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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Aug 1955, p. 5

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w ?RfURUDAY, AUG. llth, II [955~~~~~~UMNVLX ONTARIOnA1 '~'IUaiA~ #~m St. John's Anglican Churcb, Port Hope, decorated with tal white baskets of pale pink and white gladioli and, contrasting flowers on the altar was the setting for the marriage of Barbara Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brown of Port Hope, to Willis Alexander Bruce Macdonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Macdonald of Bowmanville, on Saturday, Jujy 30. Rev. Leonard Baird *officiat- ed. Mrs. J. Meeking presided at the organ and the soloist was Miss Ruth McCullen, who sang "O Perfect Love". Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a full skirted waltz-lengtb gown of white embroidered nylon net over white slipper satin. The bodice was fitted, and fashion- ed with a portrait neckline of stiffly pleated nylon net and long pointed cuff steeves. Her finger-tip veil 'of embroidered nylon net was caught ta a head- dress in the form of a small tiara encrust ed with seed pearîs and white bugle heads. She carried an arm bouquet of American Beauty %roses and white sweet peas. Miss Margaret Uglow of To- renta, was maid of bonour and Miss Joy Mallory of Wark- wortb, was bridesmaid. They wore identical frocks of strap- less pastel blue nylon net ever taffeta of the same shade, in ballermna lengtb. The very ful skirts wete designed with rows of satin-bound shirred net and the bodices were gathered soft- ly and topped with short sleeved bolero jackets which edged at neckline and leeves with shirred net. They wore matching 'gloves and shoes and tiny haif bats of pale blue taffeta trimmed in front with pink and white for- get-ne-nots and short veils. They carried nosegays of pink sweetheart roses, white mums and pink and white sweet peas. Mr. Raymond Davey of Bow- manville, was groomsman. Ushers were Mr. George Van Derbilt of Oshawa, and Mr. William Ellis of Bowmanville. At the reception held later in St. John's Parish Hall, the bride's mother received wear- îng a powder blue linen dress suit, with peari trim at the neckline of dress and jacket. Her hat and accessories were in powder blue and white and she wore a corsage of pink sweetheart roses..1 The groom's mother assisted wearing a rose crepe gown with matching laçe inserts at the bodice. Her hat and acces- sories were of rose and white, ,and she wore a corsage of white roses., For travelling the bride wore Wed in Blackstock Church TAYLOR - SMITH Hampton United Church was eN decorated with baskets of white gladioli on Satunday af- ternoon, July 30, for the mar- ri age of Miss *Kathleen Myrtle Smith and Mn. Allyn Reginald Taylor. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, Hampton, and the Cutting the wedding cake following their marriage groom is the son of Mr. and lnBlackstock United Church on Saturday, July 30, are Mrs. Wesley Taylor, Tynane. Mr. and Mrs. Donald-Alfred Imrie. The bride is the Rev. F. J. Reed* performed the former Grace Yvonne Grieve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. eremony, Joh Greve Netieonandthegrom i th so ofMr. Miss Mary Niddery, Hamp-1 JohnGriveNesteto, ad th grom s th so ofMr.ton, presided at the organ and and Mrs. Everett IMrie, Lindsay. accompanîed the soloist, Miss -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hopé: Shirley Milîs of Enniiskillen, who sang "O Promise 'Me" and "The Wedding Prayer". 1%-IGiven in marniage by ber, Couple to e ide nere father, the bride was lovely in ,.-,a floon length gown of white nylon net aven white satin, la- vishly, inset with rose point lace extending aven the bips 4, à into the full skirt. The bodice e ;Wtwas fashioned with long torso. 