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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1956, p. 15

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Courtice anc Upset the Fc Town Leagug The first game ai the semi- finals for the Town League championship were playeti lest Thunsday wiîh Courlice anti the Fonesters drawing finat blaoti. Bath teams won by the itienlical score ai 5-4. In the opener belween the Foresters anti Milier's Taxi, the Foresters got off ta a gooti tart with a pair o! goals polleti by Don Masters anti Bun Welsh. Only one goal was scoret inl the second stanza anti that came ai! the stick ai Tim Cox ai the Taximen. In the final perioti bath teama startedtot fly. Don Chuta ltied the score aI 2-2 but wilhin the next four minutes Gulbnie anti Welsh bat each scoredti t put the Faresters Up 4-2. Buck towle kepl Miller's in the game with bis sole goal af the nighl, but Welsh chaîketi up bis third linanker ta give the Foresters a ý( %3 etige. At the 14-minute ,M.'»n Chîlds score t once more foýr the Taximen. 1 if ~ 1 I Foresters civorites in e Playoffs Courtice Crew WIns Courtice badtotaovercome two-goah deficit before nippij Front Street 5-4 in the secoi game hast Thursday. Sa Thompson bat given Courtice 1-0 final penioti leati but B Lyle anti Chuck Kilpatrick ma il 2-1 for the Main Drag bo la the second perioti. Hali w; through the second Sam Thonm son again founti the mark ta t Up the game at 2-2. In leas than lhree minutes the apening whistle in the thii Jim Richards anti Don Runc each deateti the twine for Fro: St. Then came the three-go splurge by Courtice with Bari Johnson, Gond Sayers anti Jc kow'-ki beinz the marksmen. The semi-final round resumý agaia tonighl at the Memoni Arena. MAY LIISE SCRAMBLED EGGSEdJT YOU CAt'l' LI KE 5C RAMtLED TV! CALL U5! MYLES RADIO TV SERVICE Expert Repairs to Ail Makes 3 Silver St. MA 3-3482 BOWMWANVILLE TROFMAT, MAPM Il. 1058 HAMPTON Mn. anti Mrs. Lorenzo Trul Mn. Franklin Truli, Miss Mur iel Tummontis, Port Perry, ari Mns. Harolti Salter, were re cent visitons with Mr. aad Miý W. R. Young anti family, Peter bora. Misa Bertha Armour, Reg. N' Oshawa, spent Sunday at hoME Mn. anti Mrs. Jackson Wraý daughters Maxine anti Deborý Miss Elleen Wray anti Mn. San Kean, Oshawa, were Sunda, guests of Mn. anti Mrs. ' Wray. Mns. Etina Guy anti Mn. Nor man Guy, Columbus, were vis itons with Miss Wilma Leacb. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mi anti Mrs. Bryce Brown, Jeai anti Bobby, Oshawva, visite Mns. Joe Cjhapman. At A. W. Pnescotl's were Mi anti Mrs. Gea. Irwîn, Mn. an( Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Mr. Harvey McGill, Enniakillen Mns. Mabel Tonnant, son, Mi Ralph Nixon, Oshawa. Miss Sally Campbell, Wod ville, is a guest ai Rev. F.J \Â/ *~M ~-ADVERTISED IN - . . Readerfs Digest iAIl Sîzes John Stuit Shoes 15 KING ST. E. Bowmanville MA 3-2130 MA 3-5839 Oshawa-RA 5-4443 W.M.S. met in the basement dividual needs. See your 1 Princesses. Most or the local with a goati turnout. Meeting Plumber or DURO dealer merchants have tionaleti pnizea UsA IJC L~ S O C S R openeti by the President wba for full information or write for the lucky girl anti she will P U I I O A R H S R announceti that Mrs, J. H. Me- for FREE folder, 'lqtnnng Muey ellkeaqen wt Kinney,~~ ~ aioln rsdn ae, h amNctiy. o the lovely giits. Misa Shirley a Kinny, rookln, Preiden Waer, iseFai Necaaay". Milis, hast yean's queen, wili be a Bay ai Quinte Conierence present ta crown the new Brancb, will be guest speaker queen anti sevenal prominent at aur special