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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 12

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Il- - - = 77-- -T7 - - ,ý , ý_ = Gardon Àgnew, Edifor THE CANArnA!N STATESMANq. DOWMANVILLLE. oNTARO 'HRDY U.It,1 lemdyplafor moadet" for Mrs. Quinnev the best of sincere thanks in appropriate I aple Grove Institute in Sep- W M S Plans luck inl ber néw home anid ta Beds tersn oad tember. nexpress sincere regret in *bs i 1ith whom theviii benlivwnrd. J.rorm,- McArthur, had Hcaith as its 1 r communitv. Mrs.- Quinnev thwa&ny av on ri heme. A film 'Between the IEI a truc neîghbor w-ho couid al- .in te ;.. ian est anth LanswassnwIj uy Mvr.ry sn case nforicknesscon erenpiration ' 1 encT- ----QI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I .a~wi u ~i ±îcu re piraion The Program Committee of e-s. unn- -M s. Bi-S ler, - was staged by Mr. Norman Dy- the Womnan's Missionary Society The presentation of a table of omnil. r.Hre sart and Mr. Neil Bailey. of the Oshawa Prsyil Im.atwstada smo!Parnro yon.Ms at A review of Current events met recentlY at the home off moneY w~as made by Mns. ner( suai oatn.bî So ia nd Ier o alLite ana eSTARK VILLE a given by Mrs. J. A . John- the President, Mrs. K. C. Hop- George Diiiing and Miss Lor- 1the te So ia a d e so al1 itl D m'gesonan tepleasant aftcr- kins, Bowmanvilie, and plans etta Kiigannoli as tangible ex- cnas Ms yilQiny no.conciuded with an an- were made for the Fait Rallies, pressions of these sentiments. Jr.Aihcoslnh~a Miss Mabel Douglas of To- J. Hancock and Miss Ruth Han- E Whoè' Ms Giay cupleaTnof e h atr gto ils rot pn h eeedwt ok rorn on nie wosen oul f were tzn uc. it-igt he astrn e.cton iî Ms.bui mncas vctaexrestouhliered adasca ieejy ronto spent the w ekend ith cock.w th M iss B eulah H allow e l has re i at nd c . m eet at H am pton on W ednes- cd bu m a a e to xp ss er d hrcousins Mr. Walter Doug- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover of! reReportelie spe. aker wilîber Mrs. A.e R.s he n r.Am ae. Ohaawr udyvtr prted Here Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cornish speDiectrrm, a Mioaynrs e* . Miss Lynda Randail is visit- wvith Mr. and Mrs. Georgej and famiixWetnvstcd at ing with her grandmother Mrs.1 Crowther and family. kUC ct r omIda Brock in Belfountain, On t. i Miss Louise Hancock spent A According to Police Chief~ Mr. Victor Farrow's rcenty. n OrPo he Wten oriOa.i Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper her hoiidays with ber brother, Art Rnal hurricane Connie A few from this district ateWsen-etoiwl ebtv and family of Oshawa, Mr. and 1e.Exi acc n aa a xcdnl es npo cdd tcDcrto a n Octobr2t, he Mr.C ly. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wdc Lake Erie. power disruption caused froin1 Mr. Debrt Ha Ilowell, &,Toron- Du in Pcic ýMO Executive Secretary, Millp- A and Douglas and Miss Louise We werc most pleascd ta re- falling trees and branches, ta. visited bis father, Mr. Jakej 1i Trenwith enjoved a motor tnýp ceivc a letter from Mr. G. H.eeytig 'ntsooh/(0Haiwel to Niagara Falls on Sundav c1 Harryt Hodgson on Tucsday. the village during the big blow. Mr. and Mr!s. Morley Robin- The