N - PAfJM UTXmw UANADIIV STAXMM~JNALN, UW1NA'V=Lj.ONTAIO TiUS~A.MRW u.l 1c'izriL1, hold their meeting at Mrs. rnoneIR. Sharp's but owing to bad Add170roads that evening theyrmet at To Bowmanv* lle,'yxýe-enpresen~t. The disson 5 cainvass of the carnmunity fori Syst rn I %55 polio early in March. LunDh i Nvaz served by Mrs. F. Beckett J. W. Lowery, Bell Telephone ' and Mrs;. H. iMills. Next meet- manager for tîiis region, repor' - î ng at Mrs. E. MeNair's Mai-ch ed that 196 telephones W _rle 6Olh. added in Boxrranville durîn *i- Mr. Donald Stainton, Mimico, 1955 ta hring the total ntiinbfý,ri called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold up to 3,M9. ,AFhton and Mr. Allan Stain- The grow,,,th inî BOwinLunv;iîP ton. is characterîstic ot the increaýe Congratulations ta Miss Lois of Bell telephone Lwýe acro_ Ashton on passing her Grade Canada during 1955, a record 12 Theory with honors. 3eai- for the Be!] Telephonpe Ms-. and Mrs. Cameron Oke Company. Accordînig tiitue nâMaster Alpha Bender.,Oil- con2pany's 76th ann,îil. reput', awa. with Mr. and Mrs. Albert telephones irn the Be-ils Ont- OU*e airio-Qiîehec rea inerease l Mr.adMs .C stn ýyear by 228.2187, makng t r n rs .C stn tai 2,522,7,1. Lois andi Chartes were Suinday Throîîgholit Oîîlario al1 visitais of Mr. -nd Mrs. S.t Quebec epedi i l' Rodnman. Scuigog lsland. construction 'S*l1-iA0(j()GljfWi,ý Our C.G.1T. meeting was or an increa.se o! .S2:,10ffo.eJ>held on Feb. 25th with RuÉih Over 19.54, the prev ou,; recoi.d 1anib and Irene Ferguson int yeur. Yei, cdue to tlie S 1on,, charge. A reading was given" and susaincîderaîî tli1 by Carrol Wright.' The scrip- wiere 47,000 ordeis for ILH'e ue b\7 Ruth Lamb. Nancy flot filled. A sf111lare con-. îo closect the worship with struction activit ' is planned toc)r pra 'ver. The program consist- 1956, by far the trgrpirt ort d of a readîng by Linda Stahi- whieh wil hi devotid to eqip.. ton. Rei er Groomning was.giv'-v nient for local seL\ice. içil bi\ Lois Ashton. Gaine Uv Employ 36,000 People i Vicki Pickering. Theni workeds On Sheti XX nik. A delicioius Othc'r fac's fri i the annl1 lunochivas served by Nancy report soe iaf W l 'W oci and Linda Staintoii. enPloye 36,340 iO~i' S'H ext nieeting will be held )n net incone for the ur anuou. M -h t171iiî a 2 o'clock witi ed toS2.44, a s l e auad n r- Nancyý Wood and IDoris Wrighito holders iincrEased h Y 10"in rcharge of the worship and h 125,23:0,000 . 2( 8>0 iinbeGloria Wright and Lorna Wearu 125233 wih our122000be.in charg-e of lunch. Corne pi-e- ing residents of Canada. pared .wth a ruler, eraser. peu-- Ouitstanlding prog im b-,,o cil and paper. Because of baci i' made in tlle C a 1-:C-o- weather and sickness So]Yitt s dian radio î'elav dm n ~C.G..T. was unable to lie pi-e mhichthe Bll coripanyp ca t But we are. looking for- a prominent part as a nieiber -rIotencrngith C of the Trains-Canacim Tek'- rwardfutourencnio i Sh pihone -~en. The' Torontu- alfur. North Ba-Xiui vtio(*dAof. 1 M. an(-'Mrs. A. L. WearnC the 4,(Jf0- ni ile radio i-cIa c ne' - iud farnil\y were visitors of Mr.. 2 work \whîuh iultbc used fci and Meis. Gerafd Acton, Stouff-G long dis1a nie teleplionu' servicvil1 and networl, felevision Pro- 1\1r. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- 1 gramns lor the C.B.C. is dkie 1f'o Ion and family with ber par- c go into service tow~ards the end ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milis,C of 1956 anod the cotire niet\woîii Port Perry tc --from .S dne 'v N. S. ta Van- Missý Ruby Virtue, Toronto- P couver B. C.