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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1956, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CAWID!Ai STATESMAN. EOWMA~ VILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. TEE. 23rd, 1986 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tay- lor, St. Catharines. .Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Farrell, -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson Jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Strickland and family, Co- bourg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson and daugliter, Trenton, spent the weekend with Mrs. M. Sherwin and Laurence. Mrs. Glenn Allun, Newcastle, is assisting at the Orono Brandi of Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Phip, Toronto, visited Mrs. Foster Ferguson. Mrs. Addie Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode. Mrs. Bruce Myles, Miss Gal Cooper, Mary Found, Miss Car- loyne Joncs and Mr. Douglas Lycptt of the Orono Skating Club, skated at Coboconk Arena on Saturday evening aise Miss Dianne Hambly of Oshawa, their instructer, attended. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crowther and sons, Newcastle, Miss Di- anne Phasey and Mr. Fred Parish, Oshawa. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. Frank Ardron and s.-n Allan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall iast week. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Linton were Mrs. N. Heard, St. Thomas, Mrs. Victor Peacock, Oshawa, Miss Iva Linton and Mr. R. Linton, Toronto. Congratulations to Mrs. Leal Beal Smith on lier 8th birtiî- day, Feb. 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chap- man and Clair , Kirby, Mi,: Enla Chapman, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson and daugliter, Trenton; Mr. F. Jose, Newcastle; Miss Bertha Cain, Mrs. M. Sherwin and Lau- rence, were dinncr guests Sat- urday of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jolinston, Oshawa. Mrs. J. E. Richards in Co- bourg, on Saturday. Miss Audrey Billings, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Car] Billings. Mrs. Lauinia Gardiner Moore widow of Wm. A. Moore, pa.,s- ed away at her residence, Col- borne. Funeral was on Friday, Feb. l7th. Interment SaleLn Cemetery. Mrs. Ken (Gladys) Gamsby, Orono, is a daughter. Clarke Township Teachers' Association, held their month- ly meeting at Newcastle School on Menday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Essery, Marion and Art, Mr. Wallace Barrabaîl and Ted, Mr. and Mrs. Don Tbempson, Donna and Norman, Ceurtice; Mr. and Mrs. Win. R. Barrabail, Karen and Brian, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lu- ther Barrabail. An unusual event xiii tahe place here on Sunday, Mardi 4, in Orono United Churcli. A special service will be held &t 11 J.iÂA. for Lthosp intLCÂ Ca iCU in - ~~4 sport. Guest speaker illli 'P. A. C. Ketchum, Headmaste-2 o* f Trînity Cellege Seheel, Pont Hope. Thein Boys' Choir wil v ,.,lcad tic singing. $ WESLEY VILLE $Bowmanville E.On t~sain cf Lions Clusome of tic Trail Rangers, pro- presents their fit cf tic people in tic Home fo h Aged at Cobourg.Th éý SEVENTH ANNUAL President cf tic C.G.I.T., Pearl SAustin, was in charge of tic ! pregram wiicb opencd with singing cf "O Canada". Tic 7'Tlnsiû et $group sang "Me and My Teddy Bear", "Open Up Your Heart", Sand "Hcy, Mn. Banjo". Solesi s were sung by Bonnie and Marie cS~~4owand readings by Bonnie and Marie Austin and Joan Asbby. o Song sicets were passed ' !around te tic audience, and al iTlirsdy - rid" ~Joîned in a sing song. Bill Bar- Thursd y - F ia rowciough conducted the boys' siare in tic pregram. Solos on ,î