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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1956, p. 13

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?NtTRSDAY, MARCW 15. 1958 £1.~~~~TUE AJAI N SLA .1 LML.AL' *OW LYLdN VLLL,. UONTARIO AETITEIA Y A A* Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis Spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alden Pollard in Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare spent Suniday visiting with friends iii Brighton. Mrs. Clayton Stoneburg o! Wellington spent a couple of days last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Partridge and Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pollard *nd Irene o! Sbelburne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilkes and family on Monday. SM.Jack Nesbitt left on fihuriday ta take a month's UM ing in the Royal Canadian Air Farce Reserve at Trenton. Miss Marjorie South B.A., M. A., and Miss Sylvia South of Toronto, spent Saturday o! last week visiting with their cou- sinis, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Part- ridge and Carol, visited in Osh- awa on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pbillips and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Choate. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow and Glen of Newtonville, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen and Divr- lene. Dr. H. G. Walton-Ball and son David o! Toronto, visited with friends in the village on Sunday and inspected their summer home at the lake. Mr. James Rickaby o! Oronco was the guest speaker at the Ulnited Cburch on Sunday m-orning speaking on the su'o- e t"A Creed Foi- Education Miss Olive Thorne bas le!t for New York City for a three weeks' visit with ber brother. !Ir. Wilmot Thorne. Mrs. Merkley Clark of Belle- ville has been visiting with re- latives in the village. Miss Mary Dewdney spent the weekend visiting in Toron- to. Mr. Clarence Clark o! Otta- wa has been visiting in the vil- lage for a few days. Miss Irene Rinch and ber un- Couples Club Hears Talk On Education The regular meeting of the Merry Married Couples' Club was held in the Sunday Schuul Hal1, of the Newcastle Unitedý on March 7th opening tl à brief business period dur!ig which, Marlow Han- rock, on behaîf of the Sunday School, expressed appreciation to the club for the fine job they had done in having the inew floor laid in the Sunday OIRL. 333 ý NEWSlE idce, Mr. W. E. Beman, plan ta leave by air on Saturday for a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penny a! Toronto were Sunday visit- Lors with Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and family. Mr. Percy Woodward of To- ronto us visiting for a few days with Mr. H. T. Manes and fain- ily. The many friends o! Mrs. Mary Stevens will be sorry ta learn that she bas taken ser- iously ill and is a patient in the Memorial Hospital in Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephen- son and family visîted their cottage at Belleville an Sunday. Mrs. G. T. Manes o! Leaside visited with Mr. H. T. Man'is and family on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase re- turned home last week follow- ing a three weeks' holiday spent in the sunny soutb. Whîle un Florida they visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Walton. Twenty members of- the Evening Auxiliary o! St. George's W.A. attended church and an illustrated lecture on the Arctic as guests of the St. John's Evening Branch, Bow- manville on March 7th. The Missionary 'Service was con- ducted by the Rector of St. John's and after the service thez members o! both Branches ad- journed ta the Parish Hall where tbey beard a most infor- mative and inspiring talk about the work o! the Church in Ak- lavik of the Dioscese of the Arc- tic. The speaker, Miss Norma Westgate bas been nursing at; the Church Hospital in Aklavik for three years and showed slides o! the H(sspital and the neighbouring