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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 3

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-.-~-, r .. .~-. :1 _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____THE_ .L IL N A N STATESM AN. BOW Hugh School Resuits ENRISKILLEN Leb Mtr an Mrs A. ing Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, W.M.. Metin Bowmanville, with Mr. and Where For Upper School Classes W Zmet oneAugust 9 in MrLorne Lamb~ MG*li of~ thechuchwith Mrs. E.A. Mr n-r.KihMG1patwe Grade Resulta Phys. C, Chem. C; Fr. A. 2; Werry presiding. Mrs. L. LambiBowmavle acapne Mrs expressio Bros ent ap ;Fr. C. 3. gave the scripture and Mrs. IL. Roy MeGili and Reva, to Mr. ta Port1 *'.Broks Knneh Cap.2;McGill gave a splendid devo- and Mrs. Fred Billett's cottage ough: hl L. .it. 2; Aig. 2; Geam. 1; Trig. 2; Locke, Kenneth - Comp. 2; tional framn an article dealig at Chandof Lake. ta Nevcz Py.2; Chem. 2; Fr. A. 3; Fr. Lit. 3; Bot. C; Zool. C. with the philasophy af life, Stan; OU Ch. LnGrl-i.C r ."iecnMr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt and DO' C. 2 Lun , Ge ald- it. ; Fr A. Lif~ can be beautiful if we visitd Mr. and M rs. Clem Je'~ tme P Cale, Lillian-Comp. 2; Li1t. C; Fr. C. C. live it wisely." 1frev, Part Perry. tm r C; Fr. C. C. McGregor, Janet - Camp. 1; -Rall cali was answered by a Mr n r.EgrWil Thq Craig, Ge -Camp. 3: Lit. Lit. 1; Hist. 1: Chem. 2; Lat. A., mîssianary and where station- an'n r.EgrWit Club 'are 2 ; Go.C; Bot. 2; Zool. C; 1.; Lat. C. 1; Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 1; ed. Community friendship sec- n family, visited Mr. Frank reputatici Chem. 3; Fr. A. C; Fr. C. 3. Germ. A. 1; Germ. C. 1. 1retary, Mrs. Toms stated re- Spry, Rachester, N.Y., and Mis week in Cramp, Donald - Camp. 3; Markle, Joseph - Camp. 3; ceipt af removal slip of Mrs. Marguerite right St.y Cthr- gaes w Lit. C; Geom. C., Trig. C; Phys. Bot. C; Zool. C. RB.Green, GadFlsNe-hme tran hser aened iesst C.- Mils Shirley-Camp. 3; Lit. fudand ta Enniskillen. M' aRcetradMs night 8-5 4E. Trewin toak charge of th., Gloria Wright returned home 19-9. Fjsk, Claramae-Lit. C. C, Bot. C: Zool. 3; Chem. C; 1 busnss. Discussion was held ta-nsilnwihte fe Mr. an Goddard, Tanya - Camp. 1; Lat. A. 3; Lat. C. C; Music 2. in , spending holidays. Lit. 2; Geom. 2; Trig. 1; Zool. regarding sending a delegate Iand Miss 2; Fr. A. 1; Fr. C. 1 Pollock, Shirley -Camp. '; ta School For Leaders, WhitbY, M. Ed Orr, Hamilton spent ronto. ar Raymnd-Cmp. : Lit. C; Hist. 2; Geom. C; Bo': land also division af proceeds Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.Rchr Lt. .C a.C ;F.A 3; Zool C.- Chem. C; Fr. A. C; of baking sales. Allandi Werry. Lar C. .. C.a.C 2 r .2 Mrs. E F oor r Parii 2; Camp. 2. Frr. Elzth-a. î rs. ,J. Siemon presided overý Misses Dorothy Skinner and so Bobb Lit. 3; Zool. 3; Chem. 3: Lat. A. Lit. 2: Hist. 1; Chem. C; Lat. A' h- rga;tapaosls ai stn aotMs guests ti 1; at C 2;Fr A 1;Fr C 1;];La, C 1 F. A 1 F. C 1 ýby Lois Ashton, well prepared Adam Sharp and Mr. Ras Mrs. Reg. 1;La.C.;F. A. 1 r . C. 2. 1 at C F. A. 1; Fr . C. 1 information from United Na- Sharp attended .the Sandersoli- Ms Germ A.1; Grm.C. . Gem. . 