T~I1 CÂNADIAN STATESMAIL UOWMANVITIE flN9'AWTn A W -- ..a *** Health Unit Objects To Mrs. Whyte Keeping Children Over Three Tihe Northumberland-Durham health unit issued a statement lest week regarding the home for needy children operated by Mrs. Bert Whyte, on the Maple Grave slde-road near Highway 401. The health unit statement was preceded by an introduc- tion algned by Charlotte M. Horner, medical officer of health for the counties, as fol- lows: "In recent months there has been a great deal written in the newspaper about Mrs. Whyte and her home to which Lhe bas welcomed many child- ren of varying ages. The following, statement by the Board of Halth for the Northumberland - Durhanm Health Unit bas been prepared for release ta the newspapers in reply to the commenta and cri- ttiglms that have been made of the Health Unit and its activi- ties in connection with thls case." Text of Statement Complele text of the health unit statement follows: "In view of the publicity that bas been given Mrs. R. Whyte, R.R. 2, Bowrnanville, who bas been caring for al number ai children in her home, and in view ai state- ments apparently made by Mrn. Whyte to newspapers, it Is feit advisable thet e statement be made by the Board af Heelth for the Unit pertalning to this subject. First it should b. pointed aut that eny action taken by Dr. Charlotte M. Horner, Medical Officer af Health, bas been with the approal ai the Board, and that the letter sent ta Mrs. Whyte, signed by Dr. Horner and given ta newspapers for publication by Mrs. Wbyte, had first been approved by the Board and the Solicitor for the Ilelth Unit. '«Any action taken Ia under the eutharlty af The Public Healti Act; or ai the Matcrnity Boardlng Houses Act which re- quires the registration of any bouse in wbich anc or more Infants urider thrce yeers of ege are recelved or retained therein for bire or reward and no persan except Infants un- der three shall be received or retained therein for hire or re- ward. The Public Helth Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 306, sec- tion 83 Imposes on tue medical officeroai ealth tie duty ai exercising contral aver prem- ...m~... :cs::u: z.s:ssz: s"---- mia a. Pink ce. 2.00 Deep Magie 75e - 1.25 Nivea Creani 63C-1.10-3.00 White Rain Shampoo 45c-75c-1.25 For Relief of Colds Cough Syrups Bwekley'u Cap@ - 35e, '79e Pertusain ____ 69e, 1.19 Bromo Quinine - 49c, 79e Plnex Coneentrate --750 Lazacold _______ 35o Buckley's Mixture 50e, 85o Pyrithen Comp. - 65e Vieku Syrup -_____59o Allenbury'u S 'pe c; sscott's Raliborante f H SEmulsion 1.00-1.75-3.25 10 CLZ Noxzema, ___ 1.25 1.00 - 2.00 Brylereeni and Comb - 69e - Wampole's 9 Mode" - 596 aiu 1 Extract 2 J & J Baby Powder - 59e Haplei Large Laetogen ___ 1.69 Cpue 1.35 100 A.S.A. Tabs. 19ç .9-.942 Xeew Tout - 2.001 Wildroot Creani 011 730, 980 TIp Teout_______ 1.25 Vîtalis -___3 9c, 69c, 99o NeW Prom 2.00 Vaseline Tonte- 65e, 95o Tonette for Chlldren 1.75 Vaseline Cream -43c, 69e 'Nyal Creophos - Stops Bronchial'Cough - bottie 1.50 COWLING'S PHONE " TO EWB FIT MA 3-5095 LJIUG SORETRUSSES NODEENIZE TOUR BATIROON and use our Easy Time Payment .Plan 'You will be surprised how littie per week It costs you to modernize your bathroomn. Corne in and see about it to-day! Fixtures by Standard Dominion SALE PRICE AS ABOVE $218.20~ In clpur add(Installation extra)coor Incoou, dd$35 - Many styles and oor THREE-PIECE BATHROOM (White), Complete with Fittings. Installation Extra - $1i59Y.95 If you don't want the best, mnay we uuggest a First Quality Cheaper LUne MAKE A CHOICE 0F MODERN DESIGN TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME to enjoy tomorrow and forever. WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL US Jack Brough Dividm aStreet S. Phone MA 3-5615 B.H.S. Students Prepare For "At Home" Dance The students of Bowmanville District High School Darla Marie Palmner, a member of the committee in charge are busily preparing for the annual At Home to be held of the decorations. The students are, lef t ta right: John at the sehool on February 10 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Here Allun, Gordon Smale, David Ogden, Diane Connaghan a group of Grade 9 students are shown watching Mrs. andi Kathleen Brown. The dance is THE social event of Helena McMaster, art teacher at the school, supervise the the year at E.H.S. and the Sevenaires Orchestra will supply painting of a poster advertising the event being done by- the mnusic. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope ises used for the accommoda- tion ai children between the ages of three yeers and 16 years in order ta, ensure that their health is not injuriously affect- ed by their surroundings. "The members af the Board ai Healti wish ta state that they. are in sympathy with Mie. Whyte's endeavours and feel that she is no daubt giving a good home ta the children tatk- en in, but that thiere are laxvs and reasons why the laws have to be enforced. Furthermore, as thc Health Unit is a gavern- mental body in the municipal field, there is nothing that can be done cxcept ta follow the Provincial regulations which pertain ta the variaus subjects. As a public officer, the medi- cal oificer ai bealth is under tic duty ai exercising those powers eccording ta law for the promotion ai public bealth. "The Medical Officen of Health af tiese Counties is dealing witi the problenis created by Mrs. Whyte ini ac- cardance with statutary provi- sions." Mrs. Whyte's Views In commenting on Dr. Hor- ner's statement, Mrs. Whyte said that while sie does not wish ta break regulations, nci- ther does sie wish ta break ber "covenant with God". I made a covenant witi God wien I began taking in child- ren seven years ega and I can- nat break it", she declared. Mrs. Wbyte admitted tiat most of ber children are over three years old but sie said, "We cannat turn tiem away". At present, she is caring for 34 children between six montis and 14 years, ail from braken and underprivileged homes.' To kcep ber home for child- ren operating legally, Mrs. Wiyte said sic wiil incarpor- ae as e charitable institution, with e separate board af dircc- tors. "We bave a lawyer working on" ths naw," Mrs. Wbyte cx- plainedi. "We will be placed in e dificrent categary whcn these plans meterialize, solving the problem for ourselves, and for tic bealth unit." Commenting on Dr. Honner's remarks, Mrs. Whyte noted: "There is no rancour in aur bearts toward the caunties, government, or any ai its off i- cens. We bold no gnudge agains, Dr. Horner, eitier as a persan, or as an aificer ai the depart- ment ai icalti." NESTLETON Mr. end Mrs. Wiford Vine entertained iriends ta a ciicken suppen an Monday evening, the occasion ai Wilford's birtiday. Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Sadler spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Sympatby is extendcd ta Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neti Semelîs and iamnily in Mr. Smith's passing. He was bunied et Riverside, Lindsay, on Mon- day. Miss Yvonnc Chant was a sup- per gucat with Mr. and Mns. M. Emerson and Miss Irene. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackman, Toronto, were Saturday supper guests with Mrs. Jas. William- son, Mr. Frank Jackman and Mr. Arthur Jackman. Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt and Trevar visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. The cuchre Party in tic C.O.F. hall, sponsored by the Commun- ity Club on Fridey nigit was wdll attended witi il tables fi11- ed. Higi ladies pnize went ta Mrs. Jas. Gibson, low lady, Miss Clara Johnson. Higi gent, Mr. Jo. Redmen; low gent. Mr. John Johnson. Annivcrsary prize: Mn. and Mrs. Joe Redman. Plans were made for tie next one, Fcb. loti. Glad'ta report Mrs. Victar Malcolm and Mrs. John Mappin also Mrs. Bruce Heaslip are alI recovering from tie mumps. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine and Herbert spent Saturdav evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Har- ley Jackaon. Caesarea. 1~.JS creech (9w/I By Allau Porter The houseleague volleyball is over again for another year. This year's senior champions are the 12B noon team which defeated the 13 four o'clock team 21-15. The junir champions, 10A noon team, beat out the IOB four o'clock teamn 21 to 12. On Jan. 26th the girls played their first interschaol basketball games of the season when they played host to Port Hope. The juniors won 42 to 23 but the seniors lost 24 to 18. Congrratulations Congratulations and best wish- es to Miss Cunningham, our Eng- lish teacher, and Mr. Sheridan, our Latin teacher, who will be rnarried an February 4th. Glee Club Mr. Peters bas organized a glee club made up mainly af those who were in the operetta. a -Mu MORTOAGE LOANS " To buy a home " To build a home * To make major iniprovements *To refinance Victoria and Grey TRUST COMPANY 437 George St. Peterborough 5 «o~Q8~ae~. a Don't b. surprised if anc of these deys you sec a coal truck go by loaded with shining stuf tiat ccrtainly doesn't look like coal. One big coal company now sprays its anthracite witli alumninurn peint. Not only malces it cleener ta handle; it burns better, toa.' We note, too, that alumninum is involved in another