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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 10

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PAGE TEN - -~~' ~ - AU~* ~ - - _________________________________________________________ £fl.U .L~IJKIM~ *~~L'E. .~U WmAL'i V~LH. ~W!~ ~U??m~ A W A ,,~ *L * -- peau de soie wîith navy/ acces,- ber 2, inclusive. sories and corsage of pjnk Oruaun of V lliae Nome Outstanding United Church gldol.mnisters fonKnsoHm XN edn sFor their honeymoon trip by MayDate Backç to 1'832 ilton, Chicago, Nashville, Ten- mor, thefridklencho a sheth will conduet devotional periods drssofpik inn or wth The name of the Village of that Orono. Maine and Orono, ean lseakon. il asthets of navy linen duster coat and Orono dates back many years Ontario and practically the saine eanelis dur it tiron I favy accessories with pink to a colourful figure who iived size. for the Conference will be at 2 gloves. The young couple will in the State of Maine. This in-* On a recent visit to Orono, p.m. on Wednesday, August 31, reside at 775 St. Clair Ave. W., formation was brought to the Maine, Mr. C. T. Miller contact- and the remainder of the after- Tono, we re o th rom ilg etywe r n ed the clerk of the village in noon and evening will be de- who is rdut ! na Mrs. Lanson and children, Or- quest of information on early voted to adeesdeton Agiultural College. Guelph, ono, Maine, spent a few hlusa settiers of that area who max' anddicson OnTuda is employed with Canada Pack- ini the village. Mr. Lanson ous ahv igae o rnOn aes addresses anddois- ers. T he bride is a teach r a student at the U niversity out- h v i r t d t r n , O - p n l , a d e s s a d d în ý graduate of Bowmanville High side of Orono. tai.sions on the theme of evane CRAWFORD -xOY rantOshawa, the bride*snlth- iSchool and University o! To- , n is the general opinion that î ism wil belnon ad nithe er wearing two-tone gray ys ronto. Orono, Ontario is named afte Tnh e romwonnueen. Eda Marie Hoy, daughter of talette with matching accessor- It is interesting ta note that; Orono. State of Maine. Howr - The pe rgra m wnill jormntean Ni4r. and Mrs. Edward HOY Of ies. The groom's mother wore the bride*s grandparents were ever as yet no definte canner-1330pm Weston, and Harold Joseph a two-tone blue dress with rnarried in the same churcn,1 tion has ever been established SM R. JmesSml.o ot Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. white accessories. Bath wore' and that the bride's grandfath- between the two villages butiO n EvaRe. a mes Sl e himleofNoth Joseph G. Crawford, Hampton, corsages of red rases. eîr pcrformed the ceremony for most people are certain thatý three-dav Conference and Miss were united in marriage on Later the bride and groom' the young couple. some relationship does exist.1Mr -efI 9 ue t Saturday afternoon, August 6,11 eft on a wedding trip ta ro ath «digteTereainhpitn' I tals3 ayO~ef,29 ue t atHmtn Uie hrh v n h ntd Otaà- 1Pirt h vdig h h eainhp fay tIt rs 1 W., Toronto, is in charge af r.-A atHmtnUie hrhIaadteUie States,the bride xvas entertained at show- date back ta at least the yeaîI gistration and billets.Reita with Rev. F. J. Reed of ficiat- bride wearing a pale blue and ers given by Miss Leila Ander- 1832 for it xvas at this tirne~ pca ofrne o infe0 0 iludegstwao ing. Baskets of wvhite gladioli white nylon dress wvith whitc 1 son, Toronto; Mrs. M. A. Sleep, that Orono, Ontario received EAngel Csonore c on igh o d o 50ing n i es.w decorated the churchi for t'ne accessories and corsage of yel- Bowmanville. mother of the its name. It is believed that a* Board of Evangelism and Social i occasion. Wedding music ,vaslo roses. They '«ili reside at groom: and1 Mrs. Edgar Emer- around this period af the nlinc- Servc fTeUie huc n15 aain railwavs Haptodbn r. M onjyo isnRa South, Oshawa.: son, cousin of the bride, at her1 teenth century that eiiher ~a o Canada ,vill be held at the had in operation 4,818 locrn- Hapo.cottage, Lake Scugog. Follow- i traveller, Xisitor or settier re- Ontario Ladies' Colle-e. Whit-i times. 