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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 13

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U-( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TE E C A I MD IAN STA TESM N. EO W MA N V n LLE, O NqT AJ OP A E T E EE * Â L ~maining for a week's visit. MI~! 5 j m a varsn Koad at LkeScuaoo IlMr. and Ms o orsn Jf ~ ~Oshawa, wère Sunday visitor., i a i cl s m R d Had Many Ups and Downs- The Orono News o Mr. and MGardenl Clubk Notices _ _ OTCE Dr. L. B. Williams, Bowman-j early, local history, uuch a were Sunday visitors af Mr.ç vleispre ring aTechn:col- this article. Well, an aid Scu- .andMra's.C.Wiiling Weederg 41-Iidsury Al or Picture POgram .on the his- gag Marsh Roaidturtle af whom Mr.andMleyJ'C CemeceHary Gbso, DdsbryAi- Shb )MUs Hodgins' office will bel Due ta the extreme heat, the tory of the Scugog Road andi I took a pîcture, bas been the Mr. and Mrs. D. R.. Barnes, Day- berta; Mr. and Mrs. Alex John- a ey Jt onstonic e ding om oMMsss hile% Closed from Aug. 20 ta Sept. 6.; Gladioli Show which was ta be its Border Area from lake ta isource of much of my informa- i dBue.Ohwspn-tn Baktc;Mr. and Mrs aweka outcertiMllMrlnsuntiion.tudy 1held in the Legion Hall, Satur- lake. This article, written by tien. Sunday with Mis. C. L. Powers Alvin Woods, Lindsay, Mrs. H. Gil.Ag 3h h retn a Dr. Dinniwell's office will bel day, August 20th, has been can- Dr. Williams, is an enlargement He told me that before Set- mdfml. .Tewn taa;M.m Ms r nd MerS W. an evke pndb rp gte4 elosed from August 12th ta Sept. celled. 33-1 of one of the programme fea- tiement was far advane Mr. and Mrs. Win. Miller left Perce Philp, West Hill. Jhn wr una vn ins idei nsn 12thWear no32-ufctui- tures which gives saine inter- there was a water-way contin- on Tuesday for a trip ta Vic- Plan ta attend the Orono PenwardnadWd.l Weaenwmifcuigesting history af the difficul- uous, ail the way fron Schom- toria, B.C. Evening Auxiliary Lawn Tea atrdn dWacedhestutheta eet L. C. Mason, Law Office, cernent blocks, bath interlacking tics in building thc Marshi berg, north-west of Toronto Mrs. M. Sherwin and Miss Mrs. Carl Billing's, Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaughlin abe aioevrtyhtsh closed August 4th ta August! and standard, and vOould be Raid at Lake Scugog.-Editor's. from whcre his great, greai, Bert.ha Cain are spending two1 August 2th. For details see and family, Nestieton, were hdbruhtae dgdf' 24th, inclusive. 31-3* pleased ta serve you with a good Note. smtîg gadahrcm.weswthM.m r.HryCmn vns undav visîtars of Mrs. E. Mur- th al cl.Temntso Siisoon ofoffice llwiil lobe clos-rsproductshataa rerasanablerprice. tMr.laLaeerne V.llCooperinsonephyr.aLdvMr. andCoMrs. Haroidy theMr.aatdmeetingroldre or halidays from August 12 Tripp Construction. Phone 392W. Tha rse nt arsRoad, or rdintrthrough tathelare, ltowBllMy . i hadsWinnie Mr. ai the lite Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy and Margo. Don Mur- o01 ertay is hre ti 1ticuie 23Pr er.40-U aswaws asrcCooptatevrey aebttm Ms.J ihad istdMOrona, passed away at phy, Bowmanvillc, la having Qunrl.Paa or che- t lticuie3-3PrPrr.1890-91 under direction ai the you wiil notice broadening out and Mrs. J. Wesley Roe md.M r t.MCoe ' optlo o-srehldy a h upyr Port Perry, Scugogand Cart. beyond ,Yelverton alang 7A and Mrs. Cecil Petch. Toronto. a.Tefnrl~ilb edhm.Tevgtbe htwr Dr. edSte' ofe wlb r-Rep-aiwigtRawy atedi ihayweea avsth Mr. and Mrs. Albert Strick- August 18 from Toronto, with Mr. McLaggan. Murray, Janet Prl h orteRilClwr holidata.all Cartwright and Reach bcbng'er. They married, settled. in Mr. and Mrs. E. Farrell and Mr. at Mr. McLaggan's Sr. cottage S. a aeb h il Dr H Frgsn' ofie lREPAIRS and rewinding t i just west ai the bend in the *cugog arsh and successive and Mrs. Jack Gibson Jr. atE hrtBecKs ian afrwrs asaenoi Septoeber th incusve.323ta Arends, Enniskillen. 