Sunday service, local cilizens will be present ta LIONS COMMUNITY CENTRE Apnil lSth. Mrs. Charles Green- judge andi choose the preltiest ham hati charge af wonshiv.' beat-dresseti, most hady-like girl Theme was "The cali ta the at the Prom.ea j missions of the church lhrough Sa witb so littie time leil, antidJU l.Iar El . L~ Evangelism anti Missions". uncIhe tickets selling fat, you'd Greenham, Mrs. H. R. Foley, yaun plans now. H-ere again lsaa Mrs. S. Marton anti Mns. C. H. liat ai the people who bave PICTURES, CROWN AND PRIZES Snowden. Mrs. Samerville took tickets ta selI: Rena Dilling, Mar- up the chapter ai stutiy book lene McDonalti, Mary Jones, for on "Education ai aur Canadian Jean Williams, Sandra Cons- Indians" which was very hehp-. table, Evelyn Brown, Ken Kelly, fui anti instructive. John Lunn, Ted Fairey, BobIÇe n ot e l a1! C.G.I.T. helt i ts negular ser- Manjernison, Joe Màrkle, Alvin vice. Roll cali was answered Stcy n ogRg.ý u e f t e O giving a habit ai the Indians. UU,~ A gaod time was bad by Worhi srvie akn b Cr-PIP S & O TUrLI!L evervone present at the dance WLrFhidayerigce.tSarry, butr-e.BALLOONS AND PRIZES FOR ALL olyn Mann, consisteti o! hymns, LINITE P sa'-Frgota'y i ab out the s u ec Bible reading, story, "Sharing for N * C ADJig Winnerabot the spotr danca Ou Halb" atiprye. L _________________wene Nancy Mitchell anti Launie WELCOME EVERYONE was tiecidedt t affiliate with the ltnPtHokIan e W.M.S. on April 24. The Moth- 7 nDR, i taeonPlHcknniTe H alBruce C alSpc n er anti Daughter Banquet wi'l J AK D aBR UC13 Hahl'n aiynSie niADMISSION . . . . . Members $3,00 a Non-MVembers $4.06 be helti May lst. We bat crafts Bruce ____Cole.__ anti praclicet aur play for the PLUMBING and BEATING DnigCrae upidb Mother, Daughter Banquet. We «A 3-561,5 BOWMANVILLE Be as just and graciaus un,-:)cn oraesSplldb hati a sîng sang and adjoumne-d Dvso Sre ot me. as I arn confident and kinwj 9pin. - 1 a.m. .Taekinan & Son with Taps. Thene wcne 19 pres- DivIsion Steet South . eut. t-- u ior unrewarced Ly Hlm.- CLEAN HOUSE ON UNWA NTED ITEMS FOR GUJCK CASH -OR TRADE TREK FOR WHAT YOU NEED! If you're spring cleaning and discover furniture, small appliances, toys or cloth- ing you no longer need, let a Iow-cost want ad soul or trade thern for you. You'll be pleasantly surpnised at how many folks are seoking those very items. But, you've got to tell them in order to soul thern! Use the WANT ADS for economical, and reallyA W NT D f ast resuits! r k III£MAIKU ET At THE à 1 orMILLONS~ Phone MA 3-3303 and rs.Ree. e~ ~5 Iand Douglas, vftited Mr. and East Group of W.A. will self adMr.Macl Reed , aano i r ew n er tOy*LaUL Mrs. -James Park, Peterbor- tarts and tea. spent altoemweekedaThome.t, :i ze in* W .ough, Saturday. Miss Anna Marie Hoski-4 Mr nd Mre.wR.kJ.dHa dgborn. M r. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock Mr. and Mrs. K. Kondra, Mr. Neilson Greentree, Oshawa~ K ps.per. odsI and Brian, Oshawa, at Fred and Mrs. Russell Rabbins, To- Mr. and Mrs. D. Vivian ant vsned Mand Me, n . . od- y. V ~Cameron's. ronto, were Sunday callers ai boys, Blackwater, visited Mr. gMr. oan vi.K.Ce, n M nd Tey. sIsttt fJIt;lc ltMr.H ad- Mrs.,.R. C.Stainton alToron- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Norrish. and Mrs. W. Vivian. Ms.K.Caeny aci Th Wme'; ac clth M. . ary;ta on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park Bruce, attended church service Bowmanville held their anntjal Vanity set, Mrs. F. Williams. eeStra eeigvst at Trinity, Bowmanvllle, on Kopper Karnival last Thursday, lie, Mr. Van