Saturda the flutopione wcre given by Larry and Ronnie Asbby. Pat M arch Eyden gave a reading. A dem- M arc onstration cf a bachelor sewing Mo a_ utton was put on by Ioni Dinner which brougbt M 9 m 110delighted ciuckles frcm those, present. Bath groups teck part 156:x in a tableaux "Everybody Works 1956 But Fatier". Valentine cookies and candy were passcd toecvery- with* one ineludîng ail tiose confined vte their rooms. Muriel Austin providcd tic accompaniment fer tic musical Jack'e numbers and cntcrtaincd during Jacke"getredy" priods. Taps con- IV lc ean Mrs. Duncan thanked tic girls * and boys for tic pleasure they On of andas ut ~brougit. Otier beys cf tic On ofCaad' ou- rail Rangers wcrc ready and standing comnedians à willig te siare in tic evcning à but only a few were needed te lh elp ou t this time but leaders ADMISSION - 75e . are planning anotier concert Rescvcdseatpla opes ~before long. Mrs. A. Austin and *at the Town Hall, Mon- transprtai.rîspovd d day cvcning, March 5th Uncertain weatben and several at 7:30 pm.Tccsfo colds in tic community prevent- Ticet no 1ý ý1cd many who wisicd te attend 5picked Up at that timne r! tic World's Day of Prayer at miay bc obtained at AP x Welcome but Mrs. Harold Aus- Stor. ~tinandMrs. Carroli Niciols SMcGregon's Drug Soe wndere sent. W 'Why Be a Christian?" was Bargain Value! SîmplIcîty Washers John Only s$99.00 with trade-in ran be purchased on Monthly Payment Plan. This is your opportun- ity to, obtain a fine washer at an amazing- Iy low price. Came in loday. Heatlie FURNITURE CORNER DIVISION AND QUEEN BOWMANVILLE :1 .1* 4 4 *? 't 4 4 *1' .12 4 4 4 4 :1] .1 4~l 4, 41 4i( 4j~. 41' 411 4 4 * ~ 4 4 4 the finst sermon of a senies ta be prahe yRe.A.W argP romiment 1 bers which will be carried eut until Easter. There are stîll colas, but those present led .AiW h the worship f song and the g l I speciai choir number. Ail teacli-1I i d S e ers xvere present at Sunday 1 v id p School and the Superintendent, wvas in charge. 1 A strong warning against en- C.B are glad to report Mrs. dangering Canada's financial C eighton is improving after and industriai position through being confined to bcd for sev- the adoption of a tax-support- eral days last week, and hope cd national bealth insurance Mr. Harry Brooking will soon scieme was given by Stuax t lie improved in heati. He Armeur, econemie adviscr te entercd Port Hope hospital on the presîdent, The Steel Coin- Sunday afternoon for observa- pany of Canada, Limited, in a tion.I speech given Fcbruary 21, to Visitons in the neighbourhood the Rotary Club of Montreal. include Oscar Hill and Orten "One wonders," said Mr. Ar- Robinson of Marveiville with meur, "whence the authority E. Barnowclougb's: Mrs. Shirley is derîvcd for this new attemnpt Ham of Detroit with her daugh - to saddle our already heavily- ter, Mrs. T. Austin. Othen wel- loadcd econemy with yet an- come visitors were flocks of other burden . . . The cost fA grosbeaks and red poils. health insurance must be an addcd burden upon thc fruits of our industrial production MAPLE GROVE and sa iaise tshe costs ofsuel Iability ef our industries in On- Mrs. E. Ashton bas returnedj tairio to compete at home and home after visiting relatives in abroad is furtien jeopardized." Toronto last week.1 Mr. Armour. who entîtled bis Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foiey addrcss "Who's Leony New?", accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. pointed out several other pro- Leslie Collacutt te Toronto on posais now being made by var- Tuesday cveningp, Feb. 14 to the ious groups that, in bis opinion, Kiwanis Music Festival when were symptoms of economic the Bowmanvilie Choral Society iunacy. He referred to a pro- competcd, winning second place. g ramn of dcmands recent]y is- Congratulations te Mr. Ross sued by the CIO-CCL Hamil- Meteaif on passing bis Grade 5 ton Labor Council, which in- Formn in music, aise obtaining cluded old-age pensions, with- his R.M.T., also to Miss Dorotby out means test, of $75 a month Folcy on getting lier Grade 1 in for ail males at age 65 and al Theory with 91 marks. Boti femnales at age 60. 