33-1* ra.turehe re. os aecot Mrs. Florence 0.Pilp re- ±1N ?A L Murray is staying for samne hall- l ______________I___________t_ _ Jnstead oy a trect uneathedays.eMr. and rs. Lloyd MidgMr.d dessert pLvioed by Shii John A. Holgate & Son will*-RADIO and television repaira. road was curved ta get at the I Irt mrked v ta hlm hat ag turned ,Ta erxoast e k istally otPry eeWde1l be closec o oiayAgs1Prompt servie?. Pick up and time a more shallow construc- botie ietaagetada er ubboek, Texs mier visitngMsJmGenesadMs ayvstr tM.adM c el foAu rut 27incl, usie 2- eivr.LaeDren 5 igtion. That curve ta mator traf- I-how aid are you? He said he hr auherMr.Pcc un rs*JmGreenlees ad oyPrtPrr.weeWene-le ndMriy Qatrl E . P h o n e M A 3 -5 7 13 . 2 -tf fie t ad ay 18 a real n u isan ce. di n t k o , t a vi a st t - d M r L u nE d h G e n e sh e b ray is t s at r. n d r . M c _____________32-2______idntkota ialsainFls aIsUSA,-e e dLaggan's K -at B rrb li Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alleas and d- O cl 'l j s Dr .J utns ofc il1The railroad, W hitby ta Part! tics wcre not in vogue when K atie and Pa Marab. and îsrm Mass. U.S.A.,nikilen were un- Slu Dr. C. J. Austîn's fficesxoii Orme Mnu' a' yiW be closed for holidays tram 'HOOVER service man will be at Perrv, was already compîcee he was born as now. There .P5Courtice, are visiting M.adnsa usso-r n rfmlEnsiln eeSu- attiit .Itsrlthc. Au fust lst ta September 5th a ur store every Thursday. Bring by 1871 and the plank grain 1flot even a church baptismal re- Mrs. Luther Barrabal. Mr. andler. Mas rgt day visîtors of Mr. and Mrs. Rye________________ mncfusive. 30-6, yours in or Phone Hîggon Eîcc- road north ta Manchester had i cord for turies and they don't Mrs. Wn'î. Riddell and Mrs. iBtay and Mr.Mandli rht Gibson and Sandra. rie Limited, 38 King St. E., &ow- provedi a failure. There had believe in baptsm. Nei Porter visited on Tuesday Walter Axtel, Oshawa, were__ Dr. C. Cattran's office will bel imanville, MA 3-5438. 52-tf been alrcady a floating bridger But said he as he grinned, with Mrs. J. H. Leslie and, Saturday supper guests at the Right motives giyc pinions ~ F g ' clse for halidays from Augusti from Port Perry ta Scugog ls- "I remember when there wasn't Susan, Peterborough. !Miller ho ne.-ta thought, and strength and W W 20 ta September 5th inclusive. REPAIRS ta ail makes of refnig- land whieh added ta the irn. a Tory in Cartwright." Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Powers, i MMr. and Mrs.F. G. Smith and. freedom ta speech and action. 