4, > a scalloped neckline, and wnist '14 length sleeves. Her full finger- tip length veil fell fnom a pearl f embroidered tiara, and she car- rîeda bouquet of red roses and wvhite carnations. *Mrs. Donald Prescott, En- field, sisten of the bride was matron of bonor, wearing yel- low nylon figured net aven taffeta in balleina length. Miss Lorrene Warrack, Hamp- ton, as bridesmnaid, wore a sim- ilarly styled gown in nile green . Bath wore matching cmr- clets of pylon net embnoidered with sequins, and carried cas- cades of white and yellowt Mn. Keith Davey, Tyrone.t was best man, and ushers were iMn. Glenn Smith, Hampton,t brother of the bride, and Mr.a SMorley Tennant, Bowmanville.3 A reception followed in the Sunday School Room of tu chunch, the bride's mothen w'earing a dress cf sky ble crepe with insets of white lace t O. tembroidered with briliants. s IHer accessonies were pink, andr she wone a corsage ef pink rases. The groom's mother was gewned in rose crepe w:th I navy accessonies and wore a corsage of pink and white s roses. For a boneymoon trip te t points east, the bride chose aS t ~dress of aqua nylon net over t taffeta with white accessonips and corsage af red roses. The Young couple will reside in s Bowmanville. Prior ta her mariage, the d ~ Pctued ollwig teirwedin inSt.Joh'sbride was guest cf honor ath follwingthei weding n SLJohns i iscellaneous shawers held by l Anglican-,Church, Port Hope, en JuIy 30, are Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Will Asbton, Enniskillen, Willis Alex.ander Bruce Macdonald, who will reside In and Miss Lonrene' Warrack, Bowmanville. The bride is the former Barbara Marie Hampton. l Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brown of Port11N Hoe nd the groom is the son of Mr. and MNrs. William1 About one-third cf Saskat- a Maconad omavle chewan's electrîfied fanms dnawý -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Uopei tei power from wind gener-wt Aug ust Bridai in Trinit - Church a princess style dreu of yeflow bammered satin, with stand-up collar and very full skirt. Pearîs and rhinestones decor- ated the sleeveless bodic. A smiail white bat and long glovet and other accesaories in white, completed ber costume and ber corsage was a mauve-shad- ,ed orcbid. After their return from. AI- onquin Park and other points, M r.and Mrs. Macdonald will live at 5 Orcbard View, Bow- manville. DMIE - GRIEEVE Pink and wbite gladioi de- corated Blackstock U n i t e d Church for the wedding on Sat- urday afternoon, July 30, of Grace Yvonne Grieve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grieve, Nestleton, and Donald Alfred Imrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Imrie, Lindsay. Rev. C. W. Hutton performed the ceremony and wedding music was played by Mr. David Jenkins, Oshawa, who also accompanled the solo- ist, Mr. Ken Mayberry, of Osh- awa. The bride was given in mar- niage by ber father and chose a floor length gown of white Chantilly lace and nylon netf over satin. A long-sleeved lacel bolero trimmed with whitel peari sequins was worn overf the strapless bodice. She wore a double strand necklace of pearis and peari earrings, the gift of the groom. A coronet of net and lace trimmed with pearl sequins held ber three-quarter length veil, and she carried a bouquet of red roses. The attendants were Mrs. Bob Bovie, Lindsay, matron of bon- or; Miss Dorothy Imrie, Lind- say, sister of the groom, Miss Nora Venning, Blackstock, bridesmaids; and Margaret Wald'en, niece of the groom, Little Britain, flower girl. The matron of bonor and bridesmaids were gowned alike in full length dresses of blue nylon net embroidered wîth white over taffeta., Short sleev- ed boleros were worn over the strapless bodices, and matching wide brimmed bats in bonnet1 shape completed their cos-i tumes. They carried bouquets of yellow and white feathered mrums. The little flower girl wore yellow taffeta witha halo bat matcbing ber dress. Mr. Bob Bovie, Lindsay, was best man, and ushers were Mr. Jim Grieve, Nestleton, brother of the bride, and Mr. Georger [Imrie, Lindsay, a cousin of the groom. Philip Nott Oshawa, was ring bearer.3 The reception was held In - the Recreation Centre, Black-t stock, wbere the brîde's mother received wearing Vpowder blep pleated nylon net with