?~U~5~AY. MA~RCN lut, THE CAN'A1~!AN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVTLLE. ~>NTARIO VAGI S!Y!N Mn. and Mns. Don Mason, Debbie and Barbara, Toronto, spent Sunday wîth Mrs. N. S. B. James. Col. L. T. McLaughlin was in Oshawa last Thursday attend- ing the funeral of Col. Frank Chappell. Mn. Howard Countice, Otta- wa, native o! Ebenezer-Courtîce district, la halidaying at Day- toua Beach, Flonida. Miss Audrey Venton, Toronto, spent the weekend with hen 0î,.aents, Chief of Police Ven- ion and Mrs. Venton. Mrs. H. E. Purdy and son ,Hardy, Campbellville, were ve- cent guests o! her parents, Dr. and Mns. L. B. Williams. Miss Gladys Jamieson, Wind- sor; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cam- eron, Oshawa, spent the week- end with Mrs. R. M. Jamieson and Mrs. D. H. Jamieson. Winners o! the Lions Hockey Draw for Wednesday, Feb. 29 were: John Bird, Jr., Bent Park- er, for Saturday, Mat-ch 3-Glen Hadgsou, Helen Perfect. We are glad to ha able ta ne- Pont that Mrs. Geo. B. McClel- lau, Centre St., is at home and making a good recovery !ollow- iug an accident suffered a few weeks ago. Mn. and Mrs. 'Sid Scott, Mr. and Mns. Reg. Joues and Mn. E. H. Browun eturued iast Satur- day from six weeks in Flonida. They stayed for three weeks at St. Petersburg. Mrs. M. M. Genry left by ,plane on Feb. 17 f or Mexico City where she will be joined by her brother, William Dustan and wife o! Fresno, Calif., ta spend a holiday touring Mexico. Mrs. W. Gardon Rice, 319 Homewood Ave., SueUury, in rernewing her subsciption to The Statesman wnites: 1 am always glad ta see my home- town paper in my mail box Monday noon. Thene seems ta be a great deal o! illuess in tawn. Mn. Kenneth Werry, Supeintendent o! Ontario Training School for Boys, reports that be has six memberes o! the staff away through illness this week. Messrs. W. R. Strike, Q.C., M. J. Elliott and George Van Bridger of the Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission at- tended the convention o! the, Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11 AM. g"The Holy Habits of the Spiritual'Life1> M 9 (2.) I wiII pray to God i*n private and family devotions. '~ P.M.- "]Peter" There will be a sang service, *Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. YOUTH FOR CHRIST from INDIA SPECIAL SPEAKER SILAS FOX (Hear abaut this crisis country) Y.F.C. CHOIR - LOCAL TALENT GOOD SINGING L ýociŽl & fPersonial Phone MA 3-3303 st. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Third Sunday in Lent 8 and il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 7 p.m. - EVENING FRAYER G.alt of ivrs.Wiiani E. Goves, in her 95th year. Mr. and Mrs. Graves at one time were the praprietors of a flower shap in Bawmanville lacated where the extension ta Strike & Strike law offices is now being made an King St. West. They were regarded with respect and affec- tion by ail who knew thein. They attended St. Paul's United Church while here. Mr. Graves died some years ago and Mrs. Graves has been living with her son, Harry, at 8 Rich Ave., Gait. Mrs. J. G. Jackson of Prince Albert, Ont., formerly of Orono, celebrated her 9lst birthclay not long aga at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Kelsey, Whitby. Mrs. Jackson alsa has two sons, Roy H. Foster, Toron- ta; J. Russell Foster. Peterbaro; also five grandsons. three grand- daughters and two great-grand- chîldren. She is in perfect health and last summer ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey on a 350-mile trip ta Algonauin Park, enjaying every minute of the vacation. In the class of one room sehools, and competing against Toronto district schools in the Ontario Municipal Electrical Roy W. Nichais, Courtice and Association at the Royal York, Bowmanville, Chevrolet and Toronto, this week. Oldsmobile dealer, and B.11 A visitor at the Ontario Train- Steven, Bowinanville, Pontiac ing School for Boys on Wednes- and Buick dealer, were amang day last week was Mr. A.J. the 40 General Mators dealeis Sands, Superintendent of the in the Bowmanville-Brockvile Boys Training School at Shel- area who were guests at a burne, Nova Scotia. Mr. Sands luncheon given by the Corpor- also visited with his brother, Dr. ation at the Kawartha Golf W. C. Sands in Oshawa. Club, Peterborough, last