Bridger. Mr. and Mrs. James McMaster, erSauay vnigvstr and Cecile visited bis brother, Sunday morning when their March 8 in the Lions Commun- Dish pan, Mrs. Johns; Apron, Asbton and Billy, Millbrook, at ishMr. an Ms. lenc n-M.DvdPaka h nv agrandson, Mark Caverly Son ai ity Centre. Mrs. Francis; towel set, Mrs. Alex, McMaster's. iSbBmpani etnd t Patients Pavillon, General Hos- ing Mr. and Mrs. Douglas éaverly, Despite a blustery day a fairly Heyland. towel set, Mrs. Ted Mr. and Mrs. Ansan Balson, Mrs. Russell Candler, Bowman-piaTrno udy ,nd was baptized. good crowd was present in the Bagneil; cup and saucer, Mrs. Richmond Hill, at Fred Cam- ville, on the sudden passing ai Mrs. Edlth Murphy, Long am Misses Ruth and Marie Pres- aiternoon ta take advantage af Climer; wallet and key case, eran's. her husband, Mr. Russell Can- Sault, Mr. and Mes. D. Davey Sa cott attended the Sportsman's the home baking sale and tea. Eva Hooper; lamp, Mrs., Gea. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, dJer and girls with Mr. and Mrs. ll Show in Taranto. In the evening the hall, was James; lamnp, Mr. A. Leggett; Johnny, Brenda and Diane, Little Louise Hoar with ber Walter Murphy, Sunday. ide Mrs. M. Mouintjoy spent Wed- well filled ta watch Mayar Nel- magazine rack, Mrs. B. Hildjtch; Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred grandmother, Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smiiley, Ham- Ys nesday in Toronto, and attend- son Osborne draw the numbers pink pyjamas, Mrs. Buma; pli- Ward, Rass and Douglas, Town M.adMs eadPip losetteweedwt ,ay e for the 60 or mare lavely prizes low cases, Mrs. Tordiff, pîllaw Line, at Wes Cameran's. Crastie.Gead hlpton, spent the weekend Mr.Wi- edthe 42nd annual Taranto which had bèen made and donat- cases, Mrs. K. Caverly, Hamp- CMr. Charles Mitchhell, Toron-parenth Mr. and Mrs. H.Pal-trHam i aiClubarnLah bas re- edbythernebs ifprize- Dan; cibpilow a, MJ isL.ta, at Russell *Perkîns. and Miss Jean Philp. This month's meeting ai the ai turned ta the Oron: Rest Homne. winners and unclaimed prizes: blue pyjamas, Mrs. N. Burns. Sarry ta repart that Alex Mc- Glad ta know Mrs. A. Haw- Women's Institute will cansist ird Sprng Tbankofteing Keriwoad blanket, Mrs. G. Bag- Girl's dress, Mrs. 14. Smith; Master has been having another key is stili improving and is of a tour through the Goodyear [l Te Spin hakofrigneli matar rug, Mrs. W. 0. La- blue socks, Ruth Pearce; picture, bout with pnçuinania but la able ta walk a littie on ber leg Plant and tea at the home of Belle bueescks Mr. N.Marare Coren;groerie, Ms.Isome better again. t with the aid af nurses. Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowman- ntsevcewa el n una a-Burns; doilies, Mrs. Frank G. Lewins; cup and saucer, Mrs. Norman Leach is also in bed Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White ville. Members please meet al ai ternoon with Rev. D. Y. Sum- Piper;' purple blanket, Mrs. A. Ruiter; cup and saucer, Mrs. M. under 'the doctor's care. Some and Anne, visited Mr. and Mrs. the plant at 2.15 p.m. on ýry mers of Westmount and Har- Spicer;-cup and saucer, Mr. A. Wiseman; tablecloth, Dorotby better, but at least another Herb Myers, King. Marcb 2lst. )s- mony United churches, Osh- Manning; tray, Mrs. D. Hall, Brown, blue nightgown, Nancy week ai rest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and1 awa, as guest minister. He pre-- Hampton; blue socks, Mr. N. Wright, Ajax; cup and saucer, Tom Sobil bas been ini the enjoyed a bus trip ta Florida, girls visited Mn. and Mrs. N. C. ies sented an