?WUItSDAY, TEE. lltb, 1954 TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BOWMANWLT.u. ÔNTA~TO SOCIANAD PERSONAL PHONE 333 ] Mr. and Mns. Milton Elliatt, Danotby Young, Horne Organi- Town, attcnded the Iêe Capades iatlons Executive Secretany n in Toronto lest week. Misa Leota Werner, Trinldd Mn. and Mrs. Reg. J oncs and Cpl. Lau Wiseman af the Mn. and Mru. S. M. Scott left Quecns Own Rifles beieves Monday to upend a manth in that serving in the Canadian Floridea. Army is the surest way of get- Mn,. Gea. S. Patterson, Boston,' ting ta sec the wonld. He re- maso., 1a viulting her aunt, Miss turned ast sprlng from a year's Mi1 service with the canadian troops ý1elyar, and muster, Ms in Germany and leaves wlth tBartlett. his unit the end ai this month "M r ai the Wahker Stores for service in Korea and Japan. bedsopread draw was Mrs. Vera Ht lu home on leave frorn Lawson, 79 Elgin St., wha ne-ljCamp Ipperwash this week vis- ceived tbree pairs ainyos itlng bis wlfe and parents, Mn. Miss Joan Hutchinson, Peter- and Mrs. George Wiseman. Lau barough Civie Hospital, spent the also served in England and weekend with her parents, Mn. Europe during World Wan II. end Mrs. R. Hutchinson. ..Winners ai tht Lions Club P1JHockey Draw for Seturday, Fe. L N A T P.7 13, are Jack Ross and LONlS UL SDewell; for Wednesday, Feb. 17, isBraaHre n Geo.Whie ad Ji Alin. Mr. Wm Clarke, Toronto, witb Mrs. Mac Rutherford, Col- tbe fa, 's parents, Mr. and borne, visited witb friends and Mrs. E. .-per on Sunday. relatives in Bowmanville on Sunday inclixding Mr. and Mrs. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- C. M. Carruthers and Mrs. An- ta, spent the weekend with bis vie Smale.. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sheman .Iletcner. and Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexan- James leit Wednesdey by motor der ýcnd Donna, Mrs. Mary Sim, for St. Petersburg and other were Sundey gutats of Mr'. and points in Florida. They will Mrs. R. Sim. return early in Apnil. Mn. and MIrs. Eerl Prescott, Admissions at Memorial Hos- Mrs. Kenneth Hardy, Tyrone, pital for the week, Feb. 2 ta 8, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClure, numbered 29 and discharges 41. Happy Valley, were Sunday Thre bys nd ourgirs wreguests ai Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Thn.hreosend fregirls wejreSmith and Grace. born Thre eresevn mjor Mrs. Gertie Baker, Dundes is and eigbt minai' operatians per- iormed. visitifig with ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker and femily. Miss Molly Badger and Miss W. A. wili be held Tuesday Florence Chartren are leaving evening, Feb. 16, et the home by plane froiniMlton Airport ai Mrs. Normian Woodley with an Friday fan New York where the January convenons ini tbey will teke e cruise sbip for' charge. Please note change of a vacation in Bermuda. tîme. Reguler meeting ai tht Scout Home and School Club will be Mothers Association wiil be held Fridey evening, Feb. 12 held on Wednescley evening, with tht Davey, McLaggan and Feb. 17, et 8 pari. in the Lions P. Veneyk families in charge of Community Centre. Mrs. Cor- tht program. bett, Oshawa, will conduct the Sarry ta report a number ai installation af officers for 1954. the school children have the Mn. Wilfrid Carruthers wes chicken pox.2 In Ottawa iroin Monday ta Mi'. and Mrs. John Mitch~ell,1 Wedncsday ai this week attend- Mn. and Mi's Thos Hill, Toron- Ing tht annuel meeting ai thetot, Miss Helen Pertner, Oshawa, -Canadian Hortîcultural Cauncil spent the weekend witlf Mn. end as a member ai tht executive Mrs. Fred Partner.a oi tht Ontario Fruit and Vege- Mn. and Mrs. Harald DeMilleP table Growens' Association. and family. Burketan, visitedv Trinlty W.A. - met in tht M&. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. c chunch an February 9th with Saturday evening, Feb. 6, Mrs. Clarke's group, No. 11, in Mn. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Mr.P charuge ai the devotional. Mrs. and Mrs. Norman Waodley,a 1).Chambers ai Oshawa, sang were supper guests of Mr'. anda two lovely numbers and Mrs Mrs. Clarence Woadley after. Ieth Bilet and Aud ey Mac- which they vient escarted ta En- - b plydtwo)uets.r Thtniskilhen Hall toa esurprise par- YIness wes conducted by r yfiM.a-Mrs.rs. . Prtner9 afylnd vie-president. on tht occasion ai their hry Bisap Ca-djtaraififth wedding enniversery. a Thet ihpCoajtro Mr. Frank Denby played the n Toronto and Mrs. F. H. Wilkin- edn ac stebiead'1 ai wethtHPe erbarougheh-groom entered and were usher- b clergy othPeebruhA c d ta the front of tht hall. Mn. w deeconry and their wives in St. Clarence Woadley need tht ad- T Luke's Parish Hall, Peterbor- dressafaten which two grand- P( ough an Monday evenlng. Thoseso, et an Lsl Gb i Sattendlng irom this district in- prson ei hit L psierGable8 Te luded the Rev. George and tpbeent sa edsm w ta pardaih ~M rs. Nicholson ai Blackstock; tableof lapa, a teDakettgeand 0t aihetey, .S and htRv. W.N. cards %v6ere enjayed aiter which W ofd rs.T urn, nd h erBwvi. .a deliciaus lunch wes served, le and rs.Turer, owmnvile.ending with wedding cake made nq Executive ai Oshawa Presby- by their daughteî-, Helen. Rela- ca teriel bas miade final plans for tives and frIends ettendedi the ro the 26th Annuel NMeeting ai tht happ celebretion inom Toron- Oshawa Presbyteriel ai thetota %sbawa. Bawmenvilhe, Ty- bc Women's Missionery Socitty ta rane, Enniskillen and Long w, be beld in Simce Street United Seuit district. st Churcb, Oshawa, an Feb. 25th. ar Registration will start at 9 e.m. n Guest speaker. wil be Miss, aI7 ST. 10919'S CHURCH (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. HOLY COMMUNIONV MATINS Sermon: John 1 18. 7 pa.- EVENSONG Sermon: "God and Idols"o Insials New Officers Newtonvilllt --Tht Jenuary meeting ai tht Newtonville W. A. was held in tht Sundey School noom. Tht meeting open- ed with the theme, followed by Tht Lord's Prayen. Mrs. C. Brown was in charge ai the devotionel period. Mrs. John- son gave the Bible needing, Mns. McCullougb tht devotional leai- let, after which prayer was said and a hymn sung. Tht President, Mrs. H. Orm- istan, welcomed meny visitons and cxtended an invitation ta attend furtber meetings. It was voted ta send a contribution ta tht "Mercb ai Dimea". A con- tribution was also made ta tht Board ta belp finance tht par- soage furnece. Tht roll cal wes an "aId seying", which was replied ta reedily. Rev. Pike took change ai tht installation ai ofifcers. Tht meeting wes turned aven ta Mrs. Brown, who called on Mrs. McCullough for an hum- oraus reeding. Following this, Mi's. Harold Best entertained by showing ber wedding trpe pictures. Lunch was served by Mrs. Brown and ber group. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH lister: Rev. T. A. Morgant, B.A. "E lijah" Guest Preacher: Rev. 'Rowe Seymour Enniskillen Beginning this Sunday babies wilI be cared for at the Church during the morning service. Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director of Mugie. Phyllis Chals Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. 91 tg c fc i ol bE in r 1 WEDDING YOUNGMAN - BLACK The merniage toak place 2:30 p.m., Feb. 6, in Orar United Church, ai Dore Ellei daughte- ai Mn. and Mrs. Da Black, Heydon, and Robe George Yaungmen, son ai M and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, Pont3 pool. Tht double ring cenemon was perfarmed by Rev. J. Kil chen, Orono. Mrs. W. E. C. Workma played the wedding nmusic an accompanied Mrs. Ray Lat. angue, Bawmanville, wba san 'Because" and "Through th Ytears." GivePh in marriage by he father, tht bride was iavely i, a floar-length gown ai lace an, net. A fitted jacket ai lac .vith tiny stand-up coihai- ani buttontd irom throet ta weîs was warn aven tht lace bodice The long sheeves came ta point aven the hend. Tht fui sknt was iashioned ai tw( layers of net aven satin, wit) the lace ai thz bodice extendini over tht hip uine. A coranet o: white rases and Illy ai tht val- ley held ber finger-tip veil a: net outlined in lace, and shq carried a nasegay ai Swtttheerl roses. Mns. Ruth Cethcant, Scar. borough, was matron aiflhonoî wearing a ballerine lengthï strepless* gown ai mauve lac( End net. A brief jacket ai metching lace with cap sîteve: ind single fastening et thE iroat w&-s warn aven tht bod- :e. Tht full skir-t was af ley- ýrs ai net and she ware match- îg mittens and bandeau fram Thich fell a short veil. Sl1! arnied a nasegay ai yellow irnations. Flower girl was tht groam's iiece, iittle faur-yeen-ald Donna rhompson, who made a pretty icture in ber ihoor-length iress ai yellow net aven silk ashioned witb cap sîteves and ull skint. She wone matcbing atîn mittens and eabehpedi îndeau with yellow ribbons vhich tied beneath ber chin. fi' flowers wenee anasegay ai nk carnations. Master Allen ýoungmen, nephew ai tht aoom, was ring-bearer, wear- ig long nevy blue trausers and wine blazer çýnd carrying tht igs on e white nEtin cushion. Mr'. Art Youngmean wes best ian for bis brother, and ushers rere Mr'. Fred Youngman, elso brother ai tht groom, and Mr. lwyn Dickey, Yelverton, cou- i ai tht bride. A receptian was held in tht ,eil eppointed church base- !nt, wben tht bride's mother ?eivtd tht guests weening a rss ai rayai blue crepe witn ýated skirt, metching bat and ,essories and corsage ai white lums. Tht groom's mother ;sisted, wearing a nevy dres fth bodice af navy lace aven «e, navy bat and eccessanies id white 'mum corsage. Orono 'A. catered ion tht deliciaus edding rtfreshments. A guest ai honor et tht wed- ng and receptian was tht aom's 87 - year - old grand- ther, Mrs. A. E. Sparks, who .rneyed by car from Toronto set her grendson merried. fore leaving an ber honey- )on, tht bride presented Mrs. îarks witb ber bridal bouquet. The happy couple leit on a lding trip by matai' ta New ýk Stete, tht bride chaasing trevel a iight blue coat aven rred tafieta dress. Her tiny then bat was oi light and rk blue shades and ber ac- ;aories were navy. She wang mrsege ai ned rases and lily the veiiey. On their return Iand Mrs. Youngman wil ide test ai Pontypool. he groom wboaettended ntypool Public Schoal and vmenviile High Sehoal, h'is m engaged for tht past yeen wai-k with tht Dtpei'tmtnt Lands and Forests. Tht [e, aiter attending Blacic- ck and » Bawmanviile High oils, was an assistant witb iirm ai Jury & Lovehi, Bow- nville, ion thnee and a hall t ic e: ir ci n T p fa it se H pi Y, gr in a W9 a 1 El sir nei dri ac( wi ani W. wt dii' grc !no jou ta Bel wet( ai hen tea' dar a ci of 1 Mr. tesi T 'or: Bov bei in* )f rici gtoc chi te xari reai Na cases ai paîttacosis, rabies, mailpox on typhus lever wene 'ported inCanada in 1952. COURTICE Scripiure Coniesi "Know Your Kinga" Composed by Miss Elsié, Rich. ardson, Bethany. 