pink ac - cessories and corsage ef pink ti roses. The groom's mother woreE navy lace aver. pink taffeta1 with navy accessories and cor- sage of pink roses.0 For the boneymoon trip to ti Quebec, the bride chose a pink j, and white linen dress with A natching duster ceat and white a' accessories. Her corsage was of Sweetheart roses. The young h couple will reside In Lindsay. p: A miscellaneous shower was i? given for the bride pnior ta her T1 narriage by Mrs. Bob Bovie. C Miss Dorothy Imrle and M;ss U Nora Venning. Miss Verna Ste- ns, Lindsay, was hostess at a *antry shower. Skating Club Plan's Ouf standing Season Starting October 9th The Bowmanville Skatingr Club, wbich is now operating i independently, will have 24 weeks' ice during the coming I 1955-56 season. It will stant Sunday, October 9th, and last until March 24th, 1956. Details were decided recently at a meeting of the Club executivu lield at the Lions Centre. Donald Herne, Tests chair- man, plans ta have figure and dance tests held on Tuesday, December 27tb, and Saturday, Nfarch 24th. October, Novem- ber and December will be for figure and dance work, and, there will not be any cannival practice until the New Year. January and February will be, argely but not entirely, prac-i tices and rehearsals for "The 3ig Show." Members will havei March ta devote ta further pre-j paration for tests and re-tests1 on the 24th. Two members of( the Club are now qualified ta judge Canadian Figure Skating( Association tests, Don Herne1 and Glen Hughes. The Carnival this year, to be held. on March 2 and 3, wi]ll present a picturesque and amus-i fig "Tour of the World on Ice."1 Tbis theme was selected by the1 Carnival Design Committee, ofI which Bill Bagnell is chairman, HAYDON Mn. and Mrs; Earl Luke and family, *Hampton, at Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ashton's. Mn. Walter Douglas, New- castle and Mn. Douglas, Toron- ta, visited Mn. and Mns. A. Mc- Neil. Mrs. D. Colbary and family, Long Brancb, wlth Mrs. T. Çewling and Mn. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Debarah remaining fbn a week. Mn. and Mrs. Ron Mornison, Mn. and Mrs. George Bentrirr and son, Oshawa, at Mn. anc Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. Clem Rahm, Tyrone, at «Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham's Mrs. Silas Trewin, Toronto, is visiting at the Trewin home. Mn. and Mis. Ross Ashton and family and Ray Ashton visited Miss Emmjq Werry, Ta.ý ronta.- Mfr, and Mrs. W. Blackburn ad famil'y attended the Foley picnic at Cream of Barley Park, Bowmanville an Satur- day. Miss Marie Ashton attended the Peterboro Fair an Satur- Cfay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy .Grahami and family matored ta Can- nington on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Russell Ander. son, Barbara and Allun, Part Hope, Mrs. M. Anderson, Bow- manville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin. On Saturday evening, Aug. 6. the. church shed whîch was decorated with pink and white belîs and streamers and baskets of pink. and white gladioli. was the scene of a presentation ta Miss Audrey Hay and Mn. Clay- tan Read. The bride and groom-to-be were escorted ta the platfonm' by; Mn. Walker ýand Mrs. Arthur Tnewin. Mr. J. Walker acted as chairman. The program cansisted of readi- ing by Mrs. Cowl%,ing; piano! duet by Ina Beryl Read and Lynda Patts; solo by Ray Ash-1 ton; reading, Mrs. J. Jones; In- strumental, Mrs. Lloyd Slemon; reading Mrs. Fred Ashton; duet Ina Beryl Read and Lynda Potts: quartette, Miss May Tre- win. Lynda Potts. Mns. Arthur Trewin, Mns.. J. Potts. The yaung couple were pe sented with a combination end table and larnp and hassock. Suitable replies were made andl the nemainder of the evening I was. slent in s sing-eong led by Mrns. Lloyd Ashton. Lunch was served. W. A. August meeting Thuns- day aftennoon at 2.30 at the hiome of Mrs. C. Rankine's. Congratulatffins ta Mr. and V!ns. George Tabb on the b irt.,x1 of their daughten. Mrs.