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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1954, p. 17

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i -w-- ~ - r ------------------~ -tWUSAT, ARCH tM. 1»4 1 THE CAMADUNI STATESIM, BONVMANVILLE. ONTAIII PAGE SEVENTEMJ CLASSIFPIEI3 ABS IN MEMORIAM AMS-In laving memory af aines H. Adams who- passed way. Marcb 19, 1950. Weet peace, the git of God's love. KladlY remambemed by bis ife and family. 11-l* "F-In lovlng memory ai a dear son, Sidney Gaff, wbo pass- ed-away, Marcb 16, 1952. lieut, dear son, youm troubles are Yau'er, Yar wiling hands wil womk nio more; You dld not fail ta do your best, YaOU oked so bard for those Y.oudu your lie and lived It With always a cbeemy smile wbatevem befail. A cheery Word you bad for ail, SWhat a sweet memomy ta > recall. d jerdrpmembered hy mother, d5ndîamily. 11-1 GuiES-In loving mamnory af Q?!dear daddy, William Albert laughes ai Burketon, Ont., wha passed away, Mamch 24tb, 1949. 'While you, dear daddy, et and seep, "ou r mm r ei a w y e p - AwYs remcmbared b y da u gbhter Rena, James, and grandson James. 1* LEMON-in loving mcmory ai a dear son and brother, Douglas, wba passcd away, March 2lst, 1949. We thjnk ai hlm in silence, HMs name we ait recaîl, There is notbing lait ta answcr, ]But bis pîcture an the wall. -Ever rmembemed by mnother, dad, brothers and sisters. 11-1 COMING EVENTS Dan't misa Barber Shapers at Hampton Churcb, April 2nd, at 8 o'ciock. Admission, adults 50c. cbildren 25c. 11-3 Dancing, every Saturday, at Tymone Hall, ta Ted Koss and bis orchestra. Admission, ladies 50c, gentlemen 75c. Sponsored by Tyrone Service Club. il-tf. Enniakillen present their com- ady play "'Happiness Abead" in Tyrone Communlty Hall on April lut at 8 p.m., sponsored by Tyrone Service Clubs. Admission 50c and 25c. 11-2 Hampton United Church ana- ivcrtary service Sunday, Mamcb 28th, 1954, 2:30 p.m. Speaker: Rav. H. W. Painten, B.A., Wood- ville, iorî'nerly of Bowmmnviile; also speciai music. 11-2 Manster card paty, Newcastle Community Hall, Wednesday, April 2lut, for the Woman's Auxillary ai Memorial Hospital, sponsomed hy Newcastle and dist- rict ladies. 11-1 Dance, at Ncwtonville Com- munity Hall, on Fiday, Mamch 19, ta the music ai the~ Ontario Range Riders. Round and square dancing. 9 p.nî. - 1 a.m. Ad- mission 50c. 11leIj Mr. Fuykschot of Hamilton, Gancral Secretary ai the Christ- ian Labour Association, will spek an Mmch 20 at 8 p.m., i the Town Hall, on the subjeet, "Christian Action la a Changing World." 11-1* Notices Due ta ickncss Tymone Mill will be open Saturdays anly. Other days hy appolatinent only. Please caîl 2240. 11-1 Dry Lumber, 2'x4' and 2'x8', alsa shctbîng. Alsa repairs ta ail makes ai cars, trucks, and tractors. For sale-same used tires. Frank Allan, R. R. 3, Bow- manville. 9-ti Like music with a zest? Then yau'll love Cornz A Poppin'- original .sangs, two orchestras, mixed and men's chorus, octette, twa quartettes and solos mlxed wîth ail kinds ai fun, Town Hall, April lut, 2nd and 3rd. 75e per seat. 11-1 GUITiaRS 'eSUPPLIED Tours on completion of th. ourse. Introductory FREE TRIAL LESSON Mightly - 4:30 and 7 p.m. FOR INFORMATION Phono 629 TENDERS WANTED Tenders wiil be received by the undamsigned up ta Mamch 22, 1954, for the purchase ai a Town Lot on the West sida ai Ontario Street near Liberty St., contain- ing anc-quarter acre ai land, more or less. .Highest, or any tender, flot necessarily acceptad. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. 