PAGE SIXTEEN ~~~~~TM CANADIAN g'rATES?4". UOWMANVIT.T.1 flVAIUDf HBDT E.2r,1 Mrs. Harry Austin, Toronto, spending the bolidays iTo- la visiting ber sister, Mrs. Ed ronto. Dean. Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- S Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ewing, awa, spent the weekend with Toronto. and Mr. Donald Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Laren, Goderich, will spend Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong Christmnas with Mr. and Mrs. and family. Timmins, are C. S. McLaren.- spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Armstrong. Mrs. Thornton, Wilson ieft Miss Mabel Davey will spend- on Tuesday for Ottawa to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. K. Fralick, Prince Albert. J. Lamb and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hooper M'vr. and Mrs. A. Clough, and Mrs. Chas Awde, wilat- Trenton, are spending the boli- tend the golden wedding anni- days with Mr. and Mrs. Jim versary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maior and family. Hooper in Toronto, formerly Sand Mrs. Chas. Wood of Pontypool on Christmas Eve. spent Saturday with Mr. andj Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Mr,'. Fred Brooks, Oshawa. H. Hooper. MVr. Geo. Mitchell, Mr. andi Mr. Bill Gamsby, Kingston, Mrj- Jim Penfold, Toronto, vis-1 spent the weekend with Mr3. ited Mrs. George Butters. 1 Robert Allin. Mlr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall will and David, Rochester, arej spend Christmas with Mr. and spending Christmas weekend 1 Mrs. Brooks Cowan. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar. Mrs. Neil Smith will spend Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hay- the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. wood and Grace, Bowmanvulle, Mac Smith and family, Wil- v.sited Mr. and Mrs. Rae Wes- howdale. tri Sunday. . Mrs. O. Laing, Doris and Pe- rs. Ed. Dean is spending ter, wiil be Christmas guests C' stmas with Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Downing r li Dean. and Mary, Toronto. _ruglas Gamsby 15 a patient Miss Aima Cutteli will spend in Memoriai Hospital, Bow- Christmas weekend with Mr. rrni nville. and Mrs. Henry Junker, Pres- Miss Ethel Rutherford is1 ton. !EEATEE - ~OWMANVILLE FRIDAT - SATURDAY - DEC. 24 -25 " Copper Canyon " RAY MILLANfl Friday - 7 and 9:05 - HEDY LEMAR Saturday - 6:30 SUNDAY MID-NJTE - MON. - TUES., DECEMBER 27 - 28 UftltSd Mt ru WqED. - THURS. - DECEMBER 29 -30 Vi 0SnAuINO buIDY NCKTT* ON GINIaN i UNIVRSLINIETIPONAI PCRE and "PECOS BILL" (TECH) Time- 7 and 9:05 Specioal Mutines WEDNESDAY, DECENDER 29, 2 p... "Night Stage to Galveston" LENEAUTY Mis Shirley Porter, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and MrwMeil Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pagan, Karen and Michael, Sarnia, will spend Christmas wlth Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper and family. London, will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tonnant and Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood attended the golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday ove, of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley N. Hos- kmn, Harmony. Mrs. Chas. Awde wili spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gill- bank and Mr. and Mrs. Law- ronce Nelson, Woodbridge, Miss Margaret Flintoff, Mr. and Mrs. Cari Flintof f and family, Osh- awa, visited on Sunday with Mrs. L. Cooper and Mr. and ,Mrs. O. Cowan. Mrs. Sam Berry is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvilie. Mr. and Mrs. H. Snell and son, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Ken Gamsby. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han- cock wiil spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock, Bowmanville. To the Editor and staff may your Christmas be joyful is the sincere wish of this correspon - dent. Oshawa Wood Products HoId Christmas Party Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. heid their Christmas party on December 15 for about 70 em- pioyees and their ladies at Kedron United Church. A de- iciously bot turkey dinner was served. The tables were very gay and festive with their min- iature trees, candies, angeis, etc. Foiiowing dinner Mr. Kenneth iCourtice tbanked the ladies of Kedron Cburch for their wel phanned arrangements, also thanking Mr. and Mrs. Found for their hospitality. Mr. John Ven- ning was in charge for the re- mainder of the evening. Bill Potter and Bob Fowler won lucky draws and Lamaa Parrott won a turkey on another lucky ticket. Mr. Venning called on Mrs. Eric Courtice, Archie, Carol and Charlotte throughout the evening ta entertain withi their "Family Orchestra". Ahl numbers were thoroughiy. enjoy- ed. Several games were enjoy- ed and the winers of ail games and contests were awarded lovely prizes. Two bumorous readings were given by Mrs. Jim Haw and were enjoyed. During the even- ing Mr. Found had been asked ta show some interesting slides. These were appreciated by everyone as many pictures show- ed the men around the plant and also several of the terrible fire disaster which was in 1952, also the rebuilding and the lovely grounds as at present. Following the singing of some familier cerols by an impromptu quartette of mon and a double quartette of ladies, Auld Leng Syne was sung together, bring- ing another fine Yuletide get-to- gether ta a close for 1954. OBITUARY JOSEPH HENRY MORDEN Bowmanville has lost a num- ber of well known citizens in the past few months. Joseph Henry (Grigg) Morden, who passed away suddenly on Dec. 6 at his home, 85 Scugog St., Bowmanvile, is one of this number and will be greatly missêd by bis family and many friends about town. He was in hîs 76th year. Mr. Morden was flot in good health for the past couple of years. He was an employee of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company for 23 years and re- tired about five years ago. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry Morden and was born at Millbrook. For some years past the deceased was a member of the famous "Wood Senate" and will be greatly missed from the ranks of these retired citizens in their social club. Mr. Morden was a keen baseball and hockey fan , fol- lowing games with great re- gularity and enjoyment. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. for 45 years, and a member of Trin- ity United Church. He is survived by bis widow, Rosella Morden. and children Mrs. R. Patfield (Olive), Mrs. T. Phillips (Lillian), Mrs. Stan Dunn (Helen), ail of Bowman- ville, and son Grigg of Van- couver, B.C. He also leaves two brothers, John of Peter- borough, and Fred of Raeboro Funerai service was held on Dec. 9 in the Morris Funeral Chapel and conducted by Rev. T. A. Morgan assisted by Rev Morden, a pephew of the de- ceased. Mrs. Albert Cole pre- sided at the organ. Many friends from Bowmanville at- tended, and also from Toronto. Peterborough, Raeboro and Mount Pleasant. The many floral tributes in- cluded those of the I.O.O.F., Euchre Club. Neigbbors, Kins- men Club, Companions of the Forest, Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Guide Moth- ers' Auxiliary, The Wood Sen- ate. Palîbearers were Messrs. B. King, L. Nichols, Joe Flett, 1Milton Elliott, E. Winacott and Alex Cameron. Interment was in Bowmanvilie Cemetery. i Since 1939 the number of Canadians directly employed inil the manufacturing industries, has increased from 658,114 to I about 1,360,000. Principals in Recent Shown following their marriage Anglican Church, Bowmanville, on Oct. Mrs. Elgin M. Heard. The bride is the Winnifred Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mi Bowmanville, and the groom is the son M. Heard, Enniskillen. O0rono W.A. and W.N Officers at Christmas Àv The Orono Woman's Assoc- iation and Afternoon Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society met together on Tues- day afternoon for their Christ- mas meeting, when a large gathering enjoyed the very profitable afternoon. The President, Mrs. Ervin Rainey, was in the chair for the W.A. A short busines.s per- iod followed:- minutes were read, ail outstanding bis or- dered paid and a bank balance to date is $950.00. New busi- ness wasalso dealt with. Mrs. Drummond, chairman of nom- inating committee, presented a slate of officers for the New Year which was accepted. On m otion by