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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1956, p. 12

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- . .r.~ __________ - Al7E5M N 1OW.J YV V vjj j IF OTAIOLffMSA Z * 'l5. Zfl«, ] Ron Maynard and Bill Heari Shine ln Men 's Major League Ron Maynard won the high i the runner-up spot with 2414 single game in Men's Major In the team race Taylor andi League bowling last wveek with Pie r idwt 1pit 11, and only two other bowl- but Taylor bas most pins. ers were over the 300 mark.j Ray Fry xvas next with 311 and In the elirnination tourna- Ivlatt Harrison had 302. ment this Saturday, Doris Joli Tenboler ,vre ver790bowlIed 916 for ber tbree-game with Bill Hearl leading th! oa.Ti s naeaeo wvay with '166, Bill Bates was ;3 15½- per game and we believe second. 765; Jack Gay, -,9 it is the highest bowled at the Rus Halma, 76; i Oborc,, alley this season. Congratula- 737; George Elliott, 736; Bîill tians Doris. With a handicap of Westlake and Ray Fry tied , viti Î-5 Ibis made a total of 991 719, Ernie Perfect, 707; and P'ris ,Sa!n Woods 701. The bowlers had a verl bad Big Sid Nichols was th,ý attendance record and 10 lines champ for iow scores, winnin;z were lost. The total lines for the single game with 96 and the season are now 118 and if having a 373 triple. Bob Cal" conditions dlo fot improve id had 397, Rae Rundie, 440: Wii- George Elliott wili save $50, so bert Craig, 443; and Blain El- Jcamne on feliows get out and liott, 450. bowl regularlv: Jack Lander's team had high Manager George Elliott now s:ngle gamne, 121.5; and ai-) bas a new addition in the ai- 1-igh triple', 3385. Ted Hoar*s Icys, namely a new spectatars team broke aIl low records'for bench and this certainly is a this schiedule with 806 single big improvement. and. 2557 triple. Ailey Chatter Men's Major Bowling Leau George Elliott added another 4hWe,2dShdl point to his average ta mnake 'Teami W L Pins Pis it 244 for 12 games and still.T93173 1 maintain- his lead for indivi- T aylor 931132 dual bonors. Bill Westlake is r olley - 9 3 13022 21 _____________Oke --- 8 4 12924 181 __________________ Larmer - - 7 5 13371 171 Lander - 7 5 12810 1 ', :}oar__ 7 5 12753 17 Bates ~7 5 12652 151 To Pay Past McKnight 4 8 13081 )10 BusBagnell 4 8 13029 91 L DueBil Rundie --- 4 8 12100 91 iHalîmnan - 3 9 12854 8 O'Rourke ----- 3 9 12244 6 To Consolidate Averages y Monthly Name Games Ave. 0 Paymente G. Elliott- - 12 244 B. Westlake ___ 12 241 mJ. Coole - 12 223 , iS. Trewin 12 223ý FrHmR.Maynard 12 2L24H FoT.m Hoar - ----- 9 2 22 Repairs R. McKnight 12 2201 iM. Harrison 9 220 l th R. Hallman 12 219 i R. Hearle -. 12 219 Il For New B. Hearle 12 Purchases F. Lewins 9 217 nc E. rc 12 217 i B Bates __ .12 2i7 ga UU FrA. Piper . 12 217 th A. Osborne 12 216 W tEmergency B. Milne - -. 12 216 ExessE. Perfect 12 216 c1 Sxene. .Gay -------- 1 2 1"hi 1 M. Tigbe 12 215' Corne in Toda B. Steven '2 2 ia oay D. Taxio 12 214 sel Try The Beilvue Way -T'. Bagnell--------- 12 213 se on a . R. Fry ----- 12 23l'~toi H. Palmer ----- ---12 fl w Pay from Income Plan R. Richards 12 209 ta] F. Williams-------- 12 209 D I II E B. Oke ------------------ 12 -0lai BE L E R. Oke ------12 2111 sc FN N E R. Kelly 12 207 op B Stocker ---- 12 206 r FIN N C E G. andr ------ -----12 205 D. McKnight 12 203 1fin CORP. B. Williams 12 205 iVa G. H. WILSON, Mgr. M. Dale---- 12 201ga B. Begley ---------- 6 24 fol 9!,2 Simcoe S. Dia] 5-1121-1 Dr. K. Siemon 12 202 see OSHAWA IN O'Rourke 12 2 ()2 1IB . Pole -------- - - 12 9î11 __________ __--_--_-__------ ------122:-- GUARANTEED $200 FIRST MONTH INCOME-SPARE TIME WORI< Excellent immediate cash