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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 14

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'e--: '~r~ PAGE YO)UTW( -- - ~ Z.,W .LVUZIL F ONTj.AIUO 'iHlmi Y AG lt, N Turn Page for .Additional Classified BIRTHS BEACOCK-Mr. and Mrs. Allan Be ac o c k (nee Margueritte Adamis, cAugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adams, Liberty St.), are happy to announce the birtb of their son, David Robert Harold, at Port Perry Hospital, on August 4tb, a brother for Bruce and Lucille. 33-1 LEBRUN-Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lebrun (nee Kathleen Mort- iock), Ottawa, announce the birth of their daughter on Tuesday, August 9th, 1955. 33-if McMULLEN-Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMulien are pleased to an- nounce the bîrth of their daugh- ter, Deborah Jane, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie, 'on Fri- day, August th, 1955. 33-1* MORRISON-Mr. and Mrs. John M. Morrison (nee Margaret Rowe) wish to announce the ar- rivai of Jill Francine on July 2lst. at Mount Hamilton Hos- pital. A sister for Dane and Cindy. 33-le STINSON-Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson <nee Patricia Pearce), Chesley, are happy to announce the birth of their son on August 13th at Chesiey and District Memorial Hospital, a brother for Marilyn and Linda. 33-1* WINSTON-Lieut. and Mrs. Ray Winston (nee Aima Acosta) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Raymond Anthony, on Sunday, August l4th, at the Air Force Base Hospital, Ardrnore, Oklahoma. 33-1 ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced o! Kathleen Isabeli, daugbter af the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Green ta Leland Bruce, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bahl, R.R. No. 4, Bowmanville. The mar- niage ta take place early in September. 33-1* Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLean of Blackstock wish ta annaunce the engagement o! their yaungest daughtem, Marjorie Olive, ta Herbert William Prescott, only son o! Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pres- coittof Enniskillen. The mar- niage wvili take place in Black- stock an the third of Septeni- ber. 33.1*1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Ander- son, Milverton, wish ta announce the engagement of their daugb- ter, Isobel Irene, ta Charles Ross Taylor, youngest son o! Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Taylor, Orono, Ontario. The wedding will take place on Sattîrday, September 10, 1955, in St. Paui's United Cburcb, Milverton, Ontario. 33-1* The engagement is annauncec of Wlma Ruth Richards, daugh. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs William J. Richards, ta Mr Christopher Rowland Coornbes son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J Coambes of Bowmanvilie R.R. 4 The marriage wiil take place or Saturçlay, September 10, 1955 et 4 p.m., in Trinity UJnited Church, Bowrnanviiie, Ont. DEATHS BURNS-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, on Friday, August 12th, 1955, Linda Maxine Burns, infant daughter of Marteil and Norma (Wiicox) Burns. Private service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday, August 13, at 1:30 p.rn. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 33-I LAW-At y~emorial Hospital, Bowmanviile, on Wednesday, August I7th, 1955, Dora Law, be- loved wife o! Chris. Law, New- castle, and dear sister of Harry Dickson, Toronto. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel until Thursday naon, then at ber late residence, Miil Street, New- castle, for service on Fridav at 2 p.m. Interment Bond Head Cemetery. 