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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1956, p. 18

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PAGE EIGHTEEN il *IP e.L1q LW .A àfL!4 tW A&T.TU '£-nm pu . .ADI9A TATSA,-OWAvfr ONTARIO ?lm~Y ARN1,U Man vers Council Deals With Heavy Agenda At March Meeting Reeve Earl Argue presided Blackstock ta Burton. at 1 h eua meeting of Man- A delegation of ratepaycrs: Vers Municipal Couneil hcid Messrs. Jack Wilson, Ed Law- Tuesday, March 6, with ail son and Fred Stacey interview- niem bers present. ed the Council re improvements 1The following communica- at intersection of Concession 10 lions were received: United and County Road (at George; Counties re $33-00 accounit; Heaslip's Corner.) Monthly report of N. and D. Counicil agreed ta look into Health Unit; Victoria County the matter when out on road High School area re assessment inspection later on. W. A. Ro;v- for 1956 levy; Mr. Percy Pres- land, Assessor, waited on coun- ton, Màanvers Representative co cil re assessment matters. High School* Area was preseiit The County By-law re, build- on invitation ta clarify certain ing bcside County roads, was points for benefit of counicillors; discussed. Ayn osdrn Credit Exchange, Peterborô, resuAnyond e condvsdrn accounit; Dept. of Agriculturesch u ld b temell adisedthe re Weed Inspector 1956 Ap- bauinBthslvesNo.withAthe pointment; 3 applications for -aw ByawN.35,b- tax ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Cetfct;Ascain ing an amendment to Pedlar* txCriiand eevAsoreamion and Hawkers By-law was given Mayors adRee emn first and second reading. bership: Brunner-Mond re cal- e ntPucad cium chioride; à applications fo' enn. ucae Rural Hydra Service; United On motion of Jakeman and i Counities re Regulations for Brown it was decided ta pur- building near County roads, andi chase 300 bags of cernent for others. sidewalk construction. Delegates Report I Considerable discussion took Delegates A. B. Sisson, Lew- place re relief and indigent pa- is MeGili and Earl Argue, who tients. On motion of Cou:.. iiad becn appointed a Commit- Malcolm and Jakernan, Harry' tee ta meet Minister of High- Preston was appointed Inspeu- ways, reported on a mrectinr tor for Manvers Twsp. undcer with Durham M.P.P. Joh.i Warble Fly Contrai Act at the Foote at Queen's Park on Feb previons rate of 75c per hour 23, re a proposed developmen~t plus 8c per mile and ta secure road from Burton Store on the a spray operator ta spray ca- p west, east ta Ballyduff-a con- tic at 15c per head. tinuation of the previaus Cart- Moved by Deputy-Reeve Mc- ,wrîght developmcnt road frorn GilI, secondcd by Coult Brown, ________________________ the following accounts be paid: 'Road Voucher No. 3 Road A.- T 1 C K E T S counit, $2,028.64; Allowance fo- TO EVERYWHERE attending Association of Rurijl Air, Rail or Stearnship Munîcipalities Convention for Consult ' days, Ross Davidson, $20.00; J UR Y & LO VE LL Harvey Malcolm, $20.00, Al- jr Bcwrnanville lowance Good Roads Conven- 15_ King St. W. MA 3-5778 tlan, Earl Argue, 2 days, $20.00; _________________________Lewis McGill, 1 day, $10.00; R. r R. Edmunds, ail, $1900: F. W. le Reynolds-flawers for funeral - of late Chris Cumrnisk ey, $10.*- 00; T. W. Haw, Arnbulanc, 3 Service, Indigent, $40.00 MeAr- thur's Ambulance Service, $13.- 00, Municipal World-Supplies, -.$17.34; Dr. G. M. Longfield- re Professional Services, $600; Re- or gistrar of Pieeds - Twsp. of th Marivers transfers, $10.22- W. iC; A. Nýeals - Inspeetars fees -fl Brucellosis, $2480; Percy Jak-t man-Inspector's fees-Brucel- he osis-$8.20; Cliff Fallîs (g-race::) 1Wî relief, $14.92: A. H. Watson W( (gracer) Relief, $59.70; WM. of jSanderson (grocer) Relief, $20.- s h I98-* H. B. Preston, 1955 spray- M; ing collected on tax ral $14.40; ai STATE, FARM United Counties, Hospitaliza-in, n .on $4200: Twsp. Hall Hydro. fat $14.98, H.E.P.C., $7275, H.E.M 8, Sofl 30.00;. S. No. r S. S. No. 2, Sehool maney, $800-1.