income fromn installations we wilu make in Super Markets. Industrial establishments, Theatres. Drug Chains, etc. This operatio-n has been tried and proven and will stand rigid investigation. Exclusive territories still available in this area. lie require honest dependable men or women with a Kood background, NOT salesmen, as tbis is flot a selling proposition. %Ve have set up an attractive finance plan to hielp ýýou e\pand from a smàll start. No previous experience neressary as your honesty and dependability is more important than experience. This business wili be operated initially from your home in spare time without conflicting with your present employment. lie have started others in a small way who hav e expanded into a very large lucrative business and the same success can be duplicated with sincere effort and courtesy resultîng in a lifetime financial independence. Applîcants must have a minimum of S1250 immed- iatelv available %vhich is secured in starting inventory. Applicants selected are guaranteed under contract to repurchase by the company of all existing stock and equip- ment if dissatisfied ini any way after 12 months trial period. If you can meet above requirements, reply giving age, references, if car available. phone number and address for lacal interview. IVrite Box 471, c/o The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanv'ille. NO CURIOSITY SEEKERS PLEASE __________ ___________ ________________________________________________________________ I VIGOR SERVICE o'1 STA Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 PHONE 3881, NEWCASTLE FREE GLASS WARE given away VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE %I GO R IIIGH TEST GA SOLIN E with the purchase of or more of gasoline 380 4 110 six gallons GAI. Tai [ne. GAI. Tax Ine. STOVE GIL - For your coaivenience, in amail quantifies available ai the stationI OPEN EVENINCS AND SI'NDAYS Expect Good Time at B.H.S. "At Home' Ruth Goodwin and David Bowen, Grade 9 students at Bowmanville District High School, seem quite happy about the "At Home" to be held at the school on February 10. The students are busily decorating the auditorium for the occasion. which is the biggcst dance and social event of the school year. An "Old Mexico" theme will be used in the decorations.. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope vuugeis DI5lK Sunderland, Fo Meet Ajax On Wednesday of last week the Bown-anville Midgel Red Wings won their final exhibition game of the season by white- ,ashing Sunderland 4-0. The ;eason record of the Midgets ow stands at seven wins in cigbt starts, with ail these ames being exhibition since 'ere was no league for the Red Vings ta enter. However, the firsl game of the DMHA playoffs ras held lasI iglit aI the Memorial Arena ýgainst Ajax. No score was available at press lime but the ?cond game of this total-,goals ;ries wiil be pla.ved in Brooklin omorrow night, (Fridayi. The vinners of this series wili then angle with Picton. In lasI Wednesday's Sunder- and engagement, Don Prout! :ored the lone nîarker in the ýening stanza. Bob Marier- son scored ane in the second vhile Lemon drove in the two inal tallies in the third. Curtis ,anstone came up with a good ame in the Bowmanville nets or his first shut-oul of theI eason. Barons Drap Fourth Straight But Show Signs of Improvement In a rell-played, hard- fought hockey gaine at Mein- anial Arcna Saturday night the Bowmanvilic Barons suffered their fourth sîraight setback as the Lakefield Lumbemmen nos- ed them out 4-2. This lass draps the Barons down ta third place in the Lakeshore loap, one point back of the Lumbermen. The Barons ment out on the ice with the