PAGE six AAqp5ÉqA2L £Lu IALLWA1< -Eum WrNADoN THATEDAY. TEVrB.&IPE. .NTAIU Restoration Work Is Stressed at St. John's Annual Vestry Meet The Annuai Vestry Meeting c! St. John's Anglican Church opened with prayers by the flectar, Rev. A. C. Herbent. The Rector welcomed everyone pre- sent ta this meeting, despite the stormy weather. In his report, the nectar ex- pressed his sincere thanks' and gratefuiness in the way he andi bis wife and family were re- ceived in St. John's. The statistical report includ- ed: 28 baptisms. 13 marniages, 13 funerals, 925 adhenents ta St. Johin, 684 aduits, 283 child- ren, 325 canfirmed pensons. The average attendance :it Sunday service, at morning prayrea was 108, evening ser- vice, 60, visits avenaged 15 per week. Frayera for Deceased A minute's silent prayer and prayers by nectar were saîd in memory o! those members who had passed on during the past year: Mn. J. J. Brown, Mrs. E. GatchelMr. E. Lunn, Mrs. L. I-utchinson and Mr. M. Under- hilI. The nectar, Rev. A. C. Herbent, reported he feIt the1 greatest need is for a langerj regular attendance at church. We must become a warshîp-1 ping congregation he said. The congregation and nectar must worship tagether. The iay folks are the church's representa- t'ives noa matter whcre they are. There is a need for the church In.the lives o! the young people. The Sunday Schoal is stili Sf afford Bros. Monumental Warks Phone Whltby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention ta detail are vour assurance when van choose from the wide gelection o! Iinported and domnestie Granites and Marbies ln stock. BRYLCREEM SPECIAL 1 Man's Comb 1 Large Tube Bryýereem Bath for 69c 9growing and there is a neet tfor teachers, and mare spaci Mn. Herbert reported. This is the Centennial yes of the present church and fr0] the financial Statements preî ented, pnogress has been mac the past year. However, th nectar said, there is stili great need fan a large suin strengthen the Restanatio, Fund, for the necessary restor ation o! the church. This Cer tenniai year gives a challeng ta pulpit and pew alike, hu said, ta render thanks ta A] mighty Gad for His mencies ii the past and a longing ta serv Him mare faithfully ln Hi church in the days that ar ahead. "'As fellow-labarers tc gether with Gad may we bi !ound willing ta inconvenienc ourselves by sacrificial. prayer time and wealth for Christ anc His church" Rev Herbert askec John H. Living and D. V Howard Gibson presented th( financiai reports bath curnen and mission. Mr. Living thank. ed ail the organizations fai thein wanderful ca-aperation and said he hadi enjoyed work. ing with Rev. and Mrs. Her. bert, but that he did not pre- fer ta stand again. Mrs. Forrest Dilling gave î resume o! the work o! the Ad. visory Council during the pasi year.. Offleers For 1956 Rector's Church Warden, D V. H. Gibson: Peopil's Churc.- Warden, Elmer Henning; Lay delegates ta Synod, Mark Rae- nigk and J. H. Living; Alter- nate or substitute delegate. J. A. Living and R. L. Evans; Envelope Sec't, Miss Betty Flaxman, Assistant, Mrs. J. A. Gunn; Parochial Tribunal, Rectar's Warden, W.J.1a. Or- miston, J. Nichais, Mrs. H. Humphrey; Advisory Council. Rector, Warden, delegates ta' Synod and Vcstry Clerk; El- ected by Vestry, Mrs. V. H. Storey, Miss B. Flaxman; Ap- pointed by Rector, J. A. Liv- ing, F. Hooper. The presidents or their dele- gate o! the fallowing organiza- tions-Women's Guild, The W. A., <Afternoon