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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1956, p. 11

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TNTJRSDAY. MARC~K W, i~58 T CANA~AN STATESMAN. EO VVZRA :j * PAft ~T.UVrnIe Il was announced at the meeting o! the Newcastle Cen- tennial Committee held on Tuesday eveningc lasI that, tbrough the co-operation o! the Canadian Broadcastîng Corpor- ation, Dr. George James had arranged to have t0e "Neig'l- boucly News" broadcasl on the Ontario Quebec Radio Network originale from Newcastle on Sunday, June 24th ta coincide with Newcastie's Centennial ÂI~Celebrations.' VReports o! the variaus comn- mittees were heard during the meeting sbowing steady pro- gress in t0e plans for the cele- bration with a full prograin planned for t0e four days be- ginning with t0e opening cere- monies and street dance on Friday June 29t0. The secre- tary, Mrs. J. Northrup, was in- strucîeà ta write tb 10e Hon. J. W. Foote, M.L.A., and Mr. John M. James, M.P., inviting NEWCASTLE them ta be present la speak at the opening ceremonies. Mc. H. J. Tomns, chairman o! the History Committee, repart- ed that Mc. Blake o! 10e On- tario Department o! Planning and Development had agreed ta write the Historicai sketch o! t0e village. There was some discussion regacding ramn In- surance for the celebrations and premium casts are being secur- ed. Il was decided 10 have en- velopes prinled and distribuîed ta local stores for sale carrying advertisîng o! 1he big four day event. Though not falling on the ac- tuai dates o! the centennial ob- servance but five days previaus, the "Neighbouqly News" broad- cast with Don Fairburn from Newcastle shouid be mast ln- teresting, reporting, as it wil, the progress o! the village dur- ing. 10e past one hunclred years to listeners in two Provinces. gthome from work, theat would only equal the annuali \~V..T.. T pic liquor bill o! this country for 'W as Canada S The bill amounîed ta 72, 111,000 as reported by liquor contrai authorities for twelve Liquo Bull1955. If the amaunt spent at The March meeting of the cocktail bars be added we have W.C.T.U. was held in the Board a total o! $869,000,000 as givin Room of the Newcastle United by the Dominion Bureau o! Church on Thursday aflernoon Statîsties. 0f Ibis amount $184,- eondUcted by the President, 128,t000 k sreturîîIed luo the gov- Mrs. T. G. Sowden. ernment in taxes, apart frori the general sales tax, but i, The clip sheet, entitled "Can- isn'î ail gain. The increased ada's Annual Liquor Bill" re- costs of law enforcement and vealed that if every Canadian courts, jails and rehabilitation father used a dollar bill ta light treaînment as welî as mental up a sinoke every day when nie hospitals and institutianal care ________________________o! the- victims o! the liquor traffie. The number o! alcohol- ics admitted ta Canadian men- H. J.TO M S tal hospilals more than tripled between 1946 and 1953. matte? Wemust spread the saysgoplotoa abstinence. Ta Refresh your wardrobe with do this we must be inform'ýd with authorilative facts. We 'DUAMOND DUISTI utwrkadgveaïpa ..the. flattering aII.occasion aur efforts. We must give the patterns in the new facts to the young and keep Continental Medium.Tones. up all of aur educational pro- Se. themn today. jecîs. We must nat grow weary, fl FREE in well doing for it is kingdorn GIFT building work. ~W wIth .very Fleet Street Suit ordered ___ 1..