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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1955, p. 14

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_____1In U.LVIPL LATEMA' BOnMw±vAr VIJI.Z.ON'TARIO THURSDAY UY2s,15 Parade of Pro gress to Visit Oshawa JuIy 28 . See tomorrow today! That's inside. The resuit being a the slogan of General Matorî mammoth tent camfortably «Il new Parade of Progress seating 1250 people with no that will appear ti Oshawa at wires, ropes, or anything Io Alexandra Park The huge tra- obstruct vision of the shows. velling circus of science will Here spectators will see the open ta the public on Thurs- "Cold Stove" that neyer gets day, July 28, and will operate hot, the "Motor that Runs en daily from 2 ta 10 p.m. through Sunshine", the drop af water the following Saturday, July with a bang, and many other 30. Admission is free. dynamic demanstratians of pro- The Parade of Progress spells gress. out in fascinating displays, in The atmasphere is that af a exciting words, the accomplish- circus, camplete with "big top" ments of modern science and and sideshaws. The midway is engineering . . . and outlines made up of twelve "Futurlin- the bright and happy futuce ers" whase sides open ta form our research men and engin- stages and marquees where ane eers have in store for the Can- can see demonstrations on jet adian family. propulsion, "The Miracles of Travelling in twelve special- Heatý and Cold, Energy and ]y designed "Futurliners", ten Man, "3-D Sound", and many tractor-trailers, and 22 other others. 0f special interest Io trucks, station wagons and pab- the ladies are exhibits an mod- senger cars, this huge cavai- ern refrigeration. "Around the cade af 44 vehicles will bring Farmhouse Clock" and eggs be- entertainment and a deeper ing fried an a stave that neyer meaning of aur way of life ta gets hat. thousands who visit it. Always a favorite ta young Featured is a 40-minute stagec and aid alike is 'Old Scout" show in the "Aerodome" tent, the 1902 Oldsmobile that wonn only tent of its kind in exist- the first transcontinental ac0 ence. It is canstructed like an in 44 days. Old Scout still runs inside-out umbrella with. the and a]though the operator bas ribs of aluminum on the 0utý- difficulties every nov,' and then side and the silver, plastic- lit is alwav-s a joyous momentj coated canvas suspended on tn w hen she sputters ta life agrain During its tour before Worl War II the Parade of Progress Den'ItH YFEV R - visited 2,51 cities in Canada, Meioand the United State, and had mare than twelve and rJETane haîf million spectatorF. I YOU The new edition af the Parade - taok ta the road in April, 195:3 and after visiting 97 cities in the States and 5 cities in Can- ada, it has been viewed by over 5,250,000 people. Purpose of the Parade is to showhowsience and industry S OH AC K E TO fN combine ta oscontribute ta aur INHALAN çOMPouNID high standard of living. Beyand this, GM hopes that the Paradc QUICK delightful relief fram the of Progress will inspire young mylaptoms of head .,n!d, sinus, catarrh, people ta work tôwards an bronchitis, athn, hay fever. even better tomaorrow. The Shackelton Cornpouind and the Oshawa is the sixth city ta *aay-to-use Inhaler complete- 35.00. be visited by the Parade of At Drug and Department Stores, or Progress on its current Cana- write direct ta: dian tour. Montreal, Ottawa, EDOAR RATON ASSOCIATifS Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie 399 IEDrad complete the schedule. puWveuo.Y bWch.uood«. : The Ontario Department af SLands and Forests' target in 1956 will 'be 30 million seed- lings, produced for planting new forests. Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years This Week at the Royal TUUR.-FRI.-SAT. - JULY 21.- 22 - 23 JOMUVgàymg QIRE'IuEVO lt AvID9!3màqtN @ýmIh IRI S EARAINE [DAY j3 IMEASO "Blue Rîbbon Award Wnner" Thurs., Fri., 7 and 9:30 Sat urday, 6:30 and 9:10 Attention "Cody" Fans Chapier 5 - "Cody of Pony Express" Friday. 6:45 and Saturday, 2 p.în. only NON.-TUES.-WED. - JULY 25 -26 -27 WALT DISNEY presents The Vanishing Prairie (Technicolor) Stirring New Tnite-life Adventure Also hWiIIie the Opera tic W hale" (Technicolor) A Cartoon Novelty featuring the talents of Nelson Eddy Extra Color Feature ""The Hoffest 500" Story of the 37th annual running of the Mile Memorial Day Race at Indianapolis 7 and 9 pan. iMatinee. Wednesday, 2 p.m On location, the Parade of Progress looks like a huge circus. This vievw shows th,- Aerodome tent in the back grou nd with the Futurliner exhibits rangec in front of it, mîdway fashion. Crowds gather around the Futurliners each of whicln contains an animated exhibit on cach side. The stage and marquee of each exhibil are forrncd bv the sides of the x'ehicle which fold outward and Iock into position. Each has its own sound system and a lecturer or recorded narration to explain the exhibit. A sun mator turns the wheel in th is picture. The tiny motor is Sa delica te that it operates on heat fromn the suni, or, i n this case, from a 150-watt lamp. A candie connected ta a thermopile also pro duces sufficient power ta turn the mator. An example of what might corne in the future, the sun motor at present is flot - practical since it takes mare power ta run it than the motor itself can praduce. This is only one of many scîentific marvels con tained in the three-hour long GM Parade of Progress exhibition. Two Runs in Eighth ENNISKJLLEN Mr,, LBradley was the kiî' 12. President lVIs. E.Teh Clin h Ga e fr Ro es apened the meeting w îtb a The Braokdale Roses added a home run. The hall hit theves.Terlca]w a another win ta their growing graund in front af right fielder fineed bvota daily quatation. A list, defeating Coîbomne Dodgers, John Fard and bounced errat- fine devotMion l w hs resete the third-place team, 5-3 at ically intoth long grass, wbere b1Ms .MGilwt ci *teture reading by Mrs. A. iMemorial Park last Wednesday Ford lost it. Brunt. Several items ai bu.