v TRMMAT. U. 2M. l iai PWE C'!AWikiffl B9ATESMW UPAIffA O,?A. Combine Annual Meet And Pot-Luck Supper At Tyrone United Church The annual congregational meeting of Tyrone United Church was held Friday after- Doon, January 20, following a delicious pot luck dinner in the Sunday School room. Rev. F. Jackson opened the meeting with hymn, scripture readingy end prayer. Art Hamnilton gave the auditor and treasurer's re- port. Receipts $3,365.71, Expen- ses $3,085.34, lcaving a balance of $280.37. The W.M.S. report was given 14 by Mrs. Percy Werry showing BURKETON Supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bone on Sat- urday, Jan. 2lst were Mr. and Mrs. M. Lahay, Toronto, sister and brother-in-law of Mrs. Bone. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson end infant daughter, Gavie Arleen of Oriole, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lawson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bone. Our depest sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean, in the sad bereavement and loss of their son George Dean, who died Saturday, Jan. 28th after a lengthy illness in Toronto General Hospital.' Ré%ceipts o! $204.62, Expenses o! $50.30, leaving a balance o! $15432. Baby Band receipts werc $7.00 and Mission Band receipts were $29.00. The W.A. report was given by Mrs. J. C. Cook. Receipts $53453. Expen- ses S230.43, leaving a Balance o! $304.10. The M. &M. Fund report was given by Everton White. Amount $39860. Sunday Schnol report wvas given by Miss Jean Pbilp, showing Receipts $79637, Expenses ;~391.33, leav- ing a balance o! $405.04. Rev. Jackson gave the Board o! Session report. New Officers Elected Trustees for 1956 are: How. Pbiip, P. Werry, L. Moore, R. Giaspeli, R. Clapp, Wm. Jew- eli, Art Hamilton, C. Bigelow, Paul Vaneyk, Gordon Baker and G. Kovecs. Stewards: R. Glaspeli, Harold Skinner, H. Philp, J. His, J. Broome, L. Moore, R. Virtue, Wm. Jewell, D. Stainton, R. Sim and Jack Cook. M. & M. Fund: Mrs. R. Glas- pell, Mrs. H. Pbilp and Ever- ton White, treasurer. Ushers: Ross Pooley, J. Cook, H. Pbilp and L. Phare: Pastoral Rela- tions, Albert His; Preparation FORD '/-Ton Pickup FORD Nainline Tudor FORD Custom Tudort FORD Custom Fordor FORD Fairlane Tudor FORD Fairlane Fordor FORD Ranch Wagon 956 NONARCHS Mrs. M. L.... Oshawa. W'e al- Iowed $1,031 for a '49 Mercury. Mr. E. li.... Ajax. Wc allow- cd $2,073 for a '54 Ford. Mr. R. H. IVe allom.ed SI.- 117 for a '50 Mete or. Mr. R. W. Ajax. We allow- ed $1.987 for a 1953 Ford. '15 Gienfell St. OSHAWA 'RA 3.4683 $1771 $2099 $2225 $2275 $2340 $2393 $2479 (Give-Away Prices) Mr. D. G.... Oshawa. We al- iGwed S997 for a '46 Plymouth. Mr. E. S.... lVhitby. IVe al- Iowed $1,219 for a '50 Ford. Mr. P. P. Whitby. Wc ai- iowed $1.944 for a '54 Ford. Mr. R. V. Ajax. 'Ne ailow- ed $1,135 for a '49 Mercury. I 301 Duiodas St. W. WHITBY Mo 8-3331 o! Elements: Mrs. Geo. AI- dread, Mrs. Earl Prescott. Board of Session: Howard Brent, 1 year; Clarence Wood- ley, 2 years; F. G. Smith, 31 years; Walter Vaneyk. 4 years; Albert Hilis, 4 years; Frank Werry, 5 years. Nominating Comrnittee for 1956: Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Mrs. Albert Hilîs, Mr. Francis John- ston, Mr. Percy Werry. The Cemetery Board was reinstated. Ross Pooley and Gordyn Brent were named Au- ditors. Miss Grace Smith was appointed secretary. The Trustee Board was given power to go ahead and remodel the woodshed and kitchen to make more roomn for Sunday School classes. During the year three dona- tions were given to Tyrone United Church. Ail Branches Report Good Year at Kendal Kendal United Church held their annual meeting January 20 with a fair representation of the various branches pres- ent. Rev. S. J. Pike chairman for the evening led in prayer. The Sunday School rcportedt a fevourable year with an in- creese in attendance over thé previous year. The average et- tendance xves 30. Mr. Lenard Falls xvas invited to continue as Superintendent with Mr. Ross Elliott as bis assistant. The Feliowship Circie o! th2 Newtonville charge reported a most active year. It put on a successful play, financed five campers to Quin-Mo-Lac Camp, helped both Five Oaks and Quin-Mo-Lac Camps with a $10 donation f0 each, helped our missionary, Rev. Mcmriii Ferguson o! Angola, Afnica. This is indeed a very credit- able showing. The \Vonan's Ass6ciation reported that they field te'> mneetings and were addressed by four speciai gucat speakers. Their activities