~ this week Ill. Spencer Corsetiere Reg. 1931 Mrs. J. E. Richards PHONE 127 ORON Hond-eut and Tc. lIoed to yovr CLUB CLOTHES 49.50 "T1P TOP" CLOTHES 59.50 FEUT STRERT COTHES PLUMBOG. OIL.336 HEWCRSTLE W.C.T.U. Convention HeId in Newcastle Neighbourly News to Broadcast Newcastle Centennial Celebrations The cegular March meeting o! t0e Newcastle Friendship Club was held in 10e Boavd Roam o! 1he United Chucch on Wednesday evening last with 31 members in attendance. The President, Mcs. Marjacie Gray set the Iheme o! 10e mee t- ing with an Easter poemn and înspiring Easter reeding. An invitation was ceceived by the Club from the Woman 's Missionary 'Society inviting the members ta attend their Easter Thank-offering meeting on Thursday aflernoon, April 510 when Miss Etta Campbell o! Manning, Alberta, will be t0e guest speaker. The President announced that the choir would be presenting the "Crucifixioný-" by Staynec in the chucch on Good Friday evenîng and ucg- ed members ta attend. On behaif o! thc Centennial Commitîee, Mcs. Pauline Stocks asked the club ta provide lunch foc one o! t0e bands attend- ing the celebrations on the firsî a! July weekend. The members agreed to caler la one band. The seccetacy was advised to invite the members o! 10e W. M.S. and t0e W.A. ta be guesLs at the May meeting o! 10e club. The progcam was conducîed by t0e members of Mcs. Anne Gouhd's group apening with the bymn and 10e Scripture lesson, read by Mrs. Reta Flintof!. An Irish poem and onc o! Edgar Guest's humorous seleclions, "Ma and Pa in the Auto" wcre read by Mrs. Eva Hoar. Several contests were con- ducted wîth prizes going ta Mesdames Jean Alldread, Mar- jooie Paterson, and Margarot Ru dman. The meeting was brought ta a close with t0e serving o! ce- freshments by members o! 10e group in charge o! the program. Canada Oas some 1,340 pow- er laundries, dry cleaning and dyeing plants with animal ce- ceipîs of some $113,150,000. HOLIDAY During the aflernoon session a mnemorial service was con- ducted by Mrs. Fursey and Mrs. H. Gray o! Oshawa. Four mcmi- bers had been called ta highr service during the year and Mrs. P. Hak piaced !lowers in memory o! Mrs. Hacold Tonms and Miss Almeda Couch o! Newcastle. Officers Elected The chairman o! 10e nomin- ating committee, Mrs. T. Sow- den o! Newcastle named the following county officers for the 1956-57 terni who were in- stalled by Mrs. Hobson; Presi- dent, Mrs. Clayton Lee, Osh- awa; Vice President, Mrs. Wil- les, Oshawa; Recording Secre- tary, Mrs. Quantrill, Whîtby; Cocresponding Secretary, Mcs. E. Henley, Oshawa; Treasurer, Mrs. Ward, Whitby; Miss Tren-1 with o! Newcastle, was eppoin-i, ed County Superintendent cf Posters and Scrap Books. Mrs. Hobson gave a very fine address on service. "'We need more prayers and we must bave more faih and work. Il is a great privilege 10 do tempeî'- ance work. We must be energo. tic for what we stand for as what we sow now, will give rt-. sults in later vears". Mrs. Ward o! Whitby as pre- sented wîth a W.C.T.U. pin byl Mrs. Henley of Oshawa. An invitation wvas extended for the convention to meet in Albert Street United Church in Oshawa next year. The meet- ing \vas closec with the Nat ional Aiîtheni. Friends Honor Easter Bride A very pleasant social even- ing was spent ini1he United Chuc Sunday School room on Friday evening when a goodly number o! friends and neigh- boucs gathered lu honour Miss Claire Aluin, daughtec o! Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Allun who wil 0e married on Macch 3lst aI 7.00 p.m. in hec home church. The coom was lastefully de- corated for the occasion with spring flowers and pink and white belis and streamers. The program opened xith a sing sang including oid and new fa- vouriles with Mrs. C. A. Cow- an presiding aI 10e piano and later cendering two delight!ul piano solos. Contesîs were con. ducted by Mrs. H. Gibson and Mrs. M. Fisher. The bride-elect was escocted to, t0e seat o! hon- aur 10 1he strains o! 10e wed- ding macch where she and hec mother were adorned with cor- sages, by Mrs. A. Randaîl and Mrs. Wm. Barchard. The guesî o! hQnour thanked each one for t0e gifI as she opened the beau- tifully wrapped parcels and cead t0e verses. When ail gifîs were opened she again thanked each and ail foc their gifts and good wishes. Others .assisting were Misses Helen Turner, Betty Gibson, Eleanor Osborne, Margaret Mac- lin, Mrs. Neltie Butler, and Mrs. A. Turner. A dainty lunch and social bouc closed a very happy even- ing. New Members Join Church On Sunday Fifteen new members were ceceîved imb fuhh communion in the United Church o! Can- ada aI 10e momning service iin the Newcastle United Church on Palm Sunday. The Sacra- ment o! tbe Lord's Supper was also observed at lOis service. Those uniting with the Church aI Ibis service were, Mc. and Mca. J. Fraser, Mc. andi Mca. R. Langley, Mcs.