ýi- evening. With the score 3-3 In thej ness were dealt witb. Mrs. A. The. Roses squeezed lan two eighth. Buck Cowle gat an base Boyd, charmingly took charge runs in the eighth and final xith a walk. He stole second. af a wvell planned study pe--- inning ta break a 3-3 tie and and advanced ta third when a iod. being excerpts froîn a ne\v! cincb the game. wild thraw gat past the second book, by Constance Wagar. Maxie Yourth scored in the baseman. Tim Cox came ta bat Mrs. A. Brunt gave the intro- first and third innings. starting witb the winning run an tbird duction, Mrs. T. Slemon gave each time with a w'alk and a base, and hit a sacrifice fly ta the story ai one chapter ana istolen base, In the third inning, the rigbt fielder. who dropped Mrs. J. Slemon also gave in- bhe crossed the plate when Falls the bail. Tim advanced araund formation an the subject. A b it a solid double. Roy Falls the bases and was sent home very interesting and thouglit- scored in this inning forh on a bit by Bob Williams. fuI presentatian ai the ma.n third run. McMullen of -Col John Stainton pitched the points from the United Na- aon ia he re inni t top aroun entire gaine for the Rases. tiimns' literature was given by of heining saringaru- Mrs. F. McLaugblin. The meet- the bases witb a walk. ing closed witb a praver. Dur- In the Coiborne fifth, McMul- n th soilouGup. len again was walked, and scor- ia t m a e sre dainty lunch. ed wben pitcher Bill Mitts bit Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwirî., k I L I ') Donna Gail and Rodney at- Newcastle 3- tended an Iwnfml en ion at Bobcaygeon. F1ia ih Mrs. VernaWod rnf. Frid y N ght visited ber parents, Mi'. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. who al - 'The local Bantam basebal I visited Mr. and Mrs. Flov'd p team, wbicb now basasoian Pethick at their cottage at unbreakable bold on first pleICameron Lake. in their league, played New- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred BanIcs castle, last year's All-Ontaria and family. WEston. accampar- champions, last Friday and de- ied Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grif- \ \feated them 3-1. fin and family, ta Cobourg. Th-am a pae Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Svane- Thegae as laedat feît, Mr. and Mrs. Norman W!l- LMerorial Park, despite set son, nd Kerry.d Mis- Susan groud an thratenna sbirtda and in spite ai the fact that their partxy at Mr. and Mrs. C. A. sponsors, the Cana4iian Legion Wtts avle Branch 178 was holding a carn- Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Werr% ival at the public scbool grounds. and Sandra. attended the Trud Seven innings were played in picnic on Saturday at Orono. Planing Trp ? ne hur.Master Clame Ashton return- Bates pitcbing and Piper ed home from holidaying witb catching for Bowmanville, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. BE SURE ta consider this: Fallous pitching ta Mcdullough S. Kersny. Hampton: Master for Newcastle were the batteries.RnieadRceKesva ~~'ileyoureawa, te lg- This was Bowmanville'e seventb Taranto, are halida.ving wUith gage, clothing, sports equip- consecutive win, and the seventb Masters Clare and Douglas in eight starts.I Ashton. ment and other belongings Port Hope. wborn thev play Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oka you take with you may he Mondav ..Jul ' 25, at Memnorial and Garmv. Oshawa, were with Park, is in second place witb i Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Oke on, lost, stolen or destroyed. five wîins and four lasses. Sunday.i When traveling, you need j - miss ~ ilda Kay. Tomanto,.ý Personal Effects Policy. Ask visited &m and Mms. Adam; Sharp. us about this broad. where- Sarry ta repart Ross Sharp> ev'er-y ou-go protection, is in Western Hospital, Toron- to, having bis kaee taken care ofa from an injury ia piaying football sometime aga. OshwaMiss Suzan Wearn, accom- Oshawapanied Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ST A T .JA E Werry and Betty, Jane. w-hc 1 Nemorial Service %'ere holiday guests witb M. 'nsurance Real Estate and Mrs. Robt. M. Morrison at' Resience anakersand ornr atnes Mm. Bruce Davis, Toronto,; MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 No. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F spent the weekend with Mm. King Street F. Bowimanville CITY LVMITS and Mrs. Lamne Lamb.i Dial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 Mr. and Mrs Keitb McGill,1L ian., tinte and reverse charges Bowmanvile, Mr. and Mrs. 0Roy McGil and Reva, weme 11 . . . .... . ........... inorning 10 a.m. C.G.I.T. was held on July Il with Reva 'McGili and Nancý Wood in chairge. The warship was conducted by Reva Mc- GuI. The pragram cansisted of a piano solo by Lais Ashton, better grooming chat by Elenor Heard, piano solo by Judy Green and a contest by Reva McGill. The meeting closed with Taps. C.G.I.T. held their picnic at of July l2th. Swîmming was enjayed by all with a basebali game following. A deliciaus supper was enjayed by -i!!. Games under the leadership of Revà McGill. Ruth Lamb and Gloria Wriight were played. The treasure hunt was won by Mrs. Ashton's group, milk bot- tle contest wvon by Mrs. Ash,%. ton, straight race with Lamaa Wearn first and Rev. Green second. Later everyane went aver ta Camp , Pretoria for Sunday visitors ai Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydan. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright are holiday- îng with Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Svanefelt and baby, Langstaff, wpere vis- itors ai K. V. Svanefelt and N. Wîlsan's. Miss Susan Svane- felt returned hame. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schell and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Halatuck and family ai South River, were week-end visitars af Mr. and Mrs. E. McNaim. Master Lamne Thompsan, Stauffville, is spending a week's vacation with Master Lackie and Miss Maureen Mc. Nair. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wes- tern and Bill, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Sympathy is extended ta the family ai the late Mrs. Emmna Kennedy who passed away very suddenly. Miss Donna Gail Irwin, is holidaying with Miss June Ir- wvin, Toronto. Miss Linda Stainton, is home from having a week's holidays at Miss Helen Hape's, Port Perry. Master James Beaumont, To- ronto, is holidaying with Mas-J ter George Leadbeater. Misses Marguerite Wright and Gertrude Bea, St. Cathar- ines. visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werî'y, Betty Jane, and Clark, attend- ed th special services at El- ddchurch and xvere guests af Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stita, IMrs. W. J. Stainton, were vs itars with Mrs. Ada TamblynýI, and Mrs. J. D. Brown, at Or- ana. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bottreli, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sandemcock, and family, Omono. were with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergusan. Mrs. E. Strutt. Mrs. Cliffard Pethick and Ruth, are holiday- ing at Caesarea. Mrs. John E. Griffin and family is spending a week's holidays at Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Grif- fin, Heather and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. visited Misses Helen and Lillian Cale, at Jackson's Paint. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahmn, Tyrane, Mrs. Alex Perger, 1 Waterdown, weme Sunday evening callers at Mm. and Mrs. R. Griffin's. Miss Shirley Mills accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly and Mr. Ken Kelly of Bow- manville, an a tour down thraugh the States as far as New York and back thmougts Detroit and Western Ontario. Misses Darlene and Kathryn Hall with Miss Kathryn Sie- mon. Mm. Ken Kelly. Bowmanville, Mrs. Harold Milîs, Shirley, Bruce and Chester, with Mrs. Roy Goodes, Part Perry. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd, at- tended the funeral af the late Mrs. J. Kennedy, which was held from Narthcutt & Smith',; funeral parlours on Saturday T1IKE T S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Cansult JURY & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Dead Stock Removed Ilighest prices paid for Dead, Old and Crippled Farm Stock. TELEPHONE COLLECT Cobourg 1787 NICK PECONI, PETERBOROUGH 2.10,10 MASONRY PAINT -. HT - PI E INA AIT Abernethy s Paint & Wallpaper 85 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 "KNOW WUAT I'M POJN11MC AT?' *"Well, actuall y, I'm not really pointina tanything, Fin merely here ta point out the value cf having a well-known trust campany ta administer your estate. Y'ou see, your estate is fart ta important ta put away in the background." He has a point, yau know. If you weme ta take advantage of the ca-opemation and experience of The Sterling Trusts Corporation nou', it could very well sai'e a lot af inconvenience and trouble later. Write today for aur free booklet, "Blueprint For Your Famnily." It covers many of the aspects of estate administration. TH E STERLING TRUSTS CO0R POR A TIO N MEAD OFFICE 372 Bey St., Toronto BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop Sf., Barris Helena Rubinstein's Tcrero F»i rnk new lipstick color for the daring ofthe hullf4ght. ln Helena Bubinstein's new texture thai ;oI'tens like a beauty treatment, shimmers for long hours. And spcial sa viîgs tao!-for a limited lime Helena Rubinstein allers Torero Pink lhpstick (1.50 by itsr-lf) with lier beauliful Silk.'T'ne Liquid Rouge in Pnk-Tne (.50hv lei ajs[25tothr JURY & LOVEU.ï [HUNE MA 3-5778 BU WMAN VILLE - HR-755 ~l) I. mI PAGE POTIRTEEN Geneva Park on the aftemnom Open Hause. Tnr rAvAntATi làn- BAK"?"'FIP J%,&VfflA"Vý LASTING BEAUTY and PROTECTION

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