included serv- ing aftemnoori tee 10 the guests et our organ dedication, twu bazaars, and a parsonage tee. Three o! our members went on a bus tour o! the United Church Buildings- in Toronto. Two bales were sent to the Fred Victor Mission. They pur- chased a new carpet for the pulpit and gave tbeir share to- wards an electric stove in the personage. Kendal W.A. voted $35 ta the M. & M. Fund, $20 to the W. MS. and its allocation to thr? Belleville Coliege. They have a balance on hand o! $98. The membemship is eigbteen mem- bers. They are boping to in- crease tbis in the coming year. Mrs. A. Swerbrick will again serve as organist with Mrs. W. Jackson as assistant. Our cburch treasurer gave a fine report, stating that we owe a debt o! gratitude to the friends o! Kendal Church, both near and fer wbo beiped us so well at the time o! the organ dedicetion, .Our financial balance bas been helped by the fact that Mr. Mil- ton Robinson bas been doing the caretaking free and Mr. C. Tebbie donated the fuel. To these and the many others who helped the cburch with their free labour we wish to express our thanks. OBITUARY 31MRS. MABEL BROWN After an iilncss o! only sicX days, Mrs. Mabel Brown, 192 King St. East, Bowrnanviile, pessed awey in Memorial Ho:- pital on Jan. 14. She bad made ber borne for the past eight ycars witb ber oniy con, George A. Brown, following the death o! bier busband, Charles A. Bro0wn. Mr. and Mrs. Brown mov,-d f f Bowmianville from Hamil- ton and Mr. Brown was with the Massey-Harris Co. bere for about a year prior fa bis death. I odhcalth up until a xveek beor er death, Mrs. Brown was 68 years o! age. She ba'i hcld the position o! cook at Mernorial Hospital for some time. The deceased was a daughter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. John Dyett and \vas bon in Brig- ton , England. Shie came to Cati- ada in lier eariy years. Mrs. Brown was a meniber o! St. John's Anglican Church, and l of Beehix'e Rebekah Lodge, 1 Bowmanville. She hiad maniv hobbies including the making of jewellery and sheli woriz which she greatly enjoved .and through wbich L made many Rev. A. C. Herbert conduct- cd the funeral service on Jan. 17 at Northcutt and Srnith Fun- erai Homie, Division St., Bowý- nienvilie. There were imany loveiy floral tokens frorn friends, neighbors and relatives, also fromn the Lions Club, Bce- hive Rebekab Lodgc and L.OL., Bowmanville, Board of Memorial Hospital and Staff of Mernorial Hospital. Surviving are bier son, George A. Brown, Bowman- viland one brother James Dyett, 611 Bereslord Ave., To- ronto. One sister predeceaseý, lier. Palîbearers were Messrs. Les BrosJck Shackleton, Tom Sandiland, Bert Stapleton, E. Patterson and E. Wi]latts. In- terment \vas in Fenelon Falls Ce mete rv. Arnongi the friendis and rela tives attcnding lie fu n eral from ouit-of-town %were ',%r. and Mrs. Johin Pancoaste and fam- ily, Ypsilanti, Michigan; Mr. Wes Brown, Stella: M.%rs. Fred jCelver. Bath; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gr MeCaugberty, Kingston: M.Stewart Brown, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. James Dyett and iLorne, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Be- ker, Mrs. Wrn. Howc. ail o! To- fronto; Mrs. John Hall, Port Credit. Ther ere a!ro fricndB f'rn m ' Pui. Pc:ry and Bowmalnvilleo, Burketon P.T.A. Holds Anniversary Meeting Burketon: A meeting of the Parent Teacher's Association af Burketon school was held on Wednesday night at the school. There were about 20 members of the Association gatheired to celebrate the end of their first year of P.T.A. work in that community. The members were: Mr. Mr,- Coy, teacher of the school; Mrs. H. Abbott, President P.T.A.: Mrs. M. Hubbard, Treas., SCc't, P.T.A., Mr. and Mrs. B. Dean. Mrs. H. Trick, Mrs. E. Carno- chan, Mr. and Mrs. Adarns, Mr. and Mrs. Ribey, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson,- Mrs. H. Grace, the school secretary, Mrs. Pedersen, Miss GWen Dean, Mr. M. Hubbard, Mrs. P. Gatchell. Mr. McCoy at the piano play- ed a prelude from Bach. The meeting was then called to or- dcr. Mrs. Abbott was the off i- ciating officer. Mrs. Hubbard read the minutes and also gave the financial statement whîch was an excellent report seeing that there was a sum of $130 odd in hand. Mr. McCoy gave the welcomne address in which he said: "I feel highly honoured to wel- corne you tonight to our first meeting for the New Year, and one that marks the end of our first year of