33-1 BROWN-At Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, on Friday, August l2th, 1955, Margaret Elizabeth Elliott, aged 72 years, wife of the late Harnrond Brown and dear mother of Ai- fred J., Bowrnanviiie, and dear sister o! William and Henrv. Toronto. Service was heid at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Bow- manvilie. on Monday. August 15, at 2 p.rn. Interment St. George's Cemetery. 33-1 JOHNSTON-At Hampton, Ont., on Tuesday, August 16, 1955, Mary Anne Jobnston, aged 82 years, wife of the late William Johnston. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chape], Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thurs- day, August 18 at 2 p.' Inter- ment Verulam Cemetery, Bob- caygeon, an arrivaI at 4 p.m. 33-1 SKAW-At Oshawa Generai Hlospital on WednesdaY, August 17, 1955, Seymour B. W. Shaw, agd6 er.Beioved husband cfLoretta Conriers and dear father of Lorella (Mrs. Charles P. Legere), anid brother of Myvra (Mrs. Wm. Corby), Viola (Mrs. Thos. Sweet), Irene <Mrs. Wm. Singer). Emerson of Oshawa.: Nancy (Mrs. Richard Juby), Toronto; Nelson of Belleville-, John of! Tweed. Resting et the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- ianville. Service in the Chapel e PzidaY at 3:30 pm. Inter- W~~owiaJ1iJjoCemeterv. Articles ror Sale DUCHESS apples. Phone MA 3-2298. 33-1* ELECTRIC stove, heavy duty, $35. Phone MA 3-2383. 33-1 EIGHT-f oot kitcheri unit witb sink. MArket 3-3840. 33-1* WATER-Hard or soft. Robt. H. Cale., MArket 3-5476. 29-tf GLADIOLI-King St. East, west of Cemetery. Phone MA 3-3034. 30-4 THREE oil space beaters, good condition; one annex. Phone MA 3-3137. 33-i ONE heavy duty electric stove with coal and wood annex. Appiy 28 Libety St ý. 3l* GARDEN tractor, I ½2-h.p., with lawn mower, cuitivator and plow. Phone MA 3-5868. 33-1 PIANO, Nordheirner. good con- dition. Apply 5 Concessioh St. Phone MA 3-3611. 33-1* BALED straw, baled from the stack, 30e per bale at the barn. Phone Blackstock 14 r 23. 32-2 USED lumber from bouse, win- dows and doors; delivery arrang- ed. Phone' MA 3-2194. 33-1 BALED oat and wheat straw, 25c baie. Phone Oshawa RA 5-4055. 33-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf LARGE maple crib, spring-fiiied mattress, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-2606. 33-11 GLADIOLI and cut flowers for1 ail occasions. Mrs. E. Passant.1 Phone MA 3-3527. 32-3* FRIGIDAIRE refrîgerator,l apartment size. Caîl after 6 p.m. MA 3-3625. 33-1 VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instaîl. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from mil ta you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmaunt, Ont. Phone 17r 1. 13-tf SPECIAL-A complete range o! ladies' earrings on sale at one low price o! 59e pair at Hooper's Jeweliery and Gtft Shop. 33-1 KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf ONE 120-bass piano accordion; one used Astral refrigerator, in very good condition. Phone MA 3-5868. 32-2 KELLY-Ryan spreader wîthi power take-off, $495. Frank Hoskin. Phone Blackstock 2. 33-1 HIGH yielding Genesee Fal wheat, Registration appiied for. Harvey Malcolmi, Janetville, Phone Blackstock 83r11. 31-4 DO your awn floors -rent a sander or a ýfloor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf 1Articles i-or Sale1 '36 RECONDITIONED mator. Phone MA 3-2928. 33-1 McCLARY coaai range, nearly new, reasonable; circulator coal beater, girl's bicycle, both in good condition, W. E. Hager- man, Newcastle. Phone 2047 after 5 p.rn. 33-1ý PRINTS of photos of publie events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for, $1.00 on 8xl0 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf jSPECIAL offer until.August 31 on a new automatic Zip-grip clothes uine, 3.95 below list price., Z. E. grip towel holder with each order. The clothes line that needs no pins. Lifetime guarantee. Harold Murphy, Tyrone., Phone MA 3-2194. 33-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blînds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestins without obliga- tion. Fabric Town. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf PLOUGH shares for most makes of ploughs; Massey spreader on rubber $100, %-ton trailer with steel box $95, farm trailer, 7x9 piatform, 3' racks, $149; steel stoneboats $20 and $25, rubber- tired wheels for wheeibarrows $9.95. Frank Hoskin, Black- stock. Phone 2. 33-1 MALONEY ALUMINUM DOORS $55.00 - Installed Free Ross Clark 71Kng St. E. Bowmanviilie Phone MA 3-3801 8t Siniger Sewing Centre For. Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA-5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tl FARM equipment-Used trac- tors: Farmaîl "A" $425; Farm- ahl 'H" $495; McCarmick 0-6 orchard model; Fammail Super "A" with hydraulic 2-furrow plough; McCormick W-4; Massey 44; International 45, powe; take- off baler; Fleury horse'-drawn spreader on rubber, at Farm Equipment and Autarnotive, 134 *King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5689. 33-1 NEW appliances-Intemnational Harvester refrigemator, 9.6 cu. f t., freezer acrass the top, regular $349 for $295; Thor washer with autamatîc pump, regular $179 for $139; Clame Jewel 30-inch deluxe electric ange, regular $339 for $239; Pbilips 21-incb television $295; Philips 17-inch television $225, at Farm Equip- ment and Autamotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 33-1 DECORATING 0 For the 7 Uet Paners INSULATION, blawing niethod, witb rock wool. Workmansbip For the Finest Paints guaanteed. Free estimates. CFrteBs okasi 'd Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-te S. G. Preston & So NWith ieta order yourSo Campbeli!ord Silo ta have it Phones erected in tihne for your corn MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 crop. Caîl MA 3-2403, Walter4-t _____________________32-3 tOTACO rtr oe with 1î.6 DO IT YOURSELF h.p. motor,$7.5 to wagons, J two and four tans, $115 andT e $141. Frank Hoskin, Black- 7/c hT I. L E ,stock. Phone 2. 33-1712ceh and up - Ail kinds j TYPEWRITERS, adding nia- Expert instructions supplied Echines, new and used, for sale 1or ent! aiso Cale steel filingj CUSTOM FLOORS LAID cabinets, office furniture. Walter Frank, MArket 3-2403. 24-t! H. G. HEAL AWNINGS madeta eauePoeMA322 Bwavie Lovely patterns. tFree stire.phnMA_20 o avil Foiding chairs, card and banquet 28-tf tables for ent. Cieve Fox, 412, SHOES-Tbe following brand- Simcoe N., Oshawa. 24.11*'name shoes are now in stock: -children's Savage sboes, Brouw- HEARING aid service, testing em Research shoes, Sisman work service and complete stock o! boots, Sisman Scampers, Scott- batteries and cords at Higgon McHale sboes, Dack shoes, Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E., Gebac upr okbos Bowmavill Phon M 0-tf38 Foam Tread slippers, ladies' 2- Gracia shoes, Logmllers, Dr. TRADE-IN-Space heater, As- Scholl's foot remedies and sboe tral refrigerator, 3-year guaran- supports, plus many other lines; tee; Keivinator efrigerator, 'Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holiy- kitchen table and chairs, kitchen wood San i-white and Properts cabinet and radios. Murphy Co shoe polishes; modemn sboe me- King WI. v33l7 pair service in the rear o! store.i HEAVY Lloyd Eliis Shoes, 49 King St.' HAY duty roof coating, W., Bawm anville. Phone MA 3- building maintenance supplies,' 5941. 26-tf Zone, the world's most famous_______________ roof coating. Guaranteed pro- ducts. Harold Murphy, Tyrone. F rR n Phone MA 3-2194. 33-i APARTMENT for ent. Phone YOUTH'S bed, Simmon's spring- MA 3-3573. 3- filied niattress; aisa, two pairs 3-1 draw drapes, beige background, BRIGHT, cIe a n tbree-room $15; Sunshine baby carniage, apartment. Phone MA 3-3535. man's smoking jacket, size 40. 33-i* Phoe M 3274. 3-1FOUR-roomed bouse, east of Newcastle. Phone Newcastle SAVE ON BEEF 37.3- H IDQ ART RS TWO -rooed self - cantained HIND UAR ERS apartrnent, 1!2 miles fram shop- Loaded wlth tender, juiry ping district, $9 weekly. Phone STEAKS MA 3-2743. 