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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN qV- iAUAAPT maMA. O& NILE - - l H ~~o T dghm iva e Provincial AutivTrad 'The Jron 1S~eivsService Club met at Mrs. R. ESt.sita tT T hIrh o Nw ' Vrtue's Nov. lst with 12 preent. g:his rtrmn Everyone enjoyed a maqurae.deealer Mr. Todgham was& __________________________________________Committee was put in for booth ae o iewt at bazaar, more aprons were -- Chrysier Corporation dea Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sayles, United Church. handed i. Lunch was served ~si nPtsugF.E Miss Gayle Sayles and Miss Mr. and Mns. Ross Taylor, by Mrs. F. Beckett, Mrs. E. sie his yin hePttsurned to. W: Eileen Casey, Kirkland Lake; St. Catharines, will spend the Trewin and hostess. Next meet- C r s e C o pat n ser oihe rCryer oef C Mrs. Esther McKillop and Mr. long weekend with Mr. and îhig Nov. 15 at Mrs. J. Siemon's. o oji h hylro Frank Long, Toronto, were Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Sunday dinner guests of Mr: Bowmanviile citizens haI.e From 1939 to 1953 NIr. Tod- ada executive staff. recent visitors with Mr. and On Sunday evening, mem- and Mrs. E. Trewin were Mr. more than a passing interest in gharn onerated a li7ge corpor- Mr. Todgham was born Mrs. Ivason Tamblyn. bers of Bowmanville Brancn and Mrs. Ed. Cox, Isiington- Mr. the announcement appearing in ation dealership at Chatham, Toronto and moved to Wind Mrs. O. Cowan and Mrs. of the Canadian Legion, the and Mrs. Austin Brownr;idge, the daily press that Ronald W. a hl, tedn u Harry Mercer were weekendLegion Pipe Band, the local North Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Todgham of Chatham haas benMsh sancid, attening puol gust 0 D. nd Mr. . ors f irCaet ad ilFred Toms. appointed Executîve Assistant late here. Following his gi Branton, Windsor. ex-service personnel marched M r. and Mrs. Frank Doriand to E. C. Row, President and ~ ~ uation from University hei Mr,. and Mrs. Chas. Wood at- to the United Churcb for the visîted Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin. General Manager of Chrysierenoedfrteeyasi tended the funeral of their annual Memorial Service. GrR. ners .Cols MapleCoprtnof aaaLm- Chrysler Institute of Engine aut Ms Afe GlyOh A . ebrto S.JhnsGrvMr. and Mrs. L. Pearce, ed. The reason being that Ron- ' ing. During World War II Portt, Mrs. AlfredeGultyiOsh-rA.alC.iHerbeot of St..John'. ved awa, (the former Loveday C. Anglican Church, Bowman-orfery r rs.A eetestrs gadisa sn tef tMrs. .Tod- tnlisted as a private in Hoicn, h 'asi br92dville, was the guest preacher. -fMranMs.ALadatr gam aith lte r.Td- . Kent Regiment reserve and Hsi) h ailir9à lMiss Laverne Orchard. Bow- gham, well-known and highly ,14 eie ihtern Year. Interment was in 'Bow- Mrs. John Môrris visited e1end respeced natvesof owmn. rptiii manville Cemetery on Nov. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stapleton, manville, spent the weekn epce aie fBwa.cpan Mat ims Veima Cor at n is eNwovle. W. ie, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Port The appointment, Mr. Rowv~. Mr. Todgham is married ar ieoeao at rnos Mr. and Mrs. Wn aly Perry, at Mr. and Mrs. A. said, is in line with the overall WindsormOt.,Anic Rs elfa telephone office. New Toronto, visited Mr. and Brunts. expansion of the corporation's ftWdsoOn., His mtherat] Tuble Osch laa an ed D atrit rrs. H eey o and M rsy . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson and executive staff and resuts from H . T d h m rsds a Pebicn cogT ahes hl ary Bie n familfa y, Bowmanvile, were Sat- the company's greaty incere - Chlver Road, Windsor. eeigat Orono Schooi on Mrs. Chas. Harris attended urday visitons of Mr. and Mrs. ed manufacturing and sales ac- Tuesday afternoon. fhe funeral of lier brother -)nlP. Ellis. tivity.Z. Mr. and Mrs. Ivason Tamb- Friday, Mr. Ernest, A. Steph- Mns. Martha Wright, Orono, In bis new position Mr. Tod- lyn attended the 751h Anniveî'- enson. well-known Oshawa spent a few days with Messrs. gham wiii continue an associa- BLACKSTOCK sary of United Church, Garden garage operator. wbo passed I Edgar and Norman Wrights. tion with Chrysier of Canada Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. Alex in his 70th year. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bottreil, New- wben, as a student at tbe Uni- Mr., and Mrs. Dalton Donr Watson and Mis. Sid Barra- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lea- castle, over the weekend. iversity of Michigan, bie wonk- and family, with the Ed Di bail spent Wednesday ith men, Juidy and Paul,'Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. ed during summen vacations at relis, Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabali, spent Sunda.v with Mns. 1. and M1,rs. Edward Milîson and tbe Chrysler offices in Wind- Mn. and Mrs. Allan Rai- Wbitby, who are rnoving this Whiter and Mr. anîd Mlis. Mm. Ellen, Orono; Mr. Edwin Onm- sor. Upon gnaduating witb aà Port Penny, with Mr. and MV wveek to Biackstock. Leamnen. iston. Ebenezer; Mr. and Mns. deggree in business administra- Jack Rahm. Mon and sons xChai.ited ieli Mî-s. Eai1 Gradv. Hamilton, Lloyd Ashton, Marie, Ronald and tion be joined the company as Ronald Todgham Mn. Gilbert MarIový w Ion an sos jýied wi'hisvhýiting Mr. and Mrs ..John Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, a fuil-time employee and pro- Mr. and Mrs. James Ferri friends on Sundax' Pt Btirlijng Armnstrong. Shenyl, Glen and Beth, Haydon, gressed tbrougb positions of Ont. As a citizen of Chatham Perth, for a few days. ton..nd r.LthrBra Mrs. Stev'p Flintoff Belle- Mr. and Mrs. Athur Tamblyn, steadiiy incneasing nesponsibil- hie piayed an impqrtànt, part in M.Lne Babr Mr. nd rs. uthr Bara-ville: Mis. Chas. Grigg. Mr,; Carnbray, wece Sunday guests-t.M.LreBabr a bail visited Mi. and Mus. Et- Fred Sils, Mrs. Cari Flintoffof Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston.1iy in tbe sales and advertising many community activities. At Jimmy, Toronto, were dca donE~servan aîendd he nd augtes. ;haa.vister Mn ad M~. . is ond departments. various times lie servqd as pre- on Sunday and Mrs. Wesl don E:ser ' and tiende lhe nd claightes, Oslawa, isited Mr.sidente.C. Hthe andsrnmu of th ChestniBnadbunnBrareturnedrne homee w turkev Iîpper at Mr. and Mrs. 0. Carneron. Joan, Belleville, witb Mr. and'¶teRdC' A t t~t ---Mrs. W. Howelis. th edCossso.ciation, th tem. Ms.Ros Le nd O IT{JARY1 Victorian Orcier of Nurses. the Mn. and Mus. Wilfned Ne, Mu anKdroi Le andf Rotary Club and as chairman ton, Mn. and Mrs. Archie Ne, F i aist ' .ros n orOshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Tom MRS. NORMAN ALUIN of the board of the