?HURSmT,T.mT. 2nt& 1036 TIM <CANATDTA1b1 S'A'rMA71 flWMANVILt. ON,@AWe PAGE r~RvE~i <1k I)Vewcad&/& 9;4eKftu1 Gordon Agnew, Edi.tor Phono 3621 Minor Hockey Thriving Midget Team Entered ýIn 0.M.H.A. Playdowns Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Taylor, Toronto, were recent visitorsl wjth Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. Mrs. Martin Estaîl of Kings- ton vlsited for a few days last Week with Miss Olive Thorne. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce 4and Elizabeth visited with bis lister, Miss Peggy Pearce, iný Toronto last Thursday. Mr. J. H. Jose and Mr.Pec Rlare were re-elected to tie Board of Management of the' Newcastle Community Hall at a meeting held in the Councîl Chamber on Monday evening, January 23rd. His many friends in the village bW li regret to learn that Mr. H. '~S. Britton's condition has flot Improved as xvas hopcd and that hie is now a patient in the Wes- tern Hospital in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Heckendorn of Burford visited with Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Agnew last Thurs- day. Mrs. Edith Ferguson spent a couple of days last week visiting in Toronto. Mrs. W. H. Gibson has left the 'Village to spend the remainder of the winter months with ber cister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Booker in Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ames of Bowmanville were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butterill of Smiths Falls were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storks and family. Local Midgets Lead Series By Goals The local Midget cntry in the O.M.H.A. Playdowns travel ta Coboconk tonight, holding a 5 goal margin as they go into the final game of the home and home series with goals ta count as a result of their 8 ta 3 vic- tory over the northcrn town in the local memoniai Arena on Monday evening. The local team, managed by Rolly Spencer and coached by Irvin McCullough outplay-' ed the Coboconk boys in Mon- day's fixture and are looking fonward with confidence ta taking the series to-nigbt andi thus entering into the second round of the playdowns. The local Midget teamn is composed of the following players: Charles Trim, Ted Lane, Robert Westbeuser, Erie Carleton, Paul and Gary Mc- Cullough, Everett Lake, Ted Sallows, Johnny Sinclair and Paul Weyrich, TYRONE WV. 1. Meeting The January meeting of the3 Tynone Women's Institute was beld at the home of Mrs. Lorne Phare, with President Mrs., Everton White presiding. Ral caîl was answered by a pioncer of Danlington. The business in- cluded letters of thanks ned by Secretary. A fine message was received from the President of th,, Women's Institute, Mns. McFa- ter, It was decided ta have a secret auction sale at ncxt ineeting. The yearly fees were passed for payment. The president reminded the weck, the Red Wings took the Rangers 7 ta 1. Hampstra scor- cd 6 and Stephenson 1 for the winjiers with Megit getting thie lone 'ally for the Rangers. The Bruins took the Hawks 3-1 for the mornings final Doug. Jose scoring two and Kuprey 1 for the winners and Verne Rowe the lasers' lone marker. This league is showing real progress and another month of good skating wcather shoulci sec real improvement in the class of hockey being display- cd by these youngsters. The boys and their coaches are grateful for the gift of hockey sticks for the Pec Wee League from the Fina Gas Station. Mrs. Stella Anderson bas re- turned ta ber borne here after spending a week in Toronto. Friends of Mrs. P. Tamblvn will be pleased to learn that she bas recavcred sufficiently from ber recent illness to allow ber ta return home from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Walton and daughter Susan of Torontoý were Sunday gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knox and Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLaren of Orono represented the locall Lions Club at the Charter Night of the Oshawa Club on Friday evening. As an outcome of this meeting, Mr. Knox threw out a challenge ta the Oshawa Club for a Broomtall game at the local Arena on February 8th which was accepted by the Osha- wa members. Sa Broombaîl will be the feature of the cvcning in the arena an Wcdnesday ncxt. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Withers and boys of Peterborough spent the weckend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Tamblyn. Mrs. Chas. Shier of Lindsay spent Wedncsday afternoon vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. P. Tamblyn. Local Couple Celebrate 5Oth son, spent the weekend at ber home. Miss Marie Taylor visited Miss Joan Rae, Whitby. Mrs. W. Rahm called at Mrs. S. O'Brien home, Bowman- ville, Satundlay evening. Mr. and Mns. Allyn Taylor, Bowmanville, visited bis grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rk~obert Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Mn. and Mns. S. Hall and chul- dren, attended the lOth wecl- ding annivcnsary of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rahm, Blackstock. Mn. Cecil Alldrcad, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Georgce Alldnead. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm were Thursday evening callers on Mns. G. Niddeny and Mary, Hampton. The evening graup of the W. A., wili meet the fourth Wed- nesday evening in each month instead of the second Wednes- day as pneviausly. The next meeting will be held at the borne of Mrs. Aima Yellowlees at 8.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rahm and childnen, Blackstock, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahîn. Mr. and Mns. Walter Rahm visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfredr Grace and Lynda, Bowman- J ville. S. S. No. 9, Clarke The Ladies' Club met Monday cvening at Mrs. Elsie Fisk's with eight members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and discussed. Several garieis have been given ta the school. It is being planned ta. hold card parties in the com- munity. Election of officers then took place wîth the following eiectcd: Past Pres.-Mrs. Fern Brunt; Pres.-Mrs. Gwen Barch-1 ard; Vice-Pres. -Mns. Eileenr Aluin; Secetary-Mrs. Langley: Treasuer-Mrs. Audney Turner; Auditors-Mrs. Branch and Mrs. With the excellent hockey weather of the past month lo- cal youngsters, witb the aid and coaching of a haîf dozen inter- ested young men have been showing that hockey is by na means on the wane in Newcas- tic. In addition ta, the six team local Pee Wce league, a Ban- tam team bas been entered in a County League including teams from Millbrook, Orono, iryad Newcastle. A Myidget teae sntred mn the Ontario Minor Hockey Association playdowns with their first ser- ies being playcd this week. On Wednesday evening of last week, the Red Wings, coached by Murray Walton and Alf Cochrane. walioped Doug. Walton's Canadiens by a score of 10 ta 1 witb Klaus Hamp- stra coming through with 7 tai- lies, Jim Stephenson 2 and Tommy Cuffe 1 for the win- ners while Steve Barchard shot the only tally past Wayne Han- cock in the Red Wings net. In the second game the Maple Leafs, coached by Howard Quinney and Charlie Bona- than took a 7 ta 2 win over Sammy Brereton's Rangers.1 Erie Naylor was the big scorer in this game with 4 while Wayne Flintoff got 2 and Fred Alldrcad 1 for thc winncrs. John Cunningham and Gary Naylor each pushcd anc past Ernie Alldread in the Leafs goal. In the final game of the evening, the Bruins took the Black Hawks 5 ta 2 witb Brian Rowc and Larry Pearce scor- ing two each and Murray Mar- tin 1 for the winners while Verne Rowe scared the only 2 tallies for the Black Hawks. Saturday morning the Leafs and Canadiens battled ta a 1 aIl tic with Wayne Flintoff and Steve Barchard scoring the goals. With Klaus Hampstra making it thîrteen goals for the Sf. George's Church NýEWCASTLE Sexagesima Sunday l 8 a.m. - Ho1y Communion il am. - Holy Communion FAMILY SERVICE 7 p.m. - Evening Frayer NENORIAL ARENA Schedule MO NBAY 6 - 8 - Bantam Hockey R10:30 - Publie Skating TUESDAY 7:1-10:30 - Town League Hockey WEDNESDAY 6 8 - Pee Wee Hockey 8- 10:30 - Open for Rentai THURSDAY 6 - 8 - Bantam Hockey 8 - 10:30 - Public Skating FRIDAY 7:30 - 10:30 - Town League Hockey SATURDAY 9 - 12 arn. - Pee Wee