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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1956, p. 17

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THURDAYFEB. l6th. 1956 Classm*fmed Livestock For Sale ËRESH Holstein and Jersey cow nd calves: also sows due. Phone A 3-2388. 7-1* ARK reci Ehorthorn heifer' balves ard cows priced at one Undred up, unreiated bull. tanley Taylor. Burketon. 7-1' Auciion Sales Sale of household goods will aheid every other Friday nîght tarting Feb. 17, commencing at 30 ini the Holgate Building, hornier Division and Queen Sts. hree-piece chesterfield suite, droom suite, 3 washing ma- hines, 2 lawn mowers. 2 com- ination stoves, Quaker oil space eater, writîng desk, console adjo, 2 electrie refrigerators, 2 ears old. Many other articles. ohn Heatîje, manager. Phone A3-5091. Cliff Pethick. auc- ioneer. See you at the sale Fri- 1ight February 1 7 . Terms 7-1 Opportunity EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY 1 would like to interview a an between the ages of 23 and 5 Who wants to consider a bus- ness opportunity which is veryI orthwhile. This man must ave an excellent personality nd be able to meet executive- 'pe business men. We are repared to invest considerable oney in the right man, so if you are interested in earning from $3,600 to $4,800 a vear to start, depending upon your qualifica- tions, write Box 481, c/o Bow- manville Statesman for an inter- view. 7-2 Lost ONE black. tan and white hound wearing large leather collar. Phone 1324 Clarke. 7-1 BLACK Spaniel dog with white marklngs. Missing since last Wednesday night. Phone MA 3-2929. 7-1 Rest Home ACCOMMODATION for one lady at the Rest Home in Orono. Phone Orono 1771. 6-2' ACCOMMODATION for elderly ladies and convalescents. Mrs. Pinnegar, Newcastle. Telephone S2350. 6-3 Cars For Sale THE CANADIA!NSTATESMAN. BOWMAKVTLE. ONTAR»( Bethany W.A. Héars of Work Done by Churchi Bethany: Mrs. James McKin- non entertained the membe:-s of the United Church W.A. on Tuesday with 24 in attendance. Mrs. Frank Bigelow presidpd and led the devotioînal service, Mrs. Thomas Jc-nnings nead the scripture lesson. The nesig- nation of Mrs. C. Pomeroy as convener of the Sujishine coin- mittee wvas accepted. Mrs. Ross Davidson xvas appointed to fill this office, with Mrs. G. M. Longfield continuing as assist- ant. The World's Day of Prayer will be observed in Bethany on February 17th in St. Paul's An- glican Church, wvth members of the United Church assisting in the service. Letters of thanks were read fromi J. C. Cummis- key and Walter Neais for Sun- shine boxes received duriug illness. The prograin was in charge of Mrs. Clarence Rowan and centred around the topic "What the Churchi is Doing For New Canadians". "Hope for à bet-I ter way o! life is the reason. we have so many imimigrants",l Mrs. Rowali said "and it is ourý duty as Canadian citizens to see that these hopes are realiz- ed. In one year there were 150,000 persons admitted Lo Canada, repnesenting 40 na- tional groups." Continuing with a question- naire, Mus. Rowan discussed what the church can do for these strangers. Taking part in the discussion were Miss M. Rodwell, Mus. Earl Weatherilt, Mrs. C. Porteous, Mrs. T. Jen- nings, Mrs. T. Jackson, Mus. O. Spencer, Mus. Mervin Porteo?,ps and Mrs. G. Waddell, all giving helpful ideas o! what has been doue in the past and the need for a more effective effort by the churches to make