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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1956, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANAD!AN STATESMAN. EOWMA2NVILLE. ONTARICi ~T~AV V!!~. 9th. 1950 OperationJ Giant Drive Wednesday, With every home in Bowman- ville carefully plotted onde tailed maps, hopes are high that porchlights ail over tovwn mwill be turned on between 6:3)3 and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb 15. Co-operation of everyone hm~ been most impressîi-e. and every street in town will be covered by a mother on the March against Polio. Headquarters for the Moth- ers March on Polio is at the home of the campaign Chair- mnan, Mrs. Russell Oke, 6 Lov- ers Lane. Anyone wishing iii- formation maY phone MA 3- 5938. Mrs. Oke stated in an inter- view today that 150 Motheis will be marching and will be prepared to give at the door receipts for donation of $1.00 Cr more, which can be used for deductions on income, tax. Mrs. Oke also stated that this vear for the convenience of those in the outlying districts, not can- vassed, donations may be left at Alex McGregor's Drug Store, and receipts will be given there. Just as the Marching Moth- ers ail across Ontario, the can- vasser coming to vour door will be easily recognized by her yellow badge and her glas-, donation jar. Ail funds collected in the one hour "Blitz" will be turned over to the Ontario March of Dimes for use on rehabilitation of those crippled by paralYsis due to Polio. Ail money receiv- ed in the Province wide driv.e wiII be spent in the Province. The cantains and canvassers for the Bowmanville area are as follows, the captains are hamed first in each case: Mesdames R. Oke. Loyers Lane; F. Jamieson. W«ellingtan SN ew Toni -_ ____ 2.04) Bobbi ______1.75 Hudnut Qulck -___ 1.75 New Tonette ___ 1.75 Toni Spin Curlers Woodbury Facial Soap 4 for S e1. Brylereem with Comb 69e 100 ASA. Tabletà 190 Pertusain for Coughn 690 - 1.19 - - 1.39 lie h Mesdames J. WUercy, King 1 Porcniignt St.:eD.Boe, Liberty St.; G. iMan's Home VnLiberty St.-, O. Pum p oi LJbertY St.: B. Kitnev, Liberty ~~~ ~~St-: B. Stapleton,- King St.: R.c ;te y Fr Lockhart, Chu rch St.: E. Ste-r phenson, King St.; C. Rabv I - ' 'iKing St.: C. Anderson, Prince A N estieton I-eb. 15St:ACoisnPrne t; Ayre King St. On Wednesday afternoon the Mesdames P. Chant. Jane St.; two-roomed cottage bufit last St. Wm. Alun, Scugog St.; T.r J. Ai. Rowe, George St.; D. Gîl- summer by Mr. John Reynoldst YcNulty-. King St.: L. Devwell, i hoolev%, Ontario St.; T. Harri- was destroyed by fire. Mr. Rey. IGeorge St.: J. Firth, Division 1 son, Brown St.: L. Goddard, nolds had attended a funer'al St.: D. 'Masters, King St.: C. King St.: E. Fairey, King St:; in the afternoon. been home IAustin, Division St.; D. Wil- H. Raycroft, Church St.: F. to replenish his fire, then tak- liams, Silver St.: A. Sylvester, Burns, Ontario St.: T. Turner. en Mr. and Mrs. Larmer Hy- iChurch St.; E. Oliver, Scugog i Wellington St.: H. Hardy, Wel- land to Janetville to cali on a St.: J. Regan. Temperance St -1 into St.: K. Hockin, King sick friend. Miss Lorna Fletcher, Qucen Sý r St.: J. Barclay, Jane St. Overheated pipes are thoughl jMesdames E. Banting, Fred- Mesdames B. Miller, Simp- to have been the cause of the erick Ave; J. Fair, Scugog St.: son Ave.; A. Lymer, Orchard fire. Neighbours and the Pori J. Living, Prospect St.; R. Mc- View; M. Moore. Jane St.; L. Pecry Fire Brigade werc on Knight, Veterans' Ave.: H. Mo- Allun, Prince St.: F. Blunt, hand but could do nothing and ses, Lambs Lane, S. Murdoch, Jane St.:. A. Collis, Orchard haply the wind was blowing O'Dell St.: K. Nichols. Second IView; G. Stephen, Simpson smoke and sparks away frorn St.: R. Patfield. Second St.;R. Ave the village. iRichards, O'Dell St. i Mesdames G. Vinish, Flett SI:. Everything was a total loss Mesdames G. White, Ontari'> R. Richards, Southway Dr.; S. as there was no insucance.. St.: R. Lunney, Scugng St.: J. Pollard, Flett St.; A. Marjerri- Power was off on the nortrx Welsh, Jackman Rd.; L. Lucas, son, Flett St.; D. Rackham. and east streets of the village Jackman Rd.; D. Allun, Fred- Flett St.; G. Cawker, East for three hours until repairs erick Ave.: W. James, Edsall Beach; C. Vanstone, Liberty were made to the hydro uines, Ave.: A. Frank, Scugog st.; C. St. Mr. Reynolds is staying with Taylor. Coleman Ave.: L. WA. ïMesdames D. Marsdcn; J. Lan- Mr. and Mrs. Hyland until such Luffman. Waverley Rd.:W. der, Temperance St.; G. Lan- time as he can rebuild his Colville. R. R. 2,; Miss Isabel der. Division St.: S. Morrison, home. Davis. Mill Lane. Horsey St.: A. Brooks, Silver Mesdames J. Dunn, Beech St.- L. Dippeli, Wellington St ok oellst Wdnsa Ave.: L. Buckler, Centre St. W. Reynolds, Centre St.; B.YokHtl as endy S. Black, Liberty Place; J. Hon- Elliott. 'Beach Ave.; J. Bcough, evening which included a floor eyrman, Liberty St.:, R. Lanth- Horsey St., show and dance. angue, Loyers Lane; S. Rt. Mesdames R. McIntyre Alex- Mc. and Mrs. Bruce Mount- James, Centre St.: A. Hooper. ander Blvd .1 . Presson, Lib- ioy and fîve childcen, Lang- Carlisle Ave.: L. McFeeters, erty St.: B. Heavysege, Liberty staff, with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-1 Carlisle Ave.; D. Rundie, Car- St.; S. McMurter, Liberty St.; man Mountjoy on Sunday. lisle Ave. J. Elston, Concession St.; R. Mr. and Mrs. Vouwmeester Mesdames L. Parker, Elgin utton, Concession St.; R. AI- and family, Oshawa, with Mr. St.: D. Taylor, King St.: R. dec, Liberty Place. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and Kerr. King St.: S. Candier, Mesdames R. Ames, Carlisle Gordie on Sunday. King St.; C. Bell, Liberty St. S.: Ave: V. Jeffery, Duke S t.; WI. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, F. Wnods, Queen S t.: A.* Spicer, Calver, Duke St.: G. Clarke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Queen St.: E. Blake, Ontario Hunt St.; M. Cowan, Liberty Murray and girls, Port Credit, St.; G. Ellilott, Queen St.; M. St.: W. Mutton, Ontario St.: F. Mc. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor Marchant, Prospect St. MacDonald, Duke St.; C. Piper, and Dianne, with Mc. and Mrs. Mesdames L. Van driel, Cen- Victoria St. Roy Taylor on Sunday. tre St.; R. Hawthorne, Liberty Mesdames J. Crombie. Simp- MisNn1Saiadetr St.: M. MacDonald, Liberty St.: son Ave.: C. Mutton, Duke St.; ,taisdNhecyien a henntr C. A. MacDonald, Liberty St.: M. Etcher, Duke St.: A. Lunne- tie e red i e it L. Hancock. Elgin St.: C. Tre- manin, Duke St.: Mrs. Adams. birthday last Tuesday. win, Concession St.: J. Cudda- Duke St, At the Ladies Lodge Euchre hee. Prospect St.: H. Sturrock, Mesdames N. Osborne, Loy- game last Thursday night the Prospect St.: B. Syers. High ers Lane; F. Dilling, Queen St.: prizes were won by Mrs. Stan- St.: G. Richards. High St. L. Preston. Queen St.; R. Cal- ford Van Camp and Fred Tre- la n. Ontario St.: L. Rundie. Ar- win and the door prize by Har- tz:~gyle St.;, M. Leask, Ontario St.: old Martyn. 