6.456 passenger Cars and Given in marriage by her îrng the' wedding rehearsai on cently from Orono, Maine, mufb rom A.Xgusýt 31te Septe-n- 187,980 freight cars. fater te rie or abaler- SLIl BWE Augutt 12, the bride's parents have praposed the name Orono ___________________ ina length dress af white crys- The marriage took place one enteriained the -wediding partv for* the village. talette. The bodice fcatured a Saturday aiternoon, August 13t, bîctlnha heî oe Mnin r.Ransyul scalloped neckline with cap in Blackstock United ChurcWh daughter revealed the ari'gin 01 sleeves. She wore, a ,vhite fea- af Patricia Jean BowlIes aacl BAKER - O the naine Orano on her visit ta theed ap nd hite elbow- Douglas Clinton Sle. 1' this village. Young Miss Rainej length mittens, and caried a bride is the daughter afirM. Bazkets of Nw bite gladioli! took part in a pageant at he:- white Bible crested with whbite and Mi-S. Wilfrid Gcorgc fornicd the backg9rouiid il' choal in Orono M7ýaine, v.xhecŽ gandenias and havicg satin Bo'«îes, Nestleton, and 'n2' ïnînity United Chunch on Sat-I the COlourful role af Joseph Or- streamers knotted with Sweet- groom is the son of Mr. anti urclay, August 6, for the mar- 1ana '«as revealed. heant roses. Mrs. Melv'ille Annold Sicep,' nage of 'Joyce Carolyn Cox, Joseph Oroco '«as a whbite Mrs. Ivan Crawford, Oshaw«a, 103 Liberty Street North, Botx . daughLcr of _\I. and Mrs. Ken~- man '«ho in his childhood wva- sisten-in-law of the groom, '«as manville. Multi-colorcd glaci- nicth E. Ccx, Bo'«manvillc, and raiFcd and cared far bv a tribfi the bride's only attendant, joli decorated the church fuir c Lionel Percival Baker, af Indians. Later in lic he b,2- wearing loganherry crystalette the occasion. onlv son of Mr. and Mrs. Pec- came chici of the tribe and i hv i street length. with matcbing cix ai Daniel Baker af Part iarne spread as a great leadlcr feathened hat and short mit- Thd ceremonv 'aspeiformn- Hoe. and bushman. He ,vas alŽo no!.- tn.Her bouquet a a cas- e by Dr. R. P. Bo\'«les, Chan-1RvT rh M ga pe-dfo-isbuey ndl, tens. r '«as ~cellor Emerittis of Victoria Un- Rx.T rbrMognpr dfrbs iec sadin cade of white gladioli petals ieitganahr t h- Icrmed the ceremano adth lc'ba-JophOnoa - an eI, 'us bride, and ,,,ddin,, music w -_î w edding nuc DaIpayed bv c: d as a scout for a party c Mr. Ivan Crawford, Oshawa, plaved by- Mrs. C. Barrett. . Arthuir CollL,ýon w ho alsb \\'fashing-tciVs troops. performed the duties ai best Tfhe biide '«as given iin mar- acccmnanicd Mrs. Lloyd A * re Whccn namicg the Amreicaii ______________________________ man. in t'«o solos, -The Lord's Pray- village, the inhabitants cb-Ie A wedding reception was niage by her fatherý, and voreci"adBeuc;7.te'rni oJsphO n 3A TNS held at the Sandalwood Restau ite fuc e n d embrlodlrtus The bride xvas g-iven in m-ar- 'who had w«on mnch acclaim l'Ilw nyln rgcza T- mp re e iage by hcr fathei-, and looked the State and thc immediae -0R MAKE yoUR OWN dice featured a portrait neck- charming in a waltz length 1ai-ca. Taday in Orano, Maine,1 - PP LE JU CE,2~3~ lice outlined '«ith a ivide plaini gowc faaturing an empire bas- there is a monument crectad in band, and short -sîcevas. Sxirl-t que having a portrait neckiine, Joseph Orono's hanaur as anf Case of 12 Tins1 