- ~ -- -. JiunA *~- TE PNDA TAEMI O VIIYL wA ? TurR Page for Addilional Classified BIRTHS BIRKS-Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Birks of MeMasterville, Quebec, announce the arrivai of their son, John David, on March 7th, 1954. 11-1w HAMILTON-Mac and Louise Hamilton announce the birth of their son, Hugh Ferguson. at the Memorial Hospital, March 12, a brother for Ann. . 11-4* MOORE-Mr. and Mrs. Lyle JTames Moore of San Gabriel, California, are happy and proud to announce the birth of their son, William James, at the Holly- wood Presbyterian Hospital, on March 6th, both doing weil. A brother for Kathy. 11-1* TENNANT-Glenn and Dorothy Tennant are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, Robert Douglas, on March il, at Port Ferry Hospital. 11-1* ENGAGEMENTS' Mr. and Mrs. George Yeo, Hampton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Eleanor, to Glenn Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin. Smith, Hampton. The wedding to take place early in April. I-. DEATHSý- OSBORNE-At Xfemorial Hos- pital, Bown'.fatîville, on Sunday', March 1!1±Z 1954, Bertha Jane OsbrzAe, dear sister of Violet ("!borne, 72 Temperance St., and E. J. Osborne, Toronto. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Tues- Clay, March l6th at 2 p.m. Inter- mient Bowmanville Cemetery. 11-1 Help Wanted Articles For Sale DRY hardwood, stove length. Phone 2124. 11-1* USED washing machines. Terms. Phone 2240. 11-11 COLONY house. 8x10', new. Price $95.00. Apply Frank Hosk- in, Blackstock. 11-11 REDMAN Spring wheat, $3.001 per bushel. Phone Clarke194 10 2* ONE Allis-Chalmers B tractor wjth trailer mower and power ELECTRIC chick brooder, 300 capacity. Murray Byers. Phone Blackstock 80 r 1l. 11-1* MAN'S suit, brown. size 38, worn only once, $30. Phone 2617 I11-l* BOY'S three-speed bicycle, good condition, price $25.00. Owner going abroad. Phone 3029. 11-2 ONE arm chair, green velour, in excellent condition. Phone 3305. 11-1* WOMAN'S spring coat, light blue, only'worn 3 times. Phone 3377 or apply 10 Hunt St. 11-1 BEAVER oats, cleaned and treat- ed, price $1.25 per bùushel. W. Vaneyk. P'hone 2!X7. 11-3 ONTARIO p2tatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone 2473, 31-tf OATS-Registered Beaver and Larain, also certified Abegweit oats. J. W. Boyd, 51 r 18, Orono. 11-1* BARBOFF Commercial Barley No. 1 seed grain for sale, $1.75 per bus. Rupert Werry, 98-3, CHESTERFIELD, boy's sport coat, size 12; car refrigerator. Stan. Corden. Phone 3488. 11-1* BABY crib, large, honey maple, five-position spring, 2 drop sides, $18. Mrs. Hedge, Blackstock,, 40 r 11. l* PARTTIM saesmn, a su ISAVE an lumber, direct froin PARTTIMEsalemanto sllmiiUta you. Phillips Lumber used cars. Appiy ta Dean Hodg- Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phono son, Church and Silver Streets, î7rll. 13-tf or Roy Nichais, Courtice. 11 - 1 _____________ INSRUCOR n utoMecan MOFFATT lectric stove, four- INSTUCTO in uto echa- ýborner, 40" top: kitchen table ics for Ontario Training School and four chairs, enamel sink and for Boys. Apply ta the Super- asPhn3041-* intendent. 11 ap-1 hon 32- HOUSWIVS-Adres ader-SQUARE bales mixed Timothy Oising paStcars.M s bave oodand alfalfa hay, also a small handwriting. Lindo 904, Water- 1u2 tiy4i1b.e sra 1-Pon town, Mass. 9-41.i- FEMALE office clerk, exper- TOue c oefryu ience with typîng preierred. cottage or home this sommer, in Apply at The Canadian Bank of gaod condition, each $8.95. The 1 Commerce, Bowmanville. 