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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 9

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, MURDAY, NOV. Srd, 1955 PMost Office -Speaker Gives Early History' Canada's Mail Service Glnst speaker ut the Bethany ing in particular the new Ler- aomn'snstitute meeting lielci ter Sortes now in use in the ut the home o! Mrs. Ralph Peterborough Post Office, giv- Preston on Monday eveninjg ing detaîls a! its intricate con- wvas Mr- R. H. McKnight of struction. "In aIl the world, *lilowîale, representing the there is no sffldier postal ser- 4Mblc Relations Department o! vice than in Canada." By 'aTeCunudian Postal Service. motor, plane and steamship, +- n a malt Interesting and in. the mail cornes and goes each fo>rmutîYe talk Mr. McKnight day and each citiien can speed ., letehed the ealy histomy of up the gervice by correctly aJ.- n1ai service in Canada,' whlch dressing each letter, affixing wus first lntrodueed by Gener- the proper amouint of postage al Benjamin Frankian, through andi always supplying a return WhOse efforts 'the first thrpe address on the corner o! the POst Offices in Canada were envelope." In conclusion Mr. establisheci at Queblec, Mont- McKnight showed three film real andi Three Rivers in 1763. stripsý "Stage Coach Ta The "The Post Office andi its staff Stars," "The Royal Canadian cf orkrspîa avitl oleinMounteci Police Musical Ride" the prersnay aibvianein!and "The Romance o! Tran- o! every 'citizen, giving a pub- iporton." Thby seaewa lic service that is unsurpassed ihtanducned by Mrs.asl in value," he said. "ThereMright ai tn keebyMs have been many improvernentsMnslFiey and innovations since the first Seboal RemodlIed mail corning ta Canada from Mrs. Orboe Wright, Principal Brilain haci ta be paid for on of Bethany school, gave an ac- arrivai."1 count in detail o! the work U.S. - Canada Agreement done dusing the past summes The first Canadian postage ln semodeiling the schooi buld- StanP& were. issuec in "The school was in a very As the Canadian Pacific Rail- baci state o! repair and at first way was built westwarci it it was planned ta builci a new carried mail service with it, school. Building costs were whereas previousiy mail to estimateci at $40,000. British Columbia had gone The assessment o! the town- through the Unitedi!States. Iri ship xvas checketl anci figures 1874 Canada andi the VJnited proveci that the taxpayers coulci States agieed that mail shoulci not pay for a new school. pasa through the two countries Therefore, the Board decideci Without extra charge. The the present building must be Century enqeci with a great renovateci. Many hours o! plan-t step fosward, the adoption o! ning andi figuring followed. The VenzIY Post in Canada and from plans had ta be accepteci by the Canada to other parts of the Department o! Education and British Empire. The Board of Heaith as well Penny Postage as the local school board. e Sir William Mulock, Canada's d With an approximate expen-V Postmaster General at that dture o! $7,000 andi the care- f lime, haci much ta do wit fuI spending a! the Trustea!s,f these developments andi penny Bethanv school has an entire port was begun in Canada on ne w cernent floor. There is Januasy 1, 1899.Intoeds modern ail heating now; t 1e letters could be sent by post.: l wood bumning stovos are but there was no regular mail gone, so there is more space in1 delivery, either in the country th e classsooms. No one has toF or the town. People hadcita go throw another log on the fise jý tthe post office for their le,- ever3r bal! hour. The tempes-'V terS. Now, in the cîties, mail ature remains constant, nota: In delivereci by carriers ta everv