'The add'- were former pupils of the latei tional - repeat additional - Mr. W. E. C. Workman. 'yeariy cost of the pension pro- There was a good crowd out posai alone," said the speaker, on Sunday to hear the Rev. M. '-wouid lie more than $982 mil- C. Fisher, Newcastle, who was' lion. Oid-age pensions are ai- guest speaker. The choir ren- ready cesting the people of dered twe selections "I Heard Canada more than $350 million the Voice of Jesus Say", "Stili,l a yean. So if thc Hamilton La- Stili With Me". They were bor Council had its way, tien assisted by Miss Beti Travelli the total yearly pension cost !o Oshawa, xvho sang "He Smiied Canadians would lie about one On Me", ail of which was en- billion, tire bundred and for- joyed by everyonc prescrnt. ty million dollars." Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rodr-han, I The econofiic danger of such Port Perry; Mrs. I. Traveli, Miss proposais and of other govcrn- Beth Traveli, Oshawa, were ment expenditures tiat are Sunday guests cf thein mother facts, such as aiding foreign na- and sister, Mrs. E. Ashton, Mrs. tions, seliing wheat and butter Gordon Bcech. to the communists at iess than Sympathy of this community the cost of production, etc., is is extended te Mrs. E. Ashton that ticy arc inflationary, add- and family in the sudden pass- ing te everyone's cost cf liviagl ing cf lier brother Mr. Trewin,- Haydon; aise Mrs. A. Beecli in the iess cf lier cousin. Pte. Gary Pickard, R.C.A.SC., Camp Bonden, spent the week- Mrd andhomrs. Denis picardts, RU CE M Il Mrcnd t homen is pcarnts He aise visited at bis sister's, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett, Cobourg. C.G.I.T. met Tucsday nigh, Meeting opened in the usual tie fwship sric ,Th irs riA teway felio e ri Teu, ire F N A decided te seil choclates again this year te raise money. Mis- A Dupus foliwcd aenby crats. E E sien study wsken by cEatelE E Number prcsent 14. Tie Sigma-C boys would like te thank tiose who saved paper for them. P&pers may lie * left at the churcli shed anytiîne e Te and whenever there is a truck W e T k lead they will be sold. 1 À Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes spent Sunday witi Mr. and Mns. E. Tonkin, Oshawa.. Mrs. George Inglehant and Sharon, Oakviiie, and Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte. Mn. and Mrs. Les. Alidred and family, Onono,l were Sunday visitons with Mr.j and Mns. Robin Alidred. Glad te bear tiat Jim Dean,,l who bas been in tic Bowman- ville Hospital for tic past i menti, is home. Tic Lake Shore H.S. & C. Club held its regulan meeting Feb. 8 in thc forn cf a card part.y. Mrs. W. Holmes' group was in charge. Mn. Bob Chapman, Mn. Ait I Wilkins and Barbara, Osiawa,1 and Mn. and Mrs. Harry Farrow' and family, Bowmanville, s pent- Sunday attennoon witb Mn. andl Mns. Chas. Bedwin. Tbe Lake Shore K. S. and C. Club met at tic home cf Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. Foi. 22. Tic next meeting wvill lie at tic home cf Mrs. Robin Alldred, Marcb 7. Mrs. Bob Rutherford bas ne- turned home to Orono after spending somte time witi Mr. and Mns. W. Adams. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams and family i and Mrs. Bob Rutherford were: t 1\n. and Mrs. Harold Souch and famiiy, Sui, Mn. and Mns Bruce Whitney, Necvastle, M andi Mns. Laverne Souci, Bow- manville, and Mn. Bob Ruther- ford, Onono. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sîupak and Gary, Toronte, wcne vîisiý- ors witi Mr. and Mrs. WV. Holmes. Mn. and Mrs. Ait Brown and Jack, Bowmanviile, were Sun-1 clay visitons witb Mn. andar W. Lake.Mr Miss Blanche Wotten and M and Mrs. Elmer Herring, Osi awa, spent Sunday with Mn.' and Mrs. C. Avery. In the Editor's Mal Orono, Feli. 18, 1956 Tie Canadian Statesinan Bqwmanville, Ont. Jean Sirs: Regarding your editorial in ths week's. papen, we weuld like to correct tic statement aboutij no Horticultural Society in ticï district othen flan -NcNwcastle.1 Orono has iad a society for a long time, at ieast 36 ycars, and lias aecoînplishcd ouitc a great! cial. In fact we tiink ticmn-I fluence cf tic Society is tel t in he well kept homes, cf wbich )rono is justiy proud. and tic i approach to oun cemetery, wiici s admired iv ail, is one cf our projects. At the present time w~e have a]most 150 memiens and more; ire ceming in tuis 'can. Youns trul.v, Neil F. Porter. Pres ideiln <.>runu Horticultural Socîet.I $2.29 Reg. $15.95 Reg. ta 3.98 Reg. to 13.95 Econ omis f Is Loon y? nding Spree 3 for $6 Haif Price moral indignation. Consequent- iy we aliow politicians to do things to us, aiiegedly on our behaif, which seem bound mn the long run to change our cherished way of life. "Our unprecedented position in the worid today is one resut of our wvay of life, and we shouid ail regard ourselves as -ztdniUini in m LtUfr-f Le. LI1 Shop 'tili Mrs. Ives Speaks To St. Pau I's, W.M.S. & W.A. St. Paul's W.M.S. and W.A. held a joint meeting in the lecture room Feb. 2lst. Mrs. D. Armistead gave the devotional on Christian Feliowship con- cluding with prayer. Mrs. Ken- neth Werry favored with two solos, "My Cathedral" and "I Is No Secret", accompanist, Mrs. Otto Bragg. Mrs. W. Teeple, president of the W.A., introduced the speak- er, Mrs. W. C. Ives, who ad- dressed the meeting on "Feder- ation of the Two Societies". Mrs. Ives stated in undertak- p.m. Frid ay Night ing thé Federation of the two societies, it would mean tne wish of each mem ber to, accept responsibility ta cover ail fun.-.. tions of each society subject ta the constitution of the W.A. and W.M.S. Mrs. Harold Ferguson president of the W.M.S. ex. pressed the appreciation of the joint societies ta Mrs. Ives for her informative address. and incrcasing the cost of new ship te it. Instead we seem In industrial facilîties Canada must grave danger cf handing on te centinuaily provîde to keep 'ýe cur cildren and thein childnen vel with competitors in world a spiritual heritage poorer tian markets. Quotmng from the Stel- that we ourseives received ce brief te the Gordon Commis- from our forebears. sion, the speaker said: *Infla- 1"si o ieta hsgn tien has se altcred the value of1 "sinetmetathse- the dollar that replacement eration of Canadians re-assert- cests tend te be substantial!y' ed its rigit te sclf-govcrnmenfl? higher thr_ the ameunts pro- If we de net re-assert that right, vided te meet such cests." a re wc net proving untrue to Mr. Armeur found symrptoms t hose wbo have gene befene?" of lunacy in aimost ail depart- ments ef Canadian life, encour-1I S aged by se-calicd initeilectuals i IflT7KVTTTT who had wonked tiemselves in-1 te positions cf autherity. "OurJ Mn. and Mrs. Brian Caswell attitudes towards education and and son, Maurice and Jim Hal- law enfoncement," he saýd, loîweîî wene dinner guests with "have undeubtcdly been in- Miss Beulai Hallowell, Toron, fluenccd by a species recegniz- te, on Saturday. ed as tic anti-capitalist intel- lectuai, cf wbom it bas been Mn. and Mrs. E. Ruthven, said