10-2 - - Be sure ta attend the home- Th[,. beking and delicatessen sala,- Cards of Thnk sponsored by the Ladies' Aux- NOTICE , iliary ai Mamorial Hospital, ta Applications wili ha raceivcd The family of the lata Mmi. Ed. ha beld et 2:30 p.m. on Seturday, by the undersignad up ta April Millaon wish ta thenk their March 20th, la the Hydmo Shop. 15 Loam any citîzens who desire rnany friands and relatives for 1 11-1 ta have shade tracs planted an the lovcly floral tributes nd i the boulevards in front ai their mnany kindnassas durîng their1 Dr. Billy Graham's Portland properties. recent bereavement. 11-11Oegon Crusade film cntitled As the supply is imitcd, an "Mid-Century Crusede" will ha early respanse wîl haeppraciat- I wisb ta thank the Supenin-!shown et Bowmanvillc Youth cd. tendent and staff ai the Memor-'for Christ, Saturdmy, Mmch 27th A. J. LYLE, tl Hospital, Bowmanville: Dr.! in the Town Hall. No admission Town Clark. Witzel, Dr. Sturgis, iriapnds and charge. 1- 10-2 neighbours, for their kindness 1 ____ during my ecent illness. Cornz A Poppiî'-The sensa- Pro a Esther Eddy. tional ennua] show by the Jacks __________________ 11'l and Jilîs, will eppeer April Ist, HYGIENIO supplies - rubber Mm. nd rs.Madson 2nd and 3md et the Town Hall gaod8) malled postpaid la plain Omono, wish ta thank al lla 81tpmhGtyortikt sealed envalope witb price list. klndfriads wo set t arely fmom any club member and Six samplas 25c, 24 samples kin frens wo sntcongret- avoid disappointmcnt. 75c par $1 00. Mai] Ordar Dept. T-28. Ulatory massages for thair 5th, seat. No msrvad seats. 11-1 NvRbe a.Bx9,Hm wcddîng anniversary on Mrch' o______o._Bx91 Hm 1th, nd others who balped The many friands ai Mrs. A. ilton, Ont. 1-52 mnake the occasion a happy ane. W. Prescott wha hAve inquirad, We wîshta extnd aur 1 will ha glad ta knaw that a fundOrn Op We.wis toextnd ur ear-bas bean started ln apprecietian, Oon rhans felt thanks and appreciation for ai ber past splendid efforts ta - te ts ai kindness, nesge f heip those in trouble. Contact Lose Firsi am tIle messages oow RnEnniskllen,. eGm sYiMpat y, and beautiful floralJ.WBomn To " eli ngs receivcd irom aur klnd R 1 11i 1o undridge 9-4 fr F4s and neighbours during ou recent hereavement in the Bowmanville Recreatian De- The Orono Orpbens, Eastern lms of a laving hushand and patment Minor Hockey Night- mnaia Intermediate "B" cham- father. Three Championsbip gamas, Set- ponsls herart aeo Mmi. Alfred R. Ayre umdmy, March 27th, starting et thiOn io stteifirst am aai etM and Famiiy. 11-1* 7 p.m. Admission, aduits 25c,9t4e onasiarpsem i-fnal pai i-et ____ children 10c. Purchasa your 9-y aasapSnrdeBa 1 N9'u1 ta - extand my sinceme tickets from any Minor League uey rwnight.rdg St thaxlks ta the nurses and staff ai teamn member or at the Amena.udyngt MamorilI.Hospital, Bowmanville, , Plea'ing with only 10 mcxi, alo'DrVH_____,Dr D the Opbens were autclessed by mtrisapDDV. H. orB. nlD tfretBza adPnythe older, more experienced Stugis sd D. H B Rudie Dn'tforetBazar ndPeny'Beavers coached by Wilfred for thir kind attention and Arcade, Enniskillen Cammunity. "Bueko" McDoneld, ex-N.H.L. services during my mrecent Opera- Hall, Thursdey, Mmch 25tb, star turned Member ai Pari- tion. I msa wish ta thenk the opening 8 p.m., draw for prizes mient. Eric Johnson, Orono Xev. Warren Turner and the 19 p m. Tee servad by W.A. daiencaman, was not la the inany friends who remembarcd1 Sponsomed by Enniskillcn Service lineup but wes expected ta play ina by their kind thougbts, cards'Club, for community work. la the emining games in the and eoawers duing my stay ina Tickets available irom members. series. the hospitel. E____ 11-2 Sundridgc rapped home three Mmi. . A. Janes. jl* goals in the apening freme and r1l~M. Banting, ai the Downbam Heath wms epleced by Bud Nursery, will gîve thaîr telk oni Hooper in the nets for the lsst Notice Io Creditors "Landscaping Your Garden",~ two periods. Hooper was abit AND OTHERS inl St. Andmaw's Church, Thurs- bowcvem. and let in six more day, Mamch