these newcomers feel at home. Mns. R. R. Bonsteel announ- ced a joint meeting of ail the women's organizations on Man- vers circuit to be held at Yel- verton on March 2, with the guest speaker coming frorn Jamax Ca. During the social hour lunch was served by the Jhostess as- sisted by members of group two. Mus. W. Rowland express- ed the thanks o! the members to Mus. MeKinnon for the use of lier home. SOLINA Local Delegates Attend fair Grounçs Conventioin1 Attending the recent conven- tin of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Society held at the King Edward Hotel, To- ronto, were Mrs. Harry Jose, Newcastle, district director of the Ladies' Division: Mn. and Mrs. John Rickard, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mus. Ross Stev- ens, Bowmanville, who were representatives of! Durham Central Fair. Among the miany interesting speakers in the women's divi- sion was Miss Myrtle StewartL, president o! the Ontario Jun- ior Farmers' Association. w1ho emphasized the importance of interesting young people iii agricultural projects. She sug- gested that juniors be includedi as dinectors of fairs, that girl might hold a tea and neception for fair board officers, and lqw W a wu%0à *w*mu of handicrafts by childrèn of Lower Thirty School, Lincoln County, was on display. The need o! originality in the food section of fairs was stress- ed by Miss Charlotte McCul- lough, who suggested pnizes be given for new ideas. Miss Mc- Cullough was elected president at the convention. Mrs. Allan Koehler, Dundalk, a past presideut, noted that fairs represent only a smal part of the work of agicultur- ai societies, actual projects con- tinuing ail year. Mrs. Milton Fisher, outgoing president, spoke on the expansion of the women's division and the ne- cessity for women to leud their full support to the work o! agricultural societies. Other officens elected were: Kir Quartet "Best Dressed" At Competition Twenty-five members o! the Bowmanviile Kinsmen Club were among the 150 district Kinsmen at the Annual Inter- club Quartet Night in Lindsay last Thursday. The Bowman. ville quartet entny of Kinsmen Ken Hockiu, Ken Nicks, Jake Brown and John Graham gave a good account of themselves as they were nunners-up iu the singing competition and wiu- ners o! the trophy for being the best dressed foursome. The four local Kinsînen were decked oct in black bowler hats, colourful checkered suits and real hair mustaches. Ac- companying the Bowmiauville quartet was Ivan Wooley. The top singing honours went to the Lindsqriartet. The 6th meeting o! Solirua'sý thiat juniors of both sexes cocid vîce-presidents, iEia .Hamilton hw Linsay clbdda 1953 STUDEBAKER, 1947 Chev- Dairy Dolîs was held at the organize evening ententain- o! Russell and Mrs. William outstanding job as host for thie rolet sedan, 1951 Mercury 'A-ton home o! our assistant leader, ment. Dawson, Tilsonburg; haudicraft vngofunadelwsp truck, 1949 International 3-ton Mrs. C. Hamner. Miss Mary Petenson of Eu- convenons, Mus. Alex McKin- eveing hs o un nellofship ,cab and chassis, 1948 Studebaker We opened with our Milky glehaut noted the need of eri- ney Jr., Brampton, Mus. W. C. highlights o! the Kinsmen 3-tonat Fam Equpmen andla , .. couraging creative activity in Hcckle, Bucbide nss er 3tomoative, 134 Kipm n d ay Song. Our leader, ,M-cbrde; pescer MA jnkt dssrtan Figures Need Guide Auxiliary Local Doctor yr unse up an invalid's tray. Our _MTO