and Evening Branches): Men's Club, Sunday LUSTRE CREME SPECIAL 15e aise Bottle Shampoo 45c aise Bottle Shampoo Bath for 75c 1.29 - 1.79 m 2.19 - 2.80 JCOWLI NG'S PHONE RSOE WE FIT MA 3-5695 DU T R TRUSSES fwwords of congratulation Barrister, Solicitor and told a good story which Notpe an S.Publwnic btt conaind sme oo adiceforTom loKetchup 27c SOUP XI young people. George Tufford Heinz 12-oz. bottie Solo Brand announced that the remainder o ga e t: o! the evening would be pn kC I I A C 3cLRG R N ýplaying progressive cknole. EROT HAMIILTON - ORONO Pnize winners were Muriel Phone 1 r 16 1/2 Price Sale Large size Good Luck Austin and Harold Parnell. Prsenae -FanaFo Visitons usinessroperiFah Defergent 2 59c NARGARINi )TESevere co]ds kept many 10c Off Sale Large sze Quaker lETEi away from Sunday School anri from day sehool also. But in O p f0Me chteoiranga plecia number ometryVEL DETERGENT 29c NUFFETS i: cospit o!depc number thA.eILÊT during marning service. Mr. OKE mtH iLTT Christie's 8oz. pkg. Aunt Mary's (Daily Fresh] that hath ears, let him hear" Office Hours: By appointment IT B SC TS2c ]IREA D ram was an appropriate introduc- Telephone MAnket 3-3252 tion ta the senies o! Lenten ser- Monday ta Saturday mons leading ta the every 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. member mission. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 BOWMANVI LLE Three caloads including Thursday evenings AL R V bourg ta the Star concert on JON Opto ENt Thursday eenn, O uy oe BowmanvuleO chair practice was hel on &PhanellMA 8-5778 Tuesday night. C.G.I.T. met at PoeM -78M pe Goe Goee 1 the homne o! Mrs. E. Barrow-OR N __. clough, on Monday evening. Piano T uning 0 ON 1.Two quilîs \vere finishedg Crnh 4 , c/ uring the 'week, ane at E. Professional Piano Tuning Barnawclough'a and one at B. ARTHUR COLLISON DC rih M ke ra -àliAihbya.* Phon MArket 40 SHoCon.ebr- and . w. HT hr e ow s H o A tehanges which had takeft place. Dearborn, Mich.; two grand- team on Hon.Memer -Mrs W. . T ree To wn H o A ft r Eversince he ieft his native children, Allen Trainer, Get- groundsi Denson. town he has been a subscrîber tysburg, Pa., and Winifred US. he L. Oliver, W. J. E. Ormistan, ruonhee ror 'Ene great grandchildren. sional bas Miss B. Flaxman, J. NichaisN e H o e F rt e Ad About 20 years ago, Mr. Two sisters, Carnie, Reg. N., Soflians in and Mrn. O. Pressan.Pat opVcoiS.N.ndaeue Cherry retired from the Gen- and Mrs. Black; two brothers, other setr Pvr ebrCnasCm n our Hve Campbeflfard Vcoi t . n d aeeral Electrie Ca. where he was Wili and Fred, predeceased enjoyed mitty ee- .E. rminvsto, J. d Cersua g sites a al made af- Services, a cogt accountant. Previously him. Miss Carnie Cherry serv- sure hou: miteW .E ritn .fr fstsfrtfie prapased Deputy-Reeve R. Budge is he had beena enrvr1 dasauseoresin oldo St A. Living, R. G. Harding, P. new Coulities' Home for the reported as noting that the Phnaeh aSncenghavrne ire- Ware i Wr d Bell. Lucas and Gea. Carter. Aged ta the Speciai Building town wouid receive no revenue ment he had been a dealer in The parents a! this famiiy Funeral d Sideman a Canvenor - Philip Commttee o! United Counties' in taxes, but feit that the homesatoey ndcr.wee obtChry nd5-ebyR ePatrick. Council which is handling de- wouid be of benefit ta the mer- Cer, te fre haMna hry h ieiBxe' Organist and Choirmaster - tails af selecting a site and chants o! the town through Gold e rrte frenhaMna hry h