1. Who was Israel'3 firsi king? 2. Who does the Bible osay was Israel's best king? 3. Whal king of Israel had the shortesl reign? 4. What king had hi! eyes put out? 5. Whaý King died in his cflariot? 6. What King does the Bible say died in his bed? 7. What king saw the handwriting on the wall? 8. What king had 88 cbîldren? 9. What kilng was diseased in bis feet' 10. What king slew bis six brothers with a sword? 11. What King was a leper? 12. t What king'a bones were ourned to lime? 13. In what klng's reign were 120,000 men slai nin, one day? 14. What king burned the book of the p rophecies of Jeremiah? 15. hat king, rather poor in bis youth died worth over seventy millions? 16. What king did Queen Esther emplore ta save the, Jewish nation? 17. What king was known as a furious driver? 18. What king made a proclamation to have ail the maie cflildren under 2 years slain? 19. What king caused the Book af the Law to be read? 20. What king built the world's finest church? 21. How did lie pay for it? 22. What twa wicked kings were buried in their own garden. 23. What king loved king David? 24. What king said "Searcli the Scriptures?"- Answers 1. Saul. 2. Sesakiah. 3. Johaa- haz. 4. Zedakiah. 5. Ahab. 6. Jo- ash. 7. Belteshazzar. 8. Reho- boam. 9. Asa. 10. Joharam. 11. Ussiah. 12. The King af Edom. 13. Ahaz. 14. Jorhorikim. 15. Da- vid. 16. Ahasuerus. 17. Jehu. 18. Herod. 19. Josiah. 20. Solomon. 21. He gave King Hiram 20 ci- ties of Galilee. 22. Manasiah and Amon.. 23. Hiram. 24. The King of Kings. y- Tht Junior Girls Sundey 'y School Class was tntertelned t- Fi'iday evening et tht home zof their Sunday Scbool teacher, r' Mns. H. Scorgie. Vaniaus gemes d were played and pnizes won and 1- tht girls enjayed T.V. pragnanis. Lg Lunch was servtd by the hast- le tas and all report a vtry enjoy- able evening rMr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson n~ and family spent Saturday ln d Toronto visiting witb Mrs. J. :e Sberwin, Mn. and Mrs. A. Gem- dI ble and Mn, and Mrs. T. Sim- itmons. ?. On Wedneýsday evening tht [j youth gnoups held a joint meet- ing et Courtice United Church 'witb their parents as guests. SMary Cerolyn Wanburton, pi-e- a ident ai thg C.G.I.T., presided and apened tht meeting witb C.G.I.T. sang, purpase, and fbyrnn. Tht prayer was read n eunîson. Mrs. Penieund welcom- Sed aIl groupsaend parents pres- tnt and also mentioned during Christian Youth Week such an revent wes ta acqueint parents Iwith tht pragram ai tht vaniaus egraups. Storv was told ai the fC.G.I.T. sang which wawritten sby Heather Speers wha was pni- vileged ta attend tht First Na- .tional C.G.1.T. Camp as an .award. Mr. C. Simnmons and Michael Tooley ai Trail Rangers, con- ducted tht worship period. A demonstretior, ai knot tying was demonstrated by several 3fram tht Traîl Rangers graup. Grant Herron explained some ai tht interesting features af tht Tyro programr witb tht boys ne- peeting their aim and prayer. Tht Tyro yell wa given et tht close ai bis nemarks. Mrs. Carl Adams presented tht Explorera