- Wiil White and Doug- as, Miss M. Wanrack, Miss Nanc.v Johns, Hampton, at Mr.l and Mrs. Llo,.d Siemnon s Mn. Milton Slemon spent the,] weekend with Mfr. Elnier Sle-I man.-Toronto. and Mrs. Peggy Mulholland and Don Herne are the mem- bers. "Now with the Bawmanville Skating Club an its own, and with a leading new profession- al, John S. Rodway, we expect the coming season to be the best yet. In addition ta Tots', Juniors', and Seniors' classes, and the Family Skating, there will be aduit ice dancing ses- sions. This plan bas been greeted with much interest and many bave remarked that it will offer fun and companion- shîp as well as increasing ice skill to an adult group." Glen Hughes, the Skating Club pre- sident, told The Statesman ta- day. He also complimented the Club's directors on their good ideas and enthusîastic work for the coming season, and pointed eut that Bob Watt, Chairman, and the Arena Management Committee are co-operating one ýhundred percent ais usual. 1OtherSkating Club directors are W. W. Bagnell, vice presi- dent; Mrs. Adele Finnigan, sec- retary; Mrs. Mel McNulty, treasurer; Mrs. Peggy Mulhol-. land, elrank Blunt, Donald Boe, Donald Herne, and Clarence Goodman. Miss E. Hellyar Celebrates FHer 9Oth Birthday The Statesman joins with ber many bold friends in offer- 1ing cordial congratulations to Miss Eva Hellyar, Division St., Bowmanville, on celebrating her 90th birthday on Saturday, 1August 6th. She received many cards, gifts and letters wishing ber many happy returns of the day. During the afternoon, a number of friends called to ex- tend personal good ýwishes and enjoy a chat with ber. All were delighted ta find ber in fairly good bealth and stili taking an interest in wbat is going on locally and in world affairs, as well as enjoying ber favorite programs on televis- ion. She is happy and fortunate in having as ber companion for a number of years now, ber niece, Miss Harriet Bartlett, formerly of Toronto, daughter of the late Rev. S. T. Bartlett. Refreshments were served to callers by Miss Bartlett. Older citizens will recaîl that Miss Hellyar's father and brother, bath John Hellyar's, carried on a successful boot and shoe business for many years where Chartran's Men's Clothing Store is now located, until John Hellyar Jr. retired in 1908 and sold eut to Fred Mviss Hellyar, through t1h KEDRON bas bena member a: Methodist Church, now Trin. A Kedron Sunday School picnic, ity United Church. To thos. ýd an event of Tuesday evening at who can go back in memory tc Geneva Park, probably com- the 90s and attended the Meth. -pleted the community gnoup pic- odist Cburch, they will recal -nics for bis season. Miss Hellyar was a faithfui At the bountiful supper for member of the Sunday School some 65, Supeintendent Clar- library staff, along with Mr ence Werry served ail with ice John Stacey, Miss Sarah Neacf cream and Mrs. E. Mountjay and Miss L. Aikins. rkindly kept the tea cups filled. Some of the devoted Sunday 9 Present from a distance were Scbool teachers of thàt era Misses Marie and Helen Cale were: Misses Annie Veule, Mankham, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Max' Mary Ann Bunner, Minnie nBallard of Moose Jaw, Sask. Joness, GePtie Young and Mrs. d while the youngest member F. A. I{addy. Dr. W. E.. Tilley present was the baby daughter Was the Superintendent. All o: of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Vaillan- the above names bave since court with ber train of youthful passed on ta their reward ex- and enthused attendants. cepting Mrs. )ïaddy, who is ir John Gloven and Douglas Lave ber 93rd year and living in *capably conducted the following Toronto, and Miss Eva Hellyar. Iraces: Boys 5 and under-John Thomas, Donald Werry; girls 5 Pascoe on S.unday were Mr. and and und£%r-Bonnie Dyke, Don- Mrs. Godfrey Bowman and Ro- na Glover; boys 5 - l0-Rae Tre- land, Enfield. 