Mrs. C. Wood, a committeev serve lunch their progra music Sunda Miss E. Pei Hoar, Mrs. IV motion by MV was aiso un ta make a c( ion Council b membership mem bers. It was de( some needec front door ai In closing Mrs. Ramney sincere apprE one for heiç durlng a ver3 Mrs. Drumr Il le W.1.S., thon took the chair W eddin; thdwelcomed everyone. es- pecially the large number of retary, Mrs. Cobbledick, and treasurer's report by Mrs. Armnstrong, showing the alloca- tioil had been reached before the December meeting. A new life member has been added, Mrs. Cossar of Group 3. The literature secretary, Mrs. Por- ter, emphasized the import- ance of handing to ber reading flist at once in order for ber to complete bier report. Mrs. M. H. Staples brought in the siate of officers for 1954 and also expressod sincere thanks to the president and officers for won- derful leadership during tbe I year. Mrs. Kitchen was in charge of the worship service whîch began with a lovely duet by Mrs. G. Carson and Mrs. J. Rickaby, *"Come to the Stable." Mrs. Kitcben brought a very inspiring talk on the real mean- ing of Christmas in the hearts and lives of mankind, reading scripture messages to apply it to our own hearts and making devotional service a benedic- tion to all, and closed this part of the program with prayer. Mrs. Donald Staples conduct- ed the next part of the meeting when several New Canadians members of Mrs. Staples' Eng- lh class, told very interesxing stories of their Christmas. A S group of Dutcb ladies sang a ~knumber of Christmas carols jwhich were very much enjoy- 1 ed. Officerd for the W.A. are:- Past Pres.-Mrs. C. Duncan; President-Mrs, E. R. Rainey; Ilst Vice-Pres. - Mrs. Harold Allen, 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. W. Hoar; 3rd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. C. Taylor; Rec. Sec-Miss E. Penfound; Cor. Sec. - Miss Davy; Treasurer-Mrs. J. J. Cornish; Devotional Convener -Mrs. Robt. Allun; Press Sec. -Mrs. Chas. Wood; Kitchen and Property-Mrs. W. Hoar; Parsonage Convener-Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn; Pianist-Mrs. G. Carson; Visiting and Christian ýe in St. John's Fellowship-Mrs. M. J. Tamb- ln; Sec, for Co-operation witb 16, are Mr. and Christian Education-Mrs. Kit- f ormer Madeline chen; Literature Secretary - rs. Royal S. Hall Mrs. V. Robinson; Christian of Mr andMrs.Stewardship - Mrs. Neil Ramn- of Mr andMrs.ey, Christian Citizenship-Mrs. V. Robinson. The W.M.S. officers are as follows:- Past Pres.-Mrs. C. ElectWood; President-Mrs. A. A. S. Elect Dummond; lst Vice-Pres. Mrs. M. H. Staples; 2nd Vice- 4e tn res.-Mrs. V.Roisn r Aeetýng Vce-Pres.-Mrs. R. Allun; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. W. S. Cobbledick;1 was appointed to Cor. Sec.-Miss Davy; Treas- to the choir after urer-Mrs. W. E. Armstrong; 'm of Christmas Christian Stewardship - Mrs. lay evening, being Cobbledick; Com. Friendship enfound, Mrs. W. -Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn; M. M. & MI. J. Tamblyn. A World Friends Sec.-Mrs. C. irs. M. J. Tamblyn Duncan; Supply Sec.-Mrs. C. nanimously carried Wood; Press Sec.-Miss Helene onation to Domin- Waddell: Lit. Sec.-Mrs. N. F. by presenting a if e Porter, Miss Gilfilian and Mrs. to one of our V. Robinson, Pianist-Mrs. M. H. Staples: Mission Band Lead- cided to ers-Mrs. Don Staples and Mrs. d fixtures for the I. Tamblyn; Nominating Com. fthe- parsonage.Il-Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. V. the W.A. service, Robinson, Mrs. Chas. Taylor. spoke words of 7eciation to every-H M TO pand co-operation 7y successful year. imond, president of In the Sunday afternoon school session Mrs. Keithl SSmith conducted a missionary program. Mrs. Dave Hall pre-j sented an interesting story. "How Christmas Came to the! Village" which contained a missionary theme, and was en- joyed. Gordon Smaie contri- buted a solo, "Sulent Night" Sand a number of Christmas Shymns were sung. At the Sun- t~day Schooi sessionnetS- g day, White Gift Sericwilb Sheld. A number from here at- a tended the Choral Society Con- * * ~ cert in Bowmanville last week and were bighly pleased with the enjoyable program of Chisma music provided by M hegroup. Congratulations ta Mrs. C. Wrren, Mrs. T. M. Chant and Ms. Clarence Tink who were 4prize winners at the Oshawa Horticultural Society Christ- Rmas show. M r. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowl3s Mr. Doug. White and Miss Mar- >'OU ilyn Warrack attendod the tur- key supper Wednesday night With at Kedron church put on by Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Caverly fron-A and little daugbter, and Mrs. A Sudds, Bowmanviiie, vîsited at Mr. e Caverly and Mr. Bruce Caverly were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, ~Bowmanvilie, and attended gh the carol service at Trinity j~Church in the afternoon. The Sacred Christmas Can- tatta. '*Worship -atthe Man-I Sager" wili be presented at the AHampton Church on Thursday. Drive, Oshawa, who celebrated d i 1their Stb wedding anniversary on Tuesday. Yuletide Greetings are ex-, Jtended to the Editor and ai] 1 rades o Te CnadanStates- Man" Orono Church Chimesý Dedicated on Sunday Christmas services were held! Christmas scenes wes-e acted at Orono Unite.d Church on jout by the children, while flan- Sunday, Dec. l9th, and- spien- rnohgraph Nativity scenes and a did congregations were out ta quartette of budding "bansters"' hear the Christmas message in added mucb to a very interest. 4 music. song, redn n ord. ing program. Sat Cau At the morning service six came and each child receivod children were baptised into the a package of candy, apples anA fellowsbip of the churcb: Sheila nuts. Superintendent Staplem1 Marie Bairstow, Richard Mer- and bis staff of teachers an, vyn Bean, William Ernest Gil- officers are ta be conratulate, bank, Heather Christine McGill, on a very fine evening. Sally Jane Staples and Gre- gory Glenn Wiggins. Following the Baptismal ser- vice a beautiful set of Maas O ron o Bank - Chimes, presented to the church Y by Rn anonymous donor andCh àe installed by Heintzman Com- Ch ng suIs, pany, Toronto, were dedicated. The chîmes bang immediattly above the entrance to the chan- January cel. Followig the dedication a hymn-tune was played on the The Orono Branch of the carillon. The message of the Canadian Bank of Commerce minister concerned the chai- wiil, at the first of the year, longe of Christmas - "Christ- adopt a change in business mas Challenges Us With a Life hours. and With a Love." The choir Effective on January 8th the rendered suitable Christmas Orono branch wiii not be open music. for Saturday business as it bas The evening service was I- been in the past. The orono most entirely musical with an Branch wili be open aIl day inspipng program prepared by Wednesday instead of the haif the choir under the direction Of day closing in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Workman. Chor- Further banking hours wiil be uses were rendered by the added on Friday when the bank choir, trios by Mesdames Car- wiii be open fromn 4:30 to 6 p.m. son, Drummond and Rickaby, The Orono Bank is one of the, and solos by Mrs. A. A. Drum- iast to come under these new mond, Wm. Mitchell and Glenn hours wbich are in effect in the Allin. majority of branches. The cburcb, with lovely Banking hours during the flowers in front, flanked byl week will be from 10:00 a.m. to two large Christmas trees suit- noon and from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. abiy decorated, iooked beauti- On Fridays the bank wili be fui, whiie the life-size Nativity open again at 4:30 p.m. and re- Scenes orected outside the front main so until 6:00 p.m. The church dpors, added ta the Orono Branch will be closed al spirit and message of this Hoiy day Saturday. season. On Monday nigbt the Sunday School beld their annual Con- A votive latnp in the Ursu- cert and Tree. Carols were line chapel at Quebec has beea sung by the congregation, burning continuously since 1717. %1g49D0D May you find this Christmas bright with cheer sud richly libuadant with the mury pleauwes of good feilowship! Té Yola Our may fiiendsansd patrons-. . THIS IS OUI GREETING TO YOU L. A. Parker & Sons Plumbing - Heating - Oil Burners 47 King St. E. Phohie MA 3-5651 Bowman ville Cleaners & Dyers TRURSDAY, DEC. 23rd, 1954 PAGE SMTMýR L'I . 90%.P Wy 49&9,",q V JLAà&jrd% %ffl A àljrud