PAG TU ____________________________________________________£__M ,gANDIAn L3_£ATEfl.N._BOWUAN<VMLLP._ONTAIO '8AlaRW1~m AA~A A.. s- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, Ricky, Wayne and Elizabeth and Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson o! Bowmanville, visited on Sunday with Mr. Henry West, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd West, Mr. a'nd Mrs. Percy West and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Aird in Bai- timore. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher a! Belleville attended the funeral o! ber sister, Mrs. Harold Toms last week and visited with Mr. andi Mrs. Howard Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Agnev spent a couple o! days last week r visiting witb relatives in Peter- borough. Mrs. W. R. Carveth, Donna _end Debbie, spent the weekend visiting with Mrs. L. Carvetb _- ?n Lindsay. A number of members o! -.urham Lodge A.F. & A.M., 66 attended District Cburch Sei- vice beld in Trinity Unitèd -urhin Bowmanville on Sun- ,*.çay afternooon. .Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Pearce --and family o! Brighton and -Miss Peggy Pearce of Toronto à ttended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Harold Toms, last -week and called on Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Pearce and fam- "Ily. Messrs. W. R. Carveth andi "Chas. Knox accompanied by M«r. L. Carveth of Lindsay andi -'i.Les McSwain o! Acton mo- , idred ta Daytona Beach, Flor- --ida, an the weekend wbere they gttended the Stock Car Races. Any connection between the above item and the Riots at Daytona on Sunday are pureily -co-ncidental. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew of Port Coîborne, visited with Mr. .andi Mrs. Gardon Agnew on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Davey Coldsprings, Mr. and Mrs. -Milton Robinson, Kendal, Mr. *axý,d Mrs. Kesgler of Starkvihle, were weekend visitars with MXlý. George Smith. ':."he regular monthly "Fam- Sily Service" will be held at the Séleven o'clock service in St. George's Church on Sunday moirning. «The First Newcastle Brown- ie Pack, Brown's School Sec- tion,-, accompanied by their leaders, Brown Owl Hilda Cal :and Tawny Owl Wilda, Simp- son, attended Divine worship in -a body at St. George's Church on Sunday marnîng for the an- nual Tbinking Day Service o! the Scout and Guide Move- ment, in honour o! their found- .'-,-- ~ 4 NEWCASTLE -GARAGE FRANK HOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 ers, Lord and Lady Baden Pow- ell. We were most pieased ta se in the "Letters ta the Editor" column of last week's States- man that Mr. George Warren of Swift Current, Sask., is con- sidering attending the Newcas- tie Centenary Celebrations m bis native village this summer. We know we are expressing the wishes of bis host o! friends in the village wben we sav "Came along Mr. Warren, yo u will be made more than wel- came and we'Il be most pleased ta see you." Centennial Beard Growing Contest Siaris Newcastleites are going ta bave an opportunity ta see the Community's "Bearded Won- ders" showing their stuf! during tbe next three montb as they prepare for the big Beard Growing Contest being held ini connection witb the Village Centenary Celebrations June 29 ta July 2nd. The contest opened today, and, in order ta catch persans who may bave attempted to make an early start, ahl appli- cants must fi their entry forms at Quinney's Barber Shop showing a dlean shaven face. The ruhes of the contest aliow entries anytime after March lst and the Beards will be judged an quality rather than quantity, soalah you fellows who bave tbreatened sa many times ta quit shaving, bere 4s your opportunity to take thr--e months bolidays from the pesky nuisance and bave fun doing it and possibhy profit from At. H. Graham Places Third ln Public Speaking At the Kemptville Agricul- tural School last Thursday, Harvey Graham of Nestieton, took third place in the highly- competitive annual public speaking contest. Harvey wonj this bonour with bis enlighten- ing remarks on the proposed new World Calendar. A. M. Barr, principal of K. A.S., prefaced his presentations of the awards wîth a few