P.T.A. work for this school and for this com- maunity. Seeing that we have accomplished quite a few things, we can't but say thal wve are proud to have such an organization in connection with this sehool. I shall take this opportunity to encourage this association to live on! In ail progressive schools this work is going on. In communities where teachers and parents work together and have a full understanding of the child, great things can be donc for that child. I wonder if you parents know that your child is away from you and is under the teacher's care 58.21 per cent of the 60) hour week, that is from Monday to Friday." Mr. and Mrs. RibeY gave Business Direclory_ Accounlancy_ RAY J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J B. COGGINS* Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville <Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander. B. Comm. J. Hunter, C.P.A. C hiro pra cic G. EDWIN MIANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office- Specialty Paper Pràducts Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment De nifal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 m~on Saturday' Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 flouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DX. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., DMD.S. t Office ln his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. dal 9 a.m. to 12 noon WednesdaNy Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 Kin;z St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.ni. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike. Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephorie MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bownianville Phones: Office MA 3-568q) Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Ear-ister. Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvile Morîgages LEROY HAMIITON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First mortizaze funds Regidences - Farusu Business Properties Op fo m e r y KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Monday to Saturdav except Wednesday, 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil - Bowmanvii.e Phone M.i 3-.5778 Piano Tuning Profe5sional Piano Tuning ,%RTH[-R (OLLISON i Fhone MArket 3-3900 1 some very helpful suggestions to the bouse as with regards to the projeet. The P.T.A. is mak- ing plans to have a well dug on the scbool grounds. It la boped that in the very near future this goal wil be reached. The song: "I Belleve"' was sung by Mr. McCoy, accompan- ied by Miss Gwen Dean on the piano. Thé Président gave a vote of thanks f0 the members, and on behalf o! the Association thank- cd Messrs. B. Dean and M. Hubbard for the splendid job o! painting the school. The col- our scheme was given by Mr. McCoy, and the painting was done wbile he was away on holiday. The meeting was adjourned for February 15, 1956 at 7:30 p.m.s Meeting For Tobacco Men Set for March One o! the eigbt winter meetings for flue-cured tobac- co growers will be held in the Orono Town Hall, March 14 at 8 p.m. through the co-operetion o! the Gôvernment and civi.- officiais. These meetings, whicb were first started five years ago, have been a valuabie aid in bringing the ]atest develop- ments in tobacco growing di- rectiy to the fariner. The program this year is be- in- provided by the members o! the Provincial Extkýnsion Service and the staff o! the Dominion Experimentel Tobac- co Sub-station et Delhi. The latest recommendations ini to- bacco production will be pre- sented , usidig coloured slides to illustrate the various points under discussion. Topics listed on the prograni are as follows: "The Limitationi of Irrigation", "How to Avoidi Certain Greenhouse Problems", "Fertilizers Recommendetions for 1956". "Care and Calibra- tion o! Macbinery", 'Best Ro- tation for Tobacco", 'lnsect Recommendations for 1956", "Suitable Varieties for On- tario", "Importance o! Produc- ing High Quality Tobacco".,4 D. Armistead Retires From Goodyear Firm David Armistead, foreman o! the steam pipe fitters, retircd fromn the Goodyear plant De- cember 30 after many years o! service with the plant. Dave permanently started witb Goodyear as a steamfittcr 29 years ago, although be had previously worked there on tbree separate occasions. Coming from Yorkshire, England, Dave is married and is planning on makîng bis sixth trip to England this year since coming out to Canada in 1909. He is a veteran o! World War 1, baving been in action on the Continent. He was an efficient, conscientious employee, well liked and known throughout the plant. On bis retirement day, Dave luncbed with Engineering Head Emmons Crawford et the Bal- moral Hotel and during the e!