Chathamn ton, Mrs. Flo Petch, Toron Finra ists C hose forSobil, Taunton, were Sunday 1 Publie General Hospital. Ir Mr. and Mns. Jim Oliver, Vi 4dinner guests of Mr. and iNds. Â.1 On Novemeber 4th Celenai addition, lie was Ontario direc:- toria, B.C., witb Mus. Geor Werry. Ann Ashton, widow of the late ton of the Federation of Auto- Crawford and Mn. and Mrs. C m e ii n o N v. and boys were with M. and Newcastle at Ms. Frank Park- Canàda, a past president ot Several Institute eb Mr.Bruce Ashton, Purpie Hill. er's Nursing Home wbere she R e r se t I/Mr.u h rnand Mrs. Ralph Vanstone, had been since J86th j154 R. MeNeil. Though in poon health since On Friday night, Nov. 4th, a at Orono on Nov. 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. lrwin, suffering a stroke in December.1 good representation frorn Man-' A book was given each con Donna Gail and Rodney visited 1951, Mns. Aluin remained ini vers, batrgt alntnad testant in appreciation of theI Mr. a nd Mis. Tom Smith, Bob- good spirits and intenested in Cow artwighî attneinthonpand effort and work each had put caygeon. ail that went on about bier. She fBowmanvirepienatandndedvethe th lic speaking contest in Solinal frhi Erprngaddl ver- Mr.andLMuseSadyP ootPre, r otayletn iloe'h Hall. ~~ing bis speech. We are hoping Eey n ois.Pr en;wonld wbile bedridden and en - Hall. many wi]l take advantage of Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon, joyed discussing world events1 Mus. Clarence Allun, Puesident1 heaning these cbildnen speak in Haydon, with Mn. and Mrs. Earl and news with ber callens. She ot the Durham Truistees and! Orono next Monday nigbt when Trewin. read and listened to the radio Ratepayens Association acted 1 two wiil be chosen fnom 10 Rev. and Mus. R. B. Green, and was neyer one b dIscus as chairman. After the contes- speakers to go to tbe district Judy, Dapbne and Glennie, Mn. lber illness. She was a reai tants hadl chosen their order Of1 finals in Brighton the following and Mus. E. Wight, Misses Christian woman and did ber speaking Mu. Ross Metcaife. at Friday night, Nov. 18tb. Gloria and Carrol Wright, En- best to liva a good life and the piano led in the opening __________ niskillen, Mn. and Mns. J. Os- help those around ber to do chorus of "O Canada". borne, Courtice;; Mu. and M ns.tesae A. Leadbeater Su., Mn. tandsaMus The speakers were then cailed ~S.~ lreL edetn uny aeMus. Allun was the only Up in the foilowing ouden: S S* N .9,Murk . Lad Mus. O.BueayontDanle age fElzbt Cl L. Larry Tbompson, Bowman- r n r.0 uaotadduhe fEiaehCl vil,"Sbips"; 2. Patsy Davis, HorNelwd Jimmy, Toronto, wene guests of Langmaid Ashton and Benja'i ~4 Solina, "Milk"; .Jh utn n.adMs anc Pd nadMs . edetno i shton and was boun ii Blacstoc, oh t an ce weil opr. nd theinabore last Sunday, on the occasion of the flarlington, near Zion, on the[ Blacstok, TheSt.Lawenc wel opnedther hme astchristeni'ng of thein youngest farm now owned by Mu. Hans Seaway and Power Proiect";, Saturday evening to the coin- son, Ross Harold. Geisberger. With ber parentsl 4. Wilma Jakeman, Bethany, munity wben they entertained M.adMs hmsGtis she moved at about the age of___________________________ 'Queer Customs in Other Mu. and Mus. Robent Allin, ré- Caesanaeuesundhoaseening be yast h fr nteLA cliin o rCI L an s";5.DianeBielwcent bride and groom who are visitons of Mu. and