33-1 These are ehoice TO- an elderiv, dlean couple, top commercial hlndquarters ..abstainers", five down stair lea and young. roams; separate entrance. Tele- A special purchase enables us phone MArket 3-2251. 33-1* to offer you these hinds at SIX-roomed bouse, near Orano. 52c per pound Heaprywiin, reasonable rent, wbile they at Box 395, c/a Canadian States- BOWMANVILLE man. 33aprmen FRIGID LOCKER yonjg cb <renOt Auplb tfor PHIONE MA 3-5578 Canadian Statesmail. Bownian. IreLi.37t- J Private Sale Auction Sales I bave received instructions Mr. mnd Mrs. Fergus E. Morrili, from Miss Edith Thorn ita sel Willow Acres 252 King St. E. by Public auctian on Saturday, Telephone MA 3-2456 August 2th at 1:30 p.m. at ber Trracter1 residence, Millbraok, ber entire Interiational-Harvester, Frm- bousebold effects. Terms, cash. ail H Model, in excellent con- Praperty sold. Jack. Reid, auc- dition. Offered witb compiete tioneer. 33-1* hydraulic cultivator equipment, At Petbick's Auction Shed, including in-thraw and Out- Enniskillen, Saturday, August throw discs. 20, a large quantity o! furn- Electric Steve iture, compiete set o! Wearever Deluxe model Frigidaire witb cooking utensils. studio couch, automatie contraIs, iights, deep- arm chairs, larnps, kitchen well cooker, etc. New condition, chairs, chrome kitchen suite, Mimneograph three china cabinets, three cook Automatic power machine, 41 stoves, Quaker space heater, speeds, new 60 cycle electric Quebec heater, beds, springs motor. Excellent condition. and mattresses, child's crib, Tools, Etc. four extension tables. drop-leaf Paint compressor, piston type, table, fruit jars, odds and ends including motor, spray gun, etc.; o! d ishes, garden seeder and woo d-working lathe and bench, cultivator. No eserve. Space power grinder and % h.p. motor,is eedfo mae urtue fîoodiight, large adjustable re- Terms, cash. Sale at 1:30. Clif- flector type, suitable for a b arn- ford Pethick, auctioneer. 33-1 yard, service station, etc.; ladder, lawn roiler, steel fence-stretcher, A cin Sl steel stoneboat, gaivanized tubs, A cin Sl ail drumns, garden tools, etc. Househoid Furniture 5 edo osen[ Electric coal grate, wood grate, Hilead of Hlseis nd1 chests, porcelain-tap u t i i t y' table, walnut srnoker, armchairï, Bred Heifers, Milking Machine, walnut-mirrors, jelly giasses, etc., the entire herd of Meadow-1 33-11 Help Wanted DELIVERY boy. Apply Sieep's1 Grocery. Phone MA 3-3391. 33-1 MALE, experienced in body! metal finishing. Fred Owen, Nichols Motor Sales, Courtice. 33-1 PIN boys. Earn good money during the corning bowling season. Apply Martyn's Bowl- ing Aley. 33-4 YOUNG man for apprentice- ship in metal finisbing and body work. Fred Owen, Nicholsi Motor Sales, Courtice. 33-1 WOMAN for companion and light housekeping. Mrs. F. S. Coulter, 127 King E. Phone MA 3-3598. 33-l* CLERK, maie or female, witb knowledge o! typing and book- keeping. Write stating par- ticulars to Box 397, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 33-i SINGLE man on daimy farm, must be experienced milker,l $125 a mantb. Appiy Z. J. Phone MA 3-2926. 33-1 WOMAN ta telephone canvassi at home part tirne for rug manufacturer. Good remunera- tion. Write Box 396 c/o Canad- YOUNG man for piumbing an( heating business. Apply in per son ta Jack Brough, Plumbirý and Heating, Division St. S. Bowmanviile. 33-. ADD $25 to $40 ta your weekl) income seliing quality cosmeti<! and medicines in your surroundc ings. Interesting commission Write for details. Familex, 160( Delorirnier, Montreal. 33.1 COUPLE under 45 for permar' ent nursery and farm work nea] Orono; cottage furnished. StalE age, family, experience ané salary expected. Apply Box 39ý c/o Canadian Statesman. 