11-1 Radio Shop. 11-1 WOMEN-Addross and mail1 GRIMM evaparatar, 16 ft., near- postaIs at home. Make $50 wk. ly new, carrcigated pans, 5001 Send $1 for instructions. j ibuckets. Phono Bethany 17r 12. Ciriýcost1 a,Bo 35,NY DELIVERY help wanted, to stai about'April 12th for two weel Must have car. Aiso one ma with pick-up truck for Toront deliverv. H. C. Downham Nun ery. Phone 690. i RAWLEIGH business now ope in Bowmanville. Trade wet established. Excellent opportun utv. Full time. Write at one( Rawleigh's Dept. C-140-l Mlontreal. il- WANTED - Congenial house keeper for a home in th country. You would have fut charge of a large comfortabl bouse, child weicome. Telephon, 2263, Bowmanville. il. AN hour given to my agenc. Pays more than an hour to arý other occupation, says Mr. P.. If interestwd in door-to-door sell ing, ini a business of your owî join now a 25 year old Canadiar firm with 1,000 dealers. Ca' alogues for ahl customers avaiL able and promote your sales bet tween calîs. Openings in youi surrotindings. Write for free inr formation to Familex, 1600 Del- orimier, Dept. A., Montreai. 11-1 Applications__Wanted A\pplications will be received bNv the undersigned up untilE p.in. Friday, March 19, 1954, for an inspector for Warble Fl: Spraying. Jamnes D. Hogarth, Clerk, Towvnship of Darlington, Hampton, Ontario. 10-2 Applications wîi be received bY the undersigned for a man with 1 ton or 1 !ý ton truck to transport township sprayer and assist with spraying cattle for warble fly and also spraying brush and weeds on roadsides. Applications to be in the under- signed's hands by 6 p.m., Frida.v March 19, 1954. James D. Hogarth. Clerk, Township of Darlington, Hampton, Ontario. 10-2 Seed For Sale CARTIER oats for seed, grown from registered seed: also quant- itv of feed oats. Apply K. E. Dean, R. R. 3, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1902. 11-1* SEEDS, governiment tested, No. 1 clovers, grasses, permanent pasture nlixtu.res, etc1 Bulk gaj-den seeds in stock now. Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville. 10-tf. Rooms Wanted TWO urooms for light house- keeping. on miiin floor, with conveniences, in Bown-tian%,,«le.l Appiy Box No. 136, c/o The cniîàinn statesman. 1 1 1 9,i 1* DRY hardwood, $18,00 per cord; rt slabwoad $10,00 per card, sawed k.and delivered. Phono New- an~ castle 2146. 40-tf an H ufe h gnyo hu rs- matic pain, sciatica. lumbago, -2 when Romacaps wil help you ta enweicame relief. Ask your drugg- fl- REGISTERED black Cocker, c. Spaniel, white breast flash,j 9, bause-trained, also trained ta J -2 leash, 6 manths aId. Phono -e Orona 29 -2. il ~COMtPLETE home iurnishings, 111 also new 21" TV, radia and de phonograph corbination, sacri-j Articles For Sale SEED grain, Commercial No. i IBeaver and Erban oats, treated, $1.25 per bus.; ail clovers and grass seed. pasture mixture, etc., in stock. Phone 2771. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. 11-2 ONE used Beaver jig saw, 24" throat; one used 10", Delta bench saw, tilting table. Machine niay be had with or without motors. Simpkin Cabinet Co. Ltd., Bow- manville. Phone 633. 11-1 VENETIAN BLINDS - Stock sizes. white or eggshell slats, plastic or cloth matching tapes. Made - to - measure blinds a specialty; free installation; 28 tape and siat colors. Morris Co. Phone 480. 10-tf S LA B W O D Hardwood Slabs $16.00 per cord Soltwood Siabs $12,00 per cord 3-cord loads $1.00 less Foot lengths H. M. K Y T E Phone 26 Blackstock~ TILE Suppiied and Laid CERAMIC -PLASTIC RUBBER MARBOLEUM H. G.3EAL Phone 2902 Bowmanville 941f CORN-Pappin' variety, delîv- ery April lst, 2nd, 3rd, Town Hall, 8:15 p.m. Largest colonels yet - for sale by any membor of the Jack and Jill Club. Just 75c' buys enough corn ta last until a year from now. This ain't hay, brother-sa buy early. il1-11 Singer Sales & Service Try a new SINGER Sewing Machine in, youn own home. No obligation. Dia] Bowmanville 36491 DRAPERIES and venotian blinds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our ropresentative will caîl at your home any time witb a complote range ai samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Froeepstimates and free in- stallation within 35-mile area. Lawest prices in tawn. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phono 3609, Bwmanville. 8-tf Bugs, Broadloom SAVE 50%. New Rugi Made fnoni Your Old Rugs, Carpets, Woollens, etc. Dominion Rug Weaving Company Phono 3446 BowenanviUle 49-tf OT AC0 Fiexo Na-clog Harnows No-ridge Dise Cast aud Ductalloy Shanes Wagons - Spreaders FRANIK OSKIN BAKTC BLACKS1OC For Only 10% Down and up ta 24 months ta pay we willI nstall youn PRESSURE SYSTEMS and BATHROOM FARM SOLD AUCTION SALE Registered Shorthorn Cattie, Horses, Swine, Poultry, Tractor, Machinery, Hay, Grain and Furniture the praperty af H. Earl Osborne Lots 3-4- Con. 2, Darlington Township, Hall Mile East of Bowmanville Training School will be sold by public auction on Wednesday, March 24, at 1 p.m. sharp REGISTERED CATTLE Gloster Belle 2th, 8 yrs., bred Nov. 26, '53; Gloster Belle lOth, 15 yrs., bred Nov. 3, '53; Bloom 29th, 11 yrs., bred Jan. 17, '54; Bloom 3tb, 8 yrs., bred Dec. 7, '53, Missie Fairy 7th, 8 yrs., bred Jan. 20; Missie Fairy lOth, 2 yrs., 10 months, bred Dec. 8, '53; Lav- ender May lBth, 6 yrs., bred Nov. 3; Gloster Belle l8th, 10 yrs., Lavender May l9th, 6 yrs., bred Nov. 2; Lavender BlossQm lSth, 7 yrs., red bull caîf; Bloom 33rd, borni Dec. 10, '52; Lavender May 2th, born Oct. 30, '52; Bloom 32nd, born Nov. 28, '52; Missie Fairy llth, born July 8, '53; Lavender May 2lst, born Sept. 20, '53; Gloster Belle 25th, born Oct. 4, '53; 3 Steers, 1 yr.; Glost- er Belle 26th, born Dec. 6, '53; 3 Steer Calves. Ail cattle accredited and blood-tested. HORSES Black Mare, 10 yrs.; Black Mare, 15 yrs.; Roan Clyde, 8 yrs. SWINE Sow, due sale timie; 100 lbs. POULTRY 150 Hens, '53 hatch. 3-section M.-H. Spring-tooth Harrow, like new; 7-ft. M.-H, 1No. 6 Tractor Mower, cut 30 acres: M.-H. Corn Binder No. 3, 3Ai condition; H. C. Cuttîng Box, 112A excellent; 3-Horse Cultivat- or; 8 ft. Dunham Tandem Disc; No. 3 Cockshutt Hayloader, Rake Bar, Mower, McD., 5 ft. cut; M.-H. Tractor, 102 Jr., good; M.- H. Tractor Plow, 2 iurrow, 12" bottom, No. 27;, M.-H. Tractor Cultivator, 16-tooth, good; Trac- tor Fertilizor Drill, 15-run, pow- or lift, new; M.-H. Side Rake, new; 7 ft. M.-H. Binder, No. 16, good; 13-hoe M.-H. Seed Drill; Cutter; International Gang Plow, narrow bottom; Steel Roller, 4- section Harrows, Sleigbs, 2 No. 21 M.-H. Walking Plows; 2 one- horse M.-H. Scufflers, M.-H. Corn Cuitivator, two-row; M.-Il. Manuro Spreader, No. 9. rubbor- tired wagon, flat râck; steel-tired Wagon, Churn, Fanning Miil, 2,000-lb. Scales, House Scales, .Buggy, 2 Sets Wheeis, M.-H. il" Feed Grinder, Chains, Orchard Sprayer. Spraymator, new, 200 gai, tank, Duplex pump, 10 gais. Per minute; Circular Saw and Frame, Ladders, 150 Apple Hampers, Pads and Covers; 116 Barrels, Hoops; Cedar Polos, Snow Fonce, Lumber, 100 it. ai Chicken Wire Fence, Steel Cable, Grain Bags and Sacks; two 40- gai. Drums, Broader Stove, ail; 100 bus. Grain Box, Wheel- barrow, Rope Halters, 200 gai. Wood Tank, qoantity Spray Ma- terial, Hoos, Forks, Boîts andj Nuts, Tools, Shovols, quantity ai Stovewaad, Bag Truck, Pig Box, Team Harness, set ai Driving 9 Pigs,1 ic~e, uwner- going aoroaa. Phfone COMPLETE. 60 ItL Endless Boit. -3029. 11 -2 136 CHEV., standard, running, Cail GRAIN AND FEED pric $50. Phon 2949. 1l-1 CINSULATION-blawing method YA TNRA,0 bus. Mixed Grain, few îy with rock aol, warkmanhip £E5~AdY ~bus. Wheat, quantity baled Tim-'3 rv1nETgodunn -guaranteed. Free ostimates. Phono 2240 Free Estimates othy Hay. condition. Phono 3207. 