33-1 erators, domestic and commer- partance a! about 11,000 acres He said he didn't exactlv'Larry and Douglas, Kenora,lGrace aceompanied Mr.. ani -Mary Baker Eddy. cial mikin cooers Higonof fertile farmn produce land. know as yet where the new EX Ont., arriv'ed via Great Lakesi Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowmanx'ille, Hawever brilliant an action, Dr.Alln . Slvete an Elctie imied 42Kin S. >E.The bridge was done away i pressway for Ottawa would ta visit with his mother, Mrs. C.; ta Gaodwood, ta visit Mr. and it shouid not be esteemed W nounces the opening of his office EhoetiM te3-542K n St E with in 1884 by sinking wt cross sauth of the marsh but L. Powers for two weeks and; i-Mrs J. Kidd and M. adMrs. unlessi.the resit of a gre;4t and at 156 Church Street, Bowman- PoeM -43.2-fw that ie o-. * Mr ande E-. great viaDetoit Chcag ville.Telephne MA -3578the weight of iogs and earth tahe oud vehrthEnrtuîn viDeatCcgoTeclKidd on Sunda\, Grace ?- gond motive.- Rochefoucaul. nrr1T~~Tfrom overburden. gineers talking and let me and Minnieapolis. 3*2 WAJ.LJ1 flLAIRlING George Colton, a Seugog Is know. Mrs . James Greenlcss ad'; CO IG EV N Sat land farm er, bought a traction He asked me if 1 had evE-r daughter Edith, Sheiburne Falls, ______________________ engine for threshing and the ]a- heard the story of "The Harle Mass., výîited with Mr. and Mrs. M AR R'S ter weîî-known saw-mili own- and the Tortoise'". Hi said that Wmn. Miller and other friends. The Elford and Armstrong an- er. Mr. Watson f Caesarea, was no fairy taie, but that lie1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Myles and' u fluaI family pienie will ne hein at JEWELLERY undertook ta drive it aver the and Dr. Hare, when the latter Arlene, Whitibx, visited Mr. and Sp , Cream o! Barley Park on Sat- %3Kn t V.. Phone MA 3-5463 floating bridge. There was a w as Principal of Whitby La Mrs. D;. Myles. urday, August 2Oth. 33-1 BOIVMANVH..LE . large audience for the precar-1 dies' College, were the rni Mr. S. D. Souch passed away Orn Eeig uilaywil1'iius experiment with mn pals in the race. at his residlence. Funeral on Oroo veingAuiiaryxviithriîîîng moments as th a ny Dr. Hare was an ardent fish- Thursday, August l8th. Inter- iao! Mrs. afrl lngs freo thT gine coughed amid its babbiesi erman and was often back ta ment Oroýno Cemetery. law o Mr. arlBilins roiniTA LORf oveîr the fioating logs. Horses Lake Seugog fishing for th-,c Mrs. E. Anderson, *omn previausly advertised. 331 engipe going up ami down, but The race was on this marsh M.adMs o eIlad 33-1,___________ ý 1P LAS TI1C they made it. lu ail went ta road and often whiie Dr. Hare Arnold,. Bowman ville, visited onr A reunion service will be hieid RADIATORS and HEATERS show that samething had ta be stopped ta pick a few raspber- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. ip Lotus United Church, Sunrdý., REPAIRED and CLEANED donc, ries, hie said he wauld slip off Miler., I B E L T . August 28th at 3:00 p.m. Rex'. RECORING The interested counties, Town- the road into, the water ta Mrs. Harry Mercer, Mrs. Wm. A B E L T T. . Hneok o Cax'ry nitd jGenra Saderng epanu ships, Port Perry Couneil, Rail- make better time - and ta' Wannan, Mrs. Wmn. Cochrane Church, Hamilton, will be the: road. Provincial Gov't, ail suh- think I had beiieved At all was n.edCcrn pn us speaker. Music suppiied- by; Queen St. W. Bowmanvillii scribed with Part Perry cit;- a Fairy Stor3-! day in Petèrborough. eualpredt$12 Hîarry Preston's Chair. Con Phone MA 3-3459 zens heading the îîst in a total Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks,Rgunyprcda$12 and bring your pienie basket. 32t f about $7,000 for the Marsh Ohw:M.adMs el 3-fRoad. 