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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 6

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PAE8~qn- !AaflAa'~I' SA$1ef~ A~ ?a--&MM, J U'.JTVEjýVAJM. t jN Â1XJUOJTIIU*R5t&,AUi 8t or saname i in corer. Tomon LU. ail hirLIUcottage Uv Nacm Leach and I had aur the xeekend. annuel feuti about cigars. and Viitors ai Mr. and Mrs. Dax as usuel. Norm \von oui; Il Malcolms vere Mc. and Mcs.1 trthated. 1*11 watch that xxilv old Strawbridge and famnilyv. Mi Stpte MUM Odo-Ro-No 1.25 Veto Spray 98c-75c-49e Cream Now 890 HALO SPECIAL 75e Eggcreme Shampoo 2 Halo 65c Size 1.75 Spray Net Both for 98C Both for 1.75 Vacuum Home Permanents Bayer Botties Aspirin Dc Toni - 3 strengths _--- 1.75 19c-29e-79e Hudnut's Quick 1.75 - Thermos Pin Quick ---------------1.75 Anacin Botties Bobbi ----- ---------- 1.75 Tablets 1.7 - 1.99 Prom - No Neutralizer 1.75 25c-49c-79e Silver Curi ---------- - 1.75 Quart site Toni -Spin Curlers .__ 1.29 Instantine Thermos Toni Shampoo------- 1.00 Tablets 2.95 - 3.95 Toni Rinse - ------89c 25e 75c New Special Waterman Cartrldge Antizymne Paste (Trial) Filba Fountain Pen Antizyme Paste (Glant) 9.50 - 15.00 - 17.00 Both for 69c Kerslake's Sweet Pickle Mixture For Cucumbers and Beets %~-gal. quantity ----20c 1 gai.-------- ---- 35c COWLING'S PRO14 '~' OE WE FIT NIA 3-5695 DRG ST R TRUSSES UUUUUUU*UUUIUMUUIUIMUUUUUmuuumuuMmm..m.uummm.' LW S*% %oe~ -LONG B3RANCH 'Juat Off Gueen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27 West of TORONTO 2POM. $1.15 ,tOlesen, Mr. Alan Malco1 1id Mlarlvn and f. h dtr 4i W. Marlèvn and'Nancv rentained forIn h dtrsM i Irs. a holiday with their grandpar- ents. Bethany, On'. IL Mr. and Mrs. Murray TabbDeiSr and famîily. Bowmnanville, at Mr. 1 ~amrn enew îng nmy subsciio-- and Mrs. T. Tabb's. tonfr1eppe I don't w ant Carol Blackburn visited Mi-.tonmiss a copy of it for tii and Mrs. Roland Thompson and world. It is a 'veryv aluable fanmil.v, Hampton.1 thing in the home ini a lot of. Mr. and Mis. Don Cameron Nvvs and I don't .rnean for- visited Mrs. Camerons cousins,, irewood. If vOu i ~dn't have n 1Mrs. Thompson at Kemptville, paper vou uv ouldn't know what and F. Gibson at Ottawa over the country is doing aroun-[ the \veekend.- ---- - iIMr. and Mrs.. Leslie GrahamI i have been enjoying a holiday atlBsn s îeor Whitney, Algonquin Park and --____________ calling on relatives at Orillia and Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn -____________ visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Colbary Chartered Accountant SWIFT'S- COTTAGE STYLE and familv ai Long, Branch., 64 King St. E. Bowmanville Deborah returned home havig (Ahove Garton's Bus Station> benhollidaving with them for Phone MA 3-3612I- a %ýng____ ______ ork Ro ll b.c C.G.I.T. are collecting cloth- J3. HIUNTER AND C 'PAy-CLl ing frteVictor Mission, and Certified Public Acco'Untants BIJRN'7-CPICNC STYL iused white cottons for concer 64 king- StreetSTE. dressings. Anvýone having anyý,- Oshawa 5-1621 Z11R S thing to contribute kindly have Stecessors to O. S. Hobbs it ready by Saturday. ---Porc _______i._6 5 he]d on Thursdav afternonar io -- ONTARIO No. 1 t he home of MWrs. (C. Rankine. -1 BURN'S - SLICED-l2-oz. pkg. Mrs. J. Potts opened theme- G. EDWIN MANN, D.. I I" E ing. Mrs. J. Jones presentedth Chiropractor Iwfi~ devotional. The following pro- Ofic:B oCgFONIa gram was in charge of Mrs Paper Prodcts Bldg Arthur Trewin: piano solo, Inaý SpecialtyPprPodcs lg Berv] Read; reading, Mrs. W,6, TPrane MA tre55 t SWIFTS - SLICED- 6-oz. pkg. Blackbtirn: solo, Mrs. C. Ran-î Phne A 3550 kine: piano soo1~d ot: Office Hotîrs: By* Appointoient reading, Mrs. J. Potts, andatLu c e n I IU SC C IOR A- contest. Lunch was served by DL e n faL hsesadMrs. Arthur Trew- _____1________ -_______________________ r September W.A. meeting wilî l DR. . M. RUDELL, D.D.S. SW T' ibe held in the church in the1 Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg evening. 