SLE sbjctwa "il o te nv- nd rstanding Lays Plans -For Guest Speaker bon Feb. 2th at the home of USED CARS Mus. Davis.cosseo!jn By Joseph Lister Rutledge Future Events At Hampton 0cDCA SOr lunch cnitdo uk It is a rather unhappy fact 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN et. milk shakes, made at the that the need to do a lîttie The Bowmanville Bnowne Hampton Home and School 1951 OLDS. "88" SEDAN meeting and custard and cook- modest bnagging about our suc- and Guide Auxiliary members meeting was held in the sehool 1951 DODGE SEDAN îes made by our hostess, Mus. cess too often creates impres- have been having a busy win- Feb. 8th with Vice-President 199DDESDNHamner. sions that are neither sound non ter accondirmg to reports and Mus. Killen pnesiding. Mus. 1949 DODGE SEDAN Wie are sorry to report that just. It is quite a natural van- pashadattermeigCvryknl oae i 1949 FORD SEDAN Mu. Doue Flett hias pueumonia ity for an industuy to report th~e planshadathi etn aesfrly hekindi osaled pie. 1948 PLYMUTH ~EDAN but wishi for him a speedy re- scccess of its openations as thie on Wednesday o! last week in ltsfrtebaigsl.Ms 194 CEVRLE COPE covery. quarters go by. It is reasonabiethLisCer. card party was being held in 1948 HEVRLET OUPE Mu. and Mus. Hauuy Beau- that it should report the facts Mus. R. Dilling puesided. and the school Fniday night, Feb. 1938 PLYMOUTHI SEDAN champ entertained a !ew ofm that most truly picture the suc- after routine business was pass- 24th. Mus. Hall's noom won thein !niends and neighbons on cess o! its operations. There- cd plans were made for thie the banner for the most par- USED TRUCKS Saturday evening. Lnmi fore it speaks o! guoss business, candy sale to be sponsoned by ents present. Mr. adMus.Ro agad fou that afteu ail is the basic unit them at the Rotary play, Feb. 1953 CHEV. Sedan Deliveny wcne Sunday tea guests of Mu. against which ail its caîcclations 16, 17, 18. Plans were alsa Mus. Bert Hoskîn was in 1951 FORD i1 -toxi Express and Mus. Lloyd Broome and must be figured. made fou the Training Sehool chalrge o e pogam. Drlen 19i OG AE ,_tn family. 1 If the industuy does not pue- Lau Guiders and inteuested voaFos favocu ed ih w 1946 DG E PA1,tN Expre-to The Solina Home and School 1 sent these figures almost certain- pesons and prospective lead- vocal olos ac"ompaBibedTeby 194 O..C.'2-on xprss Club is invited to be guests o! ly someone else will do so fou eus ta be held at the Lionîs Mu. Woe, 'Thde" BibleutTeîs USED ~Mn. and Mus. Wm. Lvcett at them, for thie scccess or failure Centre startiug Feb. 23rd andMeSan 'Lo OcTh USED their home, Bowmanv'ille, on o! the productive effort is part eacri foliowing Thcrsday even- Window." FARM EQUIPMENT Friday evening, Feb. l7th. ofa the security and well-being o! i11g. Miss Hazel Winters, Anea Mu. Wooley veuy ably intro-' Bradley Home and School salo us. The trouble with grass Tramner, will be in charge. duced Du. and Mus. A. Sylves- Allia Chaimers IV-D Tracton holding a card party Friday figures is that thiey puesent on]yte rn Bo iavl.D. Alils-Chalmers Model "' nigrit, Feb. 17, at the sehool. a partial picture. It is a big Sylvester being thie gcest Tracton Mu. and Mus. Stan Millson pictune devoid o! detail anîd itHA P N speaker gave many inteuesting Tatrand sons at Mr. E. Roberts, eau easily confuse the generai A P O views on Cide' Diseases" Case "S" Tractor Oshawa, ou Satunday evening. thinking. The tendency