brief remarks on the value of the competition and bis hopes that the contestants would refleet their training at the K.A.S. by their words and actions in pub- lic lîfe. Harvey is the son of Court- ney Graham, R. R. 2 Nestieton and is in bis second year at the Agriculture School, having won a J. S. McLean scholarship. PLU MES IN(; G 1 dNN JG EZ eCrRICCA t CeMR A Croe Plans Disc, W.,C.T.U. C The regular February mee! ing of the W.C.T.U. was heldi the Board room o! the Unite Church on Thursday afternoo Feb. 23rd with 12 members an, two visitars in attendance. The president's o p e n i n thought for the day was "V should neyer jucige the shap af the world by the little stane that lie in the foatpath." Mn Sowden announceci that th Convention would be heldi Newcastle on March 22nd an plans were made concerhn same. During the business period, letter was read fram the Attor ney General concerning safet rules an the streets ancl high ways and asking the aid o!f t union in support of the Depart ments traffic and safety pro gram. The matter af the annua Medal Contest was discusseý briefly and the date o! Api 27th was chasen for contest. A resolution asking for thi Town Leagu Sees Big Uç Having gone through the en tire regular schedule of th( Town Hockey League, with bu, one loss, the Newtonville squa- seemed ta fold completely ii the semi-final playoff serîe when Orono trimmeci them twc games straight. A similar fete was chalked up by Howard Quinney's bottair place Clippers who walked through the high flying Par- sies, managed by Irv. McCul lough in twa straight In theiz series last week. In the first series it was ta 2 for Orono on Tuesday ev. enirig, on goals by Coureux (3) BaYd (2) and McMacklin, an1 in the second and final gamE [goals by Carnish, Shetler anc Boyd sewed it up for Orana. In the second series, the low- ly Clippers, who have played along ahl season with only twc wins, snapped out o! their slump when the chips were down and slaughtered the wilted Pansies with scores o! 5 to3 and 12 to 2 in the semi final round. Poic he Completed- College Course Police Chie! A. R. Randail bas returned ta duty in the vil. lage folhawing a seven weeks course at the Ontario PolicE * ollege in Toronto fromn Janu. ary 8 ta February 23rd. ThE class consisteci o! 31 Provincial Police Officers, two officer Cfromn the Peterborough Polico Farce and one each fromn the City a! Cornwall, Cornwal Township, Cities o! Watemhoc and Brantford, London Town- ship, and the village a! New- castle. The Coîhege, operated by tnE Attorney Generai's Depart- ment, is conducteci under the auspices o! the Ontario Provin- cial Police and is recommended by the Attorney General for P.1 Police Officers. The Depart- mient pays ahi expenses a! the school and there is no charge ta the municipality. The course inchudes lecture on ail subjects pertaining ta Police work such as, Duties o! a Police Officer; The Principals o! Law enforce- ment; the Criminal Code; the Police Act; The Coroners Act; The Highway Traffic Act anc Traffic contrai; Arson; Disar- derly Houses; The Liquor Con- trol Act and License Act; Civil Defense; First Aid, etc. Thie course is a real asset ta any Police Officer in carrying oui bis duties. Midgets Lose To Brookîin ln Semi -Finals After having eliminated bath Caboconk and Milbrook in the Midget playdowns o! the On- tanao Hockey Association, the local entry were defeated in the semi final seies by the Brooklin team. The locals took the Brooklin youngstems in the first gamo piayed in the local arena in a closely faught game whicb went into avertime, but the Brooklin lads retaliated wben they got the local team on their home ice last Friday evenlng taking the game by a 7 ta 2 count. Having hast the toss, the ho- cals travelied to Brookiin again on Monday evening for the third and deciding game in which they were eliminated from the series by the Brook- lin team. Tbaugh the hocals played goad hockey ail the way through, they just weren't gond enough ta take the ciassy Broak.hin squad. The score o! the final gaine was 4 ta 2 wbkbh will send the BrooklUn team n into the Provincial finals and tbe local yaungsters can bang up their skates for another sea- son. Not