ranging from 35 degrees ta 80 householci andi in the countri degrees as the temperamental theme is rural delivery ta evef' stoves or the weatherman sawp rocsiebo.At the present h tuethse re12.00branch The registers are in the aioo post offices in operation andi and evesy chilci will be warn h; nmre 5,400 rural routes, withl this winter.' (Last year water over 5,000 employees p'aici ta roze on the floor when the bl give ffice pubicsrie"grees). The entrance andi wash- Many ew Deices rooms are heateci. The toilets l\ýr. McKnightrnadç special are modemn flush ones. The mention o! the many time-sav- wash basins are equippeci with ing mechanical devices empiay- drinkîng fountains. There is alj ed ta giva speedy service, not- small store roam andi a teach- TEE CAKADUAI STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO PfUPI F'inney. Mss. Clarence1 M.'rs. G. Mulligan, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Donald L. and Mrs. Harry Ryley. Mrs. R. Carr expresecl :hanks o! the memnbers to Preston for the use o! home: to Mrs. Mansell Fii and members of her group had arrangeci the program. The November meeting be held at the home o! Donald Lowes. OBITUARY MRS. C. E. FOWLER Foliowing a sesious hulne, * * two weeks' duration, the dE occurreci at the OshawaG - .. - .-eral Hospital on Octaber 28 Catherine Elizabeth Aldis, MONREA-«Who]Ihel wih he isesl .. loedwidoxv o! Albert Gec MONTEAL«wh'lîhel wit th dihes" ~ Fowler, in ber Bth year.1 Believa me, the hast help any of us can have is Fowler liveci at 10 Rase the new Liquici Detergent GAYI You'll find that buead saa 7:. Gay makes the nicest suds-and has a delightful olvrd saa frarane. ut f speiaîimprtnceta s al- A daughter o! the late frarane. ut f secil iporanc tous ll- anq Mrs. Samnuel Aldis, the Gay washes glassware, dishes andi silver so spark- ceased was born in Suft ling lean-that it's a delight ta tuck thern away Englanci, on Marc1h 22, Iý Luzain their shelves andi drawers. And, you'l flnd Gay She was rhrre in Loné tueýagresse-cutting powers s Gay makes your potsan pans nlno pi 9 90 gla ihcleanliness-yet Gay is gent le on your hands! Economical A resident o! Canada for tao-you get more dishwashing satisfaction in Gay than in ony other years, Mss. Fowier haci lived liqud orpower dtergntlOshawa for 18 years, with Like l'au -. ..'Vve been ironing since I wes a little, girl a -snd, like intervening 'time in Tarar yau, have learneci a lot of tricks, to make the She was a member of task casier. Fve memorizeci a lot of poctry-asked Gog' nlcnCuc my husband ta read ta rne-snd, just as mim- o! the Golden Age Club. ortapt, alnways use GLIDE LIQUID STARCH. Predeceaseci by -ber husbe ht gites a professional look to rottons-Fhirts-- on Aug. 12 1950, she ieaves youingt,rrs' lothes-bin'ns---urtajns. And it only' rourn her passIng three c; tekes a jiffy ta uý-v! Ail yau do is add water tc,- ghters, Mrs. George Hardsi Glide-hot or cold. You'Il find that the bline in (Alice) a! Oshawa, 1\<rs. WàI Glide adds wbitcness ta your wash; snd the wax Lawrence (Muriel) o! Nest in it smooths 1-aur ironing! I buy Glide in the ton anci Mrs. Geralci Bla giant economy siz--64 ounces ...