- d seas d seWrd vr lu 1 00; Ross Davidson, Clerk, Bal- n machine gun unitand1 wàs aneofanulsalary, $350.00; %vounded in action. HWas av *Ron Acoun No 3 nclued.1 mmbe ofthe United Church. A U O IN S U R A N C E P d a e p e u v rs 5 5 - e l a " ta m aîîrn bis, patss-n to PAYS FOR "S43LLusnlwKe$5325; ayrollNg a. 1in his wife, the former o n wathis setJhatn i PAYS OR 7AL4. w1 MBlwn n o, atnnd thrce ncphews, Stti- we elbae ACC.,ENTSkTOO t DieselwOu and axo$6.68 art Candler, Bowmanville; Nar- firsl anniversary with the Lan- AC IE NTSi T ()!1 iesl 1adjned by motion8 man Candler, Ajax- and Rus- don Life Insurance Ca., aîlended à_Cu.Mlom arcneesl adeLnoOt the Life Underwriîers' Sales rode #f% pk 2 f O Con. Mlcom, o reonvn 1 ev. Harold Turner of St. Conference in Toronto last weck. e" $10 teir $. on April 3. Paul's United Church conduct - _ ________ p emespding. Cal? Ioday fr. fc nesday, Mareh 14. aI the North- P NTYPOOL .,: ~ ~ i I OBJTUARY ruitt and Smith Funeral Home, Division St., Bowmanville. Ballyduff*s grand old man IrpI obio Ier RUSSELL P. CANDLER Thcrr %were rnany beautiful "oni Porter" wvas laid ta "SAEFARM Alent' Bomnie iies er floral tributes. rest ia Ballyduf! Cemelery an Bomnil itzn eJ PaIlbearers wvr-e Messrs RuIS-ISaturday.- Deccased had operat- 1 shacked ta learn o! the sudden sdil Candler, London; Norman cd aý store in Ballyduf! until a passing o! Russeli P. Candler Candîer. Aiax: Jim Crombio, short time ago. Believed ta which took place follown a1 A Smith, AI Walkcr, Bowman. have been the oldesî resident Dirk Brinkman heatata. hshmeo ile: Ruissell - Virtue, Tyrone (94) in Manvers, lie was loved Mii St N NeeasleSunday, March 1l. Mr. Candler Friends al'd relatives attendedi and rcspected bv al. Mill t. N Newcstlewas the well-known caretaker! theý funcral frorn London, To- Ice, wind, rain. sîet nnd PIIONE 36-àl NEWCASTLE of Bowmanville Post Office, a ronto. Ajax. as well as 'BowA- sno\,\ did extensive damage position wbich lie had fillcd for manvilîr anrI district. locallvy. Telephone serLvice: is ont for. many subsenibers, aI least six television anlennae arc down in the village and several others in the country. Roofs were damaged and ronds were impassible in several township roads. No serions flood damage is reportcd. Due ta adverse road conditions a smaîl audience was present at a social cvcning in tbe Unit- by Mrs. Kitchen o! Orono. Mr. Cli!! Fallis is making ex- tensive alterations and enlarg- ing his store with Mr. Fred Cox, local carpenter in charge. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Darrocli included Mr. Art Winfield, Mrs. Charlie Jamieson and Miss Carmen Crawford, Toronto, Mr. Ken Moses and Mr. .T. Payne attended the Legion fun- Modenize You Kithenrai of Mr. Eddie Richards in One of our local bachelors is wearing a broad srnile these and make hous-worI< a pleasure 1 sstBy fre.Iht i th c ~Mr.Yerry Black had the mis- Wlh:- put Up %wîth an out-of-date, unattractii'e kitchen -when fortune ta have bis car badly it*s so easy anîd thrifty ta niodernize. damaged in a two-car collision near Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartling O>ur roomi planniîng experts wil belp you design a Toronto, were Sunday visitons step-saving convenient kitchen w-ith aIl the modern and with Mr. and Mrs. J. Payne. '7!V I'I"11Mr, and Mrs. Austin Worr, beautiful features vou'Il sec ini a new, model home. Comne Cavan, were necent visilars __________________in today. with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Olan. HAD AE I FLOOR TIL. ARRflRITE WFÇqLPVVTTP Above are shown the Bruins who finished in second Grant Wright, Walter Gibson, Doug James. Second row: place in the Pee Wee Hockey League sponsored by the Garry Ormiston, Ray Crombie, Tom Wilson, Tom Stacey, Bowmanville Recreation Department. The Bruins are Jim Wilson, Coach Don Williams. Third row: Coach Sam now meeting the Rangers in the semi-final round for the Black, Terry Blaek,' Don Kerr, Allan Brock, Sebastian league championship. First row, le! t ta right: Bill Barton, Sweep, Bill Wallace. -Photo by Bob Carruthers 1 years. During Ibis lime lie ad neyer missed a day through Frs ilness. He was 59 years of age. is - The deceased was a lifelon- 7 resîdent o! Bowmanville, born n August 28, 1896 the son o! rie late Mr. and Mrs. Samurl Candlei'. He was a familiar igure Io all