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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1956, p. 3

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'?NT~DAY. W~. th. ¶~M -T~ CA~TADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LL~. Ol~TAXN~ Tom Spencer's Daughters Prize 45 European Doils F'orty-five dolîs representing i 13 European countries are the. prized possessions of two Can- adian girls who live in Meiz,l France, where their father, Squadron Leader Thomas Spencer, son of the late Canon C. R. Spencer, Rector of St. John's Church, Bowmanville, 'was transferred ta the head- quarters of Canada's NATO air division. Sandra (left) and Jan have a combined collection ba* each owns certain dolîs. Mother of the children, the former Norma Dickinson, is a igister of Carilus Dickinson. R. R. 3, Port Hope, Ross, Newcas- tie, and Edna, Port Hope. Fa- 1ther xvas Benjamin S. Dickiýn- France, Germ-any, Luxem- son, well kno\wn Durham Coun- bourg, Switzerland, Greece and ty farmer and hunteî'. Italy. Jan is 14, Sandra 1-1-the "My favorite is a doli 1I git Canadian girls began collecting i right boere in \Ietz," said Jaii, dolîs when they first went ta a grade 10I student at Dcpeni- France from Port Hope wbere ents' School. 'She's dressed in) they resided three years ago. pink velvet and lier outfit is Since then, in Europe. wlien- patterned afteî' the special cos- ever the Spencer family goes tumne of Lorraine Province."~ away on holidays or for week- Sandra prefers a pair of de- ends, the girls make sure they licate dolîs which an air force corne back witb a doîl. And nursing sister brought lier knowing of the collection, from Greece. They wear the' many family friends have add- distinctive and colorful dress cd ta it. of the Greek bilI country. There are dolis fî'am Nor- Becauze their miother thouglit way, Denmnark, Sweden, Hol- it woi 1ld be a wise plan-parti- lan d, Belgium. Scotland, Wale-, I cularly from a good-bousekeep- Lake Ontario Reg,9 n Development 0f fid e Opened ln Peterboro President Elmer Banting of1 the Bowmanville Chamber of 1 Commerce attended the Lake Ontario Regional Planning De- velopment Association lunch- eort meeting in Peterborough iJ week. Over 40 representa- ,,.es were orivhand ta hear the éïddress given »by A. V. Crate of the Trade and Industry brarleh of the Department of Pl;*n ing and Development,. &nec,,to sec the officiai opening of the association headquarters in Peterboroughi. The regional development plan covers eight counties, in- FARM MORTGAGE 'LOANS -To buy a-farm -For major improvenients -To buy equipment or stock Victoria and Grey TRUST COMPANY 437 George St. Peterborough One-Point Landing! THE point? It may cost you hundreds of dollars, if sonieone is inJur- ed on your premises! Before that someone lands on your wallet. let us pro- vide you wlth Comprehens- Ive Personal Liability 1nsur- ance. Approximately $10,000 of protetion for about $15. Let your porch light shine 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15 and help fight polie STUART B. JAMES Insurafice Offie IRA 3-5681 lKin t Stret E. Rbeal Estate Residene MA 3-5493 Bowmanville1 cluding Durham, divided ino three zones, in the Lake On- tario area. Development ili every spliere, but chiefly indu.;- trial, is the purpose of tlie or- ganization. "Planning ib Ontario lias neyer been ca-ordinated... you can not live within carpor- ate limits," Mr. Crate warned the representatives. He remindi- cd tbemn of the breadth andl scope of the recently-formed organization and of the neces- sity for partnership. "Repres,- entatives fî'om every area, while looking ta ecanomnie prob- lems, must face up ta develop- ment and the cost thereof. We are deeply coneerned witb the affairs of other provinces. Townships, towns and cities are ail given the same opportunity for the first time. 