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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 5

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THURSDAY , NOV. Srd. 1955 H - A A U T T S N.B M NV E N AM ~ . LIh1Wnaire in connection with the ouh r Legion Children'sq Chrîstmas ITw 0 Tea her r ER FinaEia He' ENEEE Party in his next bliletin. Tahr esrk rwr It was announced that a vet-h t ry ur o-n tie o eran. Lloyd Smith, bat' lost hi A t nd Policyý 1U wE E~ O E tee ed by NI EFhome and contents near the Businss .East Beach in a fire on Octor, - oens Professional announced that Miss Aph Te gies h im s ome asitne Y-LI n d ~ E ornen8 . battended St. Hodgins' office, Temperanc e Ladgies uii o f asithe. Alfred A. Merlcley. Principal,l t wi p ay ot e -John's annual turkey dinner St., would be headquarters for Legion also planned to help the Vincent Massey School, Bow- last Thursday evening, the date taggers as it was last year. family, the Presrn'ýnt announ.,- manviîîe, and Tom Turner, falling on the club's regular Plans were made for the sea- ed rniaCentra 1 Pubi metig igt*After enjoying son, including a Spode Coffée ________ School, Bowmanvillé, Were, the delicious dinner, members Party on Nov. 17, and a fash-' among a group of 48 represen- met for a business meeting in ion show inthe spg. Sug rieOtarsof Publ stict coof Me OOR BUS T IN School, President Isabelle Da- ma Gay, chairman of the Ways S ur~~prs Pa t Teachers' Federation who gath- leJ presiding. .and Means Committee. Viole t LIJered in Toronto's King Edward the Forinia Hotentio onStudy Otoe duced and welcomed, including thed Prvnca Convntio theFeeldin Miss Marion Tink of General at London, Ont. nwSlr oiyaddsu M0tors, Miss Audrey Fletcher Tewroftecm te Burketon Pair S;rPoiynd scus Shirey onnil f Ceam of Elsie Gregory McGill has been Mr_ and 'Mrs. R. Dean of OfiasofteFdrtn Barley Park; Mrs. Rita Wid('- rewarded by ail the suggest- Burketon, were greatly surpris- mhszdta h motn iomniî fwyasaon may th e i p ut t in-te n h vnn o aud man who was in business in bth e.ofReform Insti Oct. 15th, when they were enat. of tepici s wich set'__ ionsnvl mad bein putr into efle edomheeeng fStrdv at. of tepicis wis ste inth ooerSor lctieitutions a few weeks ago. The vited out ta Mr. and Mrs. Gar- forth that teachers' salaries i in the HnooprSore, lain, Ontario Federation of B. & P. row, Oshawa, daughter of the should be based on professional-- now returned ta Bowmanville; Clubs led the way in agitating mentioneci couple, to spend a qualifications, -teaching exper- Mrs. Nettie Butler, Newcastle; for these needed reforms and, quiet evening. ience, and the responsibility of ý Miss, Dorothy Mann of Ontario cid a great deal of work on the! When they arrived aIl the the position held. Where this0 St. School; Mrs. Mildred projectfll wh ic h o be immediate family were gather- policy is implemented in a sy-inBWN V L Eo 'Y Miss McGill is the Ontario pr,- Mrs. Dean's fortieth wedding teachers are provided wiii anVA V L o ~ T Y Miss Ethel McKague, chair- ýsident-e]ect, and will take of-.wt a .- mari of the International Com- fice at the Biennial Conven- anniversary. A lovely supper additional incentive to improve U D I mittee, outlîned plans for the tion in Montreal in the sum- was served with a three-tîer their qualifications for teaci- * * annul ta fo UNIEF o bemerof 156.Reports on th0? wedding cake in centre of ta- ing children. 1 w h cs cis tôd t annl Otag2 fo UNCE to be p m.erua pao r 956. ok ue- blé. The cake was beautifully Drn th meigpls and on Saturday, Oct. 29. Club tion, and on jury duty were decorated by Mrs. H. Milîs of uig temeigpasedOt 8fo 5t ..eulpyfreulwr us were discussed for similar pae o inembers volunteered for work also given at the'London CoM_ hîf o nikilnf i aho heFdrto' 4ds Enniskiilen. Shortly after Uyp- "workshops" ta be held in! A warm Fall combined withsrke a d up m l mets nLA during these times and it was-vention. coniu al suffrprnisken all e h mft e ertins 2o4ds we aoge -ties n - p m ly e tp to otneasupiepry tricts. Suchmeig ol where wemust fog tcosts -profits - and t Iedrastic redutos ota Many friends, neighbors and help 'ta make ail of the Prd~ up v u - ~~~~~relatives were present ta ex- -n& 100pbi colm and you and you will loosen upy u us stings~p, andA lielv lj, ~ Legion Plans Social N ight rs hi*cnrtl tiot teachers thoroughly familiar thes FaIl