1 1 I "Durham County's Grecu Family Journal" VOLUME 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDÂY, FEBRUARY llth, 1954 10e PER COPY NME Rapld. Progress 'on New Pipeline 'IIorted ai Public Utilities Meeting The large stand-by diesel pump las been mnstalled in the new pumphouse at the lake- front, Manager George Van- Bridger reprrted to he Bow- manvilie Public Utilities Com- Mission at its February meeting bIcd ini the P.U.C. offices Mon- ,fa y nig, The inside of thIe building lias Salso been given the first coat-f 7piaster, le said, and when it is finished Vie lower portion of the inside v;ill be tile and the upper portion plaster. The P.U. C. instructea the engineering firrn in chturge of plans for the prajcct of instailing the waterJ system from thc lake to proceed witl thc work as per specifica- tions. The 16-indli pipeline to carry the water uptown from the lake1 has now been laid from the cor-i ner of Liberty St. and the Base1 Line E. ta, Smart St., which in only a short distance from the lake. Mr. VanBridger was instruct- ed to check conditions and se- cure prices for painting the ele- vated water tank back of Churdli St. Water division accounts of $25,066 for thc month of Jan- uary, whichincluded the cost of some pumping equipment, were passed for payment. Elcc- tric division accounts of $19,154 were also passed. Public liability, firco and theft insurance on the four trucks and two trailers of the P.U.C. was renewed for 1954. Present at the meeting were Clairman W. Ross Strike, Q.C., Mayor Mi)rley Vanstone. Com- missioner Milton J. Elliott and Manager George VanBridger. Ehuer Banting Gives Fine Address With Beautiful Coloured Pictures On Landscapingai Lions Meeting An interesting classification hese and other flowers in com- talk by Lion Elmer Banting was lbination ith evergreens and heard by members of the Bow- shrubs gives a pleasing and har- manville Lions Club at the Lions xnonious color effect. Community Centre Monday, In introducing Mr. Banting, night. Lion Wally Braden pointed out Lion Banting, who is Branch that he was horn in Saskatche- Manager of H. C. Downham wan.and came east shortly be- Nursery Company Ltd., accom- fore World War II. He served panied his address with beau- in the Bomber Command of the tiful colored slides which lie had R.C.A.F. with the rank of Flight taken hiniseif around Bowman- Lieutenant and enrolled at On- ville, in various parts of Dur- tario Agricuitural College short- ham and Northumberland ly after his discharge in 1945. Counties, and in other sections Mr. Banting graduated in 1950 of Canada and the United with the degree of -agricultur- States. alist engineer and joined the Canaa byLandcapm You'staff of the Downhanm pany His address, "Beautifying hr fe graduation. H a Canaa b Lanscaing ourthanked for lis colorful and in- Home", emphasized that it iS formative address by Lion Ai flot neccssary ta spend a great Cuthbertson. deal of money to have an at- rsen BaeyVsoe 1&jctiveiY landscaped home. rsdn anyVntn lanning is the important presided over the business por- ,Iffgg", Mr. Banting declared. tion of the meeting whidh in- "You shouid -i<now what yo cluded a discussion of plans for want ta plant and where yo the Lions Carnival thîs summer. want ta plant it before you be- Stamp Club Presentation gins% Lion George Vinish present- .Hestrsse th fat tat n- d the Lions Club with a beau- stteado sd the ct hatin- tiful framed color reproduction pvergres in landscaping, theonbî of thec Stamp Cluba of m Omlmeowner should mix these o eafo h tm lbo rwith legs expensive shrubs for the Bowmanville Recreation a varied and pleasing effect. He Dcpartment. pointcd out the danger of plant- Birthdays were celebrated by ing wceping willows and blue Lions Lorne Van Driel, Dr. R. spruces-trees which grow very E. Dinniwell and Secretary large in time-in places whcre Norm O'Rourke. Lion Nelson they do not have sufficient room Osborne took