1gunna, Louis Vaillaticourt; girls The Howard Farndale family 5 - 10- Sharon Vaillancourt, spent a mast pleasant holiday ai Lynda Starr; boys 10 - 16- their cottage' near Dwight, on Brian Lee, Keith Tregunna; Lake of Bays. A bappy surprise girls 10 - 16-Carolyn Spencer, visit taok place when, on a trip Jennifer Thomas; mens race- into Huntsville, the Farndales Nelson Vaillancourt, John Glov- came upon Miss Beatnice* Maunt- er; women's race-Mrs. Dyck, jay with the Bob Hancocks wha Mrs. Wm. Werry; 3-legged race, were motoning ta Ottawa by the open ta all-Mrs. C. Hopkins North Route. and Mrs. Dyck; Sharon 'Vaillan- Mrs. James Gengelly matored court and Jennifer Thomas; ta Malton on Monday ta meet wheelbarrow - Nelson Vaillan- ber husband who is home for a court and Lamne Ferguson; Doug- bnief holiday, following a ses- las Love and John Glover; shoe sien of piloting for f ire rangers kicking-Mrs. Dyck, Mrs. C. in the Kirkand Lake area. Hopkins; mens bail throw- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry, John Glover. Ron and Jeanine, John Lake and The Young People's bail game Kenneth Hoskin sPent a day was fo]lowed by a swim fan with the Lawrence Allens at many, and neighbourly visiting their cottage an Lake Kushog, by the rest. with surf board niding featured Mrs. Grant Glaver was hostess among the pleasures af the day. ta ber sisters and their families! Guests of Mrs. J. Brooks at on Tuesday. Guests were Mrs. ber cottage here at Brook Park' Anderson, Toronto; Mrs. Miller, have included Dr. George Werry! Brougham, Mrs. Crawford, Whjt- and family, Oshawa.1 by, and Mrs. Knox, Solina. A Donna Glover celebrated beri picnic by the creek in the woods, fourth birtbday an Wednesday was a pleasant finale.1 with a party for a few of ber With the Lorne Tregunnas as!'friends at hier home. Sunday guests were:Mrs. S. Tip- Mrs. P. Shortt with Mr. and pett, Mrs. A. Tippett, Joan, Don- Mns . Clîfford Hopkins and fani- na and Randy, Oshawa. ily 'enjoyed a mator trip ta Neighbours bere are sorry ta Kapuskasing during Mrs. Hop-, lcann of an accident suffered by kins' holiday. Ian Hancock recently, which Mn: and Mrs. Ray Scott, Lynda will necessitate some surgical and Douglas enjoyed a moton' treatment in Toronto, scbeduled itnip through the Haliburton for the end of August. Highlands and visited Santa Mrs. George Scott had the mis- Claus Village in Muskoke. We fortune ta suffer a dislocated1 wonder if this present trek ta %houlder in a fal necently, neces- Santa Claus Land is ta alleviate sitating a stay in the Oshawa the atmospbere of heat, bysok Hospital. We are glad to know ing in a bit of Cbristmas n that Mrs. Scott is progressing vironment. favourablv at home now. Mn. and Mrs. Max Ballard of' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haýncock,, Moose Jaw, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Ian and Bruce and Mns. C, Hop-! And.rew Scott, Goderich, and the kins. Lynda. Brenda and Larr-!; Donald Scott family bave been visited Santa Claus Village near visiting at the homes of relatives Bracebridge over the weekend. here during the past week. The Clifford Hopkins family Mn. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy attended a Hopkins family pic- were bosts on Sundav for a fani- nic at Oakville, on the beach, ily gatbening at their picnic Wednesdav. grounds when some 45 relatives Misses Marie and Helen Cole.! arrived during the day ta pic- Markham, spent two days as nie tagether and visit Pinedalel guests of the Ross Lees. j cousins wbo were present. - ..W±th - Mr. - &d -Mm-BuLavey -_ FIatrcâ& Wil- .e of ie se Jy a F* re Exercise CaIIed Mocker-y 'By Councillor A recent demonstration by several Fire Departments from the area in Newcastle foir tho purposes of Civil Defence was describqd by Coun. John Regan as "a mockery" at a Council meeting Tuesday, Aug. 2. A similar display in Bow- manville a year .ago proved~ that the Bowmanvjlle Fire De. partment could pump water a mile or so in a joint effort with the other Firè Brigades. Mr.1 Regan did flot see the sense of sending the Fire Department to Newcastle to prove the same thing again. He stated that he failed to1 see the significance of the pro-1 ject in regard to Civil. Defence.1 He pointed out that Civil De-1 fence in Canada is not organiz-1 