140 King St. W. - Bowmanville OTRO o Ronldan Ry iste OMs ff~ice o 6 pmdaily Premium Franks ib. 3ONA9 cNo 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd AshtonOfc Hus Milton errv, shawa.9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday GENSA' Miss Marie Ashton attne Closed Sunday wedding in Toronto on Saturdav.ý House Phone - Newcastle 3551 SPLE R Mr.~~~- Pos anSrsay adesns OfiePhn M 17 b. .5.SUPLESAR Rev. F. Jackson and familv vavlim having returned from their houi- 1 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.Si, D.D.S. 1 ____________________________ day*,v there will be church on Office in his home eet e Sundav afternoon at 3 p.m. 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville! - Office Hours:* r 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailySae5 A COMPLETE LINE NESILETON 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Sv c .0 1! ogauain aM. a. PoeM35a R O Y A L p i ongatuatins o M. Jpz.l Phoe M 3-à04Assorted Flavours Emerton and Miss Ethel Woods 1 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. who were married on Wednes-1 OfficeN day;alsoconratuatios t 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville~ Instant Puddings R Q I E E T Mr. Douglas ,Sieep and Miss' Office Hours: Patricia Bowles w-ho were R Q IE E T married on Saturdav. 9 ar..tI 6 p.m. daily ~ k.' ~ The wind and ram non Sat-1 .. a oo Surda 2 Deal I 21c AVAILABLE HERE urdaY put several telephoncs' Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 il _____________________ ______________________ oui of commission, The rami ______ __________ 'ý'îll do a lot of good ta thei 'aasture and garden land.- L e g ai Pomdered Skimn Milk Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd_______________ .îamie and Nola, Port Perr-Y, spent W\ednesday evening with SRK n TIE NU-MILK Lb. 5 Mr.1 and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Barristers, Solicitors _____________________ Iiier and Nola have just re- Notaries Public lsee e 1irned froni a fîve week visit W. R. Strike. Q.C. Alset-R. tSask. and Alberta. A. A. H. StrikeB.A, A GA '~ Lb.~l Mcr. and Mrs. Victor Malcoin-1 40 Ki ng MA.3-5791uu and Wayne attended the 30 TeehnMA379 ____________________ year celebration for her par- LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Instant ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Barrister, Solicitor Kerr, Yelvecton, which -w1*a S Notarv Public h 9 held in Pyool Hall. 1King St. W. - Bowmaniville L-K O LbR30 Mr. rneeMatenett. Toron- Phones: Office MA 3-5688 to, spent the weekend výith '0is Residence MA 3-5553 16 oz. tin bis cottage. JOHN EGANtB.A.l Rex'. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton Barrister L 41c and famil *v. Blackstock, called 'otary Publice on Mr. and Mcs. Lawrence, 33 Temperance St., Bowmanville iAvImer Cream Style - 15-oz. tin -Malcolm and Mr. and Mcs. L.J Phone MA 3-3292 Joblin on Friday evening. MISS_ _ _ __1. OTGI *Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin spent MISAH .H FIs ID11 GICE CORN 2/25c an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bar' ister. Solicitor George Johns.