the names of to expand. about 31 members wlo will at- tend a Past Presidents' Night Roses Stili Popular at Peterborough on Monday. The rose is still one of the The sing song was led by most popular of ail flowers. Mr. Lion John Watson wtl W. E. C. Banting said, and plantind' Workman at the piano. Celebraies 93rd Birthday Heaçtiest congratulations to Mrs. Eliza Storie, Orono, 4'h anFeb lth wilcelebrate her 93rd birthday. Mrs. Rorie atended sho hSlm ae oigh yoe ~e ber parentsfarmed In 1902 she married the late James Storie, and they farmed in that neighbourhaod until bis deatb in 1928. For some years she and ber brather, Jobn Noble, coninued ho live in Tyrone. Following bis death, she went ho Orono in 1941, ta make her home witb ber nicce, Mrs. David Haoper and Mtr. Hooper. In the comfort ai hheir home, unhil her oye- sight began ho fail, she was able ho continue ber hobby of making hand-hooked rugs, which she so thoroughly enjoyed. Stili having a dlean mcmary shie takes a keen ii terst in Orono and Tyrone f riends and neigbbours, and appreciates their inheresh in her. -Photo bu Gama Studio,-Pwt âMofl >w waton. Samne ai them have N >en frozen rigît in thce. 1 ýocal residents bave been go-s ng down and getting these1 xapped or frozen fish - tIc najonity ai whicl are pike t which run up ta about 16 inches s )r more in length. s Mr. Wm. G. James attended a he New York Press Association s ,nvention at Syracuse, N.Y., r ast week as a representative of 1 ho ()trio W.ekliMs. Durham Federation WHIl old Panel Plays Here Tuesday Blame Television for Lack of Fiction Discussion on Hiring C'ty Fieldinan _______ Reading al Bowmanville Library, A cammîhtee was appointed Forums in Durham County on L. M. Rathhun is Elected Chafrman lv tht Durham Fedenation aifthIe matter thrn,,gh a n,,estn-~~t .t Local Cubs Will Go Io Toronto For Leaf Game There wiil be il very excited and happy Cubs ieaving ZBow- manvilie on Saturday ta soc their favorites on the Toronto Maple Leafs playing the Mon- treai Canadians at Mapie Leal Gardens in Toronto. The il boys are members af the lst Bowmanviile Cub Pack under the leudership of Cub- master Bob Evans, and the trip àa a reward for general profici- ency in training during the past three mantîs. TIe il tickets were donated by tIc Bolwmanville Rotary Club to the six winners and five other members of the pack who are also wel! up in their Cub work. A total of 50 boys took part in the contest altogether and were judged on tests, neat- ness, attendance and general proficiency. The winncrs were the Green Six: John James, James Rickard. Cliff Wilson, Don Hughes. Bruce Gendry and Gerry Wilson. The other five who are going to tIc game in Toronto Satur- day niglit because of their gen- erally gpod Cub work are Bar- ry Oliver, Ben Thompson, Don Rickard, Greg Cooper and John Twist. Second place winners in the competition were tIc White Six and they will be rcwardcd by receiving tickets for the game between Peterboroughi ànd Osh- awa on Saturday, February 20 ah the Bowmanville Memorlal Arena. These boys are David Gibson, Gary MacDougal, Gor- don Finney, Doug McNally, Doug Hurrie, Jim Wilson, John Allin, Tcrry Black and Gary Jeffery. Consi. Jim DeGeer Leads Musical Ride At Mountie School Jini DeGeer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeGeer, who en- listed in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police last September, rccently finished lis training in the famous Musical Ride of the Mounties. Jim lad thc honor af being chosen leader of l is squadrQn, which was the first class fo~r somo time ta trîin for the fam-- ous and colonfui event. At thc passing-ouh exercises Ieid on the compietion of the training, Const. DeGeer leaded the squadron througl tIc vanlous manoeuvres. These exercises were heid ah Rockciiffe Bar- racks. Ottawa, wîere the class was trained, and were open ta the public. Const. DeGeer will continue ta train ah Rockclîffe