- but you can get it too, in the 32 (Edith) o! Pontypool and f( oz. isize for smaller families. sons, George, Ted, Waltera Ernest, ail o! Toronto. Five WilI Getl 'on iA undred ... yes, just $5.00 dawn wiii rpserve Alsa surviving are twos a $100 Canada Savings Bond -for you at the ters, Mss. Rose Lowe andi M écoh BANK OF MONTREAL. And for oniy $250 George Smith and a broth li down you can reserve a $50 Canada ýSavings Percy Aldis, aIl o! Lonc Bond. The remainder can be spread over Il con- England; as well as 26 gral venient monthly pavments. Safe, dependabie chilciren anci 26 great grar Canada Savings Bonds are an investment in 1'our chilcren. <'untry's future-anci your own. They can pro- Rev. Clinton Cross, rectos vide security for you-enable you ta take &d- St. George's Anglican Chur( Svantage of appartunities that may arise. W'hat's conducteci the memosial se more thcey pay you a gond rate of interest on vice at the Armstrong Funer 1-aur invrtment-3¼%ý'. Vhy not talk it over Chapel at 2 on October 31.1 with your neighborhood B of M manager today?. terment was in the family pl in Mount Lawn Cemetery. erithe o~-vy 'e~eewi6A Èutýet- recipes V01f~T imi~f~ Food Editor Doiry Foods Service Buireatu 's' bok.~ but,., Elizabeth ville, Coup le Honoured by Friends Diamond Anniversary e. le r. er's room, containing a bcd, table and two chairs. The Pub- lic Health Nurse uses this room on her regular dlinical visiM, Some old desks are stiil in use, but are gradually being re- placed by new modern ones. New windows have been made and a well dug an the property. The entire interior is as corn- fortable andi convenient as a new school and plans for the future include somne modern-. ization of the oufside as well. No doubt, the taxpayer wll have a hand in paying 'for the work, but as a community we should be very appreciative ai the work donc by the mern. ibers of the School Board, Messrs. H. F. Rayson, Emory Smith andi Carl Smith, alsa the secretary - treasurer C h a r 1 e s Reynolds. They andý the faith- fui caretaker, George Smith, have given freely of their time ta oversee this work. They had a summer o! worry and heaci- ache to keep their contractors on zchedu e and they have corne throuýh with a really ex- cellent job.' In conclusion Mrs. Wright expressed the hope that more interest in the school would be taken by the parents and that the Trustees wouli be encour- aged if more would attend the annual school meeting. Mrs. T. Jeflnings presideci for the business session. Mrs. 'Ralph Preston reaci the minutes and correspondence and gave a list of the members as they haci been re-arranged in groupis at an earlier executive meeting. A latter from Mrs. Maurice Hoît o! Peterborough regarding the forming of a sub-cancer unit with literature concemning samne for distribution. Eaîh memnber was presenteci with a bulletin on Frozen Foods anci their proper handling and packaging; also a book con- cerning House Plants andi their' care. The Secretary was Instruct- eci to write a letter to the Council o! Manvers Township with regards to repairs needeci for the hand-rai]ings on the foot-bridge over the creek rit the west end of the village. Its present conditidn is very haz- ardous. Lunch was serveci by tir' hostess, asisted bv Mri. N1. JolIy Good Fellows". A!ter everyone congratulat-I ed, the bride andi groom, they hadj a very pleasant visit to- gether. Their attendants were flot present ut this celebration as Mr. Ed White passeci away five years ugo andi Mss. Almeda I j I I j I ( PageSt. PauI's W.A. 0. The Woman's Auxiliary of' owes St. Paul's Church served a de licious turkey dinner with ail 1the the trimmings in the Towal Mrs. Hall on Friday evening, withl her many from distant points at.ý nney tending. who Tickets were sold on a tur- *key from Radnor Farms and will Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold Green Mrs. were the lucky vinners. Following the supper a play "ýook Out Lizzie" was given by members of St. Mary's A.Y. P.A. The cast of characters in- cluded Kenneth Sinclair, Miis. Ruth McKinley, Miss Leora Smith, Miss Joan Morton. Bar- ss of rie Smith, Mrs. Bruce McGill, .eath Victor Wood and Rev. T. S. Len- Gault. 