highlîght of the annuai! T nforming us that he had re-! One tree in the yard at the son attendcd Decoration Services Playgrounds picnic in Oron i-. g * Mris. Cdihs.W ad of rn covcrcd sufficientiy from h;s Elmhtirst Hotel toppled, overlat Port Hope, Sundav. Park last Thursday came hn reds H- itrpd Gioited rwthMr. and -fai . recent accident ta be moved ta the roof of a patron's car caus- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd vis- the playgrounds supervsors ii Gerg Cother n haiyoo Mr. and Mrs. Ron ing considerabie damage . A ited ber sister, Mrs. McKnight, and the childrcn joincd forcesi on Mondas'. 1 Pingle at Courtice, from the ,large tree in front of the home Sunday. and attendcd the serv- and tossed their Recreat ion Di- Ilfr Mr. and Mrs. Herb Aiexan- Orillia Hospital and is improv- of Stanley Powell was badt-v ice at Fallis' Ccmctery.reorDuRigntthpo. aeed nd adaber- tertaDugcvrod iu pis P I d e o o r E i , r s e o g , n g e e r d y w a e n d n M rsob e r O l h e rn evn K o d a g u i d esb Beare of Greenbank, Miss Elziîe Dr. Naomi Jackson o Mc'rvd. hic nother tree in!I enjoycd swimming and playîn.' r~,n ae and Mrs. Raiph Shortt anîd1 Mrs. J1. C. Hancock when pa,ýs-, biown down and a large branc a ~Iiii inenie children took part in the out- II famiiY Of BoxtmanVilie werc! ing 1hrough to her home in, was broken froni a trec at the- A farewcii party hcld at the Mrs. Harold Couch and familx-. 1 The~ Rex- Cannoin C. G. Law- wise daniage iwas contined to1 BI ackstock V .I A shoc scramblc, a baiboon '61Lbr'StStokMs Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Lr--1 rence, ,viii be liîe gucst preacti- small tree branches etc. 4sNMunjywsh st-sramble. foot races, noveltv Cyril Quinncv, Sr.. compietely I Gresly an Susa, acompa-; erat le ilo*clok sevicein A our ar pie-uptracela, rtreasuret huntsost-rand.e 7,tsurpre -etslasti YTsuprida1 ev st hopsaineansto inond serw arouhdý Gre lc a d usa , cc m p n- cr ie Il ci ioc s rv ce inA f u a p l - p to k p ae ss o n the A ugust W o mn en's sw im m ing m ade tp the pro-* cing. M r. and M rs. Q uinneN ind by Mr. and Mrs. Erns.i St. Georges chiurch on Sunda at the foot of the hill on Kin., lnstituîîe meeting hl n h.gram The evet xas verysc held oettr ofnTorytosuc-i -ar-e moving ta Newcastle t'O You'II get more enjoyment fromyu aer înte Vierkoettn of Torot 1i morning, August 2ist. stî-eet west whcn three tais Cartwright Hîgh School. Thel cessfi'l in every way. the Rec- 1 ix-e with their son, Howard, ghKdkaceoie.Woveyurpogrpî Sunday on a two-week motor Mis. Stella Anderson of To- stopped and a fourth was un- Prcsideîit, Mrs. L. Thompsor. reation Directon reports. wh i ababe hee.Thyoed ak be e s. hel y trip ta Nova Scotia. ,ronta visited with Dr. J. A. able ta do so causing minon presided. Follouii2 g the Ode The finalawbarbof activitv at have iivcd iiilBtwmanxiiiîc in Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Spenicer1 Butler and family on Sunday. damage toalal four cars. The anThetfenMary Steof rt Collecat hhe livedpagoud iw-tes n o matin i te Har Bn obcaygthon.medlocation iregretHad haanavet ur Buoshatxoxxek Hrmn- red n u i.onycsaty1a aMr.MiPsainî 23was read by Mr'S. manville concludes today- with ford Apartments near the M - * UU vacaion t Sgar ush Laga~ae wl1rget0 leann tliat roc' of Perth who suffereda Geo rge Staniland. T vents starting at 9:30 arn. at C.N.R. station for 22 yasM.