fuel opera. tion-this tîme in capturing heat from the sun. An eircraft coin. Pany operates a soar furnace that focuses the sun'a rays by means of a 120-inch elumninumn reflector ta crate temperetures up ta 8,500 F. It is uscd ta test niaterials under extrem hcat. ALUMIINUM COMPANY 0F CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) You will remember that an Jan. 8 the operetta cast put on a radio broedcast on CKLB . in whlch many ai the sangs irom "H.M.S. Pinafore werc presented. The glee club plan ta present a cen- tata et Easter. B.S. vs. St. Mlchaelu On January 25 tie B.H.S. bantamn basketball teem journey- cd ta Cobourg ta play St. Michael's. Bowmanvillc won tuis anc 26 ta 23. Lis ai St. Michael's got il points while Don Welsh oi B.H.S. scorcd 10. For St. Michael's: Lis (11), Penrow (5), Le Guard (3), Wang (2), Toomey (2), Cavennagi, Kearney, Doyle, McCarthy. Mar- nin. For B.H.S.: D. Welsh (10). D. Reynolds (6), F. Venstone (3), N. James (2), R. Allin (2). D. Cettran (2), B. Richards (1), J. James, G. Cooper, L. Hancock. B.H.S. vs. Peterborough Colleglat. Bantania - On January 27 àowmanvlle bantams went down ta defeat et tic banda ai thc mare powcrful Peterborough tcam. The final score was 49 ta 32 in favour ai the visltors. Tic higi scorer ai the game wes Rishor oi Peter- borough wio scared 19 points. Don Welsh ai B.H.S. scared 13. For Peterborough: Rishor (19), Daynes (10), Cullen (6), Gat- field (5), Nickles (4), Curtis (3), Fosten (2), Werboy, Walters, G. Sedjewicb. For B.H.S.* D. Welsh (13). N. James (8), D. Cattran (7), D. Reynolds (4), F. Vanstone, R. Ailin, J. James, G. Cooper, B. Richards, L. Hancock. Juniors Here agoin B.H.S. loat, this time by a score af 57 ta 46. One ai thc best plays wes In the dy- Ing seconds ai the geme when Hertley Lewis sunk anc from the centre Une. John Fawler ai B.H.S. was tic lcading scorer witi 25 points whilc Faulkner ai Peterborough got 17. For Peterborough: Faulkner (17), Vincent (12), B. Sonnie (6). McArthun (6), Brown (6), Har- ris (4). Stewart (4). Dobbin (2), C. Sarrie, Anderson, Morley, Currie. For B.H.S.: J. Fowlen (25), D. Cattran (4), B. Werry (4). H. Lewis (4), B. Jackson (4), J. Ferguson (3), B. Trimble (2), E. ECowal, R. Kassatz. KENIDAL Visiting with Miss Catherine Stewart for tic weekend wcre ber niece and fniend, Misses Mary Lai thause and Dale Stonehouse ai Thornton'a Cor- ners. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Zealand and Joinny, visited Thursday evening with Mrs. Mary Luxon wlth Marion and Johnny re- maining Fridey. We were sôrry ta learn Mrs. Norman Patton was taken ta Peterboro Civic Haspital Sat- urday, Jan. 21 and ta expccted ta be there 3 ta 4 wceks. Wc hope sic will bave good health in future. Guests ta sec ber Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, Mrs. Mary Luxon, Rev. and Mrs. Pike and Mr. and Mrs. John Patton. Congratulations ta JMr. and Mrs. Elnier Patton (nec Made- uine Cbepman), who were mar- ried in Peterboro Saturday.' Miss Anne Gardon wha hes been witi her niece, Mrs. Earl Burlcy, ia naw essisting et thc rcst home in Orona. - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burley and family and John Bird wcre guests Sunday witi Mn. and Mrs. Percy Burlcy and Joyce. Kendal folk were sorry thet Mrs. Marlett, motben ai Mr2. Allen Faster suffered a bad faîl landing an ber bead and shoulder recently. We hope nn seriaus injury has resultcd and 1 tiiet &ha wiU sooa b. wel again. Mr. and Mrs. Bey Gray ai Perrytown are ta be congratu- lated on the group ai excellent pictures which tiey siowed in tic church Friday evening ai Bev's trip lest summer ta Eng.,, land, Ireland and Scotianci. They were nicely coloured and vcry intercsting. They showed us much af ferm lufe aver there as well as bistoricel land marks end points ai intercat and some fine pictures ai aur Queen. All edjourned ta the Sunday School room whcre the W.A. scrved a tasty lunch. W.A. Meeting The W.A. meeting was held in the Sunday School Wednes- day evening, Jan. 25 with the new president, Mrs. Jack Sta- pleton presiding. She thanked the members for the honour and expressed the hope that, with their ca-operation the W. A. would have a successful year. The parable of the GoDd Samerîtan was read by Mrs. G. Martineil. The roll call was answered by telling of a kind- ly deed done for you or one which you could do for a neighbour. Mrs. Stapleton reed an Inter- esting New Year message as given by Padre Young of the Guelph Agricultural College. He named indifference as ane af the most deadly and des- tructive sins af today'. The par- sonege committee were authar- ized