pragram made up ai Community, Church, Home and Missions, eacb ont having severel txpe'litions. Tht Explor- ers sang their thqrme sang, "This la My Fathers World" and ne- peated their Purpose. Mrs. Walter Parker described tht projecta whicbhed been un- derteken and waste baskets and note boldens were an dispiay. This foilowed with Exporers ne- peating their prayer. ARl joined in severel gamea played and lunch was Eerved by C.G.I.T. and Treil Rangera graup. Tht Countice Circuit Young, People's Union beld their regu- lan Monday night meeting in Courtice United Chunch with 27 present. Met-ting opened in tht usuel manner followed with a short business period. Bible reeding takea fromn tht 33rd Pselm by Wes Down and e short prayer. A verv interesting poem wes given "When Grendpa Rt- turned Thanks". Rev. Somen- ville led in Bible study. Ail en- joyed recreation period in charge ai Marion Wyman and tht meeting closed with Tapa and Mizpah Benediction. Evening Auxiliary Tht iirst meeting ai thteyen was beld in the iorm ai a' pot luck supper et Ebenezen Church. Tht president Mrs. W. Brown in charge ai devotionel dealing witb tht new year using the bookiet "Fromn Dawn To Dawn". A sumnmarv was gîven aifal the 1953 events ai tht Evening Auxiliary, and Mns. Archie Muir gave a report ai the Baby Band work. A letter was read fromn tht Aiternoan Auxiliany thenk- ing tht group for btip and co- operation during tht pat yeer. The president reminded the girls that Wcrld Day ai Prayer is Marcb 5t,.i et Maple Grave UJnited Churrh, A letten was reed irom the ittît Geý'man girl wt are help- ing, and we hope aur parceis wil soan help ber. Mn.. C. El- liott gave a reeding "I Believe In People". Tht Study Book was taken by Mrs. G. Chartran and dealt with thte "Four R's In Eu- ope". Music by Mrs. W. Brown ancluded th.' pragnamn and the ,neeting closed with al nepeat- -ni the Mî7reh Boeriiction. d r Darlinglon Council (Continued from Page One) Clerk te write Oshawa and no- tify themn of the deplorable con. dition of this road and ask that they do sometbing ta have it improved as this part of road is under Oshawa maintenance. y it It ýs d 9 t s t I w Cologne Duette by Faiberg erncbontingl! Alex. e Deliver 1 Eveaing AUXIlIa7 The February meeting was -beld et the home of Mrs. Eire, Courtice, au this meeting was tgiven Up ta Christiani steward- jship. The oiesident, Mrs. W. tBrown, opeî:.ed by a quotation tconcerning stewardship. A new Bidea was adopted in that an- 1swerlng the rolll eau each girl gresponds with the number of missionany book she has read and any sick calîs she bas made. The March meeting is to be 9held at Miss E. Gearing and a special cltizenshlp night is be- ing planned. The press secre- tary found it impassible ta car- ry on ber duties s0 It was moved the corresponding secre- tary accept chat office. A date ta nememben announc- ed b y the president is the Osh- awa Presbytery Rally ta be held Februar 25th at Slmcoe St. Un- ited Cburcb. Osbawa, and urged the girls ta attend. Mrs. Harold Muir apened the Devotional period by singing "Coming Home". Mrs. Samer- ville gave a splendid devotional basing ber remarks oun the book "I Will Build My Church", wbich can be abtained by daily Bible readings tbroughaut the Lenten seeson. Mrs. L. Courtice bad on dis-. play the scra,. book which con- tained the clippings of aur meetings during the, past year, as well as other things pertain- ing ta the auxiliary. This was autographed