~LW L Iocyen Mrs. Irene Roberts is a Pa- fractured wrist as a result of Trau'sleotsowda'moiiPr. ly-udsIQinc saCN..eoea.r Mr. nd ns.WiiertTeelo tien inOshwa eneal o~-the crash. The accidenît hap-i balance of $214> Ral calxvns - f h h Bowmnvill f Bovan-lc ad M.ptaweîese ndrctapeiled at the beight o! h a uevs r ai înîsed their About 26 ladies of the neigh- Grccwoodof tratîro weie ariau opeatin onWecles-stor. -ansxveied bv "An aid timrsummer employment Fî-idav. iborhoad ;vcre present ta wish ---- Sundav- xisitors with Mrs. C. day - t is reported that some ap- e.ý Mrs. Thos. BirkelI of Hamil- 1pies wenc biown fnom the treesj ton is visitiog with Mrs. Mary oalduigtesrmbtn Steveos for a couple of loalydnigth tombu o i Miss Cana Butler spent Tues- sroslse aebe e- M e __________________ f n Taionto.ported such as was the case * * * dayinTrno during the onslaught of Hurri- L1U M~PElufcane Hazel last October. 1é ICaoada's taiiest trees are the Douglas Firs of British Coluin- 4 feet high. 30 Saint Gog À MB Sunday Schoo THE OUTSTANDING LONG DISTANCE SWIMMER WHO JUST RECENTLY ATTEMPTED -TO SWIM LAE NAI 2! Tbe annuai pîcnic of St. George's Sunday School was4 Miheld on Friday, August 12. The BOMNI L I N E~JO ~jei 7W ~i Hall and werc taken by car ta Orono Communîty Park. The day was perfect and there was 11>5 AN EXTRAa good attendance of Sunday ~ ISANETASchool membens. VACATION ON THE WAYI On arrivai at the park the chief attraction was swimrning Dy SHIP-Yau dine suprbiyl in the pool or in the creek. ac- Lavisb menus match hearty se& conding ta age and size, followx- 4 appetites! cd by the races which resuited 4 Dy SHIP-You have more #uni as foliows: 2 yeas-1 Jamie j Shipboard Living equals that of J Crowtben, 2 Joan Cati; 4 years giamorous hoteis! .1J -Kenneth McCnacken; 5 years * &Y SHIP-you moite friendsi -1 Canal Gibson, 2 Gardon Baxter: 6 yeas-l Donnie Mca- At sea, shyness meits away and dows, 2 Cathy Baxter, 3 Elea- J friendships lasu! non McCracken; 7 yeas-Nan- Dy SHIP-your mon.y buyi cy Gaines; 8 yeans - 1 Lynda ý4LIA I ~ uA wa en- i.Aira,2Jdmore J It's the mout economicaî Cal.' 2 John Cunningham; 10 ~~VEI EP my Si mpsn; Ladies open race "UL CSHO LGON, al-I Tommy Simipson, 2 Alf.. Aiidread. Sus NOW-"-Thrift Secson" in effect starting August Fia y Ags t1 st IlCAR'S JURY &LOVELLPOR PHONEMA 3-778 OWMANIL(In case of rain Carnival wili be held Saturday, August 20) FEATURING AT 7:00 P.M. GIVE YOUR FLOORS A BEAUTIFUL TILEI DEMONSTRATION BY Ths ee Iand onIy pay 1 LEASIDE LIONS CLUB BAND at the Royal j the pi-1ce Last Time To-nîte - THURS., AUG. 18 AN OWThe a dv ntre1o ORDERIAsk about easy-u.palinton M A JO R ETTES way beconte ontahci OU jand four daughters. Mns. Mtfj. BOGAR Low Rail FaresNELIKV IL $23 NWCRNVLATTRACTIONS EBUNCoach 4' Good going Thlursday, Aug. 'I N - Return Limit-Sept.,14 I' P ull information from f e any agent 4 _________7_and_9:1 PROCEEDS FOR, LIONS COMMUNITY WORK 1 PAGZ TWELVEs Phone 3621 il Iran Kaiiies

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