* NotacN' Public Lvnn Valley - Std. - 15-oz. tin Miss Beth McMulien. Lotu, Temperance St. - Bowmaiville A IP spent weekend with Miss Anna .R' Maies Margaret Steele. R.N.. M o r t g a g e s.~ *-~ E Toronto. spent a few days with LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO GAES-COC 8-z i R ALR' h er parents, Mc. and Mr*s. Wrn. Pon 1 r 16 RV'-CHIE-4oztiD.BAL DSi *Steele. * First mortgage funds Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sanm- Rsncs - Faîrms APPL U C 7 rC elîs. Miss Anna and Miss Betb PLEsJneCEI 7c DOG or McMullen spent Sunday with_______________ friends ai DLinsford. LYNN VALLEY - STANDARD - 20-oz. tins LYNN VALLEYS Mr. Donald Bradbury. Tor O ptf0M etfr y DESR PE R î r 7CU_ A anto. is te speak in the Unitec E S R E R o 7 U A Church on Sunda .v at 1l ani Rex'. J. E. Griffith, Castletonj KEITH A. BILLETT_____ attended the SepBws Optometrist J. WILLIAM HORSEY - IS-oz. ti J. WILLIAM H IOR wdngand visited hizýdLj-i 141 Kig St. E. - BowmanvilleG A E R I E TI N c O A G te. sr. Edgar Emerson at Teephone MA 3-3252 their cottage. OfieHor: .m a Congratulations ta Dr. R. Monday ta Saturday P. Bo\w.-es who ceiebrated bis except Wednesday, 9 - 12 DOLE - FANCY - 20-oz. tin JWiILIAM IHOR5 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mon .gcým- erv. Bexlev. and Mr. and Mrz. JOHN A. OVENS L 801 PIMP E-7B END ...ach Fam ly irdunext ugmnPots- Liti. iryiIed by C rTasthe ate rai to. e-hr grandparents, Mr. adMt 'L a h F m l, poolanid a littîe strne an it , ii K le y r dTa hean te raioe.e o BURKETON B.Hubbard. j ougmn s ceuEn- The August meeting of th~e iMc. 1watNMrMeleh. b Youngm an s edîhe honour of beingth lishman, says wbat bis heart1 W.A. was held at thé home cfb;: M wr ators. icnh Cr youngest present. While Grand- thinks, wbich is a very good i r.Hne rcM hnpas 1,rntM. Keth ma Sparks of Toronto was eai- way especially the way he pui-s- were made for the fali bazaar. i miy Hold Picnc il theeldet, se beng i herevèry little detail. Thé YËver- The Sept. meeting will ýie helti rs 8'7tya.ton wie sgndas.Abt at Mrs. Harold Larmer's, wi,-- Mcs. Raymrond Davey spent By Ed Youngman The young folks enjoyred of fun is nice ta reati some group tbcee. * a fexe days xith relatives at ;hen'th clas gtherd a stenuos gines whle u ol-I1Milverton. ,the nn 'th e c n g ther t rs r n ost a mo n es. w i s old- imes. M s. Jack Sinclair under- I ii nd Msjor a c *î nna pcic i ther rsst arounidére.indn: Thece is also one tbing I wisb went a serlous operation .at the ijan r. Nra e yýears, it was aîwavs ai tne The weather wasiee And tzome folks would take an in- Toronto Western Hospital lest Keen, Oshawa, wîth Mr. and1 home of Jean and Art. But 1h;sight here,Iknw veye terestinl, ep ' alv in ml weekc. We wish e a speedy Mrs. Pete Gatchell. -~ yeac we gatbered at the love1'., .will join me in thanking thelcs uha bs.adta ~ eoey homne of Mr. anti Mrs. John Ki- Kivell's foc their kindly hospi oeace h o s and is todgo ta j MecvrM. A wsr rt eM. .Carter, eterh- velI Saine t~t~'.:~ox'.aIlw bve a d.j;orne clubs of some sort or a!I Toronto. horoug.. Aunt Eva and Uncle Jack' s w-a tis le nexi yeac t o- i rmldey school. It would do alj Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard il' wereabsnt ecase hev ver tiue hispleaantannel et-lot af gond, i believe, as there Trenton a few davs with M' visiting their children anîd tgte.iaealt0 blrnwt and Mrs. Ross Hubbard. iHAMPTON gatidchildcen in Vancouver, - muclY ta say foc their ownI Ms .Aaswr B.C.F ye God-nd chidrn D O Ngo d in Kingston wih M . and M s.! M . and M rs. J. 