ta Mrs. Ryley for the use af!âË home and toalal those wl' sisted. Neyer irarry but ion love; but see that tbou lovest what is ioveiy.-William Penn. A SMALL REMINDER f"r ValenineM PINS