for another thnce months. after which lie will be posted either ta Regina or Vancouver. He was recently talking with Const. Stan Getcheli, son ai Mrs. C. Gatcheli, Bowmanville, who bas been in the R.C.M.P. for several years and was featured along with lis police dog "Tiny" a year ago at the Sporhsmens' Show in Toronto. Const. Gat- cheli was at'Rockcliffe for a day or two on lis way ta a new posting. Don Laird Does Well in Ontario Badminton Finals Don Laird, 15-year-old Junior "B" player of thc Bowmanville Badminton Club advanced ta lhe finals af the Ontario Junior Badm.inton Clampionships in Toronto Saturday before bow- ing out ta a Sudbury player in aclose contest. The hard-swinging Bowman- vile youngster, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laird, finally lost out in the finals ta JHneljac of the Sudbury Club, 7-15, 15-il. naire sent out eariy ini January, and these 10 forums lad becen practicaily unanimaus in thir opinion that a full time field man is needed. His duties, they feit, slould consist ai selling the Durham Federation ta thase farmens wlo do nat beiang and also ]oaking after tIe off-tIc- farm interests ai the farmers af On motion of Mel Staples, se- conded by Clar6nce Aluin, the Board ai Directors went on re- cord as believing that tîcre is a need for a Field Man for at lea.st six montîs ai thc year, and tlat sudh a project could be financed by the Durham Fed- eratian. The directors decidcd ha set aside an appropriation ai $25 ta assist anyone wishing ta attend thIe Springr Folk Sclaai ta be bcld at Cherry Hill Farm, Un- ionville. Ih ip beiieved that twa girls from Millbrook and a man from Cavan will attend and this sum will le divided amang them. Mrs. Dalton Donneli reporhed ta the Directors on the womens' meetings 'at the annual conven- tion ai the Ontario Federahion of Agriculture held in Toronto in January. The Marcî meeting wiil be held Mardi 4 at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Mel Staples._ Darlinglon Council Sels Wage Scale, Makes Appoiniments Io Boards Plan Additions Io Three Schools A. D. McMaster, Clairman ai the South Darlington School Area Board. iniormcd Darling- ton Council ah its February meeting witî Reeve Roy W. Ni- chais presiding, that the Board intends ta build two scooal raams at Maple Grave, two rooms ah Courtîce, and two rooms ah, Mitclcll's Corners ah a cost ai $ 120,000. Tlese additional scîool facîli- tics are absolutéely necessary, Mn. McMaster said, in view ai the rapid growth ai Dariington Township. è a sfollowiîg .wagç -scales oerâs set for Townshîp cm- ployeca: Road Supeintendent, $3,300 per year; Clcrk Treasur- cd and Tax Collector, $2,400; Deputy Clerk, $1,860; Galion Operator, $1.15 per hour; truck drivers, $1.10 per lour; ondin- ary labor, 90c per bour; man and tractar, $1.75 per haur; man and team, $1.25 pén houn. A by-law was also passed for paying $480 ta the persan keep- ing the Township Road Ac- counts. Council passcd by-law ap- Jack and Jill Holds Skating Parf y Wiih Many Contests In place ai the regular manthly meeting ai Tinity Jack and Jili Club, tIc members held a succcssiul skating parhy at thIe arena on Feb. 2nd. Fifty- four coupleffahhended. After skating lad been thon- oughiy cnjoyed for an lour, races were held. The winners were as failows: men's race- Cliii Trewin; inner .tube race, Cliii Tnewin: lady's race, June, Bragg; couple's skating, Lynn and Bud Oke; coupic's spot, Rasemary and Dick Merkley. Following tIc races everyone adjaurned ho the rotunda ion futher amu s e m e n h. 