Mus. p. Ellis. Town Line, south of No.2 Betbany, "'Red Cross"; 6. Patsy living on the gnoom's faum in M. aold Spny, Rochester, Highway in Darlington, ownad Knox, Bradleys. "Four-H Clubs",this comuiMr.hebrieHndmroe 7. Mo n i c a SchlingeTsienpide and N.Y., with Mu. and Mus. E. laten by ber brother, WesleyPeCotg R il b.'y 7.Bomnile, 'Modeni Pes-ngro weue escoted to puettily Wright and family. Ashton, until bis death.i.e m a d otR ll I siowns ou W oen P.ougls deconated chairs after which Mr. and Mus. Carl Ferguson Upn hu namigeM3 Stainton. Tynone, "R.C.M.P.; littie girls pinned a cou- and family with Mu. and Mus. Allun moved with ber husbanâ DEVON BRAND 1 lb. pkg. Jloseph Horvath, B.T.S. "Wood- sage on the bride and a bou- Earl Bottreil, Newcastle. to the fanmf north of New- wonking"l; 10. Jim Swain, Black- tonniene on the groom. Mn. and Mus. R. McNeil witb castie on the Onono noad, now! , stock, "A Tussie With at Turkey Mn. Chas. Glen.ney acted as Mu. and Mns. Fred Cowling, owned by lieu son, Clarence i e k t s % c n5 5 Gobbler".. M. C. for the evening. Aften Blackstock. Aluin.Mu. and Mus. Allin ne- B e k a t ac n5 C Mn. Ross Metcaife and Mr. wishing the couple happiness Mu. and Mus. A. Telfer and tired to NewcastJe in 1932. !1 Ivan Woolley with the pupi1s be caiied on sevenal of Esthen's famiiy. Toronto, with Mn. and 1949 she went Io live with heur MAPLE LEAF M l. pkg. fuomn the Senior noom at Hamp- former pupils who carried in Mus. A. L. Wearn. agtrMs. uto Wle, ton,. pnovided the music for the several baskets of beautifulli Mn. and Mus. H. Stainton, auteRR , Mus.awaMu rto ait evein. r. etale asoply-decorated gifts. Among t y eHampton, were SaaI R.R. 2 Osha w oinl a, e neor she fla e S ines ed apiao slo.wer a gft f apai ofblankets sng guests of Mu. and Mus. L. ov. iny c aued ou. ig4 ed a pia o solo.f om the L adies C lub and an S tain ton an d fam ii. M us. a ln o wer a d a I v ~ g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Miss Dale, Englishi teacher at, electui c dock from the Home Mu. and Mrs. W. H. Moore wf n ohradatv ate Ba nvile fHrhcoolt and School Cltub. were visitons of Mu. and Mus. mebno ecsl ntdTerrifie Value Stock up t th is o i acted a judgefor th contet. i fJim Smales Su., Hampton. Church in bier eariien years. Pa I Wpie She chose Wilma Jakeman,ý Aften ail the gifts had been Mus. John E. Griffin and fani- She taught Sunday Scboîîl York - Golden Creani Style - 15 oz. tin Douglas Stainton, Monica Scbiin- opened Bob and Esther thank- uvy spent Sattîrday withbhen classes and was president ofj gensîenpen, Laruy Thompson ed evenyone. Lunch was senved mothen, Mus. E. Bennett, Fenelon the W.M.S. fou about seven h 'c and Dianne Bigeiow to repuesent and an enjoyable social lime Falîs» years. Ci. r the western party of the counLr followed when ail wished the Mus. R. Thwaites and Mauvin, She is survived bv lier son, h i e C r i ini the county finals to be beldi couple much happiness toge- Mu. Gordon Fleet, Tononto, with Clarence of Newcastle, and doe then ~their father. Mr. John Fleet and daughter, Marion (Mus. Murton.Brih h M;'s. A. Fisk and Miss Lois Mu. and Mus. A. L. Weaun. Walter) R.R. 2, Oshawa.Se 6 3~C ead Sock Rmove Baucard pent Ïewda~'sue jMn. and Mrs. E. Stainton, Bow- also leaves four grandcbiidren FehCofe - 'îeî'youlehgond Dea tc e oe centiv with Mus. E. Wnnett,. manville, wvere Sunday after- to moun lher passing- Clai" Highest Prices Paid Toronto. 