33-1 WANTED-Reliable man ae dealer in Bowmanville. Exper- ience not necessary. A fine op. portunity ta step into old profit- able business where Rawleigb products have been soid foi years. Big profits. Product5 furnished an credit. WritE Rawleigb's Dept. H-140-163, Montreai, P.Q. 33-1 IA doctor's wife in the Kingsway IDistrict, Toronto, desires a yaung waman or girl not latçr than September .1 for bouse- womk. Must be fond o! iittle girls. Every modemn aid to efficient work. Highest wages paid ta the right persan. Tele. vision. Phone MA 3-2997. 33-1 Cars For Salie '47 MERCURY in good condition. Phone Newcastle 3686. 33-1 1953 '2-ton Memcury pick-up, good condition. MA â-2538 after 5:30. 33-1 1955 MERCURY demonstratôr, 2-tone, radio, heater, dimectiorial signais, back-up lights, vemy lovw mileage, reduced $500 at Fatni Equipment and Automative. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Tele- Phone MA 3-5689. 3- PALME~ MOTOR SALES USED CARS 1953 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1951 DODGE SEDAN - 1951 FORD SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET COACH 1947 DODGE SEDAN 1946 DODGE SEDAN1 1941 FORD COACH 1939 NASH SEDAN 1938 PONTIAC COACH USED. TRUCKS- 1953 CHEV. Sedan Deliyery 1952 FARGO 'k-ton Expýea 1952 G.M.C. i/s-ton Expr0ss PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 King St. E. Rowmanvllle Phone MA 3-5u7 * ..en ra. A,antne UV auwitout reserve at DURHAM COUNTY Sale Arena, Orono Friday Ev'g, Aug. 19 Anyone interested in purchasing good airy cows would be well advised- to attend this sale. See Bis - Terms, Cash JACK REID, Auctioneer H. DeWITH, Farm Manager LAWRENCE HARRIS, Clerk 32-2* Seed Cleaning THE Seed Cleaning and Treating Plant at Enniskillen is under new management. The plant is now operating and grain will be accepted at any time. Phone MArket 3-5439 or Blackstock 102J. 31-4 Wanted To Buy USED playpery. Phone MA 3- 2194. 33-1 HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather tîcks, scrap iran, rags and metais. Phone RA 3-2043 Osha- wa, collect. 26-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or small 1 - tiies. . Wtt e tha aR.R own .ý-ieePi, o ae i1.Telephone coîîect ta ehayhatnnew rof basement, De1 Wiih Real Esat r-7 r 13. 28-tf attached garage, possession ar- 16% r- ranged. $6,500. . 100 acre dairy farm as going VVork W anted S acres, barn and stable, nice concern witb 6 can per day miik Stramofwatrsmllfruit, qot. Ail workable, level, .ELDERLY man wants a job on good well, 7-room frame bouse, drained land with 55'x56' and ly qietfam hmedoig horsbasement, garage. $6,800. 30'x30' bank barn with modern es aoo quetr h odoihors, 50 acres goad land, good barns, stabîing, water bowls, etc. 30 d- live stock. Write Wiilie Wil- staleirî ard and soft water, head o! cattie, 20 purebred, wîtb ni. son, 580 Veterans Road, Osha- foig spring, ail tillable;, 14- full line o! macbinery and feed 0 wa. 32-4* ranbue haywrn.Pas- in the barn. Price $22,000. 1 session arranged. $8,000. Terns- Terms. Farms, dwellings and ather 50arfrn,5acepo- n- Masonry Construction businesses. 5 cefr,3 ce lw r BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE James Nixon, Broker able, with 58'x30' bank barn, water bowls, implernent shed, e Free Estimates 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville garage; 7 roomed frarne bouse X NGER BROS.MA358 33-1* duty wired. Price $7,000. Ternis. -1 10with crunnim ng wae.Hay0 - MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375acefronhgwy as 12-tf PAUL acres workable, witb creek, r-r< ~ ii~~ weils, 100'x36' and 36'x25' L - TILE BEDS - TRENcHING ,RlIUW flLALI Uf sha ped bank barn, with new t- stabiing, rnilking, machine, milk rh SE TIC T NKS ouse witb electrie cooler, im- 'r CNC TEWR HOUSES plernent shed, hen bouse; 91 ts COCRETEWORKroomed frame bouse witb beavy BA RYLe 2-starey older type home,si duty wiring. Price $14,000. 