-in 1958. ,Mr-. and Mrs . arl Masters', i ENNJ$KLLEN Enniskil]en 1Farmet s 1 ' nion is holding a pot lîîck suipper on Ivarcb 5 at Tyrone. Everyoii2 welcotne. A loirtbday pai-ty was beld a-r the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W.LI- tes- Fergouson-s for their grand- son, Master Davidi Fergoson. Those lîresent were MVr. and Gai] and areneBowmanville, ,were with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtu e. Master Garry Patterson spent iv~o weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yen. Mr. Clark Werry, Toronto University, spent the weekend wîth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Miss Shirley Milis, nurse-in- training, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. Milis. and Kim, Oshawa, lMri. and Mi . .an 1s.Jon ke }ieitb Fergfiison, and DavidRand and Shers-y, Oshawa, ~arnnvle. lî î. with'Ms-. and Mrs. Walter Oke. The Sei-vice Ii ladies werc Dr. andi Mrs. Clark Dorland ------- and John, Lapeer, Michigan, wcre visitors ai Mr-. and Ms-s. IIIGHLY STYLED Fr-ank Dosland. MODERATELY PRICED F/S andi Mrs. S. R. Kersey, LADIES' WEAR Rnl ac iceDwnsview, La Vogue vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Haroidý Ashton. I . Milîs, Shirley,Chs ter and Bruce at Mi-. andi Mrs. ff c C. Mils', Mapfle Grave. 1Mi-. and Mrs. Adamn Sharp hawa Gle WanamaerSeagrave. Miss eather Bissonette, Bow- ~dUMU*i~UUUmUMmMUU oUEniMUMMUN I"TI BUILDING MATERIALS froi OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS, Ltd., PLAN SER VICE FREE ESTIMATES 24-HOUR SERVICE If it i.; plans yoit want te, see- Cone ini and browsc throig7h oui- lan books. If :ynu have dec-ic- cd nta plan Nve INilj he pleased tn help ytrn witb aterial listing-. Fr-c estimiates and ssuggestions will he aladly given by -aur voîurtcoias staff. Ouîr rne-iani7ed Yard is equiip- ped ta give speedy, dependable sericie on ail orders -iarge or sinia Il. EVEIZYTIIIN(; lFOR V>UR IhOME TOP QUALITY -LOW PRICE Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. jYard and Showroom - COURTICE IBowmanv;ife MA 3-2130 i Oshawa RA 3-4661 fmanville, with Mliss Phyllîs I-owells. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Haydan; Mi-. and Mrs. Haroldi McLaughlin andi Linda, Black- stock; Mi-. and Mrs. Ralpb Sadi- les-, Nestieton, at Mr-. and Ms-s. Fred Toms'. Mrs. Alian Wcrry last Tues- day accompanicc Ms-s. Douglas Cale andi Helen ta MeDanalo 1-laul at Guelph ta visit Miss Lillian Cote. Mi-. and Mrs. K. Howsamn andi family. Gi-cen bank, wci-e at Ms-. and Mrs. E. McNair's. tMr-. anîd Mrs. Roy McGill and Reva visited Mr. andi Mrs. jRoy Langmnaid, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Eiwyn Dickey. Bowman%îlle, wei-e Sunday vis- itai-s ofMr-. and Ms-s. M. Stain- tan. Mr-. and Mrs. Gas-don Gettiîîs, Caesaî-ca, with her parents, Mi-. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Ho!- mes. Oshawa, wei-e with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright. Miss Elenor Heard with Miss CarraI Wright on Scînday. Mrs. M\'et Finch, Spring- brook-: Mii. and Ms-s. Floydi Fincti and Ruthi, Oshawa, were ISaturday eveniîîg visitai-s a,, Mrii. andi Mrs. Bruce Reicis. Ms-. andi Mrs. Wallace Gi-if- lin, Heaiber -and Dale were Skîriday, visitai-s wîth Mi-. aind lvris. Nornman Coflacutt, Ty- roue. Explorers hexi ExpIai-crs held the 2rd xpdition of theur lst Exptos'- îng year on Fiidav, Feb. 24cli, 4in the Sonda ' Schiool hall. It was pi-esideci oves- by flie Chief Explorer-. The worship was conduced by Chief Couii- sellor andi the compass was s-esc by Explores- Dapbne Green.