inspiring message Plumnmen; tea pot, Mrs. N. Met- Mrs. M. Welsh, luncheon cloth, Oshawa General Hospital for a on their way home spent a fevr Yellowlees, Hampton, and al- al wbicb was practical and con- calf, Oshawa; cup and saucer, Mrs. R. Stevens; senving case, week but expects ta retunn days with hen sister, Mrs. C. tended Anniversary services tained belpful tbougbts for Mrs.. E. Burgess; planter, Mrs. Mns. Passant; $5.00 door prize, home on Tuesday. P. May, Windsor. there. evey dy lvin.,Ross Taylor, Orono; applique Mr. L. Dumas. E. Cmbl, brtns Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wenry Mr and Mrs. W. Lake, Mr. The Intermediate girls choir quilt, Mrs. F. Denby. Unclaimed prizes: 0318- Corners, at Ray Cameron's. were'1 guests ai honour at a and Mrs. Wallace Holmes ai irom Trinity United Church, Dollar bill, Donothy Hockin; apron; 1&38-apron; 1688-red. David Hircock and Bey Cam- family gathering held at the Newcastle were Sunday visitais contributed ta the musical part dresser scani, Reta Parkins; socks; 1698-flannelette blank- eron visited at Lawrence home ai their son, Mr. and Mrs. at H. Skinner. of the service In tbnee pleasing Dresden plate quilt, Allin Per- ets; 1884-rose blanket; 3O6-L. Henry's, Hamilton. Percy Werny on Sunday i Mission Band met with an rselections-"Bless This House", fect; salad set, Mns. Passant;-, averails; 6007-picture; 6585- Mn. and Mrs. Christian Star honon ai their 4th wedding attendance af 26 children witli id- ,The Lord is My Shepherd" and pirik dishes, Mrs. Sheehan; blue fny pan; 6625-apron; 6616- and iamily, Islington, at Hans anniversary. Those present leaders Mrs. W. M ph an .e."Such Lovely Things", accam- socks, Mrs. Brummel; sweater, cake saver; 6744-cup and sauc- Geissberger's. were Mr. and Mrs. H. Slater, Miss Ruth Pascae present. Mis- Is panied by Mr. Arthur Collison. Mrs. Street; pillow cases, Mrs. er; 6697-dolls; 6812toes At the Explorera' meeting Mrs. Finney, Sask., Mn. and Mrs. C. sion Band Purpase and 23rd r-The service was conducted by H. Richards; lady's dress, Mns. Holders af these numbers may F. J. Reed gave a talk on China. Rowan, Eleanor and Howard,*sl a eeae.Dvtoî oun paston, Mr. Reed. Miss N. M. Perfect; wine socks, Mrs. J. daim prizes at Mrs. W. Cordensï, She also had chopsticks and 'n Bethany, Miss Florence Wenry, ai by Lynne Stainton, Study Horn pnesided at the organ. Thickson; pillow cases, Edit 23 Ontario St. structed tbe girls in the use ai Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. G. Book was given by Ruth Pas- e. hebeatiul loerswhchthem. White and family, Bowman- coe, Shirley Coombes and Pat- adoredThe b altarul added ta he Chickenpox is stili going the vile, and Mns. Aldin Hoan and sy Gibbs in charge ai next [y dre h ltraddt h rounds among the school chul-metg.ew ectayGan .a, beauty ai this W'orship service rn aiymetg.NwSctrGat M h evcso h iitrand h e p a e s S ln .1 Roy Thomas, Scarboro; Miss Mrs. W. H. Millen's sale is Glaspeil, assistant Bruce Stain- y choir were much appreciated~D n to Grace Stainton, Oshawa, at Rus- being beld on Saturday. The ton. Collection 97c. T. this being the iirst time Red : Fie ra at 'G.,ve, o a i n seli Stainton's ion the weekend. Summers bas appeared in our [ aMn. and Mrs. Toni Curnie, Miss !r- pulpit and also the only occa- Marie Killen, Mn. Wiliord Fnanks,Ma eEtm i [s sion on which the girls have Cava n Mveeting Eld dnc urch Hamilton, at Robent Killen's. I.the service a social bahf hour some TV aerials on Sunday. O n was enjoyed. when choir mem- Speakers from the Durham Solina-The Mancb meeting