11-14 1-Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke FRIUE'2MRUY hl-olk b,2420., 49-4*-tf 11FRIUE'2MRUY bhtn i n TENDERS vuimT.mD Findiay Cook Stove, 2 Exten- new, iow mileage. Phono 35 ril, -'48 9.8 HP. Johnsoýnoutbaard W IIL sion Tables and Chairs, 2 Bed- Orono. Mrs. Hazel Robinsonb. comiplote with three pro'ps, steer- _______________ room Suites, Springs, Mattressos, 11-1* e-iîng bar and throttle attachments, Tenders will be roceived up Phonograph, 2 Iran Beds, 2 MRO 99Ddedlx ir in good condition, $125.00. Phono until April îst for repairing Chests ai Drawers, Smali Tables, Mean RON 1949 Doew euxr ~.3231 ater 5:30 p.m.- 11-1 Eavostroughing, pointing and Cracks. go hp.Sei t7 li cleanîng stonewark ai Newcastle Ternis - Cash St. L. G. Hancock. I- MOERIZ OUR HOME C ommunity Hall. For partic- JACK REID, Auctioneer, Ooo .1 with a Beautiful 5-ft. Steel ulars, apply ta Chairman aiODMBIE6sdn,13,i - Recessed Property, Fred G. Cauch. Phono L. Harris, Clerk. goLDSoBdiLEon6ed an,1938,nd B A TH TUB 3611 aiter 6 p.m. or Saturday. l gcndition, n.E. ewbteancR r11-2 S-.3,Nicste.APhoKnE ear10.R White Livestock For Sale ~.Nwate hn lre1902 6$65.75 TENDERS WLATEU FOUR cows, fresb and due ta 1953 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, )r .le-gen-crl- llwUie onisa freshen right away. Phone 2885. 8,000 miles aniy, as new. sacri- y l78-gren- 5rl Narw thbonln and Duha11-1îfice, $1,800. Payments can be $78.5 Nrthuberandand urhm - arranged. Owner going abroad. delivered Tondons ionr WVed Sprayen 50 YORKSHIRE pigs, six weeks Phono 3029. 11-2 We carry a complete lineofa SEALED TENDERS, plainly aId. Joe Redmond. R. R. 1,, marked "TENDER FOR WEED Nestieton. 11-1 47 FORD panel truck, new 1Plumbing aud Heating Supplies. SPRAYER" will be rocoived by license, '51 rebut motor, runs 2 Write aur mail order Dept. BS-i the undersigned until 5 a'clock, ONE porebred Yorkshire boar, goad, body needs some ropairs, jfor free illustrated catalogue Thiîrsday. April 1, 1954, for a ready for service. Baîl Bras., Price $150. Apply Cream af d . 1V. JOHNSON complote weed spraying outîît. 51 r 16, Orono. 1 1-1* Barley Park. il-i n~~~~~~~~ The unit ta consist ai a 60)0 'TW eitrdHlencà 0 PLUMBING SUPPLIES galion tank wîth suitable boom, Wo egste redHoeine cowsB snesp orunt d tresvle hne32- fstran upfrodse fully accredited and blood-tested. r Opn WdiisdayandFriay srayng.Tbe unit ta be a skid Joe Crawford, Hampton. 11-1" SERVICE station -Party bas - vnnstl9:0Tender ta indicate allowance DAY-OLD and started chicks.ncsaycptlfrSriesa and il dyleau.da. tion business. Will act as sulent and ll ay Sturay. for present sprayer as a trade in. Two hatches weekly. For price partner. Ail replies confidentiai, You Can Dpend on Johnson's Present spraying eqoipment niay list, write or telephone. H. J.ta Box 133, c/o The Canadiani 9-4 be vîewed at the Counties Gar- Brooks, Phono 2636. Bowman- Saemn 11-2 * age in Cobourg. ville, Ontario. 3-tf ISaemn Attention - Farmers abuthe information obtain- TOyugreisee ursy Warted To Buy al rmthe undorsigned. Low- W yonreitedG rsy Now is the tme to got youn est or any tender not necossariîy cows with good R.O.P. records, ORDERS in for your REPAIRS. accepted. due ta ireshen in March. Phono BEFORE selling your live pou]- We have a good stock an hand. G. L. Totten, P. Eng., Blackstock 8 r 13, Doug Mackie, try. trY us. Our pricos are higb. Also callu and sec us about Counties' Engineer Nestleton. 10-2 or. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany N w M cieyand Road Supt.. UERDHltibusev Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges youmaybeneeding. CoorOtai. 1 f ice ago, sre b Pabst rmvy51i COCSHUT i ai-Caadin, or entgaod cow with two yoar aid WANTED-Live poultry. goase COCKS______________________For_____ record ai 12,402 lbs. milk and feathers, feather ticks. scrap Most advanoed and cheapest fonr 509 lbs. fat. Neil Malcolm, tele- iran, rags and metai, Rawv the quality yau get.