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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 3

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TEE CAiADIAS STATBOSM. UOWMA2<VHIE, GETARZOPAETU rtwright Clarifies 'ena Arrangements * '-Otificil met on Manday, Dec. icing street lights. 18.00; Social 5th at 2 pan. with ail présent welfare, 70.50; N. Meirs, shov- and the Reeve in chair. ing back dump, 18.75; Henry [t azdecde tapu donsonThompson, postage and tele- @Pace under grandstand and use n 2.0 sa MQae it for torage of tractor, sprayes-, purebred sheep killed, 35.00; calcium chloride, etc. O. Wright Ivan Cochrane, 1 cal! killed, 1o get the meterial and do the 15.00; R. Wall, valuator, 7.50; R3eCeaary ork.H. Van Camp, drawing sand ta Ilecesary ork.rink, 12.00; Gardon Brown, Neil Bailey and Bill Ferguson, drawing sand ta rink, 6.00, O. ak deputation from the Curling Wright, lumber and work at Club, were présent ne arrange- rink, 15.00; K. Symons, County X"»ts for curling for the wnter. Treas., County Rates, 1d,475.08;1 13YSras agreed that the culers Public Schooi Area. Trustéee Î&Md have the rink on Monday, Rates, 10,624.95; Public School îtday and Thursdayý,pights at S.S. No. 3, Trustee Rates, 403.52, $1 .00 for year., Other arrange- Public School Area, Debenture mfenta include Wednesdey night Rate 3,507.30; High School De- ,Êkatlng, Friday nîgigt, hockey; benture Rate, 57 1.34; High --maturclay afternaon, free skating' School, bal. Trustee Rate, 542.73; for children; Saturday night, Fox Bounties, 32.00; Voucher No. skating. The cost will be: for il Township Roads. 813.91; hokey, 25c per persan; children Voucher No. il, Development uder 12 years aid, frèee up ta Rd., 1,493.71-Total $34,017-00. 8 O'clack. Organizations wishing Council adjourned ta Thurs- îè rent rlnk for a party ta have' day. Dec. 1Sth et 2 p.rn. for it on Wednesday or Friday night, statutary meeting. $4.00 for night. Public school __________ chiidren may have free skating VOe yoeo h auhr.Bl BLACKSTOCK Y'erusonhassince been éngaged as manager ai rink. lVomen's Institute Accounts pessed as follows: On Wednesday afternoon of Hospitelizetion 444.01, funeral lest week, the Blackstock. expenses 135.00, Corp. ai Part Women's Institute December 1werry, fire agreement, 235.00; meeting was held in the Com-j Dept. af Health, insulin 7.72; munity Hall with Mrs. Frankd Municipal World, supplies 11.40; Hoskin as hostess. Port Perry Star, printing 24.53; r.LneTopnr,ý Registry Office, registrations Ms aeTopope 4,08; Cecil Heayn, adjustment in' sident, led us in repeating the insurance 5.12; Harry Deyman, Opening Ode and Mary Stew- Clerk ai the Peece, certifving1 art Collect. V.L., 7.00; H. Thompson, Ciérk- ~4s urray Byers, secre- Treas., 125.00; R. Wall, S.A.O. tay-resurer, gave tefnn 20.00; Kit Burton, spraying, 5.60, ciel statement. She elso read 0. Weatherilt, starage for pump ]etters ai Lhanks from the Bow- and hase, 25.00; Hydro, 37.65; manville Rotary Club for, the JLloyd Passant, Weed Inspector, banquet, and fram Miss JoYce $50.00; Canadian Statesman, ad- Hooey who received the Insti- 'vertising voters' lists, 7.50; Let- fute Scholarship at Commence- ter Supply Ca., printing vaters' ment. lista, 64.30; Harold Martyn, serv- The Cartwright Farmer's Un- Fail Wedding -of Interest Normalites Misses Wiimm Schtk and Sheila Leppin ai Toronto and Ajax respectively, are guests this week at thse Jack Wilsans while teeching at Yelverton's S. S. No. 1, under liams af Nestleton. The Badminton Club's an- nuel Christmas Party and Open House will be held on Friday. Dec. 16 et the Church Hall. Our local Public Sehool Christ- mes Concert will be held on1 Thursday, Dec. 22nd. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Heeslip recently spent a weekend in Toronto with the Erle Ross and the Gordon Heaslip's. Mn. and Mrs. Balfour Moores and Nancy with Mrs. Sam Sed- -man ai Whitby. Mn. and Mns. Murray Mai- colm with thse Bert MeMullens af Janetville. Mn. and Mis. Art Rowan re- cently with Mrs. Ephreim Evans ai Orono. Recent business visitors ta Delhi were Messrs. Howard' Murray., Wilbert Malcolm end Floyd Stinson. Miss Emn Henders accomnpen- ied the W. J. Malcolms t visit Mn. Ernest Stacey of Betheny; also supper guests ai Mns. Herb Taylor of Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Heaslii at thse Roy.