is ta and "Child Psychology," Doue- Mlassey-Hannis loi Jr. Tractor MrstlaLak omn cep rs annsa oe u and Mus. Godfney Bbw- las Dewell played two pleasirng Allis-Chaimens "66" ville. w'as Monday dinner availabie fou spending. wheneas m'a" and Roland, En!ield; Mus. sehections on the piano. Tha Alcrop Harvester gcest o! Mn. and Mus. Cecil long hefone these earnings wene Pascoe, Oshawa, called ou Mr. meeting closed xith lunch and! Case Forage Harvester Pascoe. made, obligations had been cee and Mus. A. W. Pýescott. a social haîf-hour. Mu. and Mus. Ed Wenny at- ated that would make heavv de- I Mr. and Mus. Russell Mount- The January meeting was ri! teuded the 8th binthday cehe- mands ou themi, no matter how O lretywr. M.' Bhackstock, were visitons rît special inteuest when Mn. Ivan PAMR bration o! his brother, M.rgeteywue enwin Mountjoy's. Law o! Whitby was guesï !Chas. Weuny at bis home in Without these qcalifying factsl' Mr. aud Mus. C. E. Horn' speaker aud pnesented many MO O AL S 1Oshawa ou Satuuday.1 it is easy to create a feeling O! Oshîawa, visited bis sisters and 1 beautiful pictures on his trip Plymouth - Chryslen Cars 1! The Missiouary programmnelfabulous wealth to xvhich noth- brother here befone ieaving for! dowu through the States, alsa .fthe Sunday School on Sun- in sipsible. Dernands that Florida at thie weekend. some on gardeniug, ahi ot Fargo Trucks day wvas puepared by Mus. . ordinarily v wuld seemi unneason- Misses Rutri and Marie Pues-1 which were mucri enjoyed. Allis-Chaimers Farm Equipmentl Hockaday. Mrs. E. Taylor rcad able may begin ta appeau sniahl,;ct tene M('Fbu rM. Earl Luke ai-d Ronn2- 20 KInt St. E. Bewmanville 1 a stouy. Evehyn Hockad ay anci be cause gross figures cannot ex-',fvrdihacdonms Plion MA -58Amnne Weruy sang a duet. plain iust how imlcdithie indus- metn eMi. atifner'faocdwith l aorin mus1c. PoeM 3517$Club of Enificld Clittrch which M.LwsTuiwsiicag 1- IMr. anmd Mus. Bruce Tink 1tus' lias ax'ailable to nîect suîcli was lheld last Fi'iday evening at of this puagrain. and family, Mus. Addie Tink, demands. It mucst finst provide ithie home o! Mu. and Mus. Geo.ý NOTICE wereSuuday guests o! Mu. aund for the rainy day that cornes as Hubbaud. _________________________Mus. Don Goode, Onono. su rely ta industries as it does taI .'.I IMu. Bruce Tînk and Mus. Ad- i ndividual. . t lias ta provido jMu. Tom Martti and Mus. F. nhe B i e Free Kinsmen duaw tickets on die Tink atteuded thie funeral faor trie chianges and develop-, immons. Oshawa, witli thein' 1956 Buick with every $3 .00 o! Miss Hontop, Hamilton, last 'ments that must bc insuued be- sîsten, Mus. Winterburn. o a purchase o! gas. oul, batteries or Wed nesday. Trie bunial took fore any company. bowever ap- Mr. and Mis. Ken Caverly and o af tires at Allen's Service Station, aetypopru, a eo-BueIr dne usso r mieeast of Courtice on No. 2 place in Georgetown. prul rseos a ecn rc eedne usso u 1dighwav. 2tfIMu. and Mus. Hauny Knox sieued seccre. Those industries i and Mus. J. D. Caverly and Mus. TheLeestaEiu" __________________and Dean at Mu. Hilton Tink's, that would negecet sucri safe- L. SuddF, Bowmanville. Thecoî ... Lot ekly neispe i SEILSCHOOI, MEETING Ebemiezer. guards wotmhd be ike the .iaumty ýMu.anîd Mus. Hilton Peteus, I aiten affen inteuesting side- SPCATL H CIO r onTvo n i citizen who lets his insunance Toronto. spent Satuuday Witl1 h t on ife lu rural commun- JToTESeJOL M. DneTa. yor and Miss lapse because *-nothing bias ever thie Salters. ities. Probhems of people arm ,As required hy the Publie Joe Aberunety isi torbot r, rappened ta iie" l'Is. Stuart Wilson. Toronto.