6 cd intuksmake te i-iad bouffant skirt of nylon net outstacding mac. 2 .6 P R IZ E rinu and diagonal pin tnc-ks en-aloer talieta. A peari coroceti Mr. and Mrs. Lanson staýIg PK IL I d the krt bov t- t' etwlhcrstlseuisOLD SOUTH Ju c48o.2 ALWAYtuUSE canaionadshe a Ai- G estof on r O SuM PICKLES nde in a sfrorn ier'wbita Praver Book crested MissJoyce Cox Grapefruit J ie Tinse cdofwiegladioli. Miss MVary Cox, Bowman-- 48-oz. Attecding the bride '«are, ville, wsmaid aifbaon A ho erforge ~ ic iMiss Olga Halington, Pitt' '« iser earing a gow.iýA h w r r nft J ieTn 3 5 By Bemd;Ms Russel styled similarly ta the bride's Prior ta her mnarilage on, aseof1 Tins f Emes, Welland, cousin ai the in champagne shade '«ith ma-- August 6 ta Mir. Lionel Penni-of1 4.10 bride, and Mns. Richard ching headdress and shoes. She val Baker, Miss Joyce Caralyin Bawles (Jr), Nestîcton, sister- canried an off -centre cascade ofi Cox '«as guest ai honar at sev- Treesweet H E N Z in-Iaw ai the bride. Ah '«are mauve, '«bite and pick giad- erai pre-nuptial showers. 21A~ i for 2 .c waltz-lengtl- gowns ai pick icel ioli florettes and Adiantum On Tuesday, July 5, the girls' L m6-oz 25'Ti crystalette, heavily embroici-1 fern cectî-cd with sweet peas. clbaiwic1hebid s1 ened in seroîl design. The bod-1 Mr. Pat Hilîs ai Part Hope mnemben met at the home ofi okly' HI ices '«ene fashioned '«ith ba- '«as best mac, and ushens '«ena Mrs. Ron Leavitt, Oshawa. The JO.~I iii a a ~ teaux necklines accected with Mr. Andrew McLauchlan andI bride-ta-be '«as sho'«ened mil,- T ma 48-. deep flange effect collars 1Mn. Henry Biackwell, also OfI macy giits for the kitchen aîîd To a o Juict Tin 31~C v IfEL M I 'hidi fonmed cap sîceves and Port Hope. pantry. V IN EG A R ended in a back streamer baw- For the wedding receptian On Thursday, July 14, mem- Libby's knot ai plain crystalette. The held at the Hotel Genosha, bers and former members f n a pe J ic I '«are matching lieaddnesses aifxvore a suit ai silver blue silk Oshawa, assembled at the home i e p l J î 3 crystalette and carried bau- shantung '«ith matching bat. ai Mrs. Jack Taylor. Mrs. Jack quets of white gladioli ,vith She was assisted by the groomn's McGuigan assisted. A decorat- 11 u20- d . tiny blue and yellow 'ilums. mnothen, wearing a dusty pink ed umbrella held thc many Tin~fI .iIt! Mn. Edward Ott, Tononto, dress ai silk acetate '«ith useful miscellaneous gifts. V-8 .W Tai bl uie 7 '«as best mac, and ushens \vere matcbing accessonies. Bath Amselaeu sh'ews Wlcs Mn. Richard Bowles, Nestîcton, wane corsages ai Pinocchio Aheld a eou hom e rai M s Jedh brother of the bride, and Mr. S'«eetheart roses '«ith ostriercn g. wth.hom1of-or.Je L~ nnad lee, o'«anill, lums.Co-hostesses '«are Mns. Rosses Bottle <brother of the groom. Fan a wedding trip to Ottawa Porteous and Mrs. William Gi-r e2 A reception '«as heîd atan points east, the bride chose genich. A niceîy timmed 32o.D Brand s-haopik sag e o e si a pd arL Sllee sApat- Jew ll, Li-z.B oilleiI Bradans ams hme apode bu des 'i h eel-bannow held many sur- 43C~ i . ~ the bride's parents, where the matching duster coat adblaci<z prising and lovely gifts fromi e ing slate blue taffeta '«iti con- ai S'«cetieant roses. On thein isMblBwa- P2r trsighto ikcherry vel- îeturn the young couple will MisIblJwlBwa-2-r ___________ vet and 0acigcsg f rsd tL al Court Apr-Ville, aunt of the bride-to-oc, C1>s aad TnU3 C gaii.Tic groom s mother ments, King Street East, Osh- entertained r ela ti v es and i friends on July 23. A suitable ------- assisted, '«earing French bine' aia._____ verse led tie bride-ta-be ta the destination of each gif t. rat1M 6-oz. Thursday aitennoon, JulxKr2.ft Cheez W hfIZ Ja C staff members of tie Bank ai5 Montreal, Oshawa, '«here the bride-t a-be is employed made a presentation of table andi 1 Ka chairs and oifered best '«ishes MU Thursday evening, July 28, Mr.Paul Tuenk, Bawmanvillc, ~~ cntertained a number ai girl friends at a pensonal siawer. iLigits strucg acnass tic lawnj ada decorated trce madî 44 ~~~~~~~~~~~very pretty setting. Finsadniior f BS O UC N VR S 0' Shaw's >« ee tc bi e 'a ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS IAP J BIRDSEYE FTrozen F,1oz. pkg.