'rhey must put aside ail prejudices, jeal- 1 ousies, and differences," lie si..Selling Job Needed "If you want industry 3'ou \von't get it hy sitting an your municipal liaunches and wait- ing," Mr. Crate dechared. "Get out and scîl your own pros- pects-doit be dependent un, agencies.' Mr. Crate pointed ont that there are five other regional development plans in operation" in Ontario, and a sixth .i be- ing formed. "Few realize how broad the stand the future of those or- ganizations," lie said. H arnpton W.I. Holds Annual Open Night Hampton: The Wornen's In- stitute Annual Open Nigh, was held in the chui'cb basement1 Ô 'h Thursday evening and %vas well attended. Mrs. T. AI. Chant presided for the opening and brief business period after' which Mrs. K. Caverly took chargg of the program arran- cd by the centre group. Ail joined in a sing-sang led by Mi. Ivan Woolley with Mi-- N. Hoi'n at the piano. Mrs. Lar- enzo Truli was called on ta iii- troduce Mrs. Temple of Osh- awa, guest speaker, who pre- sented some very beautiful and- enjayable pictures on ber trip ta the West Indies, with interesting comment. The school pupils of the sen- ior room provided several vo- cal numbers aceompanied by thonil teacher. Mr. Ivan W'ool- ev wbich were much enjoved and added ta the pleasure of the evcnin. Mrs. Raymond Farrow andý Mrs. S. Kersey presen ted a bumorous and truc ta life skit Spending" w\hichbwa.,;very we:lj enacted and was well î'eceived.1 Sehool pupils contributed a1 patriatie seleetion, whicli wasi Durham Farm Forum News Prepared by Morley McAllister In discussing the qiuestion of the Famnily Farm following the recent broadcast, ail Durham Forums agreed that this system is desirable, and plans to ensure its existence sliould be made. The Cavan Blazers expressed the view of some that the more at- tractive pay and working hours of the urban dwellers tend to destrov the familv farm by takc- ing aw«a.v the -Younger genera- Kedron W. A. Lay Plans for Spring Bazaar The Fcbruary meeting of the Kedron Woman's Association hield in Kedron Lower Hall, with 20 ladies and several littie people present. Devotions, centred on -missions", were led by Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Mrs. P. and Mýrs. C. Werry, with Mrs. J. Starr at the piano. President Mrs. Grant Glover presided for the business meet- ing with Recordinc Secretarv Mrs. C. Hopkîns reading minutes of the .lanuar.v meeting. Mrs.' i- N. Vailiancourt, corrcsponding secrctar.v,. îead letter of grati- tude for Christmas checer and flowe rs, sent by the W.A. to the sick and shut-ins. ing viewpoint- the dioils are P1lan Spring Bazaar kept in their boxes for the Plans were made to lielp the prescrnt. sprîng bazaar on the evening of 'Buit nother and dad have 1 MaY 16, and boothl convenors pron1isrd te get a big cabinet 1 vere appointed as follows: Teal wilh glassr doors whcn we g') roorn, Mrs. R. Lee and Mrs F. back Io Canada', added San- Snowden: homne baking, Mrs. dra. Harvey Crossman; fish pond, The ever-expanding colleet- Mrs. 1-. Farndale; sewing and ion is a farnily affair, but thc knitting. Mrs. L. Tregunna and girls can point out whicli doils Mrs. C. Hopkins; aprons. Mrs. H. belong ta whom. Werry; plants, Mrs. P. Mount- And even though she doesn't joy and Mrs. Vaillancourt; nov- know it, the girls baby sister, elties, Mrs. Wrn. Werry, and 8 month old Carol Jane, bas Candy, Mrs. E. Mountjoy. become a doîl collector also. The ladies are requested ta She was started off with tIwo answecraiol call with a bazaar Italian dolis stuffcd in ber'article for the forthcoming îhristmas stocking. meetings. Ali ladies of the communitvI are invited ta loin in the Worldi heartily rendered after whichiDay of Prayer on February 17 Mrs. Wk. Horn on behaîf of tch) at Kedron, and announcemnent Womnens Institute extended ain was made of the Presbyterial expression of appreciation t') meeting ta be held at North- Mis. Temple for hier part In iminster Church on February 22,' the evening's entertainnient. for ail intcrested., with Mrs. J. The National Anthemn was sung McKinney. Brooklin. as mnorning in closing and a sojcial hall 1 speaker. and Miss Jean Stewart hour with refresliments follow- of Ali People's Church, Hamil- 1 d. Iton, featured for the afternoon. tion. The majority of forums felt that changes in the family farm could be: a slightlv larger unit, co-operative