-Keiletts o! Oshawa. ion sent the Institute a dona- tion of $25 ta assist in buying chairs for the Community Hall. It was voted to send $5.00 tu the Port Perry Hospital Aux- ilia.ry instead of a dofl for the draw. The members made plans tu provide clothing for a needy family in the Township. The theme for the day was citizenship and Mrs. Ernest Larmer was convener. The roll cai was well an- swered with "Something I re- member of a childhood Christ- mas." Mrs. Roy Taylor was et the piano for the singing of several carols. Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave an interesting short paper on current events.. Mrs. George Wolfe gave an excellent paper on the topic "Cîtizenship", pointing out aur privileges and duties as Cana- dian citizens. Mrs. Hoskin and the group served lovely refreshments and a friendly half-hour was enjoy- ed. Congratulations Blackstock Women's Institute wish to congratulate Nestieton Women's Institute and Miss Ethel Thompsoný who received her Life Membership Pin and a Certificate at the meeting last Wednesday. Miss Thomp- son will be 50 years in Nestie- ton Institute in February and bas been a very faithful mem- ber, always willing to do her share and more. Mrs. William Van Camp wzts pleased ta get a letter frorii Mrs. Jack Byers, Ottawa, who is recovering from an accident. Mrs. Byers xvas glad to get a card from the Blackstock In- stitute of which she was a for- mer secretary-treasurer. The annual meeting of the Big Four Guernsey Club of thc Counties - Ontario, Durham, Victoria and Peterborough wa- in the Community Hall on Thursday last with dinner at theReceatonal Centre. Mr. Mein 111Bailey, Winnipeg, was hiome for a fexv days last week. He had been attending a convention in Toronto. #Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Mrs. Fred Bailey and Mrs. Nas- mith Henry went on Sunday ta Windsor ta vîsit Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson and family. Mrs. Fred Bailey remained ta stay -the winter months. O.N.O. Club News Mrs. Arnold Taylor was hast- ess ta the December meeting of the O.N.O. Club. President, Dorothy Marlow was in the.! chair and Jessie Bowles acted as Sccretary as Margareti Mfountjoy was absent. The president thanked the members who had helped at the recent banquet and asked the ?ives ta canvey her thanks ta the husbands who had helped. Several letters of thanks for flowers and fruit were read. Also a letter from Mrs. Mar- ory Pewtress of T.B. Seals who thanked the club for their II hospitality when she visited last month. The members voted to send $25 ta the T.B. Seals associa- ion and $10 ta the Bowman- ville Salvation Army. Our club sent two pairs of Eskimo DoIIB -tu the Part; Perry Hospital Annual Doil Festival )raw. These doils were made by Eskimo patients in one of ur Sanitariums. A generaus donation of wool was received from the Harding ompany of Guelph which will i e knit into garments for theV hildren's Shelter. Af fer the -business was fin- shed we had aur Annual visit From jally St. Nick comp1ele i xith the traditional red cas- im. The gifts were taken .rom the Christmas tree,' open- ýd and exclaimed aver. And ;e jally Santa Claus was aur )wn Gwen Ballingail who ai- vays does this very important )art of aur Christmas party. We were glad ta welcoma Ieta Post a bride from The îague who is with ber husband Lthe Arthur Palks. Glad ta repart that littie tonald Bradburn, infant son )fMr. and Mrs. Ray Bradburn snow home from Port Perry aspital. Hne was there a week vith croup and bronchitis. Little Law;xrence -Collins had ê, way, Ricky Salway, Linda Scott and Gary Aked pleased the audience, and this was fo- lowed by an Irish Jig by Jean- ine Allison and a soft shoe tap by Sheila Coverley. .Four young girls made a hit