vho frequented ie post office daily and wil e greatly missed. Mr. Candier mas high]y conscientiaus in his 'ai-k and always kept the post ffice building in excellent îape. He xvas very handy at îaintenance and repair jobs id was rnost obliging in belp- nîg people around tawn witn ainlty locks and simîilar repairs. Jr. Candier was mail carrier or Rural Route One for sev- ra1 ycars. Served Overseax Year S PECIALS Have easy to dean AIll the n ew c s t Famous "ONIVARD" Line tule floors in the patterns and colors Chrome Concave Round Iatest colours and t o m a k e ou r Pull ivith Back Plate materials. kitchen sp.irkle. L ' ('ompîcte .55e SPACE SAVERS KITCHEN 9xlZ2 %28 COI NTLR Rolling Towel Bar $4.95 $2ASK 1 Rolling Cup Rack 1.65 LOV AS $2.0 ONLY 96 Rolling Pan Rack 4.95 MODENIZETO-AY -THEEASYWAY21 MONTHISTO PAY Oshawa Wood Pro ducîs Ltd. MA 3-2130 Yard and Showroom RA 3-4661 ilI AJ&JJ J. 1 Jy I IJJJ C.G.I.T. used, their spare lime this week ta work an Iheir sew- ing projeel and postponed their regular meeting until Peail1 Austin, president. recovered from a boul o! cold. Congr-atulations ta Mr. ind Mrs. Thcysmeyer on the birth o! their second daughîer ini Port Hope Hospital last weelz. There was another quilt fln- isbed aI Clara Darke's this week and ladies are planning a Red Cross quilting bec in- th,ý chunch basement in the near future. Several members of th:, Womcn's Insîllute attended thr meeting lield aI the home c'! iMrs. R. Hughes, Part Hope, lad, IWedncsday. The guesî speaker %vas Mn. Stuart o! Canton. A draw was made for a beautiful tea cloth cracheted by Mrî. pHa mpshie, and the lucky ladyi w-az Mrs. C. Beighiton. A pie- i ture, painted by Mrs. R. Elliott was won by Ronnie Harcourt. Mrs. A. Austin, president of the local W.A., and Mrs. li. Bariýowclough, attended the luncheon meeting o! the Ca- bourg Woman's Association Presbytery executive in the iUnited Church, Port Hope last Tuesday. Plness cuit. attendance at Sun. day Sehool ta 53 On Sunday Jmorning. There are just two more of the special church ser- vices before Easter so it is tý) be hoped roads and weather rernain co-onerative. Considerable uneasiness bas been felt in the district con- cerning possible ili-effeets frorn waste durnped on the lakeshore from Eldorado, and prote,it meetings here, have been wel publicized. ZION (Hope Township) Mr. and Mrs. AI! Dobson vis- iled with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rulbven lasI Saturday. Play practice Ibal was ta have been held at Mrs. Ruthven's lasI Wednesday evening was cancelled on account o! slormy wveather and held Tbursday ev- ening aI Mrs. Meneilley's with M sElizabeth Finnie kindly flngin for 'Mrs. Norman Gerow who due ta illness in the family, was not able ta take ber Part for Friday night. Mrs. Jack Forrester and sons, Kentville, Nova Scotia, spent several days last week wîthi Mr. and Mrs. Ruthven. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerow rnotored ta Trenton last Thurs- day rnorning, called there on account of illness o! Mrs. Ger- ow's mother, Mrs. Dunn, who is canfined ta the Trenton General Hospital where she underwent an operatian. Mrs. Durin's many friends and acquaintances in Ibis community are very sarry ta hear this and wish her a speedy return ta health. Mrs. E. Ruthven spent Tues- day and Wednesday of last week Stormy weaîher nor icy roads tended ta dampen the spirits or duli the appetites o! the Beth- esda people or the girls from Zion as they partook o! a most deliciaus pot luck supper serv- ed at Beîhesda United Church lasI Friday night. A very en- Iertaining program followed the supper, which consister of violin solos by John Wickett, vocal selections by the Junior Choir, the Male Voice Chorus. Miss Philips, and several numlbers by the litle folk, also the play "Welcomning the new minister" by the Zion ladies. Ahl report a jolly time and many thanks ta Mrs. Ruthven and Mrs. Doug Whitney, who provided transpor- talion for the group. Public Sehool, Town. I YOU 1'oP Qu0"-lty Exclusive! ONE YEAR COMPLETE COVERAGE GUARANTEE AT NO EXTRA CI Former Cartwright Re'eve, F. A. Hyland Frederick Alfred Hyland, Nestieton, died in Port Perry Hospital