Thurs- Rev. Simpson, Waverly Rd. day. Baptist Church, Toronto, was Mrs. Robert Sheridan (nee guest speaker at the Sunday Jean Cunningham) of the High evening service of Bowmanville Schoal teaching staff is home Ba ptist Church on Feb. 26th. and making good recavery fol- Dan and Peggy Myers suppliedj lowing injuries received in *a the gospel music. Pastor Halse faîl at the foot of the stairs in could not be present due 1 their apartment an Feb. 18. Mrs. illness.Sheridan was ou her way ta ine. sem o ae answer a kock at the doon and Chicenpo sees tahav in some way caught her foot and subsided in Bowmanville, but 1 fell. She expects ta be able ta there are 37 cases of red measles, returu ta wark at B.H.S. next according ta the Nothumber- week. land-Durham Health Unit repart Three Bowmanville students: for the week ending Feb. 25. Tanya E. Goddard, Janet A. There are also 9 cases of scarlet McGregor and Stephen D. Sis- fever, 1 German measles and 1 son are expected ta be amo-ag of mumps. the 2,500 Queen's University Mn. H. G. Saw of 63 Scugog students acting as hasts ta vie- St. had the misfortune ta sl ip on itars on the biennial Open the ice on Chunch Street while House ta be held at Queen 's an neturning home from church ou Saturélay, March 3rd. Visitors Sunday marning, and suffered a1 are asked ta cail at Miller Hall, broken leg at the ankle. He is where they will receive a pro- lu Memarial Hospital, Bowman-i gram, guide book and a map ville, with his leg in a cast and o f the campus. is progressing favonably. Mr. Ed. F. Weeks, Toronto, Turkey dinner' guests of Mrs. spent the weekend with his Chas. Shaw, Oshawa, on Tues- sisters, the Misses Weekes, day were: Mrs. George Steph- Duke Street. Ed. also dropped ens, Islngton; Mns. Donald Mc- iu ta have a chat with the Canther, Port Credit; iVrs. editor and commented on the Howard Wonnacott, Mns. Harry many improvements in th2 Hatherly, Mrs. Annie Hatherlv, Statesman's back shop equip- Toronto; Mrs. Gardon Leslie, ment since hie learned his ap- Mrs. Russell Hayward, Oshawa, prenticeship in the "Art Pre- and Mrs. E. A. Virtue, Tyrone. servative" with- Editor James Mr. A. A. Merkley, Principal Gale in thc West Durham of Vincent Massey School, who News nearly 50 years aga. has been iii for somne weeks with Dr. C. W. Siemon writing ta neuritis, came home fromn Me- the editor from Daytona Beach marial Hospital on Feb. 22 and says: Found a place here ta aur is making good progress towand liking, weather perfect with necovering bis health. He hopes 84 ders oa.Eryhn ta be able ta return ta school egestdy vrti- some time uext week. Mrs. Alan is handy with beach just threý3 Osborne bas been supplyîng for blocks away. Heard Dave him n hi absnce.Price's broadcast from Toronto him n bi absnce.reporting weather conditions in Mr. aud Mrs. E. V. Hoar havea nai rty a ow o returned from a month's vaca- dowu bere lu the nick of tîme tion in California spent ai without any trouble. With Santa Barbara, Las Angeles, best regards ta al aur friends San Francisco, and surrounding at "home." cammunities. They report a wonderful time and enjoyed A leterfnom Mrs. Chas. H. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Msn who is holidaying in Morrili in Santla Barbara. MI'. Florida wnites: We are now a't and Mrs. Hoar travelled oy Pompano Beach, near Fort. plane bath ways. Lauderdale. Stayed three weeks lu St. Petersburg and liked it Messrs. Russell Earle, Ed. very much, everyone so frienc- Milîson, Clarence Allin, Bob ly. Was not much impressed Hendny and Earl Dorrel ne- with Miami. Ft. Lauderdale Is presented Durham Caunty Fed - the most beautiful city we have eration of Agriculture at a meet- seen. We are quite near the ing of the Co-operators Insur- McIlveens and see them every ance Association held lu Toron- day. This is surely the "La*nd to-last week. Durham was one of Sunshine" with 84 degrees of the winning counties lu con- tday test for gneatest number oftay policles written last four months Manv in Bowmanville will be of 1955. sorny jo hear of the passing in 1W.A. Executive HAMPTON IMrs. atnaeOa La, M ake lansfor &ýasa guest at the home of her niece, Mrs. T. M. Chant, Mr. Spring Raly week-end.h Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, President spent a day