ý oftcn presented. A uccent let- Schoels Act, the underslgned ie d- iitn tM. It is the hazard fou whiciî we visited ier aumît, Mus. Alfred! ter oaMsoaWei e Trustees of Schooi Section No. 5 Bruce Taylon's. t ukk ekl e lu the. Township of CLARKEI Miss Eveiymî Taylor. RN., are nat prepaued that seemis ta Challener at trie weekend. vealed trie di!ficulty o! secu- bereby gîve notice that the Peterboro, spent hast Tuesday a-eawyoapaun "s Rev. and Mus. Ted Kerseyý, inga Bible in out-of-the-w&y ,gpecial School Meeting cf the with hieu parents, Mr. and Mrs. such riigbtening unexpectedness. Jinîmy, Susan aud Donnie, places. This di!ficuhty is exper- ~prters cf the Publie Sehool E. R. Taylor. Sa trie wise industuialist watches Scarboro; Mu. aud Mus. Ken 1 ienced, even "today, anound trie th eeinwtib hi u.Evut Cyhis defences. He must puotect Pooler, Laury and Raudy, Osha- j Worid. deuman entertained heu bro- bsbsns gis hsclwa. Mu. and Mus. H. Ashton,l To help solve tris puoblem Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1956 trier and sisteus last Wednei- haza ,aainst changes O! Clare and Douglas, Enniskillen:ljhand-to-hand distribution o! day, Mu. and Mus. E. R. Tay- tastes, unexpected competition, IMu. and Mus. J. Lyon, Johnny *'cipue y ,0 Col- stUithe ur o! 8 'elock 1Ion, Mn. and Mus. A. J. Balson, neTh e todus, newm macies. and Judy at S. Kersey's. M'aster porteurs" triroughout trie would fer thse tranlsaction of the bus-1 Miss Lena Taylor. R.N., Bow- eidsu utke its Jimmy Kersey celebrated his,1 nerae b re rts 1nesi preacribed by Sections 581I manvilie anmd Mu. and Mus. Er- tea avenuesto e capiavead th binthda.v at bis guandparents' and Foreign Bible Society of and 102, sub-sectioii *d" of the! nest Laumer, Bhackstock. tea t finly ho pse hohav re anid home. wvhich trie Uppen Canada Bible said Publie Sceoi Act. This' Mus. Frank Westlake Jr, cd it inS. trie past. TrMr.ind Socetyns the local acxiliauy. adequate pavmieiît foi- its inves- Ms .Kue iie u n oit-i meeting is for the purpose of " t ast Wedmesdav in tous ! seaytamke !ieeMus. Mcl MeCune and girls, Van-'Ti ups !ti oit conidraio ad ppovl f ono.appeau as trie main beneficianies 1ce*s Raa. on nria',ta place a Bible wvitriout note1 debentures [or the biildÎing of a . L. A. aogl.M o! cxýpan1dinig iiîustuv. But ex- Wouid's Day of Prayer will be ou comment. within neacri of new two-rooni sehool in the sec- àMldred Wîlinîott, BOwvnîan- pansion imiplies possible hazards' observed on Fridav wheîn trie 1 evcryone, at a puic liec dii tien., ville, Mr. anîd Mus. Tain W'est-,I as w-cil aspu)iospecýti%,e profits. special meeting xiii bce hehd ini jpsy. and inIi ls own ianguagef R . L impsonlaead OMiloka . What is tg-on often ovcnhlookd -trie Sunda.v Sclîool uoomi at 3 IThis purpose bias been adheuedl Ci! uguîa î5 1 tatepniîgas uiesoclock in charge o! trie W.M.S. jta trirougliaut its 150 years of! T.IW. IWilson. Trustees. if rgna Mu sta xadn rsbuiesAlldeoftecmuiyaeCrsinevceoams l: Dtdti 3hd.ofFb,1956; Aune Gibsen, Mn. Jack Mee r, isnotsonething ta be preyed; Al iesto!ttecdu.yar rrsimusriet ams i Datd tis 3thdayo! Îb - 71* Touante, at Aruot Wottens. upon> It bas already paid its îvtdf ted denominatîons.. __________________way in expanding taxes ou bene Several furom