'Gwen Black and Jim Martyn captumed the prizes for being able ho ne- cagnize members aithIe execu- ive from photograpîs haken in thein baby years. Clint Bar- rett, wlo celcbrahed lis birthday mn Feb. 1, won thc birhhday prize. Phil and Barb Passmore receivcd a prize for having a wcdding anniversary closest ta Eeb. 2. President Ralpl Mclnhyre in- roduced thîre new couples ta the club, Hazel and Ai Davis, Pat and Betty. Kelly and Helen and Harold Hammond. Refresîments hook the form of a box lunch. Elmer Banting and Launie Semple held tIc ucky box. The meeting closcd by singing "Abide With Me." Provincials Arrest Windsor Thieves A Windsor couple, Mn. and Nrs. George-.Garneau, were pick- d up by O.P.P. Constables Joug Kostka and Harold Comneli last Tlursday morning on Higl- wray 401 jush cash of tIc Oshawa ity lîmits only a few boums Lter Windsor police lad bmaad- ast an alarm for tIcir car. The border city couple wene wanhed an a thîct change theme nd thIe following day two çan- tables and a matron ai the Windsor Police Farce came ho Bowmanville ta take them back ýo face trial. Windsor police1 tated that tIe pair, who lad1 )een employed as a butler andà riaid by a wcalhhy Windsor shoe ;tre awnem, lad taken off in arcnted car aiter allegedyiy tealing a quantity ai luggage, ýadia, camera, six botties ofi iquor and $140 in cash from 1 is hom.1 painhing W. R. Pickell as Weed Inspechor, E. A. Varcoe as School Attendance. Officer and also naming fence viewers and paund keepers. Minutes ai lest meeting wcre read and an motion adapted.. Lamne Dean addressed Council re, cattie pass under tIc lth Concessýon ah Lot 31. Road Supt. and Councillor Vice ta investigate. Fo I Assoc. ai Rural Municipalities. On nlotion Membcnship Fe ai $10.09 was forWarded ho same. Cpuncil vated $10grant ta $#W, vation Army. On motion Coun- cil order 40 tons calcium chiar- ide. By-law ian the borawing ai $60,000 was passed. On mo- tion T. M. Chant was appointed as Member ai tIc Memoriai Hos- pital Board, Bowmanvilie Delegatian fnom Advenh Dis- trict addressed Council asking their considenahian on a rebate ai Sdhoi Tax as hhey are pay- ing double Sclool hax ah the present time. Clerk ta write Dept. ai Municipal Affairs and ask advice on thls matter. Delegation from Town Line addresscd Council compiaining ai tIc condition ai tîcir road. (Canhinued on Page Sevon) Lack of Heai Forces School fo Close Monday Not a tear was shed Monday morning when students at Bow- manvile District High School turned up for classes only to find that they could not be leld due to a failure in the heating plant. The stoker had broken down anid the building lad be- came too cold for classes. It was the fîrst loss of a day's studies at the High School due to a mechanical failure in 20 years, Principal L. W. Dippel reported. The stoker was re- paired Monday and classes re- sumed as usuai Tuesday morn- ing. Pee Wee Ail-Stars Play ai Gardens SaturdayMorning Bowmanville's Pée Wec Ail- Stars wilq le stepping into tIc big hime on Saturday marning wîen hhey are scleduied ha play in Maple Leai Gandens, Toron- ta, ah 9.40 a.m against tIc New- market Pee Wee All-Stars. TIe game is anc in an ohmr- ination senies witî 10 teams, and if the Bowmanville team wins tîcin iirst game tîcy wiJi continue ho play off with other winncrs unhil a champion is de- cidcd. TIc iollowmng team was pick- cd as an Ail-Star tcam irom amang the six teams in the Pec Wee division af the Bowman- ville M-mon Hackey League: Goal, Mike Murphy; Bnian Hughes, Don Bagneil, Winshon Vanstone, Larry Piper, Brenhon Hughes, Bill Cmosscy, Wayne Thenheil, Tcmry Black, Rager Meadows, Gary Cunway, Lamry Hancack, Owen Scott. Balsa n Waodlock and Clarke. Coach ui the teamn wiil le Mumray Mc- Knîglt and Manager wiii be Chanlie Vanstone. Tîey wili aiso hake a team ai players unden 10 years ai age ta play against a Scambora teamn ah tie Scarbora Arena ah 1.30 p.m. Cars wil] leave from the Bow- manvîlle Memorial Archa ah 7.30 a.i. and anyone intercsted in helping out with transporta- tion arc asked ho cail Murmay McKni9h& Maxie Yourth Agriculture at its February Di- recton's meeting ta study meth- ods af financing a Field Man for the Fedenation during six montîs of the year.