1 Ger. C 1.tions' literature by Mrs. F. Me- Baker wedding in North Park- M Laird, Donald-Camp. C: Lit. Quantrill. Shirley-Bot. C. Laughlin, vocal solo by Mrs. L. dalé United Church, Toronto, ovin sper C: Alg. C; Geam. 2: Trig. C; Seto, Joseph - Geom. C; Ashton and an interesting read- on Saturday. ani sn Phs .ing. Christian 'Citizenship De- Mr. andi Mrs. L. Ailinghamn, mother, - -Spicer, Marilyn - Camp. C; partment, "Is Bingo Bad For Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W., Friday, A Lit. 3; Zool. C; Lat. A. 2; Lat. Your Town", by Mrs. O. C. Howeils. wiîl celet .3.Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke day and Turner, Ronald - Camp. 3. The meeting closed with a; and Aiphie Bender, Oshawa, fml & S Lit. 2; Hist. 2; Geom. C: Chem. ' pvaer. Memnbers retired ta the ivisited Mr. and Mrs. Albert gener-atio C; Lat. A. 2; Lat. C. 3, Fr. A. 1.; Sunday Schooî room where! Oke. day. Mrs. 56#006 0 Fr. C. 1.Group Four serveti a dainty Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawells and in Bethan Webr ae ap ;ilunch. family returned home after each sunm Wehbe. Hael - omp.C; I.A. Meeting holidaying at Trenton ad fft 'e Lit. C; Bot. 3; Zool. C; Lat. A . Madac.a' fiends a ~,IAINf~SI0 C;Lat. C. C; Fr. A. 2; Fr. C. 2. WA etn a edi '0 /(C6WA meeing 2 stos an Ohw, ih r d friendsM a A6A 16 m rriers 2 isitrs nd ýOs a nd w t Mr. Aand Werrx y,,'District Pres. children presentMrs. F. MNra rgt r n siSandr with Mr. andi Mr,, May s col sidetof H. Adam alysPerboon1 G u stoti-onor The motta andi creed were Hals Peebaoa Lake Barr repeateti and the devotional 1Sunday. Mr. anc was given bY Mrs. T. M. Sle- 1 Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mapfl~ Clark G M aple Grove mon an "'Water af Life". The Grave, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ash-SnÏyt I~4apI Grove Bible reading was given bv' tun omean Chroms haenin Sr,:Bo Our ~~~~~tn Laisic antidnt Chs Are have re-urbl rundat toe o' OurDisrit Pesien, Ms.Mrs. F. Toms. 1 holidays at Mr. and Mrs. S. H. r md S. Grant of Bowmanviile, was A vr aorbe rpr an honoured guest at the regu-wsgvnb r.M oh lar mont on the baking sales at Caesarea. ~~*al Gae Wme'etitute o An invitation fram Mrs. W. Grav Woen'sInsitut onAshton was accepteti where we, In speakîng ta us, she des- cott ae o ug pin0. tthi crbeti herseif as a liasson of- A very interesting paper by, *.fîcer between the head office Mrs. M. Habbs on the Unitedi anti the branches. Nations' Literature was enjoy- 11 This year the motta of the ed. The program was in charg 1% setter ~ Area Convention is ta be "Put- of. Mrs. L. Wearn which consist. sisa Si ting Culture Into Agriculture". ,eti of a film, compliments of K md of Dy CleouigShe mentioned a citation ta jJMcColl -Frontenac Oul Ca. ~sl t Women's Institute containing Lunch was serveti by Group ig eV r twa Ihi et Oi ILth O't any wards of praise, and said Three.niMsLm Smsn ~ ge tal eJing î ta be a '"Mutual Improvement Enfielti, Mr. and Mrs. Russell yesi ¶JO1r Ïethat a sl You can be sure the young- Society", and aur Motta ta live Spinks, Oshawa, Mr. andi Mrs. 1 even~t. i ý.JeS I t set ster's clothes are cleaner out aur Creeti and Ode. Oliver Beckett, Tyrone, with e e al o than ever before. Just try She shaweti us some Masan Mr. anti Mrs. Leanard Bradiley. an ore Our Sanitone Dry Cleaning jars anti mentioned their ati- Mr. Fred Ellis attendeti the: 13.t Cît .