« Marlov Hancock, Mrs. Stanliey Grahaîni, Mrs. Cach Gould and Mrs. Alec Martin: The Misses Chaire Pa- caud, Doris Martin, ShirleyJ Fraser, Marilyn Osborne andj Barbara Ann Alldread; and Messrs. Douglas Jose and Wen-! Mc. and Mrs. Gardon W. Dar- ling o! Newcastle, had their nîembership transferred to the locah church from Mark Street United Church in Peterbor- ough, Ontario.t0 TOe !lowers dccoraling h1 church on Sunday were placej by Mca. Colwili's Group o! 10ei Waman's Association in mem- ory o! a deceased member, Mca. Wm. N. Steven's. Orono Forms New Chamber Inactive for the past few y cars the Orono Chamber uf Commerce reactivated ils of- fice at a meeting held in the Orono Restaurant Tlhurzdav-, March 22nd. Guest speaker for the occas- ion wvas Ken Morris, secretary- manager o! 10e Bowmanville Chamber o! Commerce,' who spoke la the newly electedo- fîcers: A. L Hooey, prcsdev Carnen Cornish, vice-presi- 1 dent; Neil Porter, secreay and William Carmen. teas'ur- I er; and other guests, on a pro- gram suitable for the duties o!f a Chamnber of Comm#'rue. Ani open diâcuzsion followed. PHONE 3251 Gordon Àgnew, Edilor mn i Phone 3621 Mr. and Mrs. L. Barrabali Celebrate 4Oth Anniversary Orono: On Saturday evening, March 24, a family gathering was held at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabail, Black- stock, tq celebrate the 401h an- niversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barraball. 'Mr. Robt. Barrabali was mas- ter of ceremonies and called an Mrs. Russell Gimbleît and Mrs. Eldon Essery for a few remarks U i .Id ' I NTELLIGENT TC GET ltDDUMBTO GEX/ A" HUSBANtD'ý ,- ' NEWCASTLE G ARAG E FRANK HOAR, Proprie.tor Phone 2671 Small Crash. big bill! EVEN a minor collision means a major garage bill nowadays. That's one of the miany reasons why more and more car owners are carry ing Collision Insurance. Be ready for trouble. Make sure that you have Collision Insurance to, heip You pay those af ter-the -accident re- pair buis on your car! STUART R. JAMES Insurance Office MA 3-5681 King Street E. Real Estate Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmanvil and a presentation was made o! a beautiful set o! dishes. The bride and groom made fitîing replies and foilowing lOis a sur- prise was given la Mc. and Mrs. Sid Barraball il being the occasion o! their 1510 weddingc anniversary. Mc. Wallace Bac- rabal ead an appropriate ad- dcess and Mcs. RobI. Bacrabal on behaif o! the family, presen- ted them with a lovely floor hamp. Later in the evening a mis.- celaneous showec was given ta the bride-to-be, Miss Ann Bar- cabahi, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bacrabaîl by hec re- latives, the Barrabail and Wood families. The address was read by Mrs. W. R. Barrabaîl. The cemainder o! 10e evening wasr spent in games and music and a deliclous lunch brought a very pleasant evening t close.j TYRONE Miss Anna Marie Hoskin, Mr. Neilson Greentcee, Mc. and Mrs. Elgie Mason, Oshawa, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian. Mc. and Mca. I. Murphy and children, Toronto: Mr, and Mrs. Clarence English, Bowmai- ville, Mrs. Edith Murphy, Long Sault. with Mr. and Mca. Wal- ter Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Watson, Brampton, spent the week-endi with their sisters, Mr. and Mr'î. J. C. Cook and Mc. and Mca. H. McC lurce. Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Young- man attended the first anniver- sary of 1he Ajax Odd Fellows Lodge Saturday hast. Mrs. Edith Andersan, Bow- manville, Mrs. S. T. Hoar were Saturday tea guesîs of Mr. and1 Mrs. A. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Philp visited ber mother, Mcs. Hop- kins o! Windsor. Welcome home ta Mc. and Mrs. Albert His and Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Hilis after having an enjoyable holiday at Tampa, Florida. Mr. Leslie Coombes is spend- ing a weekend at bis home, Mc. and Mrs. Cooînbes are moving near Providence lOis Saturday. Their sons, Mc. and Mrs. Ro- land Coombes and Robert, are taking avec the home farm. Mr. and Mca. S. Norrish aId sons, wilh Mrs. Alice Robbin-., Bowmanville. Mrs. EdilO Anderson, Bow- manville; Mc. and Mrs. Albert His, Mc. and Mis;. John His, viEited Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and boys visited hec parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taun- ton. A speedy recovery ta Mr. Walter~ Park Jr., who nad an operation foc appendicitis oni Monday, also to Jim Woodley who la in the Dunlop Building o! t0e Toronto General Hospi.- taI.- Mc. and Mrs. E. Prescott vis- ited Mc. anid Mrs. A. Prescott, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. ClÂnton En"g lish, Peterborough, Mrs. E. Doonan, Oshawa, visited Mrz. W. Miller. Mr. and MrS. John Oke, Ran- dy and Sherrv, 0Osha\&a, '.îsýt- ed Mr&. Aima ~ea anci The Orono News Telephone 127 Mr. a.nd Mrs. Neil Porter ville. spent Sunday in Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Mrs. Fred Bawen was a Scarboro, spent Sunday with weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Powers. Mrs. A. A. Martin, Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jobnston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Oshawa, and Miss Bertha Cain Niagara Falls, spent the week- spent Sunday with Mrs. M. end With Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Sherwin andf Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Fred SUIs, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller Oshawa, visited Mrs. L. Coop- spent Sunday with Mr. an-d er and Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowani. Mrs. Orme Miller, Pontypool. Mr. Wm. Eck, Toronto, visit- Mr. Chas. Wood spent a few ed on Sunday with Mr. and days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Win. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray visited Mr. and Mrs. Harley and David, Cadmus, visited Mr. Billings, Philadeiphia. and Mrs. Reg Sutton. Mrs. J. E. Richards visited Mrs. Chas. Wood and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Werry and Mrs. Luther Barraball at- and family, Toronta, and was tended a shower at Blackstock their guest at the Durhamn on Saturday for their grand- County Club of Toronto on daughter, Miss Ann Barraball, Thursday evening. Read Miss bride-elect of next week. Aleen Aked's splendid report Mrs. Fred' Tamblyn and Mis. of this annual meeting in next J. E. Richards attended the week's issue. Spring Flower Show at Reea's Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton vis- Florists in Oshawa on Sun- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Farrow, day. Oshawa, on Sunday. Congratulations ta Dr. and Mr. Richard Morton, Agin- Mrs. H. Branton, Windsor, the court, with his parents, Mr. former Shirley Flintoff of and Mrs. Albert Marton. Orono, on the birth of ther Mr. and Mrs. David Pasey son, William Grant, a brother spent the weekend with Mr. for Paul. and Mrs. H. Philp and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Samurl Tyrone. and Lisa spent a few days in The members of Heather Re- Toronto this week. bekah Lodge celebraîed the .Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adam.s, 101h birthday of the lodge on Roseneath, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday evening with a Pot S. Barraball and Mr. and Mrs. Luck supper in their hall. L. Barrabal l Ist weckend. Congaratuilations Io Mr. and Orotio Branch of Batik of Mrs. Luther Barrabail on their Commerce xil be closed from 40th wedding anniversary. A the exception of two hours on White and Miss Doreen White Saturday, March 31st - 9 ta were in Peterborough Thur,,- ila.m. day. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer and Mrs. Mrs. Grant Powers of Gerald- Ken Adams in Oshawa on ton on their marriage March 17, Tuesday. 