ielBxe' ar Clifford Evans. making plans for constructian purchases af foods, supplies Gle May Gemlich, prede- in the brick house at the corner Oct. 15 wi mn Auditor-Mr. T. Gatcheil and of the building. Port Hope and and equipment. ceased her husband in Apnil, of Chunch and George Streets, pect Hill 5- Mn. E. L. Oliver. Campbellford are reported ta Major J. D. Burnet af Ca- 1955. Two daughters survive,1 where Henry (Harny) Edward land, N.X le Every Member Canvass be particulanly keen an obtain- bourg has urged the Counties Mrs. Ruth G. Tramner and Miss1 Cherry was born in 1878. In Mns. Ch, àe Cammittee - Wardens, W. J. ing the new home, ta consider the present House Bertha May Cherry; also a si-3- 1 ýis outh Mn. Cherry learned been buti aOnmiston, J. A. Living, R. G. Reeve Sidney Little of Bow- of Refuge in future pln.C- ter, Mrs. Sophia Morden of ta play asebail with the local years. o Harding, P. Lucas and Gea. manville, a member of the bourg Cauncil has planedCou n Carter. committee whlch is chaired by that the structure is saund, 20 0 r-Reports Heard Reeve James T. Brown o! years aId, and could flot be ne- n- Reports o! yearly activities Clarke Township, stated that piaced for $200,000. e showed hard work -and steady the committee will inspect the Campbellford is reported to >00ad e progness in ail quarters. proposed sites an Februany 29. b fer the p forop se Hom 1_ Mrs. H. Sutton, reporting for Little linterest Here frteAe,"ot os n In the Altar Guild was most hap- artillery". le py for genenous donations of At the last meeting a! Bow -___________ !B fiowens and memonils espe- manville Town Council little e clally the $200 donation from interest was shown in makln~ BTT R - Mrs. Maitland Gould, in mem- a bld for the new CountiesO IU R )e ony of her parents, Dr. and Home. Members feit that there 'e Mrs. G. C. BonnycastIe. This are only one or two locations HARRY E. CHERRY r. donation had provided Aitar in town which can meet the Mn nBwavlewl cI cloth and super Frontals. eureet ! h o e any heIn eryBamile and . J Meachin reported the which are for a 10-acre site, eaiteCryfaly nd G rYoung Men's Club had joined easiiy accessible and with wvk. wlll be sorry ta hear that the ithe Men's Club and their or- ter and sewer facilities. It was death occured last October t ganization had carried onalso feit that such a building 22, 1955, o! Harry Cherry, in -much the saine as usual, lend- would put too great a strain his 78th year, who had lived in ring assistance ta repair work on the sewage di9posal facili- Schenectady, N.Y. for aven 50 , and the maintenance o! the ties o! the town, which are aj- years. It was through a letter CALIFORNIA - SUNKIST California - Sunkist Flanrida - huc grnd.ready working at capacity. received only recently fram25 sz Sire 126. - Jumbo - C. Evans, spoke on the achie- Port Hope's offer, whîch was Merh CherrydaugThe tteMss i -vements o! the choir. He said considereed at a committeeBetaC ryhtTeSaes at the present time thene was meeting last Thunsday, hasman er aclane r!s wpassingN GE.L M OS a n funthenr rom for boys or been termed as "attractive" Fursthe rparias Cereyne- [_ girls but it cauld use two ten- and includes a site o! land on ques te fo Miss Cheryis hopes for the future, wihich in-1 hymns that the chiidren enJoy o! aid friends stili living in, Doz. 3 9 for2 .9 c.6 f cluded repains o! the Chimeb very much. Bowmanvîlle. 