community, such as Fort MarPherson. She had brought with her, examples of bead work and embroidery done by the Indian and Eskimo pa- tients o! the hospital. Tbis talk and the hospitality o! the meni- bers o! the Bowmanvil'e Brancb gave ta tbe local Branch a most rewarding evening. School hall. Plans were also discussed fo: the Annual Social Evening o the Club to be held in April. A discussion on the themi of 'Education Week" was con ducted by Mr. Ron Munrc bringing out two main points first that the teacher shoul( live in the community if pos. sible making it easier for thE teacher to know the parenti and pupils better, and second. ly, that parents should learr the teacher's system of teach. ing by dloser contact and co. operate ta help the children. Following the discussion two films were shown by Mr, Munro, the first showinga school board in action explain- ing bow they chose text books and how they worked out the budget and the second fim how the child should learn ta study on his own, explainirn that a chili should find a place to do his homework by himse]j where he will not be înterrupt- ed by other members of the family. During the pragram, thp group were entertained with two lovely trumpet solos by Mr. Jack Allun. Following the serving of de- licious refreshments by mem- bers of the committee in charge of the evening's entertainment, Mr. Gordon Hancock express- ed the apprecia tion of the niembers to the committee for a fine prograni. IN APPRECIATION 0F ALL ORDERS FLOWER ORÔÜERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS WILL BE TAKEN AT C. A. Cowan'sI * Dial Newcastle 2516 I WATCH FOR THE NEW I.SIX CYLINDER s r If e o d s 2 I BUT . .. whelher you prefer a six or a beller deal ai MG AI USED. CARS FOR DEST SELECTION FULLY RE-CONDITJONED No Tax Raise Locally High School & County Up Public School Rate Down Due ta sanie paring o! the estimatçs o! the Newcastle Pub- lic Scbool Board,» the local council was able, despite sharp increases in the High School and County rates, ta hold the local tax rate ta 53 milîs, the same as last year, when striking the estîmates at the March meeting held on Monday evening. The total amount required by council will be $50,406.21 caver- ing County, High Scbool, Public School and local aýdministration rates. The largest increase is in the county rate o! $8,766, whicb is more than double the 1955 requirements o! $3.900. The Higb School Area Board require- ments for the year (including building fund debentures) is $7.806, an increase o! $2.806 over last year. The mast pleasant surprise ta council, and will be ta the tax- payers, is the drap in the est- imates o! the Public School Board o! $4,000, from $15,000 in 1955 ta the $11.000 requisition for 1956. The drap in the Board's estimates was explained ta council by John Rickard, Chairman o! the Finance Ca n- mittee o! the Board. He said he Time Theme bas always been opposed ta the Board budgeting for and havingi large surpluses and bas budget- ed pretty close this year, alloiv- ing approximately $600 for emergencies. He said last year's surplus o! more than $2.000 plus a capital expenditure grant coni- ing froni the Department o! Education made the reduction in estimates possible. This will leave $22.834 for the general administration o! the village, which is made up as follows: Administration____.$ 2,000 Council wages 550 Property-------------- - 1,000 Office expense . = 300 Fire Department 1,500 Police Departmcnt . 1,700 Caretaker ---------2,5001 Roads Committec 3,000 Street Lighting -------- - -2,000 Relief ----------------------- --- 500 Arena (incl. debentures) 1,600 Sidewalk Committee --- 1,000 Grants -- ------------------ -3,000 Health and Hospitalization ---------- -500 Unemploy. Insurance .. 25 General Government .. 