M.. -- 1 IEECANADIAN STATramMAX, oWm ANV1L!z, OTAUo THVU SDAT, T"M.t 191 The Orono News, Telephone 127 Complete Plans for Mothers' March on Polio Zion Church IShows Progress During Mr. and Mns. R. E. Logan South. visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mr. Ephraim White has bee n Pound, Bowmanvile, on Sun- iii at his home, Main Street. Clay. Mrs. Fred Duncan returned Mr. Vagg returned home o n home on Monday from Dorval, aunday from Western Hosp - Quebec, where she set ta]. Toronto, following a major Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. operation. Russell Ransberry and famlly. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks Courtice, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. and baby son, Oshawa, visited Èý Luther Barrabail on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson Sunday. and daughter, of Trenton, spent Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan the weekend with Mrs. M. attended the "Capping Cere- Sherwin and Laurence. mony" Monday evening of Mrs. Ralph Thompson, To- Junior Nurses at Ontario Hos- ronto, and Mrs. Tom Lewis, pital, Whitby. Their daughter visited their brother, Mr. Rus- Madelaine Mae Cowan isa sell Ransberry and Mrs. Rans- member of the Class. berry at Dorval, Quebec, for Miss Letta Bird. Cobourg, the weekend. spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs. Eunice McGrath, widow and Mrs. H. Barlow. of Richard McGrath, Bowman- Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews, ville, passed away at the Wes- Toronto, visîted Mrs. Chas. tern Hospital, Toronto, age 64. Awde and Mr. and Mýrs. D. Funeral was on Jan. 27th. In- Hooper. terment in Orono Cemetery M.adMs usl o-~' Chapel Vaut.MMrs.ndcrath. Russell Ro\\Chae ivd t Ms recetiy in heborough, and daughter, Mar-has lved rcentl in W ilyn of Niaggra Falls, visited Aparment, Man SteetOr- rs. Wm. Cobbledick on Sun- Mr. and m,\\Mr. and Mrs. Chas . Wod ay w. J. H. Smyth, M.D., ~\ '~ visited on Saturday, Mr. and B.D., former minister of Or- \~Mrs. Herb Rundie of Hampton.onPatrlCrg annw Mr. Frank Hall who has of the Missionary and Mainten- \\~~ been in Memorial Hospital, ance Department, Toronto, was Bowmanville, for the past the guest speaker at Orono Un- rnonth, returned ta his home ited Church on Sunday morn- ' ' on Tuesday. Mrs. E. Farrow is ing and was welcomed by a staying with Mr. Hall. cpct ogeain Miss Marion McCallum, To- capacithcangregain. \h\elrotMr. Don Duncan, Mr. Dring the serGlavieSea sa '\\'~~.~Lloyd Crabbe and daughter,BaralRmGanieS- Virgn l, Otawa wer wekcira Mercer and Heather Ruth- ' \ eirn a Otstaw ewîtead r. erford, were each presented \~~ C.d F. Duncant r and Mrs.y with Bible Study Certificates Members of Club 15 are shown as they completed on your porch light. Shown in the above photo, front row, C.abb.DucnadMsLly by Mrs. A. A. Drummond. plans for the Mothers' March on Polio to take place on left to right, are: Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Mrs. George White, Miss Gwen Chatterton,' To- Mr. and Mrs. Carias Tamb- Feb. 15 between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. Last year in a sirnilar Mrs. R. Ames, Mrs. Geo. Vinish, Mrs. L. Parker, who is hrno pentteweewt y, Mr. and Mrs. M.bln atndd h otein- one-hour blitz, Club 15 and their assistants received $2,200 president of Club 15, Mrs. R. Oke. Rear row: Mrs. R. Chatterton. Friesien Convention at the Ray- from citizens ta be forwarded ta the Ontario Foundation VcnreMs ruo ilr, r.JckD n, r.Dn Mr. and Mrs. Phil Shanks, ai York, Toronto. for Poliomyelitis. Local factory whistles and church belîs Marsden, Mrs. John Werry, Mrs. Jim Crombie, Mrs. Elmer Ajax, are "living in the Don Congratulations to Gerad will mark the beginning of this year's blîtz at 6:30 on Banting. Graham house on Church St. Lunn, son of Mn. and Mns. Ar- February 15. Light the canvasser ta your door by turning -Photo by Carson's Studio, Grafton May We Esfimate ai fn Your Plumbing1 ,&"94 MA 3-3131T A.KI PeR( PLUBIN West inghouse Washers chie Lunn upon having receiv-I cd bis pivate piiot's license atB ck ok F ru a s Club, Oshawa. Mrs. William Armstrong en O F th r-o Rea in Grant Tamblyn entcrtained 34 of bis classmates in the form o! a haynide. WEDDING LOWERY - WHITE Orono United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 28, when Majorie Anne White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. White, became the bride of Gardon Hantwell Lowery, sor o! Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Lowery, aIl of Onono. Daffodils decor- ated the church for the cene- mony whîch was penformed by Rev. J. Kitchen. Mrs. W. Workman piayed the' wedding music and accom- panied the soloist, Mn. Ros Taylor of St. Catharines. Given in marriage by hex father, the bride wore a strap- less gown of French lace and net with a boiero jacket ai lace having long, lily-poinl sieeves and tiny buttons. The bodice, trimmed with dutcli ruffles of net, extended in a V into the full waltz length skint o! net. Two dutch ruffles inset with lace emphasized the fullness of the skirt. Her f in- gertip veil of tulle illusion was caught ta a headpiece of softly pleated tulle trimmed with seed peanis and sequins. Her bouquet was a cascade o! red nases. Miss Doreen White, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid wearing a waltz length dress o! powder blue nylon lace witb matching headdress, and car- rying a cascade of pink carna- tions. Mr. Donald Mercer was best man and ushers were Mr. James Harding and Mn. Lloyd Lawery. A receptian was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, the bride's mother wearing a gawn o! pale green witb rust accessaries and corsage of yeliow 'mums The groom's mother chose a gown in aid rose shade with beige accessories and a corsage of white 'mums. For a honeymoon trip ta the United States, the bride wane a woal suit in Airforce blute with navy and white accessor- les. The couple will reside in Orono. The bride gave her'r flowers ta ber grandmother. Mrs. A. H. White, Oshawa. MAPLE GROVE Blackstock Farm Forum me at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers and again a very enthusiastic group was on hand ta enjoy the panel discussion and then, divýiding into groups, gave their opinions an the sub- ject "Father-Son Pantnersbips." In the first place, it was dis- cussed, were we expected ta stick ta the questions as given or were they suggested as a starting point ta bring out the ideas of the farmers. voung and oid, on this age-old subject. It was generaily concéded that where there is a father there is a mother, where there is a son eventually there is a wife and whereas the house, the throne of the queen, is sa very small in companison with the space of the farm and whereas of necessity the environment of these two wamen, In their form- ative years were veny different, and whereas aur Maker, ta re-. lieve the monotony na doubt, bas neyer made twa peuple alike and has endowed us each with' a mind of aur own, it was generally canceded that it was nat ideal ta arrange for these two farmers ta be piaced on one farm. It was agreed, were money the only consideration, t1bis would be the thing tao, but putting contentment and happiness first, we feit that a farm each, close enaugh whene the mare expensive mac iner.y could be used by bath the fanm- er and son was the ideal set-up. It was also agreed that the partnership should begin wher the son was very yaung, by giv- ing him the cane and returns ai an animal, a pig or a caîf for instance. Being careful. thai through his enthusîasm, as one farmer suggested, he did nol in a few yeans own ail the an- imais an the farm. Certainly an agreement should be worked out when the son marries and starts out for him- self. A definite agreement, written, with a time set, if the son is eventuaily ta take over the home farm. "When Fatb- er passes away"' was felt flot ta be an ideal time set, taa indef- mnite. Sa many aspects on this sub- ject cauld be discussed that it is endiess, but it was jgenerally canceded that the son must get same financial heip. Taking as a basis as ta what this shauld be, is again a big subject. Years of service on the f9rm, as a son, fathers financial situation, size of father's family, etc., etc. Should the son stant where the father left off, as was sug- gested by one of the Panel, would be a basis fan a gaod dis- cussion, would it not? Recreation arranged by A. J. Jahnstan and a lovely lunch by the hostess brougbt anather en- joyable evening ta a close. Mn. and Mr s. Stuart Dorreli invited the Forum ta meet at their bame for Feb. l3th. their mother, Mrs. A. Beechý. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Down, Eh- B R E O enezer; Miss Gail Snowden wqre Sunday visitors Wvith Mn. and The Jolly Workers held their Mrs. Wm. Lewis. Februany meeting at the home Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, of Mrs. Jack Sinclair. daughters Wendy, Donna. were Choir praçtice was held 3t Wednesday visitons with ber Mrs. E. Caughill's home, Thurs- brother, Rev. and Mrs. StanleY dav evening. ~nweBancroft. Mn. and ïUrs. E. Adams, Mrs. Ed. Mrs. Lloyd Snowden returned Cochrane were in Kingston home with tbem. with Mn. and Mrs. Waliy Sorry ta lose Mn.and.Mns Ken Breck. Sumensford and boys fram aur Mn. and Mrs. R. Carter communîty. They have maved Wayne and Randy, with rela- into their new home.1 tives. Mn. Mel Smith, Oshawa, was M.andi Mrs. Onvîlle Greer, at ur undy chol lstSun-1Osa , witb Mrs. W. Bryan. da eoding a programme. RsWaeyiemîedfo awe i wene assisted by Mn. Carl Hood 1 ith Mayrmiefoa ec who nead a portion o! scripture:1 nt Ms. Bryan. in braille. He was accompanieti Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Ed- by Larry Smith as a guide. Jack' wards and Cathy-Lou, Smitliý andi Jim Shearer assisted with a 1 Falls, were weekend guests of1 couple of duets with their owný Mr. andi Mrs. Anthony Smith.i accompaniment on guitar. Listeni Whiie there they attendeti the in on Sîinda.v a 10:05 a.m I CKLB, Oshawa, for the broat-i- cast.- There will be pictures at the opnig f -h Sndy c Io j Be "Arc Glamoi See- Visit England By i hockey game at Mapie Leaf Gardens. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, Miss Larry Down, Miss Bar- bara Murdoch, Mr. Murray Abbott, Bowmanviile, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott. Mrs. James Gatchell spent a few days with relatives in Osh- awa. Georgina Gatchell celebrat- ed ber 8th birthday, Feb. 4th and entertained school fniends. Mn. Mel McCoy spent the weekend in St. Catharines with friends. Mrs. Jessie Darcy, Oshawa, spent Sundray with Mn. and Mrs. B. Hubbard and family. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Brown, Mrs. Maud Brown, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Siute, Scugog, with Mrs. Pearl Avery. Many friends and relatives were in Bunketon ta attend the late George Dean's funerai Feb. lst. Two Couples_ At Tyrone Hionored, Two presentations were held ini Tyrone Community Hall Satunday night in honoun of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sellick (nee Joyce Woodley> and Mn. and Mrs. David Phasey (nee Mar- ilyn Philp) who were recently married. Mn. Albert Hilîs was chair- man, when a splendid pragramn was provided as follows: A pi- ano duet by Mrs. H. Brent and Mrs. R. Pooley, Reading by Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Tap danc- ing by the Davey Sisters, Pi- ano and violin duet by Jean and John Baker, and accordion and violin music by John and Harry Baker. At this time Mr. and Mrs. Sellick were presented with a piat!orm rocker, chrome smok- en stand and a coaster set. Mn. and Mrs. Phasey were present- cd witb a space studio cauch, wraught iran magazine stand and a coaster set. Fitting re- plies were made by bath cou- ples. The remainder of the pro- gram was given with a pianoa solo, Ina Beryl Read, Reading, MVrs. David Craig, vocal solo by Lynda Potts and dancing by Davey Sisters. Lunch wasi served. Z ion-About 40 peo pie were present at the Zion congrega- tional meeting. The Rev. F. J. Reed was chairman and opened iwith a reading and praver. Mr. Reed reported 80 members, one new member, 18 baptisms, two deaths. Gerry Glasspell gave the M. & M. report with $503.77 on hand. Herman Haass Jr. gave the Sun- day School report with $129.49 on hand, an increase over last year. Lorna Sobil gave C.G.I.T. report with $74.28 on hand. Mr. Reed read the Explorers report in the absence of Joan McMaster. IBalance on hand $33.40. Mrs. Tom Sobil is Leader for Explorers with Mrs. Fred Dart assistant leader. Mrs. Glen IGlaspeil and Mrs. R. C. Stainton are leaders for C.G.I.T. John Geîssberger, President of Y.P. Union gave their report in the absence of his sister Mar- garet. A balance on hand of $140.24. Mrs. Tracy Glaspeil read the Cemetery Board report in the absence of Mr. Glaspeli. More land has been purchased to en- large the cemetery. Balance on hand $160.90, also $1,800.00 in bonds. Mrs. Glaspeli gave the The ladies served refneshments. 