Hockey Afternoon and Evening Skating SUNDAY Famlly Skating - 2:30 - 4:30 Senior League The customers had a little of everything on Tucsday even- ing at the local ice palace when Newtonville upset the league Pansies in a close 2 ta 1 tussle and on the other hand the Clippers massacred Orano by an il ta 1 count mn a wide open contest.i Friday evening, Orono turn- cd the tables wnen they, trim- mcd the 2nd place Newton- ville lads 4 ta 3. Hutton scorcd twa and Carleton and Boyd anc each for Orono while Phil Gil- mer scored ail threc goals for Newtonville. In the second game Friday evening duc ta sanie classy goal tending by Sarnmy Brere- ton in the Pansies nets, plus the absence of Bob Stephenson, star player for the Clippers, the high flying comeback af the Quinney squad received a joit. The Pansies taking the game 8 ta 5. Rallie Spencer and San- dy Graham scored two cach and Foster, Gray, Dickinson and I. McCullough anc cach for the winners while Quinncy scored 3 and Naisb and Brunt 1 each for the. losing Clippers. Anniversary Some one bundred persons gathered in the Newcastle Com- munity Hall on Tuesday evening, January 24tb to help Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson to cele- brate the Fiftieth Anniversary of their marriage. Mrs. Rob- inson is the former May Love- kmn, a member of one of New- castle's Pioneer families. Mr. Fred Lovekin, brother of the bride of 50 years, acted as Master of Ceremonies for the evening and introduced the fol- lowing persons wbo made com- plimentary addresses to the bon- oured couple: Messrs. Stanley Honsberger, Deputy Reeve of North York Township, Reginald Lovekin' and Luke Gray of Toronto, Frank Rickard, Ex-M.P. and Edgar Kenefick. The address to the bonoured couple was read by Mrs. M. Foster of Oshawa and presenta-i tions of a gold xrist watch and a wallet containing money was made ta each, in addition toaia bouquet of flowers 'sent by a -grandson of the couple in Hal- ifax, N.S. Following the serving of re- fresbments by the members of the committee of cîtizens in charge of the event, dancing was enjoyed by ail present, to music supplied by Ken Ncal and his orchestra from Orono. Dead Stock Removed 24-Hour Service tELEPHONE COLLECT COBOURG FR 2-3721 NICI PECONI PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 MIILk PROTECT ION Glen Rae Daeiry FOR DAILY DELIVERY Phono Dowmanville . NA 3-5444 In Newcastle - Phone 2173 W. are now supplying the arca formcir s i . c'! f î1v'c Nemrcastie Dairy Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie Gould on their marriage at Orono Un- ited Church Parsonage on Sat- urday, January 28, 1956. Rev. John Kitchen officiated. Mrs. Gould was the former Miss Laura Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt, Mrs. Wm. Cowan, Mrs. E. Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, New- castle, on Monday, January 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Gail and Sandra, Lakefieid, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mrs. P. Morgan returned home, on Monday alter spend- ing last wveek visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gould and son, Mr. Joe Gould, Oxford Centre, and Miss Sara Wagner, Oshawa, were guests at the Gould-Burgess wedding. Miss Bertha Cain, Mrs. M.L Sherwin and Laurence, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. Neil Bell, Toronto, visit- Keith McGill Top Bowler Rural League Maple Grave Enniskillen Sr. - Blackstock Enniskillcn Jr. - Hampton Tyrone -- --- 14490 15047 13618 14597 13009 13411 High single, Keith McGil,: 234; High triple, Keith McGill1 847; Lemon Lcague-J. Coom- bes 80, AI Wilson 85, K. Run- die 91. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart and Kenncth, at William DarVs, Sr. Woodville. Master Ross Ward visited bis grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Wcs Cameron for a few days. Mrs. Fred Cameron spent several days in Taronto with ber sister-in-law, Mrs. George Sanley wbile ber brother, George Sonley was in the bas- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas John- Son, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skinner, Oshawa, at Jim Stain- ton's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, Johnny, Brenda and Diane, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, Ross and Douglas, Town Line, at Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie, Miss Marie Killen, Mr. Wilford Franks, Hamilton, at Robent Killen's. Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts, Oshawa, Mr. James MVeMasten, Millbrook, at Alex McMastcr's. Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Lau- rel spent a week at Harry Po- loz, Midland. Mn. and Mrs. Hans Geissber- ger, Hans Geissbergcn Jr., Miss Margaret Wymnan, Mn. and Mns. Henry Dart, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Dant, Mr. and Mrs. Gcrry Glaspeil, attcnded the social evening at Newcastle. Mrs. Wes Cameron at Fred Ward's, Town Line. Mrs. Lorenzo TrulI and r granddaughten Anita Truli, Hiampton, at Russell Perkins. Mr. Alex McMaster bas been very ill with double pneumon- ia but is on the road ta necov- ery naw. Mrs. F. B. GlaspelI, Mrs. Ray Scott attendcd the 9lst birth- day party of Mrs. Glaspell's 1 aunt, Mrs. William Stanley,! Whitby. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Wcb- s.. - and family, Port Perny at Allan Fisber's Mrs. Wes Cameron, Mrs. Russell Stainton attcnded a demonstration at iVrs. Grant William's an Friday cvening. Fred Cameron went ta To- ronto on Saturday. Mrs. Cant- eron returned home with him. CADMUS wa hl o tesa†edy,4 Marie Gibson. Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. years ago. A fine New Year's Mrs. Gwen Barchard gave a held their January meeting at message was given by Mrs. talk on the china and pottery the home of Mrs. Milton Harold Skinner. industny. Lunch was served by Gray's on- Tuesday evening, the bostess, Mrs. Armstrong an-d Jan. 17. A debate was beld on the Mrs. Barchard. Next meeting The scripture lesson was giv- subject, 'That people 50 years on Feb. 27 at Mrs. Gwen Bar- en by Mns. Marwood McKee, ago enjoyed themsclves more chard's with Mrs. Bnanch and the tapic being the "Beginning than people of today'. The af- Mns. Brunt on the committee. of the New Year". The minutes firmative wvas taken by Mrs. ___________ of the last meeting were read Russell Wright and Mrs. J. C. i ~ Cok, ad te neatie byMr ~and -approved and the rail cali Cook andthenegaiveby Ms. as answered by 21 members WoLade Annis and M ss . eitARKS.VILLti paying their dues totalling $5.- ~ Wod. udge wee Mesrs25. Thene were five members Everton White, Albert Hilîs Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd werc absent. and Harold Macklin who gave dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. The treasurer rcported that the decision in favour of the Orme Falls.1 we had $305.34 on hand for the affirmative. Mns. N. Woodley Mr. and Mns. John Stark and year 1955. conducted contests and aftcr- sons with Mr. and Mrs., Logan,l Several thank you cards were noon tea concluded a very en- Bcthanv, Saturday evening. read and next months rail cail Waoyable rossern o ntn. etiMr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and is ta be answered by a Valen- Waren ros, Trono, pen family had dinner with Mn. andi tine thought. the weekend ai the H. Phiip 1 Mrs. Brian Caswell Tuesday The program consisted of home, also Mr. and Mrs. D.:i evenýing. several rcadings by Mrs. Mc- Phasey, Orono, visited on Sun-, r n rs .Dbo Fayden, Mrs. Larmer, Mrs. Jim. day.1 attcndcd the Vegetable Growers, Gray; piano solo by Mrs. Ken Mn. and Mrs. W. Vivian andi gathening in Newcastle last Fni- Gray and a solo by Bnian and fanîiy %siedMn. and Mr.dyngt Linda Gray. Mrs. Marwood Walter Ormiston, Oshawa, on Mr. and Mrs, M. Sbutka are McKee moved a vote of thanks Saturday' and Mr. and Mrs. El- enMing television in their toalal for another splendid gie Mason, Oshawa, on Sunday. home. meeting at Mrs. Gray's home. Mr. and Mvrs. Lorne Anniis, Mr. Lawrenîce Farrow in Group 1 servect a very dain- andtanîly viite Mr an Tount udy visiting biS ty lunchi and a social haur was Mrs. Harris Little, W\et Hill. brather Bill who bas been bas- spent by ail. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Geis- pitalized there but is now. with On Thursday cvening. Jan. berger and Lynda, Zion. Mr. MNrs. Allen Cornish. 26, Group 1, of the Cadmus and M- Llo\-c Skinner anci M.and Mis . Arlev Robin-. \.A. and W.M.S. held a crokin- fainily v.th Mn. and Mrs. \Val- son and famnilN, visited at Harold i ole party in the basement Of! ter Park Sr. Souch's.1 the church. High lady was IMr.andINIs. T Stt nd Mns. Thas. Falls is nov.' vms it- Mrs. Wesley Sweet, loxv lady Mn.an Ms.T. cot nding at Mr. A. Falls', Bow'man- Miss Linda Gray, high gent, chilciren w-ere tea guests af Mi.- î. Mr. Kenînedy G ray and iow H.Painr.Mr. àird .ADos anci' genit Nli. Allan Paýsant. ' i, M:-E. D,),îk u.a:d.in . . WH. 'î ' jp-nwe iiîîci p:eçocîali iud NI:. and Mrs. lK. ,*çbbar. spent Saturn-cav e\eiug at MN.la a hig sîîcceszs, pi'oceeds be- Mîzà Arlie Rosevear, WîE d. Ruthbvens, Zion. àng aven $16.00 Social and Personal GOULD - BURGESS January 28th, 1956, at 4 o'clock, in Orono United Church Parsonage, Rev. Jobn Kitchen married Laura Viola, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burgess of Orono and Donald MacKenzie Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gould, Ox- ford Centre. The bride was at- tended by ber sister, Mrs. Da- vid Kilpatrick, Orono, and. Mr. Joe Gould, Oxford Centre, was best man for bis brother. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac- Kenzie Gould will reside in Woodstock. The Orono News Telephone 12'à DRIVING .. DURHAM COUNTY'S LEADING ZION (Hope Township) Mrs. H. Caswell spent last weekend with ber daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boice, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley en- tertained a few friends at their home last Saturday evening, among wbom were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Raby, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cas- well, Mr. and Mrs. F. Tufford. Mrs. R. Gerow, Mr. and Mrs. H. Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. N. Gerow and sister Mrs. Don. Morden of Wellington; Miss H. Raby. Mr. Fred Raby spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. N. Gcrow and family, Mrs. R. Gerow spent the weekend with relatives in Wel- lington. NE WTON VILLE Miss Alice Ncsbitt, Toronto, with ber sister, Miss Annie Nes- bitt. Mrs. Sid Brown and infant daughter are spending a fcw days with ber motber, Mrs. Vic- tor Wagg, Markham. Mr. Bill Lane left on Sunday morning for Cornwallis, Nova! Scotia, ta commence bis training! for the navy. Bud Jones, Montreal. and Miss Shirley Jeffs. Napance, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones. Mrs. Keith Myles and daugh- ters are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Binstead of Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Britton, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones on Monday. Mr. Leslie Davis and son Mr. Sheldon Davis of the Davis Telephone Co., Eganville, attend- cd the telephone banquet on Wedncsday. Open Exchange The sharebolders of The Port Hope Telephone Ca. held their annual meeting at the dial office, Newcastle, on Wednesday. Jan. ed Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen at the parsonage. Mrs. Ed Milîson bas been iII at ber home. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mercer visited in Osbawa. Master David Gray, age 3, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray, Cadmus, bad d birtbday supper Friday at bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Iteg. Sutton. Mrs. J. Rickaby, Mrs. Gardon Cotter and Miss Joyce Jones, spent Friday in Toronto. CongratiÀlations to Mr. and Mrs. GordMn Lowery on their marriage at Orono United Cburcb, Saturday, January 28,, 1956. Rev. John Kitchen offi- ciated. Mrs. Lowery was the former Miss Marjorie Anne White. Mrs. L. Hadder, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton and Brian. Miss Edith Sberwin, Mrs. C. F. Duncan and Mrs. J. Boyd, returned home this wcek from Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Bow- manville, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farrow. Oshawa, 'spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and attendcd Orono United Church service. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, St. Catharines, spent the week- end witb 7Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mr. Ross Taylor was soloist at the morning service at Orono United Church. Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey spent the wcckend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Pbilp and family, Tyrone. Little Randy Tennant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tennant, bas returned home from Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, following an eye operatian. Mrs. G. Cox and son Dean, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean and Mr. and Mrs.. M. Morris and Ross. Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe and Wen- dy, Ottawa, are staying with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery and daughter Marion, Courtice, visited Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barraball on Sunday. WEDDING Happy Solutions Io Al Your Printing Problems If it'î a, matter of printint, put it UP to us . . . no niatter what! We're set up t. handle anythlng from a business card to a huge catalogue with neatness and dis- patch. Every Job gets prompt careful attention. The -Canda Statesman Printing au you like It 0 0 GARAGE 0f fers -these Services Sales and Service Sales and Service of New PONTIAC,* BUICK, VAUXHALL CARS G.M.C. TRUCKS Goodwill Guaranteed Used Cars and Trucks of alniakes G.M.A.C. Finance Plan Available for ail Cars and Trucks Conipletely Equipped Stock Department for all GENUINE PARTS and ACCESSORIES GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES IMPERIAL ESSO GAS AND LUBRICANTS VEEDOL MOTOR OIL Our Service Depa rtment Is equipped to handie 1. GUARANTEED REPAIRS to ail makes of cars and trucks 2. FRONT END REPAIRS AND ALIGNMENT with the new Bear Telaliner 3. COMPLETE BODY, FENDER, COLLISION AND PAINT WORK Free estimates 4. LATEST LUBRICATING EQUIPMENT for cars and trucks of ail sizes 5. COMPLETE WASHING, STEAM CLEANING and UNDERCOATING EQUIPMENT Free Estimates G.M.A.C. Budget Plan Available for Alil Repairs and Purchases in Our Service Departrnent Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC, BUICKI, VAUXHALL CARS- G.M.C. TRUCKS 166 King 5t. E. BoWmanville Phone MA 3-5585 WEILL PRINI ANYTHING DUT MONEYI 25th. At the conclusion of this meeting they proceeded to Wel- come ta officially open the new dial excbange there. At six o'clock the sharebolders and wives and a few invited guests, numbering about 125 in ail, re- paired ta the Sunday Scbool bal of the United Cburch wbere the ladies of the W.A. served a tur- key banquet. The after dinner speakers were Mr. Hal Rogers and Mr. Flynn. representing the Ontario Telephone Authority of Toronto. Mr. C. R. Hughes. President of the Automatic Electric Company of Brockville; also Mr. Harry Jose of New- castle, Mrs. Willis Jones and Mrs. Cecil Burlcy, tbe firkt op- erator. Johnny James, M.P. at Ottawva, addressed the gather- ing by telephone over a loud speaker. The entertainer for the evening wvas the Scottish comed- ian Willy Meek and pîanist Dorothy Merrili. Mr. H. S. Brit- ton of Newvcastle. President of the Company was not present on account of illness. Farm Forums PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM jProvidence Forum met at thec home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turn- er with 15 members present. The topic under discussion was "The Fanîily Forum". The Forum agreed that the family farmn is a desirable feature of Canadian agriculture, and that any sound farmn policy should be designcd to ensure its continued existence. "What changes do you consid- er to be necessary in the fainily farmn plan if it is to survive"" Wc thought the changes necessary would be to malze the farmn pro- duce more cconomically on th1-e present acreage, also increased efficiency in farming operations combined with higher prices for farm produce. The next meeting wiil be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Barrie~. UN THE INTERESTS 0F BETTER and SAFER Robson Motors Limited PAOLP ZTIZVM