500 Bank Interest --------- 700 Miscellanèeous ---------- 458 Police Advise United Church Keeping Pets W.A. Meeting Tied Up The regular meeting o! the Womans. Association o! the United Church was held in the Sunday School Rooni on Thurs- day, March th with very bad weather preventing the usual good attendance. In the absence o! Mrs. Nora Colwill, the devotional periad was conducted by Mrs. Fergu- son, assisted by Mrs. Clcmencý-, Mrs. Godfrey and Miss Han- cock. The theme of the talk Was "Tume". In Ecciesiastes 3, 1-8 we are told o! variaus activ-- ties 'Pach having its appointed tume. 2nd Corinthians, 1 and 2 states: "For He saith I bave beard thee in a time accepted and in the day o! salvalion have 1 succoured thee: bebold naw is the accepted turne; be- bold naw js the day o! salva- tion" . From Malachi 3:8, we learn that tbough tithes and of- ferings are ta be given ta God, it is possible also ta tithe aur time and talents. Prayer closed this part o! the meeting and Mrs. Cowan p]ayed, very ac- ceptably two piano selectioîîs "Longing" and "The story of the Brook", first giving a brie! description o! the music. 1 JChie! A. R. Randalbas is- sued a warning toalal dog own- crs ta keep tlhcir pets on their ow roperty or lie will bc forced to destray them. Due ta the Rabies epidemie in the area and the danger ta animals and children, members o! the vil- lage counicil uirged the strict enforcement o! the village by - Village by-law No. 631-1.1 re,ads, "Every dog which is' found off the premises upon which it is habitually kept, or witbout a tag, and not un. der control o! any persan, may be destroyed." Thus it would be wise un more ways than anc ta keep pets tied during the present season, for thic protec- tion o! pets and hunians frai-n the rabies disease, and ta pro- tect your own dog froni beingj picked up and destroyed. Chie! Randaîl states be bas already had occasion ta destray dogs which have been running at large and urges all owners o! pets within the village ta beed this appeal. and keep their dogs at borne, or on a leash wben on the street. Snow Rv-JA PAiçp Rémoval1 The business period was con- i ~ ' Sducted by the President, Mrs. Jose, wben reports were heardDB-,/ CouflI from 'the secretary, the treas - urer, flawer committee and Tiran fnlredn ws letters o! tbanks were read by Tidadfna edn a the correspanding secretary. It given ta a by-law requiring wvas announced that Mrs. 'Col- housebolders or tenants ta re- Swill's group is catering for two move snow or other obstruc- Sbanquets in the near future. tions !rorn the sidewalks ad- Churcb visîting was discussed joining their property within a and two members are ta be ap- perioci o! 12 hours, by' the vil- pointed at each meeting ta caîl lage council at its March meet- on those in the ,congregation ing on Monday evenîng. First wha are ill or in any way con and second reading was al.o fined ta their home. Mrs. M. C. given ta the road construction Fisher was appainted Steward- and niaintainence by-law. sbip secretary for the associa- There was cansiderable dis- tion. A letter o! appreciation is cussion o! the road estimates ta be sent ta the Merry Married with Committee chairman Couple's Club for their splen- Coun. Frank Hoar making a did achievement in laying the strong case for bard surfacing new floor covering in the Sun- sanie o! the streets in the vil- day Scbool Hall. lage this year. He announccd Follwin therepatin o!his intention o! looking intoi the oin tiphe Beetinonfe the 'nossibilities o! this prior ta washere z an ediscinal bal f spe cial meeting called for, bou re aed by tsmci ers fMaL ch 26th. ta give final read- hor njye b te em-r. ing ta the by-law and ta dlean Up sanie other business.Cu- cil menibers agreed with COoujIII. Hoar if it would be possible tj - receive a supplcmentary granti fromn the Departnient o! High- ways for this work. A Building Permit was grant- FO R D ed ta Mr. R. J. Williams for the 1 construction o! a anc and anc hal! storey home on bis lot on the south west corner o! Georg-e and Beaver Streets at an estini- O O N ated costof$50. ehghl yOU wîlI gel pointed by counicil ta fili h caused by the resignation o! Mr. Arthur Toms. IThere was considerable dis- cussion regarding the Rabies )T O R S eie i in heaara andPo- ted ta enforce the by-law pro-J hibiting dogs frorn running at large. The main business o! thp cou'lcil was the presentation of 1 O the 1956 budget which appearsI elsRwerean this page. AT COMPETITIVE PRICES See Carveth Motors' NEWCASTLE YOUR FORD - MONARCH DEALER < Phone Newcastle 3251 NE WTON VILLE Gordon Àgnew, Editor Phone 3621. Miss Shirley Jeffs, Napanee. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones. The Brownies and Girl Guides were entertained by their mothers ta a social even- ing of cards in the community hall an Friday when over sixty were present. Mr. Anthony Ton, Sr., met with a painful accident while at work with the Wood Prod- ucts firm, Newcastle on Friday. An x-ray showed a broken bone in bis left armn, making it ne- cessary ta keep the injured part in a cast. W.M.S. Service Newtonville W.M.S. held Ifs Easter Thank-offering Service on Sunday evening with Rev. Dr. Wý A . Hunnisett of the:Fred Victor Mission, Toronto, as the guest speaker. His message w&s full of challenge and informa- tion as he spoke of Missions. bath overseas and ini Canada. Owing ta eather -conditions bis orchestra was unable ta came but the young pianist who came belped greatly in the mu- sic. Shîloh Junior Choir with Mrs. Westheiser, kindly gave of their services which addedi much ta the enjoyment of the' service. The pastor, Rev . S. J. Pike, was assisted by Rev. M. C. Fisher, of Newcastle, who with bis evening congregatioro came ta enjoy Rev. Dr. Hun- nisett. Kendal, Shiloh and chai- ges an the Welcome circuit were also represented in the congregation. Imports reached an all-tim, monthly high in October, 1955. with a value of $457 million. In the January-October period imports totalled $3,883,600,000.1 a ten-month record highi and $305 million mare than exports OBITUARY MRS. MARK ALLUN Following a month's illness, death occurreài in Meni. Hospital, Bowmanvrlle, on Monday, Feb- ruary 27th, 196, o! Beatrice V. Toms, beloved wife af the late Mark A. Allin at the age o! 65 years. The late Mrs. Allin, who bal been un ili health for the past two years, was born on April 5th, 1891, daughter of the late Joseph Toms anrd Frances Elson of Newcastle. Receiving ber early education bere, she grad- uated from, the Peterborough Normal Scbool and served in the teaching profession in the Newcastle Public School, Brown's, Lakeshore and Cow- anville schools. She is survived by one da-- ghter, Mrs. John Northrup (Evelyri), two brothers, Eric Toms o! Ottawa and Howar-i J. Toms o! Newcastle and ane sister, Mrs. Helen Brunt, o! Ca- bourg. A faithful member o! tle Newcastle United Church, the funeral service was conducted by her minister, the Rev. M. C. 'Fisher in the Morris Funeral Chapel in Bowmanville, on Thursday, March lst. with in- terment in the Bowmanville Cemetery. Palîbearers were.Messrs. Tam Wallace, Robert Wagar, Stan- ley Powell, Stanley Grahani, Frank Hoar and Albert Nay- lor.' Among the many beautiful floral tributes were those of the United Church Woman'si Association, the Newcastle Lions Club, the Newcastle Board of Education and the neighbours of the deceasd. Friends from a distance at- tending the funeral included Mr. and Mrs. Noray Goheein and daughter of Hope Tow.1- ship, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred El- son and Mr. Howard Lanca- shire of Millbrook. Ont.'s Oldest Merchant Dies At Ballyduff Believed ta be one o! On- tario's oldest storekeepers, Joiin Porter of Ballyduff, aged 9Z years, died on Thursday, March 8th. Mr. Porter was born on the farm just back of Ballyduf! school, the son o! pioneer set- tlers o! the sanie name. His grandfather came !rom Bally- duff, Ireland, and it is believed be wvas responsible for confer- ring on the slettlement the name of his native town. His early life was spent un farming. La- ter he moved ta Millbrook and set up a blacksmith shop; mov- ing froni there ta Rochester, N. Y., where he lived for 42 years. .Llved With Sister Twenty-five years ago he re- turned ta Ballydu!! ta live with bis sister, Mrs. F. Bannister, who owned the only store in the tiny hanilet. After ber death he continued in the business, looking after the store and do. ing his own housework. He was well known and respecteci tbroughout the community. On his ninetieth birthday, the ne.