'W . B eson couldn't corne East, and financefA . . ~ . Bowmanville seems ta have Wally Breck. t haxve retucned fcom -a vecy the building of a nexv bouse. r.'-.eything suitable forchcild- Ms .E ie laatwe' oiivwt too. Aunt Net and Uncle Ai, Dna cubinl, Black- , e xeienubbue i Mr. and M- -A.E. ibey pe irs A es hdyM Bth neyer came. Period! And We 1stock. is holidaying xith Mr. and l - < ow rentai and lots of work al - axekwi eaie t.n no n c.a Ëtilîl dont knov where the heck ' Mcs. Boss Ashton and familv. -, xear arotind for men 45y Mîlbnkrsn theR icbmalond HlI. hei e Joyce. Ern and Phvls got ta. Dawn Thompson. Hapton, -~d dlv a yas Ms ereWie'Petn hr h~ losw bi e od1 olloet]iethece 17111gI-cai gcandchild, Paul At noon the figurcd on be::m.g* visiîed Carol Blackbur~n. myseif as I was raised lIn Part spent three weeks, witb c avySeenosno r thece. Bet they couldo't find , \isîtors ai Mc. and Mrs. A.. Hope and born in Cobourg. an~cd Mcs. Trick. rvedMc.y oe Stevenson neMr the KiveIl place. and didîî t I~ hope you undersiandau r M. Keith Watler af Cayma em asno ulnin ato taIi. McNeil*s -ci-e Miss Mabel, s oueeig o yu pp r adIsamaB"!. s okigwihTeir loth tofchiltin Lyn. Brown. Toronto: Mr. Walter We. wha wvere theie. enj-c Douglas, Newcastle; Miss Wanda ,own elsa youc hospital. Thev manY others on the tobacco and John, were also thece foc a pleasant efterroon. excellert, Malex, Ocona: Mc. anti Mrs. D . are a fine bunch of nur-ses harvest at Mc. Sandy Van! the evening. Anson will judcle supper. and. for thev w-ho sîa - MacKine, Toronto. The children . Iere. I xvas jusi in thece late- jDam's. sheop at Oshawa and Toronto.1 ed. a ceai nice evening. Lnoa:- returned home with their par- Iv l and had w'onderful care and i Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick, Mc. Fairs. tunaîely. 3our scribe had lo e..' ents. having spent a couple aof our doctors are so young and!Iad c.ii -lhnsnwe' is Adre, Macnab bas, i and rtîn. in order ta mecet thr, 1 weeks wîth their gcandpacents. nice ta evecyone. I hope th,., in Lindsay xitb Mc. and Mcs. . menît t%-o months in Las Ange- c~ riurng a alon WlI Ms.LiyPesotLldan support ibeir hos-pital on lvM'Ian Pollard. les. California, w'iih ber unele i î-. we arrived ai the mneeting Ross.Bw'aile wece Sun-1 canvassing day. The decocating î Mr. and Mrs. H. Mady spent and auni, Mc. and Mcs. Mit-j plac, wai'ed tw,ýo and a qua"1- day visitors at Mc. andi Mrs. G. izS so pretty' and nice ta look a, their txxo weeks' vacation at chell (nce Frances Nacnab and ter houî's. \vîuî home, ont': .!T;b) ail day and the babies are heib (olttge. Babc-avgen epdc:efchcgadoh find a note saying the car h ,ri - Br Ahon oonto, 'ols, so clean and nice. _iýs Dai'een holro"d is 'sta- cior. Mrs. Harold Macnab w'h, lefi thcee minutes betore ',lec Iho]idaxing xxith his famil.y'ai Kecp ihe' paper coming' ing-ith her graîîdparen,,s, i-. Lunfortunta*e!1v had a stroke1 arî'ived. Talk about fezetin7,thcir cottage this wveek. .tcln Rcndell.i i montn o]d daughter of Mr.irans and Mr,-. J. Tonipkin.