- We carry a THREE raomed apartment, vac- J hnilcsok6 .1-*fusaddesis hn -03 full line of Fanm Machinery, ant April lst. Phono 3059 afterpnBlacsok6 4 i i usa.d derkm. hoo -04 Traton, Cmbies, Garon6 p.m. 111*WE have an interesting list ai Oshawav oec 6t Tractons, Lawn Mowers. Water TWO furnishedhae ]m nBa red n rse.,îltRepairs Pressure Systcms. Deep Freezers,nw o e aneinateîome.inmixed, started. Canadian Ap -______________ Electric Stoves and Separators. Phone 3247. 11-2 pry ad reds uand crsseso REPAIRS to ail makes af refrig- 'Come in and got acqualnted" -____________ aor'mart. you aimater - eggs erators, domestie and commer- at the White Rose Gas Station- SIX roomned bouse, near Oronoo et meiaedlvr.icial; mJIking coolers. Higgon Your Friendiy Cockshutt Dealer vacant in early April. Applv Make your March cbicks - Bray Electric. 42 King St. E Phono and Auctioneer Box 137, c/a Canadian States- Cik.Da u rt rpoo48 25-tf nma n. 11_1. agent, F. L. Byam, Tyrone. il-1I- 1 L O D C Y D LE ;- -j REPAIRS made ta aill makes of TIVOunfrnihedroom m"th ostwashing machines at Farm On No. 2 flighway Newtonvillo bath. Apply 115 Rosehiil Blvd., uimnadAto tve13 Phone 4 r 13Oshawa, on telephone 3504 Bow-1 TWO goats, pure white.Phn King Street E., Bwavle Phn SFa 'nrivlIr11-1 1;7n. 11-1 phn'ir RO R Qf AUCTION SALE Reai Estate For Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Garage Equlpment Machlnery1 8 roomed bouse, centraily lo- and Truck Repairs, Electric cated, ail furnace, 3 verandahi, Appliances, Office Supplies double garage, large lot. Good ahipoprt o value for quick sale. the pr pertyCottage at Caesarea, com- Bon Brs. Id. pletely furnished, new well, 168 King St., OSHAWA, Ont., Lots at Caesarea. Good value wilbe sold by public auction on and well located. * ~ * 2O We have houses and farms in Saturiay, Miarch 2 Oshawa, Ajax and Bowmanville at 12:30 p.m. .sharp dsrc.J. P. Alian, Broker OFFICE EQUIPMENT Oshawa, Ajax and Weston Two Steel Filing Cabinets, Mr. M. E. Leask, Local Agent Cheuewrtin MchneCarý65 Ontario St. Phone 919 Safe, medium size; Office Chairs, omnil Stationery Boxes, Fat-top Desk, 11-1 Underwood Typewriter, Adding REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Machine, National Cash Reg- New 5 room bungalow, al ister with eight total banks, 2 conveniences, beautifully decor- Billing Machines, Glass Showj ated, garage, landscaped, small Case. : fruits, $9,000. Ternis. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Good income homne in Bow- International Mode] 84 D.M.1 manville. solid brick, 4 apart- Refrigerator, 8/ý cu. ft., brand ments, 4 private entrances, bath, new; Hostess Refrigerator, used; heavy wiring, 3 garages, approx- Electric Washing Machine, Find- imately i,2 acre. $9,500. lay Combination Stove, coal and Building lots for sale in Bow- gas,. used; Acme Cook Stove with manville. Gond location. oul burners, used; Pop Cooler,1 40 acre farm, 1 mile from Kelvinator Unit, excellent con- highway, 35 workable loam, Idition. i barn, silo, greenhouselhen hous- GARAGE EQUIPMENT r es, garage, 6 roomýed house, 1 water system, hydro thr.. hut Electric Drill with adjustable $10. 000. Termis, table, ik-h.p. Motor; Brake Ma- Mrs. A. P. Jansen chine Set, .ube-testing Tank; 2 Steel Vices, Valve Lifting Ma- chine, Electric Grease Gun, 2 Hydraulic Jacks, Tractor Tire Loading Machine with double reduction motor, Chain Block Hoist, Air-pressure Grease Ma- chine, Blow Torch, 2 Hydraulic Floor Jacks, 5,000 lb. capacity; Acetylene Welding Machine with cutting and welding torch, set of Taps and Dies, Lelilbis Air Com- pressor, 16'x36", nearly new, 3 Electric Drills, Hand Grease Guns, Belt Cutter, Wheel Pull- er, several sets Wrenches, Tire Breakers and Tools, Steel Ti're Rack, 2 Garage Creepers, Fire n NEW MACHINEET 1. AND