'noon visitons of Mn. and Mus. L. Allun, Norma (Mus. Bob How- l 1 24-Hour Service IMr. Austin Turner is spend- 1 Stainton. sana) Port Ferry. Paul iliIcfm e l1lb 9 c TELEPHONE COLLECT ing the week rip nonth with a, Mus E. C. Ashton, Mapie and Dorothy Walteu. She wa,, COOR 77 deer hunting pauty. Grovoe, spent. the weekend withpredeceased by ber husband COBORG 1871 Mu. and Mus. O. C. Ashton. and four brotheus. White Cross NICK PECONI. Mu. and Mus. Tuckei' "isitea j Mu and Murs. D.. Yeo' and Funeral service at the Mou- ~ PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 Mu. and Mrs. Bob Kennedy andl Louna, Oshawa: Mrs. Bertha Yeo, ris Funeral Chapel. Bowman- L ,,I -daughteu in Toronto iast week. Bowmanville, with Mu. and Mus. ville, on Monday, Nov. 7, was1. l t I 3MliJI Gf e. conducted by Rev. M. C. Fish- 1T ie i s e .ris2 5 21 Mr. and Mus. Clarence Brad-ler of Newcastie.- There wure DLBacp;eloPg-- J0' rel, )or- Vlrs. vi lb .ier, and FnO Sley ith ev.. w- .to; prs iding ecre- ïL0, as a .sso- lrge uaer- larly Fid- Can- Asor Ileg- ýad- was the ieer- 1 re the din cof to of bher l7 b or Leaders at Whitby. NESBUSWCK5-1. a Rprsweue aiso given hy Reg. EdmuiÎd's Store. Bethanv EWBRNSILTA5-l. a Mus. G. Yen on ber trip 10 Quin- Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle JNZNMo-Lac Camp and Mus. A. L. T. Enwright, Newcastle P T T E Saxonia C ANTZEN ~Wearn on the W. A. Presbyteriai S. Brown. NewtonvillePO AESCTO 'wbich was beld at Countice. Mus. CIRO Beaittiful 100% Ianbs.. L. Lamb thanked those on the C. Petbick. Enniskillen __ s wolswetes n al be pnoguam and the bostess. Lunch T M. Slenon. Enniskillen C Saxonia wolsetrsi i h was seuved by Guoup Il. F, L. Byam. Tynone 8 9C____________________ Cut Iatest pastel shades. Celebrate Birtbday G. A. Banron. Hampton MîRIA lxed F 1Mu. and Mus. J. H. Bornow- Truii's Store. Courtice FLRDF For a dale and Bian, togethen with A Sele sinarter appearance Misses Jean Raines and Olwen HTE.Rie, Brktod yor"ate"Roberts, Oshawa, a home, the H. T. Saywell. Blaekst:ck UMBR ..~ j with mart sirt iM s. F. W. Wery and M. and . K. Reynolds. Kendal JII O hy 1. Miller. Mus. Roy Weryv. Tbev also cl- Gilbent Food Market. MillbrookMai ed h.e omesil ofndMr. and Ms' Baking BokSor, saw e.dJ.aIchelhmesnofM. and Mus.Hndrsn'0BokStre1Oha - ow'sAkn 1 E. A. Werrv. - Bowmanvilie - FANCY 3MciNTOSH - 6 qt. basket Hw' BR CIMN SR. P Rickaby - "Big 20' BOY'1\EARs îes of fi-ne paper inade in W J. BerryCAEG ME O S ERiCanadiait milis coveu- a wide Jc'sSoeho APPLESCAEG 1irange, such as catalogues, blot- Rite's Smoke Shop Gary Venuing, Manager ters ,drinking cups, wall Pa- I~m~Vl KnStE.Bowlitativille pers. tickeu tape, blue pinîs, C Jury & LoveP - li stock certificates and even cur- j oheen's Handy Store4 5 rlTh Statesmnan Office _______________________ Six Speakers Enter Darlington Contest fThe annual public speaking contest ion Darlington Town- ship was held in the basement ni Hampton Chunch on Frlday, Oct. 28th, with Mn. Mervin Hobbs as chaîrman. Six contestants were present ta deliven excellent speeches. These were judged by Ms. Frank Hastings, Port Penny. The Senior Room of Hampton unden the direction ai Mr. Ross Metcalfe, musical supervisai', and M. Ivan Woolley, teache, sang four chouses which wee much enjoyed and appreciated. The speakers were: Jeanette Quinney, Providence, wh o spoke on "Our Home Town, Bowmanville": Sharron Gimb- lett, Maple Grove, "The Four H Club"; Patsy Davis, Solina, "Milk"; Douglas StaInton, Tly' rafle, "R.C.M.P.";, Patsy Mac- kay, SS. No. 4, "Billy Gnaham» and Patsy Knox, Bradley's, "The Four H Clubs." Mus. Hastings chose Patsy Davis, Patsy Knox and Doug- las Staintan to represent DJar- lington. at the semli-finaishe in Solina November 4th. ~ Mr. Sam Black and Mn.r~ ence Hockin representati~e from the Bowmanvile Lioms' Club puesented pnizes donated by thein club ta the three con,,4 testants who were chosen to~ g0 o bSauina and Mrs. Orville Ashton, director fan the Rate. payers and Trustees Associa- tion, pnesented books ta the w~ent by bus 10 the convention lau accampanied on the piano. last Thursday, Mus. V. Asselstine, group lead- Women's Institute er and the group served lunch. The Novemben meeting oi Mission Band the Blackstock Women's Insti- Anne Gibson presided at the tute was in the Community hall Mission Band meeting in tbe lasI Wednesday aitennoon with Sunday Sdhool room last Murs. G. Marlow as hostess. Mus. Thursday aibennoon. Several Lorne Thompson and Mus. sangs were sung and prayer Murray Byers conducbed the said. business. Mus. C. Hi gave the wor- Plans wene made for the Rn- ship"'Friends". Ken Gibson took tary Banquet on Nov. 16 at up tbe offering and Nancy wvhich the Institute is cateuing. Stanîland saîd tbe prayen. Lin- jThe roli caîl was answercd dy Kyte nead '"Teddy Finds by "How local places came ny Somebbing New". David,' Fatsy thein namnes." Mus. Ivan Mount- and Joan Wntten sang "'Jesus joy gave an inteesting papen Bids Us Shine". Ms. Roy Tay- on the theme "Current Events". -or told the stoy 1"Famiiv Mus. Russell Mountjov gave us Night at Friendship fouse"'. a wondeful paper on "Cana- Thee wee 16 childen and two dian Artiss" and thein work. aduts presentt Sbc had pictures fnom the In- stitute Loan Librany, Maclean's in agazine, and many otheus she Phrases one neveu heans in ~ha d coliected. Aberdeen: Mus. G. Maulow led in com- 1 "Ill head thp list!" munity singing. Mrs. Roy Tay- "Pub me clown fr a onfl - r'I...*ar 9c 9c Cut Bread Costs! Carry It Home and Sv!9 White or Brown - Sliced or Unsliced - 24 oz. loaf Richmella Breadi BRAESIDE - GRADE A LARGE EGGS doz.5 Economical! Delicious Spread! Yellow Quick Margarine - 1 lb. pkg. Blue Bonnet 3 Adds Zest to any meali Pure Tomato - - Il oz. bottie Heinz Ketchup Special Offer! Savings at time of purchase! Lux Granules Large C Pkg. Pkg. 3 CPg 25C Deliejous Ieruit! Serve topped with cream! 15 oz. Choice Quality - Halves in syrup tin Brig ht's Peaches 2 for .35 c They're New! So quick and easy! 9 Or. Monarch - Chocolate, Caramel, Lemnon pkg. Sponge Puddings 22C~ Now is the time to bake your own Christmas Fruit Cake -8 oz. tn 15 oz. pkg. 32 oz. pkg. odBl MNAS 24c 43c odBl Saxonia 31c Red 4 oz. oz 4 oz. pkg.0 13C Jolly Good 16 oz. pkg. *lit rIE DAEL 4 oz. pkg.8 oz. pUA mios. 12kg 2 8 os. pkg.a ruits12c 2C AstaanT ut vi Q à 15 oz. pkg. oz 0. pkg. 21c Saxonia 8 oz. tin Cut IDS Powder Issorted es effective at yuur Dominion Store, Bowmanville until 6 p.m., Saturday, November 12 ILES 25c 15 oz. pkg. 23c 4oz0& 8oz. >OMI1N'iON 1$ teplace to buy *5 oz. pkg. 3 oz. pkg. 15c WALNUT PIECES 17c TM eAICAnTAIt 4t#PA"-QlÉAW 69C 0

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