with some fine baton twirling. They were Joan Davey, Joyce Davey, Barbara Brown and Kay Davey. The very enjoyabie program was brought ta a close by a tap dance by Linda Scott. During a short interval while the yaungsters were awaiting the arrivai af Santa Claus, Ps-e-. sident Mrs. Florence Knîght of the. Legion Ladies Auxiliary, led in a sing sang af ChrIstmas canais and "Devey Crockett". The jolly aid gentleman then distrib.uted a present and a bag ai cendy to each af the 390 children. The Ladies' Auxiliary mem- bers assisted Santa Claus in laoking aiter the children. BURKETON staging of the finest Shakes- peereen drama. The film tells how the idea grew, how a femaus British director, inter- nationally known stars, and Canadian talent were recruit- ed, and how the Stratiord Shakespearean Festival iinally became a triumphant reeiity. Our deepest sympathy ta the relatives of the late Mr. Nel- son Hudson, wha died at Pe- terborough Hospital eerly Sun- day. Mr. Hudson had made his home with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams for the past six and a haîf years. Mrs. Adams is a fliece. Mrs. R. HatherIey, Tyrone, is visiting with Mrs. Walter Bry- an. Friday is the school child- ren's concert and ca.rol singing in the church, befozre Mr. Mc- Coy leeves for a month's vaca- TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW Buy a Good Used Car WHILE OUR End of the Year Clearance IS IN PROGRESS 1M'any makes and models from which to choose. Ail reconditioned and overhauled. Robson Motors Ltd. Pontiac - Buick Cars G.M.C. Trucks 166 KING ST. EAST MA 3-5585 Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Dec. 4ý. il Admissions -- ---48 Births-7 maie, 4 female --Il flischarges--------- 57 Major operations . 7 Minor operations 12 Emergency treatments .16 These acts are published weekly in an effort to acquaint this community with the services of our hospital1. W.A. Eleets Officers \~ j ~ ÇThe Women's Association ~ held Thuriday, Dec. 8th. Meet- 4: y ing et the home af Mrs. Ken- i. ,neth Roblin, and graup three ~ ~. " * - served a dainty lunch and ex- f. change of Christmas git. Raill t ~cali was answered with a gf - "-"suggestion. IRev. R. B. Green took the Mr. nd rs. ame Robrt rankwer maried~ Jchair for the election af officers Mr. nd rs. ame Roert ran wee marie infor 1956, as fallows: Mrs. Har- Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, recently. The olad Larmer, president;, Mrz. bride is the former Shirley Marian, daughter of Mr-. Russell Dean, lst vice presi- J and Mrs. Howard Greer of Oshawa. The groom is the so dent; treasurer, Mrs. A. Ribey; of Mrs. Frank and the late Arthur J. Frank, Bowmanville. assistant, Mrs. H. Trick; secre- tary, Mrs. Bert Dean; parsonago board, Mrs. Larmer, Mrs. C. Ashton, Mrs. C. Avery; fruit and flower cammitteê, Mrs. Nearly 400 Children I lnh obli nd Mse Enjoy Legion Party iSixteeen aduits and eight chul- dren present. Three hundred and ninety pupils ai Mrs. Dawn Joes Friday evening, Dec. 9th, Mr. cbldren af members ai the Abramoff who pravided thse en- M. McCay invited al fa attend Bawmanville Branch ai the fentainment. They were accom- the social evening at the school Canadian Legion enjayed the panied et thse piano by Miss with canal singing and films Legin Cnistas artyhel et ariyn Sottby the National Film Board, in- thegHallhlestmasPurday hlait- l Sctt.cluding The Strafford Adven- noeall when ea nerda eived st umber an te pragram fure, 'AllFs Well That End's aoo preen from oSne rClaus was a tep dance by Joyce De- Well". Mr. McCoy described ahimsef o lSat lu vey, Kay Davey and Barbera how a small Canadian city, CmedeAMvnfCar Brown. This was followed by bearing the name Strafford ma f Ath Speci Event- an enjoyable ballet dance by and e river Avon, realized flic Committee, acted as master aiMef d arcqe vision ai one af its sans. The ceremonies and introduced' the A tep dance by Marilyn Sol- creetion af a theetre for the tion by air to Jamaica. WANTADS 1 . ýT nu-- ifth, 19.55 là

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