- ternoon two presentations werc made to hlm. Frorn the Engin- eering Department be was giv- en a two-suit travelling ba, whilc the Engineering Officel and Supervision Club got toge- ther and presented hlm with a velvet lounging jacket. .N£sileton Station Mrs. Hermen Samelis enter- tained Misses Gwen and Eu- nice Wilson, Toronto. and Miss- es Ruby Morrow end Dorothy Mann o! Brighton on Saturday evening. Mrs. Clifford Hetz and dan-ý ghters Faith and Christine o! Erie, Penn. with Mr. and Mrs., Cecil Wilson. Mrs. Wilson re- turned witb them for e holidayi and Mrs. Herman Samnelis is keeping house for ber brother, i Cecii Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brjwn.ý Osbawa, visited Dr. Bowles and Mrs. Meekie. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sleep, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Bowies. Miss Muriel McKee, Oshawa, with ber mother Mns. S. Mc- kee.. jMr. and Mrs. Arnold Wi- lierns and Janice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfnid Vine, also Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson. Mm. and Mms. Alêx McLeodj and Donald, Toronto, guests o!i Rcv. A. S. and Mrs. McLean. Mrs. Albert Wright spent a day recently with ber aunt, Mrs. Rebecca Dickey. Mr. and Mrs., Maurice Sam- cils and Sharon, Peterboro, were wcckend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyland. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Ars- cott, Michael and Nancy, were in; Toronto over the weekend. Recent visitors with Mrs. Jas. Samelîs and Norman, were Mr. and Mms. Ed Bennett and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogaers and Larry. ail o! Osh- awva. Friends will be pleasedj lo knicw Mrs. Samelis is able 'o he tir agein sînce ber ilness. We itre sorry to report Mi. Bort Knight xvas teken to O:zh- awa bospital tbis morning for trèatment. Her many friends wis hber a quick return to the best of heelth. Sympathy is extended to, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rohrer in1 the sudden passing o! heri mother, Mrs. Mailon Mitts o!1 Tillsonburg on Sunday. Ivani and Mildred took the twol smallerrc(hi]diren ,%,th thiem and!I Leona Carol and Ly-nda are I &taying wîth Oliver Robx or. BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowland, Ottawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rowland on Tues- day. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. John White were Mrs. William Finney, Ida; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Monchief, Fra- serville; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Syer and the Misses Elaine andi Margaret Syer, Caven. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and family and Miss Marie Carr with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson, Yelverton. Friends wîll be pleased to kn qw that Dr. JI J. Hamilton arzived home from Civic Hos- pital on Sunday. Members o! the Bethany Womian's Missionary Society who attended the W.MS. Pres- byterial meeting held in Knoxl United Church, Peterborough, on Tuesday were, Mrs. T. Jack- son, Mrs. G. Waddell, Mrs. John White, Mrs. R. R. Bon- steel and Mrs. Clarence Row- an. Guests with Mr. and Mns. Reg. Edmunds on Sunday were Mrs. M. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McDowell and famiiy o! Millbrook, Mr. and Mrs. R. McKnight and family o! Oril- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Eric McKin- stry and family o! Peterbor- ough. Mrs. George McBurnie, Eldo- rado spent several days last week with Mrs. J. Davis and1 Mrs. Hilliard Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichols, Peterborough, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ca rr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bolton, Toronto, werc with Mr. and Mrs. C larles Reynolds during the weekcend. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beer of Brampton, and Mrs. Edna Buchanan, Peterborough, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Alian Beer and Mrs. Ernest Beer dur- ing the weekend. Rev. H. S. Cobb Given Farewell On Retirement Many Statesman readers will be interested in the following report which appeared in Sat- urday's Toronto Telebram, of a farcwell party given Rev. H. S. Cobb on his retirement as pas- tor o! St. Enoch's United Church, Toronto, as Mrs. Cobb is a well known Durham Coun- ty girl, being the former Ella Wight, daughter o! the late Alex Wight, Providence, who was a Reeve of Darlington. She is a sister-in-law o! Mrs. C. A. Wight, Elgin St. The article follows: Friday evcning St. Enoch's United Church bcld a farewell party and presentation of a purse o! money by the congre- gation for Rev. S. S. Cobb, who retircd the beginning o! the year after eight years there, and Mrs. Cobb. Mr. Cobb bas completed more than 40 yeazs mn the ministry. A native o! Seagrave, Ont., and veteran of both World Wars, Mr. Cobb was educated at Albert College and Victoria College, receiving bis BA and BD from the latter. He inter- rupted bis Arts course to enlist as e privte in 1915 and spent 4 ½' years overseas. Later lie won bis commission on the field and was also wounded. Compieting his univcrsity training, Mr. Cobb was ordaîn- Town ed in 1921 and served 17 years in Saskatchewan and then four years at Tillsonburg before en- listing again in 1942. He spent five years in the Veterans' Guard and then took over St. Enoch's in January, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb bought a home in Willowdalc two yeai.3 ago and will continue to Live there. Newtonville W.I1. Plans Card Party Newtonville Womcn's Insti- tute beld an cvening meeting, Jan. 18, et the home o! Mrs. Arthur Redknap, with Vice- Pres, Mrs. Howard Ormiston, presiding for the business per- bod, and Mrs. Frank Gilmer acting as secretary, in the ab- sence o! Mrs. Harry Wade- Following the reports it was decided to hold a card parly, Feb. 15, in the Community Hall, insteed o! the regular monthly meeting. The commit- tee to arrange &Xi details for th-': party, will eonsist of the Convenors and the eýiecutive. A request f rom the W.A. for the use of the W.I. dishes for the corning banquet, was granted by unanimous dccl. sion. Aid for a needy family in the neighborbood wvas discussed, and plans made for practical assistance. Mrs. Wmn. Milligan Introdue- 1 d the guest speaker, Miçs Lampman, who gave a detail- ed accounit o! the work o! the Girls' Homne-rneking Clubs. Mrs. Elliott rcad an enjoyable chapter from "David Copper- field," after which a contest was put on by Mrs. Truman Henderson, while the others cn the group prepared lune. Lucky cup was beld bY Mrs. McDuff. Expression of appreciation te the hostess was made by Mrs. Elliott. Number present - .qeventeen members and four visîtors. To put the conclusion cOr- rectly-tbe stuf! o! the world i mind-stuff.-A. S. Edding- ton. THURS. -FRI. -SAT. - FEDO 2.3.4 Natines Sal. 2 pa. "Navy Air Patrol" (Tech.) starring JOHN DEREK and DIANA LYNN Also "Di g That Uranium" with the BOWERY BOYS Thurs. - Fn. - 7 and 9:25 Sat. Cont. 6:30 MON. -TUES. -WED. - FED. 6.7- 8 "Lucy Gaffant" (Tech.) (from the novel "The Life of Lucy Gallant» by Margaret Cousins) Stars - JANE WYMAN, CHARLTON HESTON,( CLAIRE TREVOR and THELMA RITTER An excellent sentimentalized drama that ail women and many men will love for its romance, its very human sentiments and for the fashion show that is extravagantly staged at the climax. -'---N r Truth " in the Hall, Bowmanville CURTAIN TIME AT 8:15 P.M. Thursdcuy leFridoy FEBRUARY 16 m Saturday m-17 m-18, ADMISSION (by prograni) s e e s e 75c per person Programs may be purchased from any rnember of the Bowmarnville Rotary Club, entitiing you to admission on the date specified on the prograin cover No Reserved Seats i Brand New 1956 GIVE-AWAY PRICES IN' ADDITION* Your car wili get proper servicing both before and after delivery FORD Nainline Fordor $2170 FORD Fairlane Victoria $2497 Ail cars complete, ready to drive away, ivith al factory standard equiprnent, tools, five tubelesstires, anti-f reeze, AIR CONDITIONING HEATER, oil filter and full new car warranty. PERHAPS YOU WOULD LIKE AN OVER- ALLOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT CAR. SONE RECENT ALLOWANCES on 1956 Fards, From Dur Files Mr. W. B... Toronto. We al- Iowcd 51,248 for a '51 Chev. Mml. B. F. Ashburn. We al- Io-wed $1.538 for a '52 Ford. Mrs. M.... Orono. We allow- ed S1,813 for a '53 Ford. Mr. C. N. Hampton. We ai- lowed 51,375 for a '51 Monarch. Bowman ville Rotary Club presents The Three Act Comedy Dut * Full Names Supplied on Request The with an ail-star cast of local talent to provide you with two hours of side-splitting enterteinment Imra Ww am MOTORS LTD. &nu, £vue MM »lýý