- - 47CL TWICE AS GOD ýI BIR S RAERE S, 1 oz. g o 9 ReGd Com. fullyl Be protected this simple way: Look for the -Save:ou Money on .121z kg or4c farnUinr WEAR-EVicR trade mark on the bottom of ail cooking utensik 1IEWARE OF SUBSTIT UTES 1 The finest cooking utensils for over 50 years have carried this trade mark of quality . . . and remember too, WEAR-EvERt ALUMINUM GOO-Mo- LIMITED M 8 StngRoJ, TrorSoi ,o ntaro Your Fuel Costs Phone or consuit JACK EHOUGI PLUMBING - BEATING Division Street South BOWMANVILLE Phoneo Office MA 3-5615 Housa Phone MA 3-3964 OUR OFFICEZ CLOSED SATURDAYS DIJRING JULY AND AUGUST loiO 1 p There's a Red & White Store near you BOWMANVI LLE Yeo's Marketeria ORONO Cornish Marketeria M-APLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria umbia to join her husband whe O l Paintingha been trans!erred In that area by General Motors o! Can- Presented to ad. antnpesne O rono L a A Scouts was in oil and by Mn. A. On Monday evening Aug. 8 summer scene of the sout'* ,.. Onno ~, ackpo~ tr- Muskoka. The presentation was bute ta their leader with the made by Cubs Benny M~adiil, presentation ai an oil painting. Sixth Line and Billy Allin of Mns. Ralph Phillîps '«as bonor- Leskard. An acidress wvas read ed with the presentatian '«hici bY Mrs. Wm. Jackson o! Ken- '«as held in the Sundav Schor'l dal. Mauneen thanked the gath- Auditorium with txventy cub.serng for the lovely gift. present and aiso a number aif Mrs. Wm. Aitmstrong showed parents. pictures ai local interest ta tie *Mrs. Ralpi Piiillips. nee Missf gaticnîng. The pictures show- Mauneen McKeniia, lias beenî ing scenes ai the Orno Faot4 Cub Leader for the village pack Orona Swimming dlasses,-m for seven 3-cars and duî'ing this ana Brow'nies etc., '«ere greatj time bas given nîany haurs af ly eiîjoyed. '«onk and leadership in creat- Luînch of sandwiches anîd icg an intcresting and hclpiul cookies '«as senved. auting for thie boys. During tlîe _________ ,vears tie pack lbas grawn uin- til naw it num-bcrs 50 and thie Ninety percent o! the fonest higi '«cekly attendance sho' fines ccurring in Ontario are success ai Cubbing in Orono0. s 'tacited by carcless humari Mrs. Phillips bas resigned as hands. Failure ta extinguhh-'l leader of tic pack and '«1 camp fines, cigarette butts andc çboî-tlyv leave for British cal- matches are tic main causes. RIE OLD SOUTH Blended Juice Case of 12 Tins 3.60 Toilet Tissue Wagstaffe's Raspberry Jam 48-oz. 3 Plain or Color 2 for 3 7c 24-or. Jar 4iC (Vauuegrip1.1n Salada 'Packed) Coffeeg r ip .uu Parainount - Fancy Red - 1/' Sockeye Salmon Camay Toilet Soap Red e White ToLBBY'TissuOe .Spaghetti 15-nzI 2 for 2 55. 39C 3 Bars 25c BRANDED BEEF BIade Roast BLADE BONE REMOVED Short Rib Roast ;RESHLY GROUND- LEAN Ilinced Beef rookfield Sausage lb. ;à7J lb. 39, lb. 29c i-lb. A4 Pkg. J ýOUNG AND TENDER - SLICED ~eef Liver lb. 39c DR EF T DETERGENT Giant Pkg. 75JC RED & WHITE PEANUT BUTTER 14-oz, Jar 3 9c Fancy Hourglass Tumbler i ___________ i ______________ I p. s' -rmun3.UATI AUU. luth, 19554 L i / r/euED& WHITE 1:00D PAGE TEN quem Otâlmlmmkw 4MAAýIkitàw 9eef Liver

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