or two with ber of te Pesbter Woan' Asgrandparents, Mn. and Mrs. R. o! he resytey Wmans A- Shackleton. saciation of the United Church, presided at a meeting of about Mrs. John Baker, Sauina, is at thirty of the membens o h the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Jim executivelno, recently. Smales. At the meeting Plans were madel Mr. Don White, Oakville, spent for the Spning Rally ta be held the weekend at home. lu Nortbminster United Church F/L and Mrs. Reg. Kersey, ou Apnil 26th. Ronnie and Ricky, Downsview, *The general theme of the wcre weekend. v isitons at the meeting will be "The National home a! his Parents, Mr. and Evangelistic Mission." Mrs. Har- Mrs. S. Kersey. Mn. and Mns. aid A. Werry, Kedran, was ap- Ken Pooler, Larry and Randy. pointed delegate ta attend the Oshawa, were Sunday visiton. s Bay of Quinte Conference W.A. with the Kerseys. meeting ta be held at Lakefield Miss Jean Stewart who was ou May lst. Mrs. Claude Ives, guest speaker at the Oshawa Bowmanviile, told the members Preshytenial held in Northmins- that she had given the Pnesby- tenrtinited..-Church on Feb. 22, tery W.A. report at the meeting was an over-night guest with of the Oshawa Presbyte.ry held Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Miss Stew- iu Albert Street Church necently. art was at one time lu West This was the first time a W.A.. China, and necently appointed report had been requested by the ta Ail People's Mission Work in Presbytery. Hamilton under the W.M.S. iBoard of United Church. Kiwanis Music Festival, Toron- IMn. and Mrs. J. Lyon, Johuny ta, last Thursday, S. S. No. 3,and Judy visited his parents at Manvens, knowu as~ Fallis Scarbora. Schaol, came second.' Much Mrs. Reid visited at the home credit is due the music teachen o! her daughter, Dr. and Mrs. G. J. M. Gay of Pontypool, far this Martin and family, Richmond gaad shawing. It is înteresting Hill last week.-1 ta know that, needing an accom_ Sunday morning church senv- panist, Mn. Gay who is some- ice was of interest when the thing of a perfectionist. asked Girl Guides with their Captain Miss Margaret Goheen, daugh- Mrs. T. M. Chant and the Boy ter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Scouts with Douglas White, as Goheen, Bowmanville, and third their leader, held thein church form student at Bowmanville parade, attined lu their respective High School, ta assist in this ca- uniforms. Miss Margot Rankine, pacity at the Festival. Miss Haydon, contributed a pleasing Goheen, an accomplished pianist, vocal sala which was appreciat- xvas happy ta do so. This school ed and Rev. Mn. Reed gzave a choir has pneviously won threelIfitrng message. shieids at the Peterborough The weathen aven the week- Festival. The adjud.icator at end was undesirable with freez- Eatou Auditorium commented ing. nain on Fniday, leaving the bow very well these small highiways and streets in a treach- schools perfarmed. Finst place erous condition. S a t u rday weut ta S. S. No. 11, Vaughan1 brought more nain, high winds Township. and snow. ______________Church anniversary services will be held on Sunday, March There are a million more 111th with Rev. D. F. Summens Canadians with jobs today than of Westmount United Church, 10 years aga. Oshawa, guest minister. Mrs. Fred Partner. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs P. Van- eyk. Mr. Alex McLaggan motored ta Keswick on Frklay and brought bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McLaggan, Sr., home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright~ and family, Mr. Morley Wrighý, janetville, were Sunday sup« per guests of Mr. ancd Mrs. IL Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson an-d Sandra were Saturday suppei, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Blaney, Bowmnanville. Club 50 ladies are ta meet st Mrs. Ethel Goble's, Tyrone, te work at quiît. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby Mohawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QIJALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention ta detail are vour assurance when vou choose from the wide selection of imported and domnestie Granites and Marbies in stock. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE hde,.d.ntSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK BRYLCREEM Soft Ctrng'o POMUp î HAIRPRESSINO OnIy ~ iuuI.