aiof________ Pd bers, the minister and their Fedenation ai Agriculture, the the Solina W.I. was held in the Y u friends were entertained *.a Co-Operators Insunance Asso- basement ai the church on Your Pt' luAAAUAJZ r. lunch, In the Sunday Schoal ciation and the Ontario Co-Op- Thunsday, Manch 8. Mrs. W. .LJ..LV.NJ ,ld oom. erative Medical Services ad- Yellowlees was in the chair for WIWTERS' COZY- and rs.dressed a meeting sponsoned by the apening exercises. During Pupils ai Tyrone Public WAVE 'Yt MISSEO 'EM? in, the Fedenation at the Cavaîî the business periad $10 was Scbool invite the people of Ty- LO G S U T Cammunity Hall on Thursday voted ta the diitania Branch ai rone Community and thein MODERNIZE 'YOUR Heating Mn. LONG MsAULTae n evening ai last week. the Mental Health Association fiends ta a St. Patrick's Eu- I-EATING SYiS'EM! Rqie et Speaking on bebaîf of thý and $50 ta the Eldad Cbuncb. chre Party in the school ai 8 R qie et d !Mamdly Bkr n Durham Fedenation, Fieldmarn Ways and means were discuss- p.m. Thunsday, March 15. J- aiy Cookstown, spent the Jack Arnoit unged the farmeis ed as ta how ta make money ion Sympathy is extended ta S N weekend with Mn. and Mrs. G. present ta attend the mass the Hall, and a finance comrmit- Mns. J. C. Cook and Mns. H. k Baker and family. meeting af farmena in Eaton tee af Mrs. Hoidge, Mrs. R. McClure on the passing ai tbeïr lrr. Iris Campbell, Bowmanville, Auditorium, Toronto, on March Crydermnan and Mrs. B. Taylor sisten, Mns. S. G. Harmen, Erin- >,> us with Mrs. Sophie Kayacs. 13 and 14 at which tbey would was appointed ta use as many dale. IMns. Edith Murphy with Mr. demand adequate marketing' or ather suggestions that they Mn. Gardon Beckett, Oshawa, and Mrs. W. Murphy, Tynone. legisiation. Mn. Arnntt pointed saw fit. A nominating commit- is visiting bis brother, Mn. and u 9 Mns. Fred G. Smith received out that the farmen is at pres- te yai Ms. . K ns.W.Mrs. O.CeckAlett. ewan the sad news that beh ic ent caught in a squeeze betweenWeyan Ms.JKnx as M.CclAdeaBwm - Mrs S.G. ar er niae lwnpicefreenyea appointed to bring in a slate o! ville, visited bis fathen, Mn. ____________ had suddenly passed away ait farmn produce wbich be sella fiesa heAnlmeig James Alldread on Sunday. Font Larderdale, Flonida, on and incneasing pnices ion fanm The roll cail "A Canadian in- Sonry ta leann Aldin Hoar is_________________________________ Friday, March 9. Mr. F. Smith machineny, manuiactuned, goods dustny andi its pnoduct" wvas well still used up witb canbuncle's. and Miss G. Smith accompan- anti evenytbing wbich he must respondeti ta. Mrs. R. Cryder- Mn. andi Mns. E. Doonan, Osh- ied by Mr. and Mrs. F. O. buy for openating bis farm. aIt iman, assistant leader ai Graup awa, with Mn, and Mrs, K. Col- Smith, Bowmanville, attended is time that the fanmer's voice 5, presideti for the programme. bary.taMnanTH R S î,the funenal from Christ Church, is heard strangly enaugh that Mrs. S. Milîson commented Congratulations t r n H R F Clarkson, Wednesday aiter- provincial and federal gaverai- an the motta "Living is mare Mrs. Norman Collacott whoMO N Y enon ments will pay some attention than making a living" in which will celebrate their 30th wed- OY noon, eelae. she stresseti the fact tbat today ding anniversary an Saturday ofMns. Doris Baker, Tuesday Meets Needa oi Farmers since yesterday is gane and ta- Werny wbo recently Ceiebrate,'IFO evening, Manch 20 with Mrs. Sam Black, Bowmanvillc, morow not yet hene. Let us Ilve thein 4th wedding anniver- Edith Murphy and Grace Smith Fieldi Manager in five