8, of At the close of the perform- be- ance, Rev. T, S. Gault and Mrs. ,orge Gault were asked to occupy Mrs. seats on the platform and the ;ehfil members of the A.Y.P.A. pre- senteci themn with a 'Lazy Su- Mr. san". Miss Ruth McKinley read de, the address expressing thanks folk, to Mr. and Mrs. Gault for their 876. active help in the work of thcir idon, society and regret o! their pending transfer to Fenelon r51 Falls. Miýs Nancy Lowery pre- ci in sented the gift. Bath Mr. andi the: Mrs. Gault made gracious re- )nta, plies. 1 St. Mrs. Henry Chambers, To- and ronto, with Mr. andi Mrs. H. McMahon of Peterborough and were recent guests with- Mrs. Sto Ina Palmer. [au- and Mrs. Hugh DeGeer and Mrs. Ite- Douglas Smelt were in Bow- tle- manville last week taking a lacic home economnics course for taur leaders of 4-H Homemakingr and clubs. Sponsored by the local branh o theWomn'sInsti- sis tute, they will conduct a course er.for teen-age girls in Bethany hethis faîl. on,' Dr. Elmo Sisson, Bowmark nd- ville; Mr. andi Mrs. Ernest A r- nd. Ian of Brampton and Harry Hannah of Carnarvon visiteci of Mrs. Winnifred Fitzgerald on ch, Thursday andi attended the ;er- funeral service for their aunt, !rai Miss Annie Sisson. In- Rev. R. R. Bonsteel canduct- lot eci the Anniversary services at Nestleton United Church on .Sunday. Miss Jane Fallis spent the weekend in Lindsay with Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Fallis. Miss Gayle Bristow, Oshawa, was home for the, weekend with her mother, Mrs. Hilliard Bristow. Miss Milcireci Sisson, Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Mark. Rev. C. W. F4utton of Black- stock, xvas the guest minister ini the United Church on Sun- day. Publie Speaklng The annual public speaking > cantest xvas helci [ast week at e Bethany School. Mrs. Reg. Ed- muncis, Mrs. Wm. Mark and Miss C. Hopkinson xvere 'he judges and placeci the winner as Dianne Bigelow, speakingc on The Origin andi Work o! The Red Cross." In second place was Leone Sinith, with her subject "Grey Owl". Inr third place was Paul Pomeroy, with the topic 'Hockey Night In Canada". Other contestants were Sharon Bigelow, "Mozart, The Child Musician" andi Tom-, my Rayson, "P'onies'. . As the result of the above, Dianne Bigelow representedl Betha ny school at the M*anvers-ý township cntest he!d in Yel-i verton on Friday, October 28th, where she %vas again given first place in campetition wîth WVi-' ma Jakemnan of Fallis school, Verena Jane Saunders froaý South Janetville and Dale Stin- son of Yelverton. Mr. Turner of Blackstock was the judge. The fsrstý andi second prize winners receiveci a book from the Manvers Township Teach- er's Association. Dianne Bige- low will nowv enter the coin- petition for West Durhamn jcounty, which wil[ be held At Soiaon Thursday, Novemberj- - - On March 4th 1896, at the home of the bride's mother, ILucWlia (Lucy) Victoria Wh ite, youngest daughter o! Mps. Eli- zabeth Ann White Wilson and the late John White was un- iteci in marriage ta Peter Da, vici Sowden, eldiest son o! John andi Mrs. Sowden by Rev. Tho- mas Brown. The bridesmaid was Almeda Sowden, sister o! the groom, and the groomsman was Eci. White, cousin o! the bride, ah J of Flizabethville. , The bride and groom made their home east o! Osaca, Ont. The Faîl o! 1945, Mr. and Mrs. Sowden celebrateci their golden wedding. Theis. attend- ants were bath present. On Tuesday evening, Oct. llth, 1955, a very pleasant evening was spant at the Eli- zabethville Unitedi Church basement, when the immediate inembers o! Ms. andi Mrs. Sow-' den's families andi their fani- Mes haci supper ta celebrate their approaching "diamonci wedding". F'ollowing supper, Lawrence White, very ably actecl as chairman. After the cutting of the cake, Lionel Hughes gave I the toast ta the bride in