1956. Mrs. Powers was the Eulaine Forrester celebrated former Barbara Herman and bier 61h birîhday and enter- Grant is the son of Mr. anîd tained hier littie friends at a iVrs. Roy Powers of Scarboro, party. and i on the Ontario Provin- Miss Joan Allin is in Meru- cial Police staff. orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Miss Marie Armitage, Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hancock spent the weekend with Mr. and family, Warkworth; Mrs. and Mrs. A. E. West and fam- S. Wonnacott and family, Pick- ily. ering, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks Egerton Hancock. and baby son Cris, Oshawa, Mrs. Elden Essery, Courtic-ý; Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Crowther Mrs. Russell Gîmblett, Maple and son Jamie, Newcast*ie, Grave, visited Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday with Mr. and Luther Barraball on Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Wood. Good Friday morning ser- Congratulations ta Mr. anid vice will be held' at il o'clock Mrs. Ross Knapp on the birth aI Orono United Church. The of twin girls March 22nd at sacrament of the Lord's Sup- Memorial Hospital, Bowman- per will be observed. girls. The pupils of the junior roomn are having an extra long holi- day - their teacher, Miss E. Knox, has the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy and Jerry, spent the week-end w:th her sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Murray, and alsa visited Col. W. Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Facrell, Toronto. Mr. Lloyd Robinson and Gloria, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. A Good Friday service w'll be held at 2 p.m. Ail are wel- came. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Swinner an a baby girl. Mc. and Mrs. W. Rahm were supper guests o! Mrs. G. Nid- dery and Mary, Hampton, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perkins, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Misses Vivian and Joy Cham- berlain spent the weekend wiIli Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood, Osli- awa. Sarry ta hear Mr. John May- nard is quite iii aI his san's, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MaYnard. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Colby, West Hill. W.M.S. meeting April . 5 at the home o! Mrs. Harold Skin- nec. Mrs. R. Burgess, Mrs. W. H. Taylor in company with Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor, visited Mrs. Gertrude Stephens, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker, Bow- manville; Miss Giadys Maynard and Mi'. Chai-lie Terry, Oshawa: Mr. Ronald Maynard and Miss Mildred Hastings, Toronto; Miss Verna McRoberts and K. Chamberlain, Oshawa, visited Mc. John Maynard and Mc. and Mrs. Roy Maynard. A special tbanks ta Mr. Ted Woodyard foc bis generous donation making il possible for Tyrone Coinmunity lIaI! lu ini- stali an electric range; Club 49 for iîeavy wiring; Mr. T. Barr for bis services o! wiring; Women'q Institute, W.A., L.O. B.A. and Hall Board for Ibeir splendid donations towards the range. Eighteen memberg of thc Women's Institule enjoyed a conducted tour through thie Goodyear plant lasI Wednes- day, after which a short busi- ness meeting and social balf bouc was spent aI the home of Mc. and Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowmanville. Mrs. George Alldread and Mrs. Elva Beckett attended the Goodyear banquet. Congratulations ta Mrs. Fred J. Jackson, Mrs. J. A. Rose- vear and Walter Rahm, who celebrated birthdays March 27. FR1. - SAT. - MARCH 30 - 31 Excellent Family Double Bill "A dventures of Gaffant Bess>' (Color) (Appealing story of a noble horse) also "Enchanted, Valley" (Exciting wildlife Friday - 7 and 9:30) On Stage Sat. Matinee 1:30 "Moun fies in Review" (Colorful drill) Original Hawaiian dance nuniber anid a visit from Mr. Peter Rabbit himself who will have Easter eggs for ail the childreîi SUNDAY NIDNITE feature) Sat. - 6:30 and 9:10 » APRIL lst «'LOVERS' LANE, BAN PiT'yS'!