3 aitd the Chuorch's muofhsic Senior Sunday Sehool Mr. Cherry died in St. Clare's1 Mr.W.C Ti gv the ne- iss iolt Mceetesc. Hospital, Schenectady, a!ter a Palm Garden - Select New Green, Crisp Crisp, Te ýport o! the work af the After- perintendent, gave a very con- aimnt.Hsiless fam a staht T0D A E- noon Branch o! the W.A. They cise and detaied report on the aonitenor22Heha haduahant TuM A ESB B A GECE -had met their Mission Allot- Senior depantment of the Sun- cniinfr2 er u a ment in full and sent the usual, day School. The course o! study been active and in apparentiy Cello pkig. L bale, layette etc., ta their Mis- was the G.B.R.E. course with fair health so that his death'b Ysion Schooi. They had been the lesson helps. The duplex came as a shock ta his family Z ,c per IL c3 f hosts ta the Deanery , Annual envelope system is used. A and friends. With his daugh- _____________-___ 3 Conference in conjunction with Christmas party was held- when ter he was able ta make a tnip 7the Afternoon Branch, Who also each child received a gift and back ta his native tawn o! had fulfilled their Mission obli- refreshments were served. Two Bowmanville about three years gation and had sent a donation more teachers are requined for ago which he greatly enjoyed, B S ta Rev.,T. M. Dustan's Boy's two boys' classes,. being interested in the- many School in Palampen, India. Miss Betty Flaxman report- UI s J~IlvALib> *They had held most successfui ed the Restoration Fund had B sns iefr bazaars and donations were receîved donations of $6,53 1.32. BR W *given ta the Altar Guild, The ladies o! the Congrega-BR W Church Wandens, Restoration tion served a very deliciaus .tACCo ia c *Fund and ta the purchasing of lunch toalal members present.O N T I20 Mas. r isto n eate.h Motions o! thanks were ex- RAY J. D]ILLING Ladis' Gumild wii prc hse pressed ta the Rectar and his Certified Public Accountant2 Io 1, ades Gil wllpuchsewife for ail the many things 93 Church Street rnew stacking* chairs for the theyhddn o ti Gih Are -81C RAPEFRUI Parish Hall with the balance e a aefrti aih Akt336 on an o $71870 beids heaisa thanks were expressed ta WM. 3 H. COGGINS osui an' of78,bligions !e-the Wardens, the afficers o! Chartered Accauntant Wagstatf's tory teephsoeigeaions ofd tax- the Vestry, and ail the argan- 64 KigS.E Bom vle esator gaelphn repains. Mrs. J izations o! St. John's for their <Above Garton's Bus Station) 1<ARN A. anOn, oe o!ir m m splendid wonk and support 64 King Street E.M Alai bers, had contibuted her year's YALring 1955.,24- labour, in the form of $150 in HUAL E, RE&ANCO.3 birthday money she had cal- HNE O lected aven the year. Total re- WESLEY VILLE, Accountants and Auditona ceipts for 1955-$1885.29. Bal- 64 King St. E. HA 5-16212 ance $718.70. W.A. Meeting Oshawa2 Young Groupa Report The Febnuary meeting a! the B. L. Yale, C.A. Reports ivene pnesented by W.A. was held at the home of P. Friediander, B. Comm. the leaders o! the thnee young- Mrs. Percy Snell on Wednes- J. Hunten, C.P.A. aao er Auxiliary Organizations. The gay afternoon, Feb. 8. The bus- hra ' Junior depantment by Mns. H. iness was conducted at the be- Cu i r o p c a c c Lake. The G. A. department by ginning of the meeting by the - SMADE M ImoàSUSIO Mrs. Herbent, who with Mns. president, Mrs. Arnold Austin. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. J. Bridgland, is warking with A Valentine was signed by ail Chiropractor ID STAINLESS U the teen-age girls of the par- present ta be sent ta Mrs. Hay- Office: 4V4Ir fCLRDM ish. den, addresses of children in Specialty Paper Products Bldg. VI!Y0(001HNLS The Little Heipers' leader, the Mountain San were given 63 Temperance Street 3 Mns. R. L. Evans, showed a each member in order that a Phone MA 3-5509 great deai a! labour o! love by Valentine might be sent there. Office Hours: By Appointment Aylmer Fancy Dewv Drop 20-oz. tin' Supreme Brand Sweet these leaders among the gir1s Anothen project for the local of the parish for Christ and church was begun, ta purchase D e nf1a HsCuc.needed furniture. Membens 2 o 3 Ixe i k e n i rh. eas fr94Mxd ik The Guildettes had a veny handed in quilt blocks for a active and productive yean is Red Cross quilt. Severai ex- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. they had catered ta dinners, pressed a wish ta accept the Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. DARE'S ORANGE held bazaars and teas. Dona- kind invitation o! Welcome ta 40 King St. W, Bowmanville tions had been presented ta the Join with them in The Wanld's Office Hours: D t S church wardens, $400; ta the Day of Prayer service. Al 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daîîy Le m on B iscuits~ 14-oz. cello pkg. project club, $88.25; the Restor- kinds o! quilts seem ta be 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Satunday ation fund, $250; the choir for much in demand and an order Closed Sunday n ew Vestments, $50; and the was accepted for another fancy Office Phone MA 3-5790 ~/'/)It's New - Ministerial Transient Fund $10. ane. House Phone - Newcastle 3551 j , i Py-( The report of the Sunday Mrs. Snell's group had charge D ..EW....J'ID.. DD..ýQaitIIII School was presented in two of the devotions and following , .W.SSSNL...,B(.S pat.Mrs. Ruth Betties, Su- these, Mrs. Snell introduced the Office In his home hCE B penîntendent o! the Junior de- speaker for the afternoon, Mrs. 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Fresh Sankless (Free Cake partment, reported 105 pupils Perry o! Port Hope, who gave Office Hours:1 hcat with 13 teachers, whose wonk an interesting talk about the 9 am. ta 62 p.m. dndai P rk S houlders IL 29c C ooat and co-operation is ta be higzh- work o! the Children's Aid Sa- 9am a1 onWded~ RA 4 for 7ender, iarge u for by's Dei -03. Un sevlu L9c SA! Cc 's O0-My ce Tini -But Cherry tth's C 'ILLI 13' ýrriff's JST 3: iseye àFoc 6-oz, ti -oz. pi 0-os. p 2p E E dieua - 96 nixe JIT New Crop 'RY àlku 25C JYS hep EANS i7c e Orange îney 21C 29C )lfferent PIE Dffer) tterscotch Week 'herry ING lc MIX 3c Lin 2/39e kt. 2/39e kg. 2/49e --39C 55c For3l 25c ?ria Tm Volda FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hindi Tablets Buckley's Caps 3 5c, 79c Hand Cream 25c-1.25-2.75 Bromo quinine 49e, 79c 37c-65c-98o Laxaeold ______ 5 Chase'a Buckley's Mixture 50c, 85e Nivea Cold Taba. Vicka Cough Syrup 59e Ci'eam 35a 59o - 1.49 Pinex Coneentrate 75e 65e, 1.10, 3.00 BAYER ASPIRIN NYAL CREOPHOS Stops headache quickly Stops Bronchlal Coughs 19c - 29c - 79c Lge. baâil 1.50 Floi Waler Boilles (guaranteed) athe aid Drill Shed and an going ta the played semi-profes. isebali with the Jeffer. in New York State and ni-pro teams. He also, gardening in his lei. rs. He was a member Paul's I.O.O.F. Lodge evue Reformed Church. il service was conduct- ev. Norman Thomas in Funeral Parlor on~ vith interment in Pros- Il Cemetery, Guilder. Y. where members of herry's family have led for two hundred