'The Cartwright money r 1E1TOTWoGi n adavstdwith every $3.00 purchase 33-2~ was a grant by Council, while HMTNM.adMs hs od Plan ta attend the Froli egh Personal Reach was subseription. Recent visitars with Mr. and: in yrne n r~ay veing I____________________ r. . . Yrnldwasth iMiss Hilda Cryderman, Ver- Mrs. Herb. Murray were Mr. and NOW ONLY SepTyeeont, 155.Day ning YINI uple, (uMr uvr. WM. Davîod s te non, B.C., Mrs. Clifiord MeKa-, Mrs. Albert Randaîl, Loreen Septemer 9th 1955 Dancig: HYGENIC upplie - (rýb-er urveygueMr.DSandFranciscot! ueweSe FraniscoRandail andRndaMaryd CookCoo Whit-t in hall ta Stainton's Orchestra.:l goods) niaiied postpaid in plain Perry received $40 for cutting end guests ai Mr. and Mrs. by; Mr. and Mrs."Gco. Alldread, Bingo and other games under i sealed envelope wîth price liat. willow siash. Reeve BigelOw ai Lewis rdma;ndted-Toe M.nd rsCyi the stars. Fish pond for thei Six samples 25c, 24 samples Part Perry was anc o! the ýe nCydiernndthend- T rne;, Mra. adMs yi children. Refreshments. At- j81.00. Mail Order Dcpt. T-28, mast active in sponsoring and cd.a pienid rnetivtesp, u Crenh toshtar.gerW'c tendance prize. Admission: 1 Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91. Hamm- actual construction. I under- meetIng te eaie,9 ogrtltost r gr Sunday, Aug. 7th. ton Hancock who celebrated his ladies, single, àOc; gents, 75e;, Mîon. Ont. 1-52 stand that even local polities The Baisons misa held a fam- 80th birthday, at a family party couples, $.00. 33-4 became part a! the fill-in. iiy gathering in the park on at the home o! his daughtcr, __________________________________________ You don't- want ta miss this Saime ai the men on the job Sudy i.7h oh eeMs e.od yemr's Gigantie Bowmanville Cards of Thanks were Ernest Frayer, then of Sunde aey A th, bath w r.n Mrs. es.. Wooan Lions Club CarniVal ta be heid Caesarea, about 18 years aid. HmtnWmnsIsiuesj n udywt isL o an Friday, August l9th, at the I wish ta thank ail the flends, Mr. May who lived in the rded Heampon Wmbu Istiip tburegspanTweunday. t isL a Public Sehool Grounds. Leaside rlatives and neighbours for brick bouse to the wcst an the pen ote a u np i Conrg.anTed . Cr natF e h Coe Lions Band and Majorettes will their letters, floxvers and many island, had ta be fisbed Out On 'rhursday lat xv hr l5 pn h ekn ith Mr. andý give alemanstration starting at, acts ai kindness during mystmy aoeoccAion. Jaei Aery as Wiima Leach %.d the migoýr- Mrs. J. Hateiy and family at, 'frc,,i I Icjf a -Ic BuiiÇ1lclimax the evening ville and since returning home,. otrc o etig u u eut on bier rmi requiring medi- Recent visitars with Mr. and In ~ ~ ~ ý caeoba Crîa ill o MsFemnEdhl but, it" somehow tel' Inbrseuogh. Also Mr. Penegelly eean Edycal attention. Mrs. S. F. Ferguson have been: _____________________3_3__ewcstl.__ -1______.Als Mr. Pnel f1M and Mrs. A. E. Billett Mr. and Mrs. Rager Dorreli,: NecsteCaesarea who lived on what is spent* a few days in Toronto Martin, Vaierie and Brenda a! Y.ealled the Hooper farm. Ilast wcek and attended the Ottawa; Mrs. Earl Dorreil, f JJJST CHECK THIS METHOD . The plan was willow slash funeral o! Mr. Biliett's aunt, Blmekstock; Mrs. Harold Reid A PieeAceceAPic for a bottom weighted down by Mrs. Minnie Gbdkin. and Glenn, Orangeville; Mr. and APeeAPeeAPc hauled earth and eventually Miss Lorrenne Warraekha Ms.RLnin, orto MrtaBl II~ V Wih te cmpleiono! .isaecepted a position in Toronto. L L U Pshort cut raad Cartwright be- Nac Johns bave been holi- GivW ODCMAS RN came saine lamiles doser ta cd PRESSWOODonFals. COMPASSGien