l8th, et 8 p.m. Ad- goals. He did tuma in same TARE NOTICE that the missioni 25c. Tee servad. AIl sensationai stops li spite (i Executrix ai the estata ai' gerden loyers shouid sec and being beaten six times and WILLIAM HENRY WEBB, late heer this. 10-2 elso blacked e penalty shot. of the Town ai Bowmenville, in: Dean West notchcd two for the County ai Durhanm, Retired The annuel meeting ai the Oono, with Keith West and Fermer. decesed,, who died on Mcmioiial Hospital Board will ha Robinson contributing the athrm or about the I 2th day ai held li the Council Chambers at twa Jahastone lad the Sund- Fcbmumry, A.D., 1954, will dis-' 8:00 p.m. On Mondey night, 29th ridg~e snipers with thrce, Mog- tributa the assets ai the estate' March 1954, for the purposas oai eidgceand H. His bath aotch- sitar the l5th day oi April, 1954,1 eceiving reports, election ai six cd twa, aad Anderson and Od- having regard only ta the dlaims, dîrectors and confirming twa rowskî pegged singles. ai creditors. and others, iilad an1 notices ai motion ta ammcnd the Ahl the Orono boys tniad or befome thet date with the un- by-lew,ýs. bard and the iorwerd units ai dersîgned Executrix. R. J. Dilling. Se'y-Treas. Junior West, Kcith West and eDATED et Owen Sound this 10-.3 Robinson-, and Dean West, Arm- 3md day ai March. A.D., 1954. strong and Rombaugb, were GEORGE F. GARDNER, ~driving li ail the time. The 230 Ninth St ceci East. WELELL I LLE daience leckcd depth, but Phil- Owen Souînd. Cniaiio. ____ lips, Seheil and Mercer tried Solicitor for the' Executrix,l On Wednesdev mternoon, bard ail the way. CHARLOTTE MAUDE March 10, the Women's Assoc- Percivel. e rock-ribbcd de- MARY WEBB. 10-3 iation niet at the home ai Mrs. enteia nifor Legue. Aner- - -Clarence Nichoils with aboutOnaiSeorLguAd- N ic oCeios 15 ladies present. The pogram sn ontn n oeig Notie IoCredtors was in charge ai the hostass who wara the pick ai the Beevers. i rup leader for this mantb. Oro: goal, Heath. Hooper; AND OTHERS ____ Ir0Anl Tondk rededaence, Phillips, Schell, Mar- IN TH-E ESTATE 0F Susie 1 imom letters recciv.'d fmom ber ca: orarseDstst ,Am Minnie Stanley. late ai the Town cousin, Mms. W. Wright, wîho is stron g, Rombo ugh, K.Wst ai Bowmanvilie, in the Countv a mlssioary ini Nigeria. These Robinson, Junior West. af Durham, Spinster, dcceased, are elways intercsting, as Mrs.,l Sundidge: goal, C. Hill; de- who died et Bowînanvilie. onorWright gave an eccount ai their' fenca, Odmowski. Parcivel, An- about the 22nd day ai Fabmuary, mission when she was haime an derson; forwemds. Bedora, H. 1954. furiough. Mrs. Murray Payne Kidd. Russell, Christie, H. Hill, THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., continued the eading ai the Jhsoa aeigK id 1950, Ch. 40b~, Sec. 51.* book "Uniorgettable, Unforgott-' Creditors and athers havinglen". Mms. Archia Fard assisted dlaims ageinst the aboya as tata witb t ha devotional and Mrs. C. The Stalesman Soid ara rcquirad ta scnd particulars *Pay ne pravidcd some contests. and full proof thameof ta that Roll cmlli wes miswered witb tFio igSoe uaasind orbfretethe name ai a favourite trac, A endin toe 2th day Of April, 1954, sitar'the reason for the ikiag. The which date the assets ai the1 business wss coaducted by Mrs. Truil's Store, Courtlce estata will be distributed baving'Reeve, during wbich severai Strang's Store, Part Hope 1 regard ta the Will and the clainis ladies bammed ana af the 1Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethanyi that have been then received. receently madc quilts. Mrs.1 Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle1 DATED et Bawmanvilc, On- Harol d Barrowclough repated 1 T. Enwrîght, Newcastle j tarie the l8th day af Mrch, mare than ball enough crochet S. Brown, Newtonville 1 1954Ï squares hava bean