thought in minci of shaking the Lumbemmen baose froin their skates, and this they did as ail of the players. especially the defence- inen, threw their weight around with reckless abandon. With their hard-hitting but dlean tactics the local crew had a de- finite edge in play but rere unable ta dent the sterling ar- mour of goalie Don "Red" Was- son ta any great extent. Altogether, 20 penalties were meted out in the gaine rith 12 going to Lakefield and the me- maining 8 to Bommanville. T1,2 timekeeper had a busy night wvheni at one point in the second strong-hold mith anly one man back, but bath wree turned back at the lasI second. COYle Adds Insurance Gardon Coyle put on a sur. prising burst of speed when he oulskaled the Bowmanville de- fence ta grab Doi Floyd's pass and went in ail alone on Pallis- ter. Coyle let Pallister make the first move before shootin.- the puck ta an open space an the right side of the net. The Barons kept up their pressure on the Lumbermen right ta the last second of play before finally succumbing to defeat. This game ras a defîn- ite boost ta the Barons mor- ale and with a xveek's rest they should be in top form for their final four gaines of the season. A number of key changes xverc made in the Barons line- up for last Saturday*s engage- ment. Tom Deper and Don Masters rere flanking Frank 'Sonny' Hooper on the first line and bath wingers played a gaod gaine. The defence was n ýd ;s :e ir ýs ;t d1 Hooper Scoresifoundry Bac Twice to Keep Durham Bow Bowmanville Foundry have Scorin Lead gained back their aid familiar spot on top of the heap in the Frank Hooper chalked up Durham Bowling League, tak- two goals last week ta move ing over from Brooks' Carpen-, histatal up ta 42 points in the ters. Ba ons' individual scoring race.1 In last Friday night's action Maxie Yourth, another coNsi- dago ih tent gainer, puled up f rom orm Cowle hadago ih sixth spot ta a tie with Da"iv t rack up bath the high sin- Girardi for fourth place. Low- igle of 349 and the high triple ell Dykstra scored twic < of 835. Follawing are the jump into a tie with Ron Bur- league standings: gess and Jack Marshall for lOzh B owmanvile F'dry -13003 22 place. Brooks' Carpenters - 12649 19 In the scoring by the dîffer- McNulty's Sports__ 12871 181 end lines, the Hooper line leads L. O. L. No. 1 12681 171 with 81 points, foliowed by the C. 0. F. No. 1 12450 16 Gilhooly uine, 71 points: and A &P------153 1 the Wilson lune, 51 points Be- *P Mot.-Sale- ----- 12440 14 low is the complete scoring st~a I amerMo.Sls 140 2 tistics as of February 2: 1 Bow'viIle Cieaners 12138 12 ;*C.0. F. N. ' --- 11768 12 GP G A PsL.L. No2 ---_1886 1) Hooper .25 21 21 42 H. E. P. C.----- --- -- 12094 Dickens 25 14 22 36 Dom. Stores ------- 12069 '7 Gilhooly - 24 13 18 .31 1--- Girardi - 23 10 12 22 Yourth - - 25 10 12 22 Berwick - 20 14 6 20 ( W i son .. .. 23 Il 7 8 Bird ---- 24 9 q 18 I Hamilton-- - 23 8 8 16 c~ad 0 Burgess 23 7 5 12 Marshall -2.5 2 10 12 Dykstra 21 7 5 12 T. Masters 25 2 4 6 now tho Depew __ _ 12 3 1 4 Fergusn ___ 9 0 1 1 D. Masters --3 1 O 1 m VVd Goodyear Ail- Star Game Is Set for Feb. 19 The annual All Star game, between the Goodvear plantsl in New Toronto and Bowman-J ville will be plgyed in New To- ronto an Sunday, February 19th, starting at 12:45 p.n. A bus load of supporters is ex- pected ta attend from Bowman- ville. The Bawmanville team willi consist of the foilowing: Goal, H. Rowe; sub goal, King; de- fence, J. Baker, L. Chant, D.1 Girardi, Ab Woodward; for-' wards, D. Masters, L. Hamil-1 ton, F. Cawle, M. Richards, G. Lane, B. Perfect. C. Ferguson, D. Childs, B. Cole, B. Lyle, J. Cowling. Exhibition games have also been arranged for Sunday, Februarv 5, and February 12 in the evening with teams frorn the O sh a wa Mercantile Leagu .e. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report (For the week January 22- 29) Admissions ------------------- 40 Births-3 maie, 1 female _ 41 Discharges -------581 Major operatioris_ _ 2 Minar operatians -------- 25ý Emergency treatments --121 These facts are publishedi weekly in an effort toa aquainti this community with the services of aur hospital. ________ Mrs. Mabel McDowel :k on Top vling Leagu'e Ha Pa0lmer r21q HaCarlere 1 Crl s lie n219 Russ Harriman 21.1 GeatgeHarrison 21-4 Gorge Elett211 Nom LCowle210 JilM Levitt -209 EalMcQdeY 209 Bian Plley - 20.9 Frank acLen _____ 209 ronk mcCean208 Frnk Smenih_______204 No-m Hoolennng204 Jack Bond ---20 Matter in the old sense h as ceased ta be, and is replaced by a fantastic system of elec- trical charges, quanta and spare stresses which are literally in- conceivable and open ta analy- sis oniý by mathemnatical sub. tleties.-Edmont W. Sinnott. ere arew REXALL New and Irnproved SUPER tINAMiINb lus Vitamin Biz 36's $2.59 72'1 $,4.79 144's $ 7.95 FUI Pit r REXALL PLENAMINS JUNIOR 34$1.79 72$3.29 14.$5.49 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Super Plenamlns have been formuaW for cU&ein to, provide in one cquveuzùmn tablet; 1. Vitamiw that (a) are ré1 tkë zq*n',*fÎ Eý ai the body '(b) aid in growth (c) May help to imaitdt appeUvtw q (d) may help to malntain ooeal r~u 119 'o the body to infection. 2. LIV R and IRON to aidin utifrIm'i'-ud celi formation. 3. CALCIUM and FIORWOMWS_*.aidla bern Jury& Lovell PHONE MA 3-5778 O MN!L BTÂ*ý& Mr. Ed. Moody Moison 's bowling clinic EVERYBODY'S SPORT Bowling, the largest participant sport in Canada, is good, 14 dean fun. It's the one gamne that's open ta the wvhole family from the youngest to the oldest ... and family games can easily be arranged. Bowling does more to promote good fellowship in offices, factories, church groups and among neighbours than any other sport. You can enjoy it to the limit whether you are bowling for the first time or are a lifetime enthusiast. It's hralthful exercise whether you are an afternoon social bowler or a 'major leaguer'. p.Sa if you are amang those who have yet ta start bowling /1 you are missing a great oppartunity for exercise, mental an rgaizd Cubaskyor bwan aspe o b ong o are invited to write to us-Mabel McDowell or Ed. Moody at Mloison's Bowling Clinic, Box 4030 Terminal 'A' Toronta, Ontario. NEXT WEEK "Bowing t/fete BE SURE T0 SEE THE FINALS 0F THE BRUN SWI CK-BALKE. CO LLENDER TOURMENT FOR yTHE MOLSON'S CLASSICIS TROPHIES & AWMRSI AT TH1E SPORTSMEN'S SHOW, TORONTO-MARCH1 Q e_ -ffl ---- ----------------- --------- - men in the sin bin. alsa changed about with Erm Dickens and Terry Masters to Juveniles Cop Score Close Throughout gether and LowelI Dykstra and The score was close ail Jack Marshall teaming up. through the game, being 1-1 at Three of the Barons, Danny iTop S ot Inthe end of the first. and 2-2 at Girardi, Llo.Nd Hamilton and tohSot enFo~d of~ the second. Don Clint Ferguson. e ntds- i~L~Floyd op I,-tr- scoring ta puitied for the gaine. SLakesh r O ýLkfield ane goal up when he One of the Barons ivho takes let dirive a scorching scmeen nothing froin nobody is Terry In the final league game of the 1 shot from the blueline that Masters. 