- ghbors arranged a party for bum which he thoroughly en- j oyed. The funeral service was held on Saturday f rom the Bally-1 NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK HOAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 TEA for CANADAMACS dVOMI1NIO N 1 is the place to buy RI %acHMELLO TIRA BAGS Red Rose- 5c Off Pack 8-oz. pkg, Orange Pekoe Tea 64c Richmello Orange Pekoe 3Tea Bags , Economical! D.S.L. Black Tea Bags- Cello pkg. of 100 81C Richmello 8-oz. pkg. Orange Pekoe Tea 63c Domino - Breakfast Style 1Àî b. Black Tea 45C Mother Parker's - Orange Pckoe Tea Bags Pkg. of 60 79C 100% Guaranteed Meats Boneless Veal Roasi lb. 3 9c Lean - Delicious Hot or Cold- Pearnealed Cottage RoII.s lb. 3 9c Devon Brand - Rîndless Bacon 411-1b. pkg. 49C Maple Leaf - Skinless Pork Sausage Fýnest Quality 1 -lb. Pkg. Cooked Ham '-pg Pre-Dressed - Roasting - 2'2 to 3 lbs. Chickens i[ 39C .39c ~43c Yeu got 200 CUPS te the POUNDI AI Tea-Time, Snack-Time, For Lunches Oatmeal Cookies, Raisin Cookies, Cocoanut Cookics, Butterscotch Creams, Chocolate Creamis Party Trcat 'lb. cello bag Biscuits 33C Shirriff's - White Cake Mix 16-oz. pkg. 33C Cloverleaf Seafood Products Cloverleaf B.C. Pack i's tin Fancy Pink Salmon 49c Cioverleaf - White Meat Solid - 7-oz. tin Fancy Tuna Fish 39c Special Offer! Savings at tinie of purchase ~2 Large Fab Detergent Pkg.Del99 The Foaming Cleanser Reg. Tin Ajax Cleanser 2 for 27c Sweet Flavour! Delicious Spread! Swif t's Margarine A llsweef Save on Pet Food! Dog Lb. pkg. 31C gFood , Formula "62" Tremendous Value! Serve Chilled SPECIAL! 16-oz. tin 3fr 7C 12 tins 10 York Brand - Fancy- 48-oz. tin 3 oW7 0 9 Spreads Easily . .. evenly! To ao Juce2 c Plain or Pimento 8-oz. pg DIelicious served on toast! SPECIAL! C bat eau Cheese 28c Breakfast Club - Orange and Grapefruit - 24-oz. jar fwo Fruit M armalade 235c Pej rÉ% ie: )ysons - Whole - Baby Dili Pickles Miss Alice Nesbitt af Toron Real Saving! Stock up at this ta, was at home for the week- 1 Tip Top - Black - Unpitted tent. MmralHsia ~ ie C e r Mrs. Trevor Myles is a ip a- ý h ie C e r i Bowmanville. VreyMas r.Lorne Johnston, Westoa, Add ait to YourNlas wvith Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Small size Shaw.1* Miss Annie Nesbitt commen- ced the spring millinery seaso..Ifla y r n with Miss Scott of Oshawa o vn ty /1u fMondtay. Tender and Sweet! Congratulations ta Mr. and Green Giant - Ungraded Mrs. Kenneth Whitney on the birth of a daughter on Thurs: da%. March it. A grand-daugh 4Mr. LaduJoncà, Mxontrcal, i F'incy Pea SPECIAL! 16-oz. jar 27C price! SPECIAL! 15-oz. tin ies 2Zfor 27c ies 2-lb. cello bag 39C SPECIAL! 15-oz. tin 2 for 33c, N.jOtUVI[l I I:.bI iJ uuI.., Head Lettuce 2 Heads 29 C Florida No. 1 Size 96,'s Grapefruit, 10 for 49c Texas No. 1 3-1b. poly bag New Carrots 215C Ontario No. 1 3-1b. poly bag Cooking. Onions 19c Values effective at your Dominion Store, Bowmanville, until closing time, March l7th (duff Presbyterian Churcti, off iwhich he was a member. witil the Rev. E. McLean o£ Nestie- ton, officiating. Pallbearers were Nelsoni Mc- Mullen, Joseph McCullough, Gordon Strong. Lloyd Fallis, Alvin Mitchell and Ruscfl Kierp. Carrylng floral tributes were Laverne Chapman, V. Lethan- i gue, O. Mitchelt and Keith Mit- chell. Burial was in Ballydufi Cemetery. Social and Personal COMING CARVETH 91 e _q Rummel* IMMSDAT, MARCH 15, 1958 -I'R eqAvAnTAW emqAp"e"àv Ivammenu Il

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