- Chief Counisellor toak tbe three exploring parties on their exploration after wbich a game was pla\'ed. Tbe lbandwoî-k saw the near coirpletion of the Explor- book. The doorkeeper for thPe next expeditiori is Laura Giif- fin and Wayne Beckett MIES ehosen <o give the Password. The lasing cesemonial bymn was snng and ail repeateci the Explorer Prayei-. Officers for 1956 ai-e: Chief ExpIls-es-, David Stainton: Chief Keepes- of the Log, Mary Yeo; Chief Keeper ai the Treasure, Lais Ashton: Chiei Counsellos-, Mrs. R. B. Green; Counsellors, Ms-s. H. Ashton, Mrs. R. Virtue. YELVERTON k Family Club Meets 1 On Monday evening the Fam, 1 ily Club met at the home of thî IN orman Wilsons. Due ta pi-es- sueof ather events only a lim. itecideci-awd of 18 membe-s and 1children and twa visitai-s were presen. The President opened the meeting with "Leaci Kindly Light" and Rev. Bonsteel led ir prayer. Past Sec*y Lloyd Wilson was appointed in the absence af the Secretary to record the minutes. Oram and Mary Moore accepted sponsorship of euchi-e party on Mai-ch 2nd, the Nos-m Wilsons the Crokinole party on March 16. Plans for an invitation Leap Year Dance on Feb.,29 wei-e dis- cussed. The nex.t meeting ta be helci at the G. E. Spenceleys on March 28. The mission collec- tion amouinteci ta $3.00. Joyce and Murray Malcolm conveneci the devotiona I period, with Murray reading the scrip- turc. Jo-yce took for her topic "Great Hymns" and concludedl the devotional with praver and a hymnn. Lunch andi social con- cluded the meeting. Joint Banquet HeId On Wcdnesdav evening of last wceek the Yelvcrton W.A. cater- cd ta a banquet in Church Hall sponsored .iointly as a promotion seheme bv Durham Medical Co- Op and Durhamn Federation of, Agriculture. The chairman of the evening x'sas Durham- Feci- eration President Clarence Allin of Newcastle. President of Dur- hamn Medical Services, Gordon Sta pIes of Cavan, spoke a few words on invitation as did Sami Black, Ficidman for the C.I.A. (Co-Operative Insurance As- sociation). Two Toi-onto speak- ei-s werc also bcard. A recent visitai- with Mrs. George Heaslip was Mrs. Pearl Stewart of Vancouver, B.C. Other more local guests included the Erle Ross farnily andi the Goaidon. Hcaslips of Toronto. We are happy ta report that whercas Reg. Ruskin bas been confined in the Workmnen's Co-mpensation Hospital at Mal- ton, he is showing vast im- provement in bis motivation or ambulation. Congratulations ta Mr. and tIrs. Robert Stinson of. Lotus on the birth of a new grand- daughter ta Ms-. and Ms-s. Perecy Swain of Burketon. Louis Stinson is undergoing a siege of the mumps. Soi-iy ta learn that the neigh- bourîng correspondent ta The 3tatesmfan fi-arn Nestîcton, Mi-s. Leonard Joblin, bas been mov- ci ta Port Perry Hospital. We oin the readers of the Nestie- mn column in wishing Aunt fessie a marked improvement in iealtb. We regret ta report that Mrs. tark, resident with hei- grand- laughter, Mi-s. Don Johnson, is ýurently in Tos-onto General [ospital. Mi-. andi Mrs. Don rohnson motored ta the city on ;unday ta visit ber there. A numbe- of Yelves-tonians oined the saci tbrong present ast Thursday at Bethany Unit- !d Churich ta pay last tribute ta he late widely known and iighly respected J. Chris. Cum- niskey. On Tbursday a number af nen folk gathereci ta enjo.y an nnovation --- a "Wood-Bee by [on and Yardligbt"', wben Ray abinson dernonstrateci that bis &art and bis woodpile were in ce right place by donating a uantity af has-dwoad ta church all. For which donation he is ccordeci the privilege of being a hai-tes- member of the local hot tove league for as long as the fod lasts! Canadian employers cantin- buteci $417,000,000 in 1954 to Liîne m pla ym en t insus-ance, warkmens compensatio, pe.