* President Edgar Nichais occupied thc clair for this first meetir;p af 1954. Named ta the committoc ah tIc meeting, which was held lash Thursday evenîng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hen- dry, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, wene Charles Osborne, Chairman, Carrail Nichais, Mcl Staples and Bob Hendry. They will report back ta tIe Directors of tIe Fed- eration at thec April meeting. In tIc meantime, it was de- cided, a panel discussion on the question of hiring a Field Man for the Durham Fedenation will be held at thc Clarke Township Hall in Orono on Febnuary 22, at 8 p.m. ho wlich ail Fedena- tion membens and ail farmers interested in tIe matten are in- vited. Weston Bannister will be chainmon af this panel discus- sion and members wiil be Gar- net Rickard, Clarence Aluin, Mel Staples, RalpI Larmer and two officiais of the Ontario Fedena- tian of Agriculture from Toron- ta. The Junior Faryners quar- tette wili sing at tis meeting. Questionnaire Sent Out TIc Durham Federation lad1 sounded out thc 10 active Farm James T. Brown Newcastle, President ai tIe Central Ontario Spning Show ah Peterborough, Marcl 16-19, lias succeeded in that position two other Durham Counhy fammers, Robent Armstrong, Cavan, and Mel McHolrn ai Hope Township. Mr. Brown is a direchor aithIe ICanadian Hlstein Brbeders' IAssoiatimn Present papularity ai televi- sion was attributed as the cause af thc decrease ini fiction read- ing at Bowmanvile Public Li- bnary by the libranian, Mns. F. W. Bower, i In repart fan the year 1953. Reports were neceiv- cd and officers eieched at a meeting ai the Board leld Feb. 9 i the iibrany Reading Raam. Mr. L. M. Ratîbun is clair- man aithIe Board, succeeding Rev. W. P. Rogers wîa las ne- tîred ater giving many yeans ai service ta the libnary. Rev. W. N. Turner is vice-chairman. Glenholme Hughes. eiectcd ta the board ah tIc January meet- ing, was appointed secrehary- treasurer. Anathernenw member is Miss Mary Jewell and ather members are Mns. V. H. Stoney, L. W. Dippeil, R. L. Mitchel and A. M. Thompson. Miss Jew- cli and Mn. Hughes were eiect- *ed ho fil hIe vacancies caused by the resignation ai Mrs. Roy Lunncy and Mn. A. A. Menkley. TIc iibrarian's report 'pointed out that there las been an in- crease in thIe circulation ai non- iichipn books, but aven-ail fig- ures are belaw that ai 1952. This reduction las sîawn ihseli in juvenile reading as well as aduit fiction and the libranian fet thIc loss was largely due ho thIe time spent by bath aduits and children in viewing televi- sian. Parents will be intenested to know that a Children's Stary Hour in charge ai thc libranian will le heid on Saturday morn- ings, beginning witl the first Sahurday in Manch, from 10 ho 11 a.m. The Council Chamber may be thIc location ai this new venture, but the place wiil be made public in pienty ai time sa that children may take ad- vantage ai tîls splendid appor- tunity. Age range will likely be ir,om six to nîne years. TIe librarian's report aise emphasized again the need for mare extensive accommodation for the library. New bocks, ail classifications, added ho the shelves lash year numbered 455, and space is ah a prcmiuni. At- tention was drawn ho the new ten volume set of the "Book of Papular Science" and new 20 volume set of "Book of Know-w iedgc", also an up-ho-date six volume set ai "Child's Worid", ail ai whicl provide a wonder- fui source ai knowiedge and in- formation. Whiie the total numbor af books read by membens las de- cneased, thene bas been a siight increase in membership, bing 44 up on the previous year's figures ai 253 aduit members and 283 juvenile. This toalaioa 536 is, howcver, iow for a town ai nearly 6,000 population. Mns. M. J. Huthinsan. Assist- ant Librarian, las donc a splen- did job oi nepaining books and listing juvenile books for cata- ioguing, which is ncaring com- pletion. Mrs. Bowen as librar- ian and Mrs. Hutchinson as as- sistant wcre re-engaged for the ycar 1954 ah salaries ho be set at tic nexh meeting. Bantam