this district From home ta home, where fits that do net accrue ta attended trie Christian Science Bibles are flot ueadily availabie. Chicks For Sale Pairsonai i added jobs and expanding ýv.ages lecture in trie Regent Theatre, "Colporteurs" cali carrying thi j fhat mean a better waNy o! lite Oshawa, on Sunday. Book o! Books. Thus people CANADIAN Appnoved. pulor- FIYGIENIO supplies - (rubk!v for ail. These too are a first Trie concert given by trie who need it aud desine it may' tim tested baby chicks. W'hite igoods> mnailec! r'.stpaid in plain charge on g-rass business. membeus o! trie C.G.I.T. and secure it. Leghiorn, Bauned Rock (fast ýývaied '2n'&oe 1h nce lýisI Explorers Groups in trie Sunday Most editions are sold at, ou featheritig) and New lanno. X i Six -:îrle .- amip*les Sanie herds ri" the barren- School nooni on Mondaxv evenin'g below, cost pnice and ail mis-i Barueci Rock. WVitc ni phonce . (II .ou Mi rrk-r QX',t T-2 roui:id triui!,: Canad;a* w as wcih attendcd. The girls sionarv translations are lcavly~ H. J. Brooks. Bownauvillc, Ont.1 Nov.-Eubber Co., Box b1. Ham- j ni inîhernmu(te thian 100,- 1 immidûd a splendid varicty puo- suibsidmized. MAnkt 33961 7-f ilora Ont 1-3 00 anmais . rain which was much enjoyed. Canada haî required trie Â- 1 PAGE SEVENTEMI J ack and Ili Club Plays Court Whist The February meeting of Trin ity Jack and Jili Club was in the form of a Court Whist at the Lions Centre. There were 23 tables of cards and the win- ners wVere: High lady. Helen Trewin; high man, Bud Moses: lucky score, lady, Marion Jeffery; lucky score, man, Bill Bragg: marked tally card, Anna Strike and Keith Billett. Other pnizes were: lucky chair, Clint. Barrett; lucky birthday, Joan Mann;. haîrcut, Harry Akey most children, Dorothy Morris: largest trout caught last sum- mer, Frank Jamieson. Before lunch Rosemary Merk- ley întroduced three new couples, Jim and Shirley Frank, Ted and Reta Ellîott and Harold anc Peggy Capp. The President thanked the social committee for the very pleasant evening. NE WTON VILLE Mn. Frank Worrall, Su.,i patient in Memorial Hospi Bowmanville. Mus. Ze na Caulaw, Whil xvitb heu sister, Mus. Wi Joues. Congratulations ta Mrs. mer-Smith who was 87 ye yaung on Tuesday Feb. 141 Mr. and Mus. Wil!ned( with their son, Mu. Mclx Cox, Cornwall. Mr. and Mus. Sid Brown infamnt daugriten spent Sun( with ber mother, Mus. Vic Wagg, Markbam, wbo retu ed home with them. Mu. and Mus. Chas. Mo- Lindsay, spent Timuusday v bis sister, Mus. G. W. Jane5 Mu. and Mus. Fred Sacnd with their daugriten and s in-law, Mu. and Mrs. Found, Landau. Ed. Rowe anîd Raymc Trimm left ou Manday foi thuce weeks' holiday lu Floui Mus. J. T. Pearce, Mus. Fra Gilmer and Miss Inez Sym( o! Welcome wcue dinner gcî o! Mus. Alice Rowe-Slceman Toronîto on Satuuday. Wouhd Day of Pray-er in1 S.S. hall o! tlîe United Ciul on Friday at 2:30 p.m. Ail welcome. Mu. and Mus. Roc Gilm( and son and Mus. Ken Wa Toronto, xvitb Mn. and Y.' George Oveus. Miss Maxine Wood, Toror with ber parents, Mu. and M Wil!ued Wood. Miss Drury, Toronto, w~ heu sister. Mus. Ernest Eley Miss Marlon Kirkpatrick, Toronto, wîtn Mr. andi Mus. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, Win-C nipeg, with the Jack Carnaghan En iklien Sr family for a few days. Tvrone, at the Stan Rah m: on Te arn Heads Mn. and Mrs. anthur Rahm, members of the BlackstockRu a - o lr -Fanmers' Union were enteutain- n cd at the home of Mr. and Mus.. C. Rundle rolled both the ýt Victor Malcolm to make plans hîgh single o! 330 and the higls eand progranis for the year. ,triple of 741 on Tuesday night. Sorry to repoit that Richard Following are the league stand. i Van Camp fractured his wrist ings: last week. Enniskillen Sr. 36 21417 Mus. C. W. Hutton and Mrs. Maffe Grove -- 34 20299 1Roy McLaughlin attended the Blackstock 25 19000 efirst of a senies of Fellowship Enniskillen Jr. 23 203,11,. Group meetings for Explorer Tyrone 16 19454 jCouncillors and C.G.I.T. Leaders Hampton 13 18328 Il, Hiollandse Samenkomst Bybellezing D.V. op Dinsdag 21 Feb. 8:30 n.rn. in BOVENZAAL TOWN HALL, PORT HOPE. Onderwerp: "Er is geen grens aan Jezus' Krachi Spreker: DHR. K. ROT Toegang gratis Happy Solutions Io Al Your Prinling Problems If it's a matter of printing, put it up to us . . . no matter wvhat! We're set UP to handie anything from a businesscard to a huge catalogue with neatness and dis- patch. Evcry job gets prompt, careful attention. The Canladian Statesma n printing as you like it i If's Her.e Gil- ears &. WEILL PRINI ille andHIN ýday etor BUT MONEY rn- son ond ank~ ions ests -1 of [rh aire our are,;, of 0 0 CASE the NEW "300" TRACTOR Before you buy corne in and see this new tractor 110W on display ai W. H. BROWN.- CASE DEALER King St. W. MA 3-5497 The. Ontario Federation of Agriculture, wlth the endorsement eft the Ontario goverument bas deciarcd February 2th to 25th as "ýRural Safe Driving Week." The oampaii supplementa the government's currently Intenulfled safe drlvlng campaign ef "Operatien Live." Showu above are lef t to rlght Lloyd Jasper, Presldent of the Ontario Federation ef Agriculture, MUiuter cf RIgbiways James Allen, Attorney-General Roberta, and Agriculture.- Minister Fletcher Thoma&. The group la tudylng a graph te ieis recorded by provincial polie radar equipment. --il -111- Psat Uic home of Mrs. Orville Ash- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp. Ms. Lorne Thompson, Fred Now in Newtonville Area irewin and Gilbert Mro n joved the Agnicultunal Conven- Newtonville: On Wednesday it was decided that the ail im- tion at the King Edwand Hotel, evening of Feb. 8lth a group portant. thiug is organizing Toronto, last Thursday. of interested people met at the their 'groups and full uniforms 'Mrs. Dunward, Sunderland, home of Mrs. E. C. Westheuser be discussed later wheu pleutv spent the weekend with ber to form a Gnoup Committee to of time is gîven to consider daughter. Mrs. Maurice Edger- take cane of Boy Scouts and the cost and tick up used uni- ton, Mr. Edgerton and family. Cubs of this district. forms if possible. Glad to hear that Mrs. Or On Monday evening this The Girl Guides and Brown- Venning is now home from Port Group Committee met and ies have been meeting Tuesday Perry Hospital. selected their officens. They evenings in United Church Miss Donna and Master Den- are- as follows: Chairman- hall at Newtonville. The form- nis MeLaughlin with their Gordon Wright, Vice-Chair- er meets at 8 o'clock with Mrs. gnandmiother, Mrs. E. Murphy, man-Mrs. E. C. Westheuser; John Murphy Acting Captain Tyrone, for the week-end. Secretary - Treasurer - John and Mrs. Jim Caswell, Acting Valentine Dance leId Murphy; Transportation-Stan Lieutenant. The latter between The O.N.O. Valentine dance Hoy; Commttee-Harry Wade, 7 and 8 p.m. with Mrs. Gordon was welî attended last Fridlay Sid Hailowell, Sid Btown. Wright, Brown Owi, and