well chosen words which wvas re-1 plieci ta by Willoughby Pcrkin in his very pieasing nmannr Speeches were given by Russei-l White, Clarence Barkwell, MrÊ. Tom Sowden anci Mss. Lu- elIa Daker. The gi!ts were presenteci by Kathleenl Wheeler andi Ted White,. and cansîsteci of a bou- quet of flowers, a brillianti brooch, a green woilen blan- ket, andi two cups andi saucer sets. Ail sang "For They Are~ BETHANY FREE - Colourful Red, White and Biue Cadet Hat with every purchase Saratoga POTATO CHIPS 4-oz. pkg. 23c Circus Pail Peanut Butter 4-lb. pail $1.29 CLARKE'S Pork & Beans 5-oz. 2 for 1 7c KOUNTY KIST- Std. CAMPBELL'S - 10-or. Mushroom Soup 2 for 33c 12-or. tin 35c 3 for 35c 39c - i ________________________________ I ____________________________ 15-oz. SAVE 3.97 TUXEDO' TEDDY 22" Tali Full Dress Suit 7.95 VALUE ONLY with 7.00 purchase -15-oz. MILK BEEHIVE (Squeeze Pak) Corn Syrup VMeat* Balis & Win dow Spray 2 for 27c1 49c1 Gravy Pa ste Wax WALD'S No. 1 BONELESS Ch icken SWIFT'S - Tndergrown - Pre-dressed CHICKENSlb Vita ""Cereal LITTLE NATIONAL 2pg MA TCHES SPRING - 36 per pkg. Clothes Pins. HOME BRAND - 25-ft. Rol Foi! Wrap Ogilvie Chocolate and White CAKE MIXES (Banded 15c off) both for 49< General Electric Lighl BULBS 25-40-60 watt 4 for 79c Elgin Flight Brushi BRQOMS each 9 8 c 41 c1 Kleenex Tissues 2 for 3 9c 34c 19C 25c 25c 16c1 53c 7-o1. tin '.47c Cheese S lices 15c i PORK SALE FRESH YOUNG PORK Butt Roast Picnic Shoulder IL.3 5c 45c1 lb. 45cý Sp are Ribs lb. 4 SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD - Fresh - Skinless Pork Sausage EDIw> k ORONO - Cornish Marketer~a 87c V. P. - 1lM. tin Sal .ada Coffee Margarine INGERSOLL - 5c Off- FLPRIDA - Marsh Seedless - 96's Grapefruit 10 for 49c '1«20 35c %-lb. pkg. GOLDEN YELLOW CALIFORNIA - FRESE Eating Dates 8-or. Cello HONDURAS - Large Size - New Crop Cocoanuts each l5c SUNKIST - VALENCIA - Jumubo Size 200 IL 43c1 ORANGES THERE'S A RED BOWMANVI LLE MAPIE GROVE doz. 55c & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU - Yeo',s Marketeria -ýMaple Grove Groceteria 1 '4 (Carton of 200) $2,99 HABITANT FOOD UYS Kraft Miracle Whip P EA SO0U P Re d Wh 1~-- SALAD DRESSIN Switt's Prem Dr. Ballard's Health 28-z. inLUNCHEON NEAT DGG FOOD 1 I-r Henry o! Toronto was unable ta attend. Bath celebrations took place whiie Clarence Barkwell o! Treherne, Manitoba, nephew o! the bride. was visiting reîa-j tives Ilere. This timne, his wifel wvas present. Friends were present from Bowmanvile, Newcastle, Port Hope, Ottawa, Cannington, Un- lonville, Treherne, Man., Osacai andi Elizabethville. Mr. and Mrs. Sowden live at the same address with their son Harold. We ail wish them the best o! health Rnci may they have many more y-cars toge- ther. la nounces that it is cGfsidered OnIy the Best desirable to lisait ahipmen4to ada Extra Fancy" and "Cana- IAPPIs Forda Fancy", grades for ail varie- tics except Golden Rust hil G reat Britain may still be shippedeawthh With the limiteci re-openng Effective immediately, there- of the United Kndo market fore, inspectors are instructed for Canadian apples in the past "Canad c rtiadon alIvar year and the development of!Cnd C'grd nalvr strong international competi- eties of apples except Golden tion for a share o! that mark~et Russet when shipments aî'a it has become necessary to shp destined for'United i Kngdom only the bettes grades. markets. To ensure that only the bet- ter grades are shipped, the De- The narne paper ls derIved Partmnt ofAgriculture an. froni the Latin Word Papyrus. 1 j ida S G M I p 9 2for 2,9c il OGILVIE - 36-oz. (7resh ! .e" 39c 9 (ýýesh , Meats ,9)1-oduc*e lb. 19c doz. 5 SC ORONO - Cornish Marketeria

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