'I . France - Hollywood Also many more fascinating numbers W.A. report of a balance a1 $254.93, also $250.00 in bonds. Alan Thompson gave the Church Board report on the ex- tensive work done at the church and the expenses incurred. He thanked the W.A. for the finan- ciai help they had given the board. Mrs. Carl Bradley, the congregational r e P resentative, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Reed, aise the choir leader and nihair and the caretaker of bath church and day schooi for their efforts towards keeping the church and Sunday Schooi running smnopthiy in our community. Eiders for 1956 are: Alex Mc- Master, Charles Naylor, Jackc Cnuickshanks, N e 1 s o n Fice. Tracy GlaspelI. Board of Stewards for 1956 are Herman Haass Jr., Carl Bradley. Gerry Glaspeli, Alan Thompson. Herman Haass Sr.. Frank Pascoe. Mel Morgan, Hans Geissberger Cemetery Committee for 1956 are Tracy Glaspell, Frank Pas.. coe and Henry Dart. '1 Congregational Representatr is Mrs. Carl Bradley. - Auditors-Jack Cnuickshanks and Carl Bradley. The ushens are Henry Haass. Walter Haass, Fred Dart, Gien Glaspeli. Junior ushers are Roily Ball and Keith Fiee. Mr. Reed ciosed the meeting with the benediction and a social time was enjoyed bvý everyone. 15 th e General Motors Strike over? MAYBE NOT! But the END is in sight In order that we may be able to give the best deals on 1956 Cars and Trucks in Durham, County, we are sacrificing on any automobile that we have in stock. 1954 Mercury Sedan 1954 Chevrolef Coach 1954 Dodge Sedan, YS 1953 Chevrolef Sedan 1953 Chevrolef 1-on Pick-up 1952 Chevrolet Coach 1952 Hiliman Sedan 1951 Pontiac Coach 1951 Chevrolet Coach 1951 Duick Sedan 1950 Plymnouth Sedan 1950 Pontiac Coach 1950 ChevrbIeI Coach 1958 CSM.C. Panel 1949 Plymouth Coach 1949 Hiliman Sedan 1948 Plynmouth Sedan 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Studebaker Sedan 1947 Hudson Sedan 1946 Hudson Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan Robson Mo tors Ltd, Pontiac - Buick Cars G.M.C. Trucks 166 KING ST. EAST MA 3-5585 Friday and Saturday V1ARCH 2nd and 3rd Bowma nvilIle's st Ice Carniva )und the World on Skates" mr Brilliant Skating - Gorgeous Costumes .Hawaian Hula - Mexican Fiesta - Harlem Life Sympath of ths coopeningMS.ofaheSn Wdy schoo an Sunday tin the basement. it the The monthly meetingeof the the sddenpassng ofber ius- ha reidef. Ms.oss tvndbs band wbo resides on Kingston i hreo pnn n u- Roat, wet o Mape Grve ess. Mns. H. J. Brooks took ICburch, also ta Mn. and Mrs. the chair for worship. Theme, D. C. Laverty in the loss of their "h ait isoso h infat daghte. Sypath tachurch through service and cit-, Mn. and Mrs. St. Pierre and izenship". Scripture rcad byý family in the sudden passing o! Mrs. R. R. Stevens, leader taken' ber father at Lonlie, Saskatche- by Mrs. H. J. Brooks. Hymn 76: wan. was reati in unison as a prayer.. Canada's most advanced washef- bas every Mrs. Ira Crago, Base Line. Programme taken by Mrs. H. J. feature for speed, safety and convenience. West. spent the weekend with her Brooks, Mrs. C. Greenham. Pro- inghouse "cushion action" protects your clothes. grand-daughter and grandson, gramme cammittee for March:' This handsome low-priced washer also features Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis and rs C Greenham, Mrs. L. Col- daugbters. laut. Meeting closeti bv ail Westinghouse's "Million Dollar" transmission to Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Grey, repeating the Mizpa Benediction. assure you of smoother, quieter, more dependable daugbter Patsy. Oshawa, spent operation.Thursday of last week witb bier' opertion aunt, Mrs. A. Beech. ZMON 1 24boMiss Mildred Snow den spent1 the weekepdi with her sister Mr. Mr, andi Mrs. Lawrence Heniyv ~ I ~E U WE iand Mrs. Otis Pritchard and; andi Donna, Hamnilton; Keith O nEU*0 boys. Manotick. Infant nephew1 Purd.v. Petawawa, at Ray Cam-. in hospital at Ottawa. erons. Mn.- and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Mran s.W Cmo t AND' YOUR TRADE Misses Betty Lou, Lorraine MnadMs.WsCmrnt Snowden, Mn. Gary Pettit were Wilfred Fenton's, Oshawa. nt Sunday visi-tors witb the form- Mn. and Mrs. Keith Stainton. e r's son and wife, Rev. and Mrs. at Lake Simcoe. Stan Snuwvde4 Bancroft. Mr. Mr. Alex MLcMaster is in the and Mrs. Stiîoderi remaùîed luri Meiu'tial lHospital.,o.îîîvte a fe dav' viit.Chickenpox andi measies have Lander H ardware :Mr an Ms. Dotnald Carr andi been going the rounds mnth 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-.5774 familv. Hampton; MNI. andi Mrs. wchool children. Lod Ri'ecri and l'arn lx .Biu rke- M rS. FrfiCan< i roruha. bue EEEEUIEUEIUEEEEEEIEEUEIUEUEU'LoDrito, were bSwxday vitora wîthlin bcd wiUî the LIu.i Bowman ville Skating Club Tickets --------$1.00, 75c, 50c Now available from McNiIfv's Store and Club members f-e 1 ), U Year ýAre