'L. Highfield, Ontario St.; T. On Saturday evening the Vicku Rub ---- _ 53r, 98r McNaughton. Qucen St.: C. Blackstock Women's Institute, Vick Nos Dros -- - 53 Hockin, Queen St.: M. Cann, entertained at a cuchre party Vles Nse ra. . 53 IQueen St.; L. Goulah, Duke St.: in the Community Hall. i9 G. Piper, Ontario St.; Miss A. The prize winners were Mrs. Vieki Cough Syrup 59e Hodgins, Duke St. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Russel -------_________ Mon,,hn, . SrVMr. F T.Tndsn. Vieks Throat Ln Vicks Cough Dr Wampole's Extraet-- 1.35, Seott's Emulslon 1.00, 2.00 Waterbury's Compound 1.50: Phospholeeethin .1.50 Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 100 Beminal. 3.501 'ozenges .-.Soc rops --15e Brome Scltzer 29e-59C-980 Aika 0 Seltzer 34ec-68e VI-CaI-Fer-12 1.95 Neo Chemical Food- Capsules.--- 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Llquid -.- 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Buckley's Rub 59e Buckley's Mixture -- 50c, 85e: Buckleys Caps.----- 35e, 7c Ban Deodorant 1.25 Clearauil Clears 5kin 69C-1.19 Chase's Cold Tabs 59e, 1.49 NyaI Creophos Chase's Nerve Food 89c, 2.23 Stops Branchial Couths SChase'. Ointnient 79c, 1.89 Large Bottie 1.50 Fight Polio LET YOUR PORCH LIGHT SHINE 6:30- 7:30 - Wednesday, Feb. 15 COWLING'S ~PHONE ~ SOEWE FIT MA -595 JK jTRuSSES iBLACKSTOCK United Chureh W.A. Mrs. Cecil Hill was hostcssý for the Januacy meeting o! the Blackstock United Church W. A. at hec home last Tuesday afternoon. The ncw president, Mrs. Warner Brown, apenedth te meeting by rcading "Opening the Book", followed by the theme song and! prayer. Mrs. Norman Mountjoy gave the de- xotional. Nineteen thank you notes were receivet!. There were 24 ladies and five child- cen present. The seccetary was asked ta write ta Miss Mabel Van Camp thanking her foc the splendid address at the social cvening. The members will serve lunch at the stock sale on March 9. Next meeting each member is asked to make an Easter bonnet. put it in a bag and bring il along foc this Easter meeting. Mrs. H. Shortridge was in charge of tbc pcogram which began with Mrs. Harold Kyte singing a lovely sala, "In tbe Hollow of His Hand". Carol Rahm and Nancy Hutton sang "The Snowfiake Sang". Mrs. W. Archer gave a paper from "'The Observer", and Mrs. Shactridgc read "Forgive Us". Mrs. Albert Wright gave a short paper an "Thoughts By the Wav". A social time braught the meeting ta a close. Mc. and! Mrs. Howard Farder, Mc. and Mrs. Howard Trewin, ,Mc. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and Mc. and Mcs. Harold! Kvte attended the Holstein Breeders' annual meeting at the Royal Ail under one roof A branch of a charrered bank is much more than the best place ta keep your savings. It is an ail-round banking service-centre that provides services useful to everyone in the community. In every one of 4,000 branches in Canada, people are using ail sorts of banking services. They make deposirs, cash cheques, arrange loans, rent safety deposit boxes, transfer money, buy and seil foreïgn excliange. Only in a branch of a chartered. hank are ail chese and many other convenent bankîng senvices provided under one roof. A visîr ro the bank is the x'aî' ro handle a.;'/ your banking needs -smpiy, safely', easuly'. Mr. Harry Sanderson, doo prize Mrs. J. McKee, and cro kinole prize Mr. and Mcs. J. A Johnston. Mr. Oakley Carley Passes Last Thursday aur commun ity was shocked and! saddene( on hearing o! the sudden deat! af Mc. Oakley