by all 1953 mem- bers. Mrs. Alec Muir g ave a very fine talk on stewardship stating that "Stewardship is nat the giving af money but tbe dedica- tion of lufe" A piano solo by rading byars. G. Cedwh a rs. J. Peas .Chrfowdith a closed the pnogrem. The meet- ing closed with Benediction and a social time enjayed. Caurtice C.C.F. Club held its regular monthly meeting Thurs- day evening at tht home of Mr. and Mrs. F. McClellan with a goad attendbnce. AIl took part in the open discussion on Na- tional Heelth Insurance Plan. Mr'. Nicholîs secretery far. the Durham Assc.ciation riding an- nounced Mr. D. MacDonald. new C.C.F. leader for the Province, wihl speek- at Orano Hall on Marcb llth. oss, In ndWibemie.wo dy n etebo 1- 50 nt m, an mt Chocolaties Cadbury Milk Tray 75e, 1.40 Netlson'a - -$1.15 Compacts Engiish Stratton 1.85, 4.15 Others from -~ .0up VALENTINE Iltant-shaped boxes Moir'a 1____ 20 DeVilbiss Atomizers 1.25,1 Guerlain Shalimar ---. HenJey Duating Powder 1.0 Pond's Angel Face in mirror case - . Page & Shaw ----$2.25 Laur Secrd age fi Shaw Black Magie 80c, $1.50, $3 . Dalry -75c, 1.40, 2.35 « ~ VALENTINE CARDS 'clÀé ' /&damuwo 5c - IOc - 15e 25e - 50e MINIATURE PACKAGE 1 -b. $1.75 - 2-1b. $3.50 SPECIALS on 1. D. A. DRANDS Idasal Tableis For relief ai headache and general pain - 300's, reg. 89c 59C Quick relief for simple Iodized Throai Gargie sore rga 50 3 oz.39 Easy ta carrv - Easy Iodized Throat Tableis to Îake away from39 Milk of Magnesia in MagnsiaTabeis100's, 300's39c, 9, 33c, 63c Laxative and antacid Milk of Magnesia 16e and 32 ~'2c49 Setties uPset stomach fast Siomach Powder 4, 16 o~z.,9 59c, 1.49 09, rofintd for infernalA prorpno fean * < ot,$1.98I 5 PA BUT - MALI UIVER OIL cA?5uLE5 Refnadfr,~qfrhtiHalPout Liv- or . gift boxd W logcaby standardiid for vtamin po. gitbxd3.50 tese *=ny.- A guaanta.dL.D.A product. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MwcGregor, Your Local .D.A. Drug Store You May NeveT Know How Good You Cati Feel Until You Try IRYDUTOL B Compiex Vitamine 2 5's 81.95 100's 83.49 I 85.95 50's Drugs Phone 792 jbdepe.dmmt COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE - ~ SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRLDAY AND SATURDAY ... IVALENTINE GIFTS Min. il A.M.- à. 4 fi On motion Township to carry Insurance .to protect Township against dlaims for damages from spraying weeds and cattie. Bil for unpaid Ambulance accounis was presented. Clerk to write Oshawa that Township is flot responsible for these accountii. By-law was passed setting Road Expenditures for 1954 at $80,- 000O. Clerk to write Dept. of Planning anid Development ask- ing them to send a man down to advise them on Sub-dlvisions. General accounts were on mo- tion ordered to be paid. Road Supt. presented his re- Port and vouchers for Jariuary which were on motion accepted and ordered ±o be paid. Meeting adjourned te meet March 4. The following bis were paid: H.E.P.C. of Ontario, Hampton St. Lighits $ 147.00 Bell Tel. Co. Servi ,ce Charges ---- - - 5.30 G. E. Burnham, Stove O u ---------------- 36.81 Treas. Toronto, Hospi- talization -.155.0 Town of Bowmanville, Fire Brigade- 100.001 M. J. Hobbs, Sec-Treas., S.D.A. Sehool Board 1 1 t t 9 'w li Ir tî Y. riý it. an 'id h- .,ig àE id ce id st e. a il ro le .t r- )r Il ýe )f !S e s El Advance -..7000.00 Counties' Treas., Hos- pitalization ----- _ 65.25 City ai Kltchdner, Re- lief- ------ - 51.10 Wm. Lycett, Assesson - 86.98 Ont. Assoc. of Rural Munlc. Membership Fee --------- ---- 10.00 Salvation Anmy Grant - 100.00 J. D. Hogarth, Postage - 4.00 J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Jan. Salary----------- - 200.0 Mary Niddery, Deputy Clerk. Jan. Salary- 152.92 H. A. Barrop, Unemp. Ins. Stamps -- ------- 4.80 J. D. Hogarth, Fox Bounties ______- ---- 150.00 E. A. Varcoe, School At- tendance Officer _ - 5.00 E. A. Varcoe, Building Inspectai'--- ---------- 195.00 Relief, Jan..,.