hendad in C. Pethick, Eaniskiflcn rance C. Mason, for the afghan. The meeting was' T. M. leman, Enniskillen t ~Wister, etc.. adjaurned followiag the usuel F. L. Byam, Tymone c 30 King Street West, social eup ai tes. G. A. Barman, Hampton 1 Jow30 vile0Otaria. Mmi. Craig and all ai the A. E. Ribcy. Bumketon Iciarfr oh rouh cide c h eolto H. T. Saywell, Biackstock E Ud..Tbe Toronta General part in the Kiwais Music Fest- Keith Bradley, Pontypool 1 Corporation- ival in Peterboro on Thurada . C. B. Tyrmeil, Omona tors.13 The Juniors receivad 75% for:1 H K. Reynolds, Kendal ___________________their singing in the mamning, as Gilbert Food Markat. Milbroakt did the seniors in the aitemnoon. Handerson's Bock Store, Oshawa E - Wanted Trali Rangers, under the lead- *.60e ____________________ership ai Clarence Nicholis haid - Bowmanville - r 200-500 ACRES ai waste land. their regular meeting in the P icay Bit Must bave stream. within 25 Ischool bause on Friday evening. W. . J. y- B ig2 mils o Bomavihc. epi:IThose who find the greatest HWs J.BeShay W. A. Cohhan, 176 Owen Blvd thmil cf Spring in bird watch- Jr & Lovell Willowdale, Ontario. 9.4 ing, are enjoying thase. day s aofndnsHnd tr __________________the first arrivais. Woodehucks E Te SateumsandyOffice i - ~H ll ict. This is because hospitals 1 Nf Large Audience Jams Town i terHallae fue oaminWK..VsisS.PalsI agreeho a: ister trenfusdtionVinssi Inh~ lfu hw ree of charge, for reasonsof Hear Former China Msinr Eighlh ~ W H. 8VW~ fot particpatlngi the plan, N sin r painsreceiving transfusions An audience of 560 persans entertaining cartoon, "Three must pay for them, or replace The Thank-offering meeting cotton. A child would wear out tharoughly enjoyed the Case Little Bruins" and a film, "Tra- the blood used. of St. Paul's Evening Auxlliary a pair of these shoes In a manth. 1variety show in the auditorium velogue af Canada", were also Dr. Miller aisa spoke of gamn- was held in the Sunday Schaol Everyone weaves, as they must 1 af the Bowmanville Town Hall shown. ma globulin in relationship ta room aon March 15. Mrs. ft. weave their own cloth for . Friday nîgbt spansored by W. Tom Hardwell,, Assistant poliomnyelitis. The Red Crois Davies welcomed the ladies af clothing. fH. Brown, Bowmanville dealer Manager for Canada of the J. I. bas exceeded a quota of 50,000 Hampton W. M. S. anid mem- She introduced us, by word for the J. I. Case Company, Case Company, and six repres- bload donations for this purp- bers of St. Paul's Afternoon pictures, ta many of. her friends farmn equipment manufacturers entatives of the firm from Tu- ose in addition ta its regular c0ll- Auxiiar7 and other guests. in the city af Tzeliutsing. There It was the largest audience ronta were invited ta the plat- ectian service. As a result, when ,prayer' was the theme ai the was a superintendent ai nurses ta attend the annual Case show forin, as were representatives Polio season arrives this year worship service, conducted by who started the baby cmli; an which was beld for the eighth ai several firms which donated there will be available at least Mrs. H. Turner. Mrs. F. Blunt elderlr pastor wbo, thougb re- time on Friday nigbt. A varied prizes for the prize draw. These 100,000 five c.c. vials of gamma read the seripture and Mrs. K. tired, 'continued ta preach with- program aof dancing, music and prizes were won by Edward globulin. There has been same Hull sang a solo, "Teacb Me ta out salarv and supported hinu- movies was presented, with the Coates, Sheila Coverley, Bow- adverse publicity regarding the Pray," accampanied by Miss self on a small piece af land higbligbts ai the evening hein manville; Mrs. Norman Rohrer, use of gamma globulin in the Janet MeGregar. hie owned; and the principal af provided by five-year-old Billy Burketon; Mrs. Harold Burn- United States, but Canada wlll Mrs. R. Davies introduccd a girls' scboal wbo, during the Wade af Courtice, the excellent ham, R. R. 3, Bawmanville; continue ta use iA this year. It the guest speaker, Mrs. F. J. Japanese bombing, moved the drummer who is well-known in Lamne Crago, Bert Mutton, R. R. 