use of machinery'. more efficient use of grassland to ensure adequate income. It xvas also suggested by some that more agriculture he tauglit in local sehools and possibly a re- turn of the local sehool fair should be promoted. Mrs. E. Mountjov led in a, study of Home Mis sions for the programme. Valentine Tea Setved Hostesses included Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. L. Tregunna and Mrs. B. Woodward. who served tea, including a beautifully iced Valentine cake. An invitation was extended bv Mrs. Lorne Tregunna ta corne t o lier home for the next meeting early in March. Our thanks ta the kind chap who cleared away the snow at the church for the W.A. meeting. Principal Lowell Witvoet, B.A. son of Mrs. ci. Witvoet, Lowe St., Bowmanville, who was appoint- cd Principal of Hamilton Christ- ian Sehool at Hamilton, effective Feb. lst. A write-up of Low- ell's career, since coming ta Canada six years aga from the Netherland, appeared in hast week's Statesman. KEDRON h WATER PAMAGE After the fire on aur premises on Satu 'rday, January 21. We found that some of our stock was slightly dlamaged .by smoke and water. We must get rid of this stock at below cost price to make room for more stock. Starts DE Friday CLEARED L'VER YONE0 Ail goods may be purchased on our Mont hiy Payment Plan! COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! John He atile Corner Division and Queen Sts. OPEN A.M. 'TILL P.M. FRIDAY Furni0tur Bowma nvi lie A.M. TO 6 'P.M. DAILY Thank 'You! Ale wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and custoniers wvho have been so generous with their patronage during our years in business. We have appreciated it and now that we are retiring ask that you show the same goodwill to Mr. and WIrs. Walter Oke who have purchased the business. MR. AND MRS. JACK WILSON. %Ç ta MUST BAR GAINS FR There was an attenclarce of 83 for the Sunday Sehool hour on Sunday last. Grant Spencer presented a fine Temiperance- programn and Aduit Class dis- eussions Nvere led b%, Walter Davis, the teacher for Febru- ary. January classes were eni- joyect Linder the leadership of Clarence Werry. Rev. R. H.- Rickard preached the first in a series of sermons on "Habits of a Spiritual Life". dealing on this first Sunday with the habit of regula-r church attendance. The stot v for the Junior congregatio'l was about '"Sentrics", and led to the fact that "He who keep- eth Vice, neither slumbers nar sleeps". Plans for the Evangelistic Carnpaign in our Cammunity are to be made at the Manse on Thursday evening. when thz Session is to meet for that pur- pose. Junior Entcrtained The Junior congregation and their parents were entertain..d on Friday evening by members of the Double Club, at Kedron. Sixty-five were present fo eti supper Ilour. Worship xvas led by Mr. and Mrs. Riekard, asý sisted by Mrs. W. Snowden who gave the seripture read- j ing, and Ray Scott who led in praver. The theme xvas , Light of the World", and wac: effectively carried out bhy lav! ing the children Iight smal candies, as they sang 'Jestl;! Bids Us Shine." As program., Louis Vaillan- court sang in solo *Bless This House', accompanied by Mrs. R. Lee: June Davis play' ed a piano solo, Patsy Riekard and Kaye MacKenzie sang .The.c 1 Av. nri. §th, 1930 Bible Tells Me So*". A film strip -Christopher -Mouse". wvas en. joyed b3' the girls and Lloyd. Mr!. E. Mo'Iuntjoy Spok, bi,7cf'!ý-on beliplf of the guests present. Su. rerMtendent Harold V7crry b' ouhlt grcetings froin ,lie î3uiay Sehool, and ter Davis spoke on bhlalf of the parents, and Sessioni. An expression of thanks was tendered Arthur Stainton for his gift of a stand for the Bible, in the Worship Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Suttelsa and twins. Dougclas and Don- ald, and Mrs. Harry Roberts, ail of Oshawa. were Sunday guests of Mrs. Arthur Wray. Sorry to hear that Bill F'arn- dale is suffering witIh a sprain- ed ankle as a resuit of a bowl- ing accident ]ast week. QYNA WA . THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE', ONTAMO

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