AhI-Stars Defeat Wexford TIc Bawmanville Bantam Ail- Stars pnesented goalie Curtis Vanstone wih hlis iirst shuhout ai the season hene Monday.nigît; when tîey dcfeahed Wexfand Banhams 8-0 ah tIc Bowman- ville Memorial Arena. Donnie Prout, Bob Marjerri- son and Ran Pollard each peg- ged hwa goals for the local squad while Jim, Masterson and Gien CrosseY sconed one apiece. Cerebral Palsy Council is Active in Setting Up Centre for Children Who Need Assistance from West Durhami For many in this district a film nigît lcld iast October ln thc Bowmanviile Legion Hall in aid ai the Oshawa and District Cendbrai Palsy Council was thie firsh intimation aithIe needs and ambitions ai this hard-working organizatian. Sponsored by Mn. and M-ns. Gea. Thrashen, the event brougît donations ai $46, all ai which went ta the Council since thc expenses incurned werc donahed. The Council, organizcd ta Icip cerebral palsy childmen and parents ai tIc Counties ai Ontario and Durham, is wonk- ing steadily toward the goal@ ai apening a Play and Education Centre in Rotary Hall, Centre St., Oshawa. There are 15 cîild- ren in tIe townships ai Darling- tan, Clarke, Hope and Cart- wright wliose parents are active i the graup. A number ai others lave not yet joined ta take advantage ai tIc opportun- ities whidli the Centre wili ai- ford. A number oi donations ai cquipment have been received, but thIe Council has still ta maise sufficient money ho en- gage a physiotherapist before tIc Centre can le opcned. As soon as funds lave been raised, a physiothcrapist wil l e engg- cd, and when finances permit, also an occupatianal hherapist and teacler. Volunhenr womkers wiil assist. Plans include setting up a special class for handicapped children. No attempt will be made ta cloose or reject child- ren because ai mental capacity. If the chiid needs thIe Centre, tIen tIc Centre will be open ta tIc chiid. The Play and Edùca- tian Centre will give these children their much - neded chance ta become, in many ca- ses. useful citizens. Varlous events for the child- ren lave 'acen bld. In July, 1953, a succcssful picnic was L hld ah hIe home of Mr. and LMrs. David Gray, Newcashle. A LChristmas Party in Rotary Hall, Oshawa, was aiso a higîligît for tIc chldren. Each received 1a gif t and Christmas shocking. Twa members ai Oshawa Lions Club slowed tînce enjoyable short films, and Miss irene Bacs ai Oshawa Public Llbrary told an inheresting shory. Since the F!lm. Nighthîeid in Bowmanviile ion the purpose ai raising funds, lelp and co-ap- eration bas been offered by Service clubs in the district, aiso the radia and newspapers. Oshawa Rotary Club las giv- on the use ai Rotary Hall for- the Parent Council meetings and for the establishment oi the Centre. Generai Matons, Osh- awa, have given two sets af parallel exercise bars and Osh- awa Fîrefigîters' Association. a wheel chair. Many pieces af equlpment, sudh as stand-up tables, relaxa- tion chairs, etc., have been made by a much-vaiued friend, Mn. W. Fry, Oshawa. Bowman- ville Rotary Club and Newcas- tic Lionettes are assisting in praviding speciai cquipment for crippled children. Other dona- tions ta date include a record player, picture books, waoi and knithing needies. Used hays, tricycles, pichure books wîll le grahefuily rcoiv- cd by tIc Cauncil for the use ai these chldren. Toys needing slight repair will le welcorne. Parent Council meetings are open ta parents and iniends and are hcld in Rotary Hall, Centre St., Oshawa' the fourtl Wed- ncsday ai oacI monhh ah 8 p.m. Any parents of cerebrai pa]sied chuldren an children handicap- ped in any way are requeshed ta, contact cither M-ns. Ralph Campbll, R. R. 4, Bowmanvillc, plane 2907, or Mrs. David Gray, R. R. 2, Newcastle, phane 3556. Youn inheresh and ca-apematian will le much appreciated. Bowmanville hockey an~d base- bail star Maxie Yourth, shown above, will be patroiling 'liç regular night wing post for thE Truckmen