î- sians and welfare. t b s e, h s d l s e( h: c i th ni hz sti ci n- ie S- 'l- td .e ýd y n [S e S. d n p e Nestleton Community Mourns Passing of Nelson C. Marlow Eary February 14th, 1956, Nelsan C. Marlaw passeci away in Comm1unity Memorial llo%- pifai, Port Pers-y, foliowing an Iness af same two ycarsý dui'ation. The late Mi-. Mariow, bas-n Octaber 28th. 1885, xvas one af a family af five boys and two girls bai-n to Georg-e Mailaw andi Sar-ah Ann Weldon an the family homestead, Lot 15, Concession 7, Cartwright. One sistes-, Ethel (Mrs. Han-y Hunking) of Oshawa, survives.1 He attended Caesarea Publie School and worked on his fath- er's farm until 1908, when he and Harold Porteojis went with a trainload of settler's effects. the property of a Mr. Brien of Bobcaygenn, to Albet ta. On his return from the west the fol-, lowring year he took up farming on one of bis father's farns. r'ow owned by David Wilso-.-' On March '7th, 1911, he was united in marriage with Myrtle Irene McGill of Lotus, at Blackstock parsonage. To this u~nion were born four children: Alvin of Toronto, Gilbert of IBlackstock. Madeline (Mrs. Jas. Ferrier) of . Perth. and Irene (Mrs. Frank Symons) of Bow- manville. Had Three Farms Mr-. and Mrs. Marlow farmned for five years on the Marlowv farm, then bought Mrs. Mai- low's fathers farm at Lotus, when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McGill. moved ta Lind- say. Here the young couple farmed until 1921 when thry purchased the Peter Wright farm between the two Nestle- tans and carrieci on successful fai-ming for a period of .30 Years. Mi-. Marlow was a mem- ber of Nestîcan Unitedi Cbnrch, alsa seçved as trustee on S.S. NO. 7, Caesarca Scbaol Board, attended the Nestietan Foi-est- ers meetings and was a loynl Orangeman, piaying a flute in the Blackstock band for a number ai years. For same yeai-s ie i-an an outdoor skating rink for local bockey games andi amusement. For 12 years be was butchet- for the local liee ring baving but' an up-to-date slaugbter hanse on bis farm. Wben J. G. Thompson bu tilt the fis-st cold storage locker plant in the township in 1944 Mn. Marlavi m'as butcher and meat cutteri lor the local farmers and pat- Retired in 1950 In 1948 lie began work a n bis newly acquii-ed. propcrty at Nestleton Station. erecting al wiiikshap anîd a garage far sloring materials. In Jonc 1950 the farn was sold f0 Mi-. S. Feddemna and the Marlows re- tircd to their new bunigalowý. which he builît almost entireiy himself, in the village. Di-ing the last fcw years of bis lue be was î-estricted in bis activities ta his was-kshop wbere lie spent rnast of bis time i- pairing lai-m implements and forniture, sbarpening saws arnd making ail manner af gadget's for borne andi farm use. He was a genins for making and fixing, was a blacksmith, carpenfer. ê~. . - -'A The Buick spE ItAL gives vou high-fashion luxury -high- powered performance- low, loti price------ ---- and cornes up as the stand-out best of the budget-tagged cars. The Buick (:ENTIJRY offers an extra bonus in luxurv- --------- plus a high-stepýing performance that*s noffiing short of sensational-and ail for a price that compares favorbl with the least! And in both cars, as well as the oitsanding SUPER, and the clistom-built ROADMANTER, ),ou get the agile might of Buick's walloping.big V8 engine ... and the smoothness and economny of Buick's advanced new Variable Pitch Dvinaflow*! (:ome in ta 'our Buick dealcr's soon (today, if possible) and we'll prove that if aujy new car is in your budget, a new .Buick can be in your garage. 