ed with any degree of co-ordin-1 ation, and the publie is flot1 aware of or adequately inter-j ested in what is being done in1 this line.t Coun. Regan urged that Bow- manville do nothing pertaining to Civil Defence until intelli- gent instructions are receiveda Brother Officiales at Wedding Friends HoId SFiowers For. Barbara Fairey Prior to ber marriage on~ Saturday, July 30, to Mr. Ter- ence Masters, Miss Barbara Fairey was guest cebonor at a ma were tea guens on Sunday ai Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown, Oshawa. Mrs. N. Lee bonoured visiting relatives on Monday evening when she entertained severa] friends at a dessert party, for a final visit -before goodbyes are said to the Ballards and Scotts for another.season. On Satur- day evening Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott entertained at the dinner bour for the group. It is regrettable that some of Our farmers are having ta draw water for their stock, a big extra duty, and we hope it is flot necessary for many days. Along with niembers of bis faxnily we are glad to welcomne Harry Rose home once again, after bis stay in a Toronto hos- pital. .Mr. and Mrs. Orland Brooks and son Geoffrey spent a week bere with the formers mother, Mrs. Jack Brooks. Rev. 'Stanley Sno0wden performned the ceremony ak Maple Grove United Church on Saturday, Ju1y 23, which united.his sister Miss Greta Evelyn Snowden in marriage with Mr. Wesley William Down of Oshawa. They are pictured above as the bride signs the register. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Snowden, Maple Grove, and the groom is the son of Mayor Norman Down of Oshawa and Mrs. 15own.? Married in St. John's Church A pretty July wedding was that of Miss Barbara Jeanne Fairey and Mn. Terence Perey Masters in St. John's Anglican Church on Saturday evening, -July 30. The bride and groom are photographed as they eut the wedding cake at the reception which followed. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Fairey, and the groom is the son of Mr. anid Mns. A. Masters, ail of Bowmanville. -Poob.#l"SuiOhwv Pictured following their marriage in Trinity United Church on Saturday afternoon, August 6, are Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Percival Baker. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and MÉs. Kenneth E. Cox, Bowmahville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percival Daniel Baker, Port Hope. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope- 1955 THE CANADIAN ÇrAMP.Qu,&Ig lote%,mnxATtrff vip * à'umbteertaf sbor ishe ridé Fttt betera ie fnor hoide to-be atha hmeellnrsSo., s e a br hme, er fne St., wben a umbr f eihlo Oene ues20Mists.nStv enOshuwa,20Ms s elenSt a miscéllaneous shower held on the lawn of ber hone wheni the girls of the Qffice staff, Parts Dept., General Motors, where the bride is employed, remembered ber with many lovly gifts. Mrs. Jack Buttonshawv en- tertained for the bride-to-be at a kitchen sower on July' 21 ' helard the home of 41rs. H. oddrdwben about 15 girl friends of the bride pre- sented ber with useful giffs. Neighbors of the bride were guests att a pantry shower held by Mrs. Art Flieler on July 22. Manv useful items for the bride's pantry shelves were received.' On July 25 a linen shower was held by Miss Eleanor Leighton at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. Sewell, with 15 girl friends of the bride at- tending. The bride was 'also honored by the présentation of two step end tables ýn walnut from the office staff of the Parts Dept., General Motors. On July 26 the bride and, ber mother, Mrs. Ernest J. Fairey, showed the bride's trbusseau and gifts at the home of the gronm's mother, Mrs.- A. Masters. Miss Eleanor Leighton and Miss Barbara Murdoch assisted in the rooms. Tbe groom's grandmother, Mrs. Mc-Mann, assisted Mrs. Mas- ters in serving refreshments. At a party held for the ~ mby a number of bis frieds, he was presented with a smoking stand and the gîft »M Lt 1, 9 9 e ,si r 1 tr 1 1

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