3, B R Y & L E gaod rooms with garage, acre Terms. .1R fine garden soul, located in North 100 acre farm, 80 acres work- - A3-3693 MA~ 3-3828 Ward. Priced ta sell at only able, 6 acres wood, creek, wells, y33-1 $4,500 with $1.500 down. 54'x36' and 40'x30' bank barn, a . E. COLE Overlooking lake. Fine eigbt- liend brick pig pens; 8 roorned room oiid rick feares flbars, running bot and cold .e PLUMBING Ar.-' HEATING good soul. Five minutes wtefromurac. Prc town.water, new furnace.cePriai )Authorized cton Aîcricnice s lý, $14,000. Mortgage available. ýs Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer cndtoe.Sricea ] ' 156 acre dairy farm, as going good terms. concern, witb 66'x44' bank barn, 2ehOntario t.or DayMAn3343 Courtice area, 4-room insul running water, implernent shed, 1 Phne iuhtor ay M 3-473brick on acre. Good size rooms, hien bouse, silo, garage; 8 room- - ~16tf bal! mile off No. 2 Highway. ed frame bouse witb hardwood SAVE MONEY AT $4,000 with $1.000 down. floors, heavy duty wired. Land is ciay-loam, 110 acres workabîe, D A.VE'~S Near lake, niee foùr-room large creek, 10 acres wood. modern home, hardwood and Price $16,500. Mortgage avail- S H O E R E P A I R le floors, full cellar with furn- able.inubckosen r veniences. Askîng $7,500, bal! highway (i acre lot) with 3- 1 at rm tSriecash. piece bathroom, furnace, run- ning bot and coid water, beavy 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear)' wiring, full basement. Price 23-tf FARM $4,500. Terms. SNear Newtonville, 150 acres 6 roomed ranch style bun- Cjoncret e and .iYasonrv with 15 acres bush ready for gaîaw with 3-piece bathroorn, 'lumber. Some lumber now pil- ail furnace, hardwood floors, Ail types of ed. Excellent tobacco soil.! water under pressure, electric CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCK Never-failing creek through pro- heater, kitchen cupboards, lauin- WORK perty. Eight room frame bouse dry tubs, full basement; witb L. TURNER with water. Selîing for $21.000 store, including cash register, Estimates Free P.O. Box 177 and wiil offer ail crop, live stock, electrie scaies, suicer, counters, Evenings - Phone MA 3-3718 full line machiriery at reasan- etc. Price arranged. BOWMAN VILLE able price. 8 roomed solid brick bouse 33-tf with ail furnace, 4-piece' bath- We have enquiries for pro- roorn, running bot and cold wat- Local and Long Distance perty in Orono and Newcastle. er, kitchen cupboards, 30'x80' M OV IN GPlease contact us. barn and 15 acres of land. Price Liresed nd FllyInsued PONE4 roomed insulbrick bouse at Lleesedand uII InsredHampton witb garage. Is heavy -Also - M .331 duty wired. Well, double lot. GENERAL TRXCKINGMA 3 51 Price $3.500. Terms. P.C.V. Cîas "C", "F" and "'H' 6 raomed frame bouse in vil- ContactAteHos lage with garage, aluminum MA windows, heavy wiring, well. Preston Transport OWEN NICHOLAS-MA -98 Price $4,000.j Phone MA 3-2493 'Bowmanviie Besides abave mentioned we 33-i OME ERR - RON 111 1have approximately 85 more 33-t ORM GERY -OROO 111 Iproperties ta choose frorn in the B LL OZNG 37 King St, W. Èowmanville Oshawa.Bowmanilfle, Cobourg 13ULLD ZING 3ý1 an Tre onitaict. EXCAVÂTING Wai4ed To Rent JohnF.nDt Wit TRENCHING - LOADING John__F.__De______ DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK YOUNG couple desires apart- REALTOR Trucks and Leader for ment on or before Oct. lst. Tele- Newcastle,- Phonle 3341 Gravel aud FIl Jobs phone MA 3-3869. 331 alesmen: FRES ESMATFOUR or five-roomed bouse or! Donald Mountio. BOWmnan'ville, Tripp Construction aarmetby Septenmber 15. ' a, l MArn3d-Por950 t PRToii EIIY392W Oshawa. Phone RA 594:- Pham 246 R- Real Estate for Sale' SMALL 4-raom bungalow, new bot water heater, room for ad- dition; partial bath in basément. Phone MA 3-3914. 33-1* SIX room brick bungalow on good size lot on Concession St.,ý new où furnace. Phone MA 3- 2439. 