-Make rgnlcî vantages over olti type kintis, R.B.P. celebration at Halibur- anti then assembled and dem- tno audy and patterns spring bac ntae hryadpu Miss Betty Jane Wemry visit-, to life. pitter. ed with Miss Jean Cale, Bow- It's the perfect service for The motta for the evening, mrs uron Robrt ad children's ciothes . . .the . Life is a grindstone; whether aMilv Burtim orwts Mnd complete dry cleaning that it grintis us down or, polishès antil M altJohn , S iemon.S a eto removes every trace of us up, depentis on the stuif we an Mr. n Ms RosLeat are matie of", was prepared by Br anKdon Drs. anssiLMr s. groond-in grit and grime. Miss Susie Lairti anti reati by Cliark' KDorn Ann and John, No odors, even perspira. ~Mrs. W. Munday. In ad day lr olnd n n on tion removed. Compare we hati ta work bard forwht Lapeer. Michigan; Mrs. J. D.~ FROM OUR DRAI Sanitone with any other we got. physically, mentally or Cles, BomnaniiJen Miss By- dr enigadscfr spiritually-we are nat hungry esBwavle isSl enagh oda fo an aithevia Meeking, Hamilton; Mr.2 0 0 yourself the amazing differ- 1 abave for aur awn good. The ania M . Aand WryFanti ence it makes. Take advan. weak biame circumrstances, the Soand, MrEndlln Mr Fank ;, tae ofour "ack-o. - strang rise above them.oratEnkienMrAlxi ' Scheofl ont nBcow a « Mrs. P. Flintofi reati 'an arti- Drummonti, Orono, were oeen Top IIuaiy Schol- onthDowand cie on Canadian Industries - visitors af Mr. anti Mrs.. E. A. send your children off nameîy mining uranium espe- Werry. brighter and ceaner ... in* ciaîîy in Algomna. Atomic re- Mr. and Mrs. Max Ballard, clothes cleaned this miracle volution wiîî revolutionize all Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; Mr. Saioeway. Try us todayr phases of life, anti Canada has and Mrs. Antirew Scott, Goti- 48 ll/ D R A PE Sanionea ringsitie seabr, being second erich: Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa; anly ta the Belgian Congo in Master Allan Scott, Windsor, OZ_11_V1_ uranium production. wuere o Mrn.iad evenin ela In florals, abstracts, sceni<! Mrs. Milis, president, con- guest ! rrntyr. la IILJI0IiIUducteti the business periati, Wem.jSo corne early wbile Mr. anti Mrs. Donald Lee. N7-ïduring which tirne it was an- at em' saa nyoned at Blcst were ii Mrs. Reg Suttan, Orona; Mrs. REGULAR VALUES ta viit u n Sepctember. Ken Grey, Catimus; Mr. and t u inSepembr. Mrs. Keith Ferguson anti Da- E VELEIGH'S tare Clbisieemn viti, Bowmanville; Mr. andiO Sl Day on August 24 was. announ- Mrs. George Bawers, Mm. anti OnSl Launriesced anti aIl inviteti to attend. Mrs. Allen Beacock, Nestleton, LaunriesAn expression of thanksRwas guso Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Fer- a tbe sent Mr. adMms. R. itaihy C leaner & Dyers Stevens for serving trays mati Mrso.L. icCionac- SHW EIH100 by them for our use.MrL.RcClfni, -; OcHAA A enIT 30 The meeting closeti by us 1 campanieti Mrs. R. Hatherle, Local gent:of Marv Stewart Coilect afterý Tyrone, ta visit Mr. anti Mms. IIOOPER'S jwhich lunch xvas serveti. Sory 'A. Leadibeater on Montiav _________________ LADIES' WEAR jthere weren*t mare out, it was evening. Ms rdTm _______,,a________ meeting. Mr. andi TIt. FeITom agoiwere dinner guests af Mr. anti 36" T S U Mrs. Russell Coates, Shirley, Ontario. Fockler. Toronto, holidayeti FAILLE T F I with Mm. anti Mrs. Hamry Grubo.In1 euiu hds Rev. M. R. anti Mrs. Sander-In1beufushds son, Torgnto, visiteti with Mr. SALE PRICE, yard -- and M.,rs. A. Sharp. jMr-. anti Mms. John Griffin ~~ anti familv have returneti home after holidaying with Mr. anti 'ýfA0.mzIng new-formulo, DURA.HIDE doos a whit.r, longqr fot Mrs. George Bradley, Burwash, Ing lob In onO c0ot thon two COoits Of Many ordlnary pointsi anti back thmough New York 71" lli anI othier places. LOAAa You'll. hardiy believe your eyes wben you see how DURA-HIDE'.a Congratulations ta Miss Shir- Y N ME T sensational -hiding Power and brilliant ubster white can beautify le Milîs an passing ail hem ex- ba your home! ~ams sceful.In 15 beautiful shades. Jua ore catof URÀ.HDE oves oli ovr ny alo -Miss Sylvia Meeking, R.N., SALE PRICE, yard Jus on coi o DUA-HDE oves slidove an coor vemHamilton, spent a week's visit 1[ L black. Hides ail small checks anad cracks. Provides a tough, weather- '.vith Mr. anti Mrs. Allan Wer- resistant surface that lasts season afrer season. In every way it dom a ry. better job than any white house paint you've ever uçe. à1. anti Mrs. Norman Wilson Self-cleansing. non-yellowing properties in DURA-HIDE help Saaeet Mm.te anti Mr * . V. De xi qce your home brigbt. It's easy ta appiy. Doesnt sag. Tryi!M.rp ie .y it! anti Mrs. Ross Wright, Newcas-Maet I)Mde by the of famnou, FIo-giez Colorirer points in 1,322 colora. tîe . Made tartt onl and David, Chalk Lake, were order. F Landera PHONEs MA Fr An ek 1-larcivU rare Mrs. A. L. r.nt KInG e Sa rw.r E.Mm. anti Mrs. R. Sampson 59 KING ST 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-57741 ý ~anti boys,MooRa.Ot;r.5 KIGS I lnd Mrs. W. Clarke. Ralph and, 1'MTqTL~,ONTARIO BETHANY 'do people get their ddirection? During the ?k we have nateti these ions: - We went OVER Perry; IN ta Peterbor- rP ta Haliburton; OUT :astle; DOWN ta King- ýUT ta the West Coast )WN through the Mari- mvinces." Bethany Girls Soi tball ekeeping up their gooti on with two xvins ]ast Ithe semi-finals. Bath Yere playeti in Newcas- h the score an Monday -5 anti on Fritiay nighýt rîti Mrs. Cecil Hughes ss Wentiv Hughes, To- mre visiting with Mrs. Fallis. Elizabeth Patton anti )by Of St. Thomas are his week xvith Mm. anti James MeKinnon ieft lay for Ingersoil anti id this week with Mr. 3Wm. Bailey anti ber Mrs. Grace Smith. On August l9th Mrs. Smîthi ýbrate hem lOOth birth- a gathering Of all hem which incluties fixe ns, is planneti for that sSmith is well known iy, having x-isited heme mmer during the pa-t ars anti hem man.. titi sinceme congratula- this occasion ta a yery A lady. id Mrs. Carl Smith anti ottage, Sundritige, on rnarti. .id Mrs. E. A. Werry, rant anti Brtwere la euests O! Mrs. J. D. \x',manvilic. Betty Jane home fmom holidays. prejudices are more than social faily spent the weekend in Markdale xvith îMm. and Mrs. Norman Neals. r Mr. a.ti Mrs. Walter Tho-,,-- son, Peterborough were with Miss Lily Thompson anti Fred 1 Thompson for the weekend. Suntiay guests with Mrs. Clama Armstrong were Mm. anti Mrs. Jack Thompson anti Mis Thelma Patton ai