he is a creature cf capital- Zion, at Mr. A. Dobsen's. ist devclepmcnt, but breeds a Mrs. Tics. Falls bas returned social atmespherc or code M from Toronto te ber daugbter's, vales bic isbigiy nitcalMrs. Llew Hallowcl. cfue private nterpise and ticl Mn. and Mrs. Walter Simp- ofpri sytem." cfi ndth son, Oshawa, at Mr. Bert Trim's profi sysem."last week. Thc atmosphcre o lunaey, hý Mn. and Mrs. E. Shier, Toron- thougit, extended te tic poli- te. spent tic weekend at Mn. tical field. "Tic Liberals, bav- Lloyd Hailowell's. ini passed tbrougb a most ac- Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Caswel tive inflationary secialist phase, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Morley anc now rciativcly Conserva- Robinson. tive. Tic Censervatives are now Mn. and Mrs. Harold Little eempcting with thc sdciaiists 1') and family, Healey Falls, at Mn. sec wbo can pusi tic Libas Llew Hallowcll's on Sunday. furthest and fastcst into mr Woman's Association statism. Professedly Conserva- Shiloli W.A. met at Mrs. Alf. tive provincial premiers now Debson's iast week. Tic meet- appear te be fan more socialis- ing was opcncd by tic Presi- tic in their actions and objec- dent, Mrs. Ewart Robinson, witi tives than tic CCF Premier of* tbe Mary Stewart Collect. Saskatchewan - pcriaps ne- Miss C. W. Stewart bad cause tic latter is new said te charge cf the devotional course. eperate drive-in mevies foir Mrs. Brenton Farrow gave tic profits. Ross Thatcher, eleced tneasurcn's report, aftcr wbicb as a sociaiist, is virtually tie tbe rail caîl was answered by oniy outspoken upholder cf pli- suggestions for improvements at vate enterprise in Panliament." the chunci. Some cf these sug- Canadians, Mn. Armeur gestions wene discusscd and a thougit, were tee inelined to committeeformed te get infor- look on at tic strange antics of mation for tic next meeting. politicians witb amused coin- Mrs. John Stark conducted a plaeency, but be fclt tbat thcre Valentine contest and Rcv. Pike was nothing funny in it, but closed tic meeting. Lunch was mueli tiat was dangerous. "As served and Mrs. Herli Reid in- a nation,' " lie said, "we seeni vited tic ladies te meet at bier te have lest our capacity for home. INNS' CLOTHING Pre-Inventory Sale SALE ENDS FEB. 25th SStock Last 3 Days of Month and There &re Discontinued Lines to Eliminate MEN'S 3/4 LENGTH COATS Reg. ta $30.00 Haîf Price NANY ARTICLES With 2.0 %oDson HANKIES 2Zfor 25c 2 for .2for 3 5 c 50C TIES Reg. to 1.50 29c 4 for $1.00 YOUTHS' BLUE BLAZERS Reg. 12.95 Now $6.50. MEN'S SPORT COATS Reg. $35.00 Now $1995 SUITS OUT THEY Go!o OId Styles tind Dusty Reg. ta $69.50 $1 9.95 $izes 35-36-37-38 39-40-42. OTHERS ln Shades Suitable for Spring s29.9.5 Durham Farmers Cou nty Co-operative AnnalDinner Meeting wilI be held at the TOWNSHIP HiALL, ORONO Tuesday, March 6th ai 12 noon GUEST SPEAKER Rev. Gardon Domm, Bathurst St. United Church, Toronto Tickets available from Directors and the Staff Get yours early. Bring your 1953 Patronage Loan Certificates. They wiII be paid by cheque. E. J. BROWN President E. I. SPRY Manager R. G. MOFFATT Secretary - 29 KING ST. EAST DRESS SHIRTS Soiled and Old Style Collars Reg. to 5.95 WINTER COATS 4 s 4 4 4 4 :1 4 s 4 s 4 s s s s s 4 t 4 4 4 s s 4 4. 4 s BELTS .By Arrow MEN'S,9c Reg. ta 2.50 99 BOYS!,49 Reg. ta 1.00 -------- 9 Winter Underwear Combination and 2-piece 8 ~$199 MEN' STRETCHY SOX Rg. 99C $1.50 SCARVES Rg. Now 99 tu 4.95 MEN DRESING OWNS BRUCE MINNS CLOTHING Men's and Boys' Wear GARRY VENNING, Manager 29 King St. E.- Bowmaonville Now $3.99 czar m PAGE ZOURTEEN THE C.Uvtn!An STATESMAN. BOWMA$VMU. ONTARIO TEMTtSDAT. 7MB. 23rd, lu@

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