~s jre KIeenex* has the fialJy tubes s.rv-c-Tissue Box OREG. TRADE MAfI( thon. Myvethefar uit dressn miwa ld 29c, 49c reg. 35c, 600 Milk of Magnesia Tablets 29c, 59c1 100's and 300's reg. 39c, 89e Now! Your choice of 3 Gille lie SUPER SPFED RAZOIRS! ,One bas exactly the right edge ângle, edge exposure and weight te match your face for superb shaves. Clean, conîfortable, Iong-lasting shaves are guaranteed. We have GOOD Television PRICE SEE THE LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN- AT PRICES THAT YOU CAN AFFORD! 1956 TV complete with Aerial Installed and Guaranteed--------~ Q (( Backed by Our Own Service Department Wriiing Pads 13c, 2 For 23c Ladies' or letter size. Regularly 15e each Envelopes 8c, 2 ror- 15c "Eebnomy" Linen or VeIIum Packet of 20, reg. 10e Pencils 5 For 19C .D.A. Brand with HB lead and eraser Reg. 5C Seidliz Powders 23c Box of 7 sets Reg. 29c White Embrocation' 29c, 49c 4 and 8 oz. Reg. 39e anýd 69e With Blue Blade dis. penser and travel case. $ 2 Your choice Featured on Gillette's World Serim TV and Radio Broadeaste. Hiere's Value and Quality - MARCONI 235 AS SHOWN FEATURES: " Transformer 21-Tube Chassis * Largest 21" Aluminized Picture Tube * Beautiful Waoden Cabinets " Twin Speakers * Removable Safety Glass * One Year Complete Caverage Guarantee at Na Extra Charge Price $3 79.00 Television Service Co. "The Home of the One Year Guarantee" Phone MA 3-3883 Linseed Meal I.DA. Brand I.DA. Brand ITOOTH PASTE Coniains Lauryl 45 - I.D.A.-s soapless wetting agent with exeeptional eleansiflg pro- perties. *Gleaming White Teeth Sweeter Breath Fresher, Cleaner Feeling a 57c PRESCRIPTIONS 12-oz. container 29c Rex. 35e For Coughs - Colds I.DA. Brands BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP A prompt, safe, healing preparation for the relief of bronchitis, coughs and colds. Eight fluid oz. 75c BRONCHIDA COLD CAPSULES Take thein at first sign of a cold to alleviate sneezing. runny nose, headache and fever within 24 houri. 30 capsules - ----51.25 Idarub Chest Rub, 3 oz., 49e NEW 1a: ',r al;zin g. cri b. VEY OENTLE A SPECIALTY McG regor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 'F Wome.'s Institute meeting will be eheld this TÉhursday a!- tennoan. Prognam is in charge af the East Group. Subject: "'Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries." Mn. Albert Rundle of the Hanmony Nunseries will be guest speaker. Music by out- side talent. Rall caîl "An Im- provement I would like ta see iu an article purcbased." Al ladies welcome. A number o! W.M.S. ladie attended the Presbyterial at, Nanthminsten United Church,' Oshawa, on Wednesday. i C.G.I.T. beld their meeting ati the home o! thein leader Mns. A. L. Blanchard on Mouday even- ing. Ladies' Service Club men a the home o! Mns. Chanlie War- ren ou Wednesday evening. Sympatby la extended ta Mn. Bert Stevens in the sudden passing a! his brothen-in-law, Mn. R. Burgess, Tynone, also ta Mrs. Burgess (nee Ethel Stev- ens) and family in thein bereave- ment. Saturday, March 3rcI at 8 p.m. BO WNAN VILLE TOWN HALL EVERVONE WELCOME AT ANY Milk of Magnesia I.D.A. - 16 oz., 32 oz. MARCONI TV MODEL 235 See It - Try It in Your Hame at No Obligation 3 3 King St. W. -1 ..P YRrRSDAT, MARCR Ist- -PAGS SEVM , loge THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO LONG SAULT Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- ta, with his parents aver the. weekend. Master John Baker spent the weekend with the Millsan boys. Mrs. E. Campbell and Iris, Bawmanville, with Mrs. Kayacs and Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and family and Mrs. May Johns were Friday evening guests ùf Mr. and Mrs. 0. Miller. Home and School Club meets March 9th with families of Ber-t and Wm. Johnson's and Stan Gable as program con- veners. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John have rented Mrs. Haw- key's house in Tyrone and are moving there this week. Mr. Vaneyk bas rented his tobacco farm ta Mr. Van Beck of Mill- brook and they are moving in this week. We welcomne Mr. and Mrs. Van Beck and family ta our community. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner and family, Tyrane, were Suni- day supper guests of Mr. and -C