33-3 Properties Soid, Rented, 80 acres, 72 workable, pasture, Managed and Appraised creek, excellent storey and bal! L. M ALLISON home, heavy wired, 7 raams; Rl M. AtL LI SOkeN bank barn, steel roof, size 45x70. ReaiEstae Brker Garage, implement shed, milk Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont, bouse, ben house, rich sandy Two blocks north of traffie laam, very productive. Neyer- signal, Newcastle failing weil, pressure system; 32-tf Bowmanville 6 miles. $12.500. Terms. EVANS REAL ESTATE 200 acres, 8 acres bush, 85 Two acres in town, consisting pasture, balance good medium o! fîve choice building lots, new loam, creek, 10 roam insul- 6-room home, 4-piece bath, bot brick borne, fumnace, beavy wir-' air furnace, built-in cupboards, ed, bank barn, 90x35, implement fireplace and garage, $7,800.00.1 shed, other buildings. Bowman- Have a number o! smal !arms ville 9 miles. Price $13,500. on good roads, close ta tawn; Good terms. Reail Estate for Sale THREE-bedroom home, insulat- ed, outer houses, quarter acre of land, good weli and pressure system. Terms arranged. Mac McPhail, Miii St., Orono. 32-2 O. E. CARSON LTD. alsoI several gooa nomes in town priced from $4,000.00 up. W. C. Evans, Broker Orono 33-1 FARM For Sale-00 acres, dlay loam, ail workable, red brick bouse, 3 barns, hen bouse 20x40, implement shed 22x42, steel roofs throughout, water and hydro in barn and bouse. Locat- ed in Durham County. One mile from Janetville, 11 miles to Lindsay. Daily bus service at gate. Farm in good state of repair, cultivation and soil fer- tility. Corne and look it over. Apply to Ross Davidson, Janet- ville, Ont. Phone Lindsay 4-4059. 32-2* NIXON REAL ESTATE 6-room solid brick on Church St., goad basement, new ail heat- ing, beavy wiring, bot water beater, 3-piece bath, large lot, immediate possession, $8,000. 7-raom frame bouse, hydro, 3-piece bath, extra lots, good soil, srnall fruit, possession ar- ranged. $6,500. Terms. 4% acres in town, barn, ben bouse, garage, ah kînds o! fruit; 7-roam frame bouse, basement, hardwood floors, buiît-in cup- boards, fully insulated, bot and cold water, modemn 3-piece bath, possession arranged. $9,000. 1 acre in Newcastle, planted in apples, pears, plums, peaches, raspberries; 7-room insul brick, hydro, barn, stable, implement shed, bard and so!t water, $8.000, haîf cash. Lots 66x150. Priced ta seli. 4-room frarne house, bydro, basement, built-în cupboards, garden, immediate possession $3.800. 6-room bungalow, hardwood 125 acres, first class sbeep ranch, 9 moorn twa-storey frame bouse, in good condition, bard- wood floors, steel barn 80x50,1 never-failing well, pond. $11,500.1 Temms arranged. 100 acres, exceptionaliy at- tractive buildings. the type of land that bas not known. a crop failure in 35 years. You must see this to appreciate it. $18.000. Terrns. 80 acres, wbite brick borne, top condition, 9 rooms; bank barn, steel bip-roof, 45'x60', streamq 10 acres o! good bush, land roliing. Everything for the price of the bouse, $8.250. Terms arranged. 10 acres, new brick storey and bal! home, close to Oýhawa and Bowmanville. Price arranged.' $1,000 down. - $8,650-Bungalow, in residen-! tial section o! yaung people, good terms. 6 roam, insul stone, paved street, sewers and water, garage, large lot. Furnace, bath, modern kitchen. Open for offer. $8,500-7 room. brick, very centrally located, shade trees, large .lot. A lavely place ta live. Brick factory building. 7,509 feet floor space, 550 volts, 20 acres'land, rigbt in tawn. 52 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 After hours eall: Chas. D. Rankine MA 3.-276.2 or Alvin Boyd, MA 3-2487 'ordo» Young Limited. 