PARTS 1, 6 International Tractor Fui- loys, set Steel Coltivator Wheels for No. 8 Tractor Cultivator, 6 Power Take-off Shields, 5-sec- tion' Steel Harrow Evener, 3- section Evener, 12-ft. Steel Gates, 2 Sections ai Harrows, several 80-rod rails af Barb rWire, RaIls ai 42" Lawn Pence, -Chain-link Fonce, International -Binder Canvasses, Plow Points, Cultivator Foot, Beatty Litter Carrior Parts, New and Used Truck and Tractor Tires and Tubes, Radiator Hase, Used Implement Tires and Roliners, cartons new Motor Oil, large quantity Machine Boits, Crow Dairy Supplies for MilkingMa chines, Rota Chiof Power Lawn Mower, 18" ut, new; quanity c edar Pasts, quantity Steel Pip- ing, assorted sizos; Utility Stop- ladder, 12-it.; 1946 ¾/-ton Inter- nationar Truck, good condition; 1939 Fard Coach, motor goad, body needs repairs; dozens ai items. FURNITURE 8-piece Walnut Dining-room- Suite, good condition; number af Chromo Chairs. Plan ta attend this sale, com- moncing at 12:30, continuing un- tii evorythîng sold. Tenms - Cash JACK REID, Auctioneer, Orono.1 Cars For Sale 1936 CHEV. coach, reasanable, tu Pl ai rai Ca os, oni bel orf SI gol Pei etc r', Real Estate For Sale! SEMI-DETACHED solid brick house, 5 rooms and bathroom, furnace, nome hardwood flcors,ý double garage. Price $6,000. Apply 27 Queen Street. 11-1* H. G. *Hap' GILL REAL ESTATE Listing ofincome homes and bouses forth of King Street in Bowmanvile wanted. A large list af waiting clients with large down payments avail- able. H. G. "Rap" GIU Real Estate 8 Second St. Phone 35141 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE tianeer. Proportien Sold, Rented, M.L .BlLt9 o.1 Managd aD Apprised Clarke Township, one mile noro L. M. ALLISON of Kendal, has sold his farnj Real Estate Broker and wil sell by public auctiou Phone 2566 - Newcastle, ont.,ion Saturday, March 27, at i p;.m. Two blocks north ofaitfic jSharp, ah bhis farmn stock, impe. signal, Newcastle. iments, feed, poultry and soins 20tffurniture. For ther particulars see bills. Terms cash. Jack, RecilEstae Wc ted Reid, auctianeer; Lawrence Harr- Rel stteWaltd~is, clerk. l- WANTED - Very low price I have been authorized to soul farms, with or without buildings, by Public auction for Mr. R. G. small acreage with lakes or river Blackburn, Lot 19, B.F. Whitby frontages, ranch lands, wood- Township, 21/2 miles west af [lots, mineral finds, what have Oshawa, i4- nmile south afi doyen. yau. State lot and concession, leaf on Highway 401, on Wednes. and your lowest price for cash.1 day. March 24 at 1 o'clock, his Art Sovereign, 1181 St. Clair herd of pure bred Guernsoys West, Toronto. 1-1Iail calf-hood vaccinated. Blood. ________________________ Jtested before sale. Machinery. _______________________horses, grain, bay, etc., see billW R. G. Blackburn, owner;' :Taxe FOR your eavostroughing needs, Bonnetta, farm manager; Elmer Phone Newcastle 3686. 11-1 Wilbur, auctioneer. il-le A DUTCH woman would like 1I have received instructions housework. Mrs. J. Touw, 143 from the executor of the estato Duke St., Bowmanville. 1-2* of the late Mrs. W. F. Dale to DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- seli by publie auctioji at hier late ton, for custom kil.ling. Phono resîdence, King St. East. Bow. 3243. 32-tf manville, bier entire house af furniture. This includes piano, CARPENTER jobs wantod, large i3 -piece chesterfield suite, 4. or small, insido or out. Phone'piece parlour suite, oak dining W. E. Vivian, 3692, Bowmanville. room suite, aval walnut dining 11-2* table, electric refrigerator, 4. burner eloctric stove, electrie DUTCH girl desires general washer, mantie radia, console housework on monthly basis. 1 radio, gramophone with records, Apply Box 134, e/o Canadian 2 aak bedroom suites, walnut Statosman. 