-OWN STORY! WIWMCAMPBELL MOOT CAMPBELL Aduit Enteitainment Also "MAMBO MADNESS" (Current dance craze) Doors open 12:05 a.m. NON. -TUES. -WED.- APR. 2 -3 -4 Double bill of action and suspense "Tarantula" (Giant Spider) Starrig JOHN AGAR and MARA CORDAY and -"Running WiId"pi (Teen-age dramâ) WILLIAM CAMPBELL - MAMIE VAN DOREN KEENAN WYNN Last complete show 8-25 Speciul Children's !'k!inee Wednesday, April 4 - 2 p.m. "'GENE AUTRY AND THE MOUNTIES"l MAPLE GROVE Miss Bannie Victoria Bartell was received into church memn- bership on Sunday. Mrs. Kay Burgess, TorontD, with Mrs. Ray Van Camp. Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Willoug:i- by, Winnipeg, wvho have been visiting her sister and other relatives, left an Wednesday for home. Mrs. Alex Creighton spent a couple of days ]ast week witli ber cousin, Mrs. F. Sw.allow. Mrs. R-oy Van Camp spent a few days %vitb Mrs. A. Wernyss and Mrs. D. Byers, Toronta. Mis. N. Burgess tund daugh- ter Kathlcen, Torontoî, at Mrs. Boy Van Camp's. q Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gro;s and daughter Deborah Kath- leen, Winghamn, spent the week- end with Miýrs. Grose*s parents, Mr. and M'\rs. A. F. Spencer. Thev attended the hockey gainc on Saturday night at Buwmnaîî- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ewing bave returned home bo Seven Is- lands Quebec. after tbree weeks' holidays -with relatives and friends at Maple Grove, Wiar- ton. Sauît Ste. Marie and Ba-- croft. C.G.I.T. meeting opened with purpose, hymn and prayer. Roll call was answered. Barbaratend Joyce Milis ,vill have the wvo.-- ship service next week. Rol cali will he somiething you dii- during the Easter holidavs. C.G.I.T. girls %vill sell choco- lates for twvo weeks. Worshîp service which was taken wi Jackie Hall aind Helen Pana.¾ ronsisted of hym vnn, story, Bible reading, byinn. We had craf*3 whirhi were followved by Taps. The 1954 season, which saw 36 ships load at Churchill, set a record for the northern Man- itoba seaport. Dead Stock Removed Ilighest Prices Paid 24-Ilotr Service TELEPIIONE COLLE('T CO0B0[U R G FR 2-3721 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 MN0NE Y AVAI1LABLE FOR NORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 The sixtieth annual conven- tion of the Ontario and Durhamn counties Warnan's Christian Temperance Union was held in the Newcastle United Church on Thursday, March 22nd with an attendance of 49 members. The convention was opened by the President, Mrs. Clayton Lee of Oshawa and Mrs. Ed- ward Hoar o! Newcastle, gave words o! welcome ta, the dele-' gates. The devotioal service was conducted by the Rev. M. C. Fisher. Mrs. Henley of Oshawa in- Iroduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Hobson, the first vice presiden, district union o! Toronto, Miss R. Duff, general secretary and Miss R. Duf! secretary o! the National Headquarters in To- ronto spoke on Literature which she had on display. Follawing a short discussion period, dinner was served ta the delegales by Mrs. Irwin Colwill's group o! the Woman's Association. During the noon hour the Rev. M. C. Fisher brought greetings from the church and short addresses were made by the guests, Mrs. Hobson o! To- ronto, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn of Orono for the Oshawa Presby- tery o! the Woman's Associa- tion, Mrs. W. F. Riekard o! the Newcastle W.M.S. and Mrs. J. H. Jose for the Newcastle W.A. Mrs. D. J. Kean o! Whitby, re- plied la the greetings and the graup was favoured with a lovely vocal solo by Mrs. J. Brown with Mrs. C. A. Cowati acc(> p ai iyin g. Friendship Club March Meeting NEED TRANSPORTATION See CAR VETH for an A- USED AR BEST SELECTION 0F LATE MODEL RECONDITIONED CARS IN THE DISTRICT - AT COMPETITIVE PRICES CASH OR TRAD9 CARVETH MOTORS' YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER mý m TRUMAT. 3URCR 29, les@ "M CANADUR STATIMUN. BOWMANVT=. O"APJÔ PAGE ILE VM 9

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