coh sta arhanging o -urracks. Don't thn the happy couple. set clothe that arei ond eur -1is d àw. y ~ ~~A short program with Mr. abitlc th er po acqnd eh neîosa For N e Vear s Part A. E. Ribey as M.C. was as fol- school trustees with the chne osae y lows: A reading by Mrs. H. tages of the policy. Due ta the fact that the New urday, November 5. It was an- Larmer; solo, "I Love You __________ Year wiil be ushered in at 12 nounced that the members Truly" by Mr. McCoy. A mock SV wedding was then performed. .YertheBomavile ran,ý ied huchfor morning se,ý then read by Mr. Ribey during Tlyron Bride a d tg of the Canadian Legion decid- vice following the service Owhich a presentation was h r o g t Dla ed at their regular meeting last remembrance at the Memorial md.Tefml rsne s n u e Thursday night ta forego the Cenotaph at 10.30 a.m* Novem- the Ther n ad wîsetd a s.H n u 'annual New Year's Eve Dance ber 6. Lazyr Boyhir. Ta mn - ÂIP onh Instead the Branch will hqld a President McKnight reported ity gave them a lovely lace ta- A banquet, social evening andi that Rev. A. C. Herbert, Rector ble cloth and step-up end ta- I Sr~howv ers dance two weeks later to take of St. John's Anglican Church, ble. Many other gifts were re- Prior ta hier marriage ta Mr. " its place. will be the speaker at the an- ceived. Mr. and Mrs. Dean ex- i David Wiibert Craig qn Oct. 22, There was considerable dis- nuai Armistice Supper on Nov- pressed their thanks ta every- Miss Elizabeth Elinore His of L aid ie s' Ca t cussion on the matter but rn- ember 12. This event is open ta one for the lovely gifts and Tyrone was much entertained. bers feit that because the dance ail veterans, whether Legion great surprise. Miss Elva Bush, Port Credit, Fte tls. -fa at New Year's wvoulcd confiict members or not. The rest of the evening was en.tertained the bridge clubFted sy s - fany acs - l with the sabbath na matter An invitation was receivetI spent in dancing after which who presented the bride-to-be f itting slip-ans - coas y u'llv which way it was handied, it fram the Bawmianville Lion, lunch wa served by the five ýith an' electric iran.OW . would be better to farego it Club for members of the Legion granddaughters and one niece. jMrs . Howard Couch, andAi w a aeras ne this year. executive ta attend the regular The bride and groom of forty Misses, Marjorie and Eileen chanwiis interlined. E te ey l Entertainment Chairman Jirn Lions Club meeting on Novem- years ago served the wedding Couch entertained friends and slcini ie F'irth announced that a social ber 14 when the anniversary of cake, relatives of the bride at a sur- evening and dance for mem- Armistice Day will be observ-prs iceshw.Rlavs bers and their wives would be ed. pris the soe eat vesm held on November 19. The Presidentt McKnight announc- KEDRONi~~ of thean g room meta t es m monthly dance heid in October ed that the new terrazoÇ tile O N h rd adgomwt was very successful, he said, floor ini the basement of the ned frlswek m yitsfothrkthn end these will be held each hall would be completed in two Ineddfrls el ayitm fothrktcn SA LE $ 21 month throughout the winter. days time. and Comnrade Lloyd News from Kedron for 'the also. Mrs. Leslie Graham, as- President Ross McKnight was; Preston reported that one coat past week centred around the sisted by Miss May Trewin and able ta preside at th meýting of paint had beeen applied to ail out effort of the commun- Mr.Atu rwietran in spite of injuries suffered in the outside af the new building ity ta make a success of theedfrtebiea alnn a recent automobile accident and another would be put on. fourth annual turkey dinner shower. an ewswioe ako e ebrIiitd held in the Sunday School Hall On Tuesday evening, Oct. 18,- $6 6 behaîf of the mepibers by the ONew member Coratde and sponsored by Kedron Mrs. Albert HuIs entertained inSAE $6 e On ne memeer ComadeWoman's Association on Wed- heér daughter's honor at Padre, Rev. John Kitchen Of John A. Stowell of Oshawa, nesday evening. trousseau tea. Receiving with Orongo was înitiated into the Branch From its inception the wom- Mrs. .Hilîs and her daughter on RIWA Yýn Poppy Campaign by President McKnight, 2ni en of the neighbourhood gen- Elizabeth Elinore, was the 1 f A NER Plans were made for the Vice President Firth and Cam- eraîîy have given their full groom's mother, Mrs. Wilbert house-to-house canvass for sale rades