'S not the whole answer,"; Dr.RedaHmpn.MsRedgrsutithcty dcrid this district tbrough persoa] 2, Bowmanville; Bruce Clarke, Miller said, "but it is the only speet oveamton.y yrs e ironsotof thean id ancestral fppearances and taklng part in Art Clarke, Hampton; and W. R. anc we have at the present China as a missinar yearSe ons Ina ld mncnsira. television shows from Buffalo Rabbins, BowiTanville. tirne." Chnman ltrsln act ao She told a mansiotne and Toronto. Firms Donated Prizes Polio Vaccine the Chinese people, and sbowed friends and some lnterestlng Bob Brown, 14-year-old- son Tbey were donated by the He went on ta speak af the us miniature furniture sucb as storles af their lives. Mrs. Reed ai Mr. Brown, acted as the cap- DeLaval Company, Peterbor- new vaccine for polio. "Toronto they use and beautiful cross- asked that we pray for the able master of ceremonies and ough; Jackson Supply Ca., Osh- was the first place in the word stitch and embraidcry donc hv Chinese Christians because that introduced George Wolfe, TC'- awa; Crown Dairy Supply, Pe- ta develop this vaccine," he the wamen and girls. She also is the anly way we can help ranto, CasÉ supervisor for the terboraugh; Herbert Robinson, said. "AIl there is bas been had samples ai the shaes and thcm now. Mrs. Reed answered east-central Ontario area. Mr. Oshawa; Hart Battery Ca., Mon- made in Taranto, yet in an stockings they make by hand. many questions asked by the Wolfe paid tribute ta Mr. Brown treal; Bowmanville Auto Parts; article in Lufe magazine a few The mother would make the ladies. Mrs. Hull sang "How as the top dealer in bis ares and Spramator Ca., London; and W. weeks ago on the subject, there soles ai paper and clotb and Lovely Are Thy Dwellîngs" and stated that it was a pîcasure for R. Chapman, Oshawa. was not one mention ai Toronto". rîce paste made In layers. Tbe the meeting closed witb the his firm ta take part in staging In bis remarks, Mr. Hardwefl The doctor addcd quietly, "A uppers were padded and quilted. Benediction this annual show which is look- thanked Mr. Brown for the fine letteY is an the way." ed forward ta eacb ycar by job lie is doing as representative This vaccine bas ta be care- Cu many in the Bowmanville dis- of the Case firm in this district. fully testcd, a proccss wbicb wîll D src trict.. He pointed out that the annual take thrce or four years. In thei Distict N vi lu Enlerlains Varlety of Acts Presented show bas grown from an a:- meantixne, gamma glabulin re- In addition ta the senational tendance ai 35 the first year ta presents the only effective stoCupa-sh wa M etn pragram included fine tap danc- proved greatly each year. twice during the polio season,_______ ing and baton twirling by Bar- On behaîf ai the guests Nor- since it gives an immunity ai bara Brown, 10, daughtem ai man Dawn, R. R. 2, Oshawa, only five or six weeks, Dr. Mill- Gaînîng new members ail the! ai the chiefs with wbom Mr. Mr. Brown; and the music and thanked Mr. Brown for sponsor- er stated. tîme is Oshawa and District Phillips became fricndly, and comedy acts ai "The Of-Beats", ing the most enjoyable show A sound color film made by Movie Club who an Monday, cast two bags ai ilour and a shirt a trio ai yaung Oshawa meni and paid tribute ta the efficient the Red Cross, showing many Mamch 15, entertained the Toron- given ta the Medicine Mani. who made a bit bit with the au- service work donc by Mr. aspects of the blood transfusion ta