Carley, af Ca van, husband of a local girl Margaret Swain. The funera was on Saturday with inter ment at tbc Union Cemetery Cadmus. Mrs. William Vai Camp opened her home ta thý ±riends aftec the service. ThosE from a distance were: Andre'A Power and Frank Power, Lind. say; Rev. M. R. Sandersai Mrs. Sandersoti, Harry anc Beth, Mrs. Bill Cordingley, Mr and Mrs. Weir Swain, Toronto Mc. and Mcs. Norton Var Camp, Listowel. Mcs. Oakleý Carley and Anne, spent a fev, days with Mc. and Mrs. Clar- ence Marlow. Our deepesi sympathy is extended ta 1hE beceaved. Mi-. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke Ricky and! Pamela, Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr and Mcs. Howard Farder and famiiy. Miss Mary- Elizabeth KytE, Miss Alice Kyte and Charie- Kyte were weekend guestz with the Harold Kyte family. Mc. and Mrs. Fred Tcewi.i and Lloyd with the Ralph Glas. pelîs, Tyrone. on Sunday. Mc. and Mrs. Wilbuc Torris Miss -Wilma Toms, K. Van Camp and Mc. and Mcs. Stuart Dorcell writh Mc. and Mrs. Har- aid McLatighlin on Sunday. Mc. and Mrs. Glenn Van Camp and Billy. spent the weekend in Ottawa with the Dcinkwaters, the Werrys and the Wylies. SEF THE BANK ABOUT IT Oniy a chartercd bank offers a fuîl range of banking services, including: Sas'ings Accounts Current Accot.nts joint Accounts Personal Loans Commercial Loans Farm Improvement L-oans N. H.A. Morigage L-oans Holme Improvement Loans Foreig-n Trade and Market Information Buying and Selling of Foreign E.xchange Commercial Collections Money Trans/ers Money Order.s and Bank Drafts Travellers Gbeques Letters of Credit Sa/ety Deposit Boxes (redit Information Purchase and Sale of Securities Custod, o/ lSecurities and other valuables Banking by Mail 20- n- -- a- r], al j- n e w! St. PauI's W.A. WiIl. Clothe 'Indian Child Bethany: Mcs. Wm. Phiilips cntertained the members of St. Paul's Woman's Auxiliary at hec home for their February meeting, with Mcs. H. F. Ray- son presiding and leading the devotional service. The new minister's wife, Mcs. G. E. Meades was întroduced and welcomed to the Society. Mrs. Emory Smith read the scrip- turc lesson and Mrs. Douglas Smelt cead the minutes of pre- viaus meeting and the corres- pondence. Mrs. Fred Gray read a chapter from the curcent study book on mission work among the Indians. It was decided ta accept thxe responsibility of clothing an Indian child with Mrs. D. Smelt and Mrs. W. Phillips appointed ta purchase the necessary items. the orld'sen Da o Paycr which will be a joint service of tbe village churches and he1'dý in St. PaulPs church. The ladies were asked ta have articles of clothing in readiness foc the Dorcas baleI to be packed next month. Aý sale of home baking was plan- ned foc February 251h ta be held in Watson's Store. During the social hour lunch was served by the hostess as- sisted by Mrs. R. Jarvis, Mi--. D. Smelt and Mrs. Janet Smith. The next meeting will be heid at the home o! s Clara Armstrong. Il SOLINA1 C.G.I.T. met in the basement of the church on Saturday ;af- ternoon with Patsy Davis pres- ident, presiding. Patsy Knox bat! charge o! the worship ser- vice. The Expiarers joined trie C.G.I.T. group foc the program. Piano solos were played by Phyllis Ann Westiake, Gail Ba- ker and Evelyn Hockaday. A contest was conducted by Pat- sy Davis. Meeting closet! with TÉaps. Miss Gladys Yellowlees is visiting hec aunt, Miss Ida Rey'- nolds, Toronto. Mc. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, werc tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Oshawa. Mc. and Mcs. Murtan, Walter and! Docothy, Oshawa, Mr. and! Mcs. J. Yellowlees, wecc Sat- urday tea guests a! Mc. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and fam- iiy. Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and family with hec parents, Mc. and Mcs. Chas. Johns, Bowmanville. Mrs. W. Ormiston, Mrs. 0. Jackson. Brooklin, Mr. Mur- ray Jackson, Kemptville, at Mr. Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mcs. Roy MeGill and Reva, Enniskillen, Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and sons, Bowmanville. Mc. and Mcs. Roy Langmaid werc Sunday dinner guests of Mc. and Mcs. Chas. Langmaid and daughtecs. Blackstock W.. Orders New Chairs For Hall ts February meeting of the Blackstock Women's Institute nwas held in the Community j.Hall last Wednesday afternoon jwith 40 present. * Mrs. Russe]] Mouxitjoy was nx hostess. President Mrs. Lorne 7t Thompson conducted the ope n- ing of the meeting in the usual ma n ner. nThe seripture reading a egiven by Mrs. Dalton Dgorreuêi. e The roll cal] was answvered by -d suggestions for spending W. -1. money. * Order New Chairs New chairs for the Hall arc being ordered immediatelv. With liberal donations from thc. Farmers' Union and OO Club, the Institute has afn am-ount on hand for this pur- pose. Members are asked to bring white cottons for cancer dress- ings to the next meeting. Plan Spring Bazaar Plans were made for the an- nual spring bazaar and a te.i - tative date xvas set for Apiil 18 in the Community Hall. Home Economnics xvas tn e theme, with Mrs. J. A. McAr- thur the convenor. Mrs. William Hooev very capablv gave th-ý short talk on current event-. Mrs. Richard Bovvles gave a wonderful address on "Womcn as Consumers". Mrs. McArthur nonducted a contest and a very pleasant meeting wvas broughit 10 a cIose xxith lunch and a friendly haîf-hour. Next mohth th(, meeting xvili be in the Hall wvith Mrs. John~ Mticee the hostess. HAMPTON Mrs. Temple. Oshawva, whn m-as guest speaker at Womnen'si Institute At Home on Thurs- j day ,ccning tvas a dinner guest j o Mr ad Mrs, K. Caverlv. "M ýandMr. .Harnld Saltert and M', and McŽ. T. SaJtýýr j wcre dinner guests of Mr. and Mrc. Bruce Hogarth and fam- ily. Pickering, recentl ' . .Miss Florence Werrv spent a feiA days \vith friends in Osýh- awva last xvcek. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson. Bo'xmanville. \-',sited Mr. and SR. J. Hodgson on Frida.', ev-ening. Recent callersz at A. W. Pr(,-- cotUs were Mr. and Mrs. Wîi- bert Smith and Miss Dorotr.,v Smith, Oshawa. Mr. Murrav P-re.-,ott. Tforonto, Mr. and IMrý Edgar Prezuott and Miss Mar- inn Presc'ott, Enfiel1d. Mr.-.. Elmier Wilburî and Ms Sam Dewýell. wvere guests dt; MrF. 'Waller Kilburns' Os-hau-a. on Thusday. %wýhen he enter- tained for her mother, Mrs.1 Frank Thompson, who celebra- ted ber 8th birthday, when a very picasant time xvas spent with ber three daughters. onc- great gcandson, and several old time fciends. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy visited at Mc. E. Strong's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and Mrs. Joe Chapmnan attend- ed the Diamond Wedding An- nivcrsary of Mr. and Mcs. C. L. Mackey at their home in Osh- awa on Saturday last. Mcs. Merwin Mountjoy at- tended the Ice Follies in Toron- to last week. Miss Gala Rogers, Toronto, Misses Madiyn Wilcox and He- len Nelles, Bowmanviile, and Miss Eileen Wray, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests of Green Giant NIBLET 14-oz. 2 For 3 R E y,)T 'Mc. and Mrs. Geo. Armour and Miss Bertha Armour. Mc. and Mcs. A. L. Blanch- ard attended the funeral tif iMrs. Robt Rae in Toronto, on IMo nday. Mc. Bill Rae, who has been a frequent visitor with the Blanchard's and whose singing on past occasions here has been enjoyed is a son, and Hampton friends extend sym- pathy. ant. BiLance .And Dana- Mct. BiLancsand Dam-, returned on Fridav from Flac- ida wvhere they have spent sev- erai weeks. Mrs. L. Cryderman bas been suffering frorn injuries to heci right hand which became en- tangled in the wrînger of the electric washer and requircd medical care. 8 Lemons Carrots Misses Ruth and Marie Pres- cott- spent Friddy in Toronto, did some shopping, went to The Happy Gang" progcam, attend- cd a fashion show, saw Heien of Troy" ,a t the Imperial and spent the evening at the "Ice Follies". Sympathy is extended ta the Solina friends in the loss of their community hall by fire on Saturday morning. An event o! intecest for Mon- day evening, Feb. 13th, will oe a program presented by the C. G.IT. and Explocec's groups in the Sunday School coom. Sorry to learn af the illness of Mc. C. E. Daw who has beerx compelled to take a few weeks' rest in bcd owing to a heact condition. We trust he inaY soon be improved. Fancy NEW BLUE CHEER CORN Giant pkg. l3c 75c Red & White - 7 Flavors JELLY POWDERS 4 For 29C Libby's Fancy - 28-oz. tin SAUERKRAUT2 Fnr 37c Aylmer Stuffed Manzanilla (Place Pack) Ice Box Jar . 8-or. 0OLI VES 37C Shirriff's OId Fashioned - 16-oz. decanter SYRUP 25C aýrsh meats,' Swift's Premium Blue Brand Beef Blade Banc Renioved BLADE ROAST CROSS CUT Red & White Orange Pekoe - 65 bags TEA DAGS 69C Golden Hour Assorted- 1-lb. box CHROCOLATES 89C Dixee Brand - 51 Gauge - 15 Denier Nylon Stockings pr. 98c Aunt Jemima - 20-or. pkg. Paucake Flour 2 For 37C 29C Golden Hour CANDIES Jelly Beans Humbugs Scotch Mints Easter Lines 29c GQ-LD MEDAL PGPPING CORN 8-oz. pkg. 2 For 29c GRANULATED SUCAR 5-lb. bag 41c ICING SUGAR 1-lb. jpkg. Ilc Supreme Brand WALNUT PIECES 7-oz. pkg. Crispy Crus! Lard 1-lb. pkg. lb. 39c Short Rib Roast Ib.43c FRESH - LEAN Minced Beef Ib29c FRESH - SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Lean Shoulder Lamb Chops Ib.49c SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD - Skinless - 1-1b. pkg. Sausaçje 39C SWIFTS- DU [CH LUNCH Spic & Span Large pkg. 31c FACE-ELLE TISSUES 200's 2 ler 39C Cirrus Pail Pur,- PEANUT BUTTER 4-lb. 1.29 Hawe's Paste Floor Wax Oxo cubes Bre f y Fluid Oxo Bottie 49c lb. 59c. BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO Cornish Marketeria 4 for 19c' 2for 25C Crown Brand -21bti CORN SYRU' Jres/ £Procdu ce Sunkist - Junmbo Size 200's Oranges doz. 5c Sunkist Starnped - California - Junxho)t 126's Mild - Flavorful - Mlarsh Grawn - 20-oz. cello bag Firm - Weli Cured - No. 1 Cooking Onions 3 Ibs. 19c Large Solid Heads iceberg Lef'tuce 2for 29c LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE SALE Pineapple Juice Sliced Pineapple Crushed Pineapple 48-oz. Uin 20-oz. tin 20-oz. tin 33c 34c 32c Beautiful Fresh Hot House Flowers Birdseye Frozen Food Specials DAFFODILS Bouquet of 8 09 Garden rs Peas, 12 oz.- ---- - 2/45e ~ Orange Juice, 6 oz., 2/37c TU IBouquet of 6 C Strawberries, 12 oz. --- 45c 1Fish Sticks, 10 oz. 35 THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUIR COMMUNTTY mmqý PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAMO T=SDAT. "SI3. kh, 19" 1

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