-- 108.22 Raads & Bridges, Maint. & Repairs --------------- 5571.93 taking the bride-ta-be by sur-! will make thplr home wlth Mr. prise thaugh the groom had re- and Mns. A. Abbott, Ottawa, and iceived an inkling of proceedings. Mr. and Mris. Geo. Moffatt, The young couple were escorted Oshawa. Ita chairs decorated in pink and Ronnie Dowvne. who nmade his white and seated before a table home with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. whlch held the many gifts. netb Butson, died hast week. In- From white wedding belîs hung terment was at Port Hope. Vi- Ioverhead, streamers camne down let and Bobbie Reid attended ta thie table holding the gifts. the f uneral. Sympathy is ex- Mn. Clayton Read acted as tended ta his relatives and jmaster of cenemonies. Aiter the fniends. young cou ple had opened the Bobbie Reid undenwent an many lovely gifts and thanked aperation in Bowmanvllle Hos- ail thase present, a short musical pital recently pnogram was enjoyed. Mr. Bobbie Hanthrone had the mis- Frank Denby gave a number on fortune to sprain bis shoulder his violin and Mrs. Douglas while _playing hockey at Black- Colbary sang two solos, accomn- stock Friday evening. panying herself on the guitar. Mr. Anthony Smith was ini Mrs. Colbary and Mr. Denby Toronto to attend the hockey then joined in giving a number. game at Maple Leaf Gardens. The remainder of the evening Last week the "Hydra Helu- was spent in a social time con- copter"cm ona r n cluingwih adeiciuslunh.Mrs. Anthony Smith's farm on the bouse garden, due ta foggy 13URKETON Mr. an~d Mrs. Clarence Avery and girls, spent Sunday withi Thursday\ evening the sehool Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke. was opened to the children andd Mrs. H. Rabm with her grand- neighbors, when the teacher, daughter's, Mrs. Vice, in Bow- Mr. Gardon Munro, showed in- manville., teresting colored films by the Mr. and Mrs. Art Tompkins N.F.B. an herlth, the Grey Cup and Gardon, Toronto, with Mr. final played in Toronto Maple A. J.Tampkins, wlho bas been Leef Gardens and many others, M. R tcoel ilak wbic wee geety apreiatd. as been visiting witb lier sis- Mr. and M'rs. Howard Abbott ter, Mrs. E. A. Ribey. received word of the sudden Jim and Cheryl, Rowan, with death of the Rev. A. D. Robb of Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Les Monkton, Ont Mrs. Robb (O ra 'Argue, Mrs. Grant Carnochan, Abbott) died a year ago. Two Mrs. H. Trick, Mrs, A. J. Smith, children are heft ta mourn their Mrs. Bill Sýephenson, spent a 5o H aydon Communîiy Held Shower For Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Robent Younf - man who were marnîed in Orono United Church on Feb. 6, were guests ai honor at e shower given by their iniends ai Haydon community on tht evening ai Jan. 29th. About 35 iniends and ntlgh-1 bons gathered et tht home ai the bride's parents, Mr. andj Mrs. Dan Black, completely TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVRM. ONTAMO PAOB M VEN m UV mu