Mavie Club at its meeting i This film will no doubt enter dience. Rounding out the ex- Brown li West Durham. service followed Dr. Millcr's the Y.W.C.A. Crait Shop, Osha- th~e Canadian Museum or be cellent program wcre three The enjoyable evening came talk. Mr. AI Witherspoon ai the wa. Pres. Rlckard Brittan wel- used by the Film Board later as films supplied by the Case fîrm; ta a close with the semving ai Hîgh Schoo] staff operated the comed Toronto and local visitars anc ai the few authentic piece "Irrigation", "Chop the Crop' soit drinks and doughnuts toalal projectar. An appreciative vote and conducted the business par- on Indian lare. and "Fammi Power News". An guests, courtesy ai Mr. Brown. ai thanks was moved by Mrs. tioii ai the meetitng, during Mr. Pbillips was coaxed to ______________________________________________Alex MeGmegor. which the minutes wemc read by show another film an scenes in Patterson to a the new Secmtary Leola Tbrash- Colorado, Utah and Capistrano, Mm.To Spak er. Cal., sbawing country scîdomn Fan elt Ca tureCha pio shipMr.TomPatterson ai Strat- A presentation ai an East visited by taurists. As the Osha- ford crato oftheStratiord Indian hand-carvcd pin wAr. wa contribution ta the programn, Fro O fic i Go dy ar ea ue the April meeting, which is the Mary Andrews, who is a chart- takeia in Yosemite and district. From Offce i Go dyea Le gue asto.f. athe sannnc ed ec- cm ermember. Mr. Ed. Crawford, These s'enes misa displaycd al 0. W Roph nnonce. Eec-president ai the Toronto Movie thc art tliat can be transferred (By Ah. Maviin) Masters regîstercd twa ai these, tion ai aificers will take place Club, took over and congratulat- ta the microfilm by the talentcd The Fan Beits captured the iwith Cowling and Bagneli pegg- at this time and annual reports cd the Oshawa & District Club camera fan, and members sat caposiofteGoodyear iîng anc apiece. will be given. A naminating on their recent expansion. In spellbaund. Hckmionhipai e ud ýb h fic aei vrtigcommittee camposed ai Mms. L. cannectian with ecent publicity, lI closing the progrcnM portion Hocey eaue n undy Te Ofie gveit veythngD. Gaddard. Mrs. Alex McGreg- lie adviscd the chaimman ta use ai the evcning, Mr. Cr&.*ford defcating the Office 13-7 ta take they had in the third period and or: and Mrs. E. V. Hoar was the word color only, in iairness pointed out that a movie canîtr,,i the series by twa stmaight games. neyer stoppcd trying, but the appaintcd. Miss Helen Marris t a ah companies. is like the amtist's paint brush, They had downed the Office Beits addcd six mare ta their prcsidcd at the piano for open- MmJckRdeiso dbsan astisncetngase boys 11-4 the previaus Sunday. three ta sait away the game and ing and closing exercises. Pre- MrJak udelso d ian astinneetngo à Thefistpeiodsa te Office i the foodycar League Champion- ceding the meetingth usual filmn, "Four Seasons li the cach amtist's taste and style in draw first biaod wbile a man ship for 1954. Scomers in the social bah-bhoum was enjoyed, a filmewas an 8mmsterpiei isingiet nsce the syle t te caera short with Rowe in the sin bmn, third stanza for the Fan Beits bouqueta ai daîfodinsinleîls andh styestemîngr for holding the puck. Larmy, wcrc Masters and Cowiing with. bouqetsfmaoing andright cn re- mm exposure. Even the most amtist uses. Mr. Crawford cx- Chant snarcd the rubber on a'ý twa each and Murphy and Bag- picce for the tea table,.mtu htgahri h rcsdtehp htteitr brcakmway and scamed unassist- neil witb singletons. For the, __________ audience could realize the club visits migbt b. contlnued. ed. The Beits came back with Office the snipers were Larry amount ai work invalved, ac- Pres. Britton rcplied, thanking two in a ow off the stick ai Dan! Chant, Tom Gatcheil, Raby andKI Y complished by 24 boum