ta see about getting the stove from the persoage for the church kitchen. Mrs. G. Cethcart was ta secure the choir gowns from St. Mary's if they were found suitable. The meeting wes turned over ta the pro gram convener, Mrs. G. Martineli, who called on theJ guest speaker, Miss Carol Steckley. She g ave an interest- ing talk on helping others and the joy af sharing things, in- cluding the poem "If God for- E ot tie World for Just One ay"l. Mns. Stoker read the paem, "If You Think You Cen", ending with the words the one who wins is the man who thinks he can. The contest, a memory test naming 25 com- mon kitchen articles ai ter viewing them ea few minutes proved more difficult tien an- ticipated. Mrs. Luxon and Mrs. M. Robinson (for Mrs. C. Teb- ble) served a tasty lunch. Kendal's smallest lads are busy practising hockey these times and won from their op- ponents in Orono Fnidey even- ing by a 1-0 score. A dance is being held in Kendal for aur Kendel rink, Fridey, Feb. 10, and a turkey supper on Wed. Feb. l5th. Be sure ta be on hand ta give these a boost. MANVERS STATION ",When looking for faults that need correcting, use a mirror, not a telescope." The W.A. held e very success- ful card party in the schoal Mon- day night. Ten tables were played. The prizes for high score went ta Mrs. Morton Davis1 and Clarke Pomeroy, the conso-1 lation awerds ta Mrs. Alex Sin-1 clair and Wm. Phillips, the cuP prize ta Mel Bowins. Anather party will be helci' Febrtiary- 6.1 Owing ta the sudden Illnes ai the minister, Rev. R. Bonsteel, the congregational meeting ar-9 Kitson 's Amana ranged for Thursday nigit, was pastponed until Feb. 2nd. Mr. Earl Argue the new Reevt ai Manvers Township attended County Council in Cobourg for several days last week. "Maybee" he took a large part in selectinjg the Warden. A warning toaial car drivers: Be sure ta remove the key be- fore lacking the car, some of aur local citizens had the unpleasant expenience this week af doing that and a neighbour very kind. ly took them home. Miss Helen Sutherland af Pet. erborough spent the week-end et Wihnot Horner's. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kelly af Whitby spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cliffard Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Don McGrcgor af Whitby with Mrs. R. Brad 'ley Mrs. Earl Argue spent Satu4 day in Peterborough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fairbairn. Open House! THIS brand new home was eomplcted yesterdy. .. half destroyed today. Fire just doesn't care where It strikes! That's anc af the many reasons why adequate pro- tection should not be "put off until tomorrow."1 Let us help you make sure that you have the Insurance you need ta be safe TODAY. STUART R. JAMES Insurance office MA 3-5681 King Street 9. Real Estate Residenco MA 3-5493 Bowmanville Pion OFFERS WAYS TO BE SURE YOU'RE CHOOSINC THE FOOD PLAN TMAT'S BE4ST FOR TOUR FAIW# Because of the ever-increasing lnterest in food plans, it is of the greatest importance for you to knaw why one food plan is better than another. Here are the facts: 1 CHIECK THE wGUALITY 0F THE FOOD Food lu a very important part of a food plan. That's why we provide you with ail the- nationally advertised brans ... the finest foods obtainable ail unconditionally guaranteed. 2 CHECK THE SAVINGS A good food plan should save yau money whileý serving you finer foods. That's why we continually provide our customers with the best foods at the biggest possible savings. 3 CHECK THE FIREEZER A quality freezer la absolutely essential because I the money you save with a food plan can be lost if these foods aren't properly stored. For this reason we have chosen the Amena "stor-inor" Freezer ... the only freezer. gueranteed to outperform al others. 4 CHECK THE Fil!'! DEHIND THE FOOD PLAN A food plan is as good as the people behind it. Be sure to check the reputation of the conipany you plan to do business with.- Our reputation for integrity, quality and excellence of service is your assurance of satisfaction always. Know ALL the Reasons Why Dur Food Plan is Des! for Your Family Learn how you can save money and time while serving the finest meals you've ever eaten ... at less than your present food cost! DON'T DELAY- DO IT TODAY! For complete information and personal attention, fui out, and mail the coupon below, or Cali MA 3-5578 KITSON'S AMANA PLAN P.O. Box 354 - Bowmanvllle Please send mie further information on the maoney. saving Kitaon's Amana Plan NAME ADDRESS PHONE Ne. CITY PLUMBING AND HE4TING ni 77 1 TM CANADUN STATESUM. BOWMAUVnL& ONTAMO Mmi AV MM f7bà »« PAM m