on Wednesday, March 7, 1956, following a short illness. Born in Cartwright Township on January 1l, 1871, he had resided his entire life on the same farm at Lot 14, Conces- sion 6, which has been in the family name for some 112 years. His father, the late Robert Hyland, was a son of Irish settiers who emigrated from County Cavan, Ireland, and his mother was the late Elizabeth White. Educated at Caesarea School, he was united in marriage ta Luel- la Beacock, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Abram Beacack by the Rev. J. R. Butler in Black- stock Methodist Church on Oct. 3, ve 1903.ev Entering municipal life later, he served as an auditor for 13 years, councillor nine years, reeve three years, and assessor 16 years, retiring in 1950 upon completion of 41 years service. During bis position as assessor he had occasion ta visit every home in the township as well as record the assessment of some 500 new houses erected along the shores of Lake Scugog by cottagers. He was a Past President of the Conservative Association and for many years had attended St. John's Anglican Church but in later years had attended the Nestleton United Church. Joining the Orange Order over 6years ago he was made an Honorary Member of Blackstock L.O.L. 133, of which he was a Past Master as well as being a Past District Master and mern- ber o! the Royal Black Knights No. 398. Funeral Largely Attended Rev. C. W. Hutton paid trib- ute ta the life of the deceased at a largely attended funeral from the McDermott-Panabaker Par- W. A. will meet at the home o! Mrs. L. Welsh on Thursday, March 15. Mrs. Ken Werry wil be guest speaker. ,Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards and Miss R.uby Lane, Towîi, spent Tuesday in Toronto. Misses Gerda Craig and Wan- ila Young spent the weekend with Miss Young's parents .t Napanee. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed la Mrs. H. McClure and Mrs. J. Cook in the loss o! their sis- ter, Mrs. Stanley Harmer, Clarkson, who passed away while holidayîng in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. G. Shackleton and family were Sunday sup- per guests wilh Miss Stella Blackburn and Mrs. Nettie Cole, Town, and helped ta celc- brate Mrs. Cole's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig, Miss- es Marion Buttery, Wania Young and Gerda Craig, attend- ed the Glee Club concert at the Toronto Teachers' College Fni- day evening. Miss Beatrice Craig was a member o! the Glee Club. Miss Beatrice Craig an d Mrs, Ken Benjamin are staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig this week and are observing and practice leaching aI Central lours, Port Perry on Saturday afternoon. Floral tributes were received from many friends and neighbours as well as the Town- ship of Cartwright Council. Toronto General - custs Co., R. B.P. 398, L.Q.B.A. 849 and L.O.L. 133. He leaves to mourn bis loss his widow, three sons, Byron of Omrnee, Clifford of Toronto and Arthur at home-, also nine grandehildren and one great grandchild. One brother and two sisteri predeceased him. Pallbearers wvere Reeve Wes- ley Sweet and Ex-Reeves C. P. Devitt, Norman Greén, George Black, W. G. Bowles and Bruce Heaslip. q Relatives attended from Bow- manville, O s h a w a. Toronto. Omemee and Dunsford. Serv- ice undcr auspices of Orangeý2- Order was held at the gravesif xvith Worthv Brother E. Swaiýd' in charg'e. Interment was made tempor- arily in Union Cemetery vault. with burial later in St. John's Cemtery, Blackstock. Bruce Ninns Clothing says Refresh your wardrobe with DIAMOND DUST"I the flottering ait-c>ccation patterns in the new Continental Medium Tones. See theni today. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville CAN NOW AF FORD 20 TUBES As Illustrated ONY299.oo 1/ COMPLE DST (I ADMIRAL U2'Ara U T23BIX 2'Ara HOME DEMONSTRATION? WITH NO OBLIGATION Inslai - Ied! SEE US 'TODAY Television 33 RING ST. WEST emuvice c0. PHONE MA 3-3883 M -I ~. Bruins Ended Up in -Second Place TELE VISION AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN HISTORY! 21-INCH FULL TRANSFORMER ~-.a<4~. 1 m ,-/il r - with 1

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