everyone who discharges bis debts of gratitude cari plume himnself on being grate- fuI,-La Rochefoucauld. _ Gordon Âgnew, Editor manville, spent the weekend at the homes o! ber daugbters- home. after being in the Civic Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd vis- and bad seemed ta be feeling ited at Mr. Don Stapheton's, welh. She was in ber 64th year Newtanviile. and had been born on the fanm Some attended the presenta- where she bas been residing. tion for Mr. and Mrs. J. Pye- She wiil be very much missed Finch, in Newtonvilie, Friday !rom aur community as she was evening. Mrs. Pye-Fincb fonm- always ready ta give a wihing erhy was Mildred Jean Wood. andi hehpful band for ber cburch Mr. and Mms. Warren Carson or neighbour. Our sympathy and family were recent guests is extended ta ber busband and with Mr. and Mrs. John Falls, famihy, Marjary (Mrs. Milton Newcastle. Lowes), Audrey (Mrs. Alvin Ladies of Shilob W.A. attend- Lowes), Morris and Elmer. al a! ed the tea at Mrs. Ewart Rab- Peterborough, and Ross a! Ken- inson's, Thursdav a!temnoan o! dal, aisa ta ber sister, Mrs. Mary last week. Luxon and brothers, Harry Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Bethany, Mercer o! Orono and Roy and at Mr. John Stark's on Sunday. Bill o! Kendai. Terry Stark is spending a few Sbe rested cit tbe Morris Fun- days with bis grandpaments. eral Chapel at Bowmanville un- Mm. and Mrs. Orme Falls andi tii Wednesday for services at !amily bad Saturday evening 2 p.m. in- Kendal United Church. dinner at Mr. Ewart Robînson's. Word bas also been received Mm. and Mrs. Russell Savery o! the passing o! Ellie Boyd. visited Mrs. A. Muhdrew, Ehiza- wifç o! Jim Fails, in Peter- betbvilie. borough at the home o! ber Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls, daughter a!ter a engthy ilhness. Toronto-, Mr. Atur Falls and Sympathy is extended ta ber Miss Marlene Falls. Bowman- brathers, Hawamd, Fred, Whit- ville, Mr. Lorne Paeden, Mr. and ney andi Milton, and sister Etta, Mrs. Uorne Todd at Mr. Liew and ta ber many relatives here. Hallowell's and visited Mrs. The funeral was Wednesday Thos. Falls who is quite ill,. afternoon in Peterborough.- Social and Personal 0,FRA. Colis OnForm Mc A conference o! Ontario cami-i P hon. 3621 modity graups on March 13 and 14 in Tororito ta review the1 1 entire question o! cammadity1 marketing was announced hast( Friday by V. S. Milburn, secre-j tary-manager a! the Ontario 'u se F rFederation of Agriculture.Mr1 ussed ForMilburn made the announce-1 % ~ment immediately !olhowing a1 meeting in Toronto o! the Or-ç onye tontario Federatian of Agriculture1 at-baningof iquir dvetisngOntario's 22 cammodity graups.i ~t- annng ! hquoradvrtiing The secretary-manager saîd in from newspapers, magazines, à ýed radio and television w as pre - bat preparations wiih be made ,n sented by Mrs. M. C. Fishber, th e ta accammodate appraximately nd same being presented at the 1,000 delegates and menibers o! annual meeting of the Oshawa Otrafr raiain h i g 'Presbyterial a! the W.M.S. beld will be attending the marketing Ve in Northminster United Cburch conférence. pe in Oshawa hast week. "In keeping with the Ontario ies The devotianal service was Federation o! Agriculture's pal-1 rs. conducted by Mrs. Baskerville icy o! 'self-help'," Mr. Milburn1 ie and Mrs. Clemence and the said that "the conference was( in members were once again !av- being called ta help charify( nd oured with two lavely vocal what were the respective areasi ng duets by the Misses LouiLe o! responsibility o! Ontarioa Hughes and Leidi DeWitb. The farmers, the provincial govern-( a Clip Sheet, entitled "Frances ment, and the federal govern-1 )r- Willard Calîs" braught back ta ty the members, the fact that Wo- l1- men's Christian Temperance he Union haci been founded by .,choolI Concert t- Frances Wilhard mare than 70 ,- years ago. Many fine things re- d inces were cited. Mrs. Awde ~ e a ril and Mrs. Milîson were appoint- B re - ed pragram cammittee for Iurket fl he March. The Parents and reachers Association o! Burketon School, n S held their concert at Enniskil- ie Playdowns len Hall, Wednesday eeig ~s t t geveather mnany attended andenJ pset taged joyed a splendid musical even-D ing with good local talent. Mr. E n- On Tuesday evenirrg goal A. E. Ribey was chairman for e scarers for the Clippers were fhe occasion.a at Embley (2), W. Lake, Kimbal], First on the pragrani wasî id and Quinney, wbîle Delaney, "0 Canada" and choral speak- in McCullougb and Spencer were ing, led by the teacher, Mr. Me- s the marksmen for the lasers. Coy, Ebenezer. the Harmoniz- 'a On Thursday evening witii ers delighted ail by singing sev-C their goalie Keith Aiken play- eral popular numbers, witb ýp ing a steady game in the nets, Mrs. Pickhe, at the piano. Shar- n the Quinney-ites went on a on Wilbur favored with tapi- ýd ieal scoring spree with Bill dancing several numbers with ~Brunt getting 3, Bill Lake, bier mnother accompanying at ~Naisb, Gray and Quinney two the piano. ir each and David McCulloug.,i The Ennjskillen Male Quar- (1) for a total o! 12, while Irv. 6McCullough and Earl Foster tette sang seX'eral favorite olci 6 were the only members o! the sangs. Members are John Sle-V Vwilted Pansies teami who were mon, Ross Ashton, Edgarc idable ta get one past Aiken inWih adO sho. Ms the nets. Edgar Wright accompanied s le The final series for the Town thei. I iLeague Cbampionship is under Roland Coomnbes led a num- I way this week with Orono and ber o! group sangs with Ivane Clippers meeting in a best two Woohley playing the piano. -d aut a! three series with the Mel. Siha KB Osh- t ao first game Tuesday evening, awa, spoke ta the children and ,p the second tomorrow, Friday, played the trombone. Mr. :xl n at 8.30 p.m. and a third if ne- fred Bowman gave a bumaGraus ýd cessary on Tuesday evening o! reading, "The First Tractor onp 3 next week. Ail gamnes are play- Our Farm". Mel. MCOY Sang il ed in the Newcastle Memorial twa vocal solos, with Mrs. Pic- Arena. kle at the piano. Mr. McCoy h, tbanked everyone for their sup- a « port and fine musical talent l .Refreshments were served by ]K 16 Pupils To members o! h ...a Compete In KEDB Spelling Bee Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N.,B o! Ottawa, spent the weekend J The reguhar February meet- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jack- -ing o! the Clarke Township son. ' Teachers' Association was bel,] Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson e at the Newcastle Public School visited with Mrs. Dora Smitb, F -on Monday, February 20th, wth Newcastle, on Monday. ethe President, Mr. Munro of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes andD il Newtonville, presiding. Gloria were with Mr. and Mrs. .S During the meeting, the fi- John Thonipson and Mrs. Mary s * nais of the Clarke Township Luxon, Sunday. %nu * Spelling Bee, held in conjunc- Mr- and Mrs. Louis 1M.out 11 tian with the Provincial Con,- moved hast week from Mr o test sponsored by thé Toronto Marghe's tobacco farma and Mr. S -Telegram and the Ontario Edu- and Mrs. Carl Langstaf! moved *cational Association, was con- in. Carl will be assisting Roy el ducted with sixteen o! the fine- Foster who is growing tobacca T eteen scboohs represented. on the twa farms this year. p * The contest was conducted M.adMs ied ap eby Mr. Andrew Thompson, Su- and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred de perisig Pincpala! ~~-Paepe moved Monday ta their ln pervsingPricipa of ow-aý manvilie Public Schools, new home near Delhi. the new Inspector, Mr. Hough- Mr. and Mrs. Barney Waters ton, in attendance. The wnes and famuhy visited bier father, a' Norman Rickaby o! wionners, Mr. Herb. Mercer on Sunday. M Gerid ahowe 9 rno, n1l r. and Mrs. Orval Zealand at C.G.I.T. C.G.IT. meeting was hehd Tuesday night. The rail cahi was answered by repeating the C.G.I.T. purpose. The warship service was taken by Betty Hempbill and Helen Pana. During the business we discuss- ed the inother andi daughter banquet. Next week's roll caîl wilh '0e the C.G.I.T. bymn. We had a sing-song after which we had cra!ts. After a short recreation period we adjoumneci with Taps. Mrs. K. C. Hopkins, Base L.ine, is enjoying a visit with her daugbter, son-in-haw, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Hartley, Kirk- andi Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr, Kenneth, Ivan, Hampton; Mr . and Mrs. Gardon Beech, Janice, 3onnie, Maple Grave, were Sunday evening visitors witb t the !ormer's mother, Mrs. A.jý Beech. ZION Lesehie Warren, Whitby, at Fred Cameron 's. Mrs. Wes Cameran at Mrs. )elbert Flintoff's. Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Percy David- son, George Davidson and Miss Doris Reardon, at Howard Ab- bott's, Burketon. Mr. and Mms. Fred Ward and aons, Town Line, at Wes Cam- eron's. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thornton's Corners, at Ray Cameron's. The Doubles Club went bowl- ing on Saturday nigbt at Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameran and Judy, accompanied Mn. and ilrs. Leslie Hoskin for a visit t J. W. Balson's. Hampton. Mrs. Russell Stainton visited Mrs. W. J. Trick, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron attended the Odd Fellow's "At Hame" at Brooklin hast Friday ight. Miss Laurel Stainton spent the weekend at Harry Poloz', Midhand. We wehcome Mr. and Mr. Murray Halliday and Jimmie, La aur community. ,Conference crkceting ment in the field ofmarketing." "Ontario farmers have ta es- tablish clearly what their res- ponsibilities are to make the Ontario farm products market- ing programs a success. Once baving establisheci these res- ponsibilîties, then it will be Up ta the conference to look to the future to see bow these respan- sibilities can be carried out," Mr. Milburn said. "Admittedly there bas been a serious deter- ioration in farm prices, and governments bave a responsi- bility ta formulate certain poli- cies ta help us stem this farin price trend, but farmers thern- selves have ta shoulder same of the responsibility for clear- ing up this situation." Mr. Milburn said that dis- cussion at the conference would likely touch on marketing legis- lation, a detailed review of spe- cific problems facing indivi- dual commodity groups, and a number of resolutions looking forward ta a co-ardinated plan of action by the commodity groups for the months ahead. Lake Shore, Clarke Misses Blanche and 9 Alice Taylor, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutherford, Orono. Glad ta hear that Mr. Alec Martin is feeling fine after hav- ing had an operatian on bis nase. Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding Jr. andi family, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and family spent Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell spent a few days with Mrs. Don Coulter and family, Downsview. Theory Exam. E nniskillen Sr. TYRONE Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. R. Burgess an the passing o! ber husband, Mr. R. Burgess, on Feb. 23. Funeral services were held at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home on Satur- day. Interment ta Bethesda Cemetery. Sympathy is also extended ta Mrs. Annie Hatherly on the pas-ing o! her brother, Mr. W. J. Tape, Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rahm, Paul and Carol, Blackstock, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. A. Rabm. Mr. and Mrs. David Park and family, Bowmanville, were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam- were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy, Sunday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and John, ta the village. They bave rented Mrs. A. Hawkey's home. Mrs. W. T. Worden spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Fran- ces Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Enniskillen, visited >1er parents Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett. Ross Wonnacott, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue andi John. Mr. and Mrs. G. Planke and boys, Oshawa, visited at H. Philp's home. Mr. Russell Hardy, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Ahl- idread. Mr. and Mrs. John Broome and family were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. C. John's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Scugog Island, were dinner guests on Sunday o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable and boys, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Bowmanville. Congratulations ta Mr. andi