Mis. night at the Recreational Centre. The Cubs will meet Tuesday Sid Brown, Tawny Owl. Tie The front of the hall wvas decor- evenings in Starkville School girls' mothers are meeting to- ated in the Valentine theine. The beginnîng Feb. 2ist at 7 parn. nighit (Tuesday) to organize, spot dance wvas Nvon bv Mr. and with Cub Master Mrs . John land discuss uuiforrns. . Mrs. Norman Gibsoii, Bowman- Stark-, Assistant Cub Master, IAhl these groups were spon- ville, and the elimination dance Mrs. Gordon Trimm. Scouts sored by the Board of United Ib7, Mr. and Mrs. Rov MeLaugh- will meet Tuesday evenings iii Chiurch but are interdenomin- 1 lin. Crooked Creek School begin-i-ational to meet nieeds of ail i IMî. and Mrs. Harold Mc- ning Feb. 28th with Mr. Lein children whatever their nelig- Laughliii, Mr. aiid 'Irs. Carl Mc- Falls, Scout Master and Ewart ion Mrs. Wrm. Reid, '.\ILaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Robinson, Assistant S c o ut espetheusér and Stan Hoy arec Laughlin cnjoyed a McLaughlin Master. commiittee representiug spon-1 family euchre party at the Ross Uniformis were discussed n soring body. Ashton's, H-aydon. on Saturday ni.ght. ble in over 100 different lau- Battersea, with lier sister, Mis-- heafternoon Aux.M.S. Meetin e guages. Ontario in over 45. Col- J oy*ce Kirkpatrîck. Th.S e attooeuhoime of the. porteurs eau provide it in most Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Joncs Dalton Dorreil on -Feb. 8 Nvith of these languages. . spent a couple of days in:21 ladies present. Four "Colporteurs", Enrique Toronto. Vice-President Mrs. Cecil Hill iaainEcuao Po TRulu Bumaos'Mss Joyce Kirkpatrick un- !opened the meeting b.v readin~ an dor Po Wamua in Kenya, derweut a major operation in a poem "For a tinie of Missions' and hili Wabua n KeyaMemorial Hospital, Bowvniaxm- followed by a li.vmnn. are supported by funds raised -'îeo oda.Ms ly Mrs. J. Carnaghan took tih. through "Stamp Corner", a de- Atis noa been scured wwrhppro.raigfo partment in the Bible H ouse, tkhsnhsbe eue owrsi eid edn r h Lonon.Man hudres take charge of the Junior Room llth chapter of Hebrews, basing pondsn. areprovdred ahyAr during Miss Kirkpatnick's ab- lher talk on "Our Great Here though h ale o! sed tamosea sence. itage" and "F'aith of Our Fath. sent in from around the world. 1 Mr Allun Stewart, McArth- Mrs. Alex Johuston. group Oue girls' sehool, "Bromley 1un s Milîs, with Mr. and Mrs. leader, took the chapter in the High", recently contnibuted; Raymond Bruce on Saturday. study book, 'Not Straugers but 400,000 stamps to their depaut- 1Mr. and Mrs. Jack Payne cf Fellow Citizens". Mrs. R. Tay'- ment for colportage work. Pontypool with Mr. and Mrs. lor read fromn the Mission Digest Suggested neadings for the Clinton Brown on Sunday. the article on "Innoculation" and week: Mrs. R. Mountjoy read the art- Sunday-Psalms 95:1-11 icle on "My Danish Friend." Mrm. Monday-Psalms 115:1-18 BLACKSTOCK Lloyd Beacock led a musical Tuesday-Jeremiah 1:4-19 quiz on song tîtles. Mus. John Wednesday-Jonah 1:1-17 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mount- McKee gave a temperance item, Thursday-Jonah 2:1-10 ioarvitngfraewdy and Nancy Dorrell a reading, Friday-Jonah 3:1-10jin Bronte ith fr. anwd Mus"Christopher Robin". A social Saturday-Jonah 4:1-11 Ernest Beîyea and Nancy. nhoaîfhoboshe. fn nc jMr. and Mrs. Bert Siffith îgt acoe

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