Toronto. jMiss Marie Carm is impraving fallowing an operatian in t Joseph's Hospital,, Peterbsr- ough last Thursday. Harry Johnston. wha is nowil employeti with the Highway Construction C a m pa n y at Woodstock spent the weekenti1 at his home in the village. J ohn Shetier, Oshawaspn several days iast week with Mr. anti Mrs. Rass Carr.1 The annual Decoration Day J *was helti an Sunday at Fallis; Cemetery. with many fram ail distance attentiing. The service J was conducteti by A. H. Monk a! Bethany anti Mervin Lave )! 1 Janetvîlle. The Bethany Bandi was in attentiance. W.M.S. Meeting The August meeting ai the Women's Missianamy Society o! the Unitedi Church was held ait the home a! Mrs. Henry Jake-> man, with Mms. George Wadi-1 deil presitiing, The scripture i lesson was reati by Mrs. O.-t' Spencer. The treasurer report-J eti the sum af $73,46 sent to Prcsbyterx-. Watch Tower her- altis eporting were Mrs. H.' Coppins on the wark o! mis- sions in China anti Mrs. C.j Rowan on Pakistan. The Presi-1 dient canducteti the womship service, the theme being "A 1 Door o! Untiemstantiing", in > xvhich we must recognize that the whole. pattern o! racial dis- crimination is an offence against Goti, ta be endureti noJ longer: that the fears bates anti pîroblems,* they are sins that were serveti by the hostess and the Gospel alone can cure. ro a social houm enjoyed. >T. the Churches bas been commit- ted ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I th.ako rcamn u meeting closeti with singing the Gospel for the healing o!f th hmn "Oh Brother Man, old nations. A short discussion fo - îta Th-ine Heat Thy tther" lowed as ta aur iack af under- Ianti pravers. standing anti failuire ta love aur neighbor am ourselves. Mrs. H. Cappins gave the* last chapter ai the yea's stutiv book, dealing chiefly with our~ neeti for undemstantiing anti ways anti means of helping. th(ý people o! India. A chiltis crib quilt was onateti by Miss L. Weathemilt. Mms. Edigar 'Beer kintily oI- femeti ber home for the Septem- ber meeting. Reireshments Os hawa FAIR TUSAri TURSD18 - GatOe .m18 Friday and Satu rday AUGUST 19 and 20 sumita or cleran ce! ýrts to-day (Thursday) 9 ar.e PERY DEPARTMENT YARDS lfai-Dyed, Pre-Shrunk !RY FABRIC S xs, Plain and novel-ty weaves. eselection is at its best. 'S UP TO 3.98 YARD 1. $169 MNGS 69C BRIC EET WEST BLINDS PHONE MA 3-3609 36" ST CO TON FKINTA SALE PRICE,3c yard 3- 36" PLAIN AND PRINTED C T O LS In assorted colors and designs. '3c SALE PRICE, yard39 36" SANFORIZED DENINS Plain, checked, plaids and stripes.5c SALE PRICE, yard 59 45" NYLON PLISSE I20 beautiful shades 12 SALE PRICE, yard ----- - -1 3 j' 'i COTTON GROUP '00 YARDS S UP TO 1.89 YARD ýon of quality cottons in ail colors and assorted designs. yd.69cý [SPECIAL VALUE Large colleci Sale Price There are many values you cant afford to miss. For quality merchandise at Iowest prices, ahop and save at FABRIC TOWN. The abuve sperlals are only a few of the mnany great fabrie values you will tlnd on display! Corne early for Deat uelectlon. T OWN FREE ESTIMATES on custom made DRAPERIES or VENETIAN 'rHtrRSAY, AMT. lBth, 1955 * I~'ij '"I PAGE qlM -I '-e 1- t -,Opuw m Staris (Preparation Day PHONE MA 3-3609

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