-. carly i ivpig Howverî savge.1 culdhav bitu origa an Mr. Jck cnell 12Divisin Srei esalwavs, iM is Linda Slingcrland, Osli-ishe lias recovered suifficientl.,,y e.x inch spikes in twain! Ka-and Vilda. Toronto.,xxere Sun- . . -.Grenav7,-ia b hlia.ig i, o c roili hm wanted ta leaxe earlier. bi.t dyxiîosa r .Rn in&.died in a Kingston hospital Tuesday mocning of last week. - -___Stras-__ _______1_ ~-o knw m, nd Sart, T Mr. anîd Mrs. Ron '«c-ian She was fatally hurt when knocked down by a.cac back- ,was sure we had plent ' aiofMr. and Mrs. George Beririm'ingr oui of a drivewalai the home of h eunle in Napanee time. Nothing else ta do bm!ti and son. Oshaw,,a, ai Mc. and the previous evening. Funecal services were held from stax- home avernight. ha ve Bu:) Mcaý. M. Bertrinm' 'rmnF ealH ea 1:0 ..Tusdy dirive me ta the earlyý train. Ni. and Mrs. Harold Gav. teWrîa uea oea 03 ..Tusa which meant that I ci'axvl-1 Osiîaxxa. are ho]idax-ing wiib Mr. August Il. and interment xvas in Newburg Cemetery in mia the Rehab Centre i' and \iUrs. Charlie Garrard. the Rendeil family plot. cur haut-s laie foc treatment. Thank 1 uMr~. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and D NO goodness they didn'i stî'ap me Bil. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Madore,ý -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope A or standî me'in the crnr.r ,i ntmpmrrl. 1 M& mSUMMWrt >OD COSTS I -I.ta le FORMIA - Size 300'r, COOKING - 6-qt. basket APPLES, 69ci SWEET EATtNG - Size 150 ' - rT PEARS 6 For 33c SWEET EATING S GRAPES, 2Li. 33c 6-qt. basket K _PLUS 59C Do.49C~ PEACHES ATTRACTIVEL? PRICED Pork, Loaf - 12-oz. tin RAN York - IS-oz. tin Lunch Tongue 59c Maple Leaf - Il ,2-1h. tin COOKED HAN 1.69 York - Spicy - 12-oz. tin BOLOGNA '35c Aylmer - Fancy - 15-oz. tin APPLESAUCE 2/31c 8-oz. Bottie CERTO LIB1JID 29c CHAMPION - 15-oz. tin IT FOOD 2Ifor 25c' STANDARD - 20-oz. tin rBEANS 2 for 29c ZSEY - 48-oz. tin IJUICE tSEY - 48-oz. tin JUICE 35C 1. DOMINION STORES LTD. -------.-,.-.---- s Spray 75e -1.25 Mist 75c. Save loc AT TIME 0F PURCHASE PLUS 10e COUPON INSIDE Detergent Cheer Qiant 71 AUG. 15 ADMQSION - SEPT. 2 (inclucling Tax) , - ---- No children under 16 Ample Parking Space FIESCLASS HESTAUJEANT Pull Course Meals from 75e, 41C PJM-Imt TRE CAMAMÂN ST-&Tmm.&v lat,%wuàwvnTv nwnçiLieto% burg, Sas]., by car, by her daughte 'r and, husband and Au- drey. Mr. Jack Macnab and Mr.' Ray Sellers motored p ut to se the mother and his fWo sisteru and two 'nephews and. brought Audrey home. They arrived Friday night rather tired buý_ happy to get home. f Mr. and Mrs. Lorne BradleMý and Herbie returned home Sune. day night after visiting heir father and relatives in Alberta. Balson familles had a picntc in Hampton Park when around, 65 set down to supper consist- ing of everything one could wish including large slices of watermelon for the children. There were miniature boxes of raisins and ail day suckers Those from a distance NverL Mrs. Alan Taylor and M iche Duncan, B.C.; Mr. and Mr.t Gordon Kidd and children, Mono Milis; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brewley and son, Orangeville- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hooker and children, Kinsale: Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Balson and farnily, Cataraqui: Misses Bar- bara and Caroline Balsori, Courtice; The Hoskin family Thorrnton's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson, Solina, and the Bowmanville and Hamptoun relatives. Some who didn't at- tend were sick, some had to work, and others were on holi- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clarke and PhYllis spent the wec'kend villh relatives and friends 'in Rochester, N.Y. Mirs. Myrtle Cat ian. 'Toronto, spent a week at N. C. Yellow. lecs. nÇ

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