11-2* bedroom suite, 2 oak dressera, TAKE the tedius part out ai!ý chiffonier, Continental bd, newv; smocking, new machine picks coffee table, book rack, walnut up dots. Bring material ta Miss chst ai drawers, odd tables and Floenc Gadinr, 86Church rockers, 2 matching rugs, 8xl1 FSree Grier.8 10-2* and Wx, congoleum rug 9xll, Street.scatter rugs, pedestal, parlor cab. DON Brooks, carpenter, con- inet, music cabinet, sewing inaa tractor-AlI types of remodell- chine ,sewing cabinet, secr t~~ ing and ktchen cupboards; mantle mrror, cuckoo Ç93:3i. builder ai new homes. Free electriec dock, old fashlod' estîmates. Phone Oshawa 5-0650, kîtchen dlock, hall rack, lathps, Bowmanville 602. 6-tf eloctric tea kettle, mron, waffle iran, heating pad, toastgir, ait [T pays ta advertise-Letu and heater, dishes, gl b. rare, addross and mail your advertis- limoges china, silver Z~ao ing. Lowest possible rates for antique silveware, cooki tens p ra mp tdependable service, ils, good velour drapes, tis. Watch your business soar! Phone cushions, good collection a table for full information, 2374 Bow- linen and bedding, 2 down corn- rnanvile. 11 forters, bedroom boxes, smail a safo, motal arnamonts, vacuumx Masory onsruc cleaner, bath roomn scales, ail. paintings, garden tools and BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRET chairs, lawn mowor and num- Froe estimates erous other good and useful articles. Sale on Saturday, AJNGER EBRGS. March 27, 1 p.m. Sharp. Ne reserve. Terms cash. In case PHONE-2643 or 3375 ai bad weather, sale will bo held 42-tf on following Saturday, April 3rd. YE#SRalph Cale, clerk. 11-2 DAVE EP'S Se ed Cleaning SHOE EPAIR PLEASE bring in all small seoda - SKATES SHARPENED as soon as possible; grain pana- M TEMPERANCE ST. (4in roar) gen troated. John Grifi.Phe AUCTION SALES Oshawa Auction Arena Ia no* oeaigevery Tuesday even. ingat7:30 P..One me nortb af the Rouse That Jack Bufit. Wil pick Up any artic1qÊ ltti radius of five xmi? "~ is heated. Phono Oshaw 0. Auctioneer, James Wood - Sale af Holstein cattle, imýpie. ments, Including new Fer og tractor, hay and grain, proi~t ai Lorne A. Thompâoi, kàI west of Ross' Corners 01p IBowmanvl il D5uke S Phono 3309 Local agent for e John F. DeWith, Realtor e1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE c4 room brick dwelling, 4-piec bath, insulated, many extra basement. $5,000. Terms. 6-roomn solid brick home, 3bedrooms, 3-pieco bath and Piece; hot water heating wit ol;. hardwood thraughout. Posi essian arranged. Snack bar and frame dwellinl consisting of 5 roams, heavy wix ing, 3-piece bath, large lot, oa No. 2 Hîghway, $8,500. Tormti immediate possession. 5-room frame bouse on larg lot, heavy wiring, furnaco, lm~ taxes, well, an paved roac $1,200 down. Farms, dwellings and bus messes. James Nixon, Broker Howard Philp, Salesman Office 85 King St. E., Phone 71, Resîdence 682 or 2620 Ped eilReal Estate 10acres, six miles from. Oshawa, 2 large barns with good frame bouse, hydro, telephone, flowing spring, close ta school, 10 acres good bush, 10 acres fall wheat. Price $13,500. Terms. New 4-room bungalow, insuîstone, hydro, water, lot 75'x175', on No. 2 High- way, East of Newcastle. $3,500 with $1,000 cash. Wanted - Small farms from 2 ta 50 acres. We have a large number af cash boy- ers waiting for such farms in this district. We can also handle larger farins. H. C. Pedwell, Brokez Newcastle Phono 38-SSL - 11-1 DeWITH REAL ESTATE 60 acre farm, %/ mile from highway, with bank barn, silo, 7 roomed frame house with hyldro throughout. cellar. Torms. 55 acre farm, north Bowman- ville, with bank barn; 7 roomed frame bouse with fornace, hydro Ithrougho ut. Has 6 acres fal wheat, 16 acres mixed hay, rest ready for spring crop. Terms. 