Preston, Jack Knight and support ta the W.A. members Craig. Miss Beth Miller, Osh- Water repellent cotton and rayo of rememberance poppies the Jim Newman. if this effort, and from, the awa, was in charge of the guest gabardine trench coats in popla wek of October 31, ta be con- Treasurer Jack Rice gave ai inception. there as been an book. ,~ C ., iitary- style. Sizes 10 to 20. ductied by the Ladies Auxiiiary quarteriy repart for the period excellent attendance of .paying Purg te'eeMs .T v ~wthasisacefrm h L- ra ul ItaSptmbr 0guests. This year was no ex- Hoar, aunt of the bride. and. Reua 19.9 -gion members. Several mem- which showed a favorable bal- ception, marked as the event Mrs. C. Woodley. Mrs. Ralph I0 1 1IE A LO poppies on the street on Friday Secretary Ron Richards was in bath coaperation and num- Mrs. Douglas Reynolds assisted! N % E AL evening, November 4 and Sat- asked ta include a question- bers present, in spite of some in serving. Miss Marjorie unavoidable odds. Couch showed the bride's AD W N E .O ....Without the interest of the trousseau and Mrs. Wesley ~M * many kind friends and rela- Hilîs the wedding and shower S L *<5oîALTH: FOR. ONLY .3 times who came from near and gifts. .#SL less avail and s0 the W.A. ap- ter I Would Follow Thee", was DES preciated first of ail the pres-sn byMs oga oe.-a e u o $ 10 t Ilence of our many visitars from sugb rs ogasLv.D A LL.M ETA LR eg la se v i e are far th f o t o l e f m - 4.., BU-~Toronto, Yelverton, Enniskil- elar ervice are tna Oce N\ 1ý.len, Brooklin, Whitby and Osh- hoed3 at edro anSuda~ Oc- p awa as well as the fearer folk tobei er vc 30, at1.0 n.3 p.m.l '~"~~' ~ N,,,from surrounding communities. Ae spa ervic fos bengan- RE a~~aa~~aw Many framn Kedron who us_ ne tKda o day,' c l 'Sï s L.,.,.'AND fer regretted that aour W.A.'s frn wilbhedtceerate Styled by Posluns and Pikýrin box ~, 37 TRUL chosen the same date, but a milestone in. the history of or fitted styles. Sizes 10 to 20. PRICE $Tw~TI ed 'wer m)thpy ta heart Columbus -Kedron Doubles Eglrf 99 $791 htthe Centre St. project wa ba re inie a h as saley winge. 6yearhavecentlv attended a Retreat at' guaty raner. 6-ei e loNok etbark ith mhNppy surne.All-white or ToutA ÉxTRAs thuhs9n sat yn Rededication priar ta the O cbetter ifoce "N w e. yer ight be launching o! the Evangelist S L S e rv ic e s o n S u n d a y a te r- M i s oc!t e C u c ._ ________ ~4 M D leWMr. and Mrs. Douglas Love AL on wre ellattnde. RV. and Mrs. C. E. Love were Sun-'- Moson & Dae H.Rickard spoke on "Music in day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs.: HARDWARE the Church", since this Sunday Howard Hoskin, Harfnny. 1 sedSî a n NO~~,ý MOE UTYUCM NADSEU as set aside ta pay tribute ta Mr. and Mrs. Harve1, Pascoe, Mis 8, ail wobJ NO MNEYDOWN- TVM T SUT YO - OME N AD SE us > uneerchairs in the United Douglas and Grant, Miss Svl- iR d cdKitdSie Sir r ~eror hei cotriutinvia Mcînroy and Master JohnPr es o SLE2.3 ub ba ___________________________________The beautiful vocal solo "Mas- Morrow were Sundav guests of __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ M rs. W . M cCullough, Orono, iSA E - 1 . 3u br a pirta the latter's eatr for the sunny south. IFine Furs! Casual j Mr. and Mrs. A. Stain ton Misses' spen the weekend with heFinest quality grey Caian- withthe atende th Red-'Chinese kidskin wuu the s olide Rossid O Coats! MVI ~Lavis wedding in St. Andrew's Ijackets O n Presbyterian Church, Whitby.~ $n 3.98. ~ Al wol bln on Saturday afternoon. O .Sarry ta repart no imrve loth in plain shades men t in the condition of Mrs. l4 looked in go 1 ~~Frank Crossman, in Oshawa Sl isso liswt ar j ;eneral Hospital, at time o!f_______ Cruo u pr quilted Iinings. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sobil, Zion, ON 1101 V 4.ig~ >Misses Eleanor and Lvle Stain- uuiu okn SALE - .50 ie 0t 8. ., PAff S ton, and Mr. Frank Lee, Os*n-, awa. were Sunday tea guest.s! sheared muskrat __________ ff_ of r and Mrs. R. E. Lee. jackets MiaSal, Rayon for draperies and furn- Oize 67 T te àrse iture cavering is made from 71Szs1 .1 YEUWP4Ç,,,,el you .. %vood pulp. SaleY.Y who seous if, the Firm's address, the tolephon. flumber itoday dates tram 1905 when it~ SALE .95 $1 * was first made in St. Johns,1 Oreon. i yoi tal arf v ~E FIVU t t I I M n u. Il Il e c, e i a t ani rgE &nu rm, a" ils

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