PotPrywih eevdtc Miss Audrey Macnab bas re--__ __ wsth the FAMOUS benefit ai a lot ai trade flow turned borne mter spending- a I IIIA bC diverted fromn Bowrnanviile. cauple ai manths with relatives Delea ates at Êuil Shii.ik Buttl Alter mmny top-dressi.ngs in California. Halfif b. C nd R EADIG ANTH ACITE added, the road is stilllsinkingi Mr. and Mrs. J.W. HyroMetig _______H___M___9 IWith the advent of mator Mr. and Mrs. Derinis Mar- Hydro manager George W. SWIFT'S- By the Piece trattie the road was. widened shall, Brampton, visited ber Van- Bridger o! Bowmanvillc ____________________ ! in 1934. Every spiring flood parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Gil- was anc ai 300 delegates from. j e ium TL ED Ci tme much o! it is dangerous- bern. 103 municipalities xvho attend- n T e R D C ol1l under water for traffie, with Mr. Rabt. Hodgson visite c d the A.M.E.U. Summer Tech- bCDOlRI -Se while Low Summe Prîcesdremaimrns onffecakI ta imdi- bis aunt, Mrs. Elîza Storey, at nîcal Conference at Windor B ogna lb .5 c CLFRI w n uc caethe lnwy the home ai is sister, Mrs. June 23 and 24.TALR E SEEDLESS GE - Severl yeas agothere was Dave Hooper and Mr. Hooper, Each delegate took home a IGA - ALRT a trobl it a beavedmOOrn on usdy29-pae vlm entld Bld BncR oed, the SyndicaeRsrecmusing Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens, 'Guide ta Municipal Standard!I fo vr ort than roadway Mrs. W. G. Doige and Miss N~. Construction". The voum E ladsI. Often pedestrian ladies had tôn, farmerly ai Hampton, wiio construction as well as distri-Arzn H oar r o e t e i y o s t , p r ni i e r . R t l y o t i s s c i n n o e h a a r z n ta emvether ylns a ur is being cared for in a rest bution design anmd stations,HI n0 s2 i tonr sue their journey 1prum h orne in Orona. while a further section is ta bel BEIFRb b. 3 raDe s y Club Sydenit eputhsa budz-s a MaeillackPetr-od's. owmni dergroftunnded oast j05 jong 5 e C ihi. in;;ffptori TW-0.h.-g_'Fn cance, 5h1ifi case of a seriaus Apart from its geagraphical tonia Lamers (Agatha Deyries) Choosefrom beauty, since it is already here, who werc married July 3th. Chosefro 5it is worth the upkeep expense Mr..and Mrs. J. R. Parkinson large selection of iof prcserving. and famnily, Agincourt, wcre try hi5 sweet-rutinmng Kounty Kist- Standard- 15-oz. tin oxa- 7,-z sizes and modela I arn oftcn asked how I get Tuesday visitors o! Mr. and ALLI5.CHALMEIRS TEAM PEASoxes - hold, o! much unchroncled Mrs. R. O. Qîbson and Sandra. PE S O KRAFTw.r AlmnzdTbsforffe Hovetter for ig-Ce- New - Blue - Detergent Gt. Coupon Box IGA - Royal Gold -Rc.--o kg Alalnzi Tb ~PRÔNE TO-DAY pocdy Field Chopprng C HE E-R 61 BC CHEESE SUCS - 5 NEWEXITIG We hlibePleasci te Tu*i out *0i tonnai. wlth t1à Sae - Solid White -Fanry- 7-oz. tin Llpton - Box of 80 LIVE PERFORMANCE HAP*e H upply You wltla Alh-Chalmm, fétorm. . . va m - - I F149rR4ATHforgtreenfieding,grmor roW. TaUnW - - - 21cf TEA DAIu 3 1 1 wrHib lIr WALS F E Ecrop ouate. Ita theway tobout U lou Want the e n.t -WTIIT5E ST I MA T ES thi.tber to your crops. Buy Rager, ajesticv ' en yon r M eeting or P ium bin g a w e r> s( u A&m$A»181%Il Cawke s G . M a s o n & D a l L eB o w m a n v i l l e ~m HARDWARE Motor Sales MA 31-5408 .1 anîl 6 King St. E. ____________ 20 Kiij St, E. MA 3 54V7Pie fetv rriAga sl uut2~ nlsv Prce efctvefoe Agst18htoAuw -- ~ .- - -- - ~ . a-'.'....

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