Mrs. A. H. Brent. They will celebrate their 58th wedding anniversary, Saturday, March 3. Mrs. David Phasey, Orono, is at ber parent's home, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pbilp, while ber husband is in the hospital. Also Allyn Taylor, bath bad opeî a- tions on Monday. We wish tbem bath a speedy recavery. Mrs. E. A. Virtue visited Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Oshawa, on Tues- day. The Ontario Farmer's Union Local 78 are holding a pot luck supper Monday, March 5, at 6.30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Malette, one hai mile north o! Mr. Byam's Store, Tyrone. Bing your basket and enjoy a social evening. New members welcome. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John; Mrs. Elva Beckett, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannacott, Taranto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, Leaside, spent the, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cool- Mr. George Stainton, Osh- awa, Mr. Luther Stainton, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. Congratulations ta Gwen Glaspell on receiving hanors ain ber Grade 4 music examination. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jolins, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Broome last week. FARMERSI I YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR Farm Machinery Show of COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS ai the Canadian Legion 12 Yank Street, Lindsay, on Friday, March 2nd between 10:30 a.m. and 12 midnight Dance at night and draw for 3-ton wagon COME AND BRING YOUR FAMTLY Anyone wishing a ride please contact your Cockshutt dealer by Thursday night Lloyd Clysdale j NEWTONVILLE Leading Team Rural League Enniskillen Sr. 48 275-16 Maple Grave -- 44 2594si Enniskillen Jr. __ 85 261.15 Blackstock 31 24658 Tyrone ----- 16 24750 Hampton----------- _15 23302 1igb Single - T. MeLaughlin ------302 High Triple - T. McLaughlin 693 L. Wearn---------- 693 Lemon League - R. Hilis------------ 87 B. Jewell 93 G. Marlow ----90 c7een C70kWn There will be a Teen Tow&n dance Friday, March 2nd at the Lions Centre at 8:30. An auction of aver fifty records will oe held during the evening with Ted Fairey and Alvin Stacey as auctioneers. There are only three wee!çs ta wait for aur Easter Pronm which is ta be on March 23. After exams, there will he only one week. Dancing will be from 9 tili 1, ta the music of Paul Minicola and his orch2s- tra. A "Queen of the Bail" wil be chosen from ail of the girls present, along wtih four Prin- cesses. Past queen Shirlcs' Milis will be present ta crown the new queen. Beautiful corsages from Jack- man and Son are ta be includ- ed in the price, which is $3.00) for members and $4.00 for non- members. Tickets can be pur- chased from any of the follow- ing: Sandra Constable, Rena Dilling, Mary Jones, Marlene McDonald, Jean Williams, Eve- lyn Brown, Ken Kelly, John Lunn, Joe Markle, Ted Fairev, Bob Marjerrison, Lloyd Caver- ly, and Alvin Stacey. TIC K ET S j TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consult L. JURY & LOVELL 1 Bowmanville r 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 MAPLE GROVE Si George's Church NEWCASTLE Srd Sunday in Lent 8a.n - HOLY COMMUNION HOLY COMMUNION FAMILY SERVICE 7 p.m. - EVENING FRAYER 1Sign up Now For Cen tennial BEARD GROWING CONTEST Eairy lorms are available ai Quinney's Barber Shop f Applicants must be dlean shaven when entering Judging to take place during icentennial Celebrations. Check the AD-vanta ges of using the Classified Ad Section Turn to the Want Ads in this newspaper- now, read care!ully. Look - there's a bargain on a used car - and a swell buy on a refrigerator - and a dandy bike for Junior, anà a terrifie house for sale! May- be today you're flot interested - but you may be tornorrow or the day after. Tbat's why It's a good and thrifty habit to read the Want Ads regularly. It's a goad idea too, to use them when you have a service to offer, something to seli, or a specifie need In mind. Want Ads can work for 7rou - efficiently and economically. The Canadian Stqtesma n PHONE MA 3-3303 .!ýAGE TM qWE en-AVANTAM «IPÀL"-Ruàw mouumrjLnmvffl MqLýAlmvàm, m