next Tuesday niglit, Fcbruary 16, when the tcam clashes at the Bowmanvilce Memonial Arena ah 8:30 p.m. witî the Orillia Pantiacs. An extra attraction ah the game in addition ta the fast, ruggcd hockey dished up by tîese hwo teams will be tIc performance ai skating star Miss Elaine Richards, who will appear be- tween peniods- courtesy ai the Oshawa and Bowmanvîlic Skat- ing Clubs. Miss Richards wili do -ler famous "Grandmaw" skating routine and present other novclhy skating achs. Popular Barber F. Cole Receives Lions Club Boosi Lion Fred Cale, a long-hime memberoaithe Bowmanviile Lions Club, ieceived a 'baost" at Monday night's meeting by feilow member Ross Stevens. b-r. Steven shsatcd that Lion Fred is a Bowmanviile« boy wlio received lis education hene. Ho warked iirst for tIc Thompson Knîtting Company and for Can- adian Canners Limited before apprenticing with lis father, Jack Cale, as a barber 25 years ago. A vcry civic-mindcd citizen, lie las servcd on Bowmanville Town Council for thrce years and on the Department ai Re- creation for tIc past five ycans. He las been Treasurer of this body for faur years. Always intercsted in sports, Mn. Cale is a member and the Treasurer ai the Men's Major Bowling League and an active member and Treasure ai the Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club in the summer. fle also bclongs ta tne local Badminton Club and irs an enthusiastic fisherman. Mr. Cale jained the Lions Club in 1946 and lias been a director fan five years and Chairman of the ZI nm mittee forthe past %< 'cars. Hospital Supt. I Resigns Position Miss Mac Hilditcî, Reg. N., las resigned as Superintendent ai the Memonial Hospital, Bow- manville. aiter two years in that capacity and wil le ieaving on March 31. Her resignation waft acccpted ah a meeting ai tIc Hospital Board ai Dirzctors beld an Wed- nesday ai last week, Chairman Joe O'Neill lis announced, and efforts are being made ta se- cure a new Superintendent. Miss Francis Hincks, Reg. N., former Superintendentoaithe Port Perry Hospital, jained thé- staff f itIeMemorial Hospital as Assistant Superintendent on February 1, Mr. O'Neill said. Show President Aithîugh the Truckmen lave shifted their scîeduled home game against Kingston Good- years Saturday nigît ta King- stan because ai lack ai support ah tIc Bowrnanvîlle Memonial Amena, hockey fans are stili as- surod of action locaily Sahurday nigît. Two gamnes whicî should have plenty ai intenest are scîeduled, beginning ah 8 p.m. In thIe first, McNuihy's M.idgeh Ail-Stars, undeieated i 15 games this soasan, clash with Pont Hope Midgets for thbe c hampiohship af tIc Lakeshore Oc.MH.A. Mir'get League. In tIc second thIe Twn League Ail- Stars take an tIe Goodyear League Mll-Stars in a game that slould provide plenhy ai fast ruggcd action. Aiter winning ail their gamos in the Lakeshare Midgeh League, McNulhy's AIl-Stars, cnaclcd by jack McNulty and managed by Tom Gatchell, arc Dow plavas ng with thie ra- ner-up Port Hope squad. They tied 4-4i Port Hope Monday night in the frst ai a twa-game total goals sc-ies, s0 Sahurday night's cantest will le the ci- cher. Scarers Monday night were Morley Richards from Ted Fairey, Ray Preston unas- sishod, Harold Kennehh assisted by Barry Cowling, and Barry Cowling fmomi John Mason. The question ai wletlcr the Town League or thIe Goodyear League provide thIe est hockey slouid le answered in the sec- ond gamo Saturday nigît. The lest playens in bath leagueà will le picked on Ail-Star ç gregahians ha represent their laops. withthe provision that tIc Goodyear squad las tIc first cali an players wlo pcniorm in bath icagues, pmoviding they want thîir services. Sudh stars as "Buck" Cowle, Don Masters, Dan Girardi, Har- vey Lunney, George Piper and Jack Whitet-jan will le tri ac- tion for this gamne and the con.- tust uhould bu a "natural. Two Hockey Games Are Scheduled For Salurday Night ai the Arena Il #inan eanabian b