Central for today anti tomanrow will sary. as programn convenons. Ontario caunties for Co-Opera- take cane ai itself. Mrs. E. Cry- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers, To-,iF RI I E Mn. and Mrs. H. De Mille tans Insurance Association tierman favoureti witb piano ronto, spent Suntiay with Mr.IBM and family, Bowmanville, were pointed out that C.I.A. is the solos and Mrs. W. Yellowlees and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. cut the BofM Sunday supper guests ai Mr. only insunance company wlth and Mrs. H. Yellowlees nendeneti Mns. M. Findlay, Unionville, anti Mra. Chas. Penwarden. palicies tailoreti particularly ta veny pleasing vocal duets. Mr. andi Mrs. Dean Fintilay, Teprhs ffrife asmtms Mn. andi Mrs. Ralph Hil andi the needs ai the farmer. C.I.A. Due ta the starmV day and '1Inornihill, visited Mr. and Mrs. hea rchBease o ethie eedfornit usae Nancy, Tyrane, with Mr. anti offers better inaurance far lesa bad roada aur guest s peaker, Mn. C. Bîgelow. edc.Bcasthne friuuly Mrs. ,David Craig. money, be declareti. E. Youngmnan did nat arrive. AIl Mrs. S. T. Hoar visiteti Mns. cames at a time when there are a lot of Mn. and Mrs. R. Gibson and Paul Meeban, Toronto, Sec- were disappointed but hope ta Herb Rundie, Hampton., expenses and littie incarne. Sandra, with Mr. and Mrs. W. retany-Treasuner ai the Ontario bean hlm at some future date. Messrs. Foster Lewis, Goos e Avoid that beadache this year. Sce your Blaney, Bowmanville, Satur- Co-Operative Medical Servicqs, The group senved a tasty lunch Bay, Labrador, Dinnie Lewls 'Bo manager about a boan. Repayment day evenîng. stated that medical insurance ta the 25 present. and Miss Marion Strong, To- BJj~ termsaxe easy-suited ta a farmer's requir.. Mr.Ear Pewarenhadbisis ow "ust sice eopconta, wene Sunday visitons oi ro., 'zse*nè40NON ments. Drap in at your nearest B of M Mppn i enwad Te had b isvin g a7"mua"slngper hnq-Mn. andi Mrs. Sandy Lewis. 7 ' branch today, or as sono as convenient. appedixremvetiTueday i a re ivn 2 ars. l oine anThe Sunday Scbooi Clasa aofI Bowmanville Memoriai Hospi- othrgataeu nts e ontd " ;-: :! " Miss Rae Johnson enjayeti a B.ANK'0F MONTREA ta.wipe out the lifesavigs o party at ber home on Saturtiay. Miss Rae Jahnston entertain- any person not protected byMr edHowgRten7*0l« eti ber Sunday School clasa of medical insurance. . dam, Holland, visiteti bis aunt 16 girls ta a sleigh rIding par- Attendance et the meeting b/er anti uncle, Mn. and Mrs. Wal- Bowmanville Branch: GEORGE MOODY, Manager ty Saturtiay aiternoon. -fe.wssalrtani a oe 7 e ter. Vaneyk, and plans ta makeOsaaBac: JH HU ESMnge returning ta tbe bouse games was suemaleryha it a boed bis home in this country. Ohw rnh wene played, and a deiciaus dftonusa. eybairadcn Mrs. E. Prescott, Mrs. K. lunch was serveti by the bosteas tin.~. Hardy, visiteti their sister, Mrs. 'WO R K 14GW iTR CA MA D 1 A MS IM VE R YWA L K 6F Lh1È ES 1 MC E-1S 1iM and ber mother. An enjoyable I.Jown~ Ace Abbott, Monday. AD lOd time w4s enjoyeti by all. - Mn. and- Mrs. Walter Park Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jobastan $ l__________________________________________ entertaineti a number of inienda '________________________________________ ta a eucbre party Saturday , L- u beig man, Mn. Fred Pantner ... . ....... ... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... . . . . . .. ........... ....... . ..... .... ...... . .......... . .... ... .... ' TIM CANADI« STATESMM, BOWMANV=M. ONTAMO ý- 1 PAGU ynnim

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