50-ti The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOC< FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST . FOUND - ETC. Cash Bal* - - Sc par word With a Minimum of soc Must e paid by date fIinserion Iu charged. n cxdditial i250 wiill e added. A charge ci 25c will b. mode for aril replies directed ta this office. NOTICES .COMING EVNTU AND CARDS OF TRAllES 3c a word with a minimum of $1.00 for 33 words or lemt OIRTHS .ENGAGEJWJTS BLARACEÜS . DEATES $1.00 per Insertion in MENORIAMS $1.00 plus ]oc a hn* toi verse COMMECIAL CLASSMFEDS I clude l adver snq o i =nrasor irit;sseling services, desor qoods af any description -3cpar word; minimum charge 75e si: wuih erder. To bequku advetisers payable monthjy. Dislay Claslied ai 81.50 pe., inc wiîh minimum o ai ' inch. Addtionai insertions Co lb. samne raies Ai latiaaxied Ads muat i* tel this office flot laier thozn 12 o'clock naon. Bond cash, attomps or moneV order and save mono.. Clip thîs outfor heudy referont» i, 1 1 Rewu Estate For Sale Pedwell Real Estate 100 acres, 2 miles from New% caste, priced at $11,000; ~f ternis; 2 barns on stone wal cernent floors, steel stanchion!, water bowls, equipped for dairy. ing; implement shed, 6 room frame bungalow with bujit-in cupboards,- hydro, pressure system, il heating. 150 acres, one mile frorn No. 2 Highway, hall workable, good bush, 8 room insul-brick bouse, bank barn. Incluçied with the farrn is an Allis-Chalmers trac- tor wîth mower and other at- tachments. $12,000 with $1,000 cash down. 95 acres ail workable, good frarne bouse with 2 apartments, 2 bathis, oil heated. large banic barns, other buildings-, hydro, pressure system. $10,500 wvith $1,000 cash. Act quickly. Five-room house in Orono, $4,500. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 _____ ____33-1 LEASK REAL ESTATE 4 roomed Hollywood bun- galow, 4-piece bath, insulated, heavy wirîng, cupboards; on extra large lot, toui shed, aeriai. Some siight finishing te be done. $6,200.00. Ternis. Immedjate possession. 5 roomed new brick bungalow, hardwood throughout, full base- ment, 3 bedrooms, large lot, well located. $9,000.00 Im- mediate possessioni. 7 roomed bouse, 4 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, oil furnace, insulat- ed, kitchen cupboards, sunporch, immaculate condition; an extra lot with house. Centrally locat- ed. Ternis. 5 roomned new bungalow, large sectioned window, 3 bedroorns, forced air oul furnace, garage on cernent base. May be bought now in unfinished state reason- ably or owner will finish. $1,500 cash, balance terms. 95 acre daîry farm, 9 roomed bouse in good condition. good bank barn, water bowls, pig pen, lien bouse, well located near new school and church. First time on market. $21,000.00. 'Ternis. We have choice building lots, centrally located. Houses, bun- galows and businesses for sale. Consult us before buying. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario Street Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5919 33-1 Rest Hom>~ ACCOMMODATION for 'elderly folk. AIl conveniences. Con- valescents welcome. Phone Orono 1771. 32-3* Livestock Fo SaI 7W6 veal calves for sale. Phone MA 3-2981. 33-1 SHEEP and lambs for sale. Tele- Phone MA 3-2383. 33-1 125 HYBRID pullets, à mionths 1ld. MArket 3-2075. 33-1 * 15 LAYING -Bantam hiens and rooster. Phone MA 3-3805. 33-1* E1OLS'rEIN springer, due in a week. Phone MA 3-2187, Har- old Pascoc. 33-1 SEVEN 7-week-old pigs. Ernest Flockaday. Phone MA 3-2985. 33-1 200 PULLETS, Hybrids, New Hampshire and Wyandotte, five rnonths oId. starting to lay. Tele- Phone MA 3-2191. 33-1* SPRINGER cows for sale, due in September. A. Benschop, Rit- son Rd. N., R.R. 2, Oshawa. 33-1e FERSEY heifer with caîf hy ide, three Holstein cows due to freshen soon. Phone MArket 3-5805. .33-1* Wanted NEW green Ogilvie play money. Have extra old blue money to rade for new. Mrs. Wesley Down. Phone MA 3-2381. 33-1 DEAD) STOCK removed fron Dur farm promptly for san.itary THE CANADIAN STATVMAM- 9 , d loi,

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