'Ner advanced V'ariable Pitch Dvnaflou' is the on4 Vvnaflow Budick tSuilds /voda. -"4 It is standard ont the Roadmnaster, Super and (.enturj, optional at niodest extra cost on, the Special. A GÉNERAL MOTORS VALUE WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM M-I1056C 166 King St. E. MOTORS 4 Il Phone MA3-55~5 1 lut4 I. "f ~ 't yedi ROBSON Bowma nvillie Phone MA 3m5583 mechanie, mason, and general Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn's. rather windy andi cold over the handyman. He was always a Mr-. Gar-field Puffes-, and Ron- weekend, there was a fair at- willng hlperin curch ad d Lakefielci, Mr-. and Mis, tendance at Sunday School and willng elpr inchucb nciBon Morrison, Oshawa, Mi-. and the chus-ch service on Sunday community waik-no i-eqtiest Mrs. George Bestrim andi son, after-noon. A basket af white for service ta others was ever Taunton, at Mr-. and Ms-s. M. 'mums was placeci in the church turneci down. He lea ves rnany Berti-im's. in memoi-y of the late Williamn mementos af bis unfailing in- Mrs. Davidi Malcolm spent a Trewmn. terest andi good neigbbourli- few days with relatives at To- Mi-. and Mrs. Ron Rahm Énd ness in the village. ronto. farnily were tea guests of Mr. Service Largely Attended Rena, Ilan andi Kyle Grabanm and Ms-s. Wrn. Dawson, Orono, 1 The funeral service helci fi-rn spent Sunday evening wi[h an Thursday evening, when 3flic McDerrnott - Pannabaker their grandiparents, Mr-. and Mi-. Ron Rahrn celebrated his -Funeral Home, Port Perry, was Mrs. VpIter Rahni, Tyrone. bii-thday. largely attendeci showing the, Mr. andi Mrs. Ran Rahm and Mr-. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- estern in which the deceasedi family visitec Mi-. andi Mrs. son and family, Hamptan, were wzas held by nat only his neigo- Chi-is Sheffield andi baby, Osh- Stînday visitai-s at Mr-. arld Mr&. boni-s but thc wbole surround- awva, on Tuesday evening. C. Rankine's. ing community. Rev. Mi-. C. W- Jean Bertrim fi-rn Haydon Hutton af Blackstock. conduet- School won the spelling con- cd the funeral service sa fit- test of thie 10 rural schoois Impas-t.as much as you cari tingly speaking of "The Unfia-- which was held at several dif- af your spiritual being ta those 1isheci Tasks"*. ferent places. Jean will be go- who are on the roaci with yau, Pal bea ers we e s x n igi - ng ta O rono on Satu sday. C on- andi accept as som et ing pre- boni-s: Donald Thompsou, Har- gatulain.ciaus wbat cames back ta yau olci Porteous, Wilfoi-d Jackson,1 Althouigl the weather was fi-rn thern-Albert Schweitzer. iGeorge Bowers, James Harris ~,~~ and Mai-vin Hill, an aId neigh- bous-, now of Pleasant Point. interment was made in the family plat in Union Cernetery, Friends were present fi-rn a I pp r Bowrnanville, Oshawa, Toron- ta, Lindsav, Perth, Janetvilie ? nd neighbouring points, and,~ I ie beautiful floral gifts paidlè1 silent tribîîte ïo his kindlv iS;ee our new WalIpapers - We have a large stock t houghtfulness, quaint sense of of beautiful new patter-ns in a large price range. service ta others. As- aipe of the latest in Ipre aes These can be delivered in 48 hours. HAYDON ROOM LOTS AND REMNANTS AT CLEARING PRICES. so be sure to see what we have to offer Mr. and Ms-s. Clayton Read, before decorating. Bowrnanville, Mes. 1-. Ashtius were tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. A. Read's, an Suinday, ta celebrate Lynne Read's 7i A BERNETHY'S Mi-. and Mis. Walter Rahrn, Tyrone, were Sunday visitai-s at> PAINT & WALLPAPER Mi- Ms.Ro Grha's ~ 85 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Colbarv and family, Toronfo, at Mr. and Yes, buv 'em Dow. ..the slunning nem, models of the cars which are taking Canada bv storrn-. .. the modeis you've waired cagerly to see and ta drive . .. the 1956 Buick spv.î,Ar. and CENTURY. And hands down and avaî', they're the Best Buiîcks Yet! - 1 r, I XI 94tr iNAVAntAv ammànqvuqrà%r 0 q dot ttdg>