0f the eight penalties season on WednesdaY of lasI Pallister ha d no chance ta sec, handed out ta Bowmanvjl,, reek the Bowmianx-ille Juven- let alone stop. About 40 sec- last Saturday. fouir \ent to 111e Legionnaires ekcd out a 2-i onds later Don Gilhooly, With hum, and of these four., Ibree w in axer the Port Hope Panth- assistance froin Jack Marshall were double penalties. Twist ers ta slip into first place txvo and Maxie Yourth, caught the led the Lakefieid penialty pa- points ahead of the Panîhers. Bob open corner of the net ta lie' rade %vith thiree minors. Faire.v ras the outstanding Play- the score. For the past week the Bar- er in the garne as he scored bath Bowmanville took the lead cons have hadi no heavy scrum- of the Bowrmanvillc markers in for the only lime in the gaine mages and oniy ighit skating the opening Ira minutes of the early in the second stanza practices for the cornîng con- final period. Morle >v Richards when big Loweli Dykstra took test witlî the Orono Orphan.l' drew an assist on Faire 's second a pass fromn Bob Bird and up in Port Perrv tomorro-.v goal. Maxie Yourth and fired a long, nighî (Friday). On Saturday The Port Hope crew had taken lbm shot froin the blucline. night the Barons rvil1 play hast a 1 -0 lead in the f irst period on With the penalty box xvorkm gîylta Oron o al, home. a goal bx- Paul Wakelv and from l îl aaîyadbt cm aeil ol e Vs there on both teams settlcd dam ofilcpct n oh emLkfed GaRdWs to scoreless-hockev-. Both teains playing three men apiece, Keith1 son; defence, Montgomery, played a goodi brand afI ckv Monîgomer ', the sparkplug e) Dean Wasson, Mýartin, Rick- adtegaine xvas in dob hoc. t the Lmermen, beat Dny lark: forwards, D. Flovd, C. down ta the final dobtl ight Pallister. Paul Doris drew en Hefferman, T. Birch, K. Flovd, Penalties were handed out with assist on the goal. K. Hefferman, Twist, Coyle, three going ta the Panîhiers and The winning marker of the Doris, N. Wasson, Martin. tra%, t the Legionnaires. f gaine ras potted by Don Floyd, Bowmanville - Goal, Palli.i- h is second. unassisted taliv of ter: defence, Dickens, T. Mas- the night. Being one goal damn ters. Dykstra, Marshall; for- tlhe Barons played saine of w'ards, Hoaper, Deper. D. Ma~- their best hockey and \verc ters. Gilhooiv. Yourth, Birdl, robbed several limes by the~ Wilson, Berwick, Burgess. lagtin ele irs oIR ienaes P e W e e m assi te aul n te Ld ake.îeOd one ocnsioreparation forhe thecrin Barpckonsh Lgeofhse ckPeWe il direars) minifenterothehLitoae NHL ablv be held en Cabourg earn-! TIO N on Gihoolv. andrch. ort Hpe edmen f rer TeJuir eeWes(0 n mn asLakesho-e LaefgimentFo a idsofeburvi i n te Hîîsîd Tom on Wcl* npeaat o the ie-ubra ourn- !Baredonsth Baonse7-5 lin To o yo fr hah ee The Bronstraild mo th ee teins hackeyahestr hpac- t h rv, uta tre-gal ca- tchoseo s tr reuara- ave the a 5-Inie. obWes st unîn otanshape. psaIei.oesa mn Sx~- e JunirPe ee Wee anldStars ever, y notcing th winniigmi ilensiteofthe Lfoleowing Pontr.H opad ed azonean play:Alexwh isema, Trrlo make Ihe fnal score be Thomp n o oundle. .Tohn PordtWiloe m ere he g gns Trduiff on Oe, Dvi(0 d nefor thearon y wit tro goals gon.Art Foltr inaJohn uruce, in apiece.Ro Bur ge aine T mentcigh Somesa es. 1 inepe HidreasTssown on ed.and the follo bring n tomprise Wisoxî's ngho ls Dik Dks temeniorl e Me WeAIl ares 1înthe dgethe ffhBonv -.ijeneTosontHa.esouar Jam es, -Thel Banass t. Grs f eeta anterig ln Wo ac Besh e wa W, utsa twa -garkerr iesbie Dohirel.arrvat i o ingsldre i-snkt third and iîcr Ros. 'n e, andFarnI JIinm by Fremang Pte %Boncr- off Br nit ofHîth folo ng ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___a____ _ Bdoaîd M ro -xt l fr Sck. DJohn ilJames , a B t the al scrore 7-5. wlBriOlv "M LNAW,&"TAM «OrA".Quàv ^%qmmalbpo% qmp"uavlqp IMM &-.a ..-- est Il 111-. ---------- - -- -- 14 ZU 1 B. Shotter -------- ------- 19- 2.00 iE 0- id P. iy id ýy ýS , f? 1 a 4 1

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