75 acre farm with creek, some waod, good bank barn, 10 room- ed frame house with full cellar, nicely decorated, h'ydro through- oiut, chicken hoose, etc., north Bowmanville. Price $li,000. rerms. 98 acre farm, Y4 mile off the highway, with croek, 4 acres af wood, 11i0x45 ft. bank barn, water bowls;* 10 roomed brick bouse with furnace, running wator. hydro throoghout. Price $10,000. Terms. 50 acre farm, with bank barn, hon bouse, garage; 8 raomed brick bouse, close ta raîlway sta- tion. Price $7,000. Terms. 50 acre farm, north af Baw- nanville, large L-shape bank barn, creek, garage, 10 roomed bouse with bathroom, pressure system, hydro througbout, close to school, churcb and store., Price $10,000. Torms. 8 roomed frame bouse inJ village with fomnace, hydro througbout, garage. Price $6,500.1 Easy terms. 7 roomed brick bouse, New- castle, with ail beating, bath- .om, running bot and cold vater, hardwood floors, large ot. Price $7,500. $2,500 down. 10 roomoed bouse with 31/ ores ai ]and, on street, New-' îstlo. Heated by ail, laundry ubs, bathroom, bot and cold înning water, nicely decoratod. Irice $12,500. Cash. We have appraximnately 30 dher properties ta choose from. or information, contact John F. DeWith, Realtor iewcastle Phane 3341 11-1 Opportunities ECOME a bokkeeper. tenag- pher. or typist. Lessons 50c. inadian Correspondence Cours. S1290 Bay St., Toronta. 1-2* Room and Boarfd )OM and board available for ne male boardor, Aprîl lst or- fore. Phone 3477 after 5. Ref- 11 Concrele and Mason Work L. TURNER Phone 3600 Evenlngs 3231 P. O. Box 177 Bowrnanviiie 2-tf BULLDGZING and EXCAVATJNG TRENCH!NG and LOADING BT HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Estimates Given- WM. TRIPP PORT. PERRY R. R. 2 PHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 392 Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE on your Plumbing and Heating PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON New Installations ýW. A. KILPATRICK FURNACES 8t Air Conditioning OÙi Burners Sheet Notai Work EXPERKIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing DAVIS & CO. 2 Mill Laue flowmanvile Phone - Day or Nitht, 3412 - 691 1-tf, Rooms to Rent WTE have a few rooms available .t reasonable weekly rates. The Balmoral Hotel. 6-tf1 He enjoys much who is thank-i ful for little; a grateful mind s' both a great and a happy lirid. Thnnmi!, Sf-ker. Adiioa Casiid The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERITISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI. FOR SALE FOR SENT HELP WANTED LOIT FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate Sc POT Word with e minimum aofSne Moust b. pald by date ci insertion li charged, an additlonal 25e wllI h.added. A chiargeof i25e wjll b. m am 3c a word é with a miùnimum oi $1.00 for 33 words oz Ion.. IGGE ENT MAHSI& "1.00 pot__ns.i $1.00 plus toc a lin. o 1 "e COMERCIAL CLAI8FISM Uieiudes ail advertlng toi f&els : h n1 filfi servie" es or goods ofany% itoD -3c p: word; minimum cag 76ecah th ordez, To reguini advertisers. payable .oth," iSplay Clussiiied ai $l.6>0 puy inch wih a minimum of on* nch. Additionai insertion& ai th* sainnerates. AI]ClusitedAda. musi nebo teofiet notaer thcrn 12 o' clock noon, Wedn.sday ;-nd carh ttampa or mon., Sdr.:and &av* monay. 'lp thiout for haridy tuiezo. j* * ce be 'Y 2- th r- PAGE EIGHTEEN TENDERS WANTED By South Darlington Town- ship Shool Board for construc. thon af: (1) Two rooms, addition to Maple Grave and Courtice Schoolî; (2) Two-roomied school at Mitcheli's Corneors. Drawings and specifications may be obtained from Herbert Cale, Architect, 32 Ontario St., Bowmanvile upon receipt af a deposit of $25.00. Tenders will be received util 4 p.m., March 3ist, 1954. Lowest or any tender not nocessarily accepted. 10-2 Turn Page for 1 ý 1- 1 fi n THE CANADL« STATEmM. BOWMANVffl.& CMTAMO " CMAW -