"r!!RSDY, EB.~th 195 T~CANDIA~ ~AT~MAN.EOWANVLLZ ONAMPAGE lEvN Frank Williamns Rolîs High Triple of 744 Men's Major League Fiank "Toady" Williams won Meifs Major Bowling high triple for the week wvhcn 5.i Vcek 'mnd Schedule he bit the deadv.ood wt scores of 315-196-263 making a Tcý.n± W L total o! 774 pins. fILe -- 10 5 Eleveri ather bowiers gave Poli'l - - 10 5 Frank a run for the rm'mev- îLainccr.. 9 6 Art Brooks 766. Jack Laîîderý Hoar --- 9 6 765, Ross McKniýht -,60, Frank i l1avlor 9 6 Lewins -,38. lla;nk Jan.en -53, L armer .- 8 7 Bill -, -l~' 15, BHilHea le ýBates -- 8 7 and Harold Bennett hoth wi'n Mc1ýnight - 6 9 7,33, Bob Kent. 72(). Dr. Keîth1 Hallmaii 6 9 Siemou 718 and Bill Bates 798. Bagnel - 6 9 *rt Brooks had high siiigle; Rundle , - -.--- - 5 10 gaine 331, Rossa McKnigi-t 324,1 ORounke -- 4 Il .-.Killiams and Fr:ink ,Lew:in- Averages ~.Frank \Vllîanis31 .-ÎBi130! at'es 304, Jack: Landeri 303 antd Nïýne Games1 MolvVntoe3i.B. Westlake - -- - ------ 15 Ted Miller lhad a dandx' i . llot,1 gle of 88 and Ftaxv Brouk'imade r~Coule 1,5 106. Dr. AI S' was r ~ni.; H. Janzen - 15 alone for low triple m.itil 3 i R .McKnight -.. 1,5 F .Lewins -12 AlIey ('hatter B ere-----1 Old t-chable ja1ke Westlake B. fl- - - 1.5 Passed just old George Elliott! in the averages; and Jake noNv B. Baies---- - 15 stands at 244 for 12 ,anics u ;,-' Williamns 15 mnanager Elliott iks*-2-40. R. Sen----- -1 Russ Oke'.; ,ctanibas ta ken E efet-----1 over first place ini thn e lamiE ef 2 standing with 2_3 poinits.' Bill A. Osborne 1.5 Polley'sta a 10 sm R. Halîrnan----- 15 number of points u:flt . Hae----- - ----15 many pins. À. u laA ie --15 Byron \anstone na o M. Morrîson 12 the'best bowler in in \' n'lot n-e B. Mlilne ------- 15 iý> the luckicst memnber of the E. RBhrodks 15 major lea-tue ,hen hr won S2jRRihrs5 at the Rotarv Liotiuz social. Con- J0. Gay - 15 gratulations. Barriev' A. Brooks --- 12 Bob Kent haci his« be..st howi- 1 '- Hoar . -, 12 ing iiglit since joinirig thp ma- Dr. K. Slemon 15 jar league w'hen he bowled a G. Lander 15 ?29 triple. B îlas- In the niext couple of weeks R. Maynat-d ----- - 15 we will he makîngl arrange- J. Lander-------15 ments foir the major leagu" R.Dale - -----------15 tournament so get xour eye on1 H. Bennet 15 a good bowler for a partrier. H. BTaylor--- ------- -- 15 T. Bagnell 15 TIC K ETS 1H. Patiner .1 5 TO EVERYINHERE AI. Tighe ----- - ------ 15 Air, Rail or Steamship B. Stocker- 15 Consuit R. K e lly ---------------1.5 JUR KY & L OV EL L B. POlly 1 3owmanville N. &Rourke 15 15 Kng S. W.NIN -577 -B-Oke15 15Kig t.W. NI - W. DeGeer . 15 Vigor 011 Co. Ltd.> FUEL CIL and STOVE CIL STOVE OIL 20O'o FUEL OIL 16 2' cents per gal eents per gai. For Delivery Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 Filth Straight To Orphans The Orono Orphans tt-ounced the Bowmanville Barons 11-2 in a one-sided contest in Port Perry last Fridav night. The Ot-phans scored twa in the tii-st, six in the second and, tht-ce mare in the third period. Bowmanville's two goals came in tbe second stanza off the sticks of Ft-ank Hooperi and Lowell Dykstra. Four of, the re gular Barons, Jed Wilson, BiUl Berwick, Lloyd Hamilton and Danny Gi-ardi were absent for this session with Orono, and ta dhelp fili the gap in the line-up Ray Preston o! the Bowmanville Juvenile Legion- aires xvas brought up ta play on a line with Hoaper and Don Matr.Rav distinguished bim-' sef bydrawing an asýsist ail jHoopet-s goal, and turned in ai nice ganîe. 