expasume. the Toronto Mavie Club for their Girardi, howcvcm, ta make the'Shechan. IB Asked for information an the shame ai the Pmogram. and sug- board read 2-1. Assists an these Jim Woodward Hurt pracess, Mr. Ruddcl cxplaincd gested that the visit he made*an twa counters went ta Ellis ad The game was marmed by an1 The Kirby W.M.S. .iined with bis home-made apparatus con- annumi event around this date. Masters. Office tied it up 2-2 nfortunate injury ta Jim Omono in the special World's sisting ai parts ai a meccano set The ladies ai the Osb&twa & just before the end ai the i ramej Woodward whicb put him out Day ai Prayer service on Friday and an aId lrm dlock which District Club semved lunch at on a drive by Raby, with Larry1 ai action with a broken collar-, aitemnoon, Mmmch 5th. timcd and turned an bis photo! attmactively decorated' tables, Chant sctting up the play. 'banc. Jim is expectcd ta ha The March meetings ai the W. flood lamps and the camera, and green candles, sbamrocks and The middle stanza saw some away from womk for a montb MS. and W.A. werc beld on turned the lmmps off et reguiar othem St. Patrick's motifs heing bar, ggessveply wthnct, as a resuit of the injury and it Wednesday mitemnoon, Mmrcb 10 intervals. The club expects ta mucb in evidence. Thlrty-seveen cm team having much ai an edge. is ta be hopcd that players in 1 at the home ai Mrs. Wmn. Wann- sec a certain Bawmanviiie mem- were present. Masters sent the Beits mhemd oni the Goodyear League will belp1 an, with 12 ladies present. The 1ber out in bis "Roscmy" garden a pass from Shred, only ta bave'ot W. M, S. meeting was opencd1 at odd boums this spring and Haines tic it up once mare onouFan Belts--W. Cowle. D. Mast- with J a cllta worship, a bymn' summer as a esult. ito 1eM L L a pass fmom Rmby. 1 rs, D. Gimardi, E. Luxton, F.~ and prayer by the Presidjent, 1Mr. Gea. Phillips was ito-Inth d orsM i Office Fades in Second Cawling, W. Ellis. J. Woodward, Mrs. Wm. Allun. Mrs. Lawrence' duccd and prcscntcd a tbrillîng Mai Then, as had happcncd i E. Bagneil, J. Murphy, S. Shrcd.1 Harris read the scriptume. 16 mm. movie, "Colored Sands",. Jms previaus gaines, the Officeli*Office- G. Richardsoni, L.ý Dumîne the business ai the taken in the Utah-Arizona descrt Mm ams squad scemed uneble ta kccp Chant, . Gatcheli, R. Haines,1 meeting it wes decided ta hold i part af Monument Valley. This: Editor af Statesman, up the pace and the Fan Belts J. Bond, A. Rowe, A. Sheehan, a ur Easter Thankoffcming at aur 1 film would have ta be seen ta Dear Sir, rapped in four goals in the'D. Brooks, C. Raby.1 next meeting, April 7th, at the, do justice ta the Indien lare in- Please send me your paper space ai five minutes ta take aiRire-u Virtue, Clint' Sunday School. Mms. Quantii' S volved, the beautiful coloing ai for 1 yeam. comnig 73 lcad. Donj Ferguson. invitation ta hem home was ac- their coîthes, their ornements, I ettended the Durham Oid comandng~ _______________________________cepted for aur May meeting. and finally the sccnery. It was Boys lest wcck and was deiigbt- Newcastle's invitation ta join madc witb the consent ai anc cd ta meet s0 many fine people. them n thir EsterThan-!I1sbould bave attendcd yeamu Dr. George Miller Guesi Speaker lm hiEstcTek' OBT RYaobtnyrgva ~IlMrs. S. Chmpman took aand hRYI ave beenn la Tona 40 Ai womens irntadlan Club,Tel peper an Stewemdship, bringing anhve____nornt_4 out whmt stcwamdship meaaly is yeams. ad its importance. She wes MRS. HARRY W. FOSTER I arn on pension fromn the Workai Red Cross Blood Service assisted by Mrs. G. Wilson, Post Office and always scanned Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Mrs. Patt- A lie-long Bowmenvilie mc- yaur paper whlle handling it at erson, Mms. Cooper and Mrs. C. sîdent, Mrs. Harry W. Foster, my work. The new National Director aif meens.common, accurming about Harris. passcd away on Mmrch 9 at baer I amrnont politive your paper the Bload Transfusion Service once in. every anc thousand Mrs. Wm. Cochrane took the home, 71 Wellington St., at the is $4,00 but anyway, if any ai the Canadian Rcd Cross, Dr. pregnancies.. last chepter ai the study booký age ai 88. Tbaugh in poor mare let me knaw and I wilI Gea. W. Miller, rctumned ta Bow- Blood Stored 1 '"Shadows are Frontiers" ' beaith for same time, Mrs. scnd the rest by P.O. Order. manville for a bnif isit onl The fact that blood could be' Mms. Bill Wannan took the Foster was able ta attend cburcb Thank you. Monday aitemnoon, Mrch 15, coilected and stored in refrigema- chair for the W.A. meeting two wecks previaus. Allan 0. Joncs whcn lha was guest speaker at tion for use was only discovered wbich apened with bymn- and The deceascd was bamn Ger- 5 Manar Rd. W., Apt. 7, the Women's Canadien Club lin thc 1930's. Dr. Norman Beth- The Lamd's Prayer. Mms. Wilson trude Young, the daughtam 01i Toronto. meeting in St. John's Parish l une ai Montreel, pîaying a large eed Fsalm 55, Mms. R. Chep- tbe late Charles and Agnes Hall. Ipart ln this important step. tn'man gave a devotionel pper. Young, in Bowmanvîlle, on May rO. Milrobas ron wh sd w as duing the psiencn World Mms. Wennan took charge for 20, 1865. During ber long and W ~ I ~ J . efficient methads af bIood trans- - - ---- .....* -1 fusion used to-day. While the HnesnedM.adMi ley Vanstone., Intemment was KIGSE BOMNIL idea ai intmoducing biaad inta Dr. George Miller Bill Cochrane in Lindsay. in Bowmanville Cernetery. body had been in mcn's minds wecks is madc into plasma, and for centuries, seid Dr. Miller, it it was in thîs form that much ai T%î analyze the cherms aif was nat until Harvey's discov- it was tised overseas. tq is ike i hsetingsmusic: ermy ai the pump like action ai Folwn a uvymd int sAeofhs hngwih the heamt, made li the 17th olwn uvvmd it is fer battar ta enjoy, than ta cenury tht tansuson f bood194, te ed ros drw u aattempt fully ta understand- p c a lf ue t C e r began ta be attampted. plan for a national hlood trans- Henry T. Tuckerman. It as ot nti 190,how- fusion service in which many It wast ot th il 1900, aspitais and medical associa- made by Landsteiner and bis1 tions participate. It is naw75glosCie R d(r ht cuis htteewr or stablislied in every province _ 75'glosC iee id(rgl majr bood gro ps. Pr but Newfoundland, though it na P- - mupior thet theme we re *four - t$395 gai. ta this, transfusions were maele oes flot by any means functian V ~ I SA )i ny loo, iffrenas ndin ail areas. This is a frace types being unknawn, so that; servct bc h optl 40 gallons 111gb (Ialiiy FIaÉ White maydah eutdadbload miust contribute their services WN D i$.5glo transfusion was in disepute. in administering transfusions A N'ow it is known that there are! frac ai charge, and ta whicb pro- ai__$4.25_ _gallon__ a .s meniny as . 30,0 .00 . bloo .d grouivinciai governments contrute comhinations, though fortunate- btrvds.atso abr- ly only eight ai thase are aoris importance for clînical pumposes. Smali Ontario Area Discavamy ai the RH factor bas Dr. Miler stsrtlcd bis bearers saved maay infant lives, though1 by steting that tbis frac trans- the diseese for whicb replace-! fusion service under thc Red, ment af the chiid's blood with.Cross exists in Ontario lin only, donor blood is made, is by nol ana smal mmc, the Niagara dist- TI TC K ETS I TO EVERYWHERE jAir. Rail or Steamsbip jJURIT & LOVELL I Bowrnanvmle 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 I L a L 1 Paints aud nuerfletmy S Wallpapers 85 King St. W. Phone 431 7--l -77- e f e le n p n tq 0 n ti b

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