1111h - ý Y, . Mr. Ed. Mody Mrs. Mabel McDowl Molson's bowling clinic BOWLING ETIQUETTE 11n bovdnx ,t tasi a ',y other sport, there are certaingccepted rules of etiquette -- Theý ved ei-ied to make the sport more enjoyable for everyone concernez. J The Seven Demandm.nts of Bowling 1 .lie a good sporisman, be gencrous with your encouragement and be patient with'everyone*s efforts, especially your own. 2. Wvait uintil it is youir tut-n to bowl befor2- stepping on to the a pproach and neýer cross in front of a bowler who is about Io bo\v.. 3. A1,aas be suire the pin setter is well clear of the pit before you &lCi\er a bail. 4. Wait until deadwood (fallen pins) bas been cloared away before (Ielî\eing the next bail. 5. Giýve consîderation to the boNlers on adjacent lanes. Try never Io deliî\r at the same time as they do. 6. Treat the ales equipment with respect. Keep it tidy. Place i f\o \otld lîke any adice. or special information on bowling, write direcilv, \Iol lDo~l or 13d. Mloody at Molson's Bowling Clinic, Box 403à Terminal *A' T-oronto, Ontario. NEXT WEEK "Bowling Efuipmentê SE BEURE TO SEE THE FINALS 0F THE IRUNSWICK-IALKE-COLLENDER TOURNMENT FOR Ut MULSONS CLASSIC'S TROPHIES IL AWARUS. AT THE SfORTSMEN'5 SHOW. TORONTO-MARCH 1-1TH) Juveniles Drop Close Decision To Oshawa 1The strong. fast-skating Bow- manville Juvenile Legionnaires, ILakeshore League Champions. almost upset the Oshawa Ju- x'eniles on Wednesday night of Pts last week but came out on the 23 short end of a 6-4 count. The «ý Legionnaires pulled out goalie 22 John Fewier in the last 30 sec- 22 onds o! play in an attempt to ,, score the equalizer, but Ger- 19 mond grabbed the pack for 17 Oshawa with less than two 15 seconds left and scored on the 1i unprotected net. 14 The Oshawa crew seemed to Ilhave an edge in play through- 8otte whole game, but the two Bowmanville goalies, Vince Ave Vanstane, and John Fowl?ýr 244, who was substituted for Van- 240 stone in the last period, plav- >26 ed oulstanding games. The Le- 22 gionnaires took advantage cf ,)-6 the breaks that came their way and with their fast skating and 24hard shooting they made the 224' most of them. 221 Notch First Goal 19 The Legionnaires got the 21.7 jumnp on Oshawa in the first '-1i6 1 period and potted two goals 21- before Oshawa really ware lar up. Bill Cole and John Masmon 215 were the Bo%,wmanville marks- 215 men. Just before the period 215i ended Cullen of Oshawa beat 214 1 Vanstone ta set the score at 2-1. 214' The second period was fui] , of fast clean hockey but neither leam cOLild score. The Legiori- 2"naires relaxed somnewhat in 212 the fit-st five minutes o! tie 2!0! third pet-bd as McMahon, Cul- 20len and Chasczewski each scor- ed single tallies ta go ahead 4-1 209 2. Ted Fait-ev scored ta keen 2081iBowmanville in the game, but 23Germond of Oshawa got th'is 207 one back. With 44 seconds rt-- 207 i maînîng Rav Preston scored 906 the best goal o! the night on a 206 one-man rush. The Legion- 206 naît-es extra man strategy hack- 203 fired. unfortunatel '.v as Oshaw- 20..: scored ta end the game at 6-4. 903 2'Barons Drop 2001 _, Still holding, their fit-st-place tyn, 303; High triple, Hildi a post in the Ladies Major Bowl- Brock, 722: High average, Hil- ing League is Kay Beauprie and 1. da Brock. 214. her girls, with Doris Joli andi ber crewx moviiig up to taks', Team Standing second spot. W'ith all the boots Nat-ne Points Pin.s and bolIers that corne out of ý Kay Beauprie - 16 7928 the girls, il rpally keeps the Doris Joli ---- 14 8513 boys bopping fast and furiaus Eleanor Larmer- 14 823 9 ta keep the pins set up. Lot-- Berniece Budai 14 8056 raine Martyn had a nice game Anita Nicket-son - 13 8072 of 305 and along with this Lydia Bates - 10 80)69 there were a great numbet- af Ev Sweetrnan 10 8000 -20V" games roiled as follows: Hilda Bt-ock . 10 7834 Lola Wright 296, Anita Nic- Lorraine Martyn - 8 7746 kex-son 292-238, Mat-v Wilcox Onie Etcher - 7 7937 289-246, Shirleyv Bickle 263. Mary Harrison - 6 7494 Hilda Brock 258-246-218, Ev Hielen Piper 4 7675 Sweetman 257-244, Lynda Gar- 1 dner 254, Greta Luxton 247, Bernice Budai 238, Vi O'Rourke 238, *Hilda Simmick 235, Bettie Stutt 235, Sadie Bucknell 232-j 201, Dot Crombie 230, Joan Engiey 225, Helen Dunni 220. Jean Luxton 219, Helen Gil- booly 217, Edna DeGeet- 217, * Donna Martin L217, Joy-ce Ten- nant 216, Audrey Fletcher 216. t Duaine Palmer 214, Doris JolI 1 212-212, Ollie Patfield 209, a Beauprie 207, Dot Brooks 207, Helen Corden 206, Nancy Kel- s0 201, Onie Etcher 201. Last week thero were only tht-ee girls in the lemon league, and bore is what they bave t,) sa Y: 'Three littie bernons biigbt at-e w e, Our- scores add up quite miser- a bl, Tha ae-ld idiom is aur aim-, If we dont succeed well t-y agai u.' Ena Etcher 94, Myrna Ko7-ak 89, Ella Desiardine 78. Averages Listed Hilda Bî-ock 214, Doris Joli 212,Ii . Berniece Budai 202., Anita Niý.- i krtson 202, 1-a.\Beauprie 201), Onie Etchet- 199, Ev Sweet- man 194, Mai>- Wlcox 191, Lv- I dia Bates 11. Sidie Bucknelt 186, Lyndia Gaîdncer 185, Lor- raine Mart-'i185i, Dorec NUItt- ton 18.3, Elcanor Lariner 185, Kay Hendi-y 184, Lola Wright 183. Ena Elchei 182. Bettie Stutt 182. Helen Dînn 181. 01- lie Patficid 181, Jovce Tennant 179, Dot Crombie 17f9. Ann Gay 176, Marie Y'o 176. Emnia irmel 176, Joy McCracken 176,JeanSteven 174, Helen Piper 173. Edna DeGcer 173.r jWiima Baies 1-o2, Joan Engley 171, Una Van Camp 170, Saihxý Bissonette 170, Nanc-y Keisa 170, Hilda Siminick 169. Nornia Ga-169. Lil Phillips 169, Babe Brown 167, Jean Luxton 16î, Audrey Fletchier 166. Mary Har- rison 166. Ada Riards 166. Greta LUixion 164, Dot Brook. 164. Me] McNuity- 162, Aîîdre,ý But-ns 162. Donna Martin 1611. High Scores .High single, Lorraine Mvar- High Triple In Legion Bowling George Elliott turned in the bigh triple of 809 in the Legion Bowling League last week !rom games of 311, 299 and 199. Other! gaod scor-es were: Ross Mýc-. Knight, 792: Jack, Mart.vn, 782:! Mot-le', Ethcher. 77 1: Pote Dob- hîns. 7d48: and Et-nie Perfect. la.5 R. McKîîight ---2 7 16203 W. Bates -- 2:3 1,5707 M. Etcher- 19 1570)8 F. Samis-_- - 15 15331 P. Dobhins 12 1.5520 E. Perfect-- 9 14577 200 Averages G. Elliott. 249: R. M'ýcKniglit. "38: P. Dobbins. 221, J. Maî-t > ii. 218; W. Bates, 2217: S. Mur-doch. 217; J. Grahanm. 211:; D. TaY1oî, 208: J. Fait-, 207; F. Samîs. 206: A. Samells, 206; C. Oke, 21)5: Eý Ballantine. 20.5, R. Hayes, 204; R. Stocker, 200. A Question of Re-laying Aberdeen grocers are bend- ing ail their broken eggs ta the B.B.C. ta be i-e-laid. Lina NV:tancy Tamn: What clae ,-e think n' the candidate. Dâiuvît" I- h- soon d?' Dauvit: Aà-e. a' sooxîd thegi- ûNe r& * Barons Break Losing Streak With Overtime Win Over Orono The Bowmanvilte Barons being thýe marksmen. Junior's ended their five-game Iosin;z goal was particularly pretty, a3 streak with an impressive 9-8 brothers Dean and Rae grab- overtime win over the fast- bed the loase puck from be- skating Orona Ot-phans r-t hind the Bowmanville net. slid Memorial *Arena Saturday the pasi out ta bîm, and he nigbt. This free-scoring, wide- golfed the puck int the open, open gamne was ane of the bes-: corner. o! the season, and the Barons Tom Depew made it 3-2 on a have neyer looked hetter. The play set Up by Frank Hooper win boosted tbem three points and Don Masters, and a minute ahead o! the fourth-place Or- later Hooper took a pass fi-rn ono crew. Ernie Dickens, outskated the Bath teanis battled down ta Orphan's defence, and beat the xire and each showed a goalie Ed Ra!!erty. A last-min- spectacular scaring punch. lit ute sustained drive by Maxie was not until the 9:11 mark of Yourth and Don Gilhooly paid the extra 10 minutes that the off as Yourth scored his fit-st Barons went ahead and stayeci mat-ker of the night to make abead. Don Gilhool«v ,vas the the fit-st periad score 4-3. triggei--man- on the winning Bob Bird made it 5-3 for tha goal. which wvas set up b ' Barons ai. the one-nminute mark Frank Hooper and Maxie of the second periad when hei Yourth. let drive a scarching shot that Dickens Opens Scoriîig one of the Orono defencemen Et-nie Dickens scored the op- deflected into the net xith bis ening goal o! the game close glo\ e. Junior West potted his ta the three-minute mark of second goal of the night while the initial staiiza as lie toolz a Bowmaiiie's Tom Depev pass, from Hlooper and stick- was sitting out an elbawing bandled ini a few feet fioni the penalty. Dean West missed an blue line before firing the puck excellent chance ta score i inta the Orono cage. Somne he found bimself with the put- smooth-passing manoeuvres b.v in front o! the Bowmanville the Ot-phans resulted in a three net and only Pallister ta beat, goal output with Gerrv Robin- but the Barons' goalie autguess- son, Junior West, and Rae West ed himn. Do, Gilhoolyv put thc Doris Joll's Teamn Takes Second Spot In Ladies' Bowling ,qi ihe Barons up 6-4. with Yourth 1AIu ' and Dykstra drawing the as- iIU~ es IfO K hi sists. Faulty clearing by the S Barons led to Orono's fifîn i N g oal as Rae West scored. O% ut A-'ax uy ti Orphans Take Lead *I The Orphans went ahead forIrricde tlie second time in the game ,Lo sie Score S Dean West came through witih h1 two goals. Bill Berwick tied The Bowmanville Midget 'B' C the game up at 7-7 as hie slap-j Red Wings swept their two- ci ped in Et-nie Dickens! shat,1 game. total goals series against Sc which had bounced off the goal the Ajax Midgets 29-2 to ad- D post. Three seconds after Rae vance against Picton. The Ajax ni West entered the sin bin for boys, although they had a an interference violation Ernie great amount of enthusiasm, B Dickens caught the open corner lacked the experience and skill ec of the net on Don Gilhoo1y's of the Red Wings. i pass. Rae West completed thel l'a the first game of the set- B hat-trick when hie took Jr. les in Bowmanville on Wednei- ý West's pass ta die the score. atr day of last week the Red Wings M 8-8 with less than three min- trounced Ajax 22-0. Bowmian- ni utes of regulation time left. ville scored 5 in the first, 8 in cc The avertime period was a the âecond and 9 in the final Pl continuation of the high grade miue.TeRe ig e7 of hockey played in the regula-miue.TeRdWnswcû tion60 inuts Bthtenîsat their strongest in the first tion60 mnuts Boh tenisfive n,.inutes of the third per- Pi played to win but it was Bow- iod as they notched seven ni i manville who finally got the- ol.'o h nx ieIi-a big break. With 9 seconds re-gol.Frtenxniem-a maining in the game Ed Laffer- t'- became tied up on ane side - o! the riet by players from bath tearns, and Don Gilhooly manïe no mistake as hie fired the rub- ber into the open side ofthie goal. Atter Ice Chips 15 YOUR TELE VISION AERIAL Giving You ALL It Should? CALL TOWNE TV MA 3.5522 FOR REPAIRS . NEW MNENUAE Rot or Conversions 0F BEST QUALITY - AT L0WEST~ PRICLS FREE ESTIMATES Towne TV Antenna LLOYD HAMILTON BILL LEASK Phone MA 3-5522 or MA 3-5995 for Fast Servie veey 11ýi9r&1/ 56 Plymouth Belvedere V-8 4-door sedai. New Flight-styled '56 PLYMOUTH O'8 AND V-6'8...UP TO 200 HORSEPOWER WITH POWER PAK Pu# your fInger on a new klnd of driving with Plymouth push-button PowerFlite, optionai on ail modela! Press your finger on the button . .. step on the gas.. and GO! This ins afer driving, too! Control pa.nel is-placed to lef t of driver, out cf pa snger's reach. 1It's so fresh and youthful and spirited ini concept that you feel good just looking at it! And this draniatic beauty springs into action ai. the turn of a key, the touch of a button. For that's ail you do to start driving with '56 Plymouth's new push-button PowerFlite. Then nudge the accelerator, fleel Plymouth power ZOOM into action. New Hy-Fire V- 8 has 200 h.p. with Power Pak. Greater torque gives Jivelier performance. There's new peace of mind, too, in this great Plymouth-' LifeGuard door latches, optional seat beits, 9afe-Guard hydraulic brakes, constant-speed electric windshield wipers are just a few of the features that. assure safer driving. Fuil-time power steering and power bt-akes are available to give instant, positive control. .Only Plymouth in the low-priced field brings you such V- 8 power, such fine-car luxury. Easy to huy, too! It's time to sSe your dealer and drive one yourself. MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION 0F CANADA. LIMITED Watcii Cllmax- Sbow.r of Stars w..kly en TV. Check your newspaper for date and time. Seo and drive the heautiful Dow Plymouth with the FOR WARD LOOK ..at your ChrysIer-PIymouth-Fargo dealer's newjM P'alme r 20 King Street E. Motor Bowm anville Sales Phone MA 3-5487 '~,. tet, Ajax played their bert ockey of the gamne and had ;eeral chances to score as the Red Wings seemed to relax on teir defensive playing. Bob Marjerrison was the tnp :orer for the Red Wings with iven goals. Ron Pollard fol - owed with four, while Glen 2rossey and Don Prout each -halked up three. Jimn Master- ;n connected for a pair a-id Don McGregor and Joe Ken- ett scored single tallies. In the second game in 3rooklin the Ajax crew play- id a much improved game, los- ng 7-2. Don Prout headed the 3owmanx'ille attack potting tree goals, followed by Bob larjerrisan with two. Joe Ken- iett and Jiîn Masterson ae- ,unted for the other two. Day. arker and Mac Rowland wers îe goal-getters for Ajax. The Red Wings played the jeiton Midgets last night (Wed- iesday) but no scores were iailable at press time. 1 I.TfnMSDAY, FEB. §th, 1956 THE CANADIAN STATESMAIN. BOWMANVrLLE. ONTARIO lIn spite of the eight goals counted against him, Danny Pallister played an outstanding, game in the Bowînanville nets ..The Barons !ailed ta capi- talize on several opportunities in the first stanza wben the puck seemed ta lay in front of the Orono goal with everyone taking a swing at ilta fan a vail. .. The Orphans diressed Il men for the game, giving them only two changes of lines . . . o11.' live penalties were meted out ...Ernie Dickens, Frank Hoop- et- and Don Gilhooly wrere thel big point getters for the Bar ans. each picking up fouriscor-: ing points. . Junior and Dean West had each five scorixg points for the lasers. . . Rae 1 West was close behind with four. . . Gilhooly-Your tb-B irdI1 took over the Baran's fit-st ihie chores for the contest Bowmanville - Goal, Pallis- ter; defence Marshall, Mýa str es Dykstra, Dickens; fot-war1; Gilbooly, Yourth. Bird, Hoop- er, Depew